Reptilians shapeshifters in Conan The Barbarian 1982 movie

You are not getting it.

Lizards are mostly what constitute 4D STS on Earth.
4D STS is the PTB.
The PTB is the elite.
The PTB makes all the media (even if there are humans in the mix).
And, even if nobody is gonna beleive it, or if some does, or maybe all at some level, whatever, Lizards make the media.
They went back forth in time to set it all up, and we are fully blind to it to some extent.
And so yes, movies/media in general are made by lizards.
What about the consortium? There was a session explaining about what constitute the consortium, its members, and so on...

You think movies and all the media around is there to entertain?
Its just part of the grid.
Even when I look at all the musics you put on the "What are you listening to?" thread (no bad thoughts intended here, we all like music), we are being spoon fed in every way. Youtube, Facebook, Cinemas, Politics, Wars, TV News, Newspapers, even "books" and everykind of "entertainment industry" is not here to entertain you.
Its here to entertain THEM.
Its here to put us in Sleep Mode, and Emotion Generation Mode, which makes a good method for generating energy STARTING FROM the grid, THROUGHT all electronical devices, STIMULATING souled humans, which basically generate energy for 4D STS.
And so that entertains them because they are being fed.
You eat food, you have energies, you have every possible kind of stimulation, you generate energies, and every possible sort of stimulation creates energy.
Think about an electrical generator, you have two poles, "+" and "-", you have to create a potential difference in order to produce energy, if there is no potential difference, no energy is generated.
And you have two brain hemispheres!
You can live deep in the forest with no electrical devices, no people (and no f-ing Organic Portals...) just books eventually but nothing else around... a fire, candles, your dog or cat if you have any, but even them they are gonna get "bored".
And so when nothing is here to stimulate you, do you deploy your energy? do you spend your energy? do you produce energy? Very little actually.... At some point time would pass, and you would not even be hungry all the time, you would eat less and less, because you deploy/spend/generate less energies... Your body adapt, your soul even so... Because nothing is there to stimulate you...

Take the "Metropolis" cities which are full of people and activities (and full of Organic Portals... yay), people just like to buy and buy, spend their money (and like the C said in a session, money is like energy, you buy you acquire and then you spend it), and also eat food (to acquire energy), do all sort of activities (to deploy/spend/generate energies) and why is that energy thing coming back all the time? If YOU have energy and that you keep it and that they cant TAKE it out from you, what happens? They starve, simple. So the more they can have the better. And human are cattle/pigs/batteries whatever you call it, humanity is more like an energy industry for me.

Also, why do people come back "for more" all the time? With the potential difference (of the'+' and '-' poles), you generate and there is actually a feel good effect, people around tend TO LIKE IT and if you LIKE IT, it is then PLEASURE, and pleasure is a FEEL GOOD thing, and STS is a Self Serving Mode which is a self reward/pleasure/gratification thing and what was the fall of Lucifer (Adam/Eve)? Physical sensate and pleasure, and i remember the C saying in the corresponding session that the ones who fell had almost immediately sex at the time of the fall, and we all know sex feels good right? And what does the C said also? That sex generate orgasmic energies with are a big source of energies for 4D STS, they said orgasmic energies directly to 4D.
I am not lying, its all based on the C's transcripts, I just dont have them on hands and I put it all together over time (at leats the stuff I am on).

Who needs war when there is sugar and coffee and cream and all the medias everywhere? World War 2 aint gonna repeat because thats too damaging, it would destroy cities, structures, people and so on, so they thought "Why not keep it all and make it all bigger so that we can produce/generate more without destroying anything?" and so, here we have already our World War 3, or so maybe our 4, or 5, or whatever, we just swim in it. Its basically hidden.

And since they plan to basically control everyone throught the grid with EM pulses with all the antennas, HAARP, 5G, satellites, smartphones, computers, TVs, basically all the electromagnetic technologies, even the C said at some point there is an end point where everyone would have their brain controlled since neurons pulses functions on electricity, and Electromagnetism is a method of controlling Electricity based "hardware" let it be Human Brains or any kind of eletrical devices, which means everything biological AND technological that works on electricity.

Since the Fall of Adam and Eve (if we can call it this way), Lizards were always there, THEY actually "baited us" to fall for "pleasure mode" (and I want to add that the food we eat is part of it, wihtout it the magic simply doesnt work, you simply "die" and nothing has meaning, just try to do a long fast of more than a week, even if you are fully detoxed and dont feel any pain, you would be so bored you wouldnt want to do anything in life and you wouldnt go for any stimulating kind of things, nothing, pure boredom...), think about "the pot of gold" :

Q: (L) How was sensate experienced so that these beings had an idea that they could get more if they increased their physicality?

A: Not experienced, demonstrated.

Q: (L) Demonstrated how, by whom? Demonstrated in what way? Did they say, “Here, try this!” Or did they demonstrate by showing or doing?

A: Closer to the latter. More like: “You could have this.”

Q: (L) What seemed to be so desirable about this increased physicality when they said, “You can have this”?

A: Use your imagination!

Q: (L) Was there any understanding, or realization of any kind that increased physicality could be like Osiris lured into his own coffin by Set? That they would then slam the lid shut and nail him in?

A: Obviously, such understanding was lacking.

Q: (L) Sounds like a pretty naive bunch! Does the lack of this understanding reflect a lack of knowledge?

A: Of course. But more, it is desire getting in the way of…
Q: (L) Okay. The Fall occurred. It seems like, and some of the archaeological studies indicate, that for many thousands of years, there was a peaceful existence and a nice agrarian society where the goddess or female creative forces were worshipped. At least, this is what a lot of present-day books are proposing…

A: No. These events took place 309000 years ago, as you measure it. This is when the first prototype of what you call “modern man” was created. The controllers had the bodies ready; they just needed the right soul matrix to agree to “jump in”.
And there is the transcript part where the C said the ones who fell had sex, cant find it...

Havnt you ever wondered about the huge quantity of media all around?
If you go to the cinema you see one new movie per week.
If you turn on your TV, the list is already a bit bigger, there are movies and TV shows, some rewinds of course, but its there.
If you get any kind of "tv package", let it be with a decoder, or a streaming platform, the list gets WAY bigger and you have tons of "unreleased" things.
The next step in internet, you find it all on the internet its well known, so the list gets bigger again.
THEN there is the dark web, where I go sometime, its illegal, but whatever, and there are tons of sites like YIFY which can be accesible even with a basic proxy and the number of movies and TV shows IS HUGE, you have daily tons of things getting out everyday.
Even on my smartphone I had the app to get it all.
You dont even need the dark web anyway, I found some "weird" streaming platforms a few times on the basic internet, they were very weird, but again you see "total unknow stuff" that even 80% of the population (or more) wouldn't know about.
Thats just about movies and TV shows, its the same for games, musics, books, "audiobooks" too, social media! we are being spoonfed.
AND there is programming, its not just for generating energy, those medias things (and i think you already know it) put things in our heads. I mean thats obvious for me, I dont see how I should explain it. If the news make you beleive that Putin is attacking Ukraine for selfish reason, then you are programmed. If you are a religious fanatic and beleive that "Allah" is your god, then you are programmed, thats programs for me. Now I honestly cant think of having a life without any program, we are all brainwashed on this planet, to varying degrees of course...

Then there is the belief center and then the 4D "reality making" that we generate by thoughts according to individuals and groups and so one... but I am not there yet, maybe you all are? lol

What I mostly deeply digged is food, we are supposed to be carnivore : animal fat, animal protein, (fatty meat at best if you can) and just water, not even salt, the sodium is already in the meat, I havnt taken salt for more than a month to this day and I feel fine. AND YES, plants does stimulate and makes you generate energy for them, sugar induce hyperactivites and give highs, caffeine and chocolate (theobromine) too, cereals are carbs/sugars and thats already been said, fruits are just fiber and sugar, fiber is totally useless and that "relief constipation necessity for the gut" is BS, vegetables are actually just unnecessary fiber with tons of antinutriets that will destroy you and gives Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and Chron's Disease over time, vegetable oils are a plague and totally unnatural for mankind (not even talking about the industrial process applied to them (anti-odor, hydrogenization, etc...)), and then nuts and grains, who the hell would spend their times in nature to break the shells of those things to eat the content during the stone age as we were for MILLENIAS? Its so poor in nutrition you would have to spend your day breaking/eating them in order to be nourished and the thing is, how are you gonna find so many grains/nuts? Back in the days you couldnt find them and it was rare, lasting a day on it wouldnt be possible. And now all those plants are even GMO.

So yeah I am gonna even sum up about that :

Back in the days :
- Grains/Nuts/Cereals/Seeds : Impossible to find, rare, hard to eat (need shell breaking), needs a ton daily to actually sustain. Requires Industrialization/Farms. Also Cereals and Grains are only carbs, you can make energy/ATP out of it, but there is nothing else, just carbs when you get the Endosperm so I dare you to live only on that for a year.
- Vegetables/Roots : Impossible to find, rare, need cooking to actually be digested because its RAW fiber in its natural state, devoid of nutrition (the vitamin/fiber/mineral myth in them? tssss
- Vegetable Oils : Impossible to get, must be extracted from plants (industrialization) and were not part of human diet for MILLENIAS, also gets heavily processed these days, will destroy your mitochondria and metabolism, gives high inflammation, arthitris, and so on...
- Mushrooms : Totally devoid of nutrition. Available in the wild.
- Fruits : Only available 2 weeks up to a month during the summer, not available during the rest of the year. Just Sugar/Fiber. As said previously fiber is useless, and the actual existing GMO fruits have much more sugar than ancestral fruits and those ancestral fruits had actually big seeds inside which would destroy your gut if you were to eat them. Our ancestors were careful about which fruits to eat, usually that was berries and maybe some others, but some were inedible.
- Coffee/Tea/Matcha/Guarana/Cocoa : Thats not even food, those are drugs that give you highs and make you hormonales and does other things, no nutrition here. Also very rare "back in the day", require industrialization/farming too.
- Honey : Good luck getting that, because before the bees and other insects were bigger, more resilient, and getting to a nest would have made you killed. Only bears or big aniamls could get to it, they have fur to protect them (humans dont) and they could actually eat the insects with the stings/venom in the parts of the broken nest and not get too sick or in a death danger... Humans are way too vulnerable for that... Again, require industrialization. I do add honey here because some say its animal food, it is not, bees take pollen from flowers (a plant sources), take it to their nest, ingest it and puke it, it is bee vomit, insects are not animals and flowers are plants, also the "processing" from those bees doesnt really sound like its food doesnt it? And guess what, its 99.8% sugar, no nutrition here...
- Spices : Devoid of nutrition, just "stimulate" and nothing else, doesnt necessarily requires heavy industrialization, just some processing, but its not actual food.
- Herbs : Same as spices but is usally used raw, doesnt need processing. I would say this was the most available and easy to consume plants, but again devoid of nutrition, just medicine.

So in fact I do consider the following :

By sources :
> Plants are not supposed to be part of human diets.
>Animals foods should be the way to go.

By nutrients :
> Fiber is useless.
> Sugar is useful to MAKE fat in your body, but you dont need it when you have faty animal everywhere in the wild back in the day, and also carbs (Cereals/Grains/Fruits) were impossible to get before. Sugar actually degrades your body over time and your food aint supposed to do that.
> Proteins : The building blocks of your bodies, you need it for survival, otherwise you go Catabolic and eat yourself.
# Plants proteins : Actually extremely hard to find before and the most available and used form to his day is Soy, which actually contains tons of MSG, that doesnt sound appealing to me, also doesnt contain all the essential amino acids.
# Dairy proteins : Well its animal source, okay, but it is incomplete as it is actually containing only Whey and Casein, which gives inflammation for some and it is actually degraded in most daiiry products because of the homogenization process... And dairy is Milk in its original form, there is very little protein in a large quantity of milk, cheeses are rich but you need tons of milk to make a cheese, doesnt look very nice for the calf mother....
# Animal Proteins : Found in meat, of course, and its complete, you have everything.
> Fats : Essential for survival, is the actual "outside energy" humans are supposed to get.
# Vegetable Oils : Total poison, will destroy your body in many ways, not natural, discussed already above.
# Dairy Fats : Good for health but doesnt sound like its full of all the nutrients, fat sources are not supposed to be "just fat", there are other hidden stuff, and the dairy industry basically extract the fat from milk and miss nutrients alonf the way, also milk aint as complete as getting a whole animal, also dairy is meant for babies so...
# Yellow fat from whole animals : Ok thats fat, but the color yellow indicates that it has been fed grains which are rich in plant oils, whoch in turn get in the animals, and so you eat those oils, and since the aniamals are not designed, just like humans, to eat and process plant oils, they basically dont transform the oils and you get them in their original state.
# White fat from animal : THE BEST, you need that for energy, nothing else, full of all the nutrients, vary depending on the animal, most of the population on earth just cant stand it because they are so used to be on plants, they get digusted, well, good for me.

So the final point about food is, plants are bad for you, degrade and destroy you, doesnt nourish you, and they mostly stimulate you in a way (highs, lows, and so on...) that you have emotions, sometimes a ton of it, and those emotions basically are a food sources for the ones above us.

The only way to feed THEM is by feeding YOU the wrong things.

Everywhere in the world they are pushing for this non-meat vegetarian life style.
And because vegetarianism is a total incomplete form of nutrition, we have to supplement, get minerals, get vitamins, get medicines, get surgery when you are so badly degraded (like my mother who had her right knee replaced...) and so on and so on. Also the pain of the physical degradation gets so high over time that it creates negative energies on the person and that feeds them too.

Minerals? Vitamins? The whole set of proteins? Just Meat.
Energy? Just fat.

There are actually some carnivore out there that have a so efficient and regulated metabolism and cleaned/detoxed body that they dont even drink water, when a fat cell releases its content inside the body or when you eat fat, a water molecule is created, and that feeds the body, but those people reached a point where their bodies have little need for water and are self sufficient. You just need your regular fat intake. Also, depending on your physical activities, you might just fast for 48h or 72h, and then eat like crazy for the 2 next days, that depend on a lot of things, hard to predict. Plus there is the fact that our ancestors never had access to water, they were hunting, feeding, but what about water sources, lakes wernt so clean, clean rivers were rare, and sea water is heavily salted. So no, water was not really available, it was mostly land and animals.

Salt? Sodium is in the meat, the world got used to acquire salt because plant foods actually drains you of salt. How? When you get fiber you need water to compensate for digestion and allow a fluid transit but by having a ton of water you need salt to help maintain electrolytes because you took in too much "empty water" (like all the tap water or bottled water) and because it is not the only electrolytes required, you are hungry, you need to eat more to get the other other electrolytes, and so you eat more, and so you take in more fiber, and then you have to drink more water, and so on... Same with carbs, excess glucose in the blood asks for more water in the blood stream and that needs more electrolytes to balance it all, and so you keep cycling and managin all, all the time. Totally unbalanced in my opinion. And do you think our ancestors had any salt sources? No, sea water were always very far miles away, and salt rocks are usually only in the mountains, not everywhere, and I guess our ancestors wouldnt just try to find a salt rock and lick it stupidly for an hour just to get his salt intake, daily. So no salt, the sodium is the meat, in some organs on varying concentration depending on the animal.

So that was about nutrition and that "stimuation that feeds them" thing.

So yeah, get your flat signal cerebrum within your head by stopping the bad feeding within you so you can stop feeding them, for my part, they keep trying around, and that doesnt really work. Like I am a huge fan of tea, but I hadnt any since3 or 4 months. Sugar same...

And those that are on tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, mushrooms, cannabis, drugs, sorry... thats worse.


Just have a look at it.

How about your avatar of a women drinking alcohol? Doesnt sound better to me, because you totally missed the point of my last post, which your own "reptile Avatar-pic" is totally on the wrong orientation here.

And basically your remark just aimed to destabilize me and perhaps you made an attempt of me loosing my temper on this forum?
Too bad you failed, I knew this forum had a few member seeking to pervert this forum orientation and cause wreck havoc on others. The C's even made that remark on a recent session.

So you should just change your avatar quickly to prove I am wrong... oh wait... its there :


Perhaps I should ask if higher-up members could ban you?

Its not because you have a high post count (316) on your member profil, and that "Jedi Master" title that you can actually sond legit.
And that superior attitude is just that obvious smell of trying to dominate someone.


I guess that was another attempt.
And that's how infiltration works apparently.

But see, I have a very low post count, but I have been here since 2011 actually, and I had 2 accounts.

Good luck trying to get me.
@Elesia89 and @moyal, can you two settle down and not get so worked up over this? It's an interesting thing about the imagination, is that if you have reptilian shape-shifters on your mind, you start to see them around every corner or in images and movies where they don't exist. If I were to entertain the idea that there are reptilian images in those images you posted, I can almost see that being the case, but it's not there.

This summer I went to a camp up north for combat training and we did military-style outdoor training in the woods at night. After a long night of this around 2am, we were sitting down in the middle of a field in the woods, it was pitch black and he mentioned that if we stayed quiet, we might see a coyote that was frequenting the area. After being tired, hungry, thirsty and irritable, we finally were allowed up. I looked over to the bush and swear I saw a pixelated coyote jump out and run across the field towards me.

However, there was no coyote. I was primed for the idea of that happening combined with a mixture of stress, exhaustion, anticipation and my imagination that I started to 'see' what wasn't even there. It's the same where you look up at the clouds and see images that of things that are probably on the back of your mind.

That's not to say that our culture isn't being influenced by hyperdimensional denizens, but the images you posted is not one of them. The movie does have a lot of reptilian and serpent imagery and messages, like with Thulsa Doom, but they are more overt and obvious rather than hidden in scenes like the one you posted about.
And so you are trying to play smart, and try to convey a message?
You call that communication?
I call that deception.
Again, youtube, from where did you get that, your masters?
That was "provided"? Or do you know where to get what you need when you need it?
Doesnt sound legit to me.
When ones trying to convey a message, they just commiunicate, not play mind tricks or provoke others, and certainly not with stupidity.
Also I might add, I just reported your first post :

Report :
Humor aimed at provoking me, a kind of attack to provoke anger, not discussing or debating the whole subject from the long previous post, a very short "2 sentences and 10 words" answer in response of my very long post which was explaining a ton of things and needing an in-depth discussion, the answer given has a purposeful intent of ignoring the whole long previous post I made, with an immediate very very short post, attempting to generate a strong reaction from a consideration of my post that seems to be deemed pathetic, and the message itself being a direct provoking attacking with a disguise of stupidity in the sense that the person was just making "simple" remark that my avatar had a reptile, which isnt the case, as it is just a space ship in a video game. I would ask to consider an eventual ban of that user as that user seems to have "purposeful intent". No exageration here, just crystal clear eyes.

So yeah, for my part I am living stuff since 2017 thats just NOT PRETTY, and I didnt doubt that i would get attempts even on the Cass Forum.

Just so you know people, I am living hell, OPs everywhere, hybrids, specters and so on, I have very little help and I am almost completely on my own, the attempts have been NUMEROUS over the years. So moyal, just quit it, because I aint gonna drop it.
Just so you know people, I am living hell, OPs everywhere, hybrids, specters and so on, I have very little help and I am almost completely on my own, the attempts have been NUMEROUS over the years. So moyal, just quit it, because I aint gonna drop it.
Can you try to relax a little bit. What's your diet like? Do you practice any grounding or breathing exercises in order to settle yourself down so that your mind isn't racing so fast and so quickly? There's a lot of crazy stuff happening on our planet, but that's beyond any of our control. The most important battles aren't with OP's specters or hybrids but with our own daily actions, thoughts and behaviours. That's why there is so much material on the forum about diet, trauma, nervous system regulation, character development etc.
To moyal :
Yeah, pretend to be nice and to know about me, which you dont. Keep hiding. I just stated obvious facts since the beginning, and its based a lot on the C's transcripts and related subjects. You just didnt talked/debated about it and made pointless very short remarks with a very "I know better attitude". Yeah sure, keep playing dumb. But your intention are basically obvious, with a coat of innoncence and "jokes" for you to hide.

I had so much events the last years, one times the ones around me play stupid as in "no I am just stupid and harmless", and next thing you know, a very very smart move and attempt in your back or on your "sides". I am telling you, everything -you/whoever- throws at me will just go right back. Just stop trying.
Oh wait, you are gonna say its just my imagination? I am schizo? Paranoid? Imagining things?
Because your previous post seems that you are saying its just in my head... Suuuuuuuure... another attempt.
Just read moyal posts intent people.

And yes I do see them on youtube, some streets, the news, i saw 2 UFOs, I got out of my body once and catched a Grey by his neck, then got back in, then woke up and heard the Grey laugh hysterically in the thin air, empty space, saw many specters of many kind. I live with Organic Portals everywhere on my residency and in the streets, energy transference and aura dominance over others, fanatic religious islamist people trying to force their f-ing Allah god on me... I have all the reason to break a cable when one try something on me, and I switched on a purely black and white mode of working, so now nothing pass, simple.

So goodbye moyal, just dont post here.

Turgon said :
Can you try to relax a little bit. What's your diet like? Do you practice any grounding or breathing exercises in order to settle yourself down so that your mind isn't racing so fast and so quickly? There's a lot of crazy stuff happening on our planet, but that's beyond any of our control. The most important battles aren't with OP's specters or hybrids but with our own daily actions, thoughts and behaviours. That's why there is so much material on the forum about diet, trauma, nervous system regulation, character development etc.
Like I said I am living hell and a little obvious attempt will trigger a bad reaction, period, the problem is only with moyal here, just tell her/him not to post on me. This so called "help" aint what it is.
I am fine with everything else on this forum, just that "moyal" here..

And thats great, because I wanted people to post here so that we could discuss it all, but she/he just short-circuited the whole thing, and maybe people just wont want to post here anymore...

Like I said I am living hell and a little obvious attempt will trigger a bad reaction, period, the problem is only with moyal here, just tell her/him not to post on me.
You can't control how other people respond or act towards you, but you can learn how to guide your own emotional reactions and responses. That's part of what it means to become a more mature and responsible human being, and it also affords protection against outside forces, whether that's other people like moyal or specters and hybrids. If someone says something to you that you don't like and you fly off the handle and say it's all their fault that you flew off the handle, your abdicating personal responsibility for yourself and the message you send to the universe is that you have no self-control. That's why I suggest you leave the High Strangeness phenomena alone and focus on other areas of the Work and forum that I mentioned before. Your life may improve and you might eventually find a way out of this hell that you're in right now.
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