Session 30 December 2023

The number 'nine' as Laura wrote in Darkness Over Tibet – Part 2

The symbology of these numbers is important in another way. The result of the rules of numerology applied to the number 666 is 9: 6+6+6=18; 1+8=9. Nine is not only the name number of the beast, it is the product of 3 squared, or divine completion. We can also see in these numbers man’s attempt to usurp the position of God — 6 repeated 3 times — or the number of man arranged as the divine trinity.
A: Be aware that your own group is under scrutiny and subject to attack if all are not fully aware and communicating. It would be helpful for all of you to read Paul's letter about love a few times per week and ponder each aspect in relation to yourself and others. Times ahead are going to be shocking and unstable. Hold fast to your network and do not allow yourselves to be stampeded or externally driven. Ask when needed and we will be here. Peace be with you. Goodbye.

Thought of the above when I saw the following video depicting the movements of the Palestinian population to avoid the rockets and bombings:

The incoming threats don't have to be rockets and bombs though, could take various forms.
I asked GPT-3.5 Turbo about combining Corinthians 13 and personal improvement. This is the answer:

Certainly! Drawing inspiration from Corinthians 13, also known as the "Love Chapter," we can reflect on how its principles can be applied to self-improvement and enhancing every aspect of oneself:

1. **Love is Patient**: In the journey of self-improvement, patience is key. Understand that personal growth takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself as you work towards becoming the best version of yourself.

2. **Love is Kind**: Show kindness and compassion towards yourself as you strive for self-improvement. Treat yourself with gentleness and understanding, just as you would treat a loved one.

3. **Love Does Not Envy**: Avoid comparing yourself to others in your self-improvement journey. Focus on your own progress and growth without being envious of others' achievements.

4. **Love Does Not Boast**: Stay humble and grounded as you work on improving yourself. Let your actions speak for themselves rather than seeking validation through boasting.

5. **Love is Not Proud**: Cultivate humility in your self-improvement efforts. Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses, and be open to learning and growing from both.

6. **Love Does Not Dishonor Others**: Respect and honor yourself and others in your pursuit of self-improvement. Treat yourself and those around you with dignity and consideration.

7. **Love is Not Self-Seeking**: Focus on self-improvement for the sake of personal growth and well-being, rather than seeking validation or approval from others. Prioritize your own growth and development.

8. **Love is Not Easily Angered**: Practice emotional intelligence and self-control in your self-improvement journey. Manage your emotions effectively and respond to challenges with calmness and understanding.

9. **Love Keeps No Record of Wrongs**: Let go of past mistakes and setbacks as you work on improving yourself. Embrace forgiveness and move forward with a positive mindset.

10. **Love Always Protects, Always Trusts, Always Hopes, Always Perseveres**: Approach self-improvement with a mindset of protection, trust, hope, and perseverance. Believe in your ability to grow and evolve, and stay committed to your journey of self-improvement.

By integrating the principles of love and self-improvement, you can cultivate a positive and nurturing environment for personal growth and development. Embrace these values as you strive to enhance every aspect of yourself and create a fulfilling and meaningful life.
My understanding, It is a very one-dimensional and sterile reflection of Paul's letter, if you notice many of the key phrases focus on the word love without defining it or getting close to it; the direction taken by the numbered statements are at the service of oneself, that is, in function of mine, on the island of the “I”, so it lets us glimpse his perspective of the term “self-improvement” I do not see it very objective, which reveals a subtle manipulation of the program on the user.
3. **Love Does Not Envy**: Avoid comparing yourself to others in your self-improvement journey. Focus on your own progress and growth without being envious of others' achievements.
-It is as if to say: it is your overcoming, your journey, remember that you love yourself and in that way you can love everyone, do not suffer, do not look at others or compare yourself with them, stay in your ideal that you can be better, do not feel envy and do not question why you can feel it, do not have mirrors, do not confront yourself, grow and move forward. If you feel envy, do not envy, because love does not envy and you are love.

For an artificial intelligence trying to point out a basic condition of behavior in relation to a popular topic such as self-improvement, it is the average basic book but not very sufficient or fair understanding that it has so much information to “pick and choose” from.
If the question had been about Paul's letter and the human spiritual condition, perhaps the answers would have been more interesting although it always underlies that hateful manipulation of the one who programs it.
I asked GPT-3.5 Turbo about combining Corinthians 13 and personal improvement. This is the answer:

Certainly! Drawing inspiration from Corinthians 13, also known as the "Love Chapter," we can reflect on how its principles can be applied to self-improvement and enhancing every aspect of oneself:

1. **Love is Patient**: In the journey of self-improvement, patience is key. Understand that personal growth takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself as you work towards becoming the best version of yourself.

2. **Love is Kind**: Show kindness and compassion towards yourself as you strive for self-improvement. Treat yourself with gentleness and understanding, just as you would treat a loved one.

3. **Love Does Not Envy**: Avoid comparing yourself to others in your self-improvement journey. Focus on your own progress and growth without being envious of others' achievements.

4. **Love Does Not Boast**: Stay humble and grounded as you work on improving yourself. Let your actions speak for themselves rather than seeking validation through boasting.

5. **Love is Not Proud**: Cultivate humility in your self-improvement efforts. Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses, and be open to learning and growing from both.

6. **Love Does Not Dishonor Others**: Respect and honor yourself and others in your pursuit of self-improvement. Treat yourself and those around you with dignity and consideration.

7. **Love is Not Self-Seeking**: Focus on self-improvement for the sake of personal growth and well-being, rather than seeking validation or approval from others. Prioritize your own growth and development.

8. **Love is Not Easily Angered**: Practice emotional intelligence and self-control in your self-improvement journey. Manage your emotions effectively and respond to challenges with calmness and understanding.

9. **Love Keeps No Record of Wrongs**: Let go of past mistakes and setbacks as you work on improving yourself. Embrace forgiveness and move forward with a positive mindset.

10. **Love Always Protects, Always Trusts, Always Hopes, Always Perseveres**: Approach self-improvement with a mindset of protection, trust, hope, and perseverance. Believe in your ability to grow and evolve, and stay committed to your journey of self-improvement.

By integrating the principles of love and self-improvement, you can cultivate a positive and nurturing environment for personal growth and development. Embrace these values as you strive to enhance every aspect of yourself and create a fulfilling and meaningful life.

I would've been much more interested in seeing a version of the same exercise, but written by you.
My understanding, It is a very one-dimensional and sterile reflection of Paul's letter, if you notice many of the key phrases focus on the word love without defining it or getting close to it; the direction taken by the numbered statements are at the service of oneself, that is, in function of mine, on the island of the “I”, so it lets us glimpse his perspective of the term “self-improvement” I do not see it very objective, which reveals a subtle manipulation of the program on the user.

-It is as if to say: it is your overcoming, your journey, remember that you love yourself and in that way you can love everyone, do not suffer, do not look at others or compare yourself with them, stay in your ideal that you can be better, do not feel envy and do not question why you can feel it, do not have mirrors, do not confront yourself, grow and move forward. If you feel envy, do not envy, because love does not envy and you are love.

For an artificial intelligence trying to point out a basic condition of behavior in relation to a popular topic such as self-improvement, it is the average basic book but not very sufficient or fair understanding that it has so much information to “pick and choose” from.
If the question had been about Paul's letter and the human spiritual condition, perhaps the answers would have been more interesting although it always underlies that hateful manipulation of the one who programs it.
Yup, this could probably be tried with other combinations, but I wanted to see if it worked as an experiment. And it has more or less turned out to be positive in terms of being a test. Maybe it can be improved a lot more by taking it as just a template.
Although you are right that the text is too focused on oneself.
Yup, this could probably be tried with other combinations, but I wanted to see if it worked as an experiment. And it has more or less turned out to be positive in terms of being a test. Maybe it can be improved a lot more by taking it as just a template.
Although you are right that the text is too focused on oneself.
The first thing that popped into my head was doing a similar experiment with the 10 Commandments and Group. Not exactly sure if that would even be applicable, but the idea of taking the first person “Thou” out and applying it to a people might yield some interesting results during this time of the Israeli genocide (thou shall not murder/kill or bear false witness). I’d do it myself but I have no idea how to use GPT and the like.
I’d do it myself but I have no idea how to use GPT and the like.

It's quite easy. Here is the URL for ChatGPT. Just log in/create an account, and start prompting questions :)

I did the exercise just out of curiosity, but I'm not qualified to analyze or comment on any of it. All I know is that the answer you get depends a lot on the way you ask your prompt, and/or the way you "program it" to answer you.
I first asked:

Do you know of Paul's letter (1 Corinthians 13:1–13) ? I'm asking you to read Paul's letter about love and ponder each aspect in relation to yourself and others. Can you explain that?

The answer (very similar to the previous one):
Yes, I'm familiar with the passage from 1 Corinthians 13:1–13, often referred to as the "Love Chapter." This passage is a reflection on the nature of love as described by the apostle Paul. In it, Paul emphasizes the importance of love as the greatest virtue and describes its characteristics and qualities. Here's a brief overview of each aspect of love as described in the passage:

Patience: Love is patient and enduring, even in difficult situations or with challenging individuals.
Kindness: Love is characterized by acts of kindness and compassion towards others, showing genuine care and concern.
Not envy: Love does not seek to possess or covet what others have but rejoices in their successes and blessings.
Not boastful: Love is humble and does not seek attention or praise for oneself but instead focuses on lifting others up.
Not proud: Love is characterized by humility, recognizing one's own limitations and valuing the worth of others.
Not rude: Love is considerate and respectful in its interactions with others, avoiding behaviors that cause harm or offense.
Not self-seeking: Love prioritizes the needs and well-being of others above one's own desires or interests.
Not easily angered: Love is patient and slow to anger, choosing to respond with grace and understanding rather than with hostility or resentment.
Keeps no record of wrongs: Love forgives and lets go of past grievances, choosing to focus on reconciliation and moving forward.
Does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth: Love values honesty, integrity, and righteousness, seeking to uphold what is good and just.
Always protects: Love seeks to safeguard the well-being and dignity of others, offering support and assistance when needed.
Always trusts: Love fosters trust and faith in others, believing in their inherent goodness and potential.
Always hopes: Love remains optimistic and hopeful, even in the face of adversity or uncertainty, believing in the possibility of positive outcomes.
Always perseveres: Love is steadfast and resilient, enduring through challenges and difficulties with unwavering determination.

These qualities of love, as described by Paul, serve as a guide for how we should relate to others and conduct ourselves in our interactions and relationships. By embodying these aspects of love in our lives, we can cultivate deeper connections, foster greater understanding, and contribute to a more harmonious and compassionate world.

Then I modified the question taking into account what Liliea had said:

Q: What about Paul's letter and the human spiritual condition?
A: Paul's letter in 1 Corinthians 13 not only provides guidance on the nature of love but also reflects the broader spiritual condition of humanity. In the Christian tradition, Paul's writings often delve into theological themes and offer insights into the human condition in relation to God and others.
In the context of 1 Corinthians 13, Paul's emphasis on love can be seen as addressing a fundamental aspect of the human spiritual condition: the need for genuine, selfless love in our relationships with God and with one another. Paul contrasts the temporary gifts and abilities that people may possess with the enduring virtue of love, highlighting its supreme importance.
At a deeper level, Paul's letter speaks to the human longing for connection, belonging, and meaning. Love, as described by Paul, embodies qualities such as patience, kindness, humility, and forgiveness—qualities that resonate with our deepest spiritual aspirations. By cultivating these virtues in our lives, we not only enrich our relationships with others but also draw closer to the divine source of love.
Furthermore, Paul's letter underscores the transformative power of love to transcend human limitations and shortcomings. In the face of our brokenness, love offers healing, reconciliation, and hope. It is through love that we can experience the redemptive grace of God and participate in the ongoing work of spiritual growth and renewal.
Overall, Paul's letter in 1 Corinthians 13 speaks to the universal human quest for love, meaning, and spiritual fulfillment. It challenges us to reflect on our attitudes and actions, encouraging us to embody the transformative power of love in our lives and relationships.
I see with great pleasure that a new category has been created within FOTCM: "The Cosmic Force" in honor of our brother Pierre, right? At least I hadn't noticed this category beyond "living force", "ambassadors" "moderators" "supermoderators" and "Administrators".

View attachment 91825

It suits Pierre very well to be "cosmic Force" by the way, the reactions to Pierre's posts, which are basically emotions, reached 72,888, a nine and triple infinity.

Nine, It is believed to represent completeness, balance, and perfection.

According to Indian numerology, the number 9 is associated with qualities such as courage, leadership, and determination.

Eight is a symbol of infinity and a triple 8 is an angelic symbol.

Wonderful, isn't it?
Simultaneity here with the number of reactions to this very session of December 30, 2023 :
3 + 333
The number 3 has profound spiritual significance, representing the Holy Trinity in various spiritual traditions. Thus, angel number 333 is often seen as a symbol of divine presence, protection, and love. What is angel number 333 ?
The loop is completed.


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