Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

I guess that "cheerleading squad" is a figure of speech a little exaggerated to make us understand not to wait for help, and that each individual must work hard. But, is it not a little contradictory to some other concepts discussed in many different transcripts such as:

each unit is part of a soul group, and we also have ancestors "up there", and some "guardian angels" such as Pierre, or some of our pets, that are supposedly confirmed as watching/helping us?

the ancestor is easy to find since it was part of a discussion of Good Habits for Protection that I made a printable file of.

The cat was a question asked about their pet that passed away, and the other (living) cat was seeing it since the previous cat was "hanging" around to protect.

Of course, there are some "rules": one has to ask for help to receive it. And sometimes, even if we ask for it, we can't receive it since it would infringe on our free will, depending on our soul's mission chosen before incarnation.

Does anyone want to chime in on this, to confirm to reassess?
I think it is something in the sense that the person relies on illusions.

For example, I have read in some comments that his "guides" have told him this and that. That he should do this or that, that this or that is best for him.

In the end it is up to us what we decide to do and how we do it.
When you first encounter the Cs and The Wave, it can be tempting to think in terms of what almost amounts to StarWars, or any sci-fi movie, with good buys and bad guys. But then, you realize how much more subtle these differences are in our reality. Most of all, you become more humble, because you understand that getting knowledge is only part of the equation, and we are all "STS". None of us is "immune" without a network and constant Work to clean our machine, our reading instrument, our thinking, our feelings, etc. So, best to observe (ourselves, others and the world), and network, network and network some more! Like Gurdjieff says above, real understanding is the result of knowledge and being. And that's a tall order! Just speaking from my experience, of course, but I imagine many people here can relate.

Thinking about it, how does one grow in Being? Meditate? Do good works? Volunteer? Get in touch with your creative side? Watch some Jordan Peterson videos? Gurdjieff would says it's none of these things, as all of these things can be done in a state of sleep, or can be done to stay in a state of sleep. We often make changes in surface behaviour, but don't necessarily change our deeper character - and Gurdjieff is explicit in saying that what we call our 'self' is an accident at best, or at worst, a type of crime that we commit over and over again, meanwhile telling ourselves that we are innocent, just, righteous, and people of outstanding character. IIRC, for Gurdjieff, 'crime' is defined as immoral or unconscious acts. Crime gives way to lying, justifying oneself, and those who are entangled in it become their own punishment.

So on the topic of crime and Being, I recently re-read last few chapters of Inside the Criminal Mind by Stanton Samenow, and I was struck again by how it gives maybe one of the best examples of The Work in today's language. Samenow writes that there has been tons of money over many years going towards attempts to rehabilitate criminals - education initiatives like schooling in prisons, vocational training, money management courses, career counselling, relationship coaching, parenting classes, arts programs, psychotherapy, restorative justice, physical training, self-esteem programs, substance use programs - and none of it works!

That's because it doesn't get at the core of the programmed machine - the predator mind or criminal mind, which generates all kinds of thinking errors, which informs poor choices, which accumulate to bad behaviours, habits, likes and dislikes, and all the other signs of our outward personality.

He writes:
“All of the above-mentioned efforts directed toward helping juvenile and adult offenders have positive features and have the potential to facilitate change. But it is fruitless to construct a fine house on a rotten foundation. Behavior is a product of thinking. The key to habilitation is to help an offender change his thinking. That remains the focus of the next two chapters.”

He then goes on to write out extensively about what does actually work. It turns out it's similar to what Gurdjieff has written about the need for a conscious group of like-minded individuals on the same path to engage in the Work of ascent. It's also similar to the Ibn Arabi material posted above about the Scale of Law. In essence, the only way to affect a real change (or a change in Being) is to belong to a network that's specifically focused on changing thinking. So that means admitting to the mess inside their heads, and being open to discussing them at length.

Under the watchful eye of a psychiatrist who is aware of their tendency for lying and cheating, a group of criminals are mandated to monitor their thinking for any and all thoughts that are irresponsible, violent, degrading, lazy, entitled, defensive, greedy, etc. They record these thoughts, then they bring those thoughts to the regularly scheduled group meeting and talk about how they thought of stealing a car, or doing drugs, or wanted to punch someone in the face, etc. With the intense scrutiny of their peers and the psychiatrist, they are given objective feedback about what these criminal thoughts say about their underlying rotten character structure (or their lack of Being). They are given feedback on the underlying reasons behind these thoughts - such as instant gratification, inability to understand consequences, or not caring about other people. They also see the difficulty of changing them.

So there's a good deal of suffering when seeing oneself in the mirror like that, but it seems that the criminals become more and more able to see how they were basically machines, letting themselves be run by baser drives, feeling entitled to break the rules, lying to themselves and causing harm to others. And also justifying it all with thoughts like 'no one's perfect' or 'I just need to blow off some steam' or 'I deserve a break' or whatever narrative appears at the time. And then when they slip up, to come back in good faith and admit they slipped up, and then understand why it happened.

So there's a Castaneda element to it, too, in the sense that being a warrior means making strategic inventories of ourselves - to undertake a lifelong practice of subjecting oneself, and in particular one's thinking, to the most intense scrutiny, as that's where the Predator lives.

Samenow writes that this sort of process, with help of a support network, is what gives someone the opportunity to finally grow up, stop taking shortcuts, and become a decent, responsible person. So yeah, I'm realizing I didn't really think about growth in Being and what that entails in a very precise way before. Now I think I'm getting some more clarity on it - a deep change in thinking is imperative for growth of Being.
I would go further and say that recently, and especially in this Joe Rogan interview, Tucker is speaking more freely and openly about things that are truthful than ever. He is also explaining why he is motivated to do that, with completely non-materialist interpretations of everyday concepts. Most of all he understands the implications of realising the terror of the situation, he might not know exactly what to do about it but he gets that there IS a battle. That's a hugely important thing to have reaching so many people. He has become more likeable and seemingly genuine than ever in a relatively short time. Like others, when I have thoughts like this I question them and whether I am missing something or reading someone incorrectly. I remain open to that possibility, if it happens I will readjust (and not rely on myself alone to make that assessment). So there is very little risk in saying that right now Tucker is doing great work, and I want to be as generous to him as I feel he is being with his audience.

He's not perfect but he might be the best in such a position at this time.
So does Putin.
No one is perfect. Besides, who is to define the parameters of being perfect? Someone perfect? After all, there are no such people.
Could be, could be that he really is an undercover agent or has an agenda, but does it matter? Well, by his actions so far, I would say no. Because even if he has any type of hidden agenda, what he has said so far in many aspects is truth. By his actions we will know, and so far his actions have been more to the positive side rather than negative, he raise a lot of valid questions that makes people think, critical thinking is becoming really rare nowadays and having someone in his position, making people to see different aspects and think more, it’s really valuable, we are at war for the truth, and the present reality of this planet is really bad and crucial, for that, any little help we can get it’s welcome.

Same for Alex Jones as Laura pointed out, there were many red flags in the past about him, and there still are some (his opinion on China for example) but if we put everything together and see the state of the world and how everything is going, we appreciate voices like him more than ever raising questions and making people to think more.

Well said and there is nothing I can disagree with regarding your commentary my friend.
At the end of the day all this would never be a black and white scenario, there are always going to be gray areas. But the summary of the actions and words at the end it’s what matter.

That’s fine. I think one way or another some of us haven been in that position. To differ on one’s opinion doesn’t mean you are going against many of us. The important thing is the process of learning together, that’s why networking is reeeeally important, it’s the best calibration tool I think. One person would never be able to see the true reality of all, but a group of people who has the same aim and it’s the truth, it’s what can “save” one from our own egos, which can block one from really learn and protect us from negative forces of this reality in some capacity.

Networking to disCERN truth is truly the best calibration tool we have as 3rd Density Avatars. Truly grateful for your reply and to learn from each and every one of you.

Now in my opinion, going back to the subject, I believe after hearing Carlson, whatever we can think about of him, he is getting more knowledgeable, because he likes to network and get data from different people (as he said), trustworthy or not those people can be, are making an effect on him. The Tucker C. we see today definitely is not the same one he was a couple of years ago, not just because he was in FOX (he always spoke his mind anyways) but because he knows way more now, and is starting to grasp the pick of the iceberg.

Again, agree and thank you for allowing me to see this thru a different and less egoic lens.
One mental exercise you could try would be to think about everything of note that Carlson has said in recent years and highlight any lies or manipulations. Are there any? It not, then try to figure out how it would benefit the "bad guys" to have Carlson spread truth.

When we've thought about it, the only plausible reason we could come up with as to why someone would do that is to create a valid reputation as a truth teller in order to gain a loyal following, and then at some point in the future lead those people astray.

These are basically my thoughts and or intuition.

And its mostly clouded from my view of him as some sort of Project Mockingbird newsie who will eventually reveal a deeper more covert plot yet to be revealed. If I AM wrong, I will be glad to be found so.
The problem there, however, is that you only uncover the deception when it drops, not before. For me, someone is a valid truth teller while they continue to tell the truth. If they shift into lies and manipulation at some point, I drop them. With that approach, there is no downside, as long as you don't become an acolyte to the point that your identification with the messenger means you can't see his lies. You appreciate and amplify the truth they are telling while they are telling it, and then expose them if/when they shift away from that.
We agree 100%.

I'm just going by my spidey senses with him and also his language in the recent Joe Rogan interview. He seemed sped up and extremely hyper in attempting to convey his thoughts. Like it was feigned in some way. Again my opinion.
So while Tucker is telling the truth, he's all good in my book. I'm not going to dismiss him now, while he's doing good work because I anticipate that at some point in the future he's gonna reveal that he's a agent of darkness and has been lying all along. The fact is, he's not lying right now, unless someone can provide some evidence to the contrary.

I think if I cared to (And didn't have my daily matrix trappings of feeding my family, creating content, etc), I could dig some stuff up from way back.

But your point if well taken (RIGHT NOW) he seems to be an agent of truth with actions pushing for morality and virtue. Which is truthfully all we can observe and quantify him by.
One thing that has helped me over the years is to try my best to objectively assess the net effect of someone's work on the current state of humanity. Does it, as a whole, further the enslavement of people's mind & soul, but include a few sprinkles of truth? Or does it instead exert a overall net positive effect, despite not being 100% accurate?

One example that comes to mind is David Icke, who I was previously an avid follower of. For a long time after discovering Laura's work, I dismissed Icke as a "disinformation agent". Over the years, however, I have come to appreciate some nuance. First of all, there is a strong tendency within the "truth movement" to assign conscious intention, but the truth might be that many of the so-called "disinformation agents" are just fallible humans who are entirely unconscious of spreading false information, but who generally mean well and are doing their best to seek truth, though they simply don't have a worthwhile network to help tune their thinking. So they get lost in their own thinking somewhere along the way.

Despite the evident problems with Icke's interpretation of world events and the dynamics of 4DSTS, I have grown to become thankful for his influence, because it prepared me in many ways to be receptive to the C's material. I know for a fact that many people on this forum were also originally introduced to similar concepts through Icke's work, and through becoming inspired to seek more answers, eventually stumbled on Laura's material. He has become something like a "stepping stone" for so many people who want truth. It is correct to state that he gets a lot wrong. But I am convinced that his overall body of work exerts a net positive effect (or at least it did for me, and probably many others.)

I think the same can be said for Alex Jones. He doesn't have a solid network of people to help refine his ideas and stamp out his thinking errors, assumptions and false beliefs. Perhaps he has engaged in some intentional falsifications in the past. But I am honestly under the impression that the net effect of his work has also been positive. With the media attention he has had, Jones is essentially bridging the gap between "normies" and die-hard truth seekers, and opening so many people's eyes through the interviews he does on large channels.

Tucker continues to impress me. So for as long has he continues to speak truth, I will continue listening. It is always our job to parse the truth from the lies, no matter who is preaching it. And so far, Tucker is doing a great job. It he eventually performs a switcheroo, it will be quite clear to see for anyone who is genuinely paying attention.

Well said Keyhole.

I too was an avid reader of Icke's work and agree he offers enough nuance where there is still value in his message. I've found his recent Twitter postings to be of great value for many. As you elegantly stated, sort of a bridge for normies.

Alex Jones is funded by both the CIA/Mossad (how do you tell the difference) and it has been proven in this way back machine link that was deleted off the internet.

Just in case this is again deleted, I have screenshots of everything saved.

IMO, there is nothing Jones says that isn't calculated in some way to benefit his Zionist/Ashkenezi benefactors.

He is not to be trusted ever IMO.

And I agree with a lot of what he has said and continues to say about the world.

This is why its so hard to align with people fully understanding the nebulous nature of the hyperdimensional control system and its many tentacles.

I would classify Jones as an agent of truth with highly structured and strategic error that will eventually show itself when the time is right.

This is ultimately why I consider Tucker to somehow in some way *Eventually* reveal himself to be similar.

Maybe Jones has left his handlers now and has gone rogue...I will always consider that possibility too but my spidey senses will always be high with him.

One other note is that Mike Cernovich (who is on the list on the above linked website) *WAS* a very close personal friend of mine who actually is the Godfather of my oldest daughter Alexandra.

A lot changed with our relationship once I was made aware of this information. Probably a story best untold *online* and better for in person. :)
That's it.

@SoFloJayC another thing that can be useful is to "feel our way into" someone the best we can, but not in the sense of just going off from instinct, but by combining all we know about realty, the person and our own experiences. Like, we all had our various moments of "waking up" to certain truths, and we experienced what this did to us, how we re-evaluated things and so on. With Tucker, his journey seems to reflect the basic steps of that experience: being a conventional (neo)conservative, then starting to question certain things, then, as world events unfolded and pushed people with a "taste for truth" to take sides, he took sides, and increasingly so. And he got hammered by the system for it, leading up to his being fired. Now, this doesn't completely exclude the possibility that there is some grand plan going on here, but to me, unless I see clear evidence against it, points to Tucker being just a guy who "woke up" and then did what he did.

This sort of "feeling our way" into a person might be more difficult if the person hails from a different class, culture etc. I think that's part of the reason people think Tucker is an agent: he's an upper class guy who mingled with the rich and famous. But does that mean he's automatically corrupt? Where to draw the line here? Can we even do that? I think it's important to abstract somwhat from the particulars of someone's class and background, and look at the underlying patterns that are shared by everyone.

Also, as Laura mentioned, the rules of 4D are different, and "agent Smith"-type vectors often are not people paid off by some grand conspiracy, but are subtly played by higher forces to do their bidding. So even if Tucker was such a vector, he wouldn't necessarily be a "plant", but rather someone whose blind spots, weaknesses and lack of insight get exploited to further an agenda. The good news is that we can become immune to this "simply" by figuring out the truth for ourselves with the help of others. Then we don't have to play this endless game of sorting public speakers into "evil PTB plants" and "our guys" and can just take what they say and do for what it's worth.

Amazing insights Luc. Thank you. Maybe Tucker being a 'vector' is more in line with my intuition about him due to his lack of awareness.

But he clearly as I stated before still is an agent of the Media with a huge audience of normies.

Going by gut instinct here, he would be a serious and well placed outlier of higher density benevolent forces if he were working for the side of light/truth/knowledge.

Maybe he is?

Or maybe he is slowly becoming representative of the S2O candidate side?

I'm hopeful we'll all find out for sure in the next couple of years or so.
Samenow writes that this sort of process, with help of a support network, is what gives someone the opportunity to finally grow up, stop taking shortcuts, and become a decent, responsible person. So yeah, I'm realizing I didn't really think about growth in Being and what that entails in a very precise way before. Now I think I'm getting some more clarity on it - a deep change in thinking is imperative for growth of Being.
As we are all learning every single day, the network is key for all of this.

What Laura sent me this morning about the Near Death Experiencer really hammers home the point that "Resonants" will likely be co-existing in tribes or communes in strategic places around the world where they/we will create *FRV Harmonic Domes of Protection* and the dissonants will become TransHumanist Cyborgs and will eventually self terminate.

What an absolutely amazing time to be alive!!!!!

So Grateful to be here learning and networking from all of you!
Saw this the other day that references the Joe Rogan - Tucker interview:


A topic that I’ve been extensively covering like no other for over ten years now is how politicians in our puppet governments around the globe, particularly in the West, are groomed, bribed, blackmailed and extorted into doing the dirty bidding of their elite puppet master controllers, often with their private army of global intelligence services. Deep State mafia henchmen entice, coerce, strongarm and threaten compliance from politicians as globalist order-followers. In all the most infamous pedophilia scandals that I expose in my 5-book volume series Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy and the Deep State, the primary coordinators of all these scandals are invariably the intelligence services that answer to their masters – the controlling elites.

The worst, most notorious pedophiles in the two most pedo-infested nations – the United Kingdom (2 books out of 5 on MI6 operations alone) – Jimmy Savile, and in America – the Jeffrey Epstein-Guislaine Maxwell operation, were operatives working jointly for the CIA, MI6 and Mossad, the three biggest pedo-intel agencies in the world. And it’s no wonder that Savile was King Charles’ best buddy and Epstein was Prince Andrew’s best buddy, not to mention all the presidents and prime ministers they ran cozily with and controlled.

Having devoted 4 years and 3 months of my life researching and writing all this ugly business of how the world is actually run, controlled by the bloodline elites as the overlords of this worldwide pedophilia network, I know what I’m talking about. So, when perhaps the most famous broadcast journalist in the world – Tucker Carlson, finally gets around to talking about this, the whole world is finally awake enough to listen. Though Tucker comes from a well-to-do beltway family, and been in the news business for decades prior to Fox giving him the axe for telling too much uncomfortable truth, Carlson acts naively shocked at this ugly world all these years later, he now finally has the courage to publicly speak about.

Tucker sounded off with perhaps the world’s other most famous interviewer Joe Rogan this week, on this very dark and taboo topic. I suppose on some level, it’s gratifying to see the world’s two biggest American influencers finally openly addressing this very disturbing topic, that I’ve been trying so hard to expose as seemingly a lone, mostly ignored voice in the wilderness for so many years.

About the author:
Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.

The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point, the pandemic hoax and kill shot genocide. As an independent journalist for the last decade, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, including Global Research, lewrockwell.com and currently https//jameshfetzer.org
, Inteldrop.org and https://thegovernmentrag.com. As a published author of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, Joachim’s books and chapters are Amazon bestsellers in child advocacy and human rights categories. His A-Z sourcebook series fully document and expose the global pedophilia scourge and remain available free at Contents - Satanic Empire. Joachim also hosts the weekly Revolution Radio broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed” on Friday morning at 7AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!).

He certainly appears to be hitting on all cylinders! His article, which is not too long, is well worth the read.
Sorry for the triple posts, but skimming through this guy’s books has already yielded some surprising results! Annunakki from Nibiru lie at the base of this??! It’s suddenly taken an unexpected turn right into our wheelhouse. I’m definitely going to keep reading, but I think this might deserve its own thread.
Chapter 34: Deception of the Ages: How Humanity Was Hijacked over a Quarter Million Millennia Ago and Ruled by Extraterrestrial Slave Masters Ever Since - Satanic Empire
Sorry all, just a bit off topic here.

Just wanted to say thank you for networking on this topic, in moments like these one can really appreciate the importance and the meaning of networking and what it means to be part of a network of like minded people, helping each other to grow in knowledge and being. I wonder if the C's had a similar dynamic in mind when they've reminded to all in the last session that Knowledge protects.

Anyway just a few thoughts.
Yes, seeing the Chateau members and ambassadors/moderators giving their takes on Carlson and the information put forward in this thread is both invigorating and enlightening. Most of the information that Laura and others shared here is available elsewhere on this forum, but it's always refreshing to see fresh takes from them given current events, and I'm very appreciative. I'd also apparently forgotten most of it, so the reminders are quite welcome!

BTW on the topic of who is trustworthy and who is not...I personally did not sign on to this very forum for ten years after I started (selfishly!) reading and digesting the material provided. That was partly because I was introduced to the material on a website that (illegally) had most of the early transcripts posted; and some members of that site and other websites I found that had parsed the material had convinced me that this was a cult!! Since I was firmly entrenched in the cults of "New Age/Angelology" and "Science!" at that time I had not yet developed the mental muscle and personal experience to actually determine what the real objective truth was.

It took the hell of Covid to finally wake me out of my slumber, to change my BEING to be able to finally put into proper context all the knowledge that I had gleaned up to that point. Literally overnight I came to a vastly different understanding of what is presented here, and I'm still trying to catch up (while trying to reduce the selfishness quotient).

If I have learned nothing else, I now know that were I to somehow visit the Chateau and I were offered a glass of Kool-Aid with lunch, they would not be upset if I respectfully declined. That makes all the difference!!
It took the hell of Covid to finally wake me out of my slumber, to change my BEING to be able to finally put into proper context all the knowledge that I had gleaned up to that point. Literally overnight I came to a vastly different understanding of what is presented here, and I'm still trying to catch up (while trying to reduce the selfishness quotient).

Yes, these shocks can come all at once or incrementally. For some, the so-called pandemic was the cumulation of all the BS that had lead up to it, like no, that just can't happen, and yet it did in spades (for so many, even that shock was not enough). Going back further to Zero Year, shock after shock has seemed to be our societies undoing, and it is far from over:

Q: (Joe) In a session in 2009, it said, '5 years to go'. Then, in 2014, they called that Year Zero. That was around the time of the Ukraine coup. Did they mean that 2014 and what the USA did in Ukraine then up until this situation right now, is that what they meant by Year Zero in 2014?

A: Yes

And if one thinks on it in terms of what John Trudell had once said of Pandora, Zero Year is perhaps likened to 2014 when a box of evil was fully opened up - and hope of course, and all that John had said of that word, overridden by the word praying, which is better suited.

Depending on ones age, just before 2014 came the ripping apart and stealing for the financial empire of 2008 (long before really in stages) - and prior to that, 9/11 need not be said. So, step by step, scene by scene in time, all shocks - inner and outer. Thus, along the way different people and their writing come up and influenced, one way or the other, and they might have made sense and then didn't, or still do. It might be a professor from over there, a Chomsky who seemed to get some of it right and then, well it is up to the reader to decide. A Peterson who pointed messy social things out, and then seemed to have lost the plot over tea with buddy bibi. Even on the forum while the network stayed deeply looking, there was a shift from left to a little right; people here will remember this in the 2000 teen-years - and shifting is not comfortable for many. For some, though, it was too painful a shock to shift, and for many all the nonsense of these shocks made it necessary for their being to move away (not to be underestimated was the difficulties with family and friends who did not share ones views).

With Tucker, who came out of Fox News and other prior places, is still up against many people today who at the first syllable of his name being mentioned get rather unruly - oh that guy; like people would say of Trump, 'I spit on him,' and saying that all the while not even being Americans and never listening to one words he had said, other than out of context CNN news slurs. And yet, despite Tucker's silliness at times, he seems to be drilling down inside to have some very human traits and untypical awareness's come up OSIT.

People are indeed interesting, and while it is true that some will never change, some just need a little patience.

Through it all, though, there is doubt that can come up - again inner and outer, and yet when alone without a network one can be shifted back and forth and not settle into anything - I like and dislike at the drop of a hat, so how does one navigate all this nonsense of our times alone? Not easy, and to quote you here Keytone Cop "I'm still trying to catch up," which is a constant, and networking helps each other.

Laura brought up Ibn al-Arabi recently, and this caught my attention (bold Laura's):

"If knowledge gets far ahead of being, it becomes theoretical and abstract and inapplicable to life, or actually harmful, because instead of serving life and helping people the better to struggle with the difficulties they meet, it begins to complicate man's life, brings new difficulties into it, new troubles and calamities which were not there before.

"The reason for this is that knowledge which is not in accordance with being cannot be large enough for, or sufficiently suited to, man's real needs. It will always be a knowledge of one thing together with ignorance of another thing; a knowledge of the detail without a knowledge of the whole; a knowledge of the form without a knowledge of the essence.

Also said by the Cs (again, Laura's bold with my added red):

A: Remember, disinformation is very effective when delivered by highly trained sources because hypnotic and transdimensional techniques are used thereby causing electronic anomalies to follow suggestion causing perceived confirmation to occur.


A: All who have amazing abilities must too guard against corruptive forces from within and without having to do with prejudice, assumption, and the anticipatory desires involving patterning presumption. i.e. keep an open mind, always!!!

Three exclamations marks noted.

Lastly, the below is also something to keep in mind (once again, bold Laura's) :

A: Nobody "cares" about individual units of the universal consciousness.

Q: (L) We realize that, but we, as units in bodies of flesh...

A: One must get past the idea that there is some sort of "cheerleading squad" attached to individual consciousness units if one is to progress... it just doesn't work that way!

So, it may seem that to progress comes down to inner and outer self-awareness - in what one does and hears and lets into their field, as there is only the illusion of :cheer:squad, which does not negate that truly asking for help by networking is a big part of the Doing of reaching out and taking news steps.
Yes, seeing the Chateau members and ambassadors/moderators giving their takes on Carlson and the information put forward in this thread is both invigorating and enlightening. Most of the information that Laura and others shared here is available elsewhere on this forum, but it's always refreshing to see fresh takes from them given current events, and I'm very appreciative. I'd also apparently forgotten most of it, so the reminders are quite welcome!

BTW on the topic of who is trustworthy and who is not...I personally did not sign on to this very forum for ten years after I started (selfishly!) reading and digesting the material provided. That was partly because I was introduced to the material on a website that (illegally) had most of the early transcripts posted; and some members of that site and other websites I found that had parsed the material had convinced me that this was a cult!! Since I was firmly entrenched in the cults of "New Age/Angelology" and "Science!" at that time I had not yet developed the mental muscle and personal experience to actually determine what the real objective truth was.

It took the hell of Covid to finally wake me out of my slumber, to change my BEING to be able to finally put into proper context all the knowledge that I had gleaned up to that point. Literally overnight I came to a vastly different understanding of what is presented here, and I'm still trying to catch up (while trying to reduce the selfishness quotient).
You now have what the esoteric literature calls a functioning 'magnetic center'. And that wasn't 'given to you from outside', you did that. It took outside help in the form of a feedback network, but it's yours to enjoy and develop.
If I have learned nothing else, I now know that were I to somehow visit the Chateau and I were offered a glass of Kool-Aid with lunch, they would not be upset if I respectfully declined. That makes all the difference!!
Best we can offer is a low-sugar soft drink with your meat and veg, sorry!
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