Session 26 February 2022

Thanks again for another amazing session and the conscious intentions and labours of participants involved. How many times has that been said!

I doubt this is an original observation and if someone has made it in previous sessions I apologise: The Kantek story seems to be echoed in the Superman comic story. Baby sent to Earth in a pod before planet explodes.
Just went to Zelenski's Instagram. Well, he is a media project 100%. HE seems to communicate with higher spheres through media, or better to say they literally use him as a puppet to communicate and to manipulate people on the Earth through media on-line PORTALS. Probably the same was with Hitler, but he used film and radio and graphic design. It is incredible that now we can watch making off "civilization" like a reality show?!?!? Just crossed my mind that there must be more clues in the TV show where Zelenski was a presidnet? Is there any possibility to see it online?

Also, Putin's Instagram is 100% opposite haha NO POSTS!

Also, Elon Musks' satellites at the Ukrainian sky are sent to support the supply of lies from a Zelenski media project, but also to collect souls. That is how the 4D STS will get a bunch of young boys who like to play war video games, and they are usually aggressive with the possibility to develop a nazi mindset quickly, so this Elon Musk support is essential to focus as much as possible STS candidate minds around their "portal" mentally over Ukraine and that region, with the energy wave support from minds all ower the world. So Elon musk is the biggest helper of the STS forces on Earth right now. His last son'S name, as well as the last video of his girlfriend and song she wrote for him as a cold prince with no heart, was made to tell us who he is ... etc ect ... STS forces they also fight for the free will of their candidates through media content that will conffort their decision to stand for the STS goals on earth ...

These situations are also helping, as C'S said, to produce more emotional and mental suffering to those who can realize the programing and see by themself, that there is no occupation of Russia in Ukraine if western companies can provide internet there. So that betrayal can trigger in them the exponential need to know and not to be manipulated, kind of a positive rage, what can be a counterpart to this gamers pool Elon is collecting for 4D STS. So yep this is truly a SOUL WAR ... brrrrr


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So, from the point of view of the Steiner's Anthroposophy the Kantekkians came to revitalize the human race and with it the fifth root race was formed, which is the Aryan.
I wonder about this. If the Kantekkians barely managed to escape their home planet which they destroyed, how would they now come to revitalize the human race? More likely they came to infect the human race with their special dose of hatred and violence. We are now fully infected and proceeding to destroy our planet
So if 2014 was year one is this part of the cycle as in we came to the end of the cycle in 2013 and now 2014 is a new cycle of sorts?

Q: (Joe) In a session in 2009, it said, '5 years to go'. Then, in 2014, they called that Year Zero. That was around the time of the Ukraine coup. Did they mean that 2014 and what the USA did in Ukraine then up until this situation right now, is that what they meant by Year Zero in 2014?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So then what's happening right now is directly implicated in major change, but it's going to continue. There'll be further changes, let's say...

A: Yes

Q: (L) 2014 is Year Zero of our new reality.

(Niall) In a future chronology, is it going to be 0?

(L) Yeah.
I ask this because I noticed on the thread 'Cassiopaean timeline' I noticed that 14 BCE was the birth of Jesus:
14 BCE – January 6 or June 1 – Man later known as Jesus born.
Cassiopaean timeline

Is that significant or just a coincidence you think?
Can you simple explain me how Putin is a good guy? I understand he's against western psychopaths. I understand they made negative agenda towards him (in last few years or more). I've seen how the annexation could be 'peaceful' (like Tibet, with later repressions, rebels and blood) and how they possibly didn't plan to attack civilians, towns etc. directly. I understand Zelenski could be leaded by psychopaths (having that romantic vibe like Warsaw trying to save their city from Nazi). Still, there are unarmed, evacuating civilians killed by Russians. Women are raped and killed by Russians (you will possibly tell me it's not Russians). Russians shot the city square (you will possibly tell me it's not them), rocket-shoot church, bombed a city hall at 8 am (you will possibly tell me it's not Russians), destroy resisting towns and villages. And you claim that it's all in the name of stopping the western psychopaths. Russian soldiers are dying, despite animals and psychos there are some naive troops. And you tell me it's in the name of stopping the psychopathy. Yet you talk about psychopaths and Putin preparing to this and laugh since a few days happy that it ends their establishment. Do you realize that from an external perspective, it sounds completely nuts? Being in your shelter, if you had knowledge and power of Putin: knowing these consequences, would you allow it to happen? Russians shot a public plane in 2014 killing 300, is their agenda telling it wasn't Russians? What if I believed that Putin is a good guy nevertheless and stayed with my family and children around Ukraine, making them shot? Wouldn't it make me an idiot? And is the higher values eternal thing that tempting? It reminds me of something.
I wonder about this. If the Kantekkians barely managed to escape their home planet which they destroyed, how would they now come to revitalize the human race? More likely they came to infect the human race with their special dose of hatred and violence. We are now fully infected and proceeding to destroy our planet

Yes that's how it is. As Steiner says, the main characteristic of the Atlanteans was memory and with the arrival of the Aryans, logical thought was added. This enriched the culture. What reminds me of the experience of the Mesoamerican peoples under the Spanish conquest, for example, today Mexico and in fact Latin America is the result of the mixture of European, African, Asian and Native American cultures.

The Mexican philosopher and writer José Vasconcelos wrote:
"The race we have agreed to call Atlantean rose and fell in America. After an extraordinary flourishing, after completing its cycle, finishing its particular mission, it entered silence and was declining until it was reduced to the diminished Aztec and Inca Empires.”

And Steiner says something similar

In each root-race several stages have to pass and there are always seven. At the beginning of the period that a root-race begins, its main characteristics are in a very youthful condition, little by little they mature until they finally enter a decline. The population of a root-race, therefore, divides into seven sub-races, although we must not imagine that one sub-race disappears suddenly when the new one develops, each one of them can still be maintained for a long time while others are develop in parallel.

Now with the current events, the Putin vs NWO war, it seems that we are witnessing the staging of the rehearsal of the Nazi experience or the Native American experience with an eye toward the conquest of 3D prior to the ascent to 4D as it once was mentioned by the Cs.

With this I can understand even more the mission of the true Semites and their opposition to the Nazi New World Order

Q: (L) So, the creation of the Germanic "Master Race" was what they were going after, to create this "breeding ground?"

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And, getting rid of the Jews was significant? Couldn't a Germanic master race be created without destroying another group?

A: No.

Q: Why?

A: Because of 4th density prior encoding mission destiny profile.

Q: (L) What does that mean?

A: This means encoding to activate after elevation to 4th density, thus if not eliminated, negates Nephalim domination and absorption. Jews were prior encoded to carry out mission after conversion, though on individual basis. The Nazis did not exactly know why they were being driven to destroy them, because they were being controlled from 4th density STS. But, Hitler communicated directly with Lizards, and Orion STS, and was instructed on how to create the "master race."

Q: (L) And they were going to use this as their basis to introduce a new blend of the Nephilim... (RC) And the New World Order... their version of it. (L) Well, what is the plan now?

A: We cannot tell you this yet, as you would seek to reveal it prematurely, leading to your destruction!!!

So, not all Kantekkians are here to destroy the world.
I wonder about this. If the Kantekkians barely managed to escape their home planet which they destroyed, how would they now come to revitalize the human race? More likely they came to infect the human race with their special dose of hatred and violence. We are now fully infected and proceeding to destroy our planet
Maybe the answer was given during the session:

(Pierre) 'Intensity' was the word used. Kantekkians had more intensity of a certain type of power.

(L) Yeah, intensity. So, yeah.

(Pierre) Intensity for the good, intensity for the bad.

Also, the following session excerpt (July 19, 1997) might be of interest:

Q: Well, that is out of my depth tonight! In a previous session I asked a question about the 'sons of Belial' and the 'sons of the law of One,' as explicated by Edgar Cayce, and whether these were philosophical or racial divisions. You said that they were initially racial, and then philosophical and religious. Now, from putting the information about religions together throughout the centuries, I am coming to a rather difficult realization that the whole monotheistic idea, which is obviously the basic concept of the 'sons of the law of One,' is the most clever and devious and cunning means of control I have ever encountered in my life. No matter where it comes from, the religionists say "we have the ONE god, WE are his agents, you pay us your money, and we'll tell him to be nice to you in the next world!"

A: Clever if one is deceived. Silly truffle if one is not.

Q: Well, I know! But, uncovering this deception, this lie that the 'power' is 'out there' is unbelievable. So, the Kantekkians were the 'Sons of Belial,' which is not the negative thing that I interpreted it as at the time. So, the 'Sons of the Law of One,' was perverted to the monotheistic Judaism, which then was then transformed into the Christian religious mythos, and has been an ongoing theme since Atlantean times.

A: Woven of those who portray the lights.
I think portals are indifferent to STO/STS orientation, and since Earth as it is, is under STS dominion, consequently portals on Earth are not in STO 'hands'. Except maybe ... when Putin frees that one near Kiev, it could perhaps be called being in STO-candidate's hands, even if candidate is probably not aware of it. ;-D
The C's were asked about the middle-east portal, mentioned by the Pleiadians, in Session 971004:

Q: [...] On page 33 of 'Bringers of the Dawn,' Barbara Marciniak writes: 'there have been different portals on earth that have allowed different species, creator gods from space, to insert themselves. One of the huge portals that presently being fought over is the portal of the Middle East. If you think back over the history of the Earth, you will realize how many dramas of religion and civilization have been introduced in that portal. It's a huge portal with a radius of 1,000 miles or so. This is why there is so much activity in the Middle East. This is the portal that the Lizzies use.' Could you comment on that information? Are there other portals that are that large which are used by positive entities?
A: Portal is dual.
Q: So any can use it. Is it correct that this is a large portal over the Middle East?
A: Statements made in publication are close, but not absolute.
Q: Is this idea of portals extremely significant. Are they fought over?
A: Yes, but you do not need to explore these truths, until you have learned more.

Does that mean that we should move to Ukraine once the war is over? :-)
We are fine enough. Ark is very well, but has been diagnosed with medium bad macular degeneration. I have cataracts in both eyes, it seems, and both of us are getting rather deaf it seems. Functionally, though, we seem to be okay; get exercise, eat right most of the time, take our supplements, etc. But obviously, stress is taking a toll.

We oldens feel for you two. Old age is a constant struggle of patching the body like patching a sand castle against a rising tide!!! The older we get the more sweaty exercise we have to do just to get enough blood flowing through our ever diminishing capillary bed. Trying to keep the brain from going on vacation is another constant annoyance. Stress increases rigidity which is the driving destructive force of old age. Staying flexible and increasing vascular flow are the best methods to reducing physical decay.
We are fine enough. Ark is very well, but has been diagnosed with medium bad macular degeneration. I have cataracts in both eyes, it seems, and both of us are getting rather deaf it seems. Functionally, though, we seem to be okay; get exercise, eat right most of the time, take our supplements, etc. But obviously, stress is taking a toll.

All the best for all you Laura. I guess many of us are having tough times, ...I know I am. I guess that is part of the play, that maybe this is some type of test or purification, who knows?! Anyway, I’m sure we are all growing our consciousness as preparation to a soon or later higher reality.​
By the way, another priceless session, thanks all you.

Now, if perhaps not (?) much appropriate still I’d like to direct a poetic, personal comment —mods feel free to remove this if you think better.

Kai, my old friend, you always was one of our best fighters against the sts powers, if not the best. You little changed his bad temper and impulsivity, and yet you definitely improved your knowledge and so, your intelligence, your inner light. Much beyond expectations, I see, you achieved in this life not only for you but for many, my congratulations.​
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