Session 26 February 2022

Thank you.❤️❤️❤️
I actually didn't know the Ukranian war started last week on thursday because we were that day on funeral, weren't watching news or anything. The weirdest thing is one of the young undertakers walked next to me and I saw he had a swastika tatooed on his neck. I thought this means like black hole or something that sucks energy while sawastika which is positive symbol means radiance. The fact that it represents comet is very interesting. I was meditating sometime last year and I saw this symbol, it was carved in a small stone, I found a page on pinterest, it says it's Armenian eternity sign which resembles the eternity of the life cycle. I was worried it is somehow connected actually with swastika and if it is why did I see it?
Another thing, yes baba Vanga was right😁: she said glory to Vladimir, glory to Russia! Well things will happen as they will happen, regarding killer virus and meteorites and famine and what else... From personal experience I learned that everything you are afraid of, you somehow attract in your life, I had a very interesting year🙂. I wish all of you the best. I believe in you!
According to the Cs, the Semitic group is a product of the union between two human species, homo sapiens and Kantekian. I haven't read enough about Steiner's works to know of it adds up with what he says.
Yes, they said in this session about this

: (Pierre) Another question: Years ago in a previous session, you mentioned that Nazi Germany was a rehearsal. Next time, who is going to play the role of the Nazis, and who is going to play the role of the Jews?

A: That should be obvious by now. The objective, as we have said, was/is to eliminate true Semites from the gene pool.

Q: (L) Well... The question I have - and I'm not sure that I ever really asked it in such a direct way, or if it was ever really answered - is: What is a Semite?

A: Central Asian genetic type formed from two main lines.

Q: (Chu) Which lines?

A: Kantekkian and Homo Sapiens

As the Cs told us, it all started with the genes of the "Nordic" aliens used to create humanoid combinations on Earth with the exception of the Aryans or Kantekkians, because of an emergency they were "moved" to planet Earth...

Q: (L) Are the Orion STS the infamous red-headed Nordic aliens?

A: Yes, and all other humanoid combinations.

Q: (L) Okay, if it started with the Nordic types, and that is where the other humanoid combinations came from, what genetic combinations were used for human beings? Black people, for instance, since they are so unlike "Nordics?"

A: The Nordic genes were mixed with the gene pool already available on Earth, known as Neanderthal.

Q: (L) What was the genetic combination used to obtain the Oriental races?

A: Orientals come from a region known in your legends as "Lemuria," and are a previous hybridization from 7 genetic code structures from within Orion Union, designed to best fit the earth climate and cosmic ray environment then existent on earth.

Q: (L) Okay, what about the Semitic and Mediterranean peoples?

A: Each time a new flock was "planted," it was engineered to be best suited to the environment where it was planted. Aryans are the only exception, as they had to be moved to earth in an emergency.
So I speculate that the true Semites are a mixture of Kantekkians with one of these Atlantean races that Steiner mentions, the Mongols or the Akkadians.

From the Book "Atlantis and Lemuria" by Rudolf Steiner:

With ordinary history, man can only learn a part of what humanity experienced in prehistory. Historical documents shed light only a few millennia. What archeology, paleontology and geology can teach us is very limited and even more so when everything is built on unreliable external evidence. If man is not limited only to the external evidence of the past, he can succeed in expanding his power to know. Those who are not limited to the external will seek answers internally, in the spirit or in non-conventional teachings. To the layman, unable to accept the reality of an autonomous spiritual world, the initiate appears merely a visionary, to say the least. The one who seeks is offered the opportunity to know so that he can look back to a much more remote past than what is presented to us as history.
As we also know, our planet evolves and in each stage of its evolution there exist within it what is known as root-races. Seven root-races must develop in their evolution. Four races have already passed, we are in the fifth, and two more root-races will follow.
If we imagine that the lemurs were preceded by two other root-races and that two more will succeed the Aryans in the future, we find a total of seven. One arises from the other. Most of the Atlantean population was entering decline and from a tiny portion descended the so-called Aryans, which include all of today's civilized humanity. Each root-race has totally different physical and spiritual characteristics from the one that precedes it. If the Atlanteans, for example, had a particularly developed memory and everything that is related to it; currently, the task of the Aryans is to develop the faculty of thought and everything related to it.”
So, from the point of view of the Steiner's Anthroposophy the Kantekkians came to revitalize the human race and with it the fifth root race was formed, which is the Aryan.
Thank you for the session! I wonder if there are any STO portals, or they are all used by 4D STS?

I think portals are indifferent to STO/STS orientation, and since Earth as it is, is under STS dominion, consequently portals on Earth are not in STO 'hands'. Except maybe ... when Putin frees that one near Kiev, it could perhaps be called being in STO-candidate's hands, even if candidate is probably not aware of it. ;-D
Since I haven't mastered the technique to find the exact Cs session for wanted reference, I'll just have to paraphrase here. It was said that the inhabitants of Kantek were brought to earth by both Lizzies and STO - 4D presumably. And so, did they arrive and inhabit with opposing mindsets - one group still STS despite the destruction of their planet due to their own actions, and the other group who realized they had seriously F'd up and must change their ways - or perhaps they lost the fight with the ones that primarily caused the destruction - like what's happening now on our planet! representing the new or same spiritual sense of the latter, and the former?

I'm assuming the directions indicated below are correct - mirror images of each other - contradiction on this abounds:

View attachment 55932
The orientation of the symbol depends on which side you are looking at it from. For expamle, if the symbol on that flag is sewn completely through it, then it will have the reverse appearance to people or viewers on the other side.
A: Exciting times no doubt! Hollenoaea of Cassiopaea here! Ukraine is ancient site of landing of Kantekkians. It is highly coveted by 4D STS! Putin is doing service to all by attempting to remove psychopathic elements there. Unfortunately, the resistance of the power elite may lead to deaths of many innocent people.
In light of this fragment, what do you guys make of the following? Sorry if this has been posted before.

'Some Kind of Lightning Shooting from the Sky': Ukrainians Tell Stories of Divine Intervention from the Battlefield

The swastika has not always been used as a symbol of Nazism and was in fact borrowed from Eastern cultures. It seems to have first been used by early inhabitants of Eurasia. It is an important symbol in Eastern religions, notably Hinduism and Buddhism,

The swastika also had been part of the nordic/german runescript. So its not borrowed. Ancient spearhead found in germany with (modern, latin influenced) Futhark script and Swastika Symbol:


Even this wiki entry says it related to odin and thor i know it as the "Sonnenrad" / Sunwheel
Putin is not "related to Caesar" in the physical sense according to the Cs but in a "soul group" sense they in the following session:

Session 16 August 2014;

There was a forum member who noticed the similarities between Putin and Caesar in the following session:

Session 13 June 2015:

The quote from Session 13 June 2015:

Continued comments from Session 13 June 2015:

So is may be close to say Putin is the Caesar of our days I think.

They have tried to assassinate Putin many times but his KGB experience, his advisers and his own intelligence are possibly a great benefit. I think we can be thankful for Putin even if he is not "perfect".

Session 22 March 2014:

I was reading this night a comment from Ezra A Cohen, he said that "Vladimir Putin is following the Just War Theory of Christianity."

The just war theory is a largely Christian philosophy that attempts to reconcile three things:

▪︎taking human life is seriously wrong
▪︎states have a duty to defend their citizens, and defend justice
▪︎protecting innocent human life and defending important moral values sometimes requires willingness to use force and violence

This reminded me of that session where they talked about Caesar killing people

(Perceval) Did Caesar himself ever kill anyone?

A: Many, certainly.

Q: (Perceval) So, given the times around then being very war-like, with a lot of fighting and death going on in general... and with some kind of a Great Soul at the time coming down and... it doesn't necessarily have to be a peacemaker kissing people's feet like Jesus... But is there some thing like what we would understand as a prohibition against killing other people as a requirement for being "spiritually evolved"

A: That idea is for the most part an exaggerated human philosophical construct.

Q: (L) So the idea that...

(Perceval) That to be good, thou shalt not kill...

(Atriedes) But which religion does that come from? The most killingest religion on the planet!

(Perceval) It does seem to... Killing another human being for a normal human being does seem to be quite a traumatic thing.

(Atriedes) It's socially inculcated.

(Perceval) I doubt it. I mean, for soldiers, they come back with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, they're trained to kill, and they want to kill themselves afterwards, ya know? They can't handle the fact that they...

(Pierre) Maybe the difference is that Caesar was aware of the very fundamental reason why he was killing...

A: Caesar intended to eliminate or vastly reduce killing. He knew what he was up against.

It seems that Putin is in the same situation as Caesar:

Putin is doing service to all by attempting to remove psychopathic elements there. Unfortunately, the resistance of the power elite may lead to deaths of many innocent people.

He is a threat for the PTB as Caesar was:

(Perceval) From a hidden perspective, and not from an ordinary human perspective. Was the cult surrounding Caesar after his death perceived as a threat by someone at that time or thereafter?

A: Indeed! Caesar advocated treating the poor and the masses with care and kindness.

Q: (Perceval) So they were threatened enough to kill him and undo pretty much everything he had done... But, was there a real threat that his teaching would have spread across the world and changed everything?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) The ideas of communalism, sharing, caring, mercy etc.

Pepe Lives Matter a Telegram user wrote something that that reminded me a lot of what Caesar faced in his time:

After watching all of pedowood, the mainstream media, deep state players, Soros, and the Rothschilds come out in support of Ukraine I've come to the conclusion that the Russians are the good guy in this situation.
Yes, there are innocent people dying (even though some or perhaps many reports are fake news)
Unfortunately innocent casualties cannot be avoided in this hidden war against the cabal.
Much of what is habbening is so veiled that even the normally red pilled person has taken offense. The more I peer through the fog of war the more I'm convinced that Putin is working with the white hats in some capacity. You?
The orientation of the symbol depends on which side you are looking at it from. For expamle, if the symbol on that flag is sewn completely through it, then it will have the reverse appearance to people or viewers on the other side.
I don't usually like to quote myself (especially when I didn't spell a word correctly), but I have multiple german swastikas. I went to high school in Germany in the early 1970's and was able to obtain some things that you cannot find today. I have an original "treue dienst" medal and an iron cross from both WWI and WWII. Don't know why I was so fascinated with it. Spent some time in Bavaria where my brother and I went through the remains of Hitler's enclave in that area.

I also lived in Japan and the first thing I noticed was that the markings on a map for a "Tera or oTera" (a bhuddist temple) was essentially a swastika. And then of course there is the alleged star of David that is all over the Shinto shrines, especially the one at Ise.
I don't usually like to quote myself (especially when I didn't spell a word correctly), but I have multiple german swastikas. I went to high school in Germany in the early 1970's and was able to obtain some things that you cannot find today. I have an original "treue dienst" medal and an iron cross from both WWI and WWII.

Images plz...
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