Found another site with predictions and prophecies:
Here's a sample:
Here's a sample:
Who knows?NEW PREDICTION: 11/26/06 -- The initial wave may reach 1/3 mile in height, and still be 100 feet high when it strikes land. The cause is unknown: it could be a meteor impact or some sort of island or shelf slippage. It may be an isolated incident or the leading edge of a series of tidal storms that may begin sooner (March 2007) or later (March 2008). This colossal tidal wave will hit around July 2007.
NEW PREDICTION: 1/24/05, UPDATED 4/16/06, POSTED 9/21/06 -- Flooding of the Mississippi splits the US mainland in half in July/August 2007 and March/April 2008. The Great Lakes empty into the Gulf of Mexico via this great "strait". It will be called the Great Midwest Strait.
From whatever cause, massive flooding in the Midwest in 2007 will be the first stage. The Midwest never completely recovers, but remains chronically flooded, possibly experiencing more flooding in the summer and fall. March/April 2008 will see the completion of the two-staged chronic flood where the Edgar Cayce prophecy will actually be fulfilled when the Great Lakes overflow into the Mississippi and a great watery divide splits the USA right down the middle.
NEW PREDICTION: 10/4/06 -- I know, you say we have already had some. But not like the one that is coming on or near August 2007. The one that impacted in Norway, for example, unleashed only 3% of the explosive force of the atomic bomb detonated over Hiroshima. For all of that, it made a rather unimpressive-looking crater/indentation on the side of a hill.
Thus far, the only fireball to concern astronomers in the same way they are concerned about close calls from asteroids, was the one that passed over the US and Canada in 1972. It was large enough, according to scientists, to vapourise a large city had it hit. Luckily, instead, it left earth's orbit and travelled back out into space.
This one on or near August 2007 will be the first of many mega-fireballs capable of vapourising a US city and, likewise, will be observed over the US and Canada.
Eventually, in July 2008, one of these will hit the Aegean/Ionian seas, but by that time it will be nearly the size of a mile-round asteroid. That is assuming the asteroid that hits in 2008 is not Toutatis, but one of these. It is also possible a few of these will vapourise a city or cause unbelievable flooding. I saw an example of one of these "tidal storms" in a dream I had on August 17, 2006, that I will hopefully relate to you in the very near future. I believe it took place in 2008 during a time of major naval battles. This tidal storm was very terrifying.
As Planet X grows nearer, and for a period after it has passed, this phenomenon will increase, as will also another phenomenon discussed by a number of prophets (John the Revelator, Nostradamus, the Seer of Waldviertel, Ursula Southiel, and others) called "fire from the sky." More on that later.
NEW PREDICTION: 1/24/05 -- Should seismic activity continue to create earthquakes on the high end of the Richter scale as with Sumatra in 2004 and possibly soon in Turkey, India-Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, and the US west coast, "The Great Tokyo Earthquake" and subequent submerging of Japan into the sea, as predicted by the American seer Edgar Cayce, will occur also in September 2007 or January 2009. What will begin as an 8.3 magnitude temblor will escalate into a series of super-shocks, destroying Japan utterly.
NEW PREDICTION: 6/11/05 - REVISED: 8/22/06 -- According to astronomers, once a decade on average, a remarkably bright comet can be expected to be seen. Occasionally a decade is skipped without any memorable sightings. In recent years the 1950s saw two comets that were quite bright, the 1960s and 1970s each witnessed one major sighting, the 1980s were celestially vacant of comets, and two very memorable comets were each seen a year apart in the 1990s.
Thus far, for the 2000s, despite a flurry of reported "naked eye" comets named LINEAR and NEAT, including two comets named Ikeya-Zhang and Machholz, none of them were exactly brilliant. Most of us never saw them, even though astronomy web sites provided locations for viewing and magnitudes of 3.0 or even 2.0.
We didn't see them because a comet needs to be at least a 0 or better, -1.0 or -3.0 for example, to be viewed in suburbann or city settings. Even if you drove 10 miles out of town (if "town" is an average-sized city), you probably wouldn't be able to see a 2.0 or 3.0 magnitude comet due to all the light pollution. But if a comet gets bright enough, like Comet Hale-Bopp did in 1997, then light pollution is less problematic, although a country setting will yield much more detail (you had to be out of the city to see Hale-Bopp's second tail, for example). The exception is a comet like Hyakutake, which could be easily seen at magnitude 3.0 or 2.0. However, that was because it was only 9 million miles from earth, the closest comet in history. Had Hyakutake been as far away as Hale-Bopp, about 90 million miles, we would never have seen it or its extremely long tail.
So, we are starting to run out of time for a major comet sighting in this decade. It could be there will be none. But chances are this will not be like the 1980s again. The odds are that it will be more like the 1950s or 1960s and we will see our great comet in 2006, 2007, 2008, or 2009.
As for a visitor being discovered that will prove to be a "great comet" anytime soon, there are none. However, according to my base 7 system, there is one logical point in time remaining for such a comet to arrive: October 2007.
A 2007 comet, if it comes, will be perfectly aligned with the 1965 appearance of Comet Ikeya-Seki forty-two (6 x 7) years earlier -- perhaps the most spectacular comet of the 20th Century.
Perhaps the comet will go Hale-Bopp one better and be a spectacle unrivalled for many generations. Perhaps it will even be another Lexell's Comet.
If my intuition is correct, it shall be a marvelous sight, not dreadful in aspect. Indeed, the world leaders who seek peace on the earth as it approaches will regard this star as beautiful, and as an omen of hope and not despair. But despair and destruction shall follow, I fear.
I do not believe this comet will be Planet X. However, I do believe that it will be a sort of precursor: an omen that Planet X is only a few years away from being seen and close enough to our inner solar system to cause apocalyptic earth changes beforehand. We read in The Kolbrin of another time that God sent a comet or star to be marvelled at before the true agent of great destruction was to follow:
NEW PREDICTION: 5/3/06 -- Two base 7 vectors exist for this catastrophe: June/July 2007 and March 2008. The ISS will somehow lose its navigational capability and enter into a slow, decaying orbit. It will appear as an awesome blue star for several nights before it crashes. Perhaps even before there is trouble, it will appear this way.
From the Prophecies of the Hopi Peoples (White Feather) --
And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth,
that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies
of the Hopi people will cease.