Session 17 July 2022

I guess thts for me too :-P, i need to participe more! but geez why is so dificult? I mean i admire Laura and all his group, all of them are awesome people and sometimes I keep thinking about how much they can do a comparison of what I do and it's an astronomical difference, but then I say to myself "I don't think that kind thinking brings something positive or helps me" so i guess, all can i do for now is keep working on myself , help others and cheering all members on the forum.Yaay! and btw I'm from Mexico and yeah! we are on kahoots!
My thoughts as well. Lots of stumbling blocks. For me it seems to be the networking. Someone said in the forum, that there are members who can write about things so clearly and beautifully. I totally agree with that. It leaves one (like myself) speechless, or wordless.

Yeah, that's where the comparison comes again (me vs others). This has been a part of my whole adult life, or perhaps even longer. It seems to be such a jungle to get through, to get to see/realize one's own value.

But anyway, thanks for the crew and other participants for the new session!
Q: (Puma) Is President Biden completely insane to lead the country?

A: Dementia.
Tuned in Tucker Carlson tonight who opened with report of Biden announcing personally at a press conference that he has cancer and being a life-long resident of Delaware was a prime factor. Did he misspeak and said cancer instead of dementia? Or is this how the White House is going to obfuscate his obvious mental decline?

Additionally, a big thanks for this latest session. Many fascinating questions and answers!
I keep thinking about how much they can do a comparison of what I do and it's an astronomical difference

Don't worry about it. Stop comparing your level of thinking with that of others. Get rid of all false expectations and if the doubt overwhelms you between doing and not doing, just take the risk and do it. If there is a lack of knowledge you will be provided with it, if you are your own blockage you will be guided and it will be up to you to accept it and work or give up.

Sometimes the most insignificant contribution that you create can make others see what you don't and contribute something valuable from what you share and work on. We see it happen in the various ways in which a member in that situation may well have an attitude that is not favorable or receptive enough for their advancement.

My suggestion is not to feel "dumb/ashamed" or worse for believing you have nothing to contribute as opposed to others who are more advanced, don't shut down that flow by those programs that stifle your participation in the forum.

Or is this how the White House is going to obfuscate his obvious mental decline?

And surely they will also give him a Nobel Peace Prize. 😐
Q: (cinnamon) We need a FOTCM 'swear jar' for malformed questions.

(L) Good idea! [laughter] If you come up with a crappy question or poorly phrased, you gotta put money in the jar!
I was thinking about this during and after the session and wondering if it would be worth discussing "what makes a 'good' question for the C's" in this thread. I believe its been discussed before in the past but since it came up in this session maybe it would be worth discussing here so we have "better" questions for the next group session.

Personally I see "asking good questions" as a skill, like most things in life, and when I'm trying to improve at a skill it usually helps me to find some examples to imitate and to break the skill down into small steps to practice. So for instance if I were trying to learn to play guitar I would look for videos of highly skilled guitar players to watch to give my brain some idea of what is possible and how to do it well, and I would break the skill down into small parts to practice, like chord progressions, scales and that sort of thing to create steps to work on.

So how do we formulate a good question for the C's? Well we have lots of good examples in the transcripts of not so good questions early on and then better and better questions over the years. I thought this sequence was good:
(Niall) We suspect that the gunman who shot elementary school kids in Uvalde, Texas had help from others. Is this the case?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) We think that there was some kind of order for the police to stand down. Is that what happened?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) Did they also disable the door locks?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) Bingo, okay. We suspect that more than one gunman was at the Highland Park shooting near Chicago on July 4th. Is that the case?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) Was there a second shooter on the roof overlooking the street junction?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) Are major food distribution centers in the West being deliberately destroyed?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) By whom?

A: Elements of the secret government.
You can tell that Niall did his own research and he was asking the Cs for confirmation (yes or no questions) and then Joe asked an open ended but simple question at the end of the sequence for something that is not easily researched.

I think the sequence asking about viruses is also a good example:
(Joe) How correct are scientists' ideas about viruses?

A: Close enough though there is a lot they do not know including the fact that a virus is a transdensity structure.

Q: (Joe) Do viruses come from outside of the human body or from inside?

A: Both.

Q: (Joe) So the body can also make them?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Are they infectious?

A: Depending on the specific virus. Mostly, yes.
These questions aren't all yes and no, but they are straightforward questions asking one thing at a time.

There were other good examples from the "peanut gallery"

Q: (Jefferson/Breton) What happened to the Guidestones?

A: Blown up by unhappy patriot.
(Ze Germanz) Who killed Rasputin and why?

A: The equivalent of Mossad for those times.

Q: (L) And why?

A: Too much influence on royal family plus the ability to foresee danger.
Q: (Lainey) Would a distance reiki attunement work?

A: Unlikely.
(Josi) How did Ivana Trump die?

A: Thrombosis leading to cardiac arrest.
These are like the question from Joe about "who blew up the food distribution centers" IMO, straightforward and well formulated but difficult to find an answer by researching.

If I were going to create a process for creating good questions for the Cs it would look something like this:
  1. Come up with first draft questions, just brainstorm them and write them out and don't worry about it.
  2. Try to answer your questions by yourself
  3. Write down a list of the things you couldn't answer by yourself and try to rewrite them as yes/no questions or close to it
I haven't asked any questions in a session myself, so this might be a classic "those who cannot do teach" moment :lol: but FWIW I hope maybe this post will spur some discussion so we can come up with better questions next time and save Laura and Andromeda's arms a little bit.
Thanks for the session, it's always a treat.

Thank you folks for hosting this awesome session!

Does this refer to a type of metaphorical grounding or literal grounding? If it's the latter, then grounding blankets can be useful. I have a grounding blanket folded under my desk that is connected to ground via an outlet. They are called grounding pads/blankets/mats. I got this one from shieldgreen. I tested it with a voltmeter and it does indeed ground!

More of an energetic grounding, I have one of those too but it pales in comparison. I'm writing a thread about it currently to see what people think.
Tuned in Tucker Carlson tonight who opened with report of Biden announcing personally at a press conference that he has cancer and being a life-long resident of Delaware was a prime factor. Did he misspeak and said cancer instead of dementia? Or is this how the White House is going to obfuscate his obvious mental decline?
They don't want to scare off the tax paying public. Imagine if word got out that good old Biden has dementia and is in charge of the nuclear codes.

He's lost his goats, my grandmother would say. But immediately damage control came out to say :

White House clarifies after Biden appears to say he has cancer US president was referring to non-melanoma skin cancers removed prior to assuming office

The White House clarified US President Joe Biden's apparent claim Wednesday that he has cancer, saying he was referring to a skin cancer diagnosis he received before becoming president which has been remedied.

Speaking on climate change in the US state of Massachusetts, Biden recalled growing up next to a series of oil refineries in his home state of Delaware, saying they were responsible for pervasive pollution in the area.

"That's why I and so damn many other people I grew up with have cancer, and why, for the longest time, Delaware had the highest cancer rate in the nation," he said as he emphasized the need to shift away from fossil fuels.

But the show did not stop there. DoD launched the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) because humanity needs to know that it is not alone in the universe and that we are being visited from galaxies far away.

The United States sends a message to all Nations, and just a moment ago surprised by announcing the creation of a large all domain anomaly resolution office (AARO); anomalous objects, unidentified space objects, "UFOs", submerged and transmedia "OSNIs".
Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Ronald S. Moultrie briefed Pentagon leaders, "It is vital to our security and the safety of our military personnel that we maintain awareness of UAP UFOs from all domains."
Therefore, AARO will be the new authorized office for unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), but with a monumental scope to meet the needs of the U.S. Defense Authorization Act 2022 and 2023 and the Intelligence Authorization Act 2022 and 2023.

Thank you all for this amazing session! I had a good laugh this time with the 'swear jar' 😂
Q: (L) I would like to add one other option. Is it because people have been weakened by the Covid vaccines or having had Covid themselves, and therefore the flu is more severe?

A: Yes

I think we have experienced this in our household; my mother-in-law (fully vaccinated) was hospitalized in April due to an influenza, and this time (4 weeks ago) she has had a severe flu which she hasn't been able to recover completely till now, at the same time we (my wife and me who are not vaccinated) had a flu, and lasted 1 week or so.
My thoughts as well. Lots of stumbling blocks. For me it seems to be the networking. Someone said in the forum, that there are members who can write about things so clearly and beautifully. I totally agree with that. It leaves one (like myself) speechless, or wordless.

Yeah, that's where the comparison comes again (me vs others). This has been a part of my whole adult life, or perhaps even longer. It seems to be such a jungle to get through, to get to see/realize one's own value.

But anyway, thanks for the crew and other participants for the new session!
I see participation/posting on the forum as a skill/habit that you build up gradually, like when you learn to swim: you start with a few meters and then as you practice more (regularly) you’ll be able to swim longer distances. The important thing, imo, is to keep doing it. I’ve never quite understood the idea of “I’ll start participating/posting once I’m ready”. I think that with that kind of strategy you’ll never “be ready” because in order to increase your “readiness” you’ll have to practice.

I think it’s also good to remember that we don’t, based on what I’ve observed, belittle or ridicule postings here if they are incorrect in some way or contain less than a perfect command of English, as long as they’re sincere and “coming from the heart”.
Thank you for another session, more answers and solid advice.

This group can only grow stronger by sharing openly and honestly. Networking is key in the crazy world we live in.

I've been shown this many times whilst been a part of this group, I for one should know this by now!

Thank you to all who participated. You unselfishly continue to share your Truth and light. I am humbled by your actions. :hug2:

i just had a thought, where else would I have received information that I've picked up from the forum and sott over the last 15 -20 years. Helping me to understand global events and myself on a personal level. Also supporting me through some difficult periods of my life.

Answer - nowhere. Thank you a lifetime of work.
I guess thts for me too :-P, i need to participe more! but geez why is so dificult? I mean i admire Laura and all his group, all of them are awesome people and sometimes I keep thinking about how much they can do a comparison of what I do and it's an astronomical difference, but then I say to myself "I don't think that kind thinking brings something positive or helps me" so i guess, all can i do for now is keep working on myself , help others and cheering all members on the forum.

I feel this too. I need to participate more. This forum and the people that post on it are amazing! In person I have a speech impediment where I muddle and mispronounce my words. It has brought embarrassment my whole life and bullying at school and as a result I'm a bit of a wallflower and will rarely say anything. I'm mostly ignored and my opinions worth little anyway as everyone around me believes the MSM and all the propoganda on pretty much everything. This translates on to this forum even though I'm typing and not speaking where I feel frankly nervous to contribute more and network. It's a huge hurdle to overcome.
Thank you for another interesting session.
Like others I admire your work and thank you for sharing it.
In particular, the questions and answers about artificial intelligence in this session moved me and stirred up some feelings similar to those when I read Lovecraft.
What kind of "being" builds with our hands through inspiration and the belief that it is for us, the opportunity to inhabit for ourselves in our reality.
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