What is this? Ugly caterpillar

Probably looking for a place to overwinter. Give it a cool, dry place to spend the winter and next year it will turn into something awesome. Probably not inside your house though, that's understandable!
It might be a Bindweed sphinx moth 's hornworm or Agrius convolvuli maximum 110 mm

Avala, I looked up some info about them - I have seen the adult where I live, they are very beautiful.
Like everything in nature, so complex and magnificent in their design, and role in our eco system.

I don't know if you are a smoker at all, but if you are, you might have a more favourable response to them after reading this (link below):

Biological treatment​

These pretty moths won't cause much damage to garden plants, with caterpillars focussing their feeding to bindweeds. The adults are some of the only insects to pollinate plants such as tobacco, due to their unusually large feeding tube (proboscis).

Chemical treatment​

Where ever possible, please try to tolerate these insects! We understand they have large appetites and can defoliate smaller plants. If you feel like there are too many for your plant to support, you can feed them to the birds or relocate them to a nearby park. They provide essential pollination services to garden plants and should be welcomed, if possible.


Adults feed on the nectar of tubular flowers, whereas the caterpillars feed on the leaves of bindweeds or in some cases vegetable crops, such as sweet potato. Sometimes they feed on legumes and Chrysanthemum spp. if other food plants are lacking.

Convolvulous Hawk Moth

Avala, I looked up some info about them - I have seen the adult where I live, they are very beautiful.
Like everything in nature, so complex and magnificent in their design, and role in our eco system.

I don't know if you are a smoker at all, but if you are, you might have a more favourable response to them after reading this (link below):

Biological treatment​

These pretty moths won't cause much damage to garden plants, with caterpillars focussing their feeding to bindweeds. The adults are some of the only insects to pollinate plants such as tobacco, due to their unusually large feeding tube (proboscis).

Chemical treatment​

Where ever possible, please try to tolerate these insects! We understand they have large appetites and can defoliate smaller plants. If you feel like there are too many for your plant to support, you can feed them to the birds or relocate them to a nearby park. They provide essential pollination services to garden plants and should be welcomed, if possible.


Adults feed on the nectar of tubular flowers, whereas the caterpillars feed on the leaves of bindweeds or in some cases vegetable crops, such as sweet potato. Sometimes they feed on legumes and Chrysanthemum spp. if other food plants are lacking.

Convolvulous Hawk Moth

It was lying on my entrance in a very provocative and aggressive manner, so I relocate it in my neighbour's yard. We are not on good terms, so it's OK to toss creepy things to his yard. :whistle::halo:
Avala, I looked up some info about them - I have seen the adult where I live, they are very beautiful.
Like everything in nature, so complex and magnificent in their design, and role in our eco system.

I don't know if you are a smoker at all, but if you are, you might have a more favourable response to them after reading this (link below):

Biological treatment​

These pretty moths won't cause much damage to garden plants, with caterpillars focussing their feeding to bindweeds. The adults are some of the only insects to pollinate plants such as tobacco, due to their unusually large feeding tube (proboscis).

Chemical treatment​

Where ever possible, please try to tolerate these insects! We understand they have large appetites and can defoliate smaller plants. If you feel like there are too many for your plant to support, you can feed them to the birds or relocate them to a nearby park. They provide essential pollination services to garden plants and should be welcomed, if possible.


Adults feed on the nectar of tubular flowers, whereas the caterpillars feed on the leaves of bindweeds or in some cases vegetable crops, such as sweet potato. Sometimes they feed on legumes and Chrysanthemum spp. if other food plants are lacking.

Convolvulous Hawk Moth

Reminds me of that most dreaded of creatures, the tobacco worm.tomatoworm.jpg
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