given what the cs have said about the mayans and 4d sts, what are these mayan crystal skulls really about??
This artifact was handled down to Armanda Roshi by two Tibetan Teachers some time ago and she waited seven (?) years to present it to public. The 'Scull' is actually a mask, made from single piece of quartz crystal and it is dated 20 - 25 000 years - skull was in possession of Teachers of Master Yoga for last 20 000. There are many crystal sculls but only twelve were 'authentic' till now, Roschi said and this is the 13th one. It is placed on a pedestal made from crystal which originates from The Cave of Masters in Tibet.
Further on Roschi claims that what's unique for this mask is it's sound frequency (?) and therefore it has extra marked symbols of ears. Also the 'area of third eye' has different refraction of light and - if focused on it - improves 'connectivity'; individual can even receive knowledge and calm down... If few (or all) mask are put together one-in/on-another, that 'deepens knowledge transmission...
One can experience mask's positive effects just standing close to it or even by watching photos of crystal mask - check for yourselves and write us about (Yozilla D'monster's note).
Mask 'great' public presentation will be held on March the 14th in European House in Zagreb, Croatia.
Corvinus said:This artifact was handled down to Armanda Roshi by two Tibetan Teachers some time ago and she waited seven (?) years to present it to public. The 'Scull' is actually a mask, made from single piece of quartz crystal and it is dated 20 - 25 000 years - skull was in possession of Teachers of Master Yoga for last 20 000. There are many crystal sculls but only twelve were 'authentic' till now, Roschi said and this is the 13th one. It is placed on a pedestal made from crystal which originates from The Cave of Masters in Tibet.
Further on Roschi claims that what's unique for this mask is it's sound frequency (?) and therefore it has extra marked symbols of ears. Also the 'area of third eye' has different refraction of light and - if focused on it - improves 'connectivity'; individual can even receive knowledge and calm down... If few (or all) mask are put together one-in/on-another, that 'deepens knowledge transmission...
One can experience mask's positive effects just standing close to it or even by watching photos of crystal mask - check for yourselves and write us about (Yozilla D'monster's note).
Mask 'great' public presentation will be held on March the 14th in European House in Zagreb, Croatia.
You know what I watched the photography and did not feel anything, probably because by their definition I am spiritually retarded. I wonder what kind of knowledge she and others received, they could have said a word or two about it at least. It says that the result is knowing of universe and self, what a fool then I was and still I am for working on myself in old fashion way when I could have had seen this mask and I would be en-lighted like Buddha.
I do not doubt that crystals have positive affects on health and can change frequency in positive way, and can store information but this is all to this story I think because it sounds like well sold new age mumbo jumbo playing on people s lack of knowledge, lack of will and wishful thinking and catching them like flies.
Or maybe they have said enough by saying "Knowing the universe and self". when they said "knowing self" that could mean mastering or overcoming one's own machine or personal "I". And when they say the universe that could simply mean having knowledge.
Now don't get me wrong, It probably is new age mumbo jumbo. But maybe they didn't go into detail about the crystal process, because it is probably beyond the general population comprehension and understanding, based on a lack of knowledge.
Corvinus said:Or maybe they have said enough by saying "Knowing the universe and self". when they said "knowing self" that could mean mastering or overcoming one's own machine or personal "I". And when they say the universe that could simply mean having knowledge.
Now don't get me wrong, It probably is new age mumbo jumbo. But maybe they didn't go into detail about the crystal process, because it is probably beyond the general population comprehension and understanding, based on a lack of knowledge.
We can not know nothing for sure in that context you mentioned, further information is needed. But it came from Buddhist teachers so I do not have some great expectations about that because of that, if there was some true knowledge they would not so easily put it out there. Problem is that people become to much concentrated on outer things not inner self and become obsessed by them. But it makes you wonder why she waited seven years to show it to public, like there was some agreement about timing, preparing the ground so to speak.
And why does the timing raise skepticism? Did she schedule a specific date?
This is the only thread that shows in a Crystal Skull search.Hi domwatt23,
The search engine is your friend! Just put in "crystal skulls" (in the quotes) in the search box at the upper right of your screen and choose "Entire Forum". You'll get plenty of hits. :)
I just put in crystal skulls (without the quotes) in the search box and got about 4 pages of search results, but I also got results with crystal skulls together with the quotes. Hope that helps.This is the only thread that shows in a Crystal Skull search.