Trump Elected: The True MAGA Era Begins, Now What?

Also, I find it more then a bit interesting that Trump seems to propose that the US takes full control over the Gaza strip and wants to clean it up from bombs and such.

Now, this bring up a number of questions:

- Is Trump intending to give the land to Israel after it has been cleaned up? And if so, with or without conditions that “Israel can’t refuse“?

- Is Trump considering the possibility to let those Palestinians that want to come back after the cleanup, to come back? If so, under what conditions, especially in regards to Israel?

- Will the US keep the power there even after the cleanup and then force Israel to concede in a number of ways?

- Maybe what Trump tries to do will also create a situation that Israel can’t refuse which could also lead to far less power/propaganda that they can use over other countries in the future?

I think what Trump is trying to do has a number of potentially interesting consequences. I wouldn’t have expected something like that.
Now, what would be even more interesting, but not very likely:

If the countries nearby continue to refuse to accommodate Palestinians, maybe other players such as Russia come into play who might agree to accommodate them under certain conditions in muslim parts of their country? In that way Trump wouldn’t just stop the Palestine crisis and the potential of “WW3“ resulting from that crisis but it would also cool down the looming “WW3“ with Russia at the same time. Or, what if Iran would agree to take the Palestinians?

A while ago I also thought quite hard what a realistic/peaceful solution to the Israel/Palestine issue could be and I realized that I couldn’t come up with any realistic solution, no matter how hard I tried. What Trump proposes is new and COULD really finally get something done there.
Let’s propose:

- Trump succeeds with the Gaza idea and Israel gets the land with little or no conditions.

Wouldn’t that bolster Trump up to be by far “the most pro Israeli president ever“ that gave Israel such a huge “gift“? Wouldn’t that make it also even easier for Trump to pretend that he “likes Israel“ and tie their hands to move against him and what he is trying to do at the same time?
Let’s propose:

- Trump succeeds with the Gaza idea and Israel gets the land with little or no conditions.

Wouldn’t that bolster Trump up to be by far “the most pro Israeli president ever“ that gave Israel such a huge “gift“? Wouldn’t that make it also even easier for Trump to pretend that he “likes Israel“ and tie their hands to move against him and what he is trying to do at the same time?

Mixing in the idea from the C's that Israel will be destroyed, then perhaps something will happen where the Palestinians are removed from the area before that destruction takes place and then the Palestinians can return.
A few other things that USAID has been wasting taxpayer dollars on:

USAID spent:

$2.5 million to promote DEI in Serbia
$70,000 for a DEI musical in Ireland
$47,000 for a transgender opera in Columbia and;
$32,000 for a transgender comic book in Peru

Don't forget the money spent on trying to make colour revolutions in Hungary, Belarus, Slovakia, Georgia, etc. - all failed. Some countries learned from others' history. Here is how Russian political scientist, publicist, editor-in-chief of analytical portals RuBaltic.Ru and Eurasia, Alexander Nosovich, comments on on his TG channel, translated:

In the topic of Trump's destruction of the US system of international grant influence, which culminated yesterday in the liquidation of USAID, for some reason no one made a link to the failure of the recent colour revolutions in Slovakia and Georgia. Of course, it was not Trumpists who organised these revolutions - well, Trump is not reshuffling stuff in his villa in Florida; he is destroying the institutions of US foreign policy. Institutions that, just in Trump's first presidency, have shown that they have exhausted their resource and have become ineffective for solving the tasks of US foreign policy.

The failures of regime change operations through the ‘Maidan’ in Venezuela and Belarus - all this happened in Trump's first term. And it continued under Biden. How many attempts were made to change the regime in Hungary by bringing the ‘progressive public’ to the streets of Budapest - the city from which, by the way, all this had been coming for decades: Soros‘ Central European University was located there, and Viktor Orban himself started out as a chick of Soros’ funds. No Maidans for our and your freedom helped.

The highest manifestation of the trend was Georgia last autumn. This is a situation straight out of Leo Tolstoy: the terrible swing of the hand that used to hit everything alive is now coming down powerlessly. As much as 20 years ago American technologies of manipulation of masses seemed to be perfect and invincible, now all these ribbons in police shields, grandmothers handing out pies to protesters and couples kissing on the barricades look like a cheap and pathetic manipulation of thimbles. And the result is negative. They shouted and went their separate ways: the authorities remained the same and began to bend their line even more confidently.

US ‘soft power’ was so effective because it was designed for a very specific applied task: to change the regime in the target country on the fly. Accordingly, the Americans' “foreign partners” either received a colour revolution against themselves for disobedience, or lived under the constant sword of Damocles of such a revolution in the form of an extensive infrastructure of American infrastructure of influence working in their country - media and NGOs that receive American grants and are able to bring their assets to the barricades on command.

In recent years, and especially noticeably in recent months, this infrastructure has stopped producing results.

And Trump, as a businessman, is shutting down ineffective projects
. Of course, it is a strange logic that the best remedy for the head is an axe, but it is up to him. He will rely on economic coercion and military force instead of clientella. Dealing with America will not become easier now - it will become even more difficult. But the news for Russia and its allies is rather good. Russia has demonstrated its ability to resist economic coercion brilliantly - to the surprise of the whole world.

As for military power, unlike the notorious ‘soft power,’ with which Russia has always been generally lousy, strategic parity with the United States is a fact that the United States itself does not dispute.
I don't know for sure, but it could prevent all of them from being slaughtered and starved to death, or continuing to endure severe ongoing torture at the hands of Israeli psychopaths. If that's the choice - and it seems to me that Trump has made this choice possible - then one can conceivably see how, although it is definitely ethnic cleansing and therefore not great, relocating the Palestinians out of the open-air concentration camp of Gaza would also be potentially life-saving.
i think Gazans made it clear, they will not give up their land, (at least what i heard and read)
for Kushner (chabab lubavicher)to make his wet dream investment and build more illegal settlements.,

and just to remind all, greater israHELL involve lands of EGYPT SYRIA LEBANON .... will same be said in their case :) ?

"better to move " but where? what will come of this betrayed people when they will all be sent to EU? ((that is their plan))
how this will end ? MORE BLOOD SHADE as is currently happening in EU, germany and Sweden are great examples ...
A closer look under the surface of why Trump is focusing on Canada, the CCP once again and their fentanyl production in Canada. This covers it well.

Exclusive Report with Sam Cooper (@scoopercooper) - The Real Reason Trump Wants Canada: Lies and Dark Ties to China.

IMO, fenantyl is just a smokescreen, or a perfect 'public face' for something much bigger and sinister. Remeber the massive explosions near Severomorsk, inside the military boundaries south of the headquarters of Russia's Northern Fleet last December? And the Ursa Major sunken at Spain shores a week later? While the cause of those Severomovsk explosions is not known yet, at least not to the public, the cargo blow up was an active step taken and a clear sign of what the US was up for, as well as a message sent to Russia, I think. Western press happily announced then: "Russia's Arctic Nuclear Icebreaker Fleet Dealt a Blow in Mediterranean". So why is Trump after Greenland and Canada? Here is the most likely real reason:


Shamefully small piece of the pie, given the US' and Trump's ambitions, and their plans. Acquiring Canada and Greenland would not only make the US looking better on the map, but it also would greatly advance the implementation of those plans.

John Helmer explains it, with maps. US DD’s “2024 Arctic Strategy” paper, Northern Fleet and Northern Sea Route are the key points.


No Russian currently engaged in the serious fighting against the US believes in displaying enthusiasm for either the cavalry charge or the parley. Instead, the Russians are preparing to fight Trump’s Greenland move as the opening of a new front to attack Russia from the north. The US plan of attack on the north front isn’t new with Trump. The recent history of that plan, retold from the Russian point of view, follows.

For balance, here is the story from Washington DC based, NGO Arctic Institute point of view, with some interesting details:
Greenland During Trump 2.0: Is America Poised for an Historic Arctic Territorial Expansion?
I'm really wondering what Trump is playing with Israël, there is so much " advertisement " about support, friendship, like this video now

Or I found another one which questionned me to about this kind of gesture for such a guy :

Does Trump trying to display to everyone the source of the evil ? by showing himself very committed like a second hand ?

I wonder myself if there was some kind of signal by the type of tie Trump wears when he is with some special people or under some other circumstances but I think it's just my brain who want to see something...
It boggles the mind on how the money is being thrown around for idiotic things.

In this video, Mike Benz has some interesting things to say about USAID's use of "tactical wokeness".

These folks don't really believe in diversity. It's just another means of dividing and riling up the populations of countries targeted for color revolutions. Insidious and evil.

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