Session 19 July 1997


FOTCM Member
July 19, 1997
Frank, Laura, Alice

Q: Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Feorrallah.

Q: And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: As you know, there is a flood in Poland, and Ark has to go back, there is so much that must be done, but the government offices may be closed, the court session may be delayed indefinitely, God knows what is going to happen. What is the source of this dreadful disaster in Poland?

A: Sopophoric screen alterations of the magnetic belt overlay.

Q: And what is causing these screen alterations of the magnetic belt overlay?

A: Influences of Acquiim.

Q: What is Acquiim?

A: 4th density overseer.

Q: Does that mean soporific screen alteration?

A: Soporific/phosphorous.

Q: What is the purpose of this screen alteration?

A: Deterrence of colinear wave reading consciousness units.

Q: What is a 'colinear wave reading consciousness unit?'

A: Suggest you "look in the mirror."

Q: Well! I don't know if I like being a colinear wave reading consciousness unit!

A: Why not?

Q: Because I don't like feeling responsible for all these people who are suffering in this disaster!

A: Responsible? Are you altering the weather?

Q: Well, no. But, if they will go to that extent to thwart us, is it safe for him to go back?

A: If he takes precautions.

Q: Can you suggest some of these precautions?

A: Drive not. Travel by rail only if such travel does not include the possibility of having to evacuate the train and walk on or near live electrical current conduits.

Q: Anything else?

A: Guns do exist in Poland, unlike some other European countries.

Q: What more?

A: Total awareness at all moments is hypercritical.

Q: Are the members of his family alright?

A: So far.

Q: How long will it take before this flood business has come to a halt?

A: Open.

Q: Are all the government offices going to be closed?

A: No.

Q: Will the divorce hearing proceed?

A: Eventually.

Q: How many days will we be out of communication?

A: Not point. Just remember that anticipation is the "mother of preparation," and defense.

Q: So, anticipate or expect to be out of communication for some time...

A: No, it is for Arkady to be prepared!

Q: Are there any good guys who can come in and help? I mean, good grief! A flood no less! How come we haven't been afflicted with that sort of thing here?

A: No need as we have told you, it is Ark who is the vulnerable link, therefore, the attack goeth there.

Q: Is there anything WE can do to help?

A: Get the message through to expect the unexpected; feel vulnerable, and do not ever assume invincibility. Knowledge protects, and ignorance endangers... does it ever!!!

Q: Well, anything else?

A: Must beware of agents near.

Q: Can you give any clues about these agents near?

A: Have "look," if one is looking.

Q: What kind of look?

A: Consult fiction for the truth.

Q: You mean like spy stories? If they look like a spy, they are one?

A: Close.

Q: Anything else? This is going to be a rough period!

A: Not if aware and prepared, and not caught up in fantasies.

Q: What kind of fantasies?

A: Energy wasted upon unnecessary communiques.

Q: So, he should not exert himself to be in contact with me if it might put him in danger? Is that it?

A: No, for the time being, suggest you cancel the "mushiness."

Q: Alright. Anything further?

A: No.

Q: I will be in a bad way through this ordeal until he gets here, so...

A: Better to be in "a bad way," than a pedestrian on the widow’s walk.

Q: Is there anything that we can do for protection?

A: We have told you! Be forearmed by being forewarned! Be careful that he does not believe the message.

Q: In other words, he needs to really believe what you are saying?

A: More important: what is a false sense of security?

Q: So, if he receives a message that he is secure and that all is okay, then is when he must be most aware?

A: One must not ever feel "secure," but think of it. When is one ever secure?

Q: Alright, Ark did have a question about the S waves. He discovered that there were a number of earthquakes, in Italy and other places, off the coast of Africa, in Japan, all around the time that he was, as you designated, under the influence of those S waves. What he wanted to know, in a general way, is there a way to identify... is there a time parameter, do these waves begin affecting a person days before...

A: Yes, but remember: they can, like all else, be initiates.

Q: Be initiates? What do you mean?

A: Define "to initiate."

Q: They can be starters, or beginnings... in that particular case, how long had he been influenced by these S waves in advance of the event?

A: 5 days.

Q: So, it is something that happened 5 days prior, or had been going on for 5 days prior to that event that we are to look for?

A: Not unless you understand electromagnetism within the framework of quantum parallel reality matrix.

Q: Well, that is out of my depth tonight! In a previous session I asked a question about the 'sons of Belial' and the 'sons of the law of One,' as explicated by Edgar Cayce, and whether these were philosophical or racial divisions. You said that they were initially racial, and then philosophical and religious. Now, from putting the information about religions together throughout the centuries, I am coming to a rather difficult realization that the whole monotheistic idea, which is obviously the basic concept of the 'sons of the law of One,' is the most clever and devious and cunning means of control I have ever encountered in my life. No matter where it comes from, the religionists say "we have the ONE god, WE are his agents, you pay us your money, and we'll tell him to be nice to you in the next world!"

A: Clever if one is deceived. Silly truffle if one is not.

Q: Well, I know! But, uncovering this deception, this lie that the 'power' is 'out there' is unbelievable. So, the Kantekkians were the 'Sons of Belial,' which is not the negative thing that I interpreted it as at the time. So, the 'Sons of the Law of One,' was perverted to the monotheistic Judaism, which then was then transformed into the Christian religious mythos, and has been an ongoing theme since Atlantean times.

A: Woven of those who portray the lights.

Q: And that is always the way it has been. They appear as 'angels of light.' And, essentially, everything in history has been rewritten by this group.

A: Under the influence of others. And whom do you suppose?

Q: Well, the Orion STS.

A: Sending pillars of light and chariots of fire to deliver the message.

Q: Well, I found some connections between some tombs in Rome, Nicolas Poussin, and some tombs in England, the processions of 'angels' on the Canary Islands. The connection seems to be these funny lights, or Candles, with 'peculiar wicks,' as they are described, which are 'eternal flames.' I am wondering if this is what you meant by connecting them by the frequency of light?

A: "Eternal flame" adorns the tomb of JFK. Connection?

Q: Yes. I also found the Solloi priesthood and the priestesses called Peleiades. They seem to be involved with urns, birds, tinkling bells, urns that can be struck and which then set up a particular resonance in other urns, oak trees, and some other peculiar references that relate to laurel trees...

A: Siren song.

Q: What about the siren song?

A: Greek mythology.

Q: I know that. What about it? What do the sirens represent?

A: Laura, my dear, if you really want to reveal "many beautiful and amazing things," all you need to do is remember the triad, the trilogy, the trinity, and look always for the triplicative connecting clue profile. Connect the threes... do not rest until you have found three beautifully balancing meanings!!

Q: So, in everything there are three aspects?

A: And why? Because it is the realm of the three that you occupy. In order to possess the keys to the next level, just master the Third Man Theme, then move on with grace and anticipation.

Q: In a previous session you also said that the Guanches were confused by a trauma, which was why they did not have a clear story about their origins. So, I was thinking about it and wondering if they were actual Atlanteans, and that the Canary Islands were an intact part of Atlantis, and that the Guanches did not actually travel from anywhere... they were there all along. That the Canaries is an actual area of Atlantis that survived and that the Guanches survived with it.

A: Close.

Q: Is there some mystery or secret about how they got there?

A: In what context?

Q: I asked before, and you said 'guess,' and I guessed the flood of Noah, and you said 'close.' You said they were traumatized. I just wanted to know where they came from. They have a tradition that 60 of them arrived...

A: You are close enough to lay the foundations of your castle.

Q: Okay. Change gears: Why is the rooster, or the crowing of the rooster, associated with the idea of underground cities, civilizations, or bases?

A: What causes the rooster to crow?

Q: Light. But, how is light related to an underground city?

A: Tis not just light, but the emergence of light from the depths of the darkness.

Q: Are there such things as 'DEROS,' as described in this underground bases book?

A: Detrimental Robots.

Q: Are DEROS part of the underground city/bases scenario?

A: Yup.

Q: Something you said about the dietary restrictions... about tracking bloodlines. Do dietary restrictions make it easier to track the Jews because of this? Can 4th density track their genetics because of their dietary restrictions?

A: Foolishness!! 4th density beings have no difficulty identifying anyone on 3rd density. Dietary restrictions you speak of are relating to making the body chemistry less attractive for consumption.

Q: You mean consumption as in being eaten?

A: Yes.

Q: So, maybe we should all eat like Jews?

A: Maybe.

Q: Do you mean that 4h density STS likes particularly to eat Aryans?

A: Only the reptilian types.

Q: But, they don't like to eat Jews, is that it?

A: They most prefer children with high body fat content.

Q: What do the Orions eat?

A: Crystalline tablets, which are aspirated through oral demolecuarization.

Q: Are these crystalline tablets like rocks, like our idea of crystals?

A: Picture a sparkling polished oval bead.

Q: What is the chemical composition?

A: Quartz at the 3rd power compared to Terran samples.

Q: Well, we notice that things are really heating up. Weather, government exposure and confessions of this and that...

A: Massive alien/UFO coverage, some fictionalized, some not.

Q: Okay, I just thought of this: getting back to our earlier questions, would you suggest that Ark avoid going back to Poland altogether?

A: Avoidance may avoid objective also.

Q: Okay. That is understood. I want to ask about what, precisely, this soporific/phosphorous screen of the magnetic belt overlay is.

A: And have you communicate it thus? No.

Q: When you said 'colinear wave reading consciousness units,' and 'look in the mirror,' was that a clue that Ark and I are mirror image consciousness units?

A: Not exactly.

Q: Well, in a previous session, you said something about being a 'half soul,' and my assumption was that he was a half-soul and I was a half-soul, and together we made a whole soul. But, since that time, I have wondered about this...

A: No one is unto themselves a half soul.

Q: Okay, what would give me a more clear understanding about 'half soul balancing?'

A: The soul as read as a unit of completion. It is the communication which completes the whole in each.

Q: What are the potentials of colinear wave reading consciousness units?

A: Specifics.

Q: Well, if an overseer in 4th density wishes to prevent unification of same, there must be some reason; that there is something that the 4th density STS would not like to see happen. What is it?

A: Is that not self-evident?

Q: So, does that mean that it is important for us to be physically together to do whatever this is?

A: Tis preferable.

Q: I had a dream the other night. As Ark and I were leaving the park in my dream, I looked up and saw a mosaic on the side of the mountain. It had seven sharks, one above the other, the lowest being pale almost to the point of transparency, and the highest being very dark and intense in color. There was a HUGE sperm whale to the upper left, he was in the posture of whipping around, his eye had caught the sharks, and his mouth was open and he was going to swallow them all in a single gulp. What was the meaning of the whale and the sharks?

A: Logic.

Q: Are you telling me to use logic, or that the meaning IS logic?

A: Logic says to you: examine!

Q: The other part of the dream was that I disappeared and reemerged from a cleft in a rock. I was cleaning... he went to investigate... and he returned and was crying and all this water was flowing out of there like a spring... What was the significance of this?

A: Trace minerals interact with deeply held secrets.

Q: The other night you said something about what I had found as being one leg of the table. How many legs does the table have?

A: Search for answer. When found in literature, profound meanings enclose compartment.

Q: Well, what about my 'Araignee at Icod?' I liked it, even if it is wrong!

A: Keep effort aligned.

Q: Ark has a question. He wants to know if you can give us one other location of a TDARM from which we can derive a relationship?

A: TDARMs do not have fixed locators, Oak Island is a buried relic; therefore the exception that verifies the rule.

Q: Okay, now what about this diagram that Tony Smith has made from the Pyramid and the phi ratio, that he has interpreted as a map...

A: Must use a spherical relief, with formula applied, to discover.

Q: You said something about 'undreamed of treasures in Rhineland,' and then something about 'Rhinelander.' Did you mean this William Mann being the Rhinelander? Or, was that a reference to the TV show Frank watched the other night about the buried treasure that seems to be missing?

A: Learning energizes you, Laura. Can you ever remember being so energized?

Q: Well, no. Well, is this reference to Alton Towers that Ark found on the internet, about psychic projectors. That was the only unusual thing we have found about this. Are we talking about some sort of place where they have rotating shifts of psychic projectors?

A: As you know... fiction is often the guise for the deliverance of the deepest of truths. And, on that note, good night.

End of Session
Laura said:
Q: Anything else?

A: Guns do exist in Poland, unlike some other European countries.

Q: What more?

A: Total awareness at all moments is hypercritical.

Thank you Laura for the session, a lot to ponder about. :lkj:

Perhaps I have totally wrong impression about the upper quote, but is it possible that notion about "lot of guns in the Poland, unlike other countries in the Europe," could be connected to the possible future games, not only guns in a hands of people, and not only connected for that specific point of time, but more because Poland was and is, so to say, in special geopolitical surrounding, actually between Russia and EU.

The US is also building a missile defence base at Redzikowo in Poland, part of a shield aimed at protecting NATO countries from any long-range missile threat from a "rogue" government (or simply Russia), Poland is also a storage location for US military hardware, and than there is general Philip Breedlove’s idea about "pre-positioned supplies, pre-positioned capabilities and a basing area ready to rapidly accept follow-on forces (of multinational Corps) from army base in Szczecin” with 24/7 fully functioning headquarters that forces could quickly fall in on to respond rapidly when needed.

RT explained that:
"The stockpiling of supplies is just a step short of a permanent massive deployment of foreign NATO troops in Poland. The alliance says it is needed for a rapid response to a Russian incursion, although Russian generals would probably view this as a possible preparation for a blitzkrieg attack on Russia."

Although this is a relatively old news form 2014., until now all these things are probably done and "ready to go if needed."
My take on the comment was the possibility of violence coming from Ark's ex who was/is a violent BPD lunatic. I'll be getting into fuller explanations when I do the annotations for the book version. Right now, I've been tasked with just getting all the sessions up and available with needed corrections. I'll be trying to do a few every day.
Laura said:
My take on the comment was the possibility of violence coming from Ark's ex who was/is a violent BPD lunatic. I'll be getting into fuller explanations when I do the annotations for the book version. Right now, I've been tasked with just getting all the sessions up and available with needed corrections. I'll be trying to do a few every day.

Thank you very much for explanation, I'm glad that everything went well at that time.
Eärwen said:
Laura said:
My take on the comment was the possibility of violence coming from Ark's ex who was/is a violent BPD lunatic. I'll be getting into fuller explanations when I do the annotations for the book version. Right now, I've been tasked with just getting all the sessions up and available with needed corrections. I'll be trying to do a few every day.

Thank you very much for explanation, I'm glad that everything went well at that time.

It was a nightmare for awhile.
Thanks for posting the session Laura.

Laura said:
Eärwen said:
Laura said:
My take on the comment was the possibility of violence coming from Ark's ex who was/is a violent BPD lunatic. I'll be getting into fuller explanations when I do the annotations for the book version. Right now, I've been tasked with just getting all the sessions up and available with needed corrections. I'll be trying to do a few every day.

Thank you very much for explanation, I'm glad that everything went well at that time.

It was a nightmare for awhile.

I am actually going through The Wave 5&6 where you go in great length to describe the whole situation with Ark and her ex. I have to admit that she was definitely quite a character! Glad to read that he was able to get out of that situation, must have been extremely stressful for both of you.

(edit: spelling)
Laura said:
Eärwen said:
Laura said:
My take on the comment was the possibility of violence coming from Ark's ex who was/is a violent BPD lunatic. I'll be getting into fuller explanations when I do the annotations for the book version. Right now, I've been tasked with just getting all the sessions up and available with needed corrections. I'll be trying to do a few every day.

Thank you very much for explanation, I'm glad that everything went well at that time.

It was a nightmare for awhile.

Oh god, so basically it was much much worst than we could imagine via session transcripts, I'm so happy you guys found a way trough perilous situations safe and sound. :hug2:
Laura said:
Q: The other night you said something about what I had found as being one leg of the table. How many legs does the table have?

A: Search for answer. When found in literature, profound meanings enclose compartment.

I have to ask, are you "finding" or creating a "round table", Laura? The reference to literature, and the references to Arthur in your own literature..I am curious if this has been discussed and what your conclusions were, if any. I had never read this entire transcript before so this is the first time I saw this odd remark. Also thank you for posting all of these transcripts for us!
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