Greta Thunberg: False Prophet of the Children's Crusade

The Greta movement is really just another tack to initiate Agenda 21/Smart cities where 'green' sustainability wins out over everything:


This goes along with the imposition of Smart cities as well:

Sooo, while all the divide and conquer hysteria is fanned to higher and higher levels of chaos, the real agenda just keeps quietly rolling along under everyone's noses. After all, who wants to be a 'dinosaur' opposed to all the miracle technological advances coming down the pike - especially those electric self-driving cars! Anyone want to guess how soon gas/diesel fueled vehicles will become unavailable?

The Cs have said we'll be outdone by our computers and watching the video above, I can believe it! AI will take over and one wonders if any real humanity will even exist at all - just a bunch of obediant biorobots. I guess the 4Dsts engineered replacements will still be available for 'loosh' harvesting. Well, the Cs also said earth changes will foil the 3D/4Dsts plans - so I guess that's the best we can hope for.
Sooo, while all the divide and conquer hysteria is fanned to higher and higher levels of chaos, the real agenda just keeps quietly rolling along under everyone's noses. After all, who wants to be a 'dinosaur' opposed to all the miracle technological advances coming down the pike - especially those electric self-driving cars! Anyone want to guess how soon gas/diesel fueled vehicles will become unavailable?

What's also apparent is how climate hysteria plays into this agenda. Every aspect of consumption needs to be monitored and controlled because 'climate change'. Everyone needs to be on board or else. Using too much electricity? We'll just shut it off. Causing too much of a carbon footprint? We'll punish you for that by increasing your taxes or cutting you off from the grid. Eating too much meat, they'll keep track of that too and make sure to influence you to eat less. All part of a global collective to save the world.
Saw this posted on social media, these Russians won't beat around the bush, worth reading the comments as well:
No doubt 5G will be an important component of the planned Agenda 21 Smart cities and so, my heart sank when I read that Putin was on board with its imminent roll out in Moscow and other large cities:
Putin instructs to launch 5G networks in Russia in coming years
It was reported earlier, that development of 5G communication networks in Russia was expected to be launched into commercial operation after 2020

MOSCOW, February 20. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed in the coming years to organize in Russia access to high-speed Internet and start operation of the fifth-generation communication systems (5G).

"This year, it is necessary to adopt a master plan for the development of the digital economy infrastructure, including telecommunications networks, data storage and processing facilities. In this, we need to look forward. The challenge for the upcoming years is to organize universal access to high-speed Internet, to start operation of the fifth-generation communication systems," Putin said on Wednesday in his State of the Nation Address to the Federal Assembly.

It was reported earlier, that development of 5G communication networks in Russia was expected to be launched into commercial operation after 2020. By 2024, according to the "Digital Economy" program, 5G networks in one form or another will be launched in all cities with population over 300,000 people. Telecom companies MTS, Vimpelcom and Megafon are testing the 5G technology in Russia.

Putin instructs to launch 5G networks in Russia in coming years
Moscow announces its plans for 5G network roll-out
News 12 Jun 2019 by SmartCitiesWorld news team

An agreement has been signed with network operator MTS and pilot projects will focus on areas such as smart cities, virtual and augmented reality and the IoT.


Pilot 5G projects are expected in Moscow by the end of the year

Moscow’s Department of Information Technology (DIT) has entered a collaborative agreement with a view to developing communication services and digital technologies in the Russian capital.

The deal envisages a range of pilot projects including in the fields of virtual and augmented reality, Internet of Things (IoT), smart city, and 5G technologies.

Russia’s largest mobile network operator MTS is tasked with rolling out the required information-telecommunication infrastructure in the city.

Infrastructure for a digital economy

The contract was signed during the St Petersburg International Economic Forum by Sergey Sobyanin, mayor of Moscow, and Alexey Kornya, CEO of MTS.

“Moscow is setting itself the task of reducing operator expenditure on creating infrastructure for the commercial launch of 5G by removing administrative barriers,” said Eduard Lysenko, head of DIT.

The agreement has been signed in light of the provisions of the Russian Federation’s digital economy state programme. The programme calls for the creation of pilot segments of the fifth-generation mobile communication networks by the end of 2019 and the commercial launch of 5G by 2022.

Moscow’s DIT has rapidly grown over the past five years. During this period, it claims to have founded more than 1,000 systems and services and has set itself a target of launching some 300 new projects annually.

It has also digitised 166 state services and introduced 178 portals including the official mayor and government of Moscow website.

DIT systems represent some 60 industries and its products and services include:
  • electronic queue for civil registry office;
  • arrangement of remote medical appointments;
  • personal electronic medical records;
  • children assignment to kindergardens/schools/extracurricular activities;
  • providing schools with cutting-edge technological equipment;
  • obtaining references, enquiries and services remotely;
  • numerous projects in housing and public amenities, ranging from telemetrics and energy to the possibility of submitting water usage information.
According to the DIT, the current structure of the department details up to 30 separate products and programmes including
medical and education systems information, creation of crowdsourcing platforms as well as development of various resources and portals for Moscow and its citizens.

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Moscow announces its plans for 5G network roll-out
Well, we certainly can't blame Greta for these developments in Russia! Are these some of the 'living standards' the poor people in Africa are longing for?

Meanwhile, RT America is at odds with Putin's 5G deployment - and a real hit piece on RT America (as well as the truth) by The New York Times:
Your 5G Phone Won’t Hurt You. But Russia Wants You to Think Otherwise.
RT America, a network known for sowing disinformation, has a new alarm: the coming ‘5G Apocalypse.’


[substitute London image]
A Russia Today anchor in Moscow preparing to go on air. The network's American version, RT America, has been exaggerating the health hazards posed by 5G networks, the next, most powerful generation of cell phone connectivity.

The cellphones known as 5G, or fifth generation, represent the vanguard of a wireless era rich in interconnected cars, factories and cities. Whichever nation dominates the new technology will gain a competitive edge for much of this century, according to many analysts. But a television network a few blocks from the White House has been stirring concerns about a hidden flaw.

“Just a small one,” a TV reporter told her viewers recently. “It might kill you.”

The Russian network RT America aired the segment, titled “A Dangerous ‘Experiment on Humanity,’” in covering what its guest experts call 5G’s dire health threats. U.S. intelligence agencies identified the network as a principal meddler in the 2016 presidential election. Now, it is linking 5G signals to brain cancer, infertility, autism, heart tumors and Alzheimer’s disease — claims that lack scientific support.

Yet even as RT America, the cat’s paw of Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, has been doing its best to stoke the fears of American viewers, Mr. Putin, on Feb. 20, ordered the launch of Russian 5G networks in a tone evoking optimism rather than doom.

“We need to look forward,” he said, according to Tass, the Russian news agency. “The challenge for the upcoming years is to organize universal access to high-speed internet, to start operation of the fifth-generation communication systems.”

Analysts see RT’s attack on 5G as geopolitically bold: It targets a new world of interconnected, futuristic technologies that would reach into consumers’ homes, aid national security and spark innovative industries. Already, medical firms are linking up devices wirelessly to create new kinds of health treatments.

“It’s economic warfare,” Ryan Fox, chief operating officer of New Knowledge, a technology firm that tracks disinformation, said in an interview. “Russia doesn’t have a good 5G play, so it tries to undermine and discredit ours.”

5G is also a growing point of friction between Washington and Beijing, with each side lining up allies in what has become a major technology race. Moscow and Beijing are seen as possibly forming a 5G political bloc.

The Kremlin “would really enjoy getting democratic governments tied up in fights over 5G’s environmental and health hazards,” said Molly McKew, head of Fianna Strategies, a consulting firm in Washington, D.C., that seeks to counter Russian disinformation.

RT’s assaults on 5G technology are rising in number and stridency as the American wireless industry begins to erect 5G systems. In March, Verizon said its service will soon reach 30 cities.

RT America aired its first program assailing 5G’s health impacts last May, its only one in 2018. Already this year, it has run seven. The most recent, on April 14, reported that children exposed to signals from 5G cellphone towers would suffer cancer, nosebleeds and learning disabilities.

The network distributes its programming by cable, satellite and online streaming. It also posts individual stories on Facebook and YouTube. A declassified U.S. intelligence report, released early in 2017, said that RT videos on YouTube have averaged 1 million views per day, “the highest among news outlets.”

Hundreds of blogs and websites appear to be picking up the network’s 5G alarms, seldom if ever noting the Russian origins. Analysts call it a treacherous fog.

Anna Belkina, RT’s head of communications in Moscow, defended the network’s coverage of 5G. “Unlike many other media, we show the breadth of debate,” she said in an email exchange.

Asked if Mr. Putin’s promotion of 5G technology in Russia conflicted with the health alarms raised by RT America, she said the U.S. network focused on local 5G issues, not “the roll-out in Russia.” [emphasis mine]

“Our American audience expects us to bring American concerns to the front, first and foremost,” Ms. Belkina said.

The 5G Playbook

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence, in the 2017 report, described the network as “the Kremlin’s principal international propaganda outlet.” The report noted that RT’s most popular video on Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election campaign stated that 100 percent of the Clintons’ charity “Went to … Themselves.” The video was viewed more than 9 million times.

Later that year, the national security division of the Justice Department forced RT America, formerly Russia Today, to register as a foreign agent.

Moscow’s goal, experts say, is to destabilize the West by undermining trust in democratic leaders, institutions and political life. To that end, the RT network amplifies voices of dissent, to sow discord and widen social divides. It gives the marginal a megaphone and traffics in false equivalence. Earlier campaigns took aim at fracking, vaccination and genetically modified organisms. One show called designer tomatoes “good-looking poison.”

The network is now applying its playbook against 5G by selectively reporting the most sensational claims, and by giving a few marginal opponents of wireless technology a conspicuous new forum.

All cellphones use radio waves. RT America tends to refer to the signals as “radiations,” seemingly associating them with the very strong rays at the far end of the electromagnetic spectrum, such as X-rays and ultraviolet rays, which in high doses can damage DNA and cause cancer.

5G’s Place in the Spectrum
The newest generation of cellphones, 5G, will operate near the highest frequencies of the radio wave spectrum. Its range overlaps with other devices — including a novel class of health therapies used in Russia and China.
[nice image in original article will not copy correctly - the center blue bar represents the 5G spectrum that spans a range of 3 GHz to halfway between 30 GHz (airport scanners) and 300 GHz (novel EHF therapies] represented by the light blue bar to the right. 5G is portrayed to be just below infrared light as indicated on the far left bar that extends up into x-rays and gamma rays at the top]

Sources: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Academies of Sciences, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Congressional Research Service, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers By The New York Times

But the radio waves used in cellphone communication lie at the opposite end of the spectrum, between radio broadcasting frequencies and the rainbow colors of visible light.

The frequencies employed in 5G are higher than those of past cellphones, allowing more information to be relayed more rapidly. Many other devices are expected to follow, including robots, drones and cars that send traffic information to one another.

Wireless high-speed communication could transform the news industry, sports, shopping, entertainment, transportation, health care, city management and many levels of government. In January, The Times announced a joint venture with Verizon to build a 5G journalism lab.

Over the years, plenty of careful science has scrutinized wireless technology for potential health risks. Virtually all the data contradict the dire alarms, according to public officials, including those at the World Health Organization.

Opponents of 5G claim the technology’s high frequencies will make the new phones and cell towers extraordinarily harmful. “The higher the frequency, the more dangerous it is to living organisms,” a RT reporter told viewers recently.

The truth is exactly the opposite, scientists say. The higher the radio frequency, the less it penetrates human skin, lowering exposure of the body’s internal organs, including the brain.

“5G emissions, if anything, should be safer than previous generations,” said Dr. Marvin C. Ziskin, a medical doctor and emeritus professor of radiology and medical physics at the Temple University School of Medicine.

Health concerns were raised last year when a large federal study showed that 2G signals could produce brain cancer in male rats. But officials discounted a direct link to humans, saying people received smaller doses.

Nonetheless, RT has taken an active role in stirring up apprehension, casting the debut of 5G in biblical terms. The caption superimposed on a January show read, “5G Apocalypse.” The anchor reported that doctors, scientists and environmental groups were now calling for its ban.

RT America taps the ranks of existing anti-cellular activists to wage its 5G campaign. Some have railed for decades against cellphones, power lines and other everyday sources of electromagnetic waves. Much of their work appears not in reputable science journals but little-known reports, publications and self-published tracts, at times with copious notes of dubious significance. They tend to cite each other’s research.

It’s unclear how many RT experts realize they are aiding a Russian network or that it acts as Mr. Putin’s mouthpiece. At times, RT simply mines existing videotape and print materials, editing them to reflect its perspective. And the intelligence report noted that some network staffers fail to disclose their RT affiliation when conducting interviews.

Even so, private analysts see the 5G attacks as reaching perhaps millions of online viewers — terrifying some, infuriating others.

“RT successfully feeds the conspiracy-oriented ecosystem,” said John Kelly, chief executive of Graphika, a network analytics firm. “This effort is having a real impact. It’s bearing fruit.”


Screengrabs taken from recent RT America episodes, clips of which are available on YouTube.CreditRT, via YouTube

A “Firehose of Falsehood”

RT America began its assault last year with a news show captioned “Wireless Cancer.” The featured guest was Dr. David O. Carpenter, a prominent 5G critic.

Dr. Carpenter, 82, received his medical degree from Harvard in 1964 and has published hundreds of scientific papers. For decades, he has warned of cancer risks for people living near high-voltage power lines, although federal studies have failed to find credible evidence that would support his claims.

“The rollout of 5G is very frightening,” Dr. Carpenter told RT America. “Nobody is going to be able to escape the radiation.”

Dr. Carpenter’s scariest alarms have been “widely dismissed by scientific bodies the world over,” according to David Robert Grimes, a cancer researcher at the University of Oxford, and his colleague, Dorothy V. M. Bishop, also of Oxford. They challenged Dr. Carpenter in a journal article that ran months before the RT program aired, calling his main claims “scientifically discredited.”

In an interview, Dr. Carpenter defended his work as having “served a major purpose” by revealing a global health threat. He said he was unaware that he had been featured on RT America. “I speak my mind to whomever I talk with,” he said.

RT America’s attacks on 5G have multiplied this year. On Jan. 14, the network aired “A Dangerous ‘Experiment on Humanity,’” which again featured Dr. Carpenter. RT followed a day later with “How to Survive Dangers of 5G.”

On Feb. 7, a segment claimed that “5G Tech is ‘Crime under International Law.’” Its featured expert was Arthur Firstenberg, who once charged that a neighbor’s wireless gear had hurt his health. He sued for $1.43 million in damages but lost after pressing his claim for five years.


President Vladimir V. Putin visits RT's studios in Moscow with editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan in 2013. CreditYuri Kochetkov/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

The drumbeat continued. “‘Totally Insane’: Telecomm Industry Ignores 5G Dangers,” was the title of a segment that aired March 6.

A program on March 14 was aimed squarely at parents: “Could 5G Put More Kids at Risk for Cancer?” The RT reporter told of a California elementary school that recently churned with fear of radiation from a nearby cellphone tower, and how angry parents kept home 200 students.

Even as RT America has worked hard to damage 5G, the scientific establishment in Russia has embraced a contrary and questionable position: that the high frequencies of 5G communications are actually good for human health. It recommends their use for healing wounds, boosting the immune system and treating cancer. Millions of Russian patients are said to have undergone such high-frequency therapies.

Beauty clinics in Moscow use these high frequencies for skin regeneration, according to a scientific study. One company says the waves can remove wrinkles and fight hair loss.

A Rand study once called RT America’s approach a “Firehose of Falsehood.” For its part, Moscow has repeatedly denied allegations of meddling in the 2016 presidential election and has strongly defended RT’s news coverage as socially constructive.

Likewise, RT America strongly defended its position on the potential health risks of 5G technology.

“Nothing I’ve seen says the book is closed,” Rick Sanchez, an RT anchor on many of the 5G episodes, said in an interview. “I think there’s lots of unanswered questions. Before we commit to something on this scale, shouldn’t we consider if people could possibly be hurt?”

Mr. Fox, the operations chief of New Knowledge, the technology firm, said the network’s aggressive spin on 5G suggests Moscow is less interested in serving the public than dulling Washington’s edge in the global race for the digital future.

“It’s information warfare,” he said.

Additional reporting by Sophia Kishkovsky in Moscow.

Your 5G Phone Won’t Hurt You. But Russia Wants You to Think Otherwise.
WOW - I'm all but speechless regarding this article! It sounds just like the official hatchet job dispensed onto those 'denying' AGW - and for that matter, anyone thinking of seeing the movie Joker! What I can say is we've already entered a Brave New World (Order) and the PTB are going to propagandize and lie to the hilt to ensure that their version of the truth is all that's allowed to be.
I find it odd that Greta is referred to as a "kid". She is 16 years old, right? Yet, she wears her hair in pigtails, dresses as a child, and wears no makeup (which seems odd for a 16 year old girl). Maybe that is normal behavior for 16 year old girls in her country? Or are her "handlers"? directing this?

My mother-in-law tells the story of how she had to go to work at age 16 to support her mother, sister, and brother. Her father had died and at 16, she was deemed mature enough to work. So, she lied about her age in order to get an office job. This was back in the 1930's. She eventually got her high school diploma and continued working until the 1960's. I doubt seriously that she was ever referred to as a kid. She did what she had to do.

So I feel a little sorry for Greta. She probably does have ideals and wants to change things, as many young people do. But because she has been co-opted it seems, she'll have a really hard time now determining what is real and what is fake, and who she can even trust.
Perhaps the Extinction Rebellion stuff is impossible to stomach even for them and sort of backfires, or whoever's in charge has plans of shifting the narrative, don't know.
It is odd that the kind of totalitarian state, The Climate Mobilization and its offshoot Extinction Rebellion are rooting for, is not dissimilar from a society where private ownership has been vastly reduced. Even if the XR/New Green Deal policies do not get implemented, they may well influence future policies, in case there is a need to either hide a economic collapse, or a need to restructure in order to combat one that has happened, the outlines for a totalitarian state could be revised to fit the needs.

I watched the video you posted, and could not help wonder what will get printed in 2022 IPCC report.The presenter speaks of it as a done deal, that a new perspective will come out. From past experiences I'm not convinced. Strong differences in interests between honest scientists and the others aligned with political parties, NGO lobbies and green industrial interests could result in a report with buried, distorted and ignored evidence, as was it a 9/11 report or a JFK murder, or an official report about Pearl Harbour or ...
I watched the video you posted, and could not help wonder what will get printed in 2022 IPCC report.The presenter speaks of it as a done deal, that a new perspective will come out. From past experiences I'm not convinced. Strong differences in interests between honest scientists and the others aligned with political parties, NGO lobbies and green industrial interests could result in a report with buried, distorted and ignored evidence, as was it a 9/11 report or a JFK murder, or an official report about Pearl Harbour or ...

Yes, my hunch is that, as happens so much these days, there will be a deepening of the reality split: more and more respected scientists (including those associated with the IPCC) will see through the nonsense and get out of it. Many might even speak out. But those scientists who are ideologically possessed and are highly invested in the climate scare will double down and further drift into the realm of total illusion and lies. The split will become more and more obvious the more extreme all of this becomes, and regular people will be forced in one way or another to join the side of illusion and further sink, or join the side of truth and hopefully rise and grow. OSIT
Interesting data point about Extinction Rebellion (it's from spring this year), notice those who signed:


Sir, Contrary to belief, there is business support for the Extinction Rebellion (XR) agenda. The multi million-pound costs that the Extinction Rebellion protests have imposed on business are regrettable, as is the inconvenience to Londoners. But future costs imposed on our economies by the climate emergency will be many orders of magnitude greater.

Hard pressure drives change, but even the most committed businesses will need time to respond. We welcome the news that Extinction Rebellion is evolving a new platform, XR Business, to engage business leaders, investors and advisers. To drive things forward, the idea is to convene a meeting of XR activists and experts with business leaders and influencers.

Most businesses were not designed in the context of the developing climate emergency. Hence we must urgently redesign entire industries and businesses, using science-based targets.

To kick start the process, businesses should make a declaration that we face a climate emergency and organise a session at a full board meeting to consider the case for urgent action. We will encourage the senior management teams of which we are part to do likewise.


Seb Beloe, partner at WHEB
Thomas Bourne, CEO and co-founder, Greenheart Business Ltd
Amy Clarke, co-founder, Tribe Impact Capital LLC
Chris Davis, CSO, The Body Shop International Ltd
John Elkington co-founder and Louise Kjellerup Roper, CEO, Volans Ventures Ltd
Brad Frankel, CEO and co-founder, Flooglebinder Ltd
Jake Hayman, CEO, Ten Years’ Time
Jeremy Leggett, founder and director, Solarcentury Ltd
Charmian Love and Amanda Feldman, co-founders, Heliotropy Ltd
Andy Middleton, founder and chief exploration officer, TYF Group
Safia Minney, founder & Former CEO, People Tree Fair Trade group.
James Perry, partner, Snowball LLP
Paul Polman, former CEO, Unilever plc
Samer Salty, co-founder and managing partner, Zouk Capital LLP
Sir Tim Smit, founder of The Eden Project, executive chairman of Eden Regeneration Ltd
Hermione Taylor, CEO and founder, The Do Nation Enterprise Ltd
Diana Verde Nieto, CEO and co-founder, Positive Luxury Ltd
Dale Vince OBE, founder, The Ecotricity Group
Bevis Watts, managing director, Triodos Bank UK
Tim Westwell, co-founder and former CEO, Pukka
Gail Bradbrook (co-founder) Extinction Rebellion
Fiona Ellis (XR Business)

So the woke crowd is about making some bucks, eh? But this apparently caused a stir among the EX folks, so the founder had to weasel out of it, XR Business is now disfunctional. His message is worth reading and shows the whole hubris - notice how he says "Many XR groups around the world hold XR to be a radical grassroots movement of people" - translation: "you idiots really believe that, don't you? But you are just pawns in my game of getting rich and powerful."

That Russian pundit video was great: told the plain, unvarnished truth. "Political pedophilia"!!

And I notice that a lot of folks picked up on the same thing that occurred to me: the Children's Crusade. Who said it first?

You have to know history to even think of it.

This author I think:

Greta Thunberg and the Children’s Crusade

March 23rd this year
PJW hits the nail on the head here:

"Burning Man on Thames" is a great depiction of what the event looks like. The people dressed in what he relates to hunger games aristocrat attire is incomprehensible. "If only we could figure out a technological way to harness the power of crazy to replace fossil fuels because Jesus Christ it's in plentiful supply", I laughed but perhaps I shouldn't.
Well that was pretty clear and shocking! Good lord, those video clips! Utter insanity!
It seems that what we are seeing with the Climate agenda could actually turn out to be worse than 9-11. It seems to be striking at the very heart of society and society seems to be unable to stop what is happening to it. But 9-11 was probably a necessary precursor to these current events. Time will tell, but right now it seems we are on the precipice of something very daunting. I hope I am wrong...
Yes, my hunch is that, as happens so much these days, there will be a deepening of the reality split: more and more respected scientists (including those associated with the IPCC) will see through the nonsense and get out of it. Many might even speak out. But those scientists who are ideologically possessed and are highly invested in the climate scare will double down and further drift into the realm of total illusion and lies. The split will become more and more obvious the more extreme all of this becomes, and regular people will be forced in one way or another to join the side of illusion and further sink, or join the side of truth and hopefully rise and grow. OSIT
And we may well see another reality shift.
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