Greta Thunberg: False Prophet of the Children's Crusade

Sometimes I'm in a state of complete jaw drop... that just goes on and on. :jawdrop:

I simply can NOT believe how fast things have gone down the toilet.

But then, I remember all those people complaining because stuff wasn't happening fast enough! They all want to "ascend" in a flash of light.

Well, like we've been saying for years, it doesn't quite happen that way, but Lord Have Mercy! I never expected THIS.
Germany might be about to lay the groundwork for treating climate deniers :scared:

“Punitive Political Psychiatry” Coming To Germany? Leading Journal Defines Climate Science Dissent A Psychological Disorder
By P Gosselin on 11. October 2019

Germany may be soon re-introducing a dark period where political opponents are simply declared mentally ill by the state and forcibly hospitalized for “treatment”.

Image: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, 1975
A case for psychotherapy
In a recent paper dubbed “The Denial of the Apocalypse – Dealing with the Climate Crisis from the Perspective of Existential Psychotherapy” appearing in the German Das Psychotherapeutenjournal (The Psychotherapist Journal), author Fabian Chmielewski explains which “denial processes are effective and what the psychotherapists could and should concretely do about it”.
Panic over climate change is normal
According to Chmielewski, a psychologist with a practice in Hattingen, being in panic about the rapidly approaching climate apocalypse is in fact rational behavior, while having doubts and remaining calm about it is abnormal and thus needs to be addressed.
The journal’s editorial, written by Hans Schindler, comments that although Chmielewski’s paper is contentious, it is “a suitable impetus for the necessary debate about the socio-political responsibility of our professional group and for the discussion about the possibilities – and limits – of engagement in our roles as psychotherapists and citizens.”
Leading journal in Germany
Das Psychotherapeutenjournal is not just some crackpot publication that gets little attention in Germany, rather it is indeed the organ of the Bavarian State Chamber of Psychological Psychotherapists.
The journal is co-financed by the membership fees of the other German state chambers and sent throughout Germany. It is the central organ of a corporation under public law, which represents the profession of psychotherapists by law.

Concrete psychotherapeutic ‘interventions’

The abstract of Fabian Chmielewski paper:
A broad consensus of serious research warns of the scenario of a soon inevitable spiral of man-made climate change. Nevertheless, both large sections of the population and decision-makers do not seem to be adequately interested in the impending destruction of the world as we know it. The gloomy prophecies of climate scientists are played down or even denied, the necessary climate policy steps are not taken. The article looks at these phenomena from the perspective of existential psychotherapy and tries to point out possible causes and mechanisms of this repression as well as to derive concrete psychotherapeutic ‘interventions’. It also argues for the active participation of psychotherapists in health campaigns against this widespread “existential neurosis”.
Chmielewski claims that the “Fridays for Future” strikes and demonstrations are the clearest and most media-effective indication of the impending doomsday scenario, and calls for the implementation of the drastic climate policy measures demanded by science and that both doctors and psychologists warn of the health consequences of climate change and give it top priority. Here, he suggests, panic is the psychologically appropriate response.
Top human health priority
Chmielewski notes that at its annual general meeting, the Marburger Bund(association of physicians) demands: “Stopping climate change caused by humans and its consequences for human health must also be given absolute priority in health policy action”.
“Existential threat”
In the paper, Chmielewski writes that in recent times, various psychologists and psychotherapists have marked climate change as an “existential threat” (Psychologists for Future, 2019).
And when it comes to scientific dissent with regards to the upcoming climate doomsday, auditor Chmielewski writes that despite the scientific certainty of climate doomsday:
Nevertheless, important decision-makers are either completely denying man-made climate change or trivializing it and the urgency of the pressure to act. […] A large part of the population does not seem to be adequately interested in the impending destruction of the world as we know it and – as Brick and van der Linden (2018) put it – has only one lethargic “yawn” left for the apocalypse. Even more questionable seems to be the motivation of people to reject the human cause of climate change as a lie – sometimes with astonishing aggressiveness and with reference to untenable conspiracy theories.”
Suggesting compulsory hospitalization, medication
Also commenting on Chmielewski’s paper at the critical German here, Air Tuerkis notes that generally therapists are rightly afraid to impose a certain point of view on people. But according to Chmielewski: “Exceptions are to be made, however, if an acute own or foreign endangerment is present”.
Tuerkis continues:
The concept of an ‘acute danger to oneself or others‘ is quite explosive here. It releases the therapist, for example, from the duty of confidentiality. The term normally aims at impending criminal offences that pose a danger to life and limb and above all a the danger of suicide. In Bavaria the legislator speaks of a danger to public safety to a considerable extent.”
A ‘considerable and acute danger to oneself or others’ is even sufficient as a reason for compulsory hospitalisation and compulsory medication. In this case, the patient could be admitted provisionally for up to 48 hours without a court order.”
In other words, back to the dark days days of Soviet-style punitive political psychiatry. Dissenters should be medicated into changing their views.
Suggested other reading: Prof Richard Parncutt suggests death penalty for influential climate deniers.
And here’s another whopper: 10:10 No Pressure

And we may well see another reality shift.

We are already seeing a steady stream of scientists coming out and saying the climate emergency is a hoax. Some of them IPCC contributors who just can't stomach the lies. They are written off and ignored as having been compromised by the "climate denial lobby", whatever that is. But the divide is increasing and I think we may well end up wjth those people who can see through the lies splitting off from the so passionate and ardent authoritarian believers. And those believers are so incensed at the skeptics that I can see increased pushes coming to criminalize skepticism and for skeptics to be physically attacked.

Interesting to note that the authoritarian believers cover all parts of society. If you look at the XR demonstrators they are young and old, working class and middle class people. It is not a trait peculiar to one strata of society it seems.
We are already seeing a steady stream of scientists coming out and saying the climate emergency is a hoax. Some of them IPCC contributors who just can't stomach the lies. They are written off and ignored as having been compromised by the "climate denial lobby", whatever that is. But the divide is increasing and I think we may well end up wjth those people who can see through the lies splitting off from the so passionate and ardent authoritarian believers. And those believers are so incensed at the skeptics that I can see increased pushes coming to criminalize skepticism and for skeptics to be physically attacked.

I guess it's coming home to them now exactly what their irresponsible silence has led to.
They all want to "ascend" in a flash of light.

More like a wading through puke in slow motion! One thing I really understood only recently (osit): the only antidote to being terrified all the time, and/or being dragged to one of the many paths that lead down the drain, is to understand stuff. It really is the only way to keep sane. Knowledge protects!
Sometimes I'm in a state of complete jaw drop... that just goes on and on. :jawdrop:

I simply can NOT believe how fast things have gone down the toilet.

I can't help but think of this statement by the C's, from 22 Feb,1997,

...One change to occur in 21st Century is sudden glacial rebound, over Eurasia first, then North America. Ice ages develop much, much, much faster than thought. [Discussion of new scientific theory recently presented that the earth is expanding.]

Since a global fascist, authoritarian government would be like a political ice age, maybe this will develop 'much, much, faster than thought' as well. One being a managed event, (political), in response to a natural event, or cycle (ice age). But there is no doubt, things are happening at a 'jaw dropping' pace.
I can't help but think of this statement by the C's, from 22 Feb,1997,
...One change to occur in 21st Century is sudden glacial rebound, over Eurasia first, then North America. Ice ages develop much, much, much faster than thought. [Discussion of new scientific theory recently presented that the earth is expanding.]
Since a global fascist, authoritarian government would be like a political ice age, maybe this will develop 'much, much, faster than thought' as well. One being a managed event, (political), in response to a natural event, or cycle (ice age). But there is no doubt, things are happening at a 'jaw dropping' pace.
I was almost through composing the following when Hello's post appeared. We're thinking along the same line:

I'm wondering if the upcoming winter will finally be what it takes to 'break the spell' of the AGW lies. Didn't Laura or the Cs say something about waking up to 15 feet of snow on the ground? And that this would occur in Europe first? The first snow of the season in the US brought up to 4 feet of snow - in September no less!

Of course, the most ironic and sad part of this is that the instigation of an ice age will be a climate emergency! Crops and livestock buried by snow or frozen to death? Trucking paralysed by impassable roads unable to bring available food to grocery stores? Downed power lines shutting off electricity on a massive scale?

Yes, thanks to our evil controllers, absolutely no preparation has been made for these eventualites (at least for the general populace). All the money that's been spent for global wars (proxy or otherwise), insurgencies, etc. could have been directed to actual, workable solutions to get us through this real climate disaster. But then, if you already have a reserved spot in a fully stocked, climate controlled underground base (or space port), you're not going to get too worked up about the fate of 'the useless eaters'. And I'm sure they're well stocked with little kiddies to keep themselves quite entertained as well! (Umm, Jeffrey who?)

Realizing how things were going some years ago, I remember saying to my spouse, "Who knew we needed to be Amish"? But then, even that won't be a lasting fix when all the home-canned food is used up, all the accumulated firewood has been burned, or your homestead has been invaded by armed crazies out to confiscate whatever they can take by force.

Just by chance, I recently saw on TV a map of Ohio depicting the line of glaciation from the last ice age. Only the most south-eastern part of the state was below that line and I don't live in that area. So that tells me that at some point, my living space will be uninhabitable. Is there really any viable way to prepare for this and will it even matter? Cs: "It's not where you are, but who you are".

Still, it's hard to keep on an even keel with all the insanity going on and knowing the worst is yet to come. I feel so sorry for the younger people and their children when I think about all of this. :-(
Here comes the crack-down ... stricter Laws.

Protesters like Extinction Rebellion face tougher restrictions under new public order laws being considered by the Government.

Extinction Rebellion protesters face tougher penalties under new laws being considered by ministers

Extinction Rebellion protesters at the BBC's New Broadcasting House

Extinction Rebellion protesters at the BBC's New Broadcasting House Credit: DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS/AFP

Oct. 11, 2019 - The new legislation would aim to make it easier for police to restrict protests if they threaten “serious disruption,” curb repeat offenders by imposing banning orders on them and increase the penalties for public order offences like obstruction of a highway.

The move follows calls from police and MPs for Britain’s “outdated” public order legislation to be reformed in the face of increasing and more sophisticated civil disobedience tactics pioneered by Extinction Rebellion, leading to severe disruption and diverting police from fighting crime.

Climate protester lies on plane as London arrests top 1,000
A protester lay on top of a plane while another forced a jet to turn around on the runway as climate change activists descended on London City Airport on Thursday, causing some flight disruption as the number of arrests this week topped 1,000.

Comment: Is it possible, the EU is the primary source behind these Climate Change protests - so that these Countries can pass the Legislature needed - that introduces the "Carbon Tax"?

Eight EU countries call on Timmermans to raise 2030 climate goal to 55%
European Commissioner-designate for European Green Deal Frans Timmermans of Netherlands looks on ahead of his hearing before the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium October 8, 2019. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir
Eight European Union states have called on the bloc's incoming top climate official, Frans Timmermans, to raise the EU's carbon dioxide reduction target for 2030 to 55% from 40%.

Germany approves climate measures seen as weak by activists

FILE PHOTO: German Environment Minister Svenja Schulze attends the weekly cabinet meeting at the Chancellery in Berlin, Germany, October 2, 2019. REUTERS/Michele Tantussi
The German cabinet on Wednesday approved measures to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions, paving the way for Chancellor Angela Merkel to pass landmark climate legislation this year.
Oh geez - hold your nose reading this latest celebrity blitz AGW promotion:
Why Jane Fonda is moving to Washington (for now)


Actress and activist Jane Fonda will speak at a global climate rally at the U.S. Capitol on Friday.
(KIrk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)

Jane Fonda has never been content to raise hell only from the comfort of Los Angeles. The 81-year-old actress, activist and exercise phenom is moving to Washington for four months with a plan to get arrested. A lot. Maybe every week. Grandmas like her, Fonda says, need to get in the arena fighting global warming with the likes of Swedish activist Greta Thunberg.

Fonda plans a series of teach-ins and weekly rallies in front of the Capitol, the first of which takes place Friday. She stopped by The Times’ Washington bureau to talk about the launch of her latest celebrity-packed action, where Jerry Brown inspired (and didn’t), and Fonda’s secret plot to engage Pamela Anderson in winning Trump over to the side of science. Here’s what she had to say — lightly edited for clarity.

What moved you to do this?
I read Naomi Klein’s new book. It’s called “On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal.” [One of the things about the book that really changed my life] was the way she wrote about Greta. I mean, I knew about Greta, I didn’t know she was on the spectrum. And I didn’t really understand what Asperger’s meant. And when Naomi described it, I realized that here is this young person who ... she’s not influenced by what other people think. ... On the spectrum, if they are interested in something, they have a laser focus on that and whatever the denials and rationalizations the rest of us indulge in, that doesn’t come into play with her. And she read the [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] report and she realized that the crisis was barreling straight at us, like a train, and looked around and people weren’t behaving appropriately. It so traumatized her that she stopped eating. I hadn’t realized that she stopped eating and speaking for almost a year. And that really hit me.
[So old Janie was just 'hit' by the incredible laser focus thinking of a mentally ill teen child with her resulting traumatized behaviors and therefore, it's just imperative that we all do as this sick child has proclaimed - panic and act accordingly!]

Do you worry these protests could further polarize Americans on this issue?

I do canvassing, knocking on doors in places like Scranton, Pa. There’s some people you’ll not convince. But we want to reach the people who know it’s a man-made problem, know it exists, but they don’t know what to do. And kind of [give a] sense of urgency. Lift that to more action.
['the people who know it exists' i.e. the clueless throng of authoritarian followers as opposed to the Scrantonites who weren't buying it!]

Look what the students did. We don’t want to just go silent. ... They still have the torch, but the grandmas are taking it now and continuing it right up until the key thing, which is next November.

Then what?
We have to hold their feet to the fire. When [Gov. Jerry Brown] came in, in the ’70s, it was great. Suddenly, you could afford solar panels and all these kinds of windmills. I even had a windmill. But he was focused on the consumption side — use less, cut back, change over to renewables, which is very important. But he wasn’t good on the supply side. For whatever reason, I don’t understand. Right to the day he left, he didn’t pay too much attention to the fact that oil companies are drilling all over California next to communities and next to schools and everything.
[Shocked Californians are discovering their solar panels don't work when the grid is shut down:
California Hit By Dual Shock: LA Gas Prices Spike Above $5 As Residents Learn Solar Panels Don't Work In Blackouts
Plus, nobody factors in all the hidden environmental costs of solar panels/windmills and Janie isn't mentioning that either]

Jerry’s complicated. There’s a lot I never could understand. But I love him. I mean, he’s just fascinating.

You owned a windmill?
Yeah, I had a children’s camp with Tom Hayden up above Santa Barbara. We got some of our electricity from photovoltaic cells, but we had a windmill that generated electricity.

What changes will your rallies demand?
The most important is to stop all new leasing permits for any fossil fuel development on public lands and waters. Because no matter what we do, if that doesn’t stop, we’re doomed. Number two: gradual phaseout over 30 years with a fair transition. That means … all of those people who worked for the fossil fuel industry get decent union jobs … that can support a family.
[I'm sorry - how do you fly a jet using solar panels and/or windmills? Oh right - we won't be using jets under the Green New Deal i.e. Agenda 21]

The fossil fuel industry is going to have to leave trillions and trillions of dollars in the ground, and they’re going to be asked to pay for the mess they’ve made. And I have not an iota of compunction about the fact that we should insist on that. Because if they had told the truth 30 years ago, the transition could have been moderate, could have been incremental. But because they lied and covered up what they knew, now what we have to do is radical.
[Does she genuinely believe fossil fuels have had a more negative impact on the environment than nuclear power plants?!!!]

Is there a role for Hollywood to play?
I don’t know, I’m not even thinking about it. Whatever they do, it’s too slow.
[Maybe not that slow - is the Joker hitting a nerve? Sure has the MSM going ballistic!]

Why four months in D.C.?
Well, I went to Ted Sarandos, who’s the [chief content officer] of Netflix, and I asked him if he could give me a year off — a year’s hiatus from “Grace and Frankie” — so I could do this for a year. And he tried, and he couldn’t because of the contracts. I mean, there’s a lot of actors in the mix. And so four months is what I could get. And then when we finish, it’ll be a longer season because it’s our last season. Then I’ll come right back.
[The Capitol dome might be buried in snow by then]

Who else is involved in this?, Greenpeace, Climate Action Network, Friends of the Earth, Oil Change International. A lot of really good groups. I’m just amazed everybody that I’ve called, every scientist, every expert, every celebrity, has said yes, I want to come. And it’s just a question of fitting them in.
[Did George Soros accept, too? Oh, wait - he likes a less obvious role]

“Jane Fonda’s Workout” was created to fund your early activism?
It was in the ’70s. There was this terrible recession. It was very hard to raise money. I read an article about Lyndon LaRouche because he hounded me in the airports — “Feed Jane Fonda to the Whales,” “Jane Fonda Leaks More Than Three Mile Island,” etc. The article said that he funded his whole operation with this computer business. I said to Tom [Hayden], “Let’s start a business.” …We actually considered opening a restaurant. ... That would have been a disaster. … I understood acting and I understood exercise. And so it was exercise. Everything is timing.
[So she does know about nuclear power plants!]

Do you nudge writers to plug climate change into their scripts?
Yeah, I will. I will. They don’t like to be nudged. And episodic television is — I learned very quickly — is a totally different animal. … It’s been six years, but it’s something that I don’t really understand. I don’t know. I shouldn’t... Nevermind. [“Grace and Frankie‘s”] a big hit. Lily [Tomlin] and I say, “We’ll take it.”

Does America see you differently than it did in the 1970s?
Unlike [with] my earlier activism, I have a hit series at my back. It’s so much easier for me. People like me! I used to do this [in the Vietnam era], and chunks of my hair would literally be pulled out.

It really makes a difference to have a hit TV series, not a hit movie. ... Television is in your room all the time and so it really has an effect. And if they like your character and they like the story, then they like you. Lily is going to join me. And Sam Waterston.
["Television is in your room all the time and so it really has an effect." What more needs to be said - visual kool-aid]

Martin Sheen?
He might. I should ask him.

Who do you want to see in the White House in 2020?
I’m not going to tell you. But I’ll give you a few hints. It’s too late for moderation. Well, you know who that rules out. And I think diversity is important. And we need somebody that has a plan — not that I’m naming names.
['Im with Her' ring a bell? That “Year For All Years” plan can launch afterall]

You’ve met Trump?
Yeah! When he was married to Marla [Maples].

When he became the nominee, I thought, well, that’s good, because he’s not ideological. You know, this will be easy. I did not expect it would be this bad. I didn’t.

I tried to get to him on the climate right afterwards. … I know men like him. Not as bad, but I know men like him. And the ego is a big thing. So I thought I’m going to go in there with some gorgeous woman climate activists. I talked to Pamela Anderson, for example. And if she has to get on her knees and just say, “You’re going to be a hero. You can save the world.”
[If Pamela Anderson "has to get on her knees"?!!! With Trump?! I'm sorry - that just conjures up the wrong image! Shades of Monica and Bill . . . I presume Stormy Daniels wasn't available]

So I called the son-in-law, Jared [Kushner]. And I told him what I wanted to do. And he said, “Well, [my wife], Ivanka, is the environmentalist in the family.” And so I called her. And she said, “Well, I’ll see what I can do.” Nothing.

But I realize now. A group of gorgeous women next to the industry that has given him all the money and power ... we couldn’t possibly have held up. Pamela was ready to do it. And I’m desperate. I’ll do anything.


Jane Fonda is arrested in D.C. during climate change protest — exactly as she’d planned

Why Jane Fonda is moving to Washington (for now)
Have to say - adding a bunch of snarky comments to a celebrity propaganda piece is quite cathartic.

Meanwhile, Naomi Klein:
Review: Naomi Klein’s ‘On Fire’ urges us to quit hitting the snooze button on climate change

Canadian writer and activist Naomi Klein has been one of the most forceful and even lyrical voices for social justice for decades, and her book “No Logo” remains one of the best articulations of radical sentiment leading up to the 1999 Battle of Seattle, when protesters from around the world tried to block the adoption of the World Trade Organization agreement.

Klein’s new book, “On Fire,” collects essays written between 2010 and now, as a kind of time-series of unheeded warnings about the climate crisis, with ever more dire consequences mounting around us.

But her purpose is not to dishearten us by forcing us to confront our failures. Rather, Klein wants to awaken us to the growing global movement for action — real action, radical and transformative, striking at the roots of climate inaction in institutionalized racism, inequality and colonialism.

Today, this transformative program has a name: the Green New Deal. But before Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her political colleagues popularized the Green New Deal, Klein backed the Leap Manifesto, a visionary document intended as a yardstick (or meter-stick, for Canadians like Klein and me) to measure any climate crisis proposal against: You must be this bold to save the planet. Anything less is cowardice and depraved indifference to the plight of our children and (especially) the children of poor people in poor countries.

Klein’s book opens with an introduction that describes her experience meeting Greta Thunberg, the Swedish schoolgirl whose one-teenager strike — refusing to go to school so long as Sweden’s grown-ups continued to behave as though everything was normal — jump-started the Extinction Rebellion movement. The movement has become the uncompromising, militant wing of the Green New Deal, holding triangulating politicians to account.

Klein and Thunberg discuss how Thunberg’s neuro-atypicality (she is on the autistic spectrum) has left her incapable of compartmentalizing the imminent catastrophe. The house is on fire, Thunberg tells us, and we cannot afford to play “this is fine,” complacent and comfortable on the sofa as the flames lick around us.

[So Janie parroted what Naomi wrote and thus, we're supposed to believe Asperger's is an intellectual super power now?!]

Thus begins a journey through both the peril and promise of climate inaction. Klein’s work takes the form of the very best activist messaging: “This will all be so great ... if we don’t screw it up (and if we do, it will be ‘terrible’).” Klein recognizes that for those of us who lack Thunberg’s clarity, the mounting evidence of imminent crisis is as likely to cause catatonia as commitment to change. [Is that her professional 'medical' opinion?]

So Klein’s essays don’t just document the failure of inaction. They celebrate and lionize the mounting commitment to action, the sacrifices and commitments that everyday people are making all around us, all the time, in growing numbers.

I have a theory of change I call “peak indifference.” When we are faced with a problem like the climate crisis, it can be hard to persuade people that the problem exists at all. [The AGW version doesn't]

But if the problem is real (as climate change is), then the inaction from indifference will build up a kind of policy debt as rains come and the fires rage. Little by little, and then very quickly, people self-radicalize as their personal experiences with climate change convince them that there is a problem and that it’s getting worse.

Eventually, we arrive at peak indifference, when the number of people who acknowledge the crisis only increases, even if activists never lift a finger to spread the alarm.

The moment of peak indifference is when the activist’s job flips: from convincing people that there is a problem to convincing them that it’s not too late to solve it.

The boldly ecstatic vision of climate justice — a Green New Deal that gives every person meaningful, full employment in solidarity work and mutual aid that saves our planet from our species and saves our species from itself — is a powerful tonic, an antidote to despair.

In “On Fire,” Klein shines a spotlight on a world in crisis, illuminating the terrible (the Great Barrier Reef, finally dying after years of inaction, despite urgent warnings); and the inspiring (the people of Puerto Rico soldiering on despite hurricanes, official neglect, structural racism and a state hollowed out by colonialism).

Klein brings us inside her family discussions as choking clouds of smoke sweep across the ancient forests of British Columbia, and inside the activist camps rallying around young Greta Thunberg and the extraordinary Extinction Rebellion she has touched off.

It’s an urgent book that never surrenders hope, committed to the idea that we can act and insistent that we must. Klein’s message could not be more timely, because the time for action is now.

Review: Naomi Klein’s 'On Fire' urges us to quit hitting the snooze button on climate change
Why does it feel like we're getting an AGW full-court press as a result of elevating Greta to supreme climate guru status validated by her indisputible Asperger's insight?
It just keeps getting weirder . . .
‘WTF?’ Newsweek determined to get to the bottom of why Greta Thunberg was ‘snubbed for the Nobel Peace Prize’

In spite of the hopes of many on the Left, teen climate change activist Greta Thunberg will not be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, and Newsweek is exploring just who might be to blame for that:

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How long until Newsweek publishes an entire issue dedicated to bashing Norway?

Stephen Miller


Norway is cancelled.

Jeryl Bier


Replying to @redsteeze

imagine snubbing a 16 year old climate activist in favor of a guy who is just helping to end some civil war or whatever

8:33 PM - Oct 11, 2019
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The nerve.

A child recites a speech written for her and suddenly deserves a Nobel? …

Carl Fridh Kleberg

Wow, a take so hot it risks running afoul of Thunberg for noticeably warming the globe.

"Snubbed", really @Newsweek? #NobelPeacePrize …


I remain perpetually amazed someone actually thought this rag was worth $1. …

But there are attempts to calm down those on the Left who are upset at the Nobel folks:
Narrator: They were disappointed anyway.
2014: Global economy continues to spiral downward. “Capitalism is in danger of falling apart”, Al Gore, Generation Investment, The Climate Reality Project

Buf! and I thought Al Gore was somehow misplaced somewhere buried in snow, but it was such suprise to find him giving leadership training workshops! ... sadly, I thing we will see him more often ...again. said:
Al Gore's Climate Reality Project comes to Japan
More than 800 people from different industries and sectors attended Japan's first "climate reality" leadership training workshop in Tokyo this month. As a regular interpreter of weather events in the region, NHK World weather anchor Tsietsi Monare joined the session to broaden his understanding of climate change and the Japanese response to it.

etc, etc

In the above article it is mentioned thay Al Gore says: "It's Time to Listen to Mother Nature" ...and recently, I read this article (in spanish at SOTT)- post here the english version, it comes to my mind that certain pieces of chess are aligning the SOTT comment says: Quite strange what is happening in the current synod of the Catholic Church. said:
Catholic historian: There are now two religions within Catholic Church. One has an ‘Amazonian face’
Note: On Oct. 4, 2019, Voice of the Family, a coalition of pro-life and pro-family organizations, hosted a roundtable discussion in Rome to address critical questions for the Church and for the family on the eve of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon region. Read LifeSiteNews’s report on this event here. Below is the full address given by Prof. Roberto de Mattei.

October 4, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – There are, at this moment, two religions within the Catholic Church. The first is the traditional Catholicism, the religion of those who, in the current confusion, continue to be faithful to the immutable Magisterium of the Church.

The second, until a few months ago without a name, now has a name: it is the Amazonian religion because, as declared by the person currently governing the Church, there is a plan to give the Church “an Amazonian face”.

What is meant by an Amazonian face is explained in the Instrumentum laboris for the October Synod and the many declarations of the theologians, bishops and cardinals who have prepared this document. It is a matter of “reinventing” the Church in the words of Leonardo Boff (Ecclesiogenesis. The base communities are reinventing the Church, Borla, Rome 1978). The Boff ecclesiogenesis has become a cosmogenesis in line with post-modern environmentalism. Its objective is now broader: reinvention not only of the Church, but of creation as a whole on the basis of a new “cosmic pact” (Cry of the Earth, cry of the poor - For a cosmic ecology, Italian translation Assisi, Cittadella, 1996).

This objective is achieved through the method of reinterpretation of the truth of the Catholic faith. Modernism had previously taught that the most effective means of denial of the truth is distortion, rather than outright attack. Reinterpretation is an indirect negation of the teaching of the faith, more profound than outright denial, and means that the same words are ascribed a new meaning.

For example, the first Article of our Creed teaches: “I believe in God the Almighty Father, Creator of heaven and earth”.

The Instrumentum laboris proposes a “worldview captured in the mantra of Francis: everything is connected ’” (section 25). However, in no part of the document is it affirmed that all things are hierarchically ordered to God, their Creator, and distinct from the latter. The Earth is presented as a biosphere, an ecosystem, which includes God within it and in which the supreme law is that of equality of all things. In reality, the prime rule of creation is not the egalitarian interconnection of all things, but their ordinatio ad unum. The errors of ancient and modern pantheism, which absorbs God in the world or the world in God, have been repeatedly condemned by the Church. According to the Catholic faith, “God is distinct from the world”(Vatican Council I, Dogmatic Constitution Dei filius in Denz., section 3001) and, as reiterated in Vatican Council I, “if anyone says that the substance and essence of God and all things is one and identical, let him be anathema ” (section 3923 therein).

The new Amazonian religion reinterprets and distorts the first Article of the Creed, citing the “ancestral wisdom” of the indigenous peoples who see God in the physical elements of nature, without comprehending that God transcends these elements. They have no notion of transcendence, because they have no notion of creation, and they confuse God with nature, which for them is a Whole which contains God. Christianity has instead explained that God created everything and is in everything, yet no place can contain Him because God is immense, not in a material sense, but in a metaphysical and transcendent sense. God fills the heavens and the Earth, but the heavens and the Earth do not contain Him.

The Amazonian religion not only negates the transcendence of God by including Him in nature, as do pantheism, panentheism and monism; but also denies His Oneness, as does pagan polytheism.

By polytheism, we mean belief in a plurality of gods, contrary to monotheism, which is belief in one God. The Amazonian religion is a polytheistic religion because it applies the notion of God to individual elements in nature, reducing the Absolute to the level of the finite, the spiritual to the level of the material.

Leonardo Boff, the liberation ecotheologian who collaborated in Laudato sì affirms: “However we wish to interpret it, we have to recognise that the pagans had this extraordinary capacity: they could glimpse the presence of gods and goddesses in all things. In woods, Pan and Silvanus, in the Earth, Gaia Demeter (= Mother Earth) or Ceres, in the sun, Apollo and Phoebus, and so on” (Cry of the Earth and cry of the poor, p. 355).

The Instrumentum laboris summarises the same pantheism and polytheism in these lines, which refer to Laudato sì: «The lives of Amazonian communities, still free of the influence of Western civilisation, are reflected in their beliefs and rituals in relation to the actions of spirits, of divinity - invoked in many ways - with and in the territory, with and in relation to nature. This worldview is captured in the mantra of Francis: everything is connected” (LS 16, 91, 117, 138, 240). This same worldview is expressed in many other passages in the document.

With all respect owed to the ecclesiastical authorities, I accuse all those who have approved, or will approve, the Instrumentum laboris on the Amazon, of polytheism and, more specifically, polydemonism because “All divinities of the Gentiles are Demons; our Lord has instead created the heavens ” (Psalms, 95, 5).

Two religions cannot coexist within the same Church.

I call upon the Cardinals and Bishops who are still Catholic to raise their voices against this scandal. If their silence continues, we will continue to seek the intervention of the Angels and Mary Queen of Angels, to save the Holy Church from every form of reinvention, distortion and reinterpretation.

What is meant by an Amazonian face is explained in the Instrumentum laboris for the October Synod and the many declarations of the theologians, bishops and cardinals who have prepared this document. It is a matter of “reinventing” the Church in the words of Leonardo Boff (Ecclesiogenesis. The base communities are reinventing the Church, Borla, Rome 1978). The Boff ecclesiogenesis has become a cosmogenesis in line with post-modern environmentalism. Its objective is now broader: reinvention not only of the Church, but of creation as a whole on the basis of a new “cosmic pact” (Cry of the Earth, cry of the poor - For a cosmic ecology, Italian translation Assisi, Cittadella, 1996).

Leonardo Boff is a well known theologian in Brazil, he is probably the most notable left-wing Christian figure in the country. I don't know much about him but he has published a lot of books, seems to be frequently involved in political issues in favor of Lula and the Workers' Party and is one of the main proponents of liberation theology.

I found an interview in German where Greta Thunberg is mentioned. Google translate did not seem very good, so I'll just quote a small bit that makes his position clear.

"Mother Earth": In the face of progressive ecological problems, the earth groans and sighs at the creature. The Brazilian theologian Leonardo Boff sounds the alarm and reminds us that if we do not turn back, we will perish. The earth should be kept holy like a mother. A conversation about the love of life and hope - despite everything.

Mr Boff, for many years you have been warning of an ecological catastrophe and calling for rethinking. Now Greta Thunberg comes from Sweden and is heard. Does she speak from the heart?

Leonardo Boff: Wisdom speaks through a child, so it says in one passage in the Bible. That means today: through Greta Thunberg.
However, some think that Thunberg's statements are too "panicky" and would make it more difficult to discuss the issue of climate change.
We can not act fast enough and turn around, because otherwise no way back will be possible. The climate heating is here. Everyone can experience them in extreme climate events. This is a sign that the earth has lost its balance and is looking for a new one that can include many sacrifices of living beings as well as human life.

About liberation theology. JPB would be furious but I've noticed that we seem to have a lot of Christian marxists around here.

Liberation theology is a synthesis of Christian theology and socio-economic analyses, often based in Marxism, that emphasizes social concern for the poor and political liberation for oppressed peoples.[1] In the 1950s and the 1960s, liberation theology was the political praxis of Latin American theologians, such as Gustavo Gutiérrez of Peru, Leonardo Boff of Brazil, Juan Luis Segundo of Uruguay, and Jon Sobrino of Spain, who popularized the phrase "Preferential option for the poor".

The Latin American context also produced evangelical advocates of liberation theology, such as C. René Padilla of Ecuador, Samuel Escobar of Peru, and Orlando E. Costas of Puerto Rico, who, in the 1970s, called for integral mission, emphasizing evangelism and social responsibility.

Theologies of liberation have developed in other parts of the world such as black theology in the United States and South Africa, Palestinian liberation theology, Dalit theology in India, and Minjung theology in South Korea.

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