By now you've seen the headlines:

"Italy reports RECORD NUMBER of Coronavirus deaths in one day."

"Coronavirus live updates: 627 killed in a single day in Italy"

"Rise in Coronavirus Deaths Spurs Calls for Tighter Lockdown"

"Italy's coronavirus death toll rises by more than 600 in a single day"

And you conclude, reasonably enough, that coronavirus killed 627 Italians today, and you're shocked, you're scared, you're horrified perhaps.

The problem is, you're being lied to, by the media and by omission, by your government (what's new).

The source for the 627 figure comes from today's press conference given by Italian health authorities. The video is below.

In the video, at the 3.34 minute mark, the speaker says:

"Today we registered 627 new deaths. And I want to remind you that these are people who died WITH Coronavirus, not people who died BECAUSE of Coronavirus."

And therein lies that essence of the problem with the scurrilous, fearmongering BS being proffered about this virus.

Why do you think the speaker stressed that point? Because the vast majority of people who are dying are people with SERIOUS HEALTH CONDITIONS who most likely died due to those serious health conditions, NOT due to Coronavirus.

I'll repeat what I've said dozens of times already. Last year in Italy, 43,000 people "died from the flu". Now, why do you think this wasn't shouted from the media rooftops at the time? Why were there no "lock downs" in Italy or elsewhere? Why no "pandemic" declared? Why no "self-isolation"?

Because health authorities around the world KNOW VERY WELL that they cannot attribute those 43,000 deaths (or the other ESTIMATED 600,000 deaths EVERY YEAR around the world) to "the flu" because they know that the large majority of people who "die from the flu" every year are the elderly who have one, or two or three existing chronic illnesses, and no responsible health authority would EVER claim that "the flu killed them".

And yet, this is PRECISELY what health authorities, the media and governments around the world are doing when it comes to coronavirus. WHY?

By the way, on average over the past 10 years, 1,800 people in Italy have died EVERY DAY. There are no statistics that I can find that break that number down, but you can bet that a lot of them occur in winter, and a lot of them are elderly with existing serious health issues.
I'm on page 194 at the moment, have to get ready for work, just heard this, so had to post.
Friend of my partner who just messaged my partner, the friends auntie is a doctor in Italy. Apparently they are so overwhelmed with patients choosing to treat the younger over the old, letting the old die. So much for careing about the elderly, Anyone hear anything about this??

Om Namah Shivaya

Capitulation. It's not my world. It's Maya's world, and I don't mind. Nobody can take anything from me because I and everything around me belongs to Maya. I'm increasing my practice of...can't really describe it, but it's a nature meditation, I guess, though need not be natural in the way most people think (i.e. birds, bees, trees, etc.). Just recognizing everything is Maya, in a deeply personal way, and feeling the strong connection to That. To be clear, this is not apathy, but indifference is not a bad way to describe it. Apathy lacks love. This feeling is chock full of It! It's a radiant feeling, not a sinking one.

Spoke to a friend and spiritual mentor yesterday about Maya meditation. The conversation evolved to discuss eye-mudra, which are certain gazes that supposedly correspond to various bhavas, or spiritual moods. There's supposedly a tendency for Shiva devotees to have a sort of slit-eye gaze, with the pupil directed slighly upwards above the slit, but with just enough of the pupil exposed to the outer world to still recognize it. Very comfortable to adore Maya in this way.

So, I'm happy to let the world turn as it will. My heroes are the ones who never suffer, in spite of the pain that we imagine for them.

Feel a blissful buzz just typing that, and internal impressions of a smiling goddess, verdant and playful. She smiles with lips closed. In her gaze I recognize the wisdom of the Satguru.

Refrain: Even as the temple is overrun with foreign soldiers, the monk sits in meditation, unpurturbed and wearing a gentle smile. One soldier threatens, "What's wrong with you? Don't you know that I can kill you here and now?!!" The monk, still with closed eyes and smiling lips, and otherwise motionless, simply replies, "Don't you know that I can let you?"

In case you haven't figured it out, we aren't much into Eastern mysticism and the whole Maya business. While we know that everything is, ULTIMATELY an illusion, we also know that it is very REAL in this REALm and that is what interests us. As the Cs have said:

Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past." People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future." (28 Sep 2002)

The context is important, so here it is:

28 Sep 2002
Q: [Laura asks for door to be opened as she feels great heat.]
A: Life is religion.

Q: (L) What does that mean?

A: Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past." People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future."

Q: (L) In this recent incident with Jeanine, I have a few questions. Apparently, she was "hearing" things differently than I was, and I was reading things that she wrote with a certain perspective that does not seem to have accurately represented what she meant. She had said "you don't pay attention to the confusion, you just do what you came here to do." I understood this in a completely different context. From her perspective, "paying no attention to the confusion all around and doing what you came here to do" essentially amounted to discovering the ways and means to "ascend" by overcoming and ignoring and shutting out the world. To me, "pay no attention to the confusion" means to pay close attention to what is going on, but not to be confused by it, to see the reality in the midst of the confusion. (AM) Any new knowledge a person comes in contact with can cause confusion until you come to terms with the reality of it. (L) The important thing seems to be to not dwell on the "confusion" aspect, but to concentrate on learning the knowledge that is buried in the confusion. Trying to understand what it is you need to learn. JN's idea was that if it causes confusion, you are supposed to shut it ALL out, pay no attention to any of it, and just concentrate on feeling peaceful. That's the same thing Whitley Strieber was saying: "The only freedom you will have is inside yourself." I guess, because those are the things I have been mulling over, this may be what is the stimulus for the C's opening remarks. Is that in response to the concerns in my mind?

A: More or less.

Q: (L) The other thing I was thinking about is the teaching that you are supposed to withdraw into some kind of monastic life in order to grow spiritually. What I have observed is that the world is exactly what is needed to learn the lessons of existence. Anybody who thinks that, in order to be spiritual, they have to go off to a monastery, or meditate, or follow this or that so-called "spiritual practice," are turning away the greatest interaction with God and creation imaginable. They are throwing away a great gift. By living in the world, and striving to see the spirit in things, one can accomplish so much more than if they go off to a monastery where there are no distractions, no real tests of balance or seeing. It's more religious, I think, to be in the world and be able to see and experience "spirit" than most people realize. The real world is where we fit. It is where we are born. And if we try to escape this lesson, we just come back over and over again. (A) Maybe that IS their world? Maybe escaping to a monastery or ignoring or shutting out the world IS what is right for them. (AJ) But, the question is, whether we learn to understand the world around us. Some people don't care about understanding the world. They are effectively saying: "it's holier to not care about the world, it's your business - we just want to ignore it." (L) And they become the memory of the past - primal matter - they recycle. The very fact that we ARE in this realm means that this is where we fit. And it seems that the only way to move to the next level is to grow. And that means to take full cognizance of the medium of growth, to learn about the realm, learn how to be spiritual in the realm where you are. Grow where you are planted, but always toward the light.

A: Home is where the heart is.

Q: (AM) Is it vital to my physical existence to move to another country in the near future?

A: It is not "vital" to be in the body at all. But for those with missions in this realm, it is quite useful to preserve the physical vehicle. Thus, if one accepts the mantle of responsibility to humanity, it is not a selfish thing to seek preservation until the mission is accomplished. In the present situation, that will be enhanced outside of the USA.
Further back, someone mentioned that what is going on is much like an alien invasion and that got me started thinking. I poked through the sessions and came up with the following:

Me and my fiance were at the beach the other day watching the sunset and as it was getting dark and walking back to the car I saw a massive bright object zooming across the sky. I first thought it might of been a shooting star, but then realised that it was way too big. I’m sure it must of been a meteorite.
Shhh! Don't tell anyone!

What came to my mind that if you calculate the percentage of death because of coronavirus, you will find as follows:

China with it population of almost 1.4 billion of people and they have like 3200 deaths, it is like 0.00023% of the population of China.

So, It can be said that even 1% of death because of COVID-19 for Italy is a lot.

Because if you compare it to China it is like 434782 times more death than in China if you compare the populations. (1% of Itallian cases of death because of coronavirus to 0.00023% of Chinese cases of deaths)

I’ve seen how densely populated are the cities in China.

They can trick us with numbers in Europe, but it is not that easy to do in China.

Interesting why Italy, The Roman Empire…
Now that you mention it Laura, I would have liked to join the FOTCM, but if I am not mistaken, you have to send a letter to submit the application ? The French post office has been in total panic these last few days so much so that they are not sure to be open again on Monday. I hope it will be unblocked anyway.

For now you can just scan your signed application and send it to me via PM, @Abats.
I want to encourage many of you who are not yet members, to join FOTCM. With membership, and enough posts so that we can get a feel for sincerity (and I see a LOT of sincerity in this thread), you can be admitted to the private forum where meetings and other things are organized. In these times, the benefits may be helpful.
How would one join ?
Is there an application page ?

Edit: Okay just found the how to join link.
Never mind
And thank you !!
I'm increasing my practice of...can't really describe it
A: Maybe, but suggest you learn to blend mosaic consciousness.

Q: (L) What is mosaic consciousness?

A: Thinking in internally spherical terms, rather than using linear "point blank" approach. The whole picture is seen by seeing the whole scene.

Q: (L) Well, I guess that is why I get into so many thought patterns...

A: Picture yourself as being at the center of a mosaic.
THAT'S IT! That's the practice. Seeing the whole.

There's a lineage of Himalayan Masters for whom Purnam, of Wholeness, is Supreme. I enjoy the teachings of a particular swami of that lineage. But as I write this, Laura posts that I'm wrong to consider such things.

In case you haven't figured it out, we aren't much into Eastern mysticism and the whole Maya business.

I've always found the C's to offer information that is directly confirmative of the view of Purnam, Wholeness. Illusion is directly contradictory to the idea of Wholeness. Purna Yoga is not subtractive. It can't be. The Purna mantra, translated, means that Wholeness cannot be reduced or increased. I get that. Do you?

Anyways, I was looking for a good exit from this thread. The C's have provided it. I'm out. Enjoy the ride!
Down here in western North Carolina, going out today everything was pretty normal. The parking lot for the supermarket was packed full of cars, gas stations operating like normal and the Lowes department store was plenty busy. The Lowes employees walked right up to me to help and the cashier was normal too. About the only thing different was the restaurants were closed. Really glad to not be living in NY or California right now!
Let's get some questions to ask the Cs together for a session soon. Really THINK about your question and can it be answered by research before posing it.

I think it would be important to get confirmation (or rebuttal) from the Cs, that over-consumption of Vitamin A (from retinol and beta-carotene containing foods) has negative health effect on large numbers of people and made them prone to get sick from coronavirus.
I posted on it earlier in this thread:
Friend of my partner who just messaged my partner, the friends auntie is a doctor in Italy. Apparently they are so overwhelmed with patients choosing to treat the younger over the old, letting the old die. So much for careing about the elderly, Anyone hear anything about this??
I've also heard that from someone who heard it somewhere.
Unfortunately no, I have just checked and for legal reasons, you have to send by paper mail. But thank you for your message ! (it's always nice to say thank you!)

As Laura said, applying online is fine as long as you intend to mail a signed hard copy to our US HQ. For legal reasons your membership isn't official without that signed hard copy, but that doesn't mean you can't join the private board and get involved in gatherings before we receive the hard copy.

I agree about a prayer/song. So, maybe just say the prayer of the soul once or twice and a quick pray for all members of sott and the forum while online logged into the forum. This connectedness with the help of the DCM could be helpful.

Also I'm not letting go of the idea that they are hiding something big either, like there is something natural about to happen or something they plan on doing, and want us all locked down first.

Somebody said a few pages back that something would happen this weekend so get to the store today, and that got me thinking about in Oregon the weekends is when we usually get our bad news from the governor.

I’m think soon: Alcohol & tobacco gone! Meds and vitamins hard to find.
"Today we registered 627 new deaths. And I want to remind you that these are people who died WITH Coronavirus, not people who died BECAUSE of Coronavirus."
In France it's worse than that. In radio news they made a report in an hospital:

Speaker : "There is a big tent in front of the hospital. Only a few exams are necessary, in particular the measurement of oxygen to know very rapidly who is contaminated."
Doctor: "An exam under the Covid tent take an average 5mn. We took a saturation, a temperature, I examine the patient, I listen to the lungs, I do again a saturation after the patient walked some meters. If the saturation is good and the pulmonary auscultation is not very alarming, the patient will go home. We say him that he is Covid, and that he don't have to worry".

This is a part of the trick to explode statistics. There is no biological exams done, you label all the virus and bacteria which induce a running nose or something similar into the Covid category. nature said in a post that even patients having a lost of smell are put in the Covid category.

A colleague of mine have is wife working in an hospital, he said me that tests for this virus had been suppressed.

Prof. Raoult explain in a video that we do know test for real if it's Covid or not. It took 1 hour and all hospitals have machines to do that.
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As Laura said, applying online is fine as long as you intend to mail a signed hard copy to our US HQ. For legal reasons your membership isn't official without that signed hard copy, but that doesn't mean you can't join the private board and get involved in gatherings before we receive the hard copy.

Ok Beau, thank you for the precision, I just sent the PDF form to Chu and I took the opportunity to print it before sending it by hard mail. Once it's done, I'll inform you of the sending if you want with a tracking number (you can never be too careful, especially at the moment). Thank you again !
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