@Andrian, the following quote could be useful (from The 7 habits of highly effective people) where Covey writes about Victor Frankl, a Jewish psychiatrist who survived a death camp (bolded text is mine):

One day, naked and alone in a small room, he began to become aware of what he later called "the last of the human freedoms" - the freedom his Nazi captors could not take away. They could control his entire environment, they could do what they wanted to his body, but Victor Frankl himself was a self-aware being, who could look as an observer at his very involvement. His basic identity was intact. He could decide within himself how all of this was going to affect him. Between what happened to him, or the stimulus and his response to it, was his freedom or power to choose that response.
In the midst of his experiences, Frankl would project himself into different circumstances, such as lecturing to his students after his release from the death camps. [...]
Through a series of such disciplines - mental, emotional, and moral, principally using memory and imagination - he exercised his small, embryonic freedom until it grew larger and larger, until he had more freedom than his Nazi captors. They had more liberty, more options to choose from in their environment, but he had more freedom, more internal power to exercise his options. He became an inspiration to those around him, even to some of the guards. He helped others find meaning in their suffering and dignity in their prison existence.

I keep going back to this book (it is an easy read), I can recommend it (see the thread on the forum). Have you listened to the latest MindMatters shows?

Note: while I am writing this one of my neighbours is going berserk and this will only get worse.
March 21, 2020; spring!

Will they rejoice at its coming

the birds that were flying free yesterday,

receiving it from their cage?

Mikel Laboa - Txoria txori

“Hegoak ebaki banizkion,
neria izango zen,
ez zuen alde egingo.
Bainan honela,
ez zen gehiago txoria izango,
eta nik txoria nuen maite.”
If I'd clipped its wings,
it'd be mine,
It wouldn't have escaped.
But that way,
it wouldn't have been a bird anymore,
and I loved the bird.

Today is our seventh day of official confinement.

In a little while, we'll start hearing the police cars' loudspeakers again: "Stay at home!"

However, at 8:00 p.m., many people will come out to their balconies to clap, sing and bang pots and pans; in honor of the health services, they say. Things are strange in this land of black magicians, now that they have taken off their white gloves.
I wonder all the time why it all seems so familiar to me. My ancestors and also my parents experienced Nazi Germany and I wanted to know everything as a child, it happened. Then I read the book “The Wave” for school with my son. Here in the forum know German-speaking ones. The wave belongs to an experiment owned by a teacher, which means that the past cannot happen again. . in our own time mankind recognize the danger immediately. Today I know - I am experiencing the rebirth of Nazi Germany and nobody sees the danger. Humanity needs repeated catastrophes to wake up. Only then is it possible to recognize who and what you are and what you want to be. What are we seeing right now? Humans are zombies, machines without thinking, do everything that is said. Yesterday I said to someone: If I say that you have to pour milk into your right ear and that you stand on one leg so as not to die from Corona - you will be doing it and don't even ask yourself if it make sense.

Others show themselves as traitors - they observe your behavior, explain that you are too stupid to know 1.5m, count people . I really had a terrible feeling shopping yesterday. Many watch people and are very aggressive when rules are violated here.

Then we have the variety that knows everything better. Studied 100 years of medicine, politics and economics and cannot even tie his own shoes. They are getting louder because the others are getting more and more anxious.

There are many drawers .... people are positioning themselves at the moment. But there are also the runaways who only wake up when they are in the middle of chaos.

And there are those who are becoming more critical, have different information. They haven't slept in the past few years - they're getting louder and louder.

Although most of them are still asleep, I also noticed that many are waking up and feel that we are experiencing our past here again. And we are no longer silent. We keep our frequency no matter what happens. And they feel that up there.

We had this measles story last year. It was the same process as now. Scaremongering - case studies - scaremongering - forced vaccination. A test run to see if we are obedient.

I think they only have a small window of time to complete their agenda - time will run out.

I would like to ask C:

Is our history repeating itself here in Germany?

The very low infection rates for Germany are being pushed in the media. Could it be that Germany came into contact with the virus before and therefore the population has immune protection?

Yesterday 2 huge American transport planes flew over us to Ramstein. There are currently thousands of American soldiers in Germany and Europe. Defender 2020 has been canceled and Trump has banned entry, the soldiers must stay here. Was the US entry freeze also arranged for soldiers to stay here for certain reasons? The U.S. Army suddenly has the SHAEF badge on the website. Is the Defender exercise a Trojan horse for the EU occupation?
the news here in north carolina is pretty much the same as what the others have been posting. we seem to be at the point where businesses are changing hours, running skeleton crews, dine-in is closed, and take out is the only option available. got some errands to run tomorrow, will see how the stores are. tried to go by walmart tonight after work, cops & employees out front.. closed. ah well. i'm not worried.

things have been quickly/slowly progressing, the days seem to fly by for me. i'm in line with what many have posted already and am curious as to what the next move could be by those powers. why do they want us isolated? why do they want us inside? why do they require so much fear.. and why now?

i am subcontracted by car dealerships and today they decided to split all employees into two teams - a&b. a works monday through wednesday.. b works thursday through saturday. the following week, a&b will switch so b works monday-wednesday, etc, etc. my coworker and i agreed to work our normal monday-friday but won't begin work until all others have left for the night.. so.. gonna be some late nights for me lol.

when i logically break it down.. it makes no sense but it is all beyond my control. i am grateful to be able to continue working and that the dealer is working with us to make sure we still have work.. while many others have none.

on my commute, i have noticed traffic has been smooth. major interstates still busy but traffic has been flowing. i notice people seem to be driving a bit faster. it's been real windy too. seems every day this week i have commented out loud to myself how windy it is and how it's blowing my car around lol. was a cool 80F today.

my sister, who has several serious mental afflictions called me earlier this week and was talking a bit how stressed she is feeling about everything that is happening. she works retail (in the mall) and was talking about how she would close the store down if they don't close themselves and that she doesn't care if she gets fired for it. it was this conversation that really hit home for me. and i admit, i was a bit sad afterwards.

i love my sister and it truly hurt my heart to hear her saying these things because i see how well the program has been working. unfortunately, as i mentioned, my sister already suffers from physical and mental addictions and compounding this coronavirus nonsense onto an already fragile being.. my heart feels heavy.

i try to remember that it's pretty much game though. i have to admit, the program and work put into all this is quite clever. i can't say i agree with one bit of it but i have to respect the game and respect the other players. but, as laura and others have said, let's get the show on the road. why slowly pull the band-aid off instead of one quick rip?

despite all this, i remain in good spirits. share what i can with others that seem receptive. maintaining the same attitude i have always had, showing smiles and not fear. i appreciate all those that read this, i know there are 200+ pages. be cool out there, keep riding the wave, and stay safe.

much love,
They just repeated to me: old people are dying like flies, etc. etc. Used the word Peste, and really they were very very scared. Impossible to stop their fear, to calm them.
The Wetiko feeds on polarization and separation said Paul Levy
Paul is the author of: The Madness of George Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis and Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil

In his books Paul explores and explains that we 'disown' our innermost, darkest thoughts and feelings and project them outwards onto others and the world, a process he compares to the Native American Indian concept of “wetiko”. Paul has stated that "there is a contagious psychospiritual disease of the soul, a parasite of the mind, that is currently being acted out en masse on the world stage via a collective psychosis of titanic proportions. This mind-virus covertly operates through the unconscious blind spots in the human psyche, rendering people oblivious to their own madness and compelling them to act against their own best interests."
I know already mentioned in this thread, but is this the real global pandemic?

Went for walk Friday morning with senior friend in my subdivision - she just flew back from a visit to Ocala, Florida. Said plane was full on trip back. Basically normal everything there including getting her hair cut!
Several single and couple seniors also walking as well as younger adults and some teens/children - some of those walking dogs. Exchanged "Hi's" and waves to all we saw. Daffodils, crocus blooming; neighbor's tree has pink blossoms starting to open; spring beauties and periwinkle blooming in my yard. Temp about 68 degrees with intermittent breeze/wind. A lot of rain past 24 hrs.+ put creek up into back yard to about as high as we've ever seen it.

More regarding Ohio - wondering why 69 cases in Cuyahoga county?

There are 169 confirmed cases in Ohio across 28 counties. One death was reported in Lucas County.
Number of counties with cases: Ashland (1), Ashtabula (1), Belmont (2), Butler (12), Clark (1), Coshocton (2), Cuyahoga (69), Darke (1), Delaware (2), Franklin (14), Geauga (1), Hamilton (7), Huron (1), Lake (3), Lorain (10), Lucas (2), Mahoning (7), Marion (1), Medina (6), Miami (1), Montgomery (1), Richland (1), Stark (6), Summit (10), Trumbull (3), Tuscarawas (1), Union (1), Warren (2)


Another question for the Cs:

Are the elderly/older people purposely being targeted - if so, for economic or other reasons?
Cindy Farson, director of the Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging, said she’s concerned about the closure of senior centers, but understands because older Ohioans are “a target population for the virus.”
Bolded may have a double meaning - and that's what I'm afraid of!
For the C's
I'd be interested to know the actual number of infected and real deaths caused by the virus.
Why they want us all indoors and segregated, and like Beau, I'd like to know the intended end-game and also what will actually happen.
Should we be working quietly in the background with helping the folks here or should we be loud on social media about the hoax?
Here are more details so people can get an idea of how things work.

A National Emergency for coronavirus is declared, which changes a few things. So here's the Primary Health Care scenario:

- The entire population is suspect, so no more laboratory tests for coronavirus are done.
- A "contaminated" respiratory circuit is developed at the clinic, and which is separated from the rest of the outpatients and health staff. Anybody coming with a cough, or who is sneezing or any respiratory sign is derived there and kept separated from those who say have wound or any non-related respiratory illness. That way, contagion is not propagated to the entire clinic, but is kept isolated in the respiratory circuit who has his own specific doctor.
-The electronic bureaucracy is set in place so that those with a respiratory illness and need to stay at home because they are suspect of carrying something, can get an international code related with the coronavirus label, so they can get their appropriate sick leave paperwork and appropriate days of isolation. Remember, no tests are to be done by now because the entire population is suspect due to the declaration of the national emergency alert. The person can have a common cold, could be coughing from a seasonal allergy, or the regular flu... Since it's a national emergency, it gets labelled as coronavirus related.
- Create a section in the electronic system where all people with doubts regarding the coronavirus or who have respiratory symptoms can make teleconsultations with doctors. Remember, every time a doctor has to write down anything related to a patient's consultation, he or she has to write an electronic note in their file under a diagnosis. In this case, a new diagnosis has to be created just to write down that you talked with someone in the phone. Because of the national emergency, that label falls under the international codes related with the coronavirus.

What I'm trying to say is that that creates a bunch of coronavirus labelled diagnoses when there was no actual laboratory test done and/or when the respiratory illness could have been anything from the common cold to the typical seasonal flu caused by a non-coronavirus. However, these "coronavirus" labels can now be used for statistical purposes.

As far as hospital care, I don't do that any more (I hope!). However, I worked in the past in European hospitals and know their systems.

Exactly, which is what Joe is saying:


This is so obvious to me as a practitioner that I find it hard to realize that it needs explaining. It means people really live in a bubble and have no clue as to what real life really looks like in the health care trenches.

Say a 88 years old patient has a fever. He was coughing the days previously. A doctor might find he's on respiratory failure. In his medical history you find that he has chronic kidney failure (as most elderly do), heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation and hypothyroidism. This is not unusual on someone this age and that's why a patient like this could be taking 12 medications, including potent blood thinners. A person such as the above, is likely to be labelled COPD - exacerbation. He or she would be prescribed antibiotics, nebulizations, cortisone, etc. They might test for microbes and find a bacterial infection AND the coronavirus. They will easily find he or she has a urinary tract infection. He or she might have internal bleeding due to the potent blood thinner and its interaction with the antibiotics or any new treatments. If he's not making progress and his organs start to fail all at once, a call to the ICU might be in order. The ICU doctor might not take him into the ICU because he's too old. Nevertheless, the patient might get better. Some don't and die. With so many issues and his age, some will say it was his time to pass away.

European hospitals and clinics are overburdened with patients like this because there are many patients like these. Nevertheless, assistance and a pretty good health care is always provided until the very end. I was often surprised how much Europeans (Italy, Spain) cared about their elderly. Now I got used to it. In other countries, they just don't bother.

As I said before, ICU doctors always run a filter, so they can have beds for those who don't have so many diseases piled in one very old body, which basically signals to them that it's time for this person to pass away. It can happen that health staff get so fixated into treating old patients, that a younger person doesn't have a ICU bed when is needed, i.e. respiratory distress induced by the flu.

In the example above, and for bureaucratic purposes, each disease and infection found will have its own international code for labelling purposes. First cause of death might be cardiopulmonary arrest and/or multiorgan failure. Second diagnosis might be bacterial infection. The coronavirus label will also have its code for statistical purposes. And that's where the numbers are coming from. They come from specific international codes used on doctor's files. It doesn't mean the coronavirus killed the person. As I said in previous posts, some people have so many diseases, that any banal bug could take them out.

As I understand, only patients that are admitted to the hospital (not even patients consulting the ER and who are sent home) are being tested for the coronavirus. That means the mortality will represent this population, not the general population. Only patients that are in a pretty bad shape get admitted.

From the head of the Italian Superior Institute for Health, we gather the following data (note, the video is one of several that contain all the information):

It bears repeating, this season is not very different from the ones before. Actually, I remember 2016 and 2017 as being particularly bad. Many patients that I was called for a home visit back then were already in respiratory failure and all of them had serious underlying health problems and/or where over 85 years old. A guy was just over 40 years old, but he had Down Syndrome and thus, much older than his biological age.

What has happened with this "pandemic"? We went to seeing from 30 to 40 patients per morning (and I have seen over 60 patients in one morning), to seeing 10 stable patients per morning. Those with diabetes, cancer, heart failure, COPD, etc. have to wait out at home, enclosed, until we get the green light that they can continue with their medical visits and follow ups. Too bad if they catch up the cold or anything from the stress this pandemic is engendering. If they end up in the hospital, they will run the coronavirus test, because after all, it's pandemic time. In the time being, they are waiting patiently at home and are very understanding of the system that told them to wait at home because it has to deal with more important issues right now.
Thanks dear Gaby for the information. You are an excellent reporter! ;-D The best!
Well, we do all we can to prolong our health and our lives - growing the elderly population. So, when outbreaks happen, it becomes more dramatic. Because we do all we can to give them medical care, more of them are on borrowed time, with growing lists of ailments, and then a virus comes along and this reaches the threshold where it is very mortal to get this particular virus - in this case. But we can only prolong life so much, and this increases the likelihood of death from a common cause, and time frame and makes it dramatic.

So, our success in medical advancements doesn't stop the inevitable, but it increases the chance that a flu outbreak will seem more lethal perhaps, because it holds back death until the very end and at the point where a flu will be what it takes to kill you.
Old people are super medicated. When you go to the pharmacy you see how many boxes of medication they have, some more then 20. It is absolutely normal that they will die if a flu or anything similar is coming. They have been put more sick then they are, the system did not cured them on the contrary. Their physical condition is a mess due to the so much medication they take. It is horrible. But they believe their God, the doctor. These old and sick people are the first in the line of fire. First casualties.
The situation is escalating rapidly.
Yesterday evening around 9 pm I received a few phone calls from friends and they told me that tonight After 11 pm the authorities will spray disinfection solutions from helicopters, so we could close all windows and put anything that we have outside, inside. Very, very strange.
I didn't hear anything until I went to sleep. In the morning I could not see any signs that they were spraying.

This morning I read the local web portal that the government last night after midnight decided to introduce full curfew on the whole territory. The public was screaming asking this, now they got it. They should only publish details today.

The biggest problem in Macedonia is that the economy started to collapse. It was already on the edge of collapsing all these years but now it goes down for sure.
My wife works in a big multinational corporation that produces car sears upholstery. There are about 2000 workers and since it was opened 4 years ago the local economy was much better.
Yesterday as soon they came home they received a phone call telling them not to come to work anymore until further notice. They didn't have guts to tell all those people while they were there, they waited until they came home and told them.
For a month or maybe 2 at most, they will receive 50% of the salary, and then nothing.

The company where I work produces professional catering equipment. A lot of products that we sell are imported from Italy. All catering facilities here and abroad are closed. Nobody wants to invest any more in catering equipment.
We still have to finish a few old projects in a max 3-4 weeks. Then we will be out of work and the company will probably close.
So it means both of us without any income if this continues more than 2 months and it probably will, much more.
And this scares me like nothing in my life.

Then 5G comes to my mind. Why they developed that and why they pushed that so much. If they will devastate the economy who will use those new fancy phones?
Or, maybe the real purpose of this was not what we were expecting.
Take this hypothetic scenario. They will give you a portion of food to survive only if you vaccinate. And if you vaccinate, you will get some kind of nanochip in your body, that will be connected by that 5G network. And how can they vaccinate you unless they scare you to death that you will die from some kind of a virus? People will then fight to get a shot.

Also, the Cs works that invasion will come after the programming is complete made me think more about that.
What if aliens are the virus. We know they came to earth from space. So programming of the masses is done and then comes the virus that will conquer humanity.
When you add to the equation that the masterminds of all this are 4D STS, then you have a full alien invasion. And the enforcers of this invasion is the general public that is brainwashed that is programed by the magician. Police and military the most. They are the Nephilim.

I would like to ask Cs a question, but maybe I will not ask it correctly. You can modify it in the right form.
What is the best thing to do, to navigate through this situation? I know that we should have faith in the whole process and everything we do, but I haven't absorbed all this with my whole being yet, it is very hard for me to implement that in practice.
I don't know, something among that line.
Εἰρήνη said:I was born in Russia, maybe Russia would be the safest place?

To my mind it's actually and definitively the country where to go. But I can't help to think that this would looks like fleing.

I believe it would be a strategic decision to move to Russia. He would be well taken care of.

Even President Putin pops into a pharmacy if he's in the area to check on the quality and pricing!

Remember the rule: “Save lives! Stay at home!”

My god.

I'm still trying to suss out exactly WHY "staying at home" seems to be necessary to the agenda. Well, one thing, if everybody is cowering in their homes, they don't have to send police out to deal with riots in the streets.

No doubt this has given Macron a sense of respite in his dealings with the gilets jaunes. It will be very interesting to see today whether the protestors defy him and turn out in force for the regular Paris Saturday street event. The corona virus lockdown gives him a perfect cover to behave in an even more tyrannical manner. I've little doubt that he'll exercise any restraint should the yellow vests turn out in numbers today. We'll see. There has been very little media coverage of the Saturday demonstrations over the past few weeks. What has come to light is that the state violence has not abated.
With all of this craziness going on, it truly feels quite surreal. Almost like I am in a semi dream-like state.

We have been anticipating some form of societal collapse for years, but there is still a part of me that is downplaying the significance of the situation we could all potentially be faced with. My go-to impression is: "surely this cannot be THE turning point!?"

I mean, who could have seriously anticipated this? I was at least expecting some kind of genuine triggering event. The coronavirus is a complete non-event, and it crept up on us seemingly out of nowhere. And maybe that is the point of it all!

Reality consistently keeps us on our toes, it can shift upside down and twist inside out in a split second, and leave you scrambling in a confused mess if you are not paying close attention.

Much like many others, my questions would be along the lines of:

1. Is this THE event that the C's have alluded to for so many years which triggers economic, societal, planetary collapse?

2. If it is, then what can members be doing to prepare (investments & financially, grouping together, practical steps forward etc)?
On the subject of alien invasion, I don't believe the invasion has much to do with comets. It seems that after so much energy was put into Comets and the Horns of Moses, comets were tried on for size as a sort of catch-all explanation for things and the forum went through a "comet phase" for awhile. This led to some mental gymnastics with some other things the Cassiopaeans had mentioned, such as the Kantekkians being genetic material that was transmitted as microbes or viruses on the debris from the planet, which eventually rained down on Earth and infected the homo sapiens already living here, causing a mutation whereby the Kantekkians were somehow able to reconstitute themselves on Earth. I never really bought into that and said so at the time. On the other hand, Frank seemed to have an Independence Day scenario in mind and seemed to skew the presentation of the early sessions in that direction. There may be a middle path that sort of unifies the two sides, and since the forum has kind of taken off in a new direction after the Darwin's Black Box stuff, it would be interesting to see if the responses are modulated a bit in upcoming sessions or if my mind is stuck in a completely incorrect paradigm.

I'm more onboard with the aliens as psychopaths interpretation and have stated my position that I did not believe the real aliens would be visible until after the planet is fully 4D. In regards to Laura's timeline, I considered including the phenomenon that Niall found in Syria which was mentioned in the most recent session. While I was aware of the coronavirus since mid January, I really considered it as some obscure thing that was happening "over there" and didn't have much interest in it as I thought it was nothing. In early February, there was a point of inflection regarding my emotional involvement in it and my interest level went from "yawn" to "hmm." The video was posted on the 3rd I believe, but I didn't know about it until the session. It seemed from the third on, the coronavirus buzz steadily picked up steam until another point of inflection about two weeks ago, where it went highly exponential. Shortly afterward there was talk of "beaming," which actually struck a nerve with me and made me wonder if it was all connected. Additionally, on 2/15 I had this really cool dream about living in a dead-end timeline that was going to be "totally consumed" along with everyone in it, however it was possible prevent this fate by retrieving a device from another dimension and gathering a certain group of people and supporting objects which would be used as keys to operate it. I kind of considered it a neat sci-fi short story based loosely on the Cassiopaean messages and nothing more.

So my "see the unseen" intuition intimated to me that the object which arrived in the video was some sort of "control ship," which was an integral part of the beaming infrastructure which activated the "hubrids" a la Jacobs, and now we're all living together after "the change," which has just taken place as his abductees have predicted. This control ship is not visible because it exists mostly or wholly in the 4th dimension, and we can look high and low and only see faint byproducts of it because its position is displaced significantly from us along the w axis. So Independence Day did happen in a sense, there is all of this alien invasion infrastructure located around us, or "ana" and "kata" from our current perspective in 4D space, but the only part which intersects with our 3D cross-section of that reality is the coronavirus, which serves the sole purpose of being the on-switch. The cometary connection is that the progenitor virus to the one that was experimented on in the labs probably had a meteoric origin, and then 4D STS just nudged the people who were working with it in a particular direction, mostly unconsciously, and fashioned it into something they can use through purely 3D means that would seem completely unrelated to any dynamic deeper than an unfortunate series of coincidences. The Cassiopaeans instructed us to stay on the lookout for such phenomena, and so a possible way to test this hypothesis would be to see if the current effects get amplified each time we observe something coming in through one of these portals. I'm not quite sure where the Nephilim fit into all of this at the moment, though.

Some possible questions all of this raises are:
Is this this the "big one" economic collapse that was prophesied awhile back? If so, what should one do with one's money in these "last days?" (I suspect the answer is going to be pooling as much as possible in FOTCM community projects) Is the mandatory microchipping, "Mark of the Beast" coming next? Should one just passively accept the chip and wait out the NWO/4D STS invasion until it falls on its own sword? If one is chipped, what steps should be taken to mitigate it? What about mandatory vaccinations, will the iodine protocol still mitigate it? Is the sudden overt activation of all of these authoritarian followers the main offensive of the alien invasion, or is it going to get even more bizarre?

The next Cassiopaean session is probably going to be a whirlwind in any event.
Neil, reading your posts is always a treat.

It is aparent that you have access to a very special kind of thinking. I.e. Thinking in unlimited ways.

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