Some possible questions all of this raises are:
Is this this the "big one" economic collapse that was prophesied awhile back? If so, what should one do with one's money in these "last days?" (I suspect the answer is going to be pooling as much as possible in FOTCM community projects) Is the mandatory microchipping, "Mark of the Beast" coming next? Should one just passively accept the chip and wait out the NWO/4D STS invasion until it falls on its own sword? If one is chipped, what steps should be taken to mitigate it? What about mandatory vaccinations, will the iodine protocol still mitigate it? Is the sudden overt activation of all of these authoritarian followers the main offensive of the alien invasion, or is it going to get even more bizarre?

The next Cassiopaean session is probably going to be a whirlwind in any event.

Some great questions there Neil!
Can't wait for the answers.
I have been wondering about the role that the "pleomorphic theory" plays in this coronavirus business.

Pleomorphic theory suggests that if the individual's "terrain" is lacking, meaning there are toxins, poisons, emotional & physical stresses, disturbances of circadian rhythms, poor diet eaten in the wrong times, lack of proper breathing, poor sleep, collective mass hysteria, non native EMF & light (excess blue light from e.g. led lights) etc., can cause the "microzymas" already present in the body to morph into bacteria, yeast, fungus, mold, causing illnesses that then "detox" the body back towards more balanced state. (These microbes apparently can then morph back to the microzyma- stage.)

Furthermore, the pleomorphic theory suggests that viruses and viral particles could be of endogenous origin, and they are not necessarily caught from other people as is traditionally thought in germ theory.

Louis Pasteur devised the germ theory, while Antoine Bechamp and other independent researchers proposed the pleomorphic theory. Germ theory gained more traction in the end and became mainstay, while pleomorphic theory was more or less removed from the history books. However, it is said that Pasteur admitted on his deathbed, that Bechamp was right.

It is a very complicated issue to make sense of. Some researchers even say that there are no scientific evidence for certain viruses to exist at all.

A possible question that could be posed to the Cs: what do they think about the pleomorphic theory?

This crazy idea came to me yesterday before sleep:

What if all this measures are taken really for us to not to catch this virus? But not because it is dangerous, but because catching this virus could be beneficial for many people in some way?

This seems to be relevant:
Q: (L) Okay, we have a question that Psyche and I have been thinking about. After reading this book about viruses, we have the idea that viruses may be the means by which genetic manipulation {as in intentional coming from other densities} has taken place on this planet for millions, if not billions, of years.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Does that mean that a virus is a transdimensional manifestation?

A: Yes. Thoughts made manifest! Compare to some crop circles!

Q: (Psyche) Some viruses in the atlas DO
look like crop circles. [wind noise muffles Ark's question] (Ark)...of course virus is just pure DNA, or what? (Psyche) It can be both DNA or RNA depending on the type of virus, and usually coated to protect itself. There are so many types of viruses; it can be just a piece of genetic code. (Ark) Okay, so my question is whether there is a particular part of the virus that has the property that is not just described by normal quantum physics or quantum chemistry and so on, or its the whole organization of virus that has this property?

A: Yes. Information field aggregates matter.

Q: (talk of thought vs. information) (Belibaste) Does information command or direct the aggregation of different proteins or amino acids to form a virus? Materialization?

A: Yes.

Q: (Psyche) It's very interesting because they have found in our "junk" DNA, properties of viruses that are close in location to those of stem cells, and also cells that end up producing cancer. It is quite interesting. (Perceval) That means our DNA is thought made manifest?

A: More or less!

And this:
(L) So, liquid DNA... What we have here is a little bit of a confirmation of what the C's were saying way back when, that DNA can turn from a solid to a liquid – the truncated liquid reference in the context of genetic engineering - to infect a cell. But we also know that DNA can also produce beneficial changes. The likelihood is that we have DNA that infected us at some point in time. It truncated the flow of some other DNA that's in our cells already there, but it isn't doing anything because it's been blocked by an infection that inserted introns of blockages. The possibility exists, I am surmising, that at some point in time, this could be changed or reversed possibly - probably - virally. Now, am I on to something here?

A: Oh indeed! The times ahead will be most interesting
especially if the network both expands to the full tribal unit strength, and many others take the initiative to move up to the next stair step.

From Wikipedia:
An intron is any nucleotide sequence within a gene that is removed by RNA splicing during maturation of the final RNA product.

And coronaviruses have RNA genome.

So if it is possible for an infection to insert some blockages, is it maybe also possible for a virus infection to destroy some of the blockages?

And on top of that, the coronavirus really looks a bit like a crop circle and there is also a spiral:


So this also comes to mind:
Pierre) In previous sessions, we discussed the intrinsic informational content of some geometric shapes. Do geometric representations of the Golden Ratio carry an intrinsic informational content?

A: More like an attractor.

Q: (Pierre) It acts a bit like the spiral antenna. Does it attract any kind of information like an amplifier, or does it attract a specific kind of information?

A: It depends on many other factors. The spiral is found in many contexts and in general can be thought of as a transducer.

Q: (L) It would depend on a lot of things it seems. Remember when they talked about spirals and Stonehenge and how its spiraling "slowed down the information" so that it could be received and understood?

Does it make any sense?
The similarities of what is happening now to the Nazi Germany is astounding! More and more! Now we are the "Jews", the victims. It took more then 3 weeks to put laws against them, but little by little they were banned from everything, from life itself, from the day by day. They are doing the same thing with us, but in a week as fast as possible. Like the Jews under the Nazis, we can no go outside, can not go to the movies, do bicycle, go to the beach, can not go to the library, or to the cinema. Can not play on the parks, can not walk on the streets! What????? Can not talk to others human beings, can not be near them. They put us in prison if we are outside on the streets without an official paper. So I affirm that we are the new Jews in 2020. And what they did to them?

My thoughts exactly. That picture of Nazis lined up in the street checking that no-one opened their windows has been on my mind. I think it was in Sebastian Haffner's Defying Hitler.
I've been thinking of what to ask the C's, and to sort things out I first need to think out loud here.

Okay, so regarding the dangerousness of the virus we all are pretty convinced that it's a nothing-burger. Check-no need to ask about that. Inspired by Neil's previous post I then started thinking, if there could be something else inside this virus besides the mild illness causing properties, like something perhaps mind altering that 'they' would want people to get? However, that wouldn't make sense – if that would have been 'their' goal, they could have done this in stealth mode without stirring up the hysteria and panic. The 'something' inside the virus would have been spread silently with the only signs being people getting the normal influenza symptoms.

Then there's the origin of the virus, is that relevant? Well, the C's already mentioned that it 'escaped' from some experiment they were doing. Was it intentional, did someone arrange so that the virus escaped the facilities and started spreading? Could be, but as in any detective story, it would be more useful to know the motive.

So, the only conclusion IMO is that if this whole thing was done intentionally, the main goal and purpose was to create the shock reaction it has caused around the world, the fear and the hysteria. If we go with that, then the question becomes the classic: Cui bono? Who would benefit, and in what way?

Right now I'm thinking that the motive could be (in 3D terms):

1) The Chinese (or some Chinese faction) wanting revenge for their economic losses; they either engineered this from the start or as the virus had escaped and spread, they saw the opportunity and run with it

2) The 'deep state' and the elite wanted more control, wealth and power (as they always do) through a complete meltdown and crash of the economy, so they either were prepared that something like this could happen and they amplified this a million times (through the media and health departments), or they engineered the whole thing. Also, the interest of vaccine producers might play a role in this scenario. For these purposes, the US bad guys might have also cooperated with Chinese bad guys, who wanted the same thing

3) The US 'deep state' were still desperately wanting Trump out of power, and they engineered this whole thing either alone or together with som faction of the Chinese leaders, hoping that by crashing the economy and scaring everyone, Trump and his administration could be blamed for the whole thing.

Summing up, the virus and it's spreading could have been engineered and planned, or it could have started spreading by accident. However, what clearly is intentional is what those in power are doing in the name of this virus – the propagation of panic, hysteria and totalitarian control.

So, my questions to the C's would be something like:

1. What is the end goal of creating all this panic, hysteria and draconian control measures in the name of the Corona virus?

2. Was the spread of the virus planned in advance and done purposefully?

3. Which of the following options is most correct as the motive for the situation:

a) The Chinese wanted revenge

b) The bad guys wanted a new 9/11, using the shock doctrine to advance their agendas

c) The 'deep state' wanted to get rid of Trump, no matter the costs

d) 4D STS manipulation

e) Some combination of the previous options
Anybody coming with a cough, or who is sneezing or any respiratory sign is derived there and kept separated from those who say have wound or any non-related respiratory illness. That way, contagion is not propagated to the entire clinic, but is kept isolated in the respiratory circuit who has his own specific doctor.

So all patients who show signs of something similar of Covid are put together to be sure everyone will get it finally and stats will jump. Genious.
In one of the sessions Laura posted here, we read:

14 July 1996

Q: (MM) Don't you get more free will by assimilating knowledge?

A: Yes!! Yes!!

Q: (L) So, in other words, knowledge and awareness makes you aware that you have free will, and also makes you aware of what actions actually ARE acts of free will, and therefore, when you know or suspect the difference between the lies and deception and truth, then you are in a position to be in control of your life?

A: Yes.


A: Faith comes also from knowledge, and as we have stated before... False knowledge is worse than no knowledge at all!!!!!

Q: (L) So, it is important to take each and every thing that is being learned or analyzed, and take it completely apart and dig in every direction around it, and even in related directions, to FULLY ascertain that it is true? As C.S. Lewis said, knowledge is like a rope... as long as you are using it to tie up a box, it doesn't matter whether it is perfect or not, but if you have to use it to hang over a precipice, then it behooves you to make absolutely certain that it is strong enough to support your weight.

A: Yes.

With people confined to their homes, they will be subjected even more to fake news, and dissociation. There will be a continuation of absorbing false knowledge about the current situation. Thereby, losing their free will even more, and not being able to make an objective choice. We've seen it many times, lies being spread and people buying it. Whether it's Saddam's WMDs, Syria's rebels and the need for an invasion, and so forth. It all mostly started after 9/11, the spread of lots of false knowledge, leading to people losing more and more of their free will, their ability to make an objective choice, and becoming easily manipulated into believing whatever the leader says on TV. Perhaps, you can say that it's their choice on a certain level to believe whatever the authorities say, and they might learn a difficult lesson when it's all over. The positive of staying at home is that hopefully people will spend more time on the internet, and find SOTT or this forum while searching for answers in this madness.

I'm not sure, but I personally don't think that this is the "last drama of this realm" as mARTinSky wrote (I do sure hope so!!). It's more of the same, but every time the lies get bigger and affecting more and more people, in this case everyone is talking about this and mostly everyone is in one way or another affected. In the case of an Afghanistan or Iraq invasion, there were people who didn't really care or don't like politics so they were just 'neutral' about it. But in this case, everyone is affected. So, they're ramping up the BS along with psychological manipulation Andrian mentioned ("solidarity, unity, saving lives, encouraging everybody to keep in line") and MK Scarlett mentioned (the clapping; let's all reward good behavior; clap clap clap, while the poor people in healthcare are working overtime, just for a flu).

I'm grateful that I can still work from home, however my research will be delayed and I'm not sure what the consequences of that will be. Since I'm an employee of a hospital, I chose to play it smart and not jeopardize my position (i.e. I'm not going to tell people that all this makes no sense). We do have Zoom meetings, and during those talks I just listen when some of them talk about the coronavirus and all of that. After a short update, we just get on with work. However, if there are moments where a seed can be planted, and where I notice someone is showing doubt about what the govt is advising, I do plant a seed. Laura once said: "We figure that the alphabet soup guys know everything anyway, so just don't give them anything that they can hang you with." I think we can apply that here, too. Don't go collecting fines out there (especially 20k ones, geez they're crazy!), or risk jailtime; for some people social media is where you can plant most seeds, for the self-employed this can perhaps be done more directly but carefully, for others in their daily life - it depends. In my own case, I'm mostly active on Twitter when possible - to also create some extra work for those Twitter employees who are actively looking for 'fake news' tweets that go against the coronavirus regulations that they then delete, hoping they'll miss mine! (see here).

Just some thoughts I had. FWIW! Looking forward to the next session, I'll see if I can think of any questions!
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This crazy idea came to me yesterday before sleep:

What if all this measures are taken really for us to not to catch this virus? But not because it is dangerous, but because catching this virus could be beneficial for many people in some way?

This seems to be relevant:

And this:

From Wikipedia:

And coronaviruses have RNA genome.

So if it is possible for an infection to insert some blockages, is it maybe also possible for a virus infection to destroy some of the blockages?

And on top of that, the coronavirus really looks a bit like a crop circle and there is also a spiral:

View attachment 34402

So this also comes to mind:

Does it make any sense?
Have thought something along these lines too.

Perhaps our outdoor environment is currently conducive to transformation in general ?
Weaker magnetic fields come to mind.

I think that at this point, having an open mind is crucial.

If we are able to take in all the different theories and think about them deeply while retaining emotional dettachment (to the extent we are able), from any specific one..
Would that not be observing objective reality left and right ?

At the level of how this feels.. It really feels like a nexus point of a biorhythm.
One gets the impression of what the C's have said regarding an opportunity to change the past and the future.
On the subject of alien invasion, I don't believe the invasion has much to do with comets. It seems that after so much energy was put into Comets and the Horns of Moses, comets were tried on for size as a sort of catch-all explanation for things and the forum went through a "comet phase" for awhile.

Well, as you have stated later on, I think the situation might be a mixture of many things including the cosmic connection via comets. Actually I have to disagree with your assessment about Comets and what has happened in that regard over the last years both on the earth scale as well as the solar system as a whole. From all that I‘ve seen I‘m fairly confident that what the C‘s said about the comet cluster already started some years ago and is increasing quite dramatically and probably is just the beginning. There has also been the big question lately being discussed again if the apparent staggering increase of cometary activity, not just on earth, is just or primarily a result of „improved technology“. From all I‘ve seen I‘m fairly convinced that there is actually a stark increase and that the „improved technology‘ idea plays a rather small role in it while the comet-cluster idea and its effects on the planet and society plays a rather big role. Also notice that the „Invasion„ according to the C’s will happen „after the programming is complete“ and that the Invasion itself is „pretty much“ comets. As we know, not long ago the C‘s said that the “programming is complete“ now and in December last year they added that „soon“ things will get „very strange and chaotic“ and „Cosmic forces will be displayed and there will be many searching for answers“.
I've been thinking of what to ask the C's, and to sort things out I first need to think out loud here.

Okay, so regarding the dangerousness of the virus we all are pretty convinced that it's a nothing-burger. Check-no need to ask about that. Inspired by Neil's previous post I then started thinking, if there could be something else inside this virus besides the mild illness causing properties, like something perhaps mind altering that 'they' would want people to get? However, that wouldn't make sense – if that would have been 'their' goal, they could have done this in stealth mode without stirring up the hysteria and panic. The 'something' inside the virus would have been spread silently with the only signs being people getting the normal influenza symptoms.

Then there's the origin of the virus, is that relevant? Well, the C's already mentioned that it 'escaped' from some experiment they were doing. Was it intentional, did someone arrange so that the virus escaped the facilities and started spreading? Could be, but as in any detective story, it would be more useful to know the motive.

So, the only conclusion IMO is that if this whole thing was done intentionally, the main goal and purpose was to create the shock reaction it has caused around the world, the fear and the hysteria. If we go with that, then the question becomes the classic: Cui bono? Who would benefit, and in what way?

Right now I'm thinking that the motive could be (in 3D terms):

1) The Chinese (or some Chinese faction) wanting revenge for their economic losses; they either engineered this from the start or as the virus had escaped and spread, they saw the opportunity and run with it

2) The 'deep state' and the elite wanted more control, wealth and power (as they always do) through a complete meltdown and crash of the economy, so they either were prepared that something like this could happen and they amplified this a million times (through the media and health departments), or they engineered the whole thing. Also, the interest of vaccine producers might play a role in this scenario. For these purposes, the US bad guys might have also cooperated with Chinese bad guys, who wanted the same thing

3) The US 'deep state' were still desperately wanting Trump out of power, and they engineered this whole thing either alone or together with som faction of the Chinese leaders, hoping that by crashing the economy and scaring everyone, Trump and his administration could be blamed for the whole thing.

Summing up, the virus and it's spreading could have been engineered and planned, or it could have started spreading by accident. However, what clearly is intentional is what those in power are doing in the name of this virus – the propagation of panic, hysteria and totalitarian control.

So, my questions to the C's would be something like:

1. What is the end goal of creating all this panic, hysteria and draconian control measures in the name of the Corona virus?

2. Was the spread of the virus planned in advance and done purposefully?

3. Which of the following options is most correct as the motive for the situation:

a) The Chinese wanted revenge

b) The bad guys wanted a new 9/11, using the shock doctrine to advance their agendas

c) The 'deep state' wanted to get rid of Trump, no matter the costs

d) 4D STS manipulation

e) Some combination of the previous options
How about probably All of them ?
Equally correct..

What I mean to say is.
At some level (both horizontally and vertically) it was planned and at some level not.
Question: At this final stage that we are now, should we stand up to things that we don't agree with, jeopardizing our and our love ones well-being, or should just give up fighting for this world and concentrate on this "internal light" only? In other words: does it make sense to risk ...(put here whatever horrible you can think about) just for the sake of rebellion in world that is over anyway? Or should we rather tune into and maintain frequency of a pendulum that lights our light, making choices that are less painful in this last drama of our realm?

Indeed, a very good question!
However, if there are moments where a seed can be planted, and where I notice someone is showing doubt about what the govt is advising, I do plant a seed. Laura once said: "We figure that the alphabet soup guys know everything anyway, so just don't give them anything that they can hang you with." I think we can apply that here, too. Don't go collecting fines out there (especially 20k ones, geez they're crazy!), or risk jailtime;
When you apply 'thinking fast' i noticed first instinct is to stand up to the ptb in whatever form they appear, however, i indeed also think that it would be the wisest to just play along, preserve the body (and your money and relative freedom while you still have it) as well as we can, to do whatever it is that we need to do. All will be well!
Do you have any inclinations why so many people are dying WITH Corona virus in Italy compared to other European countries inc Spain?

See Joe's reply:

Not to speak for Gaby, but I think at least one reason is that Italy is cataloguing and reporting on people who die with any respitory illness with comorbidities and calling it "with coronavirusTM"

At this point, I have very little trust that representatives of the medical system in these countries a) know what they are doing regarding this virus b) are being honest with the public and c) are not caught up in the delusion themselves.

Ditto. Also, considering what Ellipse reported a few pages back, that the coronavirus test is being suppressed in hospitals, the directive instructions would be to label even a COPD exacerbation as coronavirus/suspicion related due to the current "national emergency". Never mind that it could have been just that, a COPD exacerbation without any coronavirus infection. So the same scenario from Primary Health Care directives applies to hospitals, which deals with significant much more chaos in times like these. Someone with a pulmonary thromboembolism and subsequent heart failure, which carries a mortality risk, could have a "coronavirus suspicion" label with its correspondent internation code that will be considered for statistical purposes. Never mind that the killer event was the pulmonary thromboembolism which in and by itself could have been from inflammation, insulin resistance, stress, etc.
I might have one question for next session.
For years, the European Union has had in place a "vaccination passport" that all citizens must have... by 2022. One way or another, the big pharmaceutical companies are on our doorsteps.

There is this document from European Commission named:

Last update: Q3 2019

Everything is planned with ACTIONS and TIMELINES AND DELIVERABLES from 2019 to 2022

Just two excerpts below, this one from first page with a timeline from 2018 to 2021:
Produce on a regular basis a Report on the State of Vaccine Confidence in the EU, to monitor attitudes to vaccination. Based on that report and taking into account related work by WHO, present guidance that can support Member States in countering vaccine hesitancy

And the other one from last page (10) with a timeline from 2019 to 2021:
Consider investing in behavioural and social science research on the determinants of vaccine hesitancy across different subgroups of the population and healthcare

I can't believe EU would be the only one to do that... So, and because of the globalized hoax about Covid-19 (despite states who might only follow apparently so as not to appear as "criminal"), and in order to determine if a mandatory vaccination is about to be globalized, my question is:

Is there any other documents like "EU Roadmap on Vaccination" in other regions or countries on Earth?


  • 2019-2022_roadmap_en.pdf
    93.7 KB · Views: 12
For the C's
I'd be interested to know the actual number of infected and real deaths caused by the virus.
Why they want us all indoors and segregated, and like Beau, I'd like to know the intended end-game and also what will actually happen.
Should we be working quietly in the background with helping the folks here or should we be loud on social media about the hoax?
I can’t help thinking in the current hysteria we definitely need to be strategic. Only offer advice when requested. People are hysterical and have bought this Corona virus story totally it wouldn’t be difficult to send individuals over the edge and put yourself in very difficult and dangerous situations.
I was looking for the definition of strategic enclosure and external consideration but haven’t found it yet would be good to remember right now.
When you apply 'thinking fast' i noticed first instinct is to stand up to the ptb in whatever form they appear, however, i indeed also think that it would be the wisest to just play along, preserve the body (and your money and relative freedom while you still have it) as well as we can, to do whatever it is that we need to do. All will be well!
I agree with you here a Laurs. For now sit tight and watch this play out. Inside I am extremely worried let’s see how this plays out as the drama has only just begun.

It is amazing how this thread has moved with such speed. People in different countries are at different stages of lock down and having their freedoms removed. Needless to say that all countries will be locked down completely in the very near future. The delicate nature of the human psyche will be pushed to the limit in the next month or two if it continues. All our distractions have been taken away. If we had a major event where the tv/Internet went down I dread to think what would happen. Thanks for everyone’s input.
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