AHPRA, the registering body for medical professionals in Australia have apparently rescinded their gag orders that prevented medical professionals warning their patients about vaccine side effects under threat of having their licences to practice cancelled.

Here's an interview with one of the Drs that was suspended, William Bay.

Be interesting to see how many doctors speak up now and how many stick to the party line.

Dr William Bay has had the suspension of his medical licence by AHPRA overturned by the supreme court in Australia and AHPRA have been ordered to pay his costs. If AHPRA had rescinded their gag orders, then there should have been no need for this issue to go to the supreme court, one would think.

William Bay.png

From the full judgement of the case, it seems that when Bay applied to have his suspension overturned rather than supply evidence to address the appeal both the Medical Board and AHPRA sought to have the appeal dismissed without evidence.

Something similar seems to be going on in the class action that Dr Melissa McCann is fighting for the vaccine injured. Her case is against The Secretary of the Department of Health and Aged Care Brendan Murphy, John Skerritt, Paul Kelly, Chief Medical Officer, Greg Hunt, Minister of the Department of Health and Aged Care and The Commonwealth of Australia.

An Interlocutory Hearing has been held to question the legality of the case and whether it will proceed. The respondents are not questioning injuries and deaths from the vaccines in this hearing, rather one of the questions being tested is whether the above respondents have a legal duty of care to the Australian public!

Here's McCanns Substack on the hearing:

On Monday 2nd December, along with a group of injured and bereaved and supporters (many of whom had travelled some distance despite their physical symptoms and difficulties), I sat anxiously through what ended up being a one day hearing for the application to dismiss the covid vaccine class action.

This action was filed in March 2023 on behalf of those Australians injured and bereaved after covid 19 vaccination.

In the opening statements by the KC for the respondents it was acknowledged that the interlocutory application was not to decide if the injuries were real or had been suffered by the group members, but was to argue that the case could never succeed on a number of legal grounds and therefore should be dismissed before the evidence is even heard.

What are these legal grounds? These are summarised in the submissions by the respondents which can be found here.

During the day we sat through and heard many times over how unarguable it is to expect that the respondents could owe a duty of care to act for the public good in the performance of their duties. Interesting in contrast the Department of Health stated responsibility regarding medicines regulation ‘We make sure that the medical products and services you use are safe, high quality and effective, and that health professionals comply with regulations and processes” so I am confused as to how one would reconcile this allegation of absent duty of care to act for the protection of the health and good of the public.

There was also an argument that no case could succeed against these lead decision makers as other people were also involved in various capacities to guide the decision making.

There was strenuous criticism of the length of our claim, and quite a show of repeatedly heaving a large folder containing the claim in printed form from one side to the other to demonstrate how embarrassing and unwieldy the claim is. Perhaps no-one within the AGS is familiar with Ctrl-F and the option of navigating and reading a claim in electronic form rather than paper.

Her Honour suggested it would take more than a year to understand the claim if one's time was devoted entirely to that, and nothing else. Our KC suggested it could be read and understood in a week. All I know is that many injured and bereaved have been living with the daily consequences of what has happened to them for more than 3 years now and I think this claim deserves all the time and attention of the court to fully read and understand it, and I hope and pray her Honour does exactly that.

The claim is not long unnecessarily, but precisely because such serious allegations are being made against government decision makers and officials. How could an action such as this allege such serious claims without including sufficient detail to demonstrate the facts relating to the allegations of what was said by each of the respondents, what was unequivocally known by them at each point in time, and details to support the allegations that they acted despite knowledge the vaccines would and did cause harm?

There have been many requests for further and better particulars since the first filing and each time this required a new iteration of the claim and increase in length. Instead of accepting this was much of the reason for the length, there seemed to be some mockery of just how many times the claim had been revised, how long it is and commentary to suggest how incompetent and ridiculous the long claim document is.

The Concise Statement, prepared as a summary on her Honour’s instructions in April 2024 was criticised for not including several points. Our KC argued that if all key points were included it would run to 60 pages or more and no longer be concise.

There was also a seemingly irrelevant oral submission made to defend the respondents by asserting that none of them had involvement in mandating the vaccines. The AGS team has perhaps forgotten that Minister Hunt, one of the respondents, was involved in the mandates for the Aged Care workforce which opened the door for the states to bring in mandatory vaccination policies with this federal precedent being set.

There was also the accusation the claim is scandalous and therefore should be struck out. When asked by her Honour for an example of a scandalous statement in the claim, none was produced. I gather it is more a general characterisation that it is scandalous to attempt to hold those in positions of trust and authority accountable for the real consequences of their decisions and actions.

What I think is scandalous is that the government approved, purchased, sponsor indemnified, distributed, advertised and gave prolific medical advice regarding the vaccines and that this government would then choose to attempt to dismiss this matter rather than defending it or allowing it to move to a fair trial, especially considering the nature and scale of harm that has befallen the many group members- that is what is scandalous.

If the claim has no basis and our allegations ludicrous, why not file a defence and say so? If the respondents acted in the best interests of the public and defensibly so, then why not simply argue this so we can all understand? Perhaps there was some unknown justification for rapidly approving these novel products despite knowledge of safety issues, and to restrict doctors from providing unbiased information, and to remove patients right to their own health care decisions and to utterly ignore the reports of those who were injured and bereaved after taking the products. I cannot imagine any such justification, and none has been provided, apart from vague references to the seriousness of the virus and the existance of a worldwide pandemic. Neither of which justified neglecting the statutory requirements of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989. For example, section 25 of the Act which requires the Secretary grant provisional approval only after evaluating a product and establishing that the safety, efficiency and quality of the good for use for the intended purpose has been satisfactorily established. No clause follows allowing these requirements to be disregarded in the event of some public health event, no matter the potential severity. It was and is a lawful requirement for provisional registration.

eval of therapeutic goods.png

To seek to use all legal avenues to extinguish our resources and time is further cruelty to those who continue to suffer.

I believe it is being done because if this matter progresses it will eventually come down to the expert evidence. And whilst in 2021 perhaps experts were reluctant to publicly state their opinions, now in 2024 they are itching to scream from the rooftops that these products should never have been approved- see for example this recent interview with the renowned oncologist Professor Dalglish.

total madness.png

And perhaps the only experts who will argue otherwise will be these types of unimpressive conflicted 'experts' bought to you by Pfizer.

And if the case is allowed to see the light of day the evidence is overwhelming and these injured and bereaved will finally have their stories heard and some justice and recognition.

In the meantime the anxious wait continues and it may be some months before her Honour hands down her decision.

Please support us, we need your prayers and onging support, and my great thanks to all the supporters of this effort.

It looks as though they're trying to use intimidation tactics and to prolong the process to wear down the class action. Not an uncommon tactic but worms will use any tactic to avoid having the light shone on them - they're photophobic.
It looks as though they're trying to use intimidation tactics and to prolong the process to wear down the class action. Not an uncommon tactic but worms will use any tactic to avoid having the light shone on them - they're photophobic.

Good for Bay that he has had what he faced overturned, and I like what he said here:

"And whilst in 2021 perhaps experts were reluctant to publicly state their opinions, now in 2024 they are itching to scream from the rooftops that these products should never have been approved."

Hope these 'experts' go viral - no pun.

Bay also writes:

"For example, section 25 of the Act which requires the Secretary grant provisional approval only after evaluating a product and establishing that the safety, efficiency and quality of the good for use for the intended purpose has been satisfactorily established. No clause follows allowing these requirements to be disregarded in the event of some public health event, no matter the potential severity. It was and is a lawful requirement for provisional registration."

Satisfactorily, was used twice in section 25, which is a bit of a legal grey word - a 'good enough' word, given a particular situation where it can be applied at the time. A word that legal opinions can be made 'given the situation, at the time it was deemed satisfactory,' or something like that. Acts often have interesting drafted words, when for instance, it could have been written that "the intended purpose has been demonstrably satisfactorily established,' but no.
Just a little reminder that the United States has only 1 approved covid vaccine and it is not available. The covid vaccines available in the US do not have approval, but rather were introduced under emergency use authorization. The emergency use authorization covid vaccines were no longer legal after the 1 approved covid vaccine received approval, and yet the emergency use authorization covid vaccines are still used and are still widely available.
This is an article with an interview transcribed within. Being interviewed, is one Dr. Bryan Ardis who is:

a retired Chiropractor, Certified Acupuncturist and Nutritionist. and considered one of the most influential doctors in alternative medicine. Thanks to his new book, Moving Beyond the Covid-19 Lies: Restoring Health and Hope for Humanity, he is now a best-selling author.

This takes place in University of Winnipeg, Saskatchewan, and Ardis recounts how he first became aware of the hospital deaths in a troubling way as his father in-law was taken. It is quite a story leading off into mass deaths before the vaccines and why (there were other reasons, and other drugs, too).

The article also has Mattias Desmet and James Ferguson speaking on audio within, yet not transcribed.

Here is Dr. Ardis's interview:

Transcript of Dr. Bryan Ardis, September 24, 2024.

Global Researh:
Could you talk about your basically what happened to your father-in-law and how you know the things that happened within the hospital that kind of drove you you know angry.

Bryan Ardis: Yeah very good question yeah it made me very angry. So in February of 2020 my 92 year old father-in-law walked into a hospital complaining of fever and a headache and within 10 days he was dead.

That was the real story and in the meantime he was diagnosed with the flu, pneumonia, acute kidney failure after being admitted. Each of those scenarios were actually published side effects of the drugs they chose to treat him for on day one and he actually I had them review with me on day five as he continued to get worse and worse every single day. He actually by day five was unconscious and in a coma and it was induced by the drugs that were shutting down his kidneys.

I asked the doctors to show me the medical reports from day one which would include what’s called a pathology test which is what infections may he have in his blood. So they’re looking for every bacterial infection, viral infection, and fungal infection actually and he was negative for all infections but they said to me and to him and to our family that he tested positive for the flu on day one only to find out he actually never tested positive for the flu on day one, two, three, four, five. They also told us on day two he tested positive for pneumonia.

He never did it.

GR: So there are standard tests to determine what what what is ailing in your system and they didn’t take any of those tests?

BA: No, they did the tests and they all came back negative. They then made up a diagnosis of the flu because they thought it was a I heard on day five when I said why did y’all tell us he tested positive for the flu when he didn’t, and the medical doctor said we guess his symptoms said he had the flu so we just assumed it was a false negative test and I said well I don’t care what the result of that test was, if you thought he had a virus looking at the IV stand he had a drug called vancomycin on the stand that was pumping into his veins every day since he walked in there and this made me very upset because vancomycin has published side-effects to cause death, to cause acute kidney failure, and to cause rapid pulmonary edema which is water accumulating in your lungs from your kidneys being shut down by the drug and that’s exactly what was being reported to us as a family one day after another for five straight days before I showed up.

GR: So that means basically it there is a place for it but maybe it should be like as a last resort or something but it seems like they’re using it a little bit more regularly.

BA: Absolutely, great point. So vancomycin and I asked the medical doctor why is he on that because that’s an antibiotic and antibiotics only treat infections so reporter when they said he must have a virus called the flu why would they pump him full of a drug that doesn’t treat viruses?

In fact I looked at the MD and I said why are you giving him an antibiotic you know on the CDC’s website right now it says if someone is diagnosed with a viral infection giving them antibiotics can make them worse? It is not warranted for viral infections!

So I actually demanded that the medical doctors take him off that drug, switch the drugs he was on and in four hours of working with the team and switching the medication protocols on day six he actually came back to life, lost 20 pounds of water weight, could breathe all on his own came off of a breathing apparatus within four hours. He’d been on for several days and he came back to life and was conscious for the first day and 48 hours.

And we were so thrilled when we got home the medical doctors and the administrators of that same hospital had met after hours and then told the nurse’s station to call my wife and tell them I was banned from the hospital and they would never talk to me again because I wasn’t a direct descendant of this guy my father-in-law and they would only talk to the family members. And if I came back up they’d kick me out with security.

Well the very next morning I went up there and they kicked me out with security and then put him back on the same hospital protocol for the false diagnosis of a flu that they had before I made the adjustments to help save his life. And when the hospital realized that I had actually exposed the liability to the harm they created in him with their hospital protocol, that included vancomycin. It was all they were going to do was to make sure that they continued that protocol until the very end so that they could not ever be exposed.

So they kicked me out knowing what I know and then went back on the original protocol and within two days he was dead.

GR: You consider taking some kind of a legal action when they they followed these procedures? It’s demonstrably flawed.

BA: 100% I did except my mother-in-law who was his wife absolutely believed everything the medical doctors told them. All of my wife’s family, not my wife but her older brother and older sister, all of them were in support of just listening to the medical doctors, trusting the establishment. And I was the retired chiropractor, so I looked at the family and said are you gonna trust the medical doctors or me who actually helped to bring him back to life yesterday? And they said we’re gonna we only can trust the medical doctors we don’t have any help professional experience so I was then kicked out by security.

GR: So I guess this caused you to go even deeper down this particular rabbit hole and find other sorts of flaws in the system, correct?

BA: Absolutely, but actually the next three months I was very depressed, very angry. I actually wanted every day I had to talk myself out of not going and hunting down a member of the medical staff’s family members and take them out so that those medical doctors nursing staff administrators could feel what me and my wife were feeling because they literally took someone from us who was not ready to die. He would still be here if they would have not continued those drugs that were a part of that protocol.

The hospital protocol was my problem they wouldn’t bend off of this protocol which was actually creating more harm than good because when we changed it he recovered within four hours. So for me for the next three months I was very lost I was actually building out my own case to take legal action and sue the hospital for medical malpractice.

This was in February of 2020. For the next three months I’m hearing whispers coming out of New York City that there’s this new respiratory virus called COVID-19 and there’s this epicenter in New York City that’s now it’s breached from China and reached American shores.

And I decided to go look up what were the medical professionals and press conferences and administrators of hospitals in New York, what were they saying about this COVID-19 infection as they were treating those patients. And what I did was listen to ten interviews that were only about a minute long on every platform you think of online. And what every single nurse, medical doctor, and administrator for every hospital said was this: we’ve never seen a respiratory virus ever do this before. From the moment we start treating COVID-19 sick patients, within 24 to 48 hours the virus goes from their lungs and shuts down their kidneys and they’re going into acute kidney failure within 24 hours. a large percentage of people.

And they said in every single interview we not only have a shortage of respirators and oxygen providing machines to people, breathing machines ,we actually need more dialysis machines for the kidney failure rates that we’re seeing. Now as I watch this I just had this experience three months earlier and I knew it wasn’t the virus they said my father-in-law had that was also a respiratory virus they called the flu.

GR: So you’re saying that all of these people seem to develop the same kinds of symptoms as your father did before this mysterious virus had reached the shore.

BA: Exactly right! So what did happen to my father-in-law is now being reported it’s occurring to everybody in the COVID-19 hospitals except what we’re watching on the news is body bags being thrown into tractor trailers as if it’s just some massive horrific infection spreading through this area.

Well my problem was is I wanted to know well what’s the hospital protocol they’re using for COVID because in my situation, for my father-in-law, it was a drug called vancomycin that’s published to cause acute kidney failure in 24 hours. And that’s exactly what happened him. So that’s why we got him off that drug only for the hospital put him back on that drug that led to his demise.

So I thought they must be giving every COVID-19 patient vancomycin like they did my father-in-law. So I went to look up what’s the hospital protocol. I figured it would be on the CDC’s website because it’s called the Center for Disease Control, so I figured there’s a disease called COVID. Surely they have a hospital protocol. And on their website they actually stated in May of 2020: “we don’t have a protocol for treating COVID-19. It is found, (that hospital protocol) on the NIH’s website.” And here’s the link.

So I clicked it went to the National Institutes of Health’s website and I read a three paragraph memo from a guy named Dr. Anthony Fauci. And what this memo says is is there’s only one drug that can be used to treat COVID-19 infected Americans and that drug is not FDA approved. It is an experimental drug called remdesivir, and I’d never heard of this drug but now I know it’s not vancomycin right this is all I learned.

But there were two studies after Anthony Fauci’s quote that remdesivir is safe and effective. He says “it was found safe and effective in two trials, a trial in 2019 against Ebola virus and in 2020 from January to March of 2020 a study done with COVID-19 patients. So I clicked the links to the first study on Ebola in Africa that lasted a year that trial and as I read the paper took me about 15 minutes to get through the paper, I realized Anthony Fauci was lying about remdesivir being proven safe and effective against Ebola.

Imagine my shock to read that that drug killed more people in that trial than Ebola kills and it was the only drug that did that out of four experimental drugs.

So there are four drugs:= remdesivir, Zmapp, MAb114 and a drug called regeneron. So it was three monoclonal antibodies and one antiviral called remdesivir. Remdesivir killed 53% of all people they gave it to and it was suspended from the trial six months in because it was too deadly and too toxic and then the authors of the study wrote we notified the funders of this study that that drug would no longer continue in this trial it’s killing more Africans than anybody else.

So I looked up who funded that study and imagine my shock to see that it’s Dr. Anthony Fauci’s department at the NIH. So the year prior he knew it was the most deadly drug and was found to be the most toxic and deadly least safe, least effective but in May of 2020 less than a year later he’s gonna say to the world, and America that this drug was proven safe and effective against Ebola when it wasn’t.

Then I went and looked up the second study he quoted from January through March of 2020. That drug trial was for COVID-19 patients. They picked 52 patients from around the world and that study was sponsored by Gilead the maker of remdesivir. And what did they publish? 30% of everybody they treated for COVID-19 within nine days developed acute kidney failure and 10% of them had to have kidney transplants as a result.

GR: So all of these people essentially died as a result of medical malpractice where Anthony Fauci’s claim of his drug being the cure was actually getting a worse result it was it says are you you’re basically alleging that it was iatrogenesis that killed all those people not the virus which presently doesn’t exist.

BA: 100% and then I found that the Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services which in America is overseeing the insurance for the elderly who are retired over that 60 years old. So it’s called CMS.gov. If you go on CMS.gov starting in May of 2020 our Medicare government agency instilled a 20% add-on bonus for all hospitals if they treated any American older than 60 years old with remdesivir and would tell them that they tested positive for COVID-19.

They did not say we’ll give you 20% add on bonus if you just use the drug, they said we’ll give you a 20% add-on bonus for the whole hospital stay for every COVID-19 American older than sixty years old if you’ll just pump them full of this deadly drug called remdesivir, which I coined for all audiences around the world to be able to remember when they hear this drug they’ve never heard of before.

I coined the phrase “run death is near.” When you hear something that rhymes with “run death is near” that’s the drug I’m talking about. You say no, and so the world needs to know right now that remdesivir is the generic name of the drug. It actually has a brand name and it’s called Veklery – V-E-K-L-U-R-Y. And if you look up the Nordic language, that’s an actual word, you know what Vekleri means historically in the Nordic language? It’s a term that means “chooser of the slain.” Isn’t that interesting?

GR: So I guess in a minute left I mean could you just explain what, how are people supposed to navigate this medical world where you have all of these institutions sort of hobbled by the the presence of Anthony Fauci and everything that he set up. What are we supposed to do is just ignore the hospitals altogether and then meet with you know a local shaman or something like that. How are we supposed to navigate this difficult path?

BA: For all people that are concerned about their health and were afraid during COVID that they might they might in fact get an infection they’re being told there they could possibly get and that their life could be threatened by that infection, every single one of those people from now on you should know that the only reputable aspect of health care modern-day health care is actually trauma and emergency care.

So if you’ve got an injury or an accident or you’ve had a heart attack you need to go to the hospital. Outside of that, there is no benefit to medicine. So you do not need a shaman what you need to start doing is researching on your own how it is that God designed the human body to protect itself from all infections and poisons. And the best way you do that is you start studying how did God design the body and then start studying herbs, minerals, vitamins how does that support our entire body.

Paused for a second here, because the rest of the interview looks to much said in many of the heath threads here on the forum:

In fact all of us here in Canada, in America you’ve all heard of the periodic table of elements? You all memorized it in science classes and biology probably? That periodic table of elements your science teacher would have told you these are the basic building blocks for your life and every living organism on this planet.

You know what’s interesting about that list? When you hear the word “supplement,” what people are talking about are called minerals. And you know what minerals are? All the things you see on the periodic table of elements. So you’ll see salt is a mineral. Calcium is a mineral. Magnesium is a mineral. Did you know that heart attacks and strokes are caused by a magnesium deficiency? Did you know that immune suppression if you can’t fight off infections on your own is a selenium deficiency and that’s on the periodic table of elements. Do you know what’s not on the periodic table of elements? Advil. Tylenol. Vaccines. mRNA technology. Those things are not on the periodic table of elements.

God designed the human body to fight off infections using minerals. It’s designed to heal itself from injury and harm and infections if you just feed the body what it needs. So if you reduce the amount of artificial processed foods that you’re consuming, reduce the amount of sugar which is refined carbohydrates, this is not a joke I’ve educated this people for years, the less sugar you put in the body, the boosting of your immune system occurs. Sugar is an immune suppressant it shuts off your bone marrows production of all the white blood cells that protect you from every virus bacteria fungus and parasite on earth. So if you just limit taking in things into your body, or on your body, or injected into your body that suppress the immune system, your body’s adequately equipped to handle any infection.

In fact every cell in your body called T-cells, neutrophils, B cells, macrophages these are your immune cells God put inside of us. They are already known to kill every cancer cell known to man. That I actually show audiences our own cells grab HIV infected cells by the handfuls. They will grab four at once and dissolve all of them eat them. Your body has this incredible ability to defend itself as long as we get out of our own way.

So exercise, getting sunlight, making sure you’re sweating three or four times a week because the skin is the largest detoxing organ of the body. Make sure you’re pooping every day, make sure you’re eating every day. One of the greatest ways to boost the immune system and most people don’t even know this is to not eat and that’s called intermittent fasting or water fasting. It is already proven you can actually repair any tissue in the human body faster if you stop putting fuel in the body your body has to break down and then it can reserve all its energy to heal the other tissues in your body.
Corona Investigative Committee in Berlin, No 229
"Narrative revisited"



English spoken/translated, from 1 hour 16 min 56 sec to the end

I will only mention some snippets i thought was interesting and worth to highlight. It is however a very good repetition that Prof Dr Kämmerer performs (with illustrations and explanations) to highlight all the whereabouts behind the mRNA injections, codes, residual DNA etc.

In this session No 229

Professor Dr Ulrike Kämmerer speaks, kind of repeating the whole procedure behind the residual DNA found in Pfizer Covid-19 mRNA vials (albeit you actually find foreign DNA in ALL VACCINES and has been for decades)

Whata striked me as in particularly nefarious - beyond and coincidence or mistake is the fact, that Pfizer/BioNTech made a code inside the mRNA shots, that now shows

It can be read in BOTH directions. The normal way of translating RNA / DNA in cells is into ONE direction only. Always.

But in the sequence of Pfizer/Biontech jabs, it is possible that the translation for the production of proteins happens in BOTH directions ! Now the implication of that is interesting to say the least; when reading the sequence backwards - you get suddenly a PRION ! There is a PRION sequence BY DESIGN EMBEDDED, IF READ BACKWARDS. And that only works with the addition of the SV40 sequence. If SV40 code snippet isn't present, it will never be read backwards.

[plus add the so called Frame Shifting issue; e.g. a faulty translation of artificial RNA code, leading to garbled proteins, due to the presence of the N1-methyl-pseudouridine - [a rather sticky substance easily making residual DNA sticking to it - as well tolerating higher temperatures compared to uridine, making it tougher]. So, when the ribosomes who are responsible for the translation and production of proteins, is obligated to create garbled proteins due to the frame-shifting, caused by the effect of using N1-methyl-pseudouridine (and other factord are also at play to disrupt the natural translation in cells).

The result is that the cell then doesn't know what to do with these garbled- as well misfolded proteins, and stores them inside the cell somewhere in the corner where they accumulate. Over time it make the cell function worse, or even leading to disintegration. The proteins are highly s
uspect in create strange proteins-clots of various sizes, as cells over time disintegrate and set those faulty proteins free into the blood stream, accumulating over time]

Now: this backward translation of the mRNA code can ONLY HAPPEN (e.g. the backward directed reading and translation into a prion-protein) when you add the 72-basepair of the oncogenic SV40 enhancer/modulator sequence. (And that one comes into the picture from the bioengineered e-Coli bacteria which have been used so that their plasmid DNA makes the desired modRN that later is used in the vials. But the cleaning process (to destroy the bacterial plasmids (DNA) with enzymes' - works insufficient), leading to plenty of plasmids DNA fragments - and even whole plasmids have been found.

Also not to forget: the presence of a SV40 snippet sequence allows to a high degree the integration into the human Genome, penetrating the cell core - something that has been known and described in year 2000 and 2003, when the head of Robert-Koch Institute Paul Ehrlich Institute or PEI - Dr Klaus Cichutek - wrote papers about that phenomena. [In the past i might have made the error of saying Robert-Koch Institute, instead of PEI)

Due to that very risk, mRNA should never have any presence of a SV40 snippet sequence.

Dr Kämmerer actually hinted on that there isn't just "residual plasmid DNA" in the vials, but possibly even foreign, external DNA - but didn't go into it.

From a much older session at the Corona Investigative Committee in Berlin from around 2 years ago, i remember that Pfizer used too short process times where the enzyme responsible for the destruction of bacterial plasmid DNA - leading to higher amounts of residual bacterial DNA in the Covid-19 vials] And on top, i have written about this earlier, Pfizer obscured the truth, because the way they falsely "proved" that very little or no residual DNA was left, by using deliberately the wrong type of procedure tools - which by default show no residual DNA presence - simply because they have not been made for showing residual DNA. In other words; deception. Lies. On purpose.

The fact also is this: No vaccine can ever be 100% purified from residual and foreign DNA. None !

All vaccines that are produced - always have some DNA rests / whole as well fragmented, residual DNA. This has been the case for decades. [Dr Suzanne Humphries often pointed this out, e.g. in a session had back in 2015 in Gothenburg, Sweden, called "Vaccination - Are we being told the truth" ] In which the true amounts of DNA presence is, much much higher than the official allowance levels set, for example in Europe where EMA is responsible for those.

Pfizer NEVER reported that residual DNA was in their vials. Not until 2024 they put in a paper to the EMA, stating that DNA was after all present. Well, AFTER that Dr Kevin McKernan had reported about his discovery on DNA ha been found in the Pfizer mRNA vials !

In the end Prof Dr Kämmerer also stated, that these mRNA shots are extremely sophisticated and careful crafted creations - made of 50000 steps - with a knowledge based from many decades.

Or let me rephrase it bluntly:

There are no coincidences !
Whata striked me as in particularly nefarious - beyond and coincidence or mistake is the fact, that Pfizer/BioNTech made a code inside the mRNA shots, that now shows

It can be read in BOTH directions. The normal way of translating RNA / DNA in cells is into ONE direction only. Always.

But in the sequence of Pfizer/Biontech jabs, it is possible that the translation for the production of proteins happens in BOTH directions ! Now the implication of that is interesting to say the least; when reading the sequence backwards - you get suddenly a PRION ! There is a PRION sequence BY DESIGN EMBEDDED, IF READ BACKWARDS. And that only works with the addition of the SV40 sequence. If SV40 code snippet isn't present, it will never be read backwards.
Both directions? Makes me think of palindromes! Seems like there is a link to cancer as well.
A palindrome in DNA consists of two closely spaced or adjacent inverted repeats. Certain palindromes have important biological functions as parts of various cis-acting elements and protein binding sites. However, many palindromes are known as fragile sites in the genome, sites prone to chromosome breakage which can lead to various genetic rearrangements or even cell death. The ability of certain palindromes to initiate genetic recombination lies in their ability to form secondary structures in DNA which can cause replication stalling and double-strand breaks. Given their recombinogenic nature, it is not surprising that palindromes in the human genome are involved in genetic rearrangements in cancer cells as well as other known recurrent translocations and deletions associated with certain syndromes in humans. Here, we bring an overview of current understanding and knowledge on molecular mechanisms of palindrome recombinogenicity and discuss possible implications of DNA palindromes in carcinogenesis. Furthermore, we overview the data on known palindromic sequences in the human genome and efforts to estimate their number and distribution, as well as underlying mechanisms of genetic rearrangements specific palindromic sequences cause.
Just a little reminder that the United States has only 1 approved covid vaccine and it is not available. The covid vaccines available in the US do not have approval, but rather were introduced under emergency use authorization. The emergency use authorization covid vaccines were no longer legal after the 1 approved covid vaccine received approval, and yet the emergency use authorization covid vaccines are still used and are still widely available.
did russia not develop a vaccine??
Just a little reminder that the United States has only 1 approved covid vaccine and it is not available. The covid vaccines available in the US do not have approval, but rather were introduced under emergency use authorization. The emergency use authorization covid vaccines were no longer legal after the 1 approved covid vaccine received approval, and yet the emergency use authorization covid vaccines are still used and are still widely available.
Well, I suppose they needed to do something to cover their backsides, then. Do you think it was this?

Both directions? Makes me think of palindromes! Seems like there is a link to cancer as well.

at the time of the vache folle, it was also found that the illness was due to a prion.
After four long years, a few days ago a former friend who had ended our friendship over my status as an unvaxxed danger to society showed up unexpectedly at my door with a card, gift and an apology! I don't know if this is the Trump effect or what but this was the last person (very, very pro vax) I ever expected to hear from again. Just one personal experience but it really is starting to seem like people just might be waking up.
Parents have been jailed after their infants are damaged by vaccines, with symptoms of vaccine damage and/or SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, being interpreted by the law as parental abuse, aka SBS or Shaken Baby Syndrome.

This article is a response to the case of Robert Robertson, who is on death row for murdering his daughter in 2002. The midwestern doctor provides evidence that appears to indicate that she was killed by a vaccine. The article also provides a brief history of SIDS, SBS and vaccines.

I can't help but wonder how many parents of jab-damaged babies were targeted like this... 'It's not the bioweapon, it's abusive parents!'

Generally speaking, the National Citizens Inquiry that has been reference previously by a few here, is Canadian orientated. Despite that, the inquiry speaks to the whole world in a professional manner. It is a legally lead inquiry of next door neighbors, to professional practitioners of many stripes. IMO, this process has been an amazing heartfelt journey, albeit sobering, and a much needed counteraction to the mountain of lies served to us all.

The below is a session (interviews) from this past December, featuring legal council, Shawn Buckley, bringing together Dr. Chris Shoemaker (Can), Dr. Robert Chandler (U.S.), and Dr. James Thorp (U.S.). The three Dr. have roughly 45-years of practice each, with hundreds if not thousands of papers and publications. Each specializes, however, here the data is staggering with a focus on women, children, with a DNA and mRNA vaccine poison perspective - with the developed ability to abort babies by the score, and they knew it (nothing exactly new here to many readers).

Studies cited (with great back and forth between these Dr.'s) are partially from the government and Pfizer themselves. The data is staggering, adding upon it all with their own studies, observations and those from others in the professions. These guys are no slouches.

Note, though, this is 2 hrs., so one would want to have some time and I'm not quite finished yet.

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