I went to work this morning on the street to sell my chickens.I was expecting the mayor and the cops to show up at any moment and tell me to pack up. The mayor here is a potential dictator and is notoriously known for wanting total containment.
Well, I had to get through it, because I was able to work "normally."

The contact with the people is surprising and it's clear that there is now a split in the population. There are those, a minority, who are skeptical of the official discourse. They remain silent, but not for long if they feel they can express what they really think, after thirty seconds of trust.

There is the exact opposite, those who have toppled over : once again, these ones do not hesitate to speak out loud, the timbre of their voices somewhat hysterical and trembling, vindictive in any case. I have noticed, without exception among the latter, a violent criticism of their fellow citizens, those who do not do exactly what the administration decrees. Very clearly, these people are dangerous. If we exchange a few words with them, we really get the impression that they are living in another world.

An anecdote : a friend came to get me a chicken that he likes to eat hot a few miles away in the countryside, near a hara, in a quiet corner with no one around, in general. It's a public place.Out of luck, a guy walks his dog (probably a local resident) and attacks my friend by asking him what he was doing there and that he didn't have to be there. The situation escalated. After a few heated exchanges, the guy leaves, threatening. On a hunch, my friend packs up his chicken and gets in his car a few minutes later. Not fast enough because here is a gendarme car, probably called by the local resident, who stops at his level to ask him what he's doing there, and so on.

The story ends there fortunately for my friend, but it gives us a foretaste of what will happen when things get worse.

Just to end on a funny note, here's my work outfit. If I see someone like that, I get worried. I can assure you that a lot of people were reassured...

au travail.jpg
Many times, those who are crying for more totalitarian measures justify it by such rationalizations as "solidarity" and such. During my walk today in a semi-deserted city, I saw a few old people begging in the street, and yet there's nobody to be seen to show "solidarity" as everybody's obediently watching netflix at home.
I wonder about the scale of the effects believing and aligning with the corona will have on people's souls as this is taking proportions rarely seen before.
Dear @Jones, please forgive me, I mean no offense to you, but
Can one yawn out of disgusted boredom?
Oh, I just did!

Well, Ina, perhaps you should excuse yourself from this thread?

Using hard thinking to try to figure out what is going on behind the scenes is what we do here and the financial costs/benefits are pretty important along that line. If part of the reason for generating the panic is financial/reset, I think nearly everyone here (yourself excepted, it seems), wants to know that. The evidence that GS, among others, agree that the virus is a #NothinBurgerVirus is an important data point as well.
Well, the C's have stated that 2-D communicates telepathically and animal communicators know that our pets can read our minds. If we feel we're in in trouble, I'm sure they will be worried, too.
this is insane! every time i read through a page on this thread, ther is another one already there!

What I want to share may seem completely off topic, but I managed to work in my little garden yesterday a little bit at least, sowed some carrots (different types, very old to old kinds) and it was sooo relaxing! It was so good to actually do something with earth and seeds.

Well today the thread even exploded more than ever. Coming home from work - 10 more pages. Insane.

I wanted to say just that I am glad I have my pets, who definitely seem to sense the extraordinary situation. For us personally, as small entrepreneurs, up to now nothing has changed (looking at the figures), so I guess we are lucky. People say we should apply for help anyways but I do not see the point of that. As I said up to now we DO NOT have any losses. For me, in this situation, applying for help would be fraud.

My pets seem to be even more loving and cuddely, as if they want to make sure we are alright. Do you notice some changes in your pets?

Now that you mention it yes, my dog has been being glued to us and even our rabbit who is usually a grump is being a softie. The change in their behaviour started this winter, maybe they had a sense of forebording... But I agree with you, their presence is a gift to our family.
If possible, could the article be copied and added to the post? The page loads completely blank, and, for whatever it's worth, bearing witness to every bit of awareness and TRUTH that others manage to give voice to, MATTERS, now, more than ever. I would like to read it.

Hand sanitiser and social distancing not priorities in communities battling poverty

Cape Town - Extra soap and hand sanitisers are the least of these communities’ priorities. Residents in some informal settlements tell a much more despairing tale of a lack of resources and little to no knowledge of how to deal with the coronavirus.
People living in informal settlements, as well as municipal flats on the Cape Flats, say they do not feel that the government has paid enough attention to their needs.

When Weekend Argus visited Mfuleni, Siyahlala informal settlement in Philippi, Enkanini informal settlement in Khayelitsha and Manenberg municipal flats earlier this week, it was business as usual, with children playing in heaps of uncollected rubble, broken communal taps and informal traders selling anything from fruit, to building materials, to even animal intestines to make a living.

Speaking to the residents of Manenberg, a sense of anger and despair immediately fills the air. “Where are we supposed to get money for sanitiser when we don’t work? We need money for bread for the children that are now at home for longer,” they said.

The community, which is largely dependent on social grants, said the little they had “barely fulfils our daily needs, why can’t the government go around to communities like ours and at least provide us with gloves, masks and sanitisers during this period?”

Patricia Mentoor, 37, and a group of neighbours who had just returned from a local food supply truck said the majority of the community visited the station for at least one meal a day.

“You see these containers... we go get food from the People’s Centre. It is the only guaranteed meal we have a day. I have a half a loaf at home for my three children; money is very tight. The government tells us about social distancing and washing hands often - that, for us, does not make sense.

“That is for rich people who can afford to buy soap all the time and have enough room in their homes to stay apart. We live in one-bedroom flats. In most households, it’s four to five families in one unit. That is between 12 and 15 people. How do we distance ourselves?” said the mother of three.


With up to 15 people per square metre in townships and on the Cape Flats, South Africa is bracing itself in the event of the coronavirus taking foothold in these high density areas. Picture: Tracey Adams/African News Agency (ANA)
Many in informal settlements have to share a single communal tap, while many are unemployed and hand sanitiser is but a pipe dream. With little to no funds to secure basic necessities, hand sanitiser and extra soap are luxuries.

Speaking to Weekend Argus, Enkanini community leader Sinethemba Ntantiso, 43, said they had little to no education to help secure them from the pandemic.

“As you can see, we live in a dense community and there is very little we can do. Many of us live in small shacks in families of 10 to 15, so there is no way we can adhere to the social distance that the government speaks of.

“Secondly, we have a challenge - scarcity of water - and that on its own makes it difficult for us to fight the disease. Saddest thing is that no official has even bothered to visit these volatile areas to lend a helping hand. It is a fact that unemployment is rife in our communities and therefore hand sanitiser is not a priority on our shopping list,” he said.

“Our areas are not regularly cleaned. Even our communal toilets have not been cleaned in over three months, and that could also lead to health issues,” he added.

Similarly, shebeen owner Monwabisi Jack confirmed that hygiene was a problem in the area. However, he said his biggest fear was a loss of income.

“If the president says there can’t be more than 100 people gathered in one place, then that could mean a big problem for me and my family. This shebeen is our main source of income,” he said.

Jack added that he believed the hand-washing message was nothing but a joke.

“How can they tell us to wash our hands when we do not have the facilities or the resources to do so? Over 20 families have to share one communal tap, which is not always in a clean state, causing more harm. We are in big trouble as residents in informal settlements,” he said.

Mayco member for human settlements Malusi Booi could not detail what measures were in place to assist the vulnerable communities, but said: “Basic and essential services in informal settlements continue, albeit with heightened precautions in accordance with Covid-19 measures for the safety of residents, staff and contractors.”

Mayco member for community services and health Zahid Badroodien said: “City Health has also increased its health and hygiene drives in all vulnerable communities, where we share information on preventing contamination so that residents can assist in the containment of Covid-19.”

I could not play the video and I only included 1 picture but posted the rest of the text. The poorest are barely surviving much less capable of meeting the quarantine guidelines. :-(
Phew made it, caught up on the thread for the I dont know how many times now😀

Let's get some questions to ask the Cs together for a session soon. Really THINK about your question and can it be answered by research before posing it.

Will have a think on this..
The PTB it seems like they can kill many birds with one stone, cleansing the useless eaters, death by suicide, cashless society, vaccines, chips, tire the people out for what comes after this, like another virus comets etc etc, so many ways this can go. Oh a question just came to mind, just remembered think it was mentioned somewhere not sure though. Something about a transfer of wealth??

My 2 cats have been acting very strange the past months also. They are more needy than ever, but also fight each other a lot and more violent than before. I notice that they look also very scared sometimes... I am sure that they see and perceive more than us.

Four cats here, never really fight until around early January, lucky I was here an all out cat fight 2 against 2 was crazy clumps of air ripped out managed to get them apart, we had to keep them apart for two days. Two in one room two in the other. we Had to re introduce them slowely through the door, lots of treats, was crazy. Been grand since no mad fights all friends now but can be a bit snappy at each other more snapy than usual. 2 cats are outdoor they have no interest in going out the past few weeks, usually they love going out and let you know when they want to go out would rather stay in for cuddles and rubs now 😀

what's the endgame here?

Great Question that would answer a lot of other questions.

Your post would make a great SOTT-article that we all could share
second this!
Thanks for sharing your testimony with us, @Gaby. That's what we really need, a point of view from a serious professional in the health sector!

Indeed it would, along with what Joe was saying about Italy numbers etc. Thanks Gaby for what you have shared in this regard so far.

So basically by this shift of not even testing people for Corona and just labeling everything under the sun as possibly Cornona related, the PTB can now essentially extend the artificial crisis in any way they want in terms of "severity" and time duration of the crisis, by shuffling numbers around (especially death numbers) and assign them to Cornona. By the way, I wouldn't put it past the PTB to actually encourage/fuel deaths (elderly come to mind here) which they can assign to the Corona "crisis". At some point I wouldn't put it past them either to actually kill people in some way to make their crisis story more believable and stick better in the population. This will further muddy the waters, increase the hysteria and make it harder to suss out the real numbers.

They have to make this work by any means necessary, can't fail now. It will anyway so the Cs say.

Maybe it is all theater. Politicians, all and their pals, are comedians. They can put tears on their faces, they can seem tired, they can play terror on their faces. For me all of these man and women that appear on tv, specially from the government, are all comedians. They are not real. They play a character in front of us, and I see them as part of the Comedia dell'arte:

Yeah, its like a really bad comedy movie.

As many of you I guess I‘m finding myself currently switching back and forth between sadness, disbelief, worrying, anger, exhaustion, depression and small doses of ecstasy on and ongoing basis.

Yeah same here, Sadness some anxiety and ecstasy. Just goes back and forth between emotions. At times I felt like crying yesterday and today not like me at all.

I’d also like to know what’s behind a few of us getting these intense hot flashes, panic/anxiety and insomnia issues of late.

The insomnia I've been experiencing now the last while, before that I was tired at a reasonable hour around 11pm then going to bed. Now, around 11pm I'm awake don't feel tired even if I take higher than normal dose of melatonin I struggle to fall asleep for a couple of hours.. My work routine changed recently but I was feeling this way before it changed. So I dont know.
When you apply 'thinking fast' i noticed first instinct is to stand up to the ptb in whatever form they appear, however, i indeed also think that it would be the wisest to just play along, preserve the body (and your money and relative freedom while you still have it) as well as we can, to do whatever it is that we need to do. All will be well!
When I was beaten by police, arrested and put in a secure ward of the hospital, in 2014, that is how I got out with no charges being laid. I went along with the flow and played dumb.

A wise choice on my part. It afforded me the opportunity to make a difference today.
‘The Market is dead! Long live the Market!’

On January 28, 2020 the UN website was reporting on WHO, China leaders discuss next steps in battle against coronavirus outbreak. On the same date, Citi, Goldman Sachs Conduct First Blockchain Equity Swap On Ethereum-Inspired Platform, reported by Forbes a week or so later.

If not for @Jones prompting to the leaked Goldman Sachs private meeting notes (The Private Goldman Sachs Coronavirus Meeting That’s Setting The Internet On Fire), I would have not seen the important piece of the puzzle that heralds the new dawn of the financial industry reality.

Citi, Goldman Sachs Conduct First Blockchain Equity Swap On Ethereum-Inspired Platform

Quoting the start of the article....
’On Tuesday, January 28, 2020, Citigroup and Goldman Sachs quietly conducted what some will consider a historic transaction: the first equity swap on a new blockchain built using tools originally designed for ethereum. While this first transaction, a total return swap in which one bank agreed to make a payment based on the returns of an underlying asset, and the other based on a set rate, involved only the two counterparties, another 13 are waiting in the rafters. Unlike more traditional equity swaps, which have to be constantly updated for countless variables, including end-of-day market prices, corporate actions like stock splits or dividend payments, and variable interest rates, the new equity swaps platform, powered by venture-backed blockchain startup Axoni’s technology, assures that every counterparty in every swap is seeing, and using, the same data.’

Market seems to be served by the AI and, the people constructed AI aims to construct a new society for people without their consent. I believe that could be the new reality Cs have been mentioning. Pretty plausible since Samsung S10, has a built in hard wallet for digital currencies. It is so ironic, that an artificial notion which it is the money still rules metamorphosed into the unseen hand in the Market kingdom. Question is, the billions living in sub-precarious conditions, in what reality will be fitted?

Ending with a self reflection. Isn’t it that the whole Corona virus media frenzy has created a perfect smoke screen to confer perfect privacy for the ‘New Market’?

With Love,

Perhaps our outdoor environment is currently conducive to transformation in general ?
Weaker magnetic fields come to mind.

This is an interesting idea, coupled with what Luc said above about his time spent outdoors and with family. If I remember correctly there was a session years ago where Ark was working opposite a Max Planck institute and he kept getting headaches in his office, and it was linked to "beaming" of some sort? And then there was another session about the benefit of walking while thinking which interrupts the beaming.

Q: Are they zapping him with some kind of frequency modulation?
A: Close.
Q: Why is it more effective in that building than in the basement or at his hotel?
A: Because of Max.
Q: Okay, they are using whatever is going on in that building to zap Ark. Anything else they are doing there?
A: Yes.
Q: Could you tell me what?
A: No
Q: Is there anything else they are doing to Ark?
A: Yes.
Q: Can you tell me?
A: Body chemistry alteration.
Q: In what sense is there body chemistry alteration going on?
A: Brain wave factors.
Q: Is there something he can do for protection?
A: He soon will leave the area.
Q: Well, during the time he is there, how much damage can they do?
A: Probably not much.
Q: Is there any other step he can take other than going to the library or staying in his hotel?
A: Good idea!
Q: Anything else?
A: One shot of whiskey per day will help.
Q: Well, that is a bizarre thing to say! A shot of whiskey?! That will help his brain chemistry?
A: Some.
Q: What is this altering of his brain chemistry designed to do?
A: Befuddle.

Also, the C's spoke about strobe lights and how they may "hide" hyperdimensional activity in the skies. Many people have wifi at home, multiple television screens, Alexa smart speakers and so on and numerous strobe lights. What if, the PTB wanted people to stay indoors, and the EMF, strobe lights and hypnotic devices will play some part in an event to come? I don't know if I am reaching here, or have gone full-on wacko on this one!?

Here is the session on strobes.

November 18, 1995

(T) This is related to what they were talking about last week, the bases turning 4th density, a plane flew into it and crashed.
A: Assumption! Strobe lights are used for 3rd density mind control.

(L) Strobe lights located where?
A: Not a question asked with much thought!

Q: (L) You are right. I was just trying to open the subject.
(T) What does strobe lights used for mind control have to do with the air crash?
A: Just let it flow. As you will see, past sessions of this nature have yielded best results for you. We have picked up your thought waves, which are progress oriented, and are trying to assist you in your increased learning and progress frequency wave. You see, this increases the energy level!!

Q: (L) Okay. We will just let it flow, then.
A: It is advisable to ask questions, but be unconcerned with the nature or content of the answers beforehand.

Q: (L) Do you wish us to go back to the statement about strobe lights being used to control minds, and pick up and go from there?
A: Best not to continuously ask us for advice on how to ask the questions, or if this or that is okay, but rather just “shoot from the hip.”

Q: (L) Okay. You mentioned the strobe lights. Are these strobe lights that are used to control minds, are these something that we would or might come in contact with on a daily basis?
A: Do you not already know? We didn’t say: some strobe lights, we said: strobe lights, i.e. all inclusive!

(T) Strobe lights come in many forms and types. TV is a strobe light. Computer screens are a strobe light. Lightbulbs strobe. Flourescents strobe. Streetlights strobe.
Police cars, ambulances, firetrucks... How long has this been true? Have you noticed any changes lately??!!??

Q: (F) Twenty years ago there were no strobe lights on any of those vehicles mentioned. They had the old flasher type lights. Now, more and more and more there are strobe lights appearing in all kinds of places.
(L) And now, they even have them on school buses!
(T) And the regular city buses have them too, now.
(L) Okay, is the strobing of a strobe light, set at a certain frequency in order to do certain things?
A: Hypnotic opener.

Q: (L) Can we say that this is something we are being acclimated to, so that other things that happen to us in terms of our interactions... it just keeps one in a continual state of hypnosis?
A: Assumptions restrict the flow!

Q: (L) What is the purpose of the hypnotic opener being used in this way?
A: You don’t notice the craft.

(L) Ohhhhhhhh! So we may be being continuously flown over by alien craft...
A: Assumption!

Q: (L) Sorry!
(T) Okay, we don’t notice the craft because we see the strobes. They are hypnotic openers and are inducing a hypnotic effect...
A: Assumption!

Q: (T) Okay, continue, then.
A: Well, ask a question, then!

Q: (L) Okay, they are telling us not to assume, but to ask.
(T) Okay, what craft are we NOT seeing?
A: Opener. Is precursor to suggestion, which is auditory in nature.

(T) What suggestion?
A: Put on your thinking caps. Networking is not making assumptions. Bold unilateral statement of “fact” is.


Q: (T) Oh. Phrase your statements in the form of a question! I’d like “Hypnotic Openers” for $200, Alex! Cosmic Jeopardy!
(L) Okay, you said the “suggestion is auditory in nature.” If this is the case, where is the suggestion coming from auditorily?
A: Where do you normally receive auditory suggestions from?

Q: (L) Radio, television...
(T) Telephone...
(L) Is that what we are talking about?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) If you encounter a strobe while driving, or you are sitting in front of your television, then the suggestions can be put into you better because of this hypnotically opened state? Is that it?

Q: (L) What are these suggestions designed to do, to suggest? In a general sense?
A: Review.

Q: (L) Not see the craft?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) Do we get these signals from the radio in the car even if it is turned off?
A: Depends upon whether or not there is another source.

Q: (T) Another source such as?
A: ELP, for example.

Q: (L) What is “ELP?”
A: Extremely Low Pulse.

Q: (T) ELF, Extremely Low Frequency, and ELP, Extremely Low Pulse - is this the same thing?
A: Sometimes.

Q: (T) This would be an external pulse or frequency?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) Would it be originating from the source of the strobe?
A: No. They act in unison.

Q: (T) Two separate sources acting in unison?
A: Close.

Q: (L) And this process prevents us from seeing something, such as craft flying in our skies at any given time?
A: Or maybe see them as something else.

Q: (L) Now, we have to stop for a minute because I want to tell you something. In the past few months, I have really been watching the sky carefully every opportunity I get. On 3 or 4 separate occasions I have seen what I thought was an ordinary airplane, and I would watch it carefully and then scan to the left or right, and when I looked back at the place where this plane should be, based on observable speed and direction, there would be NOTHING there. I have stood there and searched and searched and found nothing. These things just VANISHED. I knew I had seen it, I knew I wasn’t crazy, I knew it couldn’t have gone away that completely - and having it happen several times has just really unsettled me. What are the implications of this, other than the fact that we could be completely overflown at all times for any number of purposes and be, as a mass of people, completely unaware of it?
A: Yes, monoatomic gold!

Q: (L) And what does the reference to monoatomic gold mean?
A: Total entrapment of the being, mind, body and soul.

(T) That’s what Hudson said... on the video.
A: Strobes use minute gold filament.
because something about this whole panicdemic has not ‘felt’ right, and I can’t out my finger on it. Like everyone else, I cannot fathom the reality I’m witnessing over this. Do the PTB want everyone inside so we don’t see what might be coming our way in the skies?

I’d also like to know what’s behind a few of us getting these intense hot flashes, panic/anxiety and insomnia issues of late.

I think the phantom pain flashes - that strangely have no physical symptoms on the body - , but are definitely felt and many people are experiencing them, are large scale energetic attacks targeting / affecting our spirit/kesdjan bodies are going on now along with the viruses.

I think, our non-physical bodies are pounded with negative energy, this causes flare-ups on them and these spiritual injuries immediately are projected to the physical and register as icicles or needles hitting our physical tissues or intense heat waves.

Hospitals might be overwhelmed for this exact reason: People unaware they have non-physical bodies as well [except for amputees, who are familiar with the missing limb itching], frequently mistake these phantom pains as real physical body damage and run to the hospitals. Doctors can't find anything, because its not the physical body, but the spirit body is hurting.

Cannot sleep, because of heat waves - while trying to measure fever and finding none - along with these strange pain flashes, I think, also may reflect DNA changes in people, they just don't know - a completely normal course of soul development.

Our spiritual defenses might be fending off the negative energy attacks raining down on us: thus we experience heat waves. While receiving new strands of DNA, suffering from being sick, panicking or calming down. Fighting through this entire mass hysteria.
If possible, could the article be copied and added to the post? The page loads completely blank, and, for whatever it's worth, bearing witness to every bit of awareness and TRUTH that others manage to give voice to, MATTERS, now, more than ever. I would like to read it.
Patricia Mentoor, 36 from Manenberg amidst illegal dumping on their doorstep.  Picture: Tracey Adams/African News Agency (ANA)
Patricia Mentoor, 36 from Manenberg amidst illegal dumping on their doorstep. Picture: Tracey Adams/African News Agency (ANA)
Hand sanitiser and social distancing not priorities in communities battling poverty
By Asanda Sokanyile
Time of article published
9h ago
Cape Town - Extra soap and hand sanitisers are the least of these communities’ priorities. Residents in some informal settlements tell a much more despairing tale of a lack of resources and little to no knowledge of how to deal with the coronavirus.
People living in informal settlements, as well as municipal flats on the Cape Flats, say they do not feel that the government has paid enough attention to their needs.

When Weekend Argus visited Mfuleni, Siyahlala informal settlement in Philippi, Enkanini informal settlement in Khayelitsha and Manenberg municipal flats earlier this week, it was business as usual, with children playing in heaps of uncollected rubble, broken communal taps and informal traders selling anything from fruit, to building materials, to even animal intestines to make a living.
Speaking to the residents of Manenberg, a sense of anger and despair immediately fills the air. “Where are we supposed to get money for sanitiser when we don’t work? We need money for bread for the children that are now at home for longer,” they said.
The community, which is largely dependent on social grants, said the little they had “barely fulfils our daily needs, why can’t the government go around to communities like ours and at least provide us with gloves, masks and sanitisers during this period?”

Patricia Mentoor, 37, and a group of neighbours who had just returned from a local food supply truck said the majority of the community visited the station for at least one meal a day.
“You see these containers... we go get food from the People’s Centre. It is the only guaranteed meal we have a day. I have a half a loaf at home for my three children; money is very tight. The government tells us about social distancing and washing hands often - that, for us, does not make sense.
“That is for rich people who can afford to buy soap all the time and have enough room in their homes to stay apart. We live in one-bedroom flats. In most households, it’s four to five families in one unit. That is between 12 and 15 people. How do we distance ourselves?” said the mother of three.

With up to 15 people per square metre in townships and on the Cape Flats, South Africa is bracing itself in the event of the coronavirus taking foothold in these high density areas. Picture: Tracey Adams/African News Agency (ANA)
Many in informal settlements have to share a single communal tap, while many are unemployed and hand sanitiser is but a pipe dream. With little to no funds to secure basic necessities, hand sanitiser and extra soap are luxuries.
Speaking to Weekend Argus, Enkanini community leader Sinethemba Ntantiso, 43, said they had little to no education to help secure them from the pandemic.
“As you can see, we live in a dense community and there is very little we can do. Many of us live in small shacks in families of 10 to 15, so there is no way we can adhere to the social distance that the government speaks of.

“Secondly, we have a challenge - scarcity of water - and that on its own makes it difficult for us to fight the disease. Saddest thing is that no official has even bothered to visit these volatile areas to lend a helping hand. It is a fact that unemployment is rife in our communities and therefore hand sanitiser is not a priority on our shopping list,” he said.
“Our areas are not regularly cleaned. Even our communal toilets have not been cleaned in over three months, and that could also lead to health issues,” he added.
Bonga Martenc and Monwabisi Jack in front of a shebeen in Enkanini. Picture: Tracey Adams/African News Agency (ANA)
Similarly, shebeen owner Monwabisi Jack confirmed that hygiene was a problem in the area. However, he said his biggest fear was a loss of income.
“If the president says there can’t be more than 100 people gathered in one place, then that could mean a big problem for me and my family. This shebeen is our main source of income,” he said.
Jack added that he believed the hand-washing message was nothing but a joke.
“How can they tell us to wash our hands when we do not have the facilities or the resources to do so? Over 20 families have to share one communal tap, which is not always in a clean state, causing more harm. We are in big trouble as residents in informal settlements,” he said.

Play Video
Video: Tracey Adams/African News Agency (ANA)
Mayco member for human settlements Malusi Booi could not detail what measures were in place to assist the vulnerable communities, but said: “Basic and essential services in informal settlements continue, albeit with heightened precautions in accordance with Covid-19 measures for the safety of residents, staff and contractors.”
Mayco member for community services and health Zahid Badroodien said: “City Health has also increased its health and hygiene drives in all vulnerable communities, where we share information on preventing contamination so that residents can assist in the containment of Covid-19.”
Weekend Argus
Possible question for Cs:

Considering that over 200 CEOs resigned last year (leaving in place more pliable CEOs?), and, considering that politicians all over the world (including Putin) have fallen into line with controlling the “virus” in spite of the fact that these actions are crashing the financial system and hurting people (job losses and what that leads to), WHAT do these leaders know or WHAT have they been convinced of, that would make them take such measures? Were they threatened or were they bribed? With such a worldwide coordination of the politicians and CEOs, what is REALLY happening?

It has been very uplifting for me to be able to participate here. Thank you all for your research and thoughts.
My mum and I were discussing these anti-viral drugs earlier. She has taken them for malaria. She says their side effects were so bad, she would prefer the malaria symptoms. It makes me think how sodium bicarbonate would probably be more gentle on the system.
I took them also for Malaria when I went to Africa. The side effects were fatigue, nausea, depression. But I would prefer 10 times more this medication then vaccination! Also I agree, bicarbonate does not produce, for me anyway, side effects.
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