Let's get some questions to ask the Cs together for a session soon. Really THINK about your question and can it be answered by research before posing it.
Session Date: July 16th 2009 :
Q: (L) Well, alrighty then! Now, we have people on the forum who are trying to sort themselves out and come up with some good questions. But, at the moment, we haven't really decided which of those questions are what we're going to bring to the table here, and what we have on our minds are a couple questions of our own. After I posted the last session, which I did today, one of the
forum members posted an article about Maze Dances, or the Dance of Ariadne, or the Crane Dance. And they even put a link to where you could download or see one. (To Ark) Did you ever get it downloaded? (Ark) I downloaded all of them for you {on the minime system which takes hours}. (L) Can we watch them? (Ark) We can. (L) Okay, so we'll watch them later - well, I guess we better watch them now. We'll take a break and watch them before we ask about them. (Break to watch 5 dancing videos) (L) Ya'll still there?
A: Oh yes! That was inspiring, yes?
Q: (L) Well, okay. How close were any of those to the original maze dances?
A: There were elements of the archaic techno-spiritual practice in a couple of them. The first and second were closest in step and pace.
Q: (L) Okay, well, what could be added to the step and the pace to get it closer?
A: One of two ways: dance a spiral with the "bridge" on the turn out of the center or dance a formal maze and the same maneuver on the turns.
Q: (L) I guess the bridge is where they have their hands together and they kind of turn inside out. (DD) Right, that was cool. Is the time signature of the music that they're doing this to of any significance?
A: Yes, but it can be different depending on the aim. Remember that these maneuvers literally change the "field" in which the participants are moving. This can change things on many levels, even including turning DNA on or off.
Q: (L) I once speculated, and I don't remember where I speculated about it, that a human being has a certain field - like a morphic field - and they are connected in various ways to the field in which they interact... that everything else has a field and all these fields interconnect and intersperse, and that people who perform certain formalized maneuvers based on some technology which we don't know or understand, that it's in a sense - because somebody had told me once that information is stored or retrieved on a computer by a single electron being moved in a certain way on a microchip, that it was a pathway that it follows, and that the pathway that it follows means something - so my idea was perhaps human beings in a sense can be like electrons moving within a certain field. If a group of electrons line themselves up and move in a certain way, it adds some sort of considerable - it's like a significant movement of energy - it creates a current. And this creation of a current is like something that enables you to connect to this other realm, this other density. It's almost like you're creating a cord or something, a tube, or some kind of...
A: A "conduit" maybe?
Q: (L) But anyhow, does that idea make sense? (Ark) Well, theoretically it makes sense. But my question is suppose it is done. And it has probably been done by many people. What are the visible consequences?
A: Under the right circumstances, with knowledge, awareness and, most important of all, BEING (letters came very slowly in contrast to the rest of the message, which was fast), there can be openings of portals for many purposes. Remember the Maruts and their baskets? How about a little "travel" if needed for a positive purpose?
Q: (L) Okay, the Maruts were referred to as - they were like all of a special bloodline - and they danced, and their dance produced benefits for the tribe. I mean, the heavens opened, and baskets came down with food and whatever they needed. I mean, it's like the original story of Manna from heaven. Only it wasn't just something tasteless, it was whatever they wanted or needed. Krunchy (healthy cereal)! (laughter)
A: Keep in mind that in order for the techno-spiritual techniques to work, the people of the "blood" must be purified and their chakras must be "connected". If this is done, there are even more important functions.
For example: mental blocking of 4D STS attacks. Do you realize that 200 or so people assembled this way, and a block against the marauders could be put in place? Furthermore the wave is coming, the "dancers" could very well determine how it affects your planet and reality. Can you imagine what would happen if the "elite" of your world were cut off from their 4D STS power supply? What if their mind control techniques and frequency fences just "fizzled"?
Q: (L) Well that's crazy. (Ark) How can it happen that they are cut off from their power supply? I don't understand.
A: Mental blocking.
Q: (DD) Do they block themselves? (Review of previous answer) (A***) So they're talking about the dance, and people together doing this dance would create some sort of block?
A: Exactly.
Q: (A***) That's a good reason to learn to dance! (Ark) Well, how long would you have to dance to keep the block going long enough?
A: You create it with the dance, chant, musical induced state, and then just add power as needed.
Q: (S) We just run some extension cords, and... (laughter) (L) But how often do you add power?
A: With the current imbalance, about once a week. Later, as the balance is restored, it can be once a month... Dark of the moon.
Q: (S) What did they mean by "add power"? (L) Do it again. (P) Is it a special day of the week? (L) Well, they said once a month, dark of the moon... Oh, you want to know if it's once a week, then which day?
A: Moon-day.
Q: (L) Well this is all very interesting stuff. Why weren't you telling us this a long time ago? (laughter)
A: We think you know that! There was much you needed to learn on your own for strength and also there was the factor of trust. We understand that humanity has been led astray many times and there is a lot of metaphysical "noise" out there. After this time, we think that even with the "open" nature of the future and reality, we have not misled. The first 6 years were spent trying to increase your awareness and help to purge illusions. Now you see the changes in your world that we spoke of. Now, we hope that you will begin to understand that there is hope, but that we and all other STO beings can only act through you (pause) in the collective sense.
Ok my question would be:
Would it be
USEFUL or DESIRABLE in this time of madness ,
NOW, to learn this dance and to