We have this thing where people make noise from their balconies each night at 7pm. At first I thought what the heck is going on, so then I googled it. Supposedly it is to support the health care workers. Insane. But maybe they want to publicly glorify the health care workers, because they know that they are the ones that could possibly blow the lid off the narrative.

Are you in Paris? My son over there told me this is happening, and that it right now is his only social contact. He and neighbors open their windows (on to the courtyard), sing and applaud a bit. For the health workers.
it sounds like such a vague piece of legislation that could really work in the hands of whoever wants to stop actual information from becoming widely available.

On the flip side it could depend on what is meant by disinfo. Western Bots for example.
Correct, and that’s a good point, so I guess it comes down to who defines what disinformation is?
China can be the guy with the mask in the Time magazine cover, while the rest of the World is the dog on the leash. I don't think the tribe has too much to do with it anymore, we saw for quite some time now that things are a lot more cross-border when they want them to be, like for instance in the case of the refugees crisis when borders were open when convenient, then closed when convenient and clearly from an entity that was above states. And in general, in the last 30-40 years there has been a clear shift towards the east, that is why I think that's where the next Empire will rise. Do you see any other candidates? Or do you think we will go back to the status quo before this crisis was initiated, just with some re-alignments? Who else from the Anglo-Saxon sphere could fit the profile? Germany? Sweden? I am thinking more of a move towards the east, maybe a re-unification of Korea (something like the fall of the Berlin wall), maybe Taiwan returning to China...
Stereotyping Chinese people? You can walk down some streets in China and wonder if you are in Europe or North America, except all the signs are in Mandarin.
That's how I see it too - while the situation seems somewhat better in Russia, it's still similar to what's going on in other countries, more or less, it seems. Now I don't believe for a minute that Putin and possibly his inner circle don't know exactly that this is all a scam.

But we all witnessed how people in our environments seem to "go off" and turn crazy-authoritarian (or show their true colors). We see it in alt media and elsewhere. So I suspect that some crazy beaming, hyperdimensional bleed through or downloading programs into OPs or whatever is going on. And even Putin was not prepared for THAT. Probably all kinds of people go bonkers in Russia as they do elsewhere, including some in Putin's wider circle and some he thought as allies. Moscow's mayor? Don't know. Point being - even Putin can't control the situation anymore and is scared. But Putin being Putin, he still tries to salvage what he can somewhat.

I noticed that in the German edition of Business Insider, there was an article favorable to Prof. Bhakdi, the dissenting professor. Today I had a meeting (real-life, yay) and talked to the director of a company, who ranted on about how nuts these rent-seeking politicians are and that they have no idea how they wipe out businesses and the economy. The business community is NOT amused.

Fascinating indeed. Positive examples I saw are Candace Owens (which I thought questionable at best before), Peter Hitchens, or Hans-Georg Maaßen (former German internal intelligence head). Really interesting who can see the obvious and who can't.

That's what Prof. Bhakdi suspects - that if you did serious testing (random, large sample and all), it might turn out that 70% have this virus anyway. Which would mean that a) mortality rate is ridiculously low and b) all the lockdowns are pointless.

Same observation today in a rather big supermarket. Was pleasantly surprised!

Thank you for these interesting posts, me too I think this makes sense. I'm wondering though what's up with the only tribe that really does show cohesion over millennia, the Zionists. Cs said that Mossad is at the apex of the human-4DSTS interface, and reading "From Yahweh to Zion" confirms this - and that it's probably going on for a very long time. Are they in on this? Are the 4D overlords abandoning them? What's going on?
I don't think they are being abandoned at all.

Look at these:

As well as maybe listen to this, starting with minute 21:40

This might also be interesting in the context of China

We have this thing where people make noise from their balconies each night at 7pm. At first I thought what the heck is going on, so then I googled it. Supposedly it is to support the health care workers. Insane. But maybe they want to publicly glorify the health care workers, because they know that they are the ones that could possibly blow the lid off the narrative.

It is all part of the script, new ways to engage the masses in mindless activities and keep them primed in order to react emotionally to social media posts and hashtags.
Warnings of Economic Depression
By Stephen Lendman
Global Research, March 31, 2020


Over three million US workers filed claims for unemployment benefits last week, millions more likely coming in the weeks ahead.
Never before in US history did this happen so swiftly in such large numbers as now.

A new Reuters/Ipsos poll found that around one-fourth of US adults were either laid off or furloughed because of COVID-19 outbreaks.

(edited out a pointless anti Trump rant - apparently COVID USA is his fault!)

What’s ongoing today is the greatest challenge to business and workers since the Great Depression, along with a threat to human health.

According to a March 20 – 26 online survey of over 250 companies of varying sizes and business sectors, outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas reported that nearly half the number surveyed are likely to lay off workers over the next three months.

Over one-third (37%) of companies instituted a hiring freeze. The St. Louis Fed projects unemployment potentially reaching 32% of the US workforce, a loss of 47 million jobs if things get this bad.

Trump regime social distancing guidelines were extended through April 30. It’s highly unlikely that conditions will ease by then.

Virginia Governor Northam issued a statewide shelter in place order through June 10, unless amended or rescinded ahead.

If current COVID-19 outbreaks abate, there’s no assurance that a second wave won’t follow or that new widespread outbreaks won’t happen during the 2020/21 flu season.

(this narrative is for pumping soon as this strain dies away)

Is what’s beginning to unfold “a greater depression,” as economist Nouriel Roubini believes?

He anticipates “a far worse outcome” than most economists see unfolding, adding:
“Even mainstream financial firms such as Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley expect US GDP to fall by an annualized rate of 6% in the first quarter, and by 24% to 30% in the second.”

“(E)very component of aggregate demand – consumption, capital spending, exports – is in unprecedented free fall.”
“While most self-serving commentators have been anticipating a V-shaped downturn – with output falling sharply for one quarter and then rapidly recovering the next – it should now be clear that the COVID-19 crisis is something else entirely.”​
“Not even during the Great Depression…did the bulk of economic activity literally shut down” so fast.
Economist David Rosenberg said
“(i)t’s time for investors to start saying the D-word. This economic damage could be double 2008,” adding:
“(B)ears will help you preserve your capital. Bulls will…destroy” it by advising investors to stay the course at a time when extreme caution is necessary.
Rosenberg projects a global GDP contraction of 5% this year, what hasn’t happened throughout the post-WW II period.

A deep recession like 2008-09 would likely cause financial markets to decline at least 50%, he said, stressing:
“We have a big problem on our hands. There is no economic visibility so everything’s a crapshoot.”
“This turbocharged debt cycle will end miserably. It’s just a matter of when” and how severe.
Even a one-month US national lockdown will see a “wave of defaults and bankruptcies with no jobs for people to go back to.”
“If nothing is done to make people whole, call (congressional action) ‘transfer payments,’ (not) ‘stimulus,’ because the amounts (for ordinary Americans) will put food on the table and a roof over heads” for a few months at most, “but that is about it.”
Rosenberg believes Republicans and Dems don’t realize the seriousness of what’s going on.

Workers need jobs and normality to their lives. There’s only fear, duress, stress, and uncertainty ahead.

While recession has been priced into markets, it’s not enough, said Rosenberg, adding:
“Households and businesses will be coping with how their lives have permanently changed once the crisis ends.”
“(N)othing is going back to the way it was. There will be a new normal, but it won’t be the old normal.”
“But for the here and now, we are dealing with a health shock, a self-imposed economic shock, and a financial shock all at once” — an unprecedented situation with no clarity on when or how it will end.
Markets usually bottom about three months before a GDP trough, Rosenberg explained.

He doesn’t see one until at least September, meaning “another three months of pain” most likely, maybe more.

Will the “new normal” Rosenberg envisions when economic and public health conditions end include loss of what remains of the US middle class?

Its privileged class seeks a ruler/serf society, a longstanding aim for greater wealth and power.

Along with an unprecedented wealth transfer from ordinary Americans to monied interests and likely increased loss of human and civil rights, perhaps destruction of the US middle class entirely is a key objective of the current crisis.

Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © Stephen Lendman, Global Research, 2020

Enough said....
About the empty hospitals

When this outbreak first started, it happened in the heavily polluted areas - or it affected those areas the most. So, that chart that shows the need to delay the spread with social distancing was circulated at the time when it was affecting China, then Italy - two really polluted areas. So it was projected based on the effect in those areas. But as it spread, it didn't affect other areas as strongly because the aggravating factor of pollution.
So, it spread and people are getting the symptoms, but not really needing medical care - beyond normal flu response.
So, maybe it was two factors combined that factored into the predicted load on the health system, but only one factor is affecting other areas, as we aren't as polluted. So it leaves hospitals with much less patients than expected.
If the current events lead to the collapse of the petrodollar system it will be interesting to see how important that finance system was/ is to sustaining the American military bases that are dotted around the world

In terms of ground control of the planet those bases would be pretty important strategic points. Maybe that is too 3d level of thinking on the whole thing though. Whoever is running the bases on 4D can keep the resourced.
Might make a good new thread my the way??? Recommended films? Lots of hours at home all round.
V for Vendetta has been discussed here: V for Vendetta
While we are on the subject of films, a few virus films are on Youtube at the moment
Containment - Full Movie 1h:30m
AKA: "Toxic Skies" Starring: Anne Heche, James Tupper & Tobias Slezak A respected virologist and a mysterious renegade race to find a cure for the deadly virus that’s spreading across the country like wildfire in this thriller reuniting Men in Trees co-stars Anne Heche and James Tupper on the big screen. Driven by a past tragedy that still haunts her years later, Dr. Tess Martin (Heche) discovers Jack Bowen (Tupper) is the one man capable of bringing the outbreak to an end, and convinces him to aid her in saving humanity from a devastating plague.
Containment (Infected) | 2015 Full Movie | Coronavirus Outbreak 1h16m
Containment - What happens when an epidemic breaks out, but you're kept in the dark? Anything can happen. A normal morning quickly becomes a nightmare for the residents of Oslo Tower flats when a viral outbreak descends. Slowly the residents realize that they will all die unless they come together. Starring Lee Ross, Sheila Reid and Louise Brealey.
Contagion Full Movie English (2011) HD 2h:36m
"Contagion" follows the rapid progress of a lethal airbornevirus that kills within days. As the fast-moving epidemic grows, the worldwide medical community races to find a cure and control the panic that spreads faster than the virus itself. At the same time, ordinary people struggle to survive in a society coming apart.
25 Things You Missed In Contagion 15m
The Steven Soderbergh directed “Contagion” has been trending lately due to how the film deals with the possibility of a global health crisis. While some aspects of the film are right on the nose, it definitely exaggerates some aspects to make the movie more dramatic. The virus called MEV-1 spreads quickly and doesn’t discriminate, and characters played by Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jude Law and Kate Winslet all become victims to the virus in one way or another. But you might not realize just how much research went into the film to make it as accurate as possible while still being entertaining.
About the empty hospitals

When this outbreak first started, it happened in the heavily polluted areas - or it affected those areas the most. So, that chart that shows the need to delay the spread with social distancing was circulated at the time when it was affecting China, then Italy - two really polluted areas. So it was projected based on the effect in those areas. But as it spread, it didn't affect other areas as strongly because the aggravating factor of pollution.
So, it spread and people are getting the symptoms, but not really needing medical care - beyond normal flu response.
So, maybe it was two factors combined that factored into the predicted load on the health system, but only one factor is affecting other areas, as we aren't as polluted. So it leaves hospitals with much less patients than expected.
hm, is NYC a very polluted area? I would guess so, but never was there so I don't know. There is a lot of material on the web filmed on the streets of NYC (and of course in this thread) that attest quite the opposite. So we have a guesstimated (by me) quite polluted area like NYC with empty hospitals. Or, well, not empty, you know what I mean, just the usual for the season.
Not looking good in Russia:

Russian Upper House OKs Bill on Up to 5 Years of Imprisonment for COVID-19 Disinformation

it sounds like such a vague piece of legislation that could really work in the hands of whoever wants to stop actual information from becoming widely available.
Just a thought.

Suppose Putin is practicing strategic enclosure?

As in, let the world think Russia is playing along with their plan? We know that hasn't been how they have operated in the past. That would definitely expose certain undesirables.
Just taking a few moments to make clear the official reason for the lock downs, just so we're all on the same page.

The goal of the lock downs i.e. social distancing and self-isolation is, officially, to "flatten the curve", i.e. SLOW DOWN, NOT STOP the spread of the disease.

The goal is, therefore, NOT to stop the elderly with serious underlying illnesses (or anyone else) from contracting the virus and dying from complications associated with it, at least, no moreso than in any previous winter "flu" season.

The goal is for hospitals to be able to provide care for a supposedly large number of people (relative to hospital's ability to treat them) who will become seriously ill from the virus.

I explained in a previous post the reason why most hospitals are almost empty while a few are "inundated": to prevent a supposed influx of patients "all at once", you have to keep all non-critical i.e. non 'covid-19' critical patients away from hospitals in order to stop the spread of the virus. This results in only one or two hospitals in a given area being designated "covid-19 centers" while the rest are, as noted, mostly empty.

This current situation where hundreds of millions of people are being terrorized by relentless media reports of "inundated hospitals", is therefore only possible because of the ASSUMPTION that a large percentage of the overall population will become seriously ill from the virus. But for several very good reasons, this does NOT appear to be true, and there is no reason for anyone to assume that it will become true.
There is a lot of material on the web filmed on the streets of NYC (and of course in this thread) that attest quite the opposite. So we have a guesstimated (by me) quite polluted area like NYC with empty hospitals.
I was thinking of the satellite photos of China, and Italy too that were shown. I just assume it isn't as bad in most other places.
That may have been the understanding, but is that changing? This article explains why that may be so:

John Helmer retorts that many have misunderstood Putin's behavior during that national address:

Speaking in front of a plain wall, with symbols of nation, not of Kremlin nor of command, President Putin began his address on the virus. With a shrug of his left shoulder and an open gesture of his hands, Putin’s delivery was informal, almost fireside in style as US presidents have attempted it. US and British analysts who claim Putin “looked less in command than usual” mistook style for substance; in cribbing from Russian social media speculation about Putin’s health, they misunderstood both.

Edit: I actually think the entire Helmer article is well worth reading to get an idea of how Putin and his team are handling things:

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