China can be the guy with the mask in the Time magazine cover, while the rest of the World is the dog on the leash. I don't think the tribe has too much to do with it anymore, we saw for quite some time now that things are a lot more cross-border when they want them to be, like for instance in the case of the refugees crisis when borders were open when convenient, then closed when convenient and clearly from an entity that was above states. And in general, in the last 30-40 years there has been a clear shift towards the east, that is why I think that's where the next Empire will rise. Do you see any other candidates? Or do you think we will go back to the status quo before this crisis was initiated, just with some re-alignments? Who else from the Anglo-Saxon sphere could fit the profile? Germany? Sweden? I am thinking more of a move towards the east, maybe a re-unification of Korea (something like the fall of the Berlin wall), maybe Taiwan returning to China...

Maybe... All I know is people in power don't voluntarily give up their power. The ptb are human, they are people who belong somewhere. They might hate their citizens but where they belong is their tribe.

I don't think of it as nations.... More like regions. The US and (western) Europe are one big tribe. The power center is here.

If the power center moves to China it won't be because of some grand plan, it's going to be as a result of a hard won battle.

Anyways, that's how I see it - The power struggle is within elements within the pre existing power center.

The above link is to an article that sets out four different scenarios from an report that was created in 2010 by The Rockefeller Foundation & Global Business Network called "Scenarios for the Future of Technology & International Development”.

There appears to be links between the WHO and the CEO of Salesforce(part of Global Business Network)

"Let’s circle back to the beginning. Schwartz, report lead, is Senior Vice President of Strategic Planning for Salesforce. Salesforce founder and CEO Marc Benioff serves as the inaugural Chair of the World Economics Forum’s Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in San Francisco. On June 13, 2019 the World Economic Forum partnered with the United Nations. On March 11, 2020 the World Economic Forum announced a partnership with the World Health Organization (a UN agency) to establish the COVID Action Platform For Business. This same day the World Health Organization officially characterized COVID-19 a pandemic. [Source] This is the consolidation of global power, happening in real time."

Some parts of the scenarios appear to be quite prescient, which I suppose could just be a case of if you throw enough things at a wall some of them will stick :)

The lock step scenario seems the closest to what we are experiencing currently and there is an amazing piece of wishful thinking ( I hope) in there where the predicted time of citizen push back against top down control would be 13 years after the initial pandemic.

Elements of the clever together scenario make me suspect this would been the approach to control if the climate crisis had been the trigger event for the new control system. I suppose if your are pushing for total control of the planet it is wise to not put all your eggs in the one basket.

LOCK STEP – A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian Leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback

In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain — originating from wild geese — was extremely virulent and deadly ….

“The pandemic blanketed the planet — though disproportionate numbers died in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central America, where the virus spread like wildfire in the absence of official containment protocols. But even in developed countries, containment was a challenge. The United States’s initial policy of “strongly discouraging” citizens from flying proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the spread of the virus not just within the U.S. but across borders. However, a few countries did fare better —
China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter postpandemic
recovery. [p 18]

China’s government was not the only one that took extreme measures to protect its citizens from risk and exposure.
During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems — from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty — leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.” [p 19]

By 2025, people seemed to be growing weary of so much top-down control and letting leaders and authorities make choices for them.” [p 21]"

CLEVER TOGETHER – A world in which highly coordinated and successful strategies emerge for addressing both urgent and entrenched worldwide issues

“Manisha gazed out on the Ganges River, mesmerized by what she saw… no one could deny that the Ganges was looking more beautiful and healthier than ever.” [p 25]

HACK ATTACK – An economically unstable and shock-prone world in which governments weaken, criminals thrive, and dangerous innovations emerge

SMART SCRAMBLE – An economically depressed world in which individuals and communities develop localized, makeshift solutions to a growing set of problems
What you say makes sense. And Cs have said a number of things that might support this take on it. And that means our USA peeps really need to be thinking about what to do and how to do it.

Your reply Laura and biuta's very perceptive observations made me thing of V for Vendetta (2005).

The night before last I was very restless and not feeling great - weighed down and surprisingly tetchy (as others have noted themselves) and at after 3.00am I put the film on expecting to find it calming in its prescience - but I had to turn it off after an hour because it was making me increasingly stressed (very unlike me to have that kind of visceral reaction to a film I love). I've always had a deep instinct it was more than accurate - that it is as close indeed to prophecy as any film I've seen and this feeling was near overwhelming watching it again. Something about the pattern of events, the exact and highly original nature of the step by step plot mechanism by which pandemic (fake and real) are used, the nature of the psychopathic undertones, the Stockholm Syndrome and passive reaction of the populous after minor initial resistance is so violently crushed... it all feels too 'real' now.

Anyway, I have always been fascinated by the way it describes the US as having gone completely to the dogs in the aftermath - economic and societal collapse - I think a character calls it 'the worlds largest leper colony'! Totally isolated and left to eat itself alive. I have a sneaking hunch this is what awaits the great empire and in pretty short time to (our US brothers and sisters please beware). I hope I'm wrong - because it also 'predicts' in a strange almost throw away comment that the Brits will deliberately infect Ireland with a genocidal virus that they give the impression near wipes out the entire population! Considering the history between us, nothing would surprise me (a passing and grotesque act of 'and you thought you defeated us back in 1922!)

If there are forum members who have not yet watched the film I do strongly recommend it - but only if you are feeling in the right space. As close to a 'recommended watching' as we have here?

Might make a good new thread my the way??? Recommended films? Lots of hours at home all round...
That explains it. RT's chief editor has fallen victim to the mind virus and/or is an authoritarian follower type. It underscores why govts have to 'fall into line', in at least some respects, or else certain segments of the population will - in their 'activated' state - cause one or another form of social turbulence.

That's how I see it too - while the situation seems somewhat better in Russia, it's still similar to what's going on in other countries, more or less, it seems. Now I don't believe for a minute that Putin and possibly his inner circle don't know exactly that this is all a scam.

But we all witnessed how people in our environments seem to "go off" and turn crazy-authoritarian (or show their true colors). We see it in alt media and elsewhere. So I suspect that some crazy beaming, hyperdimensional bleed through or downloading programs into OPs or whatever is going on. And even Putin was not prepared for THAT. Probably all kinds of people go bonkers in Russia as they do elsewhere, including some in Putin's wider circle and some he thought as allies. Moscow's mayor? Don't know. Point being - even Putin can't control the situation anymore and is scared. But Putin being Putin, he still tries to salvage what he can somewhat.

THE ECONOMIST current edition cover...

I noticed that in the German edition of Business Insider, there was an article favorable to Prof. Bhakdi, the dissenting professor. Today I had a meeting (real-life, yay) and talked to the director of a company, who ranted on about how nuts these rent-seeking politicians are and that they have no idea how they wipe out businesses and the economy. The business community is NOT amused.

Yeah, I've noticed the same with many 'alternative' voices, both domestic and abroad. That's actually one thing that's good about this – these types really show their true colors and ignorance now.

Fascinating indeed. Positive examples I saw are Candace Owens (which I thought questionable at best before), Peter Hitchens, or Hans-Georg Maaßen (former German internal intelligence head). Really interesting who can see the obvious and who can't.

But then it would probably be determined that too many are immune and that would be an absurdity since yesterday we extended the curfew until April 20th.

That's what Prof. Bhakdi suspects - that if you did serious testing (random, large sample and all), it might turn out that 70% have this virus anyway. Which would mean that a) mortality rate is ridiculously low and b) all the lockdowns are pointless.

I went to my local supermarket earlier and was struck by how calm other shoppers were compared to how they have been. I saw one or two anxious people but most of them were wandering around like they normally would completely forgetting to keep their 2-metre distance from me or other people.

Same observation today in a rather big supermarket. Was pleasantly surprised!

China can be the guy with the mask in the Time magazine cover, while the rest of the World is the dog on the leash. I don't think the tribe has too much to do with it anymore, we saw for quite some time now that things are a lot more cross-border when they want them to be, like for instance in the case of the refugees crisis when borders were open when convenient, then closed when convenient and clearly from an entity that was above states. And in general, in the last 30-40 years there has been a clear shift towards the east, that is why I think that's where the next Empire will rise. Do you see any other candidates? Or do you think we will go back to the status quo before this crisis was initiated, just with some re-alignments? Who else from the Anglo-Saxon sphere could fit the profile? Germany? Sweden? I am thinking more of a move towards the east, maybe a re-unification of Korea (something like the fall of the Berlin wall), maybe Taiwan returning to China...

Thank you for these interesting posts, me too I think this makes sense. I'm wondering though what's up with the only tribe that really does show cohesion over millennia, the Zionists. Cs said that Mossad is at the apex of the human-4DSTS interface, and reading "From Yahweh to Zion" confirms this - and that it's probably going on for a very long time. Are they in on this? Are the 4D overlords abandoning them? What's going on?
Not looking good in Russia:

Russian Upper House OKs Bill on Up to 5 Years of Imprisonment for COVID-19 Disinformation

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Russian upper house, the Federation Council, approved on Tuesday a bill that makes the dissemination of fake information about the coronavirus a crime punishable with up to five years of imprisonment.

Under the bill, the punishment for public dissemination of deliberately false information about issues that present a threat to public life and security as well as about measures taken to tackle this threat will vary depending on consequences of such a crime.

It may be punished by a fine from 300,000 ($3,825) to 700,000 ($8,925) rubles, up to 1 year of community service, or up to 3 years of imprisonment.

it sounds like such a vague piece of legislation that could really work in the hands of whoever wants to stop actual information from becoming widely available.
Speaking about any weird stuff being experienced on an individual level...

From my end, I've mostly been okay apart from random night sweats every now and again. I'm not sure what's triggering them as of yet. My partner the other day found me drenched in sweat whilst taking a nap she freaked the hell out.

I got up and was wondering what the fuss was about but yeah, was drenched. She thought I had a fever but I was okay.

Energy wise I've been on low gear, taking things easy. I think more out of choice - I'm seeing it as a period of relaxation.

Dream wise, I've been having some strange ones but don't think anything unusual as dreams are just unusual by their nature. Other day I randomly dreamt I was in Nigeria - VERY RANDOM as I've never been. I was there at a hotel, I paid for a meal using my debit card and the guy taking the payment stole my card details! Was a victim of a Nigerian scam in my own dream of all places!! Following night dreamt I was on this desolate landscape on a vehicle driving through the terrain... It was all dusty, red, barren and they were this installations to underground facilities... All that was on the surface was the entries to these facilities and some antennas. My sleep has been deeper than usual but I take that to be just the body requiring rest.
@Laura for a while now I had a feeling that the real virus, the one behind the curtain, has used its host, the US, to the max, it sucked out of it everything that it could, and now it is ready to abandon it and move on to a new host, I am thinking China. I kept thinking that Trump was pushed forward by a more nationalist faction to try and salvage what he can, much like Gorbachev did in the times of Perestroika. When any of these giants collapse, it is usually not pretty. Look at Russia in early 90s. And they planned the collapse for a minimum of 10 years, since the time of Andropov. And if this is the case, it means that the US $ will collapse as a fiat currency, which will also collapse a lot of other economies. As China and Russia (and other states) were building their Gold reserves for a while now, they knew this was coming. So we are to expect a new financial paradigm, to replace the Breton Woods / OPEC supported petro-dollar with something new. Then probably we will have some period of stabilization. This is how I see it. I think by now we all know that what we're witnessing is a show, in which, to be clear, a lot of innocent people are dying, but the show is directing everybody's attention from what is really going on. We should probably start talking more about what we think will happen next as I think we have a great advantage in this global community of ours, once we start collaborating we can hopefully map out part of the puzzle and maybe even match some of the pieces in it.

Your thought that the US $ will collapse soon fits with an idea that I've been acquainted with for a few years - the question of the '40-year cycle of economics' theory. Are you familiar?

Working backwards from today (2020), where some sort of economic collapse seems imminent, we can trace a roughly regular 40-year major meltdown:

-1971, abandonment of Bretton Woods, unlinking the US $ from the gold standard, making the economy not tied to anything real
-1930's, the Great Depression, one that most are familiar with
-the Panic of 1893 under US President McKinley, another depression, closure of banks, mass unemployment, failing of businesses
- the Panic of 1857, a financial panic in the US caused by the declining international economy and over-expansion of the domestic. This was the first worldwide economic crisis.
- The panic of 1819 was the first major peacetime financial crisis in the US. General collapse of the American economy that heralded the transition of the nation from its colonial status with Europe to an independent economy.
- In 1776, the Declaration of Independence, which began this 40-year crash cycle

So, the way I see it, there is 'a certain something' integral to America that must FEED every 40 years. A body - I would even suggest that any body - requires some form of regular renewal, or it will die. It makes one question - what IS America?

Metaphors abound:
-28 year cycles of 'Saturn return'
-a war machine's gas tank that needs to be refuelled at regular intervals
-a healthy forest that reaches a tipping point, such as the build up of underbrush, and then undergoes a collapse event - a wildfire that burns the latent material, releases it to the soil, and growth begins again
-a global mental parasite requires the food of human suffering every 40 years
Doesn't look like there are very many people out there tweeting rational and objective links / materials. I try to do so for a few minutes every day, but I sure could use some help. If just 50 of us did so, faithfully, I think it might make a difference.
There are ways of never missing a tweet from the few who do:
It made me wonder if we as a group would be able to direct the progression of the virus as the mutations haven't stopped yet. If so then perhaps by strengthening the FRV individually and as a group and/or through prayer.
Just a thought.
Still playing catchup. Being as how I live on Vancouver Island, being near the end of the 24hr cycle, it always seems to be that way! It wasn't until 4am that sleep finally came. The attack that had been ongoing for at least 48hrs seemed to come to an end, of sorts. My family also noticed strange effects, not quite sure what to think.

This is a great thought. The C's have said that collectively, we have always had the power to make changes. My thoughts are that we just lack knowledge and confidence in our abilities. With the upgrades brought on by Covid-19, the next step would be to collectively use them. I kinda look at it like a baby learning how to walk. There is no substitute for doing. Likely baby wobbly steps at first, taking practice time before being able to run.
Interesting that hospitals in France are empty as Switzerland are taking seriously sick people from France with Covid-19 who are being flown to hospitals in Switzerland to get treated. They get flown from the Alsace region which apparently is 'very affected' whatever that means. So what is going on? One would think that French patients would feel better being in a hospital in their own country and not in a foreign country even if it is a neighbouring country.
They also transport patients in helicopters, army planes, high speed trains. I think the main objective of this patient transfers is to feed the show. It provides great headlines and pictures to feed the hystericization.

They know the unconscious assumptions of most people when they see a patient flown away in an helicopter:
1/ it must be a very serious case
2/ the local hospitals are saturated
3/ the authorities are really doing a great job taking care of the patients

Of course, each assumption is totally wrong!
'Oh I will 'enjoy the show', and you can bet on that.'

31 Mar, 2020
Rothschild warns of financial hit from coronavirus outbreak?
No s*** Sherlock!

It would be more interesting if Rothschild explained who will be economically hit and who will benefit from the hit.

I think that, like in the previous manufactured crisis, the very rich will end up richer and the poor will end up poorer...except this time the "exposure" might get the downward financial spiral out of control.
Quick update from Tel Aviv.

We are allowed to leave the house for groceries and one can also be outside within a 100 meter radius of their residence.

The citizens seem mostly very relaxed around where I live. Keeping their distance.
Going outside is eerily relaxing. Basically this area has turned into a ghost neighborhood.

Spoke with a neighbor who's son is in the hospital for a foot related injury, he said the hospital is completely empty.

The newz is ramping up the fear to get people used to the idea that passover will be spent ONLY with those you reside with (Usually there are huge family dinners during passover).

Overall there is a sense of calm acceptance atm.
The only panic I'm seeing is among politicians, scrambling and trying to use the situation for their own benefit / career.
On French television, they advised citizens to put bleach on the packaging of all food after returning from shopping to remove all traces of the virus. My brother sent me a video of my mother with her bucket and gloves doing exactly that. It was the last straw, I cried when I saw this vidéo of my mother stooping to that level of stupidity that the television told her to do, it really broke my heart to think that my mother was just a robot.
Even two weeks ago, when this was just getting started in Ireland, my aunt said she got a text message from her local garbage/waste collection service to request that everyone please disinfect the handles of their bins/dumpsters before leaving them outside the house for collection. She giggled when she told me that, but I suspect that she - and probably most others - did it 😷
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