Bonjour à tous, je pensais mettre ce texte à la dernière session des Cassiopéens mais je vois que vous parlez ici des troupes américaines.
Je joins une partie du texte que j'ai lu aujourd'hui dans une session française d'astrologie mondiale parlant de "l'invasion" des soldats américains en Europe.
Que se passe-t-il ici? J'aimerais avoir votre avis
Tendresse à vous tous
Hello Channa, as this is an English speaking forum, please put your text through a translating service such as deepL Translator, which in this case transforms your text to:
Hello everyone, I thought I would put this text to the last session of the Cassiopeans, but I see that you are talking about American troops.
I enclose part of the text I read today in a French session of world astrology talking about the "invasion" of American soldiers in Europe.
What is happening here? I'd like your opinion
Tenderness to all of you
Mass hypno-psychosis is what it is basically. For having experienced full-blown psychosis, I can see in people's eyes pretty much the fear and turmoil that I lived through ten years ago. Basically, if I were to explain it to C's children, and I am sure others have lived this too: something totally innocuous can set this off (for me it was a telephone call with nobody on the other end just a strange sound, remember that); What happened to me is that for nearly 2 months I could see that the entire world was as fake as a movie set, I walked one night from Montreal to another city 12 hour walk, to check - it would not leave me - and broke into a log cabin to hide, etc) basically I saw that everyone I crossed could tell that I was 'different' and somehow a threat. NOW that is what I see people living. I apologize ahead for those who do not feel 'faith' but this is a test from above. Do you 'believe' or do you 'know', as I am cured I know. I know how powerful the superior world is and what it can do to an ant of my demeanour. This changes an entire life's beliefs. Sit back and start letting it in! You are cared for more than you could ever imagine. Always remember that ALL THERE IS THE LIGHT, whatever shape it may take, it is the Divine Light, as there is nothing else besides her. Stay safe! Turn off you TV. Check the news only once a day or so when you are relaxed and things will become a lot more clear as their pictures gets fuzzy! Love to all And welcome to OUR NEW WORLD, whatever shape that may take...

I have also experienced psychosis twice. Once, when I was about 3, my parents let me watch Doctor Who and the Planet of the Spiders, I remember watching these giant spiders, for 3 days and nights all I could see were hundreds of spiders crawling everywhere. Lots of parents rang the BBC to complain that their children had had nightmares. (Hey you parents back then, you shouldn't have let your kids watch that stuff!)
I think some beaming experimentation was going on, courtesy of the Beeb.

The 2nd time was after a great deal of non-stop stress. I believed certain family members were in league with our neighbours and wanted me dead. I think it was kind of accurate, something a bit similar to what the author of Operators and Things went through, a kind of hyper-dimensional reality. 4D STS wanted to kill my spirit and soul through these people, who caused me as much trouble as they could, though at this level they were totally unaware of it, and would be shocked if they knew. A good lesson in retrospect! Really what is going on right here, and
I needed to see it for myself, though perhaps just reading the book sufficed for many to understand the the big picture, but I always was a slow learner.

Hope this is OK to share, I feel like a floodgate has been opened for me recently, so please tell me to shut up, if I'm making noise.
I have also experienced psychosis twice. Once, when I was about 3, my parents let me watch Doctor Who and the Planet of the Spiders, I remember watching these giant spiders, for 3 days and nights all I could see were hundreds of spiders crawling everywhere. Lots of parents rang the BBC to complain that their children had had nightmares. (Hey you parents back then, you shouldn't have let your kids watch that stuff!)
I think some beaming experimentation was going on, courtesy of the Beeb.

The 2nd time was after a great deal of non-stop stress. I believed certain family members were in league with our neighbours and wanted me dead. I think it was kind of accurate, something a bit similar to what the author of Operators and Things went through, a kind of hyper-dimensional reality. 4D STS wanted to kill my spirit and soul through these people, who caused me as much trouble as they could, though at this level they were totally unaware of it, and would be shocked if they knew. A good lesson in retrospect! Really what is going on right here, and
I needed to see it for myself, though perhaps just reading the book sufficed for many to understand the the big picture, but I always was a slow learner.

Hope this is OK to share, I feel like a floodgate has been opened for me recently, so please tell me to shut up, if I'm making noise.
Of course its okay. Sharing helps to keep you sane. Just breathe and shine the light. The truth will set us free eventually.
"I work in the healthcare field. Here’s the problem, we are testing people for any strain of a Coronavirus. Not specifically for COVID-19. There are no reliable tests for a specific COVID-19 virus. There are no reliable agencies or media outlets for reporting numbers of actual COVID-19 virus cases. This needs to be addressed first and foremost. Every action and reaction to COVID-19 is based on totally flawed data and we simply can not make accurate assessments."

After reading this one posted by Joe I have to say its getting ridiculous. Like every bit of data that comes out is a nail in the coffin for this madness having any basis in reality.

So 1) Any death "with" the coronavirus is a coronavirus death. Note they say "with" in media reports but people dont read it that way.

2) The death rate above is calculated by using only "confirmed" cases of covid. I.E. mostly those who were sick enough to end up in hospital and be tested.

3) And now testing is BS as well, they dont even test for this specific strain.

SO if its that simple that we can figure it out then obviously other high level players figured it out too.
Yet the whole world from south america to asia to russia to china is doing the same lockdown madness

So what force can move every government and Media organisation in the world in unison like that, like a flock of birds? Even including the non-aligned countries? Just what on earth is going on here?
Hope this is OK to share, I feel like a floodgate has been opened for me recently, so please tell me to shut up, if I'm making noise.
That sounds like a horrific experience and then at the age of 3. It is only good to share and perhaps the floodgates are opening up for quite a few more members as the hyperkinetic sensate of the wave is being felt. Know that you can always start your own thread in the Swamp if the wish is to share more and to get advice and insight. In that way it is also away from too many prying eyes.
Here is the paper that made similarities between COVID-19 and HIV, and which was retracted and now reads:
Thanks for posting it all, there is no doubt very strong pressure to keep the lid on this case. The idea that this virus had been messed with, have been persistent since early February. One also finds this view in the translated transcript of an interview with Dr. Pekova, contained in the linked article in the following post by Deckard:
Well if it quacks like a duck..
So for the record here it is:

While conducting some online research on SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19), I came across a video interview with Dr. Pekova, a Czech medical doctor, molecular biologist, and geneticist with an extensive research portfolio.

In an interview with TV channel T3, Dr. Pekova states that the genome sequence of SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19) is unlikely to be natural, and its characteristics suggest it was genetically engineered.

Dr. Pekova is the head of the research team at Tilia Laboratories, that has developed a more efficient, faster, and less expensive test to detect SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19). The laboratory has offered the test methodology to labs around the world for free.

As a billingual Canadian Veterinarian of Czech origin, I have the benefit of being able to translate the Czech language interview into English and share it with you here.

The interview helps dispel some claims that Dr. Pekova accused any government or a lab of deliberately spreading the virus. She does NOT say that COVID-19 is a conspiracy.

She only suggests that the SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19) sequence appears rather abnormal, and that such severe restructuring is unlikely to happen in nature, without human intervention.

We may never find out what led to the initial spread of SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19). Now, the most important thing is to help those who are critically ill, and support each other during this difficult time.

It is about time the research and development of genetically engineered viruses and other pathogens was banned. They can be dangerous and deadly if mishandled, or fall into the wrong hands.

Below is the interview transcript.

Dr. Pekova, how have you been helping people around the world during the coronavirus pandemic?

Dr. Pekova: When SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19) appeared in Wuhan, we understood that it would likely become widespread based on looking at the dynamics of the disease.

Research of viruses of animal origin is part of our expertise, and we prepared a diagnostic test for the virus detection.

When we detected the first two positive patients, we decided to change the test as it was too complicated, expensive, and it put high demand on the diagnostic equipment.

As soon as we had two positive patients, we were able to sequence the virus, and discovered that it can be detected with the help of the same technology that was proposed by the centre for disease control. Our test is capable of detecting the virus from a section of the sequence that is very unique and cannot be mistaken with another coronavirus. This allowed us to use just one reaction instead of three reactions to detect a positive sample.

When we need to test on a large scale, it has to be fast, simple, reliable and it should not excessively burden the lab.

We have published information about the methodology of the test and can provide it to any lab that makes a request, for free. We have had many labs around the world request the methodology because the previous test was too complex.

I am a physician and have acquired my PhD in molecular microbiology and genetic virology, and also have post graduate education in medical methods in genetics and microbiology, and this is what I have focused on in my research.

There has been a very strong effort backed by the most prominent universities and research centres in the Czech Republic that have the capacity to perform testing. The most important part is to create a system of testing and handling the samples. The labs use a non-infectious form of the virus for the diagnostic test.

The pathology of coronavirus leads to destruction of the lining of the airways, and it also creates an exaggerated immune reaction that can lead to lung fibrosis that can’t be reversed.

The SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19) can’t survive indefinitely, it is usually viable from 30 minutes to several hours, it does not like a dry environment and likes warm and humid environments such as tissue, and sweaty or moist hands.

Face masks will not protect us from nano particles such as viruses, however, they prevent contamination via water droplets for example when someone speaks or sneezes.

An infection is a matter of the viral “dose.” One virus is unlikely to cause an infection, but when someone sneezes out a few million of the particles, there is a big chance it will lead to an infection.

Door handles, public transit, and shopping carts can be a source of infection. It is better to buy packaged goods and pay attention to hygiene and wash our hands properly. Gloves are not as important.


Does UV light destroy the virus?

Dr. Pekova: SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19) is a fragile RNA virus and UV light is a good idea.


The laboratory in Wuhan conducts research of deadly virus such as SARS which is very closely related to SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19). You have said that SARS CoV-2 has certain genetic sequences that are not natural. Do you stand firm on your claim?

Dr. Pekova: Yes, I stand behind my claim. RNA viruses mutate and their genome is unstable. They have high rates of mutations, and they are not very accurate in replication.

The virus RNA usually mutates in areas that are responsible for protein production used as building blocks for “the body” of the virus. This part fulfils certain functions of the virus, such as cell penetration and interacting with the infected cell.

Then there is the regulatory area of the virus genome, it can be seen as the command centre that governs virus replication.

This part of SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19) genome appears unusually messy, as if it was severely altered.

I have a hard time believing that such intensive restructuring, insertions and deletions of the virus RNA code, would happen in nature and that the virus would survive such severe restructuring.

The regulatory portion of the virus genome usually has a low mutation rate. SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19) has an atypical degree of mutation, which is usually done by genetic modification.

When I worked in research, cloning viral mutation was my daily work, and we used to clone different gene variations on cultured media.

For example, we have seen a harmless gene turn into a lymphoma-inducing gene. A mutation can turn something that is benign into something very damaging. We have tools in genetic engineering that are capable of such modifications.

Genetic modification can be used, for example, to create so-called “designer babies” which was done by a Chinese scientist who created two embryos that were genetically modified. He was later fined and went to prison.

I can imagine there are other scientists who have done the same thing, they will just never admit to it. This all depends on the ethics of the scientist and I am not sure if ethics is a sufficient guarantee.

Do you think that there are even worse viruses in secret labs around the world?

Dr. Pekova: To be honest, I don’t even want to think about this.
So what force can move every government and Media organisation in the world in unison like that, like a flock of birds? Even including the non-aligned countries? Just what on earth is going on here?
Someone commented on Facebook- pretty much in line with what C’s said - give or take few years:
This is an economic reset..... they’re doing this so that the economy falls and they’ll blame it on corona virus!
People that lost their jobs that were earning $80,000 will be rehired but they’ll only offer $50,000 because economy fell....

People who borrowed $1,000,000 for a house, in 6 months their house will be worth $500,000 and with no work or people being hired for less that what they used to get, banks will start taking people’s houses!
It’s an economic collapse that they planned on purpose and they will blame corona virus
People’s wages will drop, people’s houses will drop.... but not their loans and mortgages!
They’re just experimenting with this virus to see how much control they can have over people.... and this is nothing ..... in 2024 they will release a much more deadly virus that will seriously kill many!
That’s our leaders playing with people’s lives, playing with money, playing with viruses and experimenting on people’s genetics!
If people don’t wake up soon and overthrow every government across the world, we are doomed!
While this is the most plausible explanation so far - what I don’t understand is how easy it is to push government’s buttons - i mean all the governments in the world from Putin to South Africa -like on a push of a button. Does anyone have a theory how does this work?
@Joe - you want to try ? 😉
So what force can move every government and Media organisation in the world in unison like that, like a flock of birds? Even including the non-aligned countries? Just what on earth is going on here?
I guess it's not new, just more visible. In the SDS realms organizational structures are pyramidal and most visible leaders are not at the top. Here is one of the numerous session excerpts that deals with the notion of "secret world government".

1/21/1995 said:
Q: (L) We already have a one-world government is what they're saying. (T) Yes, they're just waiting to make it official somehow. (L) Let me ask. What is...
A: Has been so for long time, as you measure time.
Q: (L) Let me ask this one before the tape runs out and we take a break. What is the "ultimate secret" being protected by the Consortium?
A: You are not in control of yourselves, you are an experiment.

Here is a second excerpt that illustrates the chasm between the secret government and the official governments:

1/25/1997 said:
A:we must tell you that "secret world government" technologies are approximately 150 years in advance of anything that you have access to.
(My numbers are slightly different. I took them straight from the linked websites, to be sure they're legit. Good find!)

It seems that the numbers for 2020 are not official numbers, so they might not be legit. That is a problem with this whole virus hysteria. You cannot prove that there are no more deaths compared to previous years because you have to wait a long time for official numbers. And by then, the global takeover will be over!

I have not much to report from here today. Things just get crazier day by day. I heard a news about a guy who was in self-isolation for 14 days because he came from another country. The 14 days passed, and the guy went out. But the police arrested him. Why? Because in the meantime, they changed the self-isolation rule to 28 days. And now he is facing a prison for up to 3 years! His defense is that he doesn't watch television much so he wasn't aware of the new rule. Who knows, maybe he really wasn't. But now everybody is forced to pay attention to the news because the rules are being changed on a daily basis and you might end up in prison for most bizarre things!

We are still waiting for full quarantine. We probably have a few more steps before that. I heard that in Greece you now have to ask for permission to go out by sending an SMS. I heard that the same thing will happen here. Our authorities deny everything, of course. They even arrested today one person who had an inside info about 24h curfew and published that on twitter yesterday, because he was spreading the panic! Well, they are spreading the panic every single day and nobody gets arrested!

They also sent an SMS yesterday to many people which says that "the situation is dramatic and we are nearing the Italian and Spanish scenario!" But somehow that isn't spreading the panic. It's just spreading the information, they say. And no, we are not even near the Italian or Spanish scenario.

And every day I see articles that promote wearing a mask, even though a WHO officials and other experts do not recommend them for general population, unless you are sick. But the mask obviously represent more than a health thing. They are now a social thing. Here is a quote from one article:

Some argue that wearing a mask, as a very visual reminder of the danger of a virus, can actually serve you and others as an "impetus to a certain type of behavior," for overall better personal hygiene. "Putting on a mask every day before you go out is like a ritual, and in that ritual behavior you feel that you have to be worthy of what that uniform is, which is more hygienic behavior, such as not touching the face or avoiding crowded places and social distance," says Donald Lo, a behavioral economist and professor at Hong Kong's University of Science and Technology.
I'm still catching up with the last posts and I'm not sure if this has been posted.

Digging around about the mortality rate in Italy, I found a piece of information in the International Journal of infectious Diseases that put things in perspective:

Investigating the impact of influenza on excess mortality in all ages in Italy during recent seasons (2013/14–2016/17 seasons)

  • In the winter seasons from 2013/14 to 2016/17, an estimated average of 5,290,000 ILI cases occurred in Italy, corresponding to an incidence of 9%.
  • More than 68,000 deaths attributable to flu epidemics were estimated in the study period.
  • Italy showed a higher influenza attributable excess mortality compared to other European countries. especially in the elderly.


In recent years, Italy has been registering peaks in death rates, particularly among the elderly during the winter season. Influenza epidemics have been indicated as one of the potential determinants of such an excess. The objective of our study was to estimate the influenza-attributable contribution to excess mortality during the influenza seasons from 2013/14 to 2016/17 in Italy.


We used the EuroMomo and the FluMomo methods to estimate the annual trend of influenza-attributable excess death rate by age group. Population data were provided by the National Institute of Statistics, data on influenza like illness and confirmed influenza cases were provided by the National Institutes of Health. As an indicator of weekly influenza activity (IA) we adopted the Goldstein index, which is the product of the percentage of patients seen with influenza-like illness (ILI) and percentage of influenza-positive specimens, in a given week.


We estimated excess deaths of 7,027, 20,259, 15,801 and 24,981 attributable to influenza epidemics in the 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17, respectively, using the Goldstein index. The average annual mortality excess rate per 100,000 ranged from 11.6 to 41.2 with most of the influenza-associated deaths per year registered among the elderly. However children less than 5 years old also reported a relevant influenza attributable excess death rate in the 2014/15 and 2016/17 seasons (1.05/100,000 and 1.54/100,000 respectively).


Over 68,000 deaths were attributable to influenza epidemics in the study period. The observed excess of deaths is not completely unexpected, given the high number of fragile very old subjects living in Italy. In conclusion, the unpredictability of the influenza virus continues to present a major challenge to health professionals and policy makers. Nonetheless, vaccination remains the most effective means for reducing the burden of influenza, and efforts to increase vaccine coverage and the introduction of new vaccine strategies (such as vaccinating healthy children) should be considered to reduce the influenza attributable excess mortality experienced in Italy and in Europe in the last seasons.
Just came across this regarding Maurice Strong, the inventor of Climate Change and who declared in his official UN capacity:
Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized nations collapse? Isn’t it out responsibility to bring that about?”
  • A self-confessed socialist
  • Founding Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
  • The man who invented 'climate change’: to this day, global climate policy is still shaped by the agenda of Maurice Strong, a Canadian multimillionaire
  • Strong made his fortune in the oil and energy business running companies such as Petro Canada, Power Corporation, CalTex Africa, Hydro Canada, the Colorado Land and Cattle Company, Ajax Petroleum, Canadian Industrial Oil and Gas— to name just a few
  • Strong was the driving force behind the idea of world governance by the United Nations when he dreamt up a world tax on monetary transactions of 0.5% which would have given the UN an annual income of $1.5 trillion. About equal then to the income of the USA.
  • The stumbling block was the Security Council, and their power of veto. He devised a plan to get rid of the Security Council but failed to get it implemented. Then came along the idea that global warming might just be the device to get his World Governance proposal up and running.
In 1989 Maurice Strong was appointed Secretary General of the Earth Summit and in 1992, addressing Earth Summit II in Rio, he told the thousands of climate change delegates: It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class— involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work place air-conditioning, and suburban housing — are not sustainable.

There goes the Sunday roast, a house to live in, the car, the occasional hamburger and generally, life on earth as we know it. [AOC Green New Deal] But what Strong didn’t tell the delegates was that he was involved in the purchase of the Colorado Land and Cattle Company, which he bought from Adnan Khashoggi, an arms dealer who had strong connections with the Bin Laden family.

This 200,000 acre cattle property, called the Baca had two hidden secrets. One was that it sat above vast underground water systems, which Strong wanted to remove. He formed the American Water Development Corporation to exploit the water by pumping it out for commercial intent but was stopped by the locals as they feared it would destroy the delicate environment.

Read more:
Maurice Strong, Climate Crook – Quadrant Online
Freakin' unbelievable!
I guess it's not new, just more visible. In the SDS realms organizational structures are pyramidal and most visible leaders are not at the top. Here is one of the numerous session excerpts that deals with the notion of "secret world government".

I guess that's what it comes down to. It's always there, just rarely do we see it so clearly. Like the way the farm is run and the obvious ownership by somebody, and our very lowly positions in it!
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