An idea / thought regarding social distancing has just come to me. I understand that this form of isolation or separation has a psychological effect, but what is the effect in terms of FRV?

I do not remember well, but I think there was or is a relationship between distance and wavelengths according to dowsing.

Ok, a quick search on dowsing, and I found this:

The Bovis unit indicates the vitality of a place or an object, a food or the health of a person. During his research, Alfred Bovis (1871-1947) had established that all living things contain a certain vitality that could be measured in Ångström. He discovered that it was the same for measuring the vibratory rate of where he was. Its scale has become a reference for dowsing, which is measured by Bovis units (units equivalent to angstroms).

The scale invented by Bovis was originally associated with Ångström, the measurement of the invisible wavelength of light particles, or Bio photons. The ångström (Å) [1 Å = 1m x 10 ^ -10 = 0.1 nm] or what is the same, the ten millionth of a millimeter, is a unit of length mainly used to express wavelengths, molecular distances and atomic, etc. It is represented by the Swedish letter Å. Its name is given by the Swedish physicist Anders Jonas Ångström. Later, it was verified that said measurements UB and Å were not coincident.

In "The Biometer" the vibrations produced by certain objects are measured by means of a pendulum, which are located to the left of the ruler. The pendulum slides until it finds the point of maximum vibration or pendulum oscillation.

After testing many people, A. Bovis determined that the body is healthy when it vibrates in the 6500 to 8000 UB range; a person with cancer vibrates between 4,000 and 4,500 SU, and a person close to death vibrates around 1,000 SU. Each disease and each virus has its own vibrational frequency. For example, the Koch bacillus, responsible for tuberculosis, vibrates at 5,500 Bovis units.
Manufactured pandemic
Man made virus
Media lies
Draconian measures
New laws
Under the guise
Of saving lives
People die
Oh my
Like it's something
Selective empathy
Directed by media
Tell you what
To care about
Your mind is
Not your own
Given up your
Will to seek

Mind controlled
Hanging on every
Work the talking
Heads on your
Telescreens speak
Facts are lies
Lies are facts
Your soul
Your mind are
Under attack

Lambs to the slaughter
Follow the herd
Refuse to bare
Witness to the
Suffering on
This earth
Millions die
Every year
But that's okay
Its not televised
So don't care
Its happening
Else where

Now death
Stares you in
The face
Your worst fear
Used against you
Nothing you
Won't do
To survive
Give up all
You rights
Your freedoms
Police each other
In the streets
Become a slave
To your masters
In government

All because
Of a fake pandemic
Mind virus
Media lies
9/11 on steriods
My childhood best friend is the guitarist for the thrash metal band Uncivil War. This literally sounds exactly like the lyrics he writes, so I sent it to him. Who knows, maybe your words will come out in a song that sounds like this (with your permission of course)!😄
When I go out I feel like I'm doing something illegal :D
This is precisely the feeling they are trying to create. This is classic gaslighting. Make you totally confused, and feeling that no matter what you do, you are doing something wrong. This is the point of the daily, "rulings', or 'proclamations', keep you totally confused and off balance of what you can do or not do. They basically have so many 'rules', that no matter what you do, you are breaking some sort of rule. These rules can be enforced, selectively, so that only those that they consider a threat will be detained or harassed. Another term I have heard used, is, "shrinking the room". Every day there is less things you can do or say. Any thing out of the 'official' narrative becomes forbidden. Interesting times.
Just messaged 4 carers I used to work with. Asking if any of there clients got the corona or if they have heard of any clients at all who got the virus. They do house calls, between 6-12 calls a day in Dublin. They all answered no, no clients got the corona and they haven't heard of any other clients getting it. So there ya go, they will keep in touch and let me know if they hear anything.
I think we're gonna soon see some food shortages as things develope further:
The shutdown of world trade has raised concerns over international food stocks for the first time in a generation, causing the United Nations to issue an unusual crisis warning. “We must ensure that our response to Covid-19 does not unintentionally create unwarranted shortages of essential items and exacerbate hunger and malnutrition,” it said. The statement was signed by the heads of its Food and Agriculture Organisation [FAO], World Health Organisation, and World Trade Organisation.

Several countries (for example Russia, India, Egypt, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Vietnam) have already started or are in the process of restricting food export on some key products, such as wheat, rice, legumes and sunflower oil (well, fortunately we here prefer bacon over those).

Meanwhile tougher coronavirus restrictions have been enforced in many countries, for example limiting how many people can be in store at the same time, and mandatory use of disposable gloves and face mask in there. In other words, people are being conditioned to be more and more controlled when buying food.

As a side note, I went to supermarket today and all the grocery baskets had been removed for "safety reasons", and instead everyone had to use large shopping carts. So every now and then people almost bumped to each other, because it's so clumsy to move when all are using those carts and blocking the lane. I was waiting the "smile, you're on candid camera!" catchphrase, but unfortunately it never happened...
Source not yet verified, but still sounds exciting.

Now it's getting interesting.

Law enforcement action against the Corona Regulation Baden-Württemberg
"Press release from the BAHNER law firm dated April 3, 2020
Beate Bahner, specialist lawyer for medical law from Heidelberg, announces a lawsuit against the corona ordinance Baden-Württemberg: The measures taken by the federal and state governments are blatantly unconstitutional and to an unprecedented extent violate a multitude of fundamental rights of citizens in Germany. This applies to all Corona regulations of the 16 federal states. In particular, these measures are not justified by the Infection Protection Act, which was quickly revised just a few days ago. Week-long restrictions on going out and bans on contact based on the darkest model scenarios (without taking factual-critical expert opinions into account) as well as the complete closure of companies and businesses without any evidence of infection risk by these businesses and companies are grossly unconstitutional.
Because the available numbers and statistics show that the corona infection is harmless (or presumably has already passed) in more than 95% of the population and therefore does not pose a serious risk to the general public. In contrast, the risk groups of the elderly and people with pre-existing diseases (approx.4.5% of the population) should be taken into account: These people must be protected by appropriate measures both by the government and by the risk groups themselves: for example, through locks the old people's homes, by clarifying the transmission routes (only by droplet infection), by hygiene measures and distance regulations, and in particular by self-responsible protective measures for these vulnerable people even in the weeks of the epidemic. The medical staff in clinics, doctor's surgeries, old people's homes and nursing services must be supplied with all the necessary material, which the Federal Government has not been able to do to date!
Beate Bahner explains that she will go to the Federal Constitutional Court:
The radical measures taken by the government to ban people from going out and contact for 83 million people and to paralyze almost the entire economy for many weeks are not justified by the development of the figures, nor by studies, nor by past experience. The really necessary measures, however, have still not been implemented, as the various lawsuits from clinics, old people's homes and medical practices show. There is also a need for more tests on people who have a lot of exposure to the risk group: these are the caregivers and family members, including the children, who want to visit their relatives. The supermarket employees who have contact with hundreds of people every day are urgently to be tested.
Samples of the population are also required to determine the actual (probably many times higher) number of infections and thus the actual (probably many times lower) percentage of the serious and most serious diseases of the corona virus. The percentage of fatal course of Covid19 was determined by experts to be only 0.1% (this is one person out of 1,000 infected and therefore comparable to a severe flu epidemic). Above all, the autopsy of people who have died on / with corona is urgently needed to determine what caused these mostly old people with mostly many illnesses to actually die. A fair presentation of the death toll is also needed, because around 2500 people die every day, including around 900 people in nursing homes every day. 900,000 people die in Germany every year! A correct scientific approach and correct information for people are finally needed!
In particular, the Federal Minister of Health Spahn must finally take the measures - which have so far been neglected - to which his ministry was recently obliged in the new version of the Infection Protection Act: The immediate securing of the supply of necessary medical devices, laboratory diagnostics, aids and the supply of objects of personal protection and products for disinfection!
The shutdown, which has been unique for 70 years and which the Infection Protection Act expressly does not authorize, seriously violates the constitutional principle of proportionality and the constitutional obligation of the state to protect the rights of liberty and the health of citizens. This government action destroys all the principles of our constitution and our constitutional state, which we celebrated so proudly a few months ago with the 70th anniversary of the Basic Law.
Beate Bahner: “I am really horrified and do not want to reproach myself as a right.



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I don't think they will cut Internet, this is the new way of living for the new world and they are starting, with this damn confinement, to teach us how we will live for the next generations. And they control us by it, Internet, mobiles, tv. They can menace and make fear about that maybe this comet can cause Internet cuts, (it can be also) but Internet under my humble point of vue will stay ok. Maybe with censure, for sure. And controlled by the army.

I agree with you loreta. The internet has become a massive propaganda spreading tool and it allows the overlords to keep an eye on what people think. Television doesn't provide that option as TV stations can broadcast whatever they won't but they cannot measure the impact and buy-in to it.

What they are likely to do IMO is to control the internet even more tightly to prevent the truth from being accessible. Rumours are already circulating that spreading disinformation about Covid-19 will be punishable. This is going to be a useful precedence allowing other kinds of propaganda to be punished too: vaccines, GMOs, war, you name it.

Another thing that may happen is restricting certain people's access to the internet to stop them from spreading "disinformation" challenging the official narrative. Putting people in an "offline quarantine" of sorts. Those who used to point their fingers at China's scoring system as an evil surveillance tool will see it implemented in the West. Overtly, becuase I'm pretty sure a covert version of it has been around for a while now.
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Gates suggests no mass gatherings at all, until the population is "widely vaccinated."
As understood, vaccinations will not protect the host from mutations. That is merely a psychopaths wet dream and a profit scheme.

So, once the vaccine is available, people will feel protected and the mixing will continue. The only way to protect or stop it is a continued no mixing policy. This would in turn put a huge clamp on psychopathic wet dreams.

We seem to be at the mercy of psychopathic wet dreams.
Today was a beautiful day, so a lot of people went outside for a walk. It was more crowded than usual because the curfew started two hours sooner this Saturday. Of course that didn't stop the media to shame people for going out while "the situation is critical". They also used that camera trick than makes it look like people are more crowded than they really are.

And as usual, many people are screaming and asking for total lockdown because those irresponsible people are making these harsh, but justified, measures much longer than necessary. "Lock us down so that we can quickly continue with our lives!", many say.

But the funny thing is that the less we obey these rules, the quicker these measures will be abandoned! At least in theory.

This is what one of our doctors just said on TV:

"Stevanovic emphasized that the goal of the profession, which has found support for the system, is to flatten the epidemic, that is, to extend its duration and to reduce the number of patients per day.

"The goal is to have an epidemic of eight, nine, ten or eleven weeks, not tens of thousands of people sick within fifteen days," Stevanovic said. "

But many people are still not getting this. They still believe that the goal is to end the epidemic quickly so that they continue with their lives. And that the people who obey the rules are responsible for this long suffering. But it's quite the opposite! The more we mingle the quicker the virus will pass.

Of course, that could theoretically crash our health care system, so controlled mingling would be the best approach, if that was the real reason behind these lockdowns. But we are obviously going beyond that. We are going towards full eradication of this thing. Somebody really doesn't like this bug.
Some Countries in the EU start to report a flattening of the curve / slowdown - probably trying to signal that the social distancing measures work and it is good to extend them further.

Spain to extend state of emergency to April 26 as rise in infections slows

Number of coronavirus intensive care patients in Italy drops for first time

Daily coronavirus death toll in France slows to 441

Austrian coronavirus infection growth slows significantly: health ministry

Some plateauing of London coronavirus outbreak, UK says
Source not yet verified, but still sounds exciting.

I like your article, but the Powers That Be are already turning against Germany. In the same day I saw three attacks in the media - against Germany, Russia and Sweden. The are all hiding the real numbers and not doing enough to protect their people, the media says. I am sure the pressure will increase in the following days.
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