About sitting back and enjoying the show :
I saw a conference by Serge Marquis, a Canadian doctor, where he makes a point about enjoying life. Couldn't help but think about the Cs after this example.
He explains having seen a movie by Jean Beaudin, "Souvenirs intimes" ("Intimate Memories") which has profoundly impacted him.
In this movie, a young guy has a car accident. It breaks his spine really high, and he will be paralyzed for the rest of his life, but doesn't know it yet because he's in a coma.
The scene that marked him is the one where he wakes up from the coma and the doctor has to tell him the terrible news.
The doctor comes up to him and says, "From today on, you're going to place your attention to the area of your body between the base of your nose and your upper lip. From today on, you're going to discover all the sensations that this part of your body gives you.
The tingling, the tickling, the numbness..."
This scene is extraordinary for him because he is in the process of giving him back its power, because the danger that awaits this young man is to go and place his attention only on the region of his body that is dead and live only there for the rest of his days.
Catastrophe, why me? It's not fair... My life is ruined, etc.
We won't hide it, he has to mourn it, but he has to place his attention back to those areas of his body that are alive! So he can enjoy it!
The doctor goes out, but we notice that he forgot to say something, he comes back in and approaches him to say this:
Hey, don't miss the show.
The point being: Although paralyzed to the bottom, there's still a show going on, and it's up to you to have the necessary attention to enjoy it.

Yesterday I went shopping, and I had basically decided to wear the mask as little as possible. I had to put it on twice. Once when the cashier at the supermarket told me to, and once when I spotted a pair of Police uniforms outside.

The Police kinda freaked me out, I must admit. I didn't expect them. They were talking to a lady next to a block of flats, which is a pretty unusual sight. Wonder what was going on there. But I spotted them before they saw me, so I put the mask on and that was it.

Some tactical humour in it all : https://cdn.trinixy.ru/uploads/files/2020-04/1586231331_1.mp4
Another tool to use in the undercover agent from Cassiopaea infiltrating Earth's toolbox.
I dunno. I think we can figure that one out!!!
Sorry about the lame question for C's. I attribute it to rush to print laziness. I failed to detail what I was really wonder about and that is this primarily a sign of the wave or is it just the outcome of PTB chaos. I had a strange feeling that there is more to the excess deaths than just the chaos factor so that's why I proposed the question.
After further contemplation I realize it is too early to be asking anyway since there is not enough data to make any real conclusions. We need 6-12 months of data to see if this is really an issue.
Hello to all of you
I keep reading you all, but I'm feeling a little overwhelmed...

About Karla Turner, I copied her book in French in Word, but unfortunately I didn't register the original site.
As you mention it, I found this:
Bibliothèque PDF UFO / Livres | Documentaires OVNI en français / Paranormal / UFO documentary
Bibliothèque PDF UFO / English | Documentaires OVNI en français / Paranormal / UFO documentary = Taken
taken fr Karla Turner partie 1 ok | Documentaires OVNI en français ...
ufomotion.xyz › Documentaires-OVNI › picture › category

Karla TURNER - Taken : une vision plus sombre des abductions que John Mack

For the Sabian symbols, which I studied years ago, I use them little or not at all.
There are also the "monomers".
I think you have to be very "neutral" to interpret symbols correctly, so that our subconscious doesn't influence us in one direction or another...
For the moment I am content to study as correctly as possible the planets that often give us implacable answers, knowing that there is a whole series of characteristics depending on the planet, the contact it has with another planet, in which sign, with which aspect, etc., etc., etc., etc.
And we can see that the cycles are repeated and evolve.
The problem being: does the human evolve at the same rate????
If not, we will have to repeat the same lesson.
I have just read an article by Charles Ridoux, a French astrologer.
On his site, there is a translation of his texts in English.
If you are interested:
French : BAM 2020-5 - Dans le désert du Confinement.pdf
English : BMA 2020-5 - In the Confinement Desert.pdf

For the Olympic Games in England, I read the document and it made me think of an ode to paedophilia;
The Phoenix, Pluto, god of the underworld rising from the ashes...
Let's not forget that he took Persephone/Proserpine
Pluto, master of the sign of Scorpio: Sexuality
Pluto = The Rich: Men in hats forming the elite
The top of the Tor is the entrance to the Underworld, therefore, the domain of Pluto.

Second, the official name of the Industrial Revolution segment is Pandemonium, which is the name of the capital of hell in the classic Milton Paradise Lost.”
"Pandemonium" reminds me of "pandemic."

I return to Pluto
He's also the "garbage man of the world."
He always denounces what's bad in the sign he's passing by.
In Scorpio, a sign of sexuality (among other things), AIDS was known.
In Sagittarius, sign of the children (among others) there was the Dutroux affair in Belgium and we started to talk more openly about paedophilia and networks.
In Capricorn, the highest sign of the zodiac, there was the crisis of 2008 (Pluto the Rich).
With Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, we are shown the disruption of the world of the Mighty Ones who rule us.
Jupiter arrived in conjunction with these two planets: the pandemic, but also children, and there is increasing talk about the tunnels where these children were discovered.

“Here's what Mark Zuckerberg (grandson of David Rockefeller) had to say about it: "While many humans find observing and participating in sexual orgies both enjoyable and satisfying, I sometimes find it stressful to observe the subsequent adrenochromic sampling of the small participants as shown in the picture below. However, ingesting adrenochrome is the most enjoyable human activity I have ever done.”

The shame...

Well, there'd still be a lot to say, but I'm done.

And I'll end with some good news, I think:
My homeopath asked me to buy a "Lemurian Plug":
Whole House EMF Protection | United States | The Lemurian PlugThe Lemurian Plug
5G Defense* Neutralize Toxins * Protect Yourself from EMFs * Enjoy Restorative Frequencies for Healing * Preserve Food * Transfer Energy to Phones * Appliances run more Energy Efficiently

I met a person who employs him and who is very happy about it: radical change of energy in his house.

PS 1: French-speaking Belgian television regularly advertises vaccines in general.
I suppose it prepares the population to present themselves as little sheep bleating to receive this blessed vaccine!!!!

PS 2 : I just watched a video about Dolores Cannon's book "The Guardians".
Beautiful music, beautiful images and a text that sometimes makes one think of the explanations of Cassiopéens.
But the aliens are all presented as benevolent beings.
Have you read his books and what do you think about them?

Tenderness for all

Here is a James Corbett report vid that probably has been posted already but I just viewed it and think it is a good snapshot of how this Covid drama is unfolding in light of some push back beginning to happen in various states in the US and how this plays into the narrative and can and will be co-opted.

I am able to shop and work, so far, without too much behavior alteration. As a flight attendant, it’s a bare bones operation right now and very surreal with being in public feeling like isolation. But I am also sensing the psychological conditioning and that “normal” or what was normal seems vague and undefined. I thought by keeping my routine it would combat this effect but it seems that one must keep tabs on memory of what feels right in the forefront of one’s mind and not forget the old normal and our freedoms and rights.
Returning to the "silent masses" and to people not questioning the narratives, I will go along the line with one of Joe's posts (sorry, I don't know which one it was right now): Many are probably in denial on some level - if they realized that authorities and the media are lying to them, organs that they put trust in, that would implicate having to acknowledge quite a lot - with threatening psychological breakdown while seeing the illusions collapsing. I think that many might be awakening as they are personally affected (and even if it is close friends or family of them) - this whole crisis and what it entails is quite a shock for the system (the personal and the macro-social one)!

And it will be (and already is) very hard and harsh for them - they do not have as much time like, say, forumites and many other people who have been aware of things for quite a while now; to them it might equal a crash course in "Seeing Reality in Broad Daylight (i.e. as it is)". Many will try to postpone these things (to be shaken up by this shock) in order to protect themselves psychologically (it may feel like dying - and a death of so many illusions this will be). I guess it can feel like having put a shiny colorful pseudo-reality (illusion) into quite a sudden "shut down" mode (a "reality" which has presented as "real" to their senses) while realizing they stand in a dark and stinky cellar in fact, having to work their way out of it.

I can actually quite feel for them, especially as they may not have such tools at their disposal as we do (thinking of EE here for example) and not such a network that is like an anchor during these wild, crazy times.

Very well said Learner, thank you. Would you mind if I'll translate this part into italian, would like to publish it on FB?

BTW, i had a similar experience with a colleague from work, so basically starting 4th may they should lift some of the draconian measures they've imposed on the entire country, though some mayors of different provinces are willing to extend the current draconian measures 'cause according to them if the people will start going outside the contagion and the death rates will rise again. Don't know if these individuals in positions of power are doing this because they sh*t their pants because of fear or because they are petty nazi tyrants, the fact is that there are two months that we are being forced to stay home and we've hoped that starting 4th may at least to be able to go outside, to the park without having to be stopped by the police showing them the auto certification citing on it the reason why you left the house, this one will still be mandatory, plus they will push the masks thing, the tracking app that now is not still mandatory though they made it clear that if you won't download it you will be limited in traveling so it's a catch 22 thing, not talking about vaccines, they are priming people bombarding them with subliminal messages everyday that the normal life won't return until a vaccine won't be found.

So, basically my colleague yesterday while talking over the phone was recounting how the mayor of the city where he lives decided that after 4th may little will change regarding the draconian measures that currently are in place, i asked how made him feel the following news, he replied that on the one hand he was a little bit disappointed that he won't be able to go outside with his kids, with his girlfriend, to travel and so on, on the other hand he said that the mayor is right, that is, if they'll lift the lockdown the contagion and death rates will explode and they will have to impose a lockdown once again. When i heard him i was stunned, tried to bring some facts about the death rates being over inflated, pointing out the financial consequences that will follow, the deaths that are and may follow after this madness fizzles out a little bit. He replied that on the one hand he agreed on the other hand he still thought that the mayor took the right decision. Talking about cognitive dissonance here.

I keep trying to be optimistic here, but, to be honest sometimes like today i'm feeling down and depressed and alone. And i know that you guys are with me on the same boat here, like many other people though still sometimes it's tough to just sit and enjoy the show. Considering how things are developing, at least here in Italy, my perception is that people will have to suffer even more until they will have enough and will chose to open their eyes and wake up from this madness (it remains to be seen if they will choose to do that). Many are still in denial, blaming those ones that are daring to go outside, that are questioning the official version of this whole BS, that are muddying the water and it seems that there are just few people who see the true picture of this situation so it's a sad picture. Though, some are waking up so will see...
Very well said Learner, thank you. Would you mind if I'll translate this part into italian, would like to publish it on FB?

You are welcome, and of course you can use this part and share it :-)

I derived at this thought by experiences with family members who are not able to question authority. At first it made me mad inside (and it didn't go without argument in at least some cases) but reading this thread, besides other information and being able to talk to like-minded people was very helpful. It contributed to derive at that understanding (and is still an ongoing process).

Yes, experiencing differences in views especially in these times when people are made distancing themselves from each other and putting themselves in isolation (or it's being enforced on them), amplifies this even more somewhat and can be very depressing. But then, there is this thread, this forum and other like-minded folks or some other good things (like EE, a cigarette) that can help very much to get into another mood again. That's how it works for me, at least mostly. ;-)

And I also think, what goes along with earth changes, the weird weather patterns and all what's coming along with the phenomenon called The Wave, plays into such mood states as well. FWIW.
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File this one under 'personal post' and 'need some advice' - or possibly; 'beware of Greeks bearing gifts'. I'm trying to navigate economically.

I lost my job farming, but have been collecting Canada's COVID benefit, putting some of the money towards growing medicinal herbs and preparing beds for planting food - for myself, my friends, and my neighbours here in the village where I live. I was prepared for a pretty frugal year.

Suddenly, yesterday, I was offered a job at a medical marijuana operation20 mins from where I live. I got a good feel from the employer. He seems like he has integrity and good values. He told me that their operation is organized on a cooperative basis, which I appreciate. A co-op is much more amenable to my values than a hierarchy. They are also interested in growing only outdoor plants - also a boon, because it would mean outside time farming, as opposed to being inside under fluorescent lights (blech), which the plants would also appreciate. He specifically said they are not into the 'forestry industry' model of growing marijuana - to just grow and cut. The impetus behind the project is to create high-paying, seasonal jobs for locals, and then the product will mostly go to local value-added producers. It's all-organic product, too. They are also in line with my aesthetics - no chain-link fencing, regular farm fencing and cedar posts. As a farmer on the co-op, I was told I would get 3% of the harvest sale, which is more money than I've ever made in my life, based on my calculations. So that could set me up for a long, long time, given my current frugality. It would only be 4-6 hrs per week, for 26 weeks.

The work is essentially what I know of farming - weed, spread manure, weed, prep beds, weed, plant, weed, harvest, weed.

So I'm listening to this guy and wondering what is up with reality. I'm slightly suspicious - I remember a close friend of mine saying, 'beware lucrative options.'

There are three catches.

The first is that I have committed time to growing in my village. Specifically, I have three friends to whom I've given my word. That actually means something to me - to not go back on my word. I'm pretty sure if I would not be able to keep up with my current (unpaid) obligations and also work at this marijuana farm. I'm not confident I could do both unless I start drinking about 2 litres of espresso a day, and say a fond farewell to my kidneys.

The second consideration is that the marijuana farm would only pay us out after the crop is sold. So I would have to live on a shoestring budget until the crop's sold. There is a proviso with that, however - a $25/hr rate is paid to each farm hand in case the crop doesn't sell, or in case we leave. So it would be a lot of effort put in with no money coming in until winter. And who knows - with an ice age perhaps upon us, maybe the whole crop freezes?

Finally - I don't use marijuana. I question the industry, the 'taking-centric' use of that plant, and how, in may cases, it seems to have gone from a great medicinal herb worthy of respect to a highly-bred tranquilizer designed to keep the masses in a frequency prison of 'take-out food and bad sitcoms'. What vibration would I be inviting into my life? Are there any C's sessions that touch on marijuana? Or C's sessions regarding what is called 'right livelihood'?

As I was thinking about all this, the Hopi material showed up - I recalled that they say that there are two deities of Masau (their primary Tutelary Spirit). One is the 'poor Masau', one is the 'wealthy Masau'. They teach that the wealthy Masau is an impostor who arrives to trick you and lead you into STS. So my thoughts were to decline - keep my word to my friends, stick to the Hopi teachings, listen to my intuition about mistrusting the marijuana industry (organic or not), and let my 'intentional suffering' be the joy of growing some herbs and corn in the village here.

I thought to post this to the network and see what y'all think. Thank you in advance. DCM bless you all.
Theres also this :wow: (I searched and didnt see it was posted in this thread):
The reckoning of American sovereignists and globalists has finally entered the legal framework. A lawsuit has been filed in California federal court against two former U.S. presidents, several members of their families, close associates, sponsors, as well as foreign politicians and companies. The 87-page lawsuit was filed against Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Joe and Hunter Biden, Bill Gates, George Soros and other representatives of the former administration and the "deep state."

The lawsuit also includes some of Amazon's most successful companies, Boston Dynamics, Hanson Robotics, Sensetime, Icarbon X, Tesla Inc., Neuralink Inc., Alphabet Inc., as well as Gates Microsoft and Zuckenberg's Facebook. The list includes Chinese companies Huawei and Alibaba, as well as the Chinese Communist Party. The Soros and Rockefeller Foundation, Harvard and the University of Vermont have been indicted, as well as several of the most influential US media outlets: CNN, the New York Times, Time Magazine, the Washington Post, and The World Bank.

Id say things are rolling! Lets pray that the judge on this will be the right one and that he will not allow to be intimidated by the "big" names. What are your thoughts on this? Im no legal expert but Id like to see some real justice while Im alive:cool2:

This is the pic of first page. I LIKE how it starts: MISUSE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.....

USA case against 2 presidents of USA.png
Instead, from what we also know from several previous posts shared in this thread, many excess deaths are also quite likely being caused by the insane mismanagement of the treatment of countless patients (suffering from many different health conditions) going on in countless hospitals around the world.
Especially the overuse of ventilators that may have killed many.

Also the argument about the decreased traffic isn't that big i think. According to Reported road casualties in Great Britain, main results: 2018 tables there where 1669 deaths due to road accidents in 2018. Lets say that's 140 per month, 280 in 2 months. Not much compared to the 28000 'covid deaths' in the UK (in approximately 2 months)
Sorry about the lame question for C's. I attribute it to rush to print laziness. I failed to detail what I was really wonder about and that is this primarily a sign of the wave or is it just the outcome of PTB chaos. I had a strange feeling that there is more to the excess deaths than just the chaos factor so that's why I proposed the question.
After further contemplation I realize it is too early to be asking anyway since there is not enough data to make any real conclusions. We need 6-12 months of data to see if this is really an issue.
It's certainly not a lame question overall; it's a very natural one to be curious about. Approaching Infinity has posted some numbers about New York City's excess deaths. In order to avoid "no dice"-like answers from the C's, one does though have to make sure possible questions are well researched first. I think comparisons like NYC-New Jersey-Connecticut-Massachusetts vs. California; Sweden vs. Norway, Spain vs Portugal; and Germany vs Italy could be interesting.

I think for the NYC region vs California, there's a higher population density for the NYC region while California perhaps benefits from some more less dense space between the Bay area and Los Angeles. NYC also may have made things worse by putting still sick hospital patients into care homes. Similarly Spain is four times as dense as Portugal. For Sweden vs Norway, Sweden has mentioned that Norway has a better situation via their care homes having fewer people per home. Sweden even mentioned the idea that perhaps having more seniors back in their own homes would be better (maybe they are thinking having more home care nurses?).

For Germany vs Italy, Germany may have done a better job of isolating sick people even when they weren't overly sick. Italy's badly infected areas had a relatively recent malaria problem too so maybe there were some still recovering immune systems there? Probably could also look at age of the populations; I saw Sweden has about 25% more per capita 65+ year olds than the U.S. and read that Italy has a fairly old population while Israel has a fairly young one.
I had seen a couple of posts here about contact tracing, but I wasn't aware it had reached the UK yet. Three days ago there were a couple of news reports on it on SOTT:
Reportedly the UK is trying to recruit 18,000 contact tracers. Through a contact who had just received a job offer to become a contact tracer surveillance operator, I received the NHS job description for a contact tracer, see picture attached. People are actually buying this crap:-O! Added: If somebody tests positive for COVID "contact tracers" call this infected person, then find out who they have been in contact with, and then contact all of those people, making sure to keep "accurate records". Apparently the phone app they are working on uses Bluetooth and can detect whether the infected person has come into contact with anyone else.

contact tracer.jpg

Below are two interesting videos on the matter, in summary, it's surveillance, backed by think tanks/ NGOs.

I want to come back on this 5G issue after watched this on SOTT which makes it very clear, purely limpid!

Because I've noticed in France they have took the opportunity of the Covid to pass a decree which bypass all the current legal restrictions for implementation of 5G antennas. And we all have seen the launch of the starlinks of Elon Musk in the middle of all this, so WTF ?

Because it's just necessary for the next phase of this crisis, the implementation of the big dream of Bill Gates 🤮, the ID 2020 won't be able to track everyone without 5G. So yes, indeed, 5G is indirectly linked with this Covid, or better with the "management" of the Covid definitevely 1984.
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