2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Agreed, there's a lot of noise going on recently in this thread. Some of these items like server captured in Germany, shootout with the CIA, Gina Haspel being killed, Obama being arrested... I mean, that sounds great, but is highly unlikely given the history of the PTB involved. Plus, these stories are only being circulated by sites and twitter people who have a history of posting "wishful thinking" stories, i.e. Natural News. When it comes to these things, as in most things, having a skeptical and discerning mindset usually pays 🤔🤔

From what I can tell, the evidence of voting fraud is slowly rolling out to the state officials, and we're seeing people choose whether to save their own hide by staying silent, or passing the buck, instead of stepping up to try and act on the many laws that are on the books against this fraudulent activity. There's a LOT of moving pieces here, and so is difficult to keep up, so stepping back and not focusing on it too much is best for me, personally. Hmmm, wait and see, indeed. The C's predicted a good chance of martial law and a Trump win, so I'm preparing materially for that outcome.
Not sure how that is going to work out for them in the long run since an overwhelming majority voted for Trump. This map shows who favors who in such a conflict. The cities practically stand alone. And they don't produce any food. The rural areas do.

For something like that to work would require something of a "Hunger Games" scenario. You would have a disorganized civil war which descends into a period of absolute fear and chaos which leaves a psychological scar on the populace where they are begging for order. A strongman comes along who restores order and establishes some cultural institutions which constantly remind the rural areas why they need him to save them from the terror of the past, through propaganda and periodic reenactments of some kind, while ruling from his capitol. The cities have industry and bigger guns and can designate certain rural areas as "model zones" while the rest are kept on life-support and ruled with a heavy hand. Of course, as the series shows, it is all predicated on fear and collective psychological trauma, once that disappears and people are willing to put their lives on the line for something better, the whole thing collapses. In the longer term it becomes a bit of a standoff, the cities are more powerful but will die without establishing control over nearby food producing regions, whereas rural areas will begin to collapse without a steady supply of fuel and parts to maintain the trucks and tractors. If the rural areas want to win, they must unite and make sure the cities run out of food before they run out of fuel/electricity, as only the most hardened and self-reliant rural areas are equipped to adopt a largely preindustrial lifestyle out of the early 1800s. From the elites' point of view, much of this vulnerability can simply be circumvented with transhumanist food production. If protein can simply be manufactured in laboratories then rural areas become largely irrelevant. At the moment they don't have the infrastructure in place to fully transition from grown food to manufactured food, but "The Great Reset" crowd is trying mightily.

At the moment I kind of agree with Joe that this is the scenario the elite plan to use against Trump because it accomplishes more of their goals in dealing with those stubborn deplorables, however the plan can be made to run in reverse and a milder version of it may have been the original intent if they could get more people to believe in Biden/Harris.
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In the longer term it becomes a bit of a standoff, the cities are more powerful but will die without establishing control over nearby food producing regions, whereas rural areas will begin to collapse without a steady supply of fuel and parts to maintain the trucks and tractors. If the rural areas want to win, they must unite and make sure the cities run out of food before they run out of fuel/electricity, as only the most hardened and self-reliant rural areas are equipped to adopt a largely preindustrial lifestyle out of the early 1800s. From the elites' point of view, much of this vulnerability can simply be circumvented with transhumanist food production. If protein can simply be manufactured in laboratories then rural areas become largely irrelevant. At the moment they don't have the infrastructure in place to fully transition from grown food to manufactured food, but "The Great Reset" crowd is trying mightily.

There is also the possibility that natural disasters will affect the coastal areas the most. That could make things more interesting.
On zerohedge:

Barr Comments 'Twisted' By AP, DoJ Says Not Done Probing Election Fraud

The Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a statement on Tuesday in response to the backlash from an article by The Associated Press which quoted Attorney General William Barr saying that “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”
“Some media outlets have incorrectly reported that the DOJ has concluded its investigation of election fraud and announced an affirmative finding of no fraud in the election. That is not what the Associated Press reported nor what the Attorney General stated,” a DOJ spokesperson said, according to CBS News reporter Catherine Herridge.

“The Department will continue to receive and vigorously pursue all specific and credible allegations of fraud as expeditiously as possible.”
The Epoch Times reached out to the DOJ to confirm the statement but did not immediately receive a response.

In its headline, The Associated Press twisted Barr’s comment to suggest that the attorney general has passed final judgment on whether fraud occurred in the 2020 election. “Disputing [President Donald] Trump, Barr says no widespread election fraud,” the wire service reported.

But the AP’s own article prefaced Trump’s comment on the matter by saying that “Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received.”


It was pointed out previously in media reports that Barr had said "to date", which would seem to show more investigation was going to occur. But it served the purpose of the Biden's been elected narrative to emphasize that no fraud had been found. Circus music.
I am watching Lin Wood and Sydney Powell conference being streamed on RSBN - It's almost like Lin Wood is channeling his inner Trump, the way he is speaking to the crowd. Even talking about Soros get out of our country, and things. It's a bid odd to me, it's almost like a show but... I mean, he's right about Kemp, Soros, and the fraud being committed. I wonder if this is the start or component of the "truth movement" that Ark recently dreamed about, and the C's said to expect it. Hmmm.
Steven Crowders synopsis on what's going on with Tucker Carlson:

Crowder offers here a good history and critique of "all things Tucker Carlson," especially how Carlson has changed, at times dramatically, depending on what network he is on. It's not that he dislikes Carlson, either; he's even worked with him at Fox, and so knows him personally. At the same time, he's not shy about airing his criticisms. As to Tucker's changing identities, Crowder even distinguishes between Fox's Trump era Tucker Carlson, and the now "Post-Trump" Tucker Carlson. Regarding the latter, he mentions Tucker Carlson's uncalled for attack of Sidney Powell, and does a very good assessment of that. However, he doesn't mention Carlson's refusal to cover anything further on Election Fraud 2020. But then he's already conceding that we're in a "Post-Trump" era, so I guess that would make sense.

But back on the topic of Election Fraud 2020: I've been consistently checking in with the Tucker Carlson show to see if the tide is changing at all given the various events that have been taking place -- the two press conferences on voter fraud, for example (most recently the one in Gettysburg), and now the Arizona hearing on Monday, and the Michigan Senate hearing of yesterday, both on election irregularities, and both airing substantial "evidence" of egregious election and voter fraud having taken place.

You know, when you're looking for a specific type of coverage in one news show, as I have been doing with the Tucker Carlson show regarding election fraud, you start to notice how the suppression of such an important story is downright deafening. I mean, do he and his producers honestly think no one's noticing?

One wonders too, if Trump were to upset all mainstream media expectations and somehow prevail in this, what a Tucker Carlson would do in response. It's their surety that such a turn of events could "never" happen that one finds rather curious. After all, the MSM should still be wiping the egg off their faces from Trump's "miraculous" victory of four years ago given how it stupefyingly caught them unawares. Of course, it is true that things are different now. Where the Clinton team mistakenly thought that the fix they had in would suffice for victory, this time Biden & Co. obviously understood the need to expand such operation considerably. What was it the demented presidential candidate let slip out by accident?

In Biden's own words, he noted how his campaign had assembled "the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." [Breitbart]

So, okay. Biden slip-ups aside, the MSM maybe has more reason to be confident in their collusive deception this time around. And yet you would still think that a supposed supporter/constructive critic of Trump, as Tucker Carlson has shown himself to be, might at the very least venture to discuss the very real "newsworthy" legal battle the sitting president of the United States is currently waging.

What does Carlson do instead?

On Monday night, not only does he not say anything about the Arizona hearing on voting irregularities of that very day, he colludes with the Stanly Kubrick inspired disinfo re: the "monoliths" appearing/disappearing first in Utah, then in Romania (as is already being commented on on its own thread at this forum). But the point is, THAT obvious bit of UFO related fraud Carlson just gobbles up whole, with no evidence at all of its legitimacy, whereas Election Fraud 2020? Not as compelling, apparently, "evidence" wise. No, just hours and hours of statisticians and computer experts, and sworn-in testimony of hundreds of eye witnesses. But since there were no monoliths magically appearing in the polling places: nothing from Tucker Carlson.

Oh, something Carlson did "sneak in" Monday night regarding the subject of election fraud: a guest commentator, independent journalist Glen Greenwald, in his scathing critique of what sounds like Biden's least qualified, and dangerously erratic (personal behavior wise) appointments -- Neera Tandem, whom Biden nominated to head the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), one of the heftier White House positions -- Greenwald describes one of Tandem's craziest assertions: that Hillary lost the 2016 election due to Russian hackers hacking into the U.S. electoral system's voting machines, and transferring votes from Hillary to Trump. The highly animated Greenwald described this as just the most outrageous conspiracy theory ever. And yet, in his extremely derisive condemnation of Tandem and her theory, what stands out in the context I have been describing in this post -- the context of Carlson ignoring entirely the factual evidence pointing to this VERY SAME type of computer-related election fraud -- Carlson is indirectly condemning, once again (given his treatment of Powell) even the possibility that this type of election fraud is even remotely possible.

That's what crossed my mind the moment Greenwald made his sneering condemnation of Tandem's "conspiracy theory." In that moment, it seemed abundantly clear to me that this is how Tucker can have his cake and eat it too: without even having to bring up the subject of Dominion, and Smartmatic related voter fraud in this election, he is able to deride even its feasibility -- since Greenwald's blanket condemnation didn't bother parsing out the fact that such technology does exist; and even if it's preposterous to suggest that this is why Hillary lost the 2016 election, we now know that the transferring of votes from one candidate to the other via such computer software is not just a very real possibility, but is one of the most viable explanations of how the Biden crew was able to reverse the vote in the course of the night after Trump's substantial win just hours before.


Meanwhile, Tucker's Tuesday night show didn't even have an indirect mention of Election Fraud 2020. No, no mention of the Senate hearing in Michigan on voting irregularities of just that day. So, he seems to be confidently moving on from all that, uh, "noise," I guess he'd call it.

I have to say, though, that listening to Michigan's line-up of personal testimony yesterday was rather stunning. What struck me most was the now familiar, insidious mindset at work among the Democrats and their operatives. I mean, how many times have we seen in the last half year BLM/Antifa activists brazenly treating people inhumanely and viciously? Similarly, as came out in most of the testimonials yesterday, what was happening in Michigan was that the whole "process" was embedded with professional agitators whose hostile and aggressive, sometimes personal attacks were intended to intimidate GOP poll observers into submission. In one person's testimony, the person described how these "professional agitators" made an appearance the moment a GOP observer attempted to do his/her job in contesting a ballot. It was at those moments that the agitators would move in and start in with the intimidation tactics. Such aggressive tactics were being employed by Democrat lawyers, supervisors and election workers, many of whom had been flown in from California, interestingly enough.

I had this hearing playing for hours yesterday, and so I witnessed in real time the hours and hours of testimony that very consistently portrayed this hostile environment -- most of it related to the TCF Center, the convention center in downtown Detroit where Wayne County votes were being counted. And while the factual evidence of voter fraud being presented was extremely helpful to hear in trying to understand just how this election was stolen in both substantial (numbers wise), and seemingly minor ways (although not minor when you realize that each minor detail was part of a thoroughly systematized operation that was itself massive in scale), what made the strongest impression on me was this hostile, even vicious behavior/mindset being described, again and again, by these eye witnesses.

It saddens me to think that in creating this "Trump monster" the MSM and its insidious puppet masters were able to socially engineer a populace so deadened to the truth -- the truth about themselves, even, given their immoral behavior -- that they would be willing to throw away any measure of human decency and honesty and just plain courtesy. It's an ugly thing to have to witness. It's also the type of behavior that Tucker Carlson compellingly condemns in so many of his segments... only, not this time. No, this time, "mum's the word."
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I am watching Lin Wood and Sydney Powell conference being streamed on RSBN - It's almost like Lin Wood is channeling his inner Trump, the way he is speaking to the crowd. Even talking about Soros get out of our country, and things. It's a bid odd to me, it's almost like a show but... I mean, he's right about Kemp, Soros, and the fraud being committed. I wonder if this is the start or component of the "truth movement" that Ark recently dreamed about, and the C's said to expect it. Hmmm.

Watching the same. And it's not only Lin Wood and Syndey Powell. Hearing them speak and hearing the response of the crowd sure has a revolutionary vibe.

A few qoutes I remember (more or less - 95% sure) from the speeches given.

''1776 is back, we taking this country back again. It is 1776''

''What the left don't understand is that we love this country so much that we are going to fight for it to take it back.''

''We are the party of fighters, we are courageus. We will take them to the battefield''

I think it's clear that this isn't just going to go away. More rallies are planned. Even if they steal the election from Trump. This will continue to go on. The PTB are creating a formidable enemy. OSIT.
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There is indeed in this particular moment that we are living, something that certainly comes from Hollywood and the arrival of the cavalry, but in the end and seen from outside the USA, one wonders if this is not in fact the best role that the Americans could play. After decades, not to say centuries of ever more abject politics for the world, one would like to think that there could be, coming out of this heap of smoking ruins, something that could resemble an honor that would miraculously have survived, and then ... excuse me, it 's my alarm clock ringing: I ‘m gonna have to wake up!

Let him who is without sin cast the first stone

One wonders too, if Trump were to upset all mainstream media expectations and somehow prevail in this, what a Tucker Carlson would do in response. It's their surety that such a turn of events could "never" happen that one finds rather curious.
The MSM is just the mouthpiece of the actual controllers - their on-screen actors speaking from the approved script based on the current, contrived situation. Should the situation change in a way they don't expect or want, they will simply go with new scripts to further contort actual reality.
what made the strongest impression on me was this hostile, even vicious behavior/mindset being described, again and again, by these eye witnesses.
And yet, MSM is reporting that the election volunteers are being harassed and even getting death threats from pro-Trumpers. I heard that on the radio a couple of days ago.
The MSM is just the mouthpiece of the actual controllers - their on-screen actors speaking from the approved script based on the current, contrived situation. Should the situation change in a way they don't expect or want, they will simply go with new scripts to further contort actual reality.

And yet, MSM is reporting that the election volunteers are being harassed and even getting death threats from pro-Trumpers. I heard that on the radio a couple of days ago.
Yes, it's this constant "reversal" of true events that can wear us down if we let it. It's one reason I pretty much ignore the MSM, except through other sources that are breaking it down, examining it, etc. That at least takes the edge off (!)
Powerful statement by Trump. Seems he is ready to fight as long as it takes.

I just watched the whole video and he does a good job in delivering the message that the election was stolen. Whether that means that he will also be installed as president is another thing. Time will tell if there will be a December surprise.

At least there are planetary and cosmic events such as a powerful solar flare a few days ago followed by big earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Those events almost seem to match the political upheaval and chaos going on at the moment and perhaps there is a connection as Pierre wrote about in his book "Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection". For those who are unfamiliar with the book, read it as it helps to bring perspective into the current world events and get a distance from identifying too much with the individual actors and their teams.
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