2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

If you go to BitChute or any video-sharing site where right-wing type people can post their videos without censorship, you'll notice that when it comes to this election, majority are seeing it as a movie with Trump in the hero role.

The narratives and moves being described by these commentators are getting increasingly complex now as they are trying to keep hope alive that the hero will triumph. With each passing day it looks less likely so they have to add more complexity to their narrative to maintain the hope and possibility.

I don't get it personally how people have become so constricted in their outlook by what transpired at the election. They just can't accept what happened because in their mind, this can't happen as it's a-keen to the hero losing in the Hollywood movie after the end credits! This doesn't happen in movies, so it shouldn't happen in real life!

It scares me if this is really how people think because we're really screwed as "evil' doesn't just automatically get defeated by "good" like it's some kind of physical universal law.
I get all the points about wishful thinking, and am cautious to buy completely into all that, but I also keep in mind the C's reassurance that "help is on the way," for which, of course, they have not provided specifics so is left open to interpretation. They've also said seeking answers is more beneficial than the answers themselves, which gives value to this forum and this thread in particular.
This monster of a story sure looks and behaves like a Hollywood movie. Barr denies evidence of voter fraud but appoints Durham in October to continue investigating intelligence gathering efforts against DJTs campaign in 2016... I don't consider myself a stupid person but what the heck is going on...


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To be honest, this whole thing kinda reminds me of the fake actors story after big terrorist events.

We always have those in the alt-community pushing that it was all fake with fake actors.

This thing of seeing things like a movie seems to RUN DEEP for some. It's quite strange. I don't know how it can be explained. I didn't know Hollywood was this deeply entrenched in some people's minds.
Never got into the fake actors thing but I am getting a bit tired of "Hollywood movie" statements. "Hollywood" is kind of an idea, perhaps of fake settings that look real: sound stages, spaghetti Westerns, that sort of thing. And some get sucked into it. Trump as controlled opposition is one line. But, if election fraud plays out like a movie: thrilling, compelling, heartbreaking, with protagonists, antagonists, etc. (It could also be a play or theater), which it undoubtedly will, that's not to say it will be a Hollywood cliche, guy gets girl, bad guy gives monologue explaining plans, etc. People have hopes and dreams and we get caught up in drama and anticipation. All the world's a stage. Enjoy the show. Meanwhile, what is really happening? People being bamboozled, defrauded, while others fight for freedom, truth,etc. I think it's a bit oversimplified to say Hollywood is deeply entrenched. Folks have been enjoying the same dramas playing over and over since time immemorial.
Just popping in to share an observation from today. I went to Walmart to buy Christmas ornaments. I noticed that many of the bulbs and other decorations for the Christmas tree had owls on them :shock:. Where did this owl theme come from I wonder for Christmas, it made me think of what I posted here. Putting owls in Christmas trees is a thing apparently. Owls are amazing creatures but I decided not to have any on my tree.
I guess owls on Christmas trees are better than face masks LOL! Though we're taught owls symbolize wisdom, I've read that they actually symbolize wisdom of darkness. Thus we see their association with various occult groups e.g. their micro-engraved images on a one-dollar bill, theme in building designs, layout of sidewalks around the Capitol Building in Washington, DC, and incorporation into the Bohemian Club logo, etc.
Never got into the fake actors thing but I am getting a bit tired of "Hollywood movie" statements. "Hollywood" is kind of an idea, perhaps of fake settings that look real: sound stages, spaghetti Westerns, that sort of thing. And some get sucked into it. Trump as controlled opposition is one line. But, if election fraud plays out like a movie: thrilling, compelling, heartbreaking, with protagonists, antagonists, etc. (It could also be a play or theater), which it undoubtedly will, that's not to say it will be a Hollywood cliche, guy gets girl, bad guy gives monologue explaining plans, etc. People have hopes and dreams and we get caught up in drama and anticipation. All the world's a stage. Enjoy the show. Meanwhile, what is really happening? People being bamboozled, defrauded, while others fight for freedom, truth,etc. I think it's a bit oversimplified to say Hollywood is deeply entrenched. Folks have been enjoying the same dramas playing over and over since time immemorial.

Perhaps it's more accurate to say using the term "Hollywood" is offensive?

I think it being a simplification doesn't hold true. We know the soup-agencies are now waging a dis-info war online and part of that strategy is to muddy the water and send people off in the wrong direction.

First establish control of the narrative stream of any particular subject, then shape the outcome and conclusions. This is part of the strategy.

I'm finding that to maintain sanity, I have to go back to basics and simplify. Establish simple rules as guiding principles rather than build overly complicated edifices. This is not to say that the situation is not complicated. It's just saying that when the narrative gets so convoluted almost to the state of it being a movie script then I think it's time to take a step back.

Obviously the soups won't want anyone to take a step back. They want you to go even deeper and get so confused you can't tell up from down. Confusion and obfuscation is the name of their game.

This serves multiple purposes... It rots your thinking ability, it isolates the alt-community when the strongest signals coming out of it are so clearly wrong that it's obvious to those not within the community or those who haven't been subjected to the disinfo operations.
I get all the points about wishful thinking, and am cautious to buy completely into all that, but I also keep in mind the C's reassurance that "help is on the way," for which, of course, they have not provided specifics so is left open to interpretation. They've also said seeking answers is more beneficial than the answers themselves, which gives value to this forum and this thread in particular.

Totally agree, especially the bolded red bit.

I think in a previous post Joe mentioned that the answers or the pursuit of these answers should be based in reality - based on some form of evidence or being subject to logical tests as to their reasonableness. I think common sense also plays a huge role.

Ps, just for clarity. When Trump lost, I was devastated! Feel free to scroll back a number of pages and see for yourself.

I received very good feedback which was to take a step back, not be led purely by emotions or emotional needs... Trust in the universe and also to realise that Trump, Biden or whoever aren't the be all and end all of everything. Life still goes on.
Looks like Dave Hodges can be relegated to the same camp as Mike Adams and Natural News. Hodges, Adams, and Steve Quayle appear to be associates. The following is based on an interview by Hodges with Steve Quayle. See vid** further below regarding Quayle/Adams collaboration.

All Hell Is About to Break Loose As Washington DC Is In a State of Absolute Panic

Will President Trump roll over and die? Will Democrats succeed in becoming the next Bolshevik society complete with tyrannical government and ultimately a genocidal purge that typifies such a movement?

The courts are hopelessly corrupt as they will not even hear one of the President's court cases. Not one shred of evidence has been presented. Summary judgment rules the day. The judges are either Obama-appointees, corrupt and being bribed or, are afraid of the violence that will ensue if Trump remains in power and this corrupt Democratic regime takes over.

Trump refuses to sit on the sidelines. Regardless of the corrupt judiciary, he is pressing forward. The "Kracken" is in play. Trump has unified special forces. He is bringing the troops home. In other words, Trump is preparing for a military confrontation with those that have stolen our country.

I interviewed Steve Quayle and he revealed that Washington DC is in a state of panic on both sides of the aisle. If Trump is successful, many in our government are going to jail. The following interview covers how Steve knows that Washington DC politicos are running for cover.

The interview can accessed by clicking this link.

**On bitchute the vid (which won't embed) is titled Q UNRAVELED MR Q FILES STEVE QUAYLE AND ANALYST MIKE ADAMS and on it Quayle says he is the real Q - he's not the anonymous one. This vid is sourced from the one below on youtube:

Mike Adams - We Are in a Downward Spiral - With Steve Quayle & Doug Hagmann (Hour One 9/10/2020)

So, we have a three-ring circus going on with more and more outrageous acts vying for center ring!

The FearPorn rating for this is HIGH.
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