2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

'Rabid Trumpers going for blood' - are you directly citing CNN, Jeep?
I'm saying this has all the earmarks of being a setup/psyop to impose martial law. Who's side is the military on - any side? Follow orders - period.

Judging by my local paper, the public is being primed to believe 'Rabid Trumpers going for blood'. Nashville Greenbaumer recently provided to lay the groundwork so to speak? Also, antifa/BLM operatives in this 'op' will be sacrificed big time I think.

I don't have a crystal ball so no idea really what's going to happen. I'm good with "wait and see".
NBC News was running pictures the other day supposedly showing the Trump family moving from the White House


Heather, let's keep that secret for the next couple of days. We don't want to compromise operational security, do we? :cool:
Don't worry, boss. I ain't sayin' nothin' to nobody.
Martial law imposed by Biden, that would be something else.
Assuming this psyop is a real plan and takes place on the 17th - and also assuming it will eclipse anything done before including 911 - isn't impeachment (or even 25th amendment) still on the table? We're already seeing Trump being blamed for "riot" Jan. 6 - how unlikely he won't be held responsible for horrific insurrection on 17th? Would he not then be arrested immediately? Not sure who could impose martial law then - Pelosi? Or wait till 20th and let Joe do it?

A: Good question. He is almost damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. One thing is certain, the Biden presidency represents an almost immediate slide into totalitarianism.
A: Yes. We have already told you much about programmed violence designed to terrify populations.
And so folks - a really BIG 'SHOE':

Assuming this psyop is a real plan and takes place on the 17th - and also assuming it will eclipse anything done before including 911 - isn't impeachment (or even 25th amendment) still on the table? We're already seeing Trump being blamed for "riot" Jan. 6 - how unlikely he won't be held responsible for horrific insurrection on 17th? Would he not then be arrested immediately? Not sure who could impose martial law then - Pelosi? Or wait till 20th and let Joe do it?

If the US President is not able to take care anymore (death, resignation, impeachment) then the Viceprecident is taking over. So Gerald Ford took over after Richard Nixon resigned because of the Watergate scandal.

But I am not sure if a Viceprsident (Pence) could take over if a President (Trump) is arrested and if this would be immediately or if an impeachment of the President would be necessary first. I am also not sure if it is possible to arrest an US President at all (immunity??) or if there has to be an impeachment first.

It is just 4 day until the 20th. Wait and see and enjoy this part of the show.
See here for example: SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class research journals

Here's a translation of the credit score rules used in the initial pilot rollout of the system in Rongcheng:

This social credit system reminds me of an esoteric video I saw where the person speaking traveled far into the future let’s say 2310.
In his description of how life/society was he said majority of people lives in cities they would work sometimes and also have time for leisure rules/courts were ran by this super computer system if a major crime was committed that person would be brought in front of the computer for questioning. The computer would analyze the person if computer thought there was no way to rehabilitate they were gone. Some would go in front of the computer and confess that they didn’t like live. In the cities by society rules/norms/standards (social credit system) the computer would say ok and they had a choice to leave the city and live out in the outer edges of society with others.

once more and more automation is here we won’t be needed we will be patronized

now I’m not saying I believe what man in video said to be truth how could I know but developing a society “credit” system can easily be uploaded into a computer or database and if someone’s credit is low that tells that person should not be in the society. They are clamping down moving the goal post and so on ....
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"Black isn't a primary, secondary, or tertiary color. In fact, black isn't on the color wheel because it isn't considered a color. It's all colors."

Your post was an unexpected view that I relate to as an art minor in college. The notice of the importance of color and perhaps it's symbology has been something that started for me before college. I had taken some courses at home in industrial art that described the color wheel and the moods that color can produce (Art Instruction Schools).

The only difference for their description between black and white (that I remember) was that "black" was the absence of color and "white" was all colors. Who knows which is correct.

This is a little bit of a diversion from the main topic so I hope it may still appeal to some others such a @Bluegazer whom I noticed has an art/design background.

I did not know you had an interior design background.

Being a person who has always been involved with color via fashion and home decorating

I suppose my main reason for posting about that is that this all seems to fit together like pieces of what the Cs describe as a "mosaic" (kind of artsy?).

Session 17 June 1995:
Q: (L) I would like to ask a little bit about synchronicity. I would like to know what is the source of synchronous events. Is it a multiple source or is it something that comes out of the percipient's own mind or... (J) is it random?

A: Imagine a young school child walking along the street, standing beside a rose bush, picking one of the flowers, and asking the flower: "Would you please explain Einstein's theory of relativity to me today." Now, the analogy here is, while humorous, perhaps, is also to point out to you that we admire and appreciate the challenges that you bring to us to answer such complex questions in such a simple form, not to mention such a simple format. However, if we were to answer these accurately and adequately for you when you ask such complicated questions, it would require a session lasting approximately twenty-four of your days non-stop. Needless to say that this would render the subject rather useless and, of course, yourselves as well. So, we aren't simply not able to answer a question as complex as "What is synchronicity" as it is incredibly complex. It involves aspects in every imaginable state of reality merging together in what could best be described, if seen visually, as a massive mosaic in perfect balance. But, that is not adequate to a response for your question however, hopefully, maybe you can contemplate the visual image presented and help yourself to learn a more complete answer.

Adam Johnson, the Trumpist pictured stealing the lectern of speaker Nancy Pelosi

I am thinking Adam Johnson was probably just wanting a souvenir but that may be because my Granie's maiden name was Johnson.

The way you tied this into "Shades of Gray" just seems to give validity to the symbolism of color. Think like "color revolution". Also the artwork at the Denver airport. I just suppose I never thought about such ideas before finding @Laura's work.
The US really is in a bad place, socially and politically. The reason, is because the truth is nowhere to be found and instead, people indulge profound delusions, like this one.

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