2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Firstly, I’m not complaining, at all, but it seems to me that the conversation has again moved onto a tangent only somewhat related to Election 2020. I point this out not because it bugs me (it doesn’t), but because with so many topics being made a part of the stew which is this thread, it makes searching them laborious. For example, suppose I wanted to find the discussion comparing and contrasting Chinese and Western government. If I wasn’t following the election topic, I’d never know that a discussion had taken place, much less where to find it. That is an example of a topic that really deserves its own thread. That way points can be linked to here when making a post, while a larger discussion, which might attract more attention from people not following the election. Come to think of it, isn’t there a China 2030 (or something like that) thread already?

I’ve seen several examples of people making posts in other threads that are larger discussions about a topic, and then make a post here saying, “I made a post about this in the........thread.”

I apologize if this is noise, nor do I wish to put even more on the moderators’ plates. I should make a greater effort to hold all of the conversations that are ongoing but sometimes with a page or three before being picked up again. I just wanted to add yet another discussion to the table!:rotfl:

And I'm not disagreeing with you either Evan - but I think we've moved into a phase when its becoming even more true than before that everything connects back to everything else... and all at the same time! So hey, its great to challenge for us to become real-time jugglers with reality... whilst not going off whiz bang with every false lead.

Corbett and James Evan Pilato did an wonderful job (and great laugh too!) on the latest NewWorldNextWekk in hitting on how so much of what we are witnessing is all converging towards some singular big pop - and I'm with them that the most likely target is a global internet reckoning in line with the impact the 9/11 plus Patriot Act marriage had back in 2001/2.

When you think of Klaus Schwab and his hand rubbing glee as he warned of an impending massive cyber attack...

When you think of big tech using the Trump 'attack' on democracy in the US to mass cull the competition/opposition along with accusations of right wing extremists massing for an attack via online groups, etc...

When you think of China building that silk road with surveillance all the way...

When you think of COVID and life forced online for all....

It all begins and ends with the internet. And the next phase cannot happen with the internet free to access the way it currently is.

I'm sure everyone here knows that the Patriot Act was in full draft form come the end of the 1980s.

How many know there is a Patriot Act for the internet already long drafted just sitting on the shelf looking for the right 9/11 moment...

That moment I think will arrive courtesy of all these (and other agendas) converging some time earllish (hedging my bets!!!) 2021.

Total control of the internet - or at least and attempt to - is the next big target. It simply cannot last many more days as it stands. Remember your life before March and COVID... ? Well maybe start remembering the internet as you know it in the same way...

Now, back to the US elections....
Interesting that you hold such a strong opinion about the innovation when you admit you actually haven't researched it. It just "must be" because of your clear and obvious anti-Chinese bias. You appear to be trying to counter what you see as a big pro Chinese bias here, when you can't actually see your won huge anti-Chinese bias. A lot of the commentary in response to your posts seems to be people trying to inject an element of balance to the commentary. Is Chinese style government the way we want to go forward? Clearly, no. But we shouldn't lose our ability to look dispassionately at what is going on and to try to see objective reality in the midst of this barrage of propaganda. The Epoch Time as you admit is a relentlessly anti-Chinese propaganda arm. Yet you still want to quote it as a reliable source. It is not, in the same way that the official Chines media is not. Balance, discernment and detachment are our friends here, not passionately defending one side or the other as if one side holds truth and justice and the other is entirely lacking.

And lets briefly address tech theft in general. Technology theft has always gone on. People have been stealing tech and being accused of stealing tech since the tech revolution started. Look at Israel as a great example. I spent 30+ years working for various IT companies, in the latter years many of them start-ups. Companies suing each other for theft are an every day common event. Big companies use this as a technique to crush their smaller innovative competitors, to distract them, to try to bankrupt them. And if that fails, they just buy them.

I don't think people on this forum have been speaking dispassionately about China. Quite the opposite. That is why I may be sounding biased to you in the opposite direction -- but it's to make a point. I agree: let's speak disspationately about China. If that's what was happening I wouldn't have come on so strong. And, no, I don't think The Epoch Times is completely without merit. Like all sources, you take things with a grain of salt. I do think ex-pats who are concerned about the CCP have a point of view that can be shared, just like Americans when they critique the country they know best: their own.

I don't want to give the impression The Epoch Times is my main source of information. It most certainly is not. It had been copiously following the election fraud scenarios with regard to the court system, etc. It has been very good at getting into the nitty gritty on the Russia gate situation, the first impeachment scenario, etc. But it's not my "go to" source for most things. I try to stay as eclectic as possible, to see where various sources agree, disagree, etc.
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I'm actually stunned that in this thread totalitarianism seems to become secondary as long as it's practiced by China.

Look at it this way. Hasn't humanity been in a similar situation since the fall of Eden? Hasn't this topic been discussed many times in the forum?

What I mean is that it will be until the Chinese DECIDE / CHOOSE that they have had enough.

For now, if you see that what is happening to them is wrong because of your KNOWLEDGE, but you can't do anything about the question of free will, what will you do? The only thing you can do is decline any offer they make you, say NO, and let that totalitarianism not apply in your life...
Rep Chip Roy Texas, says they are going to assassinate Joe Biden after the inauguration and blame a Trump supporter. Camilla Harris will be the next president. Joe Biden knows he's dying anyway therefore he's going forward with the plan. The vid is a pbs live vid from the Texas Senate house live on clouthub. The link doesn't copy. Unbelievable.
The video is of Chip Roy, but the audio is not. (Clouthub post here https://clthb.co/4P1jDLNewU9YnTmYA)
I think we've moved into a phase when its becoming even more true than before that everything connects back to everything else... and all at the same time!
For sure - I posted the following in the Covid thread regarding breaking news that interrupted Jeopardy/Wheel of Fortune yesterday evening - Biden presenting his two-part plan to Make America Great Again - really, no sh*t! And one thing was quite obvious to me - see pic at bottom of this post.
CBS breaking news now for pres elect Biden's covid 19 relief program - already mentioned dark winter. He's still reading teleprompter.

Step 1 America rescue plan Step 2 Build back better plan

"we need to move fast" - get more people vaccinated fast

$400 billion from Congress to get this done. So much BS.

Joe's here to save us all. They're going to "cure" the problem they created.

Joe's spouting Make America Great Again except he's pretending it's something new that he came up with. Utopia now! He's a populist now!

Everything hangs on mass vaccination to get back to normal and prosperity. Guilt trip and all those dear lost people - empty chairs at the table.

We have to come together and unite - United States. He's very optimistic.

He's done - no questions taken. Now CBS bs about Biden's comprehensive plan.

No! Please, not the old halo trick again. Remember GW Bush?
See the center image regarding his speech Thursday evening:


Ha Ha. Notice the horns on Biden's head on the top right...
Well, he is the current face of the anti-Christ after all. :evil:
I wanted to get to what may be going on this weekend, but somehow China took over the conversation.

Here's the FBI report concerning this "armed protest" scenario the MSM is laying out. Specifically, the Boogaloo movement, which has an interesting background. The name comes from an 80's movie, Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo, which is really a dance movie, actually. I don't normally link to the New York Times, but they have a pretty good history of the movement. I could only access the article one time, so if you are able to link to this, keep it open or you may lose the opportunity to read the whole thing:

The Boogaloo movement seems to have started as something of an online joke. One that used "irony and euphemism," according to the Times. Things proceeded from there. I think it's important to realize that, given the way this is now being presented, this potentially dangerous, armed right wing extremist group is at least partly -- or even wholly -- the result of government infiltration. As is typical of situations like this, some members claim the group isn't violent at all. But any nuances like that will be lost once this operation is in full swing. It seems they needed a far right extremist group to counter what many have been saying about Antifa -- the FBI is suggesting as much, although not in the way I just put it. They are saying this group, and groups like it pose a greater threat than Antifa. So, the left realized that maybe people were catching on to the contradictions posed by Antifa, and the supposed "insurgency" at the capitol, and they decided they really needed to ramp up the right wing extremist angle. No doubt they've been cultivating this particular group for a while is my assumption.

If you do a search, every article about the Boogaloo "armed protest" is quoting from the following FBI report. Notice the language "first amendment protected event" for these [violent] rallies. It lets us know something of their coming agenda: after the violence, and the suppression of the violence, we of course will see congress go full throttle on attacking not just the second amendment, but possibly the first amendment as well -- certainly the right to peacefully protest will be targeted.

Anyway, here's the FBI Report. I can no longer access as much as I could before, so keep that in mind. Some of it is redacted, of course, but even the unredacted part is not wholly accessible, or just accessible for a certain time period:

The MSM are saying the Boogaloo movement plans its "armed protest" for Sunday, the 17th. I just scanned a Fox News article stating such protests are to take place in every capitol across the country. So, the MSM is really gearing up for something.

According to the FBI report, they are anticipating serious violence given their intelligence on this. Gun battles, sniper activity, buildings being blown up, you name it. They are really fanning the flames now.

Which brings us back to Trump, what Trump will do. Will he react militarily? Will he rely on National Guardsmen, and local police, etc., instead?

Will he react militarily in the way that so many patriots would like to see him react? Even if it means resorting to temporary lock down?

What does the cabal anticipate Trump doing? They made great use of the "visuals" concerning the capitol building "insurgency," will they do so again, this time ramping things up even further? Certainly if they plan on such visuals to be seen "across the country" that will ramp things up a' plenty.

Very unsettling, the whole thing.
The Boogaloo movement seems to have started as something of an online joke.
The joke was changing 'Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo' to 'Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo'. Pretty sure it started on 4chan several years ago. At least that's where I first saw it.

The MSM are saying the Boogaloo movement plans its "armed protest" for Sunday, the 17th.
Posters advertising this have been circulating online pretty much since right after 6/1:
The dissident right saw through it immediately and literally no one in those circles is saying anything other than, stay very far away from this. It doesn't help that the aesthetics of the poster bare no resemblance to those favored by any section of the right. And that was before someone pointed out the rather striking similarity with a previous poster:

Let it never be said that these clowns are particularly clever.
The MSM are saying the Boogaloo movement plans its "armed protest" for Sunday, the 17th. I just scanned a Fox News article stating such protests are to take place in every capitol across the country. So, the MSM is really gearing up for something.

According to the FBI report, they are anticipating serious violence given their intelligence on this. Gun battles, sniper activity, buildings being blown up, you name it. They are really fanning the flames now.

Umm . . .
Q: (Joe) How likely is it that there will be some major public chaos or civil chaos if Trump wins?

A: Very likely and will lead to martial law.

IOW - it's a set up/trap/psyop. See above post.
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The joke was changing 'Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo' to 'Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo'. Pretty sure it started on 4chan several years ago. At least that's where I first saw it.

Posters advertising this have been circulating online pretty much since right after 6/1:
View attachment 41737
The dissident right saw through it immediately and literally no one in those circles is saying anything other than, stay very far away from this. It doesn't help that the aesthetics of the poster bare no resemblance to those favored by any section of the right. And that was before someone pointed out the rather striking similarity with a previous poster:
View attachment 41738

Let it never be said that these clowns are particularly clever.
Ha! Oh. My. God. How pathetic.
I wonder if we misinterpreted that.

We assumed Trump won meant Antifa/BLM rioting, with Trump declaring martial law.

Instead Trump won (the vote) but also lost (the steal), leaving his supporters outraged ... therefore likely to lead to civil chaos ... and thus, martial law.
But it will "look" like civil chaos that will be tied to Trump even if it's largely manufactured, with few if any "true" Trump supporters involved.

This is why Trump said in his recent speech: no "true" Trump supporter/supporter of this movement would act violently, or vandalize, etc. [unspoken: like we've seen with Antifa, and like we saw at the capitol building]
Instead Trump won (the vote) but also lost (the steal), leaving his supporters outraged ... therefore likely to lead to civil chaos ... and thus, martial law.
Sorry - I kept editing my post so a bit confusing. My take is, in seeing psychegram's post above mine, that it should be obvious what the scheme here is. Just as with the "Capitol riot", it's going to look like rabid Trumpers are going for blood which will provide the perfect excuse to impose martial law. Whether by Trump or Biden, too soon to know presuming this is what is planned.

I'm too slow - Heather gets it now.
Which brings us back to Trump, what Trump will do. Will he react militarily? Will he rely on National Guardsmen, and local police, etc., instead?

Will he react militarily in the way that so many patriots would like to see him react? Even if it means resorting to temporary lock down?

What does the cabal anticipate Trump doing? They made great use of the "visuals" concerning the capitol building "insurgency," will they do so again, this time ramping things up even further? Certainly if they plan on such visuals to be seen "across the country" that will ramp things up a' plenty.

NBC News was running pictures the other day supposedly showing the Trump family moving from the White House


Will he react militarily in the way that so many patriots would like to see him react? Even if it means resorting to temporary lock down?

Heather, let's keep that secret for the next couple of days. We don't want to compromise operational security, do we? :cool:
Sorry - I kept editing my post so a bit confusing. My take is, in seeing psychegram's post above mine, that it should be obvious what the scheme here is. Just as with the "Capitol riot", it's going to look like rabid Trumpers are going for blood which will provide the perfect excuse to impose martial law. Whether by Trump or Biden, too soon to know presuming this is what is planned.

'Rabid Trumpers going for blood' - are you directly citing CNN, Jeep?

Martial law imposed by Biden, that would be something else.

During martial law - if I'm correct - the president would turn his power over the military who would then have the chance to depose his illegal government...
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