Trying to answer my own question (:rolleyes:) I think that the answer lies in that the Covid scare is/was used for multiple agendas simultaneously. The probably accidental escape of the SARS-CoV-2 virus put all these agendas in motion, of which some agendas had been practised and planned for decades. 'They' had their players and informed infuencers ready and waiting for things to start.

And now all these agendas are in motion and getting a boost from the Covid scare. Thus, being greedy and engaging in wishful thinking the psychopaths are also using the opportunity to hasten the implementation of the digital ID (passport) and cashless thingy, which without 'Covid' could have taken a bit longer to implement – but that was not the sole and prinicipal motive behind the whole thing.
I think the point is this: upon what basis can it be said that you absolutely MUST opt in and use this new ID system? (Other side of same coin: Upon what basis can the very fabric of the social contract be completely remade?) A (fake) health scare is perfect as we have witnessed. It allows the violation of all fundamental "rights" due to "special circumstances" that interrupt the relationship between the individual and the state (as well as the individual and society).

It allows the re-making of the social contract.

The ID itself will redefine everything. Imagine all the fine print and disclaimers attached to it. The ID needs to be federal and/or global for that dominant centralized control to be exerted. These are massive changes.

Humanity is still tribal. They are pushing the collective. You can't just say that we are all one big happy world family. It doesn't work. So there is the need to create issues that cut across all ethnic and religious lines and border lines. The pandemic is perfect.

Now, what you originally suggested could very well be true! Did they really have to do it this way? Are they making it unnecessarily harder to take over or is there some other game afoot?? IDK

I think the bottom line is that it is necessary to create a "reason" for why things need to happen a certain way so that

1. they can explain and support their lies while creating a new modified illusion for us all
2. they can get people to give up their free will and willingly enter into bondage
3. they have plausible deniability / no responsibility for what they are doing
4. they are just naturally sleazy and that's how they operate - a psychopath naturally creates an arcane and convoluted web of lies

A (fake) Disease provides a perfect "cover" and "excuse" and "reason" for all these things.
I was thinking about that and I can only conclude that what he said about this doesn't match up to what I've actually experienced

  • The first time I lost my smell and it was quite the ride. The tests also confirmed covid. Due to this I'm pretty certain it was covid - for sure not flu which I've had before. The experience was "intense" like all the cells in your body were being seared 🔥🔥.
  • The 2nd time (now) it feels different from the 1st time, like the mode of attack is different. I'm quite headachy and my nasal area is super congested / pressured + my throat is a bit dry and feels a bit like sand paper. If anything I'd have thought what I feel now may be the false positive as it's not as intense as the 1st time (fingers crossed it stays this way) but the test is positive and it fits the symptoms for Omicron (i.e. more like a cold). Will see what PCR says.
I can only speak from what I'm experiencing - I'd need a doctor or scientist to demonstrate the premise that it isn't covid twice as my experience contradicts that. Keeping an open mind as can't take McCullough's premise at face value given this - the situation in the world may have changed with Omicron.

In any case, either there's something haywire with my immune system or there's something strange with Omicron (which is what I think I have now) that it evaded my immune system - it could be that I was exposed to a very high viral load or it could be that it has been enhanced with the capability to "infect" cells more effectively.

Imagine how strange it is sitting here, having "Omicron" symptoms after having had a more intense covid experience not more than 4 months ago! It is VERY weird. My Xmas is also cancelled... dear me... must have done something wrong 😅.

It'll be interesting to see if other cases like mine pop up i.e. previously recovered people coming down with this new covid variant.

I wonder if there's something to this:

Interacted with someone on Telegram who is in the same situation

Thank you @ryu. Please forward me the list - others may be interested as well as I think Omicron will spread far and wide at the rate it's going.
Here is the email my friend forwarded:

"The naturopathic doctor I know pushes the consumption of liposomal vit C for his sick patients. Here is what he advocates:

**Liposomal vit C**:
- 1g morning, at noon and at 5pm 1 day out of 3
- and the other days: only 1g in the morning and 1g at 5pm.
Lower the intake of liposomal vit C to 1g after a month.

He adds NAC: once 750mg of NAC to be taken in the morning just after waking up (so on an empty stomach) then wait at least 30 min before having breakfast.) To be taken until complete recovery. According to him, some emergency physicians in the USA have gone so far as to administer more than 2400 mg of NAC per day to people with covid-19, against the advice of the FDA, the CDC and the NIH.
Recent studies support this protocol.So a dose that high is not so futile.

Zinc Granions 3 times 15mg per day for 2 weeks.
You will need to go down to 2x 15mg after the 15th day while taking 1 ampoule of iron granion per day for 1 week.

**Vit D3**
5000 IU of vit D3 once a day.
Personally I take vit D3K2 every morning as a preventive measure to boost my immune system in the winter (otherwise 30 min of sunshine a day is enough in good weather)."

- Use nasal spray with 1% of iodine 4 times a day. Do not exceed 5 days if you are pregnant.

- Gargle 3 times a day

Anticoagulant / immune fortifier (duration 7 days)
Melatonin 10mg/ day in the evenings
- Aspirin 325mg/day (unless allergy)

- Nutritional therapy (duration 14 days)
-Cucumine 500mg/ 2Xday
- Honey 1g/kg/day
- Nigella Sativa /Black cumin (alternative to ivemectin if the latter is not available) 80mg/kg/day

Synergetic therapy
- Quercetin 250mg / 2x day
- Zinc 100 mg / day

Ivemectine if available:0, 4mg to 0,6mg per kg/ once a day during the meal for 5days.
take the highest recommended dose if:
- you have comorbidities
- you live in a highly contaminated area and /or you have caught an agressive variant.
- you start the treatment after the 5th day of the apparitions of symptoms.

There is also a preventive protocol, I will put on the forum later today.
Imagine how strange it is sitting here, having "Omicron" symptoms after having had a more intense covid experience not more than 4 months ago! It is VERY weird. My Xmas is also cancelled... dear me... must have done something wrong
Could it be that you are reacting to a spike protein overdose by being in close proximity to Vaxxed for hours? 3 hours in the same room, breathing same air with the Vaxxed is enough, IIRC doctors theorized would saturate spike protein in your body. So could it work like a flu: when a critical level is reached, your body begins to violently detox = giving you flu symptoms, you get sick.

Now that I think about it last year I got Covid-like symptoms twice, like yours. I have no money for fancy tests, so I never tested anything though.. But I had strange illness-like symptoms continually, ON / OFF in the last two years: mostly nerve-pains. Currently pain in my sides / back / at the kidney - liver area, but "outside" as in muscles. It could be anything, IBS, getting regular cold my from underheated room, even cancer. I couldn't care less. I'll never go to any doctor.
Dr. McCullough confirms and actively advises this as a virus disinfection method, to clear viral load in your sinuses and throat that you collect, when at work, when you go outside into crowds. Coming home, just do this:
- Use nasal spray with 1% of iodine 4 times a day. Do not exceed 5 days if you are pregnant.

- Gargle 3 times a day
He says hydrogen peroxide spray (or idone) or gargling with bleach is perfect as well.
I don't know if it's been pointed out before but the USA, IMO, is a seemingly hypochondriac nation that abuses the heck out of the medical system. It's fertile ground for this kind of scare tactic. I've known so many people throughout my years in workplaces who are running for doctor appointments at the slightest cause. One woman I knew with multiple (healthy) teenaged children was asking for time-outs for doctor appointments, dozens per year. At one point, I didn't even have a primary care physician for the better part of ten years, and somewhat regret going back into the system - the health insurance I have requires it to avoid financial penalties. Such an ugly system. Just imagine if physicians could all practice with more independence and less administration.

Vermont, BTW, is the nation's "bluest" state.

We can thank OdumbaCare for this mass dependence on the allopathic medicine. There was a growing interest in alternative/natural care before this government takeover of individual's healthcare choice. Only the diehards are still avoiding the government medical control system. The rest run to the doctors because it is a no-brainer, easier, cheaper and expected response to their health issues. Not only is it an ugly system it is a deviously preconceived mass control and indoctrination system. The smart people knew this would be the consequence of national healthcare and followed by rationing and out right denial of care of the government's-deplorables. My 4 cents (inflation adjusted).

Vermont was invaded by New Yorkers thus flipped. Maine has been taken over by Massachusetts and New Hampshire is a sinking island in the deep blue seas.
Okay - so it has been 4 months since I had covid and can confirm I have caught it again but it feels very different this time. It's like a strong "head cold" now - blocked sinuses, headache at the front of the head, dry and tickly throat. Gotta go through this covid drama again - if I could I'd like to know how it is I caught it twice in 4 months. This one though feels very different to the first one and definitely more "lite" - at least for now.

Incidentally, both times I've caught it after meeting the same individual.

I have noticed, in my cases, that the common element was high level of fatigue. A few restless nights in a week is all it takes now days. It may not be something you caught but just a simple case of being too vulnerable to avoid it.

I'm now more diligent towards avoiding fatigue through carefully monitoring the quality of sleep and keeping a healthy sleep & exercise routine. Best offense is a good defense strategy.
Pray that your feeling better and all the best SOTTREADER.
Could it be that you are reacting to a spike protein overdose by being in close proximity to Vaxxed for hours? 3 hours in the same room, breathing same air with the Vaxxed is enough, IIRC doctors theorized would saturate spike protein in your body. So could it work like a flu: when a critical level is reached, your body begins to violently detox = giving you flu symptoms, you get sick.

It could be - in the end I suspect I'll never know definitively how. My working hypothesis now is that Omicron (in specific) can infect previously recovered people (at least under some conditions). I don't know how but I'll be keeping my eyes open for more investigations / analysis on this over the next couple of months.

If Omicron indeed can "reinfect" it's not the end of the world as it's more like a cold but I think understanding the underlying mechanisms, even conceptually will be key in keeping people informed and alert to what can happen (and therefore how it can be mitigated).
oh... wow! Thank you for sharing! The bodylanguage, how he articulates verbally, his moving back and forth... the struggle is right in the face! You can't deny he is in severe problems, trying to get out... his soul knows, but he didn't - at least to this point.
Can't help imagining myself in his place in the future: no food, no electricity, no gas, no water, unless I take the DeathCcine, then I get a spoonful from the soup-kitchen and a piece of dry and moldy bread.
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