UFOs Unmasked
The Story of an Unfolding Cosmic Put-on
Are our skies haunted by an invisible parallel reality?
What sinister forces materialize, frighten and misguide the human race?
Will aerial phenomena and UFO entities interfere directly in world events?
John Keel, UFO Investigator
Author: Our Haunted Planet
The phenomenon [UFOs] is dependent on belief, and as more and more people
believe in flying saucers from other planets, the lower forces can manipulate
more people through false illumination.
I have been watching, with great consternation, the worldwide spread of the UFO
belief and its accompanying disease.
If it continues unchecked we may face a time when universal acceptance of the
fictitious space people will lead us to a modern faith in extra-terrestrials that will
enable them to interfere overtly in our affairs . . ."
Jacques Vallee, UFO Investigator Author: Messengers of Deception
I have written this book because I am concerned with the changes which would
be triggered by the belief in an outer-space invasion, real or simulated. . .
I continue to regard this phenomenon as a manifestation of a reality that is larger
and more complex than a simple visit by interplanetary travelers . . . I believe
there is a system around us that transcends time as it transcends space . . .
The UFOs are a physical manifestation that cannot be understood apart from
their psychic and symbolic reality. What we see here is not an alien invasion. It is
a control system which acts on humans and uses humans.
UFOs Unmasked
by Sidney Reiners
Hollywood turned its attention in the early 1980s to the ultimate frontier, the
universe. Following the intergalactic cops and robbers of Star Wars, but not a
spin-off or imitation of it, came Close Encounters of the Third Kind, a movie and
novel about a man who sees a UFO and, in spite of the government's best
efforts, arrives at a secret landing site and hitches a ride with spacemen who look
like raw bread dough. The thinly plotted story follows the popular theory that
UFOs are vehicles controlled by intelligent beings from other planets.
Search for the Truth
But is this the truth behind UFOs? If so, are the occupants friendly, or are they
technologically superior badniks about to enslave us and demolish our culture, as
happened in Africa and America under the impact of European civilization?
Although the history of UFOs is filled with cases of burns, assaults, emotional
disturbance, and even death, Close Encounters sought to allay our fears. When
the spaceship lands, the "ufonauts" show themselves to be very peaceful and
friendly, returning unharmed some pilots who had been missing since World War
II. (They hadn't even aged. How much friendlier can you get?)
But is that what those shimmering craft and glowing globs really are? Are they
run by beings, friendly or otherwise, from outer space, or could there be a
completely different explanation? And is there an even closer encounter - of the
fourth kind?
Solving the Mystery
John Keel, investigator of UFOs and related phenomena, believes we will solve
the mystery, not by tracking those elusive disks in the sky, but by studying the
contactees - not the obvious lunatics, but those perfectly normal men and women
who, while commuting to work or mowing the lawn encounter the ufonauts.
Take, for example, Elaine Thomas, forty-eight; Louise Smith, forty-four; and
Mona Stafford, thirty-five, all of high moral character and apparently conventional
living. The night of January 6, 1976, they were traveling from Stanford to Liberty,
Kentucky, where they live. At 11:30 PM they noticed a large, disk-shaped object
with a glowing white dome and colored lights. Mrs. Smith lost control of the car
as it suddenly sped to eighty-five mph and then was dragged backward. The
women passed out.
The next thing they knew, they were driving to Louise's home, but instead of
being about midnight, it was 1:30 AM. Louise said her neck hurt. Mona looked
and saw a strange red mark like a burn. Elaine's neck had the same type of
Some time later, under hypnosis, the three ladies recalled a horrifying experience
in which strange beings had conducted painful physical examinations of them.
Detective James Young of the Lexington, Kentucky, police department
administered lie detector tests and concluded that "these women actually believe
they did experience an encounter."
This wording is significant. In recent times several contactees have passed
psychiatric and lie detector tests while solemnly stating that the UFOs are from
Clarion, Zomdic, Thythan, Blaau, or a large number of other planets with science-
fiction-type names, or, even more incredibly, from Venus, Mars, and Jupiter.
Who's Lying?
Who's lying? Somebody - or is it everybody? - is wrong but believes he is right.
The contactees may not be liars, but someone is. Could it be the ufonauts
Recently some of those mysterious space beings in their flying machines have
abandoned their vehicles and appeared directly. One lady was lying in bed when
they supposedly entered, painlessly opened her cranium, and gave her an
"implant" that enables her to receive communications with them. Many others
claim to have had a similar experience, resulting in changes in behavior and
greater "cosmic consciousness." One man who says he has had an implant
relates that when he hears a beep he can go outside and see UFOs over his
house. Although many implant victims have been examined, even X-rays fail to
show anything material. What is going on?
The Ultra-terrestrials
Mr. Keel's intensive study of contactees has led him to a startling conclusion.
Although he remains an atheist and skeptic, he has become convinced that
UFOS are not from other worlds but from Earth - and not from a secret base
under the North Pole, either. He believes flying saucers are not machines at all,
but materializations of beings he calls ultraterrestrials. He feels this is the only
explanation that deals with all the various aspects of the phenomenon: flying at
astounding speeds with no sonic boom, apparently being metallic and yet
transparent, changing shape, making nearly right-angle turns at fantastic speed.
The phenomenon, be believes, receives overall guidance from "a great intelligence."
and "it makes itself visible from time to time . . . It can take any form
it desires, ranging from the shapes of airplanes to gigantic cylindrical spaceships.
It can manifest itself into seemingly living entities ranging from little green men to
awesome one-eyed giants. But none of these configurations is its true form."
"The UFO phenomenon," he says, "is actually a staggering cosmic put-on, a joke
perpetrated by invisible entities who have always delighted in frightening, confusing, and
misleading the human race." That is quite a description for someone who doesn't believe
the Bible, isn't it? We would say he is describing demons.
But is he right? Is there an occult connection? Notice the comments of Miss Lynn Catoe,
of the Library of Congress, who read hundreds of UFO articles and books during the
compilation of a bibliography for the air force. "A large part of the UFO literature is linked
with mysticism and the metaphysical," she says. "It deals with subjects like mental
telepathy, automatic writing, and invisible entities."
Merging Evidence
More and more serious students of the problem are turning to what Christians
would call a spiritual explanation (in the sense of 1 Timothy 4:1, 1 John 4:1, and
Revelation 16:14), but in our age of disbelief in the supernatural it is expressed in
scientific terms. The late Dr. J. Allen Hynek, consultant for Close Encounters,
who has been called the Galileo of scientific ufology, believed UFOs may be part
of a "parallel reality" that inhabits our planet, undetected by us except as it
chooses otherwise.
Astronomer Jacques Valle says, "We are not dealing with successive waves of
visitations from space. We are dealing with a control system. . . I suggest it is
human belief that is being controlled and conditioned."
Kenneth Arnold, who originated the term "flying saucer," stated in 1955 that he
believed the "saucers" were not necessarily mechanical but a form of living
energy. The list of serious researchers holding a similar opinion is growing.
The Changing Game
There are several aspects of the UFO phenomenon that make investigators
doubt the "spacemen from other planets" or extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH).
One is the way it has manifested itself over the years, for it is not just since World
War II that UFOs have existed. Reports have occurred for centuries. A
considerable number were sighted in the 1800s, and the form they took then was
far different from what it is now.
French engineer Henri Giffard built the first controllable dirigible in 1852, powered
by steam and plodding along at seven MPH. IN 1897 David Schwarz flew a few
miles when a gas leak brought him down. However, while earthlings were
struggling to develop the first dirigibles, the ufonauts were making close
encounters of the ludicrous kind in complex, speedy "airships" that looked as
though Rube Goldberg had designed them. At that point they didn't claim to be
from other planets, but some of the navigators looked Oriental (still a frequent
feature of the mysterious visitors).
The construction of the machines and the conduct of the navigators were as
varied, inconsistent, and absurd as today. Reliable witnesses claimed to have
run into them while the spacemen had landed for repairs, or they saw them drop
a wheel, a newspaper, a potato. The crew of one low-flying airship was heard
singing "Abide With me"! And all this before 1900, when Count Zeppelin flew
three and a half miles at 18 mph in his first airship.
Then, just as the Wright brothers began experimenting with flight, the UFOs
began appearing as graceful, speedy (for the times) airplanes. On August 30 and
31, 1910, a long black object flew over Manhattan, accompanied by the sound of
an engine. Hundreds of people saw it, complete with red and green lights, as it
circled the Metropolitan Life Building several times and swooped so low over
Madison Square that "it seemed to brush the top of the trees," the New York
Tribune of the date reported. In 1910 there were thirty-six licensed pilots and
fewer airplanes. None of the few pilots in the New York area was up that night. In
fact, they avoided hazardous Manhattan at any time.
After World War II, with man's tremendous advances in air engineering, UFOs
began taking the form we now see, being, as always, close enough to present
technology to be conceivable but advanced enough to be bewildering. and the
"plastic" qualities seem to have increased. Occasionally they have changed
shape before the eyes of witnesses, in some instances becoming transparent or
turning into what appear to be conventional craft, leaving the observer self-
doubting and embarrassed.
From Other Worlds?
Indeed, this marvelous malleability is another difficulty in the ETH. Suppose for a
moment we adopt that viewpoint, excluding all theological considerations.
Suppose life has just evolved. The chances of its happening once, anywhere,
place it in the realm of the virtually impossible, but just suppose. How often would
life evolve elsewhere? we can unhesitatingly give a mathematically valid answer:
never. But just suppose it did. And suppose some of those civilizations somehow
conquered space. The chance that they would stumble across our little speck in
the universe is so remote it probably cannot even be calculated. But if they did,
out of the numerous sightings of their craft we would surely expect to see some
basic patterns emerge.
But after analyzing 434 descriptions, the air force was unable to find one single
basic uniformity. Even ETH advocate Wendelle Stevens, who has collected over
a thousand UFO photos, admits, "There seems to be an almost infinite variety."
Evidently the humanoids never encountered Henry Ford!
The Occult Connection
The ufonauts are equally facile at varying their own appearance. Some have skin
like fish scales; others are furry. Some have eight-fingered hands; others no
arms. Their messages are also diverse, contradictory, and cultic. UFOs are
closely tied to poltergeists, reincarnation stories, supernormal knowledge of
languages, automatic writing, "prophecies," and communication with the
supposed spirits of the dead,
Israeli psychic Uri Geller believes his paranormal abilities began at age three of
four after being knocked unconscious by a silvery mass of light from the sky. He
now claims to have extensive contacts with the space beings.
Whether or not UFOs or their occupants exist as real objects or are the result of
hallucinations, either self-induced or imposed by a deceiving intelligence, the
most significant and irrefutable fact is that thousands of persons are being
influenced, even dominated by the phenomenon. A closer encounter of the fourth
kind may be the possession or obsession of the mind by these beings. And the
experience is essentially religious, with obvious elements of the occult.
For his book Revelation: The Divine Fire, researcher Brad Steiger interviewed
scores of psychics, would-be prophets, and contactees. He found that whether
they were in communion with what they believed to be spacemen, God and
angels, or the dead, the information they received was essentially the same. This
is true even of specific bits of information.
Central Control
For example, in 1967 mediums, psychics, and contactees around the world,
many of whom did not even know of one another's existence, all made the same
prediction, even phrased the same in different languages: about midnight,
December 24, a bright light would appear in the sky, and then - worldwide
It is obvious, the world did not end that night. But this is one of the beings’
favorite games: set people up by giving them accurate predictions and then slip
them the big one, the end of the world. Of course it doesn’t happen, and millions
become even bolder in their disbelief in any day of reckoning.
Commenting on this particular situation, in which he was deeply involved, Keel
says, “the UFO contactees received the same identical messages as the trance
mediums communing with spirits. . . .It was now clear (to me anyway) that all of
these people were tuned into a central source.”
Ripe for Belief
The religious nature of Close Encounters has impressed many viewers. Jay
Gould Baum, reviewer for the Wall Street Journal, says, in the February, 1978,
issue of Science Digest, “Close Encounters is filled with a familiar religious awe,
and infused with a belief in the actuality of UFOs . . . that is tantamount to faith.
And this faith - wondrous and thoroughly spiritual - is registered in nearly every
frame, reaching a climax in its messianic ending. For here we are shown the
actual landing of a UFO which, descending like the Star of Bethlehem, bathes the
world in heavenly light and emits musical tones that swell into a liturgical chant. .
. . We are being offered nothing less than epiphany.”
Mankind, unbelieving and self-willed, has largely destroyed faith in God and
belief in the supernatural through what he calls “science.” But gazing awestruck
into the heavens, we feel the crushing need to know “we are not alone” (the
motto of Close Encounters).
Return of the Gods
The morally ambivalent gods of mythology died many centuries ago, being edged
out of the cosmos by God’s revelation of Himself in Jesus Christ. But now we are
devoted to excluding Him from our concept of truth and reality (i.e., mathematics
and physics).
However, man’s need for the spiritual, impelled by his intuitive belief in something
greater than himself, continues. And so the gods have returned, not now clad in
royal vestments and hurling thunderbolts from Olympus but dressed in laboratory
style and darting laser beams from multicolored vehicles, bringing us little green
(or is it tall blue?) men to assure us the universe really is a place of life - and
maybe even of love.
These superior beings have conquered time, death, war, space, and nearly every
other limitation and defect. All this they claim to have done without the crudity of
a cross, the sweat and blood of a dying sacrifice, the guilt and humiliation of
being found sinful in ourselves, and without the repentance and self-denial of the
gospel. An so it has ever been since Eve, the first contactee, held communion
with an extraterrestrial intelligence speaking through a serpent at the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil in the garden of Eden.
Formula for Deception
Will UFOs and their charioteers play an important role in end-time events, or will
they continue as just one of the many paths seeming right to man but ending in
death? While we cannot be sure, the fact that the entire phenomenon has been
so carefully cultivated for decades on a worldwide scale indicates it is a major
ingredient in Satan’s formula for deception.
There are, for example, several ways it could support the rise and reign of
antichrist. By appearing as a menace to all life on Earth, it could precipitate a
rush toward world government, with democratic principles being lost in the panic.
On the other hand, friendly ufonauts could very persuasively advise us to follow
them if we want to solve all our problems as they have. And though he will not
be able to duplicate Jesus’ glorious return, Satan, the counterfeit Christ, must
arrive somehow.
Will he simply appear one day, or will he arrive in a “chariot of the gods”? (At
least one national Christian magazine has seriously suggested this as the way
Jesus may return and set up a kingdom on Earth.) We don’t know yet, and
although quoting the ufonauts is a little like quoting the mugger who yells help
when the police arrive, may there not inadvertently be much truth in the comment
of one contactee who claims he was told, “My friend, this earth is the battlefield of
Armageddon, and the battle is for men’s minds and souls”?