Reiki History


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
This thread is about the history of Reiki.

One day recently an acquaintance asked: "Do you know about Reiki? Since a no would be lying, I said yes. Nevertheless I also spent the following week reviewing what I knew and what I didn't.

The first time I heard about Reiki was around 1991, but I was not too interested at the time. Later when I got a chance to read the Wave the desire to know more grew. It so happened that shortly after finishing the reading, a visitor from West Australia, Anders turned out to be a Reiki teacher. Having an arduous 2600 Km trip to do in an area with plentiful of potholes and no medical care I used the opportunity to add one more aid to the rescue kit. It worked great.

Afterwards I wanted to find out some more about the history of Reiki. With the help of a friend I ordered three books, all by Frank Arjava Petter, who is a Reiki teacher that has been living in Japan with his Japanese wife since1993, where they have a language school. They also teach besides language and Reiki various healing therapies and methods of meditations.

The first book is "Reiki Fire", New Information about the Origins of the Reiki Power, A complete manual
1997 Windpherd Verlagsgesellschaft 87648, Aitrang Germany (German version presumably)
1997 Lotus Light Publications, P.O. Box 325, Twin Lakes, WI 53181, USA

The second book is "Reiki", The Legacy of Dr. Usui
1997 Windpherd Verlagsgesellschaft 87648, Aitrang Germany, (German version presumably)
1999, second edition, Lotus Light Publications, P.O. Box 325, Twin Lakes, WI 53181, USA

The third book is listed as co-authored by Dr. Mikao Usui since it s material is partly translation of his booklet from Japanese. Some Japanese letters are included for those who wish or are qualified to verify. The title is "The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui"
1999 Windpherd Verlagsgesellschaft 87648, Aitrang Germany , (German version presumably)
1999 Lotus Light Publications, P.O. Box 325, Twin Lakes, WI 53181, USA

If anyone lives in India they are also available from

Each of the books contain some original source material, below is a short review.
Reiki Fire informs us that the founder of Reiki was Usui, Mikao (15th August 1865 - March 9th 1926) and contains picture and translation of Dr. Usui's Memorial Inscription. It also has in the back the philosophy of the Kurama temple located on the Kurama mountain where it is alleged that Dr. Usui got the information on Reiki. There is one alternative to this explanation also given. Around 1920 Mikao Usui founded the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkay (Usui Reiki Healing Method Society) of which he was the first president.
The book in the chapter "Reiki History" inserts Reiki in a historical context of energy work called Chinese Qigong which is presented as having five variants including martial arts and medical Qigong and having three sources either Buddhist, Confucian or Taoist. Reiki is a Buddhist variant of Qigong and also has some Shintoist influences. This exposition is followed by a description of the Western and Japanese Reiki movements.

The next book, Reiki The Legacy of Dr. Usui contains a translation of a speech of Dr. Usui found in his Reiki Ryoho Handbook, which also contained125 poems attributed to the Meiji Japanese emperor who ruled from 1868-1912. 14 of these are translated and presented along with the Japanese transliteration. Also found in the book is theJapanese handwriting of Dr Usui of "The Five Reiki Principles" which in fact was also a poem of the Meiji Emperor. Dr. Usui described it as "Shoufuku no hihoo" that translates as "The secret method of inviting happiness" In regard to Reiki teachers there is a list of names and some reflections on who gave rise to what. The originator of the Western Reiki line Mr. Chujiro Hayashi was an accomplished student of Dr. Usui with permission to teach, but not an appointed president of the Reiki organisation that Dr. Usui founded.

The most known student of Mr. Chujiro Hayashi was Ms. Hawayo Takata, If you like to know more about the original concepts of Mr. Chujiro Hayashi, then you may like to order "The Hayashi Reiki Manual" by F.A. Petter, Tado Yamaguchi and Chujiro Hayashi. I did not yet see more than a short summary, but I mention it anyway.

To finish this short summary of Reiki, The Legacy of Fr. Usui I will quote a few translated lines taken from page 13 of the "Reiki Ryoho Hikkei" which is Dr. Usui's Reiki handbook:
Dr. Usui said:
"In times like these, the happiness of humanity is based on working together and the desire for social progress.
This is why I would never allow anyone to possess it (Reiki) just for himself!
Our Reiki Ryoho is something absolutely original and cannot be compared with any other (spiritual) path in the world.
This is why I would like to make this method (freely) available to the public for the well-being of humanity. "
The last book; The Original Handbook of Dr. Usui begins with a short informative introduction to the Buddhist background of Reiki. Next follows a chapter called "The Three Pillars of Reiki" . Below the heading it says: "Besides the five Reiki principles Dr. Usui taught his Reiki system, which is based on three pillars: Gassho, Reiji-Ho and Chiryo. To summarise what these terms mean there is a one sentence at the end of the chapter: "So Chiryo (treatment) builds on Rieji-Ho (devotion) and Gassho (meditation).

Next follows notes on breathing as a vehicle for enhancing the energy. Apparently Dr Usui used a variety of techniques including touching the diseased parts, massaging them, tapping them, stroking them, blowing on them, gazing on them and giving them specific energy. These are mentioned in the interview published in "Reiki, The Legacy of Dr. Usui". In "Reiki Fire" another healing modality is mentioned; charged crystal balls. An old witness explained that Dr. Usui and his chief assistant used to give his students these crystal balls to place near a diseased body part so as to speed up the healing process.

The main part of the Original Handbook is dedicated to treatment tips and hands position for various diseases. All the drawn hand positions from the original handbook have been translated into some high quality photos with notes and explanations.

Besides the Reiki material there are in the first two books some great ideas for consideration. Frank Arjava Petter was involved with Osho and also has learned something from Gurdjieff and Ouspensky fourth ways, so one finds the stories of the life of man being food for the Moon, the prisoners trying to escape, self-rememberance, the unconsciousness of man and the principle of three.

The author does not repeat himself extensively, so all books are useful. He is trying quite hard to smooth out the hard edges between factions of Reiki teachers. However his arguments do not explain his observations as well as the studies found on this site into psychopathy, ponerology, the hypothesis of Organic Portals and the existence of two paths Service to Self and Service to Others. For more on these subjects see also

I could have posted this under the book review section or the health section, but I decided for history, considering that the last word most likely has not been said and probably other people have questions or comments to add based on their own research and experiences.

thorbiorn said:
The originator of the Western Reiki line Mr. Chujiro Hayashi was an accomplished student of Dr. Usui with permission to teach, but not an appointed president of the Reiki organisation that Dr. Usui founded.

The most known student of Mr. Chujiro Hayashi was Ms. Hawayo Takata, If you like to know more about the original concepts of Mr. Chujiro Hayashi, then you may like to order "The Hayashi Reiki Manual" by F.A. Petter, Tado Yamaguchi and Chujiro Hayashi. I did not yet see more than a short summary, but I mention it anyway.
Its kind of weird that Reiki came from Japan just around the time of the 2nd World War. And if it wasn't for these two (Hayashi and Takata) Reiki would be lost to the Western World forever, or at least, the Western World would have never heard about it!

As with most things that become 'popular', beneficial or have the ability to fix a problem, corruption by the Matrix Control System is always bound to occur. It happens like some form of automatically generated 'blight' affecting a potentially sto system. You would probably expect to find this of any system that deals with higher awareness. This may explain why there is so much secrecy umongst those with 'the knowledge' and why so much corruption has happened at the lower end of the scale. Much like the purveyors of 'Give me ten bucks and I'll make you a Reiki Master', New Age greedy leeches... From the New Age school of abracaddabra or maybe heypresto!


I believe there is a lot more to the symbols used in Reiki than meets the eye. Could it be 4D (?) technology. The thing is, when corruption sets in, courtesy of our 'beloved parasitic friends', 4D sts, the 'system' becomes de-powered and nothing more than potentially, just a set of meaningless rituals. So, I suppose this is why the ned for secrecy. Kind of sounds a bit familiar, doesn't it?

I have experienced two attunements from two different Reiki Masters. There seemes to be quite a degree of difference. The amount of heat that I have occassionally generated (when doing it to myself - recently) is quite amazing - like putting a bar heater in front of my face, in one instance. I'm also finding that the 'heat' sometimes gets refered. This is just what I need, especially for cold feet in winter. They say Reiki goes to where its needed and you will feel most heat in the area over an organ that needs it most.

Has anyone had any unusual experiences with Reiki? Would be interested to know.
Ruth said:
Has anyone had any unusual experiences with Reiki? Would be interested to know.
Actually i've blended it with other energy work i've done. I find that when i use reiki i have a few options, i can just use reiki, i can tap "spirit", "god", "the universe" whatever you want to label it as - and send energy through myself to the patient. I can also send my own bio-energy and this leaves me feeling weakened or drained. I dont normally do the latter, actually it happened once by accident, and thats what ya get for playing with reiki after drinking and a friend hurts his ankle.

Other then that no bizarre experiences to report, then again i dont get to play with reiki very often.
In the first post I mentioned that Reiki, according to the author I was quoting, should be part of the Chinese family of Qigong. Interestingly a few days ago there appeared a post about Qi Gong in the section "Work" in the thread The role of Meditation in the Work . For clarification of the term Qi Gong here follows a quote from one post on the first page. It is the one right after Laura"s:
Novelis said:
I prefer a scientific approach to mediation[sic] and anything concerning energy work, one needs to see the reasoning behind the methods and explain how and why it works. I recommend "The root of Chinese Qi Gong", you'll find a lot of answers in there, this book shows you how and why meditation works, where it comes from, and the best approach according to what you are trying to achieve. ....This book presents diagrams of many Qi channels and vessels for example, describing symptoms that correspond with deficient organs and Qi channels; you can follow it up and see if the information is correct for yourself. ...

...There are no shortcuts with meditation and Qi Gong, it requires a lot of hard work and perseverance, it also teaches you how to focus properly and clear the mind, along with many other benefits you'll have to find for yourself. I think learning how to keep the mind, body and spirit working in harmony are excellent requisites for the work.
Next follows some comments and research related to the posts of Ruth and Cyre2067

Ruth said:
I believe there is a lot more to the symbols used in Reiki than meets the eye. Could it be 4D (?) technology.
On the symbols there is more in the books.
Frank Arjava Petter in Reiki Fire on page 110 said:
The origin of the Second Degree Reiki symbols is confusing, because they appear in both ancient Shintoism, called Ko Shinto (translated: ancient Shinto) and ancient Buddhism. The power symbol and the mental healing symbol are slight deviations from the sanscrit[sic] originals. The pronounciation[sic] is Japanese. These symbols came from India to Tibet where they were copied by Chinese monks. From China they made their way to Japan.* The absentee healing symbol is derived from several kanji.**

The Reiki Master symbol is an original kanji. It is Buddhist as well, and Reiki practitioners in Japan are not the only ones who use it for meditation!
* Japanese Shintoism and Buddhism are so intricately intertwines that it is impossible to separate them. It is often difficult to say where one starts and the other ends.
** The Japanese word "kanji" is a character that was brought from China to Japan a long time ago.
The Cassiopean transcripts mention the symbols as having Sanskrit origins. The first three excerpts below are related to Sanskrit. As you will see furtther on the transcripts also contained something about the relation to Reiki as well as about Reiki itself and Dr. Usui.
Cassiopaen transcripts 950318 said:
Q: (L) What is the world's oldest language, at least of those known to today's world?
A: Sanskrit.
Q: (L) What is the origin of Sanskrit?
A: Atlantean roots.
Cassiopaen transcript 941102 said:
Q: (L) What is the origin of the Sanskrit language?
A: Atlantis.
Q: (L) When the Aryans were brought here, were they brought to Atlantis?
A: No. The Aryans were different from the Atlanteans.
Q: (L) Is there any language in existence today that is descended from the Aryan language? Or, that has remained more similar in development from Indo-European?
A: Yes. All Germanic.
Cassiopaean transcripts 970621 said:
A: For your search. All is drawn from some more ancient form.
Q: Okay, let's leave that for now. I was digging into the Sanskrit alphabet and found that it says that it was essentially 'invented' by the great Hindu grammarian, Panani, which means that it may simply be arbitrary. And, for some reason, digging into it further does not seem to interest me...
A: Because you have not yet connected these dots.
Below is one excerpt that besides refering to Sanskrit possibly indicates what Ruth was experiencing with her warm hands. There is also an allusion to 4th density.
Cassiopaean transcripts 970726 said:
Q: You mean that something flowed through their arms and out their hands to enhance levitation?
A: Close.
Q: Well, I just saw it! If you think about it, the Reiki energy, after initiation, produces a LOT of heat... and that tracks back to Sanskrit, which is Indo-European, and that is Celtic root. Also, the Celtic folklore talks about the enormous heat of certain heroes who had to be plunged into very cold water several times so that they could cool down enough to put clothes on. Add to that the fact that the Celts went into battle naked because they would go into the 'furor' and produce so much heat that they could not tolerate clothing. And, what about the heat of the 'states' that I experience from time to time? The C's identified that as a 'reflection' of the connection to 4th density. That is a truly bizarre state because the heat is so intense it is almost unbearable, yet does not even show on a thermometer, and to anyone else who touches me, I am not hot. Yet the internal heat is unbelievable. So, yeah... the power flows through the hands...
A: Close.
Q: So, this 4th density energy flow makes us feel this tremendous heat that does not register physically?
A: Reflection of it.
In the books I mentioned there is no distinction between various types of Reiki instruction. The Cassiopeans do not agree.
Cassiopaean transcripts 940930 said:
Q: (L) What is the truth that Jesus taught?
A: That all men are loved by the creator and are one with same.
Q: (L) Did he perform miracles?
A: Some.
Q: (L) Can you tell us about one or two of them?
A: Healing.
Q: (L) Was he able to literally heal with the touch of his hand?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did he perform exorcisms?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Is Reiki the method he used to heal; or something similar?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is there any way to enhance the Reiki energy to make it powerful enough that one could do in a very short time what now takes quite a while?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What can one do to enhance the Reiki energy?
A: Attain lofty spiritual purity.
Q: (L) I have here two sets of Reiki symbols; which set is the correct or most powerful set: the first set or the second? [Holds up two sets of symbols]
A: The second set.
Q: (L) Are these the original Reiki symbols as given to Dr. Usui?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Are the Reiki symbols in the possession of C*** H*** the correct symbols?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are the symbols that A*** B*** is using correct?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is A*** B*** able to transmit the initiation in a full and powerful way?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is she just wasting her time thinking she is doing the transmitting?
A: Yours.
Q: (L) Is there someone I could go to for the correct initiation?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Do I know that person?
A: No.
Q: (L) Who do I know that may know that person?
A: H*** D***. V*** has strongest ability.
Q: (L) Does this mean that V*** has the strongest Reiki ability of us all?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is her Reiki more powerful than my Reiki?
A: Yes. S*** has no ability. Crosses yours out.
Q: (L) Are you saying that S*** has given me Reiki that has cancelled my own Reiki out?
A: Precisely.
Cassiopaean transcripts 941119 said:
Q: (L) Now, we went to the recommended person to take the Reiki initiation, do we now, at this point in time, have the true Reiki initiation?
A: Getting there. Must allow energy to solidify. Do you understand the concept of imprinting?
Q: (L) Yes.
A: Then you know.
Q: (L) Practicing Reiki is the thing that will solidify the force?
A: Partly.
Q: (L) Are there symbols for Reiki that are even older and stronger than the ones we have been given?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are the original symbols in Sanskrit?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Where are we going to find them?
A: You are not.
Q: (L) And the Reiki Symbols we learned from S*** are the closest we can get?
A: Yes. Good enough.
Q: (L) When one receives the Reiki initiation does it reverse the flow of intake and output, positive or negative polarity of the energy flow in the hands?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Does the left hand then become the output hand?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is the right hand then the intaking hand?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is the Sui Ching attunement S_***gives more powerful than anything we could have received from any other person?
A: Yes. Have faith.
Q: (L) The spiritual exercises she teaches, are those beneficial for us both to practice?
A: They are okay.
Q: (L) Is that so-so or really good?
A: Remember some things must be learned by your own path.
In the "The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr Mikao Usui" it says: "One Japanese Reiki school teaches that Dr. Usui received the Reiki energy with his left hand and passed it on with his right hand." Above the C's are indicating the left hand is output and the right hand is the intake. Perhaps the statement about where Dr. Usui received and passed it on is post rationalisation based on what people saw him doing. Another possibility is that attention and intent can change where the give and take occurs, especially for a master.

For the following quote there are two transcript dates with identical texts. It is 941103 and 941203. Which is the right I do not know.
Cassiopaean transcripts 941103 and 941203 said:
A: All Reiki you have as yet learned involves passage of healing energy, this one involves prolonged retention for strengthened power, thus results.
Q: (L) Where are you getting this from?
A: Access is Universal.
Q: (L) Did Dr. Usui also receive this and then not remember it?
A: Usui did not reveal all to Takata.
Q: (L) Why?
A: He was told that the knowledge was priceless and must not be wasted by too much dissemination particularly to those who do not have the burning desire for truth. Those who did, as you do, would find some way of accessing knowledge.
Q: (V) Are we also advised not to divulge this information?
A: As always, be discreet.
Q: (L) Is this something we should pass to *.* and *.*.
A: Open.
Q: (L) Is it necessary to line the points up and the ascending line with geometric precision?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And then, the circle elongated or more a perfect circle?
A: [Demonstration of drawing of circle part of symbol]
Q: (V) Has there ever been a crop circle that looks like this? It looks like one I saw.
A: Precisely. All are interrelated
Q: (L) Is it true that crop circles are a kind of grand Reiki being given to the planet?
A: But also messages and lessons.
Q: (L) Well, could it also be said that Reiki symbols as applied to the body are etheric messages to the etheric body?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Do they communicate information into our field, so to speak?
A: Everything that exists at all levels is just lessons.
Q: (L) Well, in the case of Reiki, what I specifically want to know is if, say an individual is psychically, spiritually, karmically, or otherwise wounded or discombobulated, does the application of Reiki symbols give messages to the electromagnetic field to re-form or re-arrange the pattern in the perfect pattern intended?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And can repeated application of this, can not only physical things, but also etheric things, be healed? That is karma and so forth?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So that our continual use of Reiki and application to ourselves and each other literally would cleanse us from our karmic burdens, memories or scars of the soul?
A: Yes.
The Cassiopaeans said "Access is Universal". I understand it to mean that the knowledge behind Reiki is not restricted to any time, any religion or faith or tradition. That it happens to be associated with in this case Buddhism, Chinese Qi Gong and Shintoism, is more because these traditions have been the keepers.

Ruth said:
Has anyone had any unusual experiences with Reiki? Would be interested to know.
Experience can result from practice from coincidence and from experimentation.

From practice I know that when I did a lot of Reiki on myself the Yoga Asanas became more smooth. It can be explained by the channels, nadis, or what ever becoming more free from obstructions.

As an experience resulting from coincidence I once put the hands on the stomach and then somehow fell asleep. On waking up a three hours later the energy was still running. Since then it happens only occasionally. That first time was like after a very profound meditation. It took an hour or more for the body to adapt. I do not know why or how it was possibly unless one can explain it by the subconscious not sleeping while the conscious mind dozes off and if the intention is strong before sleeping and no disturbance occurs, then the energy continues if there is a need.

Lastly one experience possible from experiment if one has learned Reiki: Why can one not give Reiki through the feet, I asked myself one day? One reason is that most people do not like to be stepped upon, but what about the Earth? To try this stand still, have the intention, give it five minutes and feel if anything happens - without anticipation. It is better to try without leather soles, boots or thick plastic soles. Try on a few consecutive idays and see if that changes anything.

Cyre2067 said:
I can also send my own bio-energy and this leaves me feeling weakened or drained.
BREATHE MORE, deeper and all of the time in all of the sessions is the suggestion given in "Quantum Touch" by Richard Gordon, It is not a Reiki book but it can work in conjunction. It is a very creative book and has good reviews too. Some of the concepts, like the one on 12 Chakras are bit beyond me, but the idea of breathing is useful. Techniques for breathing in connection with Reiki are also described in "The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Usui."

Update 20071229: Other threads and links about Reiki
Index » The Work » For Those Interested in Learning Reiki Laura lists a link: but I found it updated to:
Another thread is:
Index » What's on your mind » Recommended Reiki Master?

Frank Arjava Petter, the author whose books I mentioned, now teaches Jikiden Reiki. For a discussion see: He also has a website with newsletters, some of them here and there have more about the history of Reiki than there are in the books mentioned above:

I'm reviving this thread on Reiki History for its own sake after almost nine years and I wish to contribute to this thread from my recent readings on the subject after my having "attained" so-called First Degree in Usui Shiki Ryoho last month.

Thorbiorn gave good summaries in the first post of this thread on Frank Arjava Petter's books, which I have not read.

Although, Frank Arjava Petter himself is questionable. It is claimed that his research picked up where Mieko Mitsui left off (Mitsui "supposedly" reintroduced Reiki to Japan in 1985; other evidence points to Hawayo Takata "brought Reiki back" to Japan in mid-1970s, and it's plausible that she may not had known about Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai already existing in Japan).

Those who are familiar with Reiki may be aware of Hawayo Takata's version of "Reiki Story", which can be read on James Deacon's website: The (hi)story of Reiki as told by Takata-Sensei

This is the "story" that was presented in my Level I manual and apparently other Masters used it as well (I was told that those with Reiki Alliance used it). Although, Deacon points out that this is nothing more than a "Teaching Story" for the listener's heart, but many still believe that it's true.

There is an useful page, "Historical Reiki Inconsistencies" which goes into the background of Takata's "story" and other inconsistencies.

Up to 1980s, it was believed that Takata was the only Reiki Master in the world. Then, starting in the 1990s, new information came to light from several "researchers".

As Penelope Quest wrote in her The Reiki Manual: A Training Guide for Reiki Students, Practitioners and Masters (2010):

page 32 said:
In the 1990s, information began to reach the West from Japan which indicated that Dr. Usui had been a Buddhist priest, not a Christian priest, and that he had passed his Master level teachings on to seventeen people, not only to Chujiro Hayashi. Nor had all the Reiki Masters in Japan been killed during the Second World War, so Reiki had continued to be taught there since Mikao Usui's death. Indeed, an organization existed which was dedicated to preserving his original teachings - the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai. This new information came from two men in particular - Frank Arjava Petter, a European Reiki Master, at that time living and working in Japan with his Japanese wife, Chetna Kobayashi, and Hiroshi Doi, a Japanese Reiki Master who has trained in both Japanese and Western Reiki traditions. Others who have contributed to our current knowledge of Reiki in Japan include Dave King, Chris Marsh, Melissa Riggall and Robert Jefford, and more recently Rick Rivard and Andy Bowling, all of whom have spent time researching in Japan.

It is no doubt that these "researchers" opened the door to a new understanding of Reiki and its origins, but of course, they are still considered to be questionable in one form or another (even if they had good intentions).

From my readings, I got a hard impression that Mikao Usui did not create the Reiki system as we know it.

There is one interesting book that I just finished reading that I would like to share:

O-Sensei: A View of Mikao Usui by Dave King

This small book of 90 pages was published in 2013 by Lulu Press with a foreword by Rick Rivard. It contains an author's brief background and small accounts from a Buddhist nun named Mariko Obaasan (aka Tenon-In; born in 1897, died in 2005) on Usui system. It's rather a short book.

The second chapter of this book is Mariko Obaasan's "story", which the author based this book on:

Note: I typed all of the below quotes by hand, so I couldn't include the Japanese characters.

page 7-11 said:
"After the death of my husband in the Great War of 1914-1918 I had little option but to take holy orders and become a nun. My family were followers of the Tendai sect so in early 1919 I said goodbye to my old life and entered the monastery. I was given a new name: Tenon which means "blessings of heaven".

"I began to enjoy my new life. I quickly made new friends in the monastery. My closest friends was Yuri who was also a war widow. She used to play the koto and shakuhachi before the war.

"The next year Yuri and I travelled to the Enryaku Temple on Hiei-zan in nearby Kyoto. This is the main temple of the Tendai in Japan. Late on the second evening we noticed a man sitting quietly in front of the Amida statue. He stayed there for a long time. As he rose to his feet he noticed us and introduced himself as Usui Mikao. He was living in a tiny room in Taka-no-kamitake-yacho that was about an hour's walk down Hiei-zan. We talked for a long time and I began to realize that this man had more of the Buddha within him than anyone I had ever met. He asked us if we would like to work with him. Of course, we would have to ask our abbot but we felt a great excitement. On our return to the monastery we discovered that Usui-sama had already made the request of the abbot and we were permitted to work with Usui as long as we returned to the monastery at night to perform our sacred duties.

"Later in the year we were joined by three more Tendai sisters. We discovered that Usui-sama had been developing a system of spiritual practices based on Chinese spiritual practice that made use of traditional values in those days of change in our country.

"Usui-sama told us that he had been taken by his parents to a Buddhist temple of the Tendai sect at the age of four. He had later taken a vow as a lay Tendai monk and had travelled to China and Korea before settling down and raising a family. He learned Classical Japanese and Mandarin and was able to read Sanskrit and Hangul. He was seeking a way of achieving inner harmony.

"We settled in. I became known as Mariko by O-Sensei and his visitors. Usui-sama lived in a 6 mat room filled with papers and teapots. On several occasions a very active man named Eguchi-sama appeared with bundles of cash. They spent hours together with Usui-sama demonstrating his ideas while we had to make endless pots of tea and clean up. Eguchi-sama was a teacher with strong religious beliefs.

"Usui-sama spent many hours in the temple libraries. Sometimes he would ask us questions. People kept appearing, drinking tea, and then quietly disappearing again. Then we started to learn his system. O-Sensei was meticulous and we were made to repeat everything over and over.

"Usui-sama frequently made trips to Hiei-zan. He told us that he was waiting. We asked what it was that he was waiting for. He replied that he would know when it arrived. Then one day in 1921, Usui-sama made yet another trip up to the Enryaku Temple and returned several days later with a sheet of gold coloured paper.

"O-Sensei sent one of us to buy mitsumata washi and he spent the rest of the day with ink and brush. When we returned the next day the paper was already mounted in the tokonoma. He had signed the sheet in red ink and had spilled some of the ink on the edge of his cushion which took the shape of kokoro.

"The next year on March 3 we made one final trip to Hiei-zan and set off for Tokyo on the Nakasendo. We made many stops on the way and often walked between the villages. We arrived in Tokyo at the end of March. In early April O-Sensei located a 12 jo room in Jarajuku which belonged to Koichi-san, a friend of Eguchi. Then came the earthquake of 1923. We all helped with the injured and the lost ones. Usui moved to a new room and at last had a separate place in which to sleep. Occasionally O-Sensei went out to work in the City.

"Eguchi returned in 1923 with his own te-no-hira [palm healing] system that used parts of O-Sensei's work. It was almost a religion and part of this system was a ceremony that Eguchi had obtained from a friend named Nishida in which a form of blessing was offered each doka. This displeased Usui a great deal but eventually Eguchi was permitted to come and teach at Usui's centre twice a week and even do the ceremony but not chant the Komyo Kagan.

"All five of us assisted Usui during work times. O-Sensei often forgot to go home and sometimes fell asleep on the floor of his workspace. We went back to our temple at night but were back bright and early the following day. Yuri and I both achieved the Usui-Do rokudan level on December 31, 1924.

"In 1925 a group of high ranked naval officers arrived to learn the system. In May a surgeon-commander named Hayashi arrived. He was always smiling at me and seemed to listen to what Usui had to say.

"Then in November two navy admirals appeared who were always complaining and demanding more information. The boss-man was called Gyuda and always wore his sword and boots. With them came 18 naval junior officers who often arrived in uniform but did not appear at all interested. But they were paying our bills... After several disputes over procedure, Hayashi was asked to write a small book which talked about healing methods and different hands-on techniques mostly originating in anma acupressure.

"The following year we ran out of money again. O-Sensei departed for Fukuyama and we never saw him alive again. We all five stayed together after Usui's death. Hayashi took over the school and in May we were moved to another temple. It was so sad!"

If the above account is true, or even close to it (with an emphasis on IF), then some aspects are curious:

From above "account", there is no mention of the "famous" story of a spiritual enlightenment that Usui received during his 21-day meditation fast on Mount Kurama during March of 1921.

Usui having spent a lot of time in temple libraries made sense, considering the idea that the symbols he was teaching came from the ancient Buddhist texts and his wish to further his knowledge on the religious subjects and his goal of achieving inner harmony. Even if he "achieved" enlightenment on some mountain (even some researchers questioned which mountain), the symbols could already be in his subconscious mind and brought forth with some sort of an "understanding" to them.

This "Eguchi" character is interesting. Real name was Toshihiro Eguchi and can be read on Deacon's page: Toshihiro Eguchi. In both Deacon's page and above "account", it's very important to note that Usui was "uncomfortable" and "displeased" with Eguchi's approach and yet Eguchi was still allowed to teach at his dojo (likely to pay Usui's bills?). A "form of blessing" that Egushi was offering to each doka could be Reiji or "empowerment".

The part above about Hayashi "always smiling at me" stood out to me as just creepy. He possibly was just being "nice", but it was curious that particular behavior stood out in Mariko's memory (that is, if she was a real person).

The whole scene of navy officers showing up is suspicious in itself (not just from above account, from all accounts). And, the part about "Hayashi was asked to write a small book" could possibly be referred to him being asked by the navy admirals rather than by Usui.

The following quote, written by Dave King, is from Chapter 7, which discusses the Usui system(s) (which is similar to above):

page 31-35 said:
It transpires that a number of versions of the system were taught in Usui's school. Resident speakers and guests often presented material from other spiritual and religious groups. There were at least five versions of the system during its six years of development.

The 1920 system

This represents the original thoughts of Mikao Usui. During this year five Buddhist nuns joined Usui, two of whom spoke with Shen-Lissa [Melissa Riggall] during her stay in Japan in 1996.

The 1921 system

Eguchi joined the group in February 1921. Later, after the snows were over, Usui walked up the mountain to Heizan returned several days later bearing several sheets of yellow paper in a folder. One of the nuns was sent to the city to buy paper and a new brush. She returned with a beautiful sheet of mulberry paper and Usui settled down to write a set of simple concepts that were to form the basis of his system that was to be transmitted in the style of his mentor Kano Jigoro, the founder of Judo. Despite problems with money he began to offer his ideas to students who cared to listen.

Transition to Tokyo

On March 3, 1922, Usui, his family and several close followers including the 5 nuns, set off for Tokyo. O-Sensei paid a last visit to Heizan and they began the long walk along the Nakasendo to the Eastern Capital, arriving around the end of March. In the next few days they had found a small place in Harajuku from which to work. Slowly Usui became known and a few students started to arrive to hear his message. At that time there were no formal levels - students simply worked through the material guided by Usui.

The 1923 system

After a further visit by Kano Jigoro, Usui adopted a set of levels of achievement from rokyu up to shichidan. Each level had its own set of exercises and a simple ritual marking the transition to each level. This 1923 system is passed on to us as Usui-Do.

In November 1923 Eguchi started to teach his own system twice per week at Usui's dojo. Egushi's system was a "palm healing" technique that expanded on Usui's ideas and made use of prayer and other religious practices.

The 1925 system

In May 1925 a naval officer named Chuujirou Hayashi settled in at the dojo. Hayashi was a joyful man who had been retired from the navy but was still a reserve officer. He showed great interest in the teachings. He was asked to write a guide book in which a number of rituals and techniques were described (Usui did not have any written material for his own system according to the nuns and to several other Usui students).

In the Novemeber of 1925, a group of naval officers arrived at the dojo. There were 18 junior officers led by rear admirals Ushida and Taketomi. Within days Ushida had taken control and imposed the military menkyo system, offering the information up to nidan in four grades: shoden (first grade), chuden (middle grade), okuden (inner grade) and kaiden (completion grade). The levels up to rokudan became collectively called shinpiden (teaching of the mysteries) and contained two levels: menkyo kaiden and soke.

The dojo was now charging a high entrance fee. Eguchi now formally presented Usui's teachings using the menkyo grading system. The term Usui Teàte became used but Usui himself kept an eye on the proceedings.

The 1926 system

At the start of 1926 the grades were once again changed. The shoden level now included chuden and was divided back into four parts just as it had been using the Kano grading. Okuden became okuden-zenki (front part of okuden) and kaiden was split into okuden-kouki (last part of okuden) and shinpiden (mystery level). The remaining levels were dropped and the system was now directed at working on others rather than the self.

Ushida and Taketomi reached the new shinpiden level with much celebration but Hayashi had persevered with the upper levels and, unknown to the more senior officers, was awarded shichidan in the original grading.

In March of this year Usui departed for Fukuyama and never returned. He died on March 9. Hayashi had been named by Usui as the successor and the dojo was dissolved in the May of 1926.

Eguchi and the nuns set up a private resting place for Usui and in it were placed a buried jar containing a portion of Usui's remains, a portrait of Usui and the original sheet of washi bearing Usui's Gainen.

The naval officers remained at the new clinic set up by Hayashi and in 1931 Hayashi started to present his own system at this clinic, based on palm healing.

In May the five nuns were relocated to a temple in another region of Japan. Eguchi went on to present his system at Nishida's Ittoen centre in Kyoto.

What did Usui Create? What happened to this system?

Usui developed a meditative, spiritual system. Its purpose is to maintain unity of the self (body, mind and spirit) through harmony and balance. This is performed in an unconditional and non-judgmental manner. A set of concepts called Gainen form the basis of the entire system.

[image of Japanese characters of Gainen]

O-Sensei simply called his teachings "My System" but his students referred to them as Usui-Do.

What's really bothers me about Usui is that he didn't stand his ground to defend his system, so to speak, and watching his system be changed by others before his very eyes.

The author goes further on some of the people involved and brief discussion of Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, which was formed by Ushuda and other naval officers. Usui was named as the "first president" of this secret society, but only as an honorary status after his death. Usui didn't create the Gakkai society as some thought. Then, the author goes briefly into the dojo environment, Gainen, symbols (which came from Buddhism and Sanskrit) before ending his book with an afterword - he wrote here how he was disappointed that he pursued "Tibetan Reiki" system before he realized it was nowhere near the original, which prompted him to begin his research in Japan and eventually created his system based on the original: Usui-Do

In one of this book's appendixes, the author goes into the word "Reiki" itself:

page 89-90 said: a compound of REI and KI imported directly from China, where it is pronounced LINGQI. It is used to express the concept of intelligence, often as a supernatural or miraculous power. In Taoist cosmology the act of conception unites the souls called HUN and PO. When that being dies HUN returns to Heaven to be reborn in another incarnation and PO returns to Earth. However, if that being achieves a state of "nirvana" it may choose not to "die" in which case the souls remain on Earth as LINGQI and may become a source of guidance to those who come after. The result is simply a presence, not a "form of energy".


In 1996 Shen Lissa studied with Tatsumi-san who was a student of Chuujirou Hayashi from 1927 to 1931. One day she pointed to a photo of the Usui concepts in Tatsumi-san's house. She noted the term "Reiki" and said that this was how the West referred to the hand healing system. Tatsumi-san said that using the term "reiki", O-Sensei had been referring to his ancestors. Usui Reiki Ryoho simply means "Usui system for connecting with your ancestral self" - something that is already within each one of us from the moment of conception.

I found it interesting that the word "Reiki" was taken out of context by the West and called it "Universal Life Energy". The phrase "connecting with your ancestral self" could be related to "Higher Self"?

Now, about Dave King himself (who is also questionable):

Deacon wrote:

Dave King & Melissa Riggall

Dave King promotes what he refers to as Usui-Do - claiming this to be "an authentic reconstruction" of the "meditative, Spiritual system" of Mikao Usui.

Melissa Rigall (died March 12, 2003) maintained that she has met several of Dr. Hayashi's students while in Japan, and both she and Dave claim to have met about a dozen of Usui Sensei's surviving students, including one who was more than 112 years old and a Buddhist nun aged 105 who was apparently trained to the second highest level by Usui Sensei.

According to Dave, he and Melissa were taught Reiki (Rokudan level) by Yuji Onuki (who apparently trained to Shichidan level with Toshihiro Eguchi - a onetime friend and student of Usui-Sensei) in 1971 in Morocco.

Dave says he spent time with Mr. Tatsumi, [said to be one of Hayashi-Sensei's Shichidan (Usui-Do) and Shinpiden (Hayashi Reiki) students], in rural Japan and achieved Usui-do shichidan (level 7) in 1995.

He apparently learnt Tatsumi's attunement process and was allowed to trace copies of the four Reiki symbols in Hayashi's handwriting. Tatsumi died in October 1996 and is said to have left his complete set of master level notes for Dave and Melissa to review.

Apparently Dave and Melissa also had Godan (3rd highest level in the original Usui-Do) conferred on them in October 2002 by from Mariko-Obaasan, a Tendai Buddhist nun whom, we are told - like Chris Marsh's 'Suzuki-san' - was one of Usui-Sensei's original students.

Recently (Autumn 2003) a number of people have begun to voice concerns as to the validity of the Usui-Do information propagated by Dave King. Mariko-Obaasan's accounts regarding early Reiki history, Mikao Usui, and the Reiki teachings have not been confirmed or verified. In fact, the very existence of Mariko-Obaasan is being questioned in some quarters, with the suggestion that the Mariko-Obaasan material may actually be - to put it diplomatically - 'channelled' information.

[However, in all fairness, it should be pointed out that concerns have also been voiced with regards to the 'Suzuki-san' material being taught by Chris Marsh, and indeed even the validity of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai information being circulated by Hiroshi Doi has been questioned.]

The idea that Mariko-Obaasan material could be "channelled" is interesting and very possible. Regardless, the book was an interesting read.

Deacon once wrote here that the symbols were not originally a part of the system and Usui introduced them at the later time - which I think that could happened when the naval officers showed up. These symbols were used as "training wheels". Considering the fact that Usui's earlier students were already accustomed to certain spiritual practices that those officers were not used to, it would make sense that symbols were to be used to help a student along in his development, so to speak. By then, the use of symbols became "necessary" and utilized by later system.

Then, I read Don Beckett's Reiki, the True Story: An Exploration of Usui Reiki (2009), which contains only aspects from Dave King's research but from other sources as well (which I have yet to search for). I'm not sure of this author's use of "True Story" in its title. It's resourceful book, for sure, but it doesn't really make it "true".

On "Reiki Empowerment", Beckett wrote:

28-29 said:
One definitive aspect of Usui Reiki is the energetic "empowerment" of the student by the teacher. The outward aspect of this procedure customarily includes hand movements: the teacher's hands placed in a sequence of locations in the student's aura. The purpose, as with everything in Reiki, is to bring about the unification of the personal ki and the Universal Rei.

Exploring the history of empowerment procedures in Reiki, we find ourselves in yet another mystery. Dave King and Chris Marsh, both of whom have been taught by people who were taught by Usui himself, have encountered such different teachings! It's not surprising that Usui would have varied his teachings to fit individual students, or that his own method and understanding would have changed with time - surely those are safe to assume. But the mystery engulfs even something as basic as whether Usui himself used and/or taught any sort of energetic empowerment procedure.

According to Dave King, Usui did not. In laying out the historical sequence of empowerment procedures, Dave says the following:

  • Usui himself used no energetic empowerment procedure, only a ceremonial "rite of passage" at each level of the Usui-do system.
  • Usui's friend Eguchi used this same ceremony (known as Transformation) when teaching the system called Usui Teàte (which he was allowed to teach in Usui's dojo).
  • Eguchi, when teaching his own system - which was called Eguchi Te-no-hira Ryoji (Eguchi Palm-of-the-hand Healing), and which he also taught in Usui's dojo - used an energetic empowerment procedure called denju ("instruction" or "initiation").
  • Usui's students Ushida and Taketomi (the navy Admirals) were instrumental in deriving (from Usui Teàte) the method called Usui Reiki Ryoho, in which they used an energetic empowerment procedure called Reiji ("blessing" or "giving Spirit", which Dave believes was derived from Eguchi's denju procedure).
  • Dr. Hayashi, around 1931, modified Usui's Transformation ceremony - and later replaced it with an energetic empowerment procedure called Jikiden ("initiation" or "direct transmission of skill").
  • And, finally, that Hawayo Takata modified the Jikiden procedure to create what has come to be called Attunement.

We know, from Dave King and Mr. Doi and others, that Reiju has been used in the Usui Gakkai since its inception. But did Usui himself use Reiju? Dave says no. Chris Marsh's teachers say they received an energetic "blessing" or Reiju from Usui - but that he gave it without a formal procedure, just by intent. And that they were taught to give it using a formal Reiju procedure from Tendai Buddhism.

Could it be that the Reiju procedure, like Reiki symbols and kotodama and hand positions, was intended as "training wheels" - to be used as long as needed, and then put aside? Many of us have discovered for ourselves that there comes a time when Reiki "empowerment" can be given by mere intent, with no procedure at all. And now we learn that was indeed Usui's way of doing it.

It is not explained why would Takata gives four attunements in Level I class and two in Level II (I cannot find the real reason yet), but the general idea was to integrate the person's energy "properly". Being given one symbol in a person's "field" make sense, but multiple "cosmic microchips" sure feel redundant.

In sum, it does sound like Usui was a "natural" healer, but the focus of his own "method" wasn't healing. It felt as if Usui himself was a "seed" for all the systems to be used for healing, but he himself didn't create the system we know as "Reiki".

The question becomes, if Usui can "heal" others and taught his earlier students to do the same, can we do the same without "procedures" and "rituals"? We may never really be sure what exactly he did to "heal" other people when it's not the main focus of his method, but merely a part of it.

The most common Usui system, Usui Shiki Ryoho (Usui-Style Healing Method) involved with "attunements", is a version created by Hawayo Takata. If you have a "proper" lineage to Takata, then you are practitioner of this system. Even this system became corrupted by its students (just like Usui's students with their changes) and adding their own "stuffs" to it (for a lack of better word).
Much appreciated, Zadius Sky!

I've always thought, that the historical story about Usui and the birth of Reiki was too "romantic". The meticulous research you've done on the subject is very valuable, and raises many important questions. My own Reiki-teacher, who also traveled to "the source" in Japan, stressed the fact, that the most important aspect of the original Reiki (whatever that means) was the meditation part. That the "charlatans" do not include meditation in their procedures. And, as you pointed out, the arrival of these naval officers, and how they changed things, has always stood out for me as something suspicious. If one would have to guess, this sounds just like an intentional cointelpro-type of changing the original concepts. I wonder, if the thing we call Reiki today, and what we learn - with attunements and all - is miles away from the original teachings?

Another thing that comes to mind, is how Reiki can easily become an vehicle for STS-activities. I've seen this happen, how the Reiki practitioner feels that they are the "Great healer" who cures people. You can spot this attitude on many internet sites, too, advertising their "healing powers". I'm just guessing here, but perhaps the reason for the "naval officers" to stress the hands-on procedure, and the attunements (like: you can't do Reiki without attunements!), is because they were very STS-oriented and wanted to feed on it. So, if it's any comfort, as I do Reiki to someone I try to think that "okay, my attunements, symbols etc. might not be the absolutely original ones, but if my intention is STO-oriented, to help people if they ask for it (and taking myself out of the equation), then I'm probably doing something useful and helpful for the individual, and negating the "corrupted elements" that come along through the lineage.

Another thing my teacher said, when he told about his experiences in Japan, was that among the Japanese Reiki-type "healer guys", there were so called kiko-masters, who could perform healing and other remarkable things only with their eyes , not touching anything (like lighting a cigarette! Yes, this one guy showed him this.). Perhaps laying-hands is just for novices. What I'm getting at, is that like Gurdjieff, Usui might have known more "weird stuff" than he let others know. And perhaps they "shut him down". I think the C's said something about Usui knowing more than he shared. And, who knows what this Eguchi guy knew, and from where he had learned his stuff. Interesting...

ADDED: You know, one of the reasons why the meditation was omitted, might be that STS-oriented persons have no interest in doing that. I don't think e.g. a psychopath has even any idea of how to do that!
Aragorn said:
ADDED: You know, one of the reasons why the meditation was omitted, might be that STS-oriented persons have no interest in doing that. I don't think e.g. a psychopath has even any idea of how to do that!

'STS-oriented persons' don't meditate?!

Haven't you noticed that the New Age movement is brimming with character-disturbed people?

I've met or heard of psycho Reiki masters, psycho gurus, psycho yoga teachers, psycho SRT therapists, psycho massage therapists, psycho Tai Chi masters, etc.

They all 'meditated' to some extent or another. What they were channelling or tapping into is a different story...
Niall said:
Aragorn said:
ADDED: You know, one of the reasons why the meditation was omitted, might be that STS-oriented persons have no interest in doing that. I don't think e.g. a psychopath has even any idea of how to do that!

'STS-oriented persons' don't meditate?!

Haven't you noticed that the New Age movement is brimming with character-disturbed people?

I've met or heard of psycho Reiki masters, psycho gurus, psycho yoga teachers, psycho SRT therapists, psycho massage therapists, psycho Tai Chi masters, etc.

They all 'meditated' to some extent or another. What they were channelling or tapping into is a different story...

Point taken! :)

I'm sure, what you say is true. I didn't develop my thought to completion, so what you say is a good reminder. Nowdays, meditation being a popular thing for "spiritual development", I agree, that most charlatans out there are including this in their "schools". And the thing they are after with the meditation might be quite different (e.g. being - perhaps unconsciously - in contact with STS-forces etc.) than what we are.

My logic was, that way back then, when they were reconfiguring the contents of the Reiki training, they might have omitted the meditation part, because they felt it was redundant. At least, doing it the "Usui-way" with silencing your mind and concentrating on your breathing could be too boring for some people. ;)
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