Session 24 July 1999


FOTCM Member
July 24, 1999

Ark, Laura, Frank

Q: Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: Who do we have with us this evening?

A: Conopi.

Q: And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: I have been having a dialogue with a fellow on the net in the last week or so who is very well versed in the Ra Material. He sent me a large chunk of volume 5 of the Ra books, which was material that had not been released earlier. It seems that during the times that Don Elkins was asking some questions about different conspiracies and the nature of the 4th density STS manipulations and some other rather grim subjects, that there was some sort of judgment made by this group, or members of this group, that such subjects were not appropriate lines of questioning for an STO channel. They were, apparently, considered to be a focusing on negative aspects, therefore they were not of 'love and light.' Such questions and directions of questions were, therefore, discouraged or agreed by this group to be not desirable to pursue. Don Elkins DID, however, commit suicide. Can you tell us why?

A: Suicide is a chosen pathway for the purpose of close realization of shutting off the noise.

Q: What noise was he wanting to shut off?

A: It is a figure of speech.

Q: I would like to understand. Here, these folks had this marvelous contact with Ra...

A: Contact with Ra does not preclude the possibility of attack.

Q: Why did Ra not convey to him the information necessary to understand that he was under attack, and what kind of attack it was, and how to deal with it?

A: The questions were not asked.

Q: Why were the questions not asked that would have protected him?

A: "Love and Light."

Q: So, because they were so focused on the love and light aspects...

A: There is no positivity without negativity.

Q: So, positivity, alone, becomes, in effect, negativity, or becomes null?

A: No, there is always negativity present, whether acknowledged or not.

Q: So, you are saying that if it is not acknowledged, placed on the table, so to speak, that it sort of 'bites you' no matter what? That, in some way it will manifest, and if a person goes to an extreme in terms of love and light, the negativity will come in the back door?

A: Close.

Q: Okay, there was a little bit more about Linda Howe and David Jacobs on the net recently. Bruce Maccabee wrote an article in which he described the differences in attitudes between David Jacobs and Linda Howe. David Jacobs, of course, thinks the whole alien thing is 4th density STS. He pretty much understands it and has a grip on the negative nature of these manipulations. But, Maccabee mentions that Linda Howe is inclined to follow the 'aliens are here to help us no matter how horrible these things they do seem' path. She seems to be trying to find goodness in all of it, despite the in-depth investigations she has done into the cattle mutilations and so forth. So, once again, this has come up in discussion. Comment please.

A: Specifics, please.

Q: Well, once before, you said she was not corruptible, but, this blindness to the negative nature of our reality and the obvious manipulations, seems to be a form of corruption.

A: No, you are reading too much into critiques. There is much jealousy within the "UFO community." This manifests as sniping, name calling, and other forms of skullduggery. You have tasted some of this bitter tea yourself, and, of course, it is all representative of attack.

Q: (A) Well, we were talking about Don Elkins, and essentially, he was under attack, but the questions were not asked that could have helped him to understand this. I would like to ask if we are under attack now. It is better to ask the question.

A: You have always been under attack, but the difference is that you have awareness of it. Knowledge protects.

Q: (L) Well, if Carla were here, would you say anything to her?

A: Yes, but this is not important.

Q: (A) I am always suspicious. We had this car stopping in front of our house, and I was suspecting that they were doing something; beaming something at us, or deploying some kind of frequency at us. Was my suspicion justified?

A: Ask yourself by examining the details. What did the vehicle look like? What did it do? What did the occupants look like? Etc... Observation is the companion of awareness.

Q: (L) The one strange thing about this was that, at that particular time, A became very sick. His stomach just went completely bonkers and he has been unable to eat anything but bread and milk for several days now. Was this related?

A: We did not hear your responses to inquiries.

Q: (L) Well, on three different occasions this happened. One vehicle was a taxi, one was an ordinary red car, and the other was a new pick-up truck. In the one case, the person seemed to be just parked there and eating. I didn't see what the taxi person was doing. (A) He was essentially doing nothing... just sitting there. (L) And then the truck: somebody stopped and got out and was doing something, and I thought it might be a meter reader, but by the time we saw the woman, she was getting back in the truck, and it was not a regular service truck from the water or power companies.

A: In future, when you notice suspicious activities such as this, record them. If necessary, approach the vehicle in a friendly manner, explain to them your required response as a member of a neighborhood crime watch team. Observe aerial anomalies as well. Be vigilant and on guard.

Q: (A) I would like to know what brought on my drastic and prolonged stomach problem? Was it my fault? (L) Was it the turkey, the vitamins, or what?

A: The potential for food poisoning requires greatly increased awareness on your part. Remember, this is a perfect modus of attack. Wash hands often, be very careful with what you ingest.

Q: (L) I double washed the greens in the salad, the meat was fresh from the deli...

A: Deli meats? In this era: verboten!!!

Q: (L) I guess I have to cook everything myself. No more prepared foods.

A: There is currently a huge problem there. But why? Ignorance feeds opportunity for experimentation. If ever needed, many could be eliminated this way. After all, how ignorant the populace!

Q: (L) I thought it was the turkey. It wasn't the greens or the dressing. But, I had them slice it from a fresh roast. (F) There is a LOT of this sort of thing happening. It's in the news all the time. It is getting worse and worse and more and more frequent. (A) How can we be sure that our water is okay?

A: R.O.

Q: (L) Yes, we have an R.O. water filter. (F) Yes, when you have the combination of a water softener and a reverse osmosis purifier, there is very little chance that you will have any contaminants in your water, even if it is deliberately put into the water. There was an article today about a local well that had high levels of radiation. I don't think the R.O. will filter that, however. (L) Essentially, we are living in dangerous times. (F) Yes, what an easy way to eliminate people by putting things in the food or water. (A) One more health question. What is this blister that both of us have?

A: Germ.

Q: (L) A germ?

A: Yes, but mild.

Q: (L) I want to ask what happened to our tape recorder several sessions ago when it recorded at about triple speed.

A: EM interference.

Q: (L) From what source?

A: Radio towers.

Q: (L) How could EM interference from a radio tower cause my tape recorder to record at triple speed when it is a one-speed recorder?

A: You remember your 30 second long phone ring 5 1/2 years ago?

Q: (L) Sort of. I remember that happening once. It was completely strange. It started ringing and it was like stuck.

A: Nuff said.

Q: (A) Is this EM interference from radio towers directed?

A: More like attracted.

Q: Attracted by all of us, any particular one of us, or what we are doing here?

A: Latter.

Q: (L) And, of course, at that exact time we were asking questions about Nazi mind programming, Arizona Wilder and her wild claims regarding present day mind programming, and we actually lost some of the tape because of the speed. We were able to recover a lot by digitizing the recording and speeding it up and enhancing it somewhat. A 45 minute side of tape finished recording in about 15 minutes. And then, another bizarre thing is that it didn't trigger the auto shut-off when it hit the end of the tape. We continued the session thinking we had a tape going, but it had already ended! I had to reconstruct about 20 minutes of the session. Another funny thing was that, last Saturday, we were sitting there playing the last part over and over again to determine exactly where the tape had ended, and it kept ending on "Kennedy." And, of course, that night we hear that JFK, Jr. has been killed. Then, of course, A points out that these Kennedy people aren't very bright. They should have figured out by now that they are under special attack conditions for some reason, and should NEVER take risks. So, I want to know what is the deal on this JFK, Jr. plane crash?

A: Lack of awareness feeds fate.

Q: (L) That's the truth! And of course now all the tabloids and rumor mongers are saying that this kind of plane couldn't do such a nose dive; somebody heard an explosion; the rumors are just flying. And, in relation to rumors, there are a lot of them flying around about the weather. What's the deal with all the recent weather activity? These terribly unusual lightning storms?

A: Increased static electricity in atmosphere.

Q: (A) Is it only in our region or all over the planet?

A: Latter.

Q: (L) Well, it all seems to be discharging over our heads! I have never witnessed such lightning. (A) Okay, I was trying to figure out how to build this expanded gravity, and I made a table to assist the question. The first possibility is that one can build gravity on a square matrix. This matrix can be symmetric, can be non-symmetric, or can be a complex matrix, which I call possibilities a, b, and c. The second possibility is to build a theory of gravity on the basis of a connection which looks like a cube rather than a matrix. Here we also have three possibilities: no curvature, but torsion; no torsion but curvature; torsion and curvature. These are possibilities 1, 2, and 3. Another possibility is to use any combination of these two lines of speculation. Another possibility is none of the above, but to build gravity on the basis of an irregular cube, or an irregular square, which I call A. Another possibility is to use something that is none of the above.

A: Octagonal complexigram. Try the formula for possibility 1-c first.

Q: (A) During the last two weeks or so, I got a new connection through the internet, in particular I was pointed to a Russian guy by the name Alexander Shpilman, who is writing about special generators of what is called 'spin field,' which is supposedly a new kind of field which can penetrate lead without any problem, and he is building or describing the generator of this field which has essentially rotating pieces of ferrite with little magnets inside and so on, which can be detected by human beings because you can feel this field if you are in the right state and so forth. This guy and another guy named Boyd then try to relate this to some kind of expanded gravity with torsion because spin is supposed to be a source of torsion in space. All that seems to me quite reasonable, and maybe even the right track to follow. (L) He even talks about the funny 'light pole.' (A) What I want to know is if the things that Shpilman is describing really work?

A: Yes, they would work.

Q: (A) Is it a path to a kind of expanded gravity?

A: Enhanced gravitational pull. Relates to space/time management.

Q: (A) Another problem: I am stuck at one point. When we were talking about phi and Mandelbrot, you mentioned the name 'Carboni.' (L) And you also mentioned the name 'Carboni' to Santilli, saying that this group was behind the Molise Institute.

A: Yes. Scientific/intelligence matrix. Neapolitan.

Q: (L) Well, we did a search and have not been able to find anything on it. I don't know if Molise has very much money behind it because, by looking at their pages, it doesn't seem to be very well funded.

A: Looks can be deceiving. Front is vulcanology.

Q: (L) You mean they study volcanoes?

A: Front.

Q: (L) Ark wrote an e-mail to Santilli because Ruggero sent out an announcement by e-mail that he was going to be suing several people for using his stuff without giving him credit; stealing his work, in effect. So, Ark wrote him a little note inquiring about the situation and invited him to get in touch. So far, we haven't had any response. Any comment?

A: Terry and Jan Rodemerk poisoned this link.

{I suspect that this response does not suggest that Terry and Jan did this consciously or deliberately.}

Q: (L) I was recently re-reading that Santilli session, and it is really strange. He was so happy and enthusiastic, and he somehow just got turned off and turned completely cold. Is there any point in pursuing that link?

A: You can reestablish it if you wish, with some effort to make clear that Arkadiusz is here.

Q: (L) Is it useful to reestablish that link, for research reasons or otherwise?

A: Possibly, but his faculties are not what they once were.

Q: (A) But, I still don't understand what is the story with this Carboni that was mentioned in a quite unexpected way, in relation to phi?

A: Phi is a key component to the puzzle with regard to gravity waves. Carboni relates to one of the "keepers of the castle," so to speak.

Q: (A) So, this is a kind of a foundation, yes?

A: Clues, clues.

Q: (L) Maybe Carboni is the name of an author or something that relates to this. A castle implies a kind of fortification in which something is being protected. So, maybe somebody named Carboni knows one of the keys to get inside...

A: Yes, but this is dangerous to fool with, unless with care! Figure it out yourself? O.K. Publicize it? Be oh so careful. Magnetic fields relate. Mineral properties... Study these with regard to your gravitational questions. What compounds balance material space? Which ones reflect this property on your locator?

Q: (L) Are you guys gonna leave if I ask the 'Nobel Prize' question?

A: Try it and see.

Q: (L) Are we ever gonna win the Nobel Prize?

A; Open.

Q: (L) Well, we would really like to have some bucks to settle down to this research, work on the web pages, publish books, and so forth... I would like to get a book put together and sell it on the website. Which, by the way, we have a new domain... called '' Aren't you proud? I have put up a LOT of new material and people are reading it! Well? (A) No comment.

A: Yes, so now we say goodbye.

End of session
Just last night I was watching this on youtube:

I was struck while reading this transcript. Particularly the part where Laura is asking about "building gravity on a square matrix (1) and a complex matrix (c). The answer the C's give is: " Octagonal complexigram. Try the formula for possibility 1-c first."

In the above video the gentleman explains that Ouspensky (quoting Gurdjieff) in ISOTM says the enneagram as Gurdjieff knew it was incomplete. In the 80's though, another symbol was discovered while working on closed-propulsion systems and found that the symbols in ISOTM fit within this newer symbol. The eight points on the outer edge of this matrix SEEM to contain the symbols that somehow can be utilized in physics.

Truth be told, I feel out of my league with regard to understanding how it might be applied to the physics of gravity though this man seems to think so. I just wanted to post it today because:
1) someone else may find it relevant.
2) It seems to "fit" with the C's suggestion: is 8-sided though circular, containing the square(s) and certainly complex.
3) I just realized this morning (Duh) last night just happens to be the anniversary of this transcript ( a meaningful synchronicity)
and 4) I'm finished with being a "lurker" on this forum. This is an effort to follow my gut on this one, step out of my self-imposed cocoon and start networking for real.

So, if this is just more noise I apologize. Maybe Laura or Ark have figured this one out already.
Hogan said:
4) I'm finished with being a "lurker" on this forum. This is an effort to follow my gut on this one, step out of my self-imposed cocoon and start networking for real.

Good for you, Hogan. Everyone benefits from your exchanging your thoughts here.

Hogan said:
So, if this is just more noise I apologize. Maybe Laura or Ark have figured this one out already.

I doubt very much that it is noise - and the reasons you mention for posting what you did suggest to me that it probably isn't. But even if it is a bit of noise, so what? Chances are, that if you truly care about being too noisy, you wont be. :)
July 24, 1999

Ark, Laura, Frank

Q: Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: Who do we have with us this evening?

A: Conopi.

Q: And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: I have been having a dialogue with a fellow on the net in the last week or so who is very well versed in the Ra Material. He sent me a large chunk of volume 5 of the Ra books, which was material that had not been released earlier. It seems that during the times that Don Elkins was asking some questions about different conspiracies and the nature of the 4th density STS manipulations and some other rather grim subjects, that there was some sort of judgment made by this group, or members of this group, that such subjects were not appropriate lines of questioning for an STO channel. They were, apparently, considered to be a focusing on negative aspects, therefore they were not of 'love and light.' Such questions and directions of questions were, therefore, discouraged or agreed by this group to be not desirable to pursue. Don Elkins DID, however, commit suicide. Can you tell us why?

A: Suicide is a chosen pathway for the purpose of close realization of shutting off the noise.

Q: What noise was he wanting to shut off?

A: It is a figure of speech.

Q: I would like to understand. Here, these folks had this marvelous contact with Ra...

A: Contact with Ra does not preclude the possibility of attack.

Q: Why did Ra not convey to him the information necessary to understand that he was under attack, and what kind of attack it was, and how to deal with it?

A: The questions were not asked.

Q: Why were the questions not asked that would have protected him?

A: "Love and Light."

Q: So, because they were so focused on the love and light aspects...

A: There is no positivity without negativity.

Q: So, positivity, alone, becomes, in effect, negativity, or becomes null?

A: No, there is always negativity present, whether acknowledged or not.

Q: So, you are saying that if it is not acknowledged, placed on the table, so to speak, that it sort of 'bites you' no matter what? That, in some way it will manifest, and if a person goes to an extreme in terms of love and light, the negativity will come in the back door?

A: Close.

I was reading through some of the session where Ra elaborates on the healer as a tranducer of infinite energy, he does , however Ra makes clear the following.......

Session number 5, quedtion number 2

. 5.2 Questioner: We have decided to accept, if offered, the honor/duty of learning/teaching the healing process. I would ask as to the first step which we should accomplish in becoming effective healers.
Ra: I am Ra. We shall begin with the first of the three teachings/learnings.

We begin with the mental learn/teachings necessary for contact with intelligent infinity. The prerequisite of mental work is the ability to retain silence of self at a steady state when required by the self. The mind must be opened like a door. The key is silence.

Within the door lies an hierarchical construction you may liken unto geography and in some ways geometry, for the hierarchy is quite regular, bearing inner relationships.

To begin to master the concept of mental discipline it is necessary to examine the self. The polarity of your dimension must be internalized. Where you find patience within your mind you must consciously find the corresponding impatience and vice versa. Each thought that a being has, has in its turn an antithesis. The disciplines of the mind involve, first of all, identifying both those things of which you approve and those things of which you disapprove within yourself, and then balancing each and every positive and negative charge with its equal. The mind contains all things. Therefore, you must discover this completeness within yourself.

The second mental discipline is acceptance of the completeness within your consciousness. It is not for a being of polarity in the physical consciousness to pick and choose among attributes, thus building the roles that cause blockages and confusions in the already-distorted mind complex. Each acceptance smoothes part of the many distortions that the faculty you call judgment engenders.

The third discipline of the mind is a repetition of the first but with the gaze outward towards the fellow entities that it meets. In each entity there exists completeness. Thus, the ability to understand each balance is necessary. When you view patience, you are responsible for mirroring in your mental understanding, patience/impatience. When you view impatience, it is necessary for your mental configuration of understanding to be impatience/patience. We use this as a simple example. Most configurations of mind have many facets, and understanding of either self polarities, or what you would call other-self polarities, can and must be understood as subtle work.

The next step is the acceptance of the other-self polarities, which mirrors the second step.

These are the first four steps of learning mental discipline. The fifth step involves observing the geographical and geometrical relationships and ratios of the mind, the other mind, the mass mind, and the infinite mind.

The second area of learn/teaching is the study/understanding of the body complexes. It is necessary to know your body well. This is a matter of using the mind to examine how the feelings, the biases, what you would call the emotions, affect various portions of the body complex. It shall be necessary to both understand the bodily polarities and to accept them, repeating in a chemical/physical manifestation the work you have done upon the mind bethinking the consciousness.

The body is a creature of the mind’s creation. It has its biases. The biological bias must be first completely understood and then the opposite bias allowed to find full expression in understanding. Again, the process of acceptance of the body as a balanced, as well as polarized, individual may then be accomplished.

It is then the task to extend this understanding to the bodies of the other-selves whom you will meet. The simplest example of this is the understanding that each biological male is female; each biological female is male. This is a simple example. However, in almost every case wherein you are attempting the understanding of the body of self or other-self, you will again find that the most subtle discernment is necessary in order to fully grasp the polarity complexes involved.

At this time we would suggest closing the description until the next time of work so that we may devote time to the third area commensurate with its importance.

We can answer a query if it is a short one before we leave this instrument.

I think in practice, evaluating oneself, should never be glossed over, it is clear from the experiences from people in the forum and the experiences of people we have met in our lives, that not everthing is all positive or all negative, And that evaluating onself objectively, is a very difficult thing to eve accomplish, we constantly are reminded and read books that deal with psycholigical problems in ourselves and how difficult this is,

But Ra mentioned there that we must find in everything its antithesis, I can't as of yet wrap my head around this idea correctly, it seems Ra was refering to reach a point of objectivity from which to silence the mind, i can only relate to the recievership capacity the C's talk about, it is not just meditation of silenece, even in silence our mind runs processes, programs and physical activity, i think Ra reffers to reach a point of mental mastery to be able to see the expression of the self, from which point to look in us the anthitesis of our experiences.

I am having trouble finding the antithesis, as matter of experimentation ,of several thoughts and emotions by the example given by Ra without linking it or mixing it with some other thought or expression, hence my conclusion of receivership capacity, It seems to me the hyerarchy Ra described was the hint to recognizing that there are many orders of ideas, i find it interesting what he said about the rotation of speed of the centers in conection with G. Description of the food of each center. It is very symilar.
Re: Don's suicide. Carla reveals the reason for it in the Ra material around that timestamp. Seeing his beloved suffering, Don naively offered to switch places with her, to take on the 5d friends offer made of love in the form of pain. His lesser spititual development did not fortify him with the ability to refuse the assault. She describes it better. Ra's descrption of STS pain and STO wellbeing both as modes of offering lessons through God's love is an unparalelled contribution to our metaphysical understanding of polarity. I wonder if this episode inspired the film, The Exorcist
I'm currently doing some research on the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) website and I've come across the name CARBONI.
Yesterday or the day before that, I re-read the session 24 July 1999 in which Carboni is also mentioned, as well as in the session 27 May 1995 in which Carboni connects with the Research Institute in Italy. Now, the name I came across in my research today, is RAUL Hector CARBONI who is Air Navigation Commission Member in ICAO. I found his resume on the Internet in which he states that he can speak Italian. (Maybe there are some connections with the Research Institute in Italy controlled by Carboni "Foundation"). But, the funny things are those synchronicities, because I wanted to research him some more and I came across another guy who is called RAUL Ernesto CARBONIO whose skills and expertise are:
Materials Chemistry, Material Characterization, Materials, Crystal Structure, X-ray Diffraction, XRD Analysis, Magnetic Materials and Magnetism, Magnetic Properties, Synthesis, Advanced Materials.
Another interesting connection is that Raul Hector Carboni studied at a university in Argentina, and Carbonio is employed as a professor at a university in Argentina.
I haven't done any more research than this, but I thought that these "coincidences" are funny and that maybe there is something in it and in these synchronicities, so that's why I decided to share it with you.
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