Just go back into the office from Barcelona;
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Laura, Ark and the rest of the team for enabling us all to get together and gain from their experience, work and intuition.
To all the guys who were in Barcelona this weekend, and especially those in Paral-lel 101 I should like to say that it was a most amazing experience. Not just the conference, but the whole experience of sharing the apartments, cooking etc. Despite it raining eggs now and then :)
Of very special note was the EE session on Sunday was one of the most enlightening sessions I have ever experienced. Having a room of 20 people all looking out for each other in both body and spirit is really remarkable. I know where my thought will start during my next EE sessions..
I would sincerely like to thank the guys who organized the accommodation, it was a remarkable act of comradeship and made the Cassiopaea conference into a Cassiopaea weekend.
I look forward to meeting some or all of you again in the not too distant future.
(Feel like this should have been 2 posts, but I'm and Engineer, Lazy, Sorry
Love to you all.