Session 4 March 1995


FOTCM Member
March 4, 1995

Frank, Laura, Terry and Jan, SV

Q: (T) Good evening.

A: Luck.

Q: (L) Is the luck with us at this time?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Who do we have with us this evening?

A: Not yet.

Q: (L) The luck is not yet with us?

A: Try not to second guess what we mean.

Q: (L) What does "luck" mean?

A: Nilionna from "Cassiopaea."

Q: (L) What does the term "luck" refer to?

A: Discover.

Q: (L) Are we going to discover something very soon that is lucky for us as a group?

A: Second guessing!
{Interestingly, Ark was born in Luck, Poland. But this was 16 months before he “found” us. Was this being dropped as a clue for me?}

Q: (T) Hi, Nilionna!

A: Hello.

Q: (L) Nilionna, have you been listening to our discussion?

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) We have been discussing some control systems for our sessions.

A: Okay.

Q: (L) Are you saying that the control systems we are trying to set up are okay?

A: Yes. No time limit, though, when it is advantageous to stop for your benefit, the sessions will terminate.

Q: (L) In other words, we aren't supposed to put a time limit on it. (T) Cool, works for me. (J) I had a thought, Laura, even though DM was not present, her presence was felt before we opened up the channel because you are still torqued up about her. So she has had an effect. (L) You want to ask that? (J) Yes. Is DM having an influence on the session because of her phone contact with Frank and because of the way I reacted to her?

A: Perceptive of you, Jan!

Q: (L) Are we correct in what we have discussed, that her presence has a corrupting influence on the channel?

A: Clear.

Q: (L) What does that mean? (T) The channel is clear. (L) Is the channel clear right now?

A: Her.

Q: (L) She is clear?

A: Up.

Q: (L) I don't understand? (J) Clear her up?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) That is what we are going to do. She has made an appointment and it is in progress. (T) She needs spirit release. (L) On that subject, before we get going, let me ask about DM.

A: Enough said, remember, you have been learning slowly that personal issues hold minor significance. Terry's dream was significant, however!!!!! Susan too!! And Frank has been sent same message as well.

Q: (L) Did you have a dream or message, Frank? (F) That's true. I did have some funny feelings. (T) Did you have something else? (F) Well, I have received some stuff. Just the same kind of thing, that there is something that we are missing. (T) Okay. We are missing a key topic or issue, here, that's true.

A: 4th level STO!

Q: (L) Is that the title of the topic?

A: You have only thought of 4th level STS.

Q: (L) Ahhh! What Susan was talking about, we need to ask about the good guys.

A: They are the only ones who can help you defend yourselves against 4th level attack!!!! We give you information which is invaluable in nature, but remember we are 6th level STO, Beings of light, and on this density level there simply is no interference with free will no matter how detrimental to you!!!

{The introduction of this topic, along with the opening “Luck”, and that being Ark’s birthplace, is interesting.}

Q: (T) 4th density STO beings can actually help in a meaningful way! We knew there was both sides, but we never asked. We have been concentrating on the Lizards. (S) Yeah! There are 16 groups on both sides, and noboby has ever asked... (J) And by concentrating on the Lizards, we have been feeding their f______energy. (F) Their damn energy. (J) Their damn energy. (T) That DARN energy! Who are these 4th density STO beings that we need to contact? Obviously we need to talk to them because they can talk to us. Sixth density "Us" can't.

A: Orion Federation.

Q: (L) And who are the members of the Orion Federation?

A: Not yet.

Q: (L) What can you tell us? (T) The Orion Federation is 4th density?

A: You have asked us to protect you, it is important for you to understand that we are beyond that!

Q: (L) We understand that. (J) I understand that. (T) We understand that you, at 6th density, can't interfere with free will on either side. But, the Orion Federation...

A: First, incorrect thought patterns which have become imbedded must be purged before you can move onto next subject.

Q: (J) It's like: D__ must be purged before she can come back into this group, she must get rid of her incorrect thought patterns. We have incorrect thought patterns that must be removed also. (L) What are they, Frank? (F) Don't ask me. Ask them. (J) Well, they're not going to tell us that. (T) Why not? Let's ask. (F) Yeah, if they are not goint to tell us, they will tell us that they are not going to tell us. (T) What are the incorrect thought patterns?

A: That we protect.

Q: (T) Well, you said that Knowledge protects. You have been providing knowledge. (J) Uh uh. (T) No?

A: Indirectly.

Q: (J) They are not really giving it to us, they are helping us to draw it out of ourselves.

A: We are providing invaluable information which becomes knowledge, but you are under attack, therefore, you could maybe use some direct power from the same density as the attack is coming from.

Q: (F) But, until you have total knowledge... (L) You don't have the kind of power we are talking about needing. (F) Right. We would would need 500,000 pages of transcript to have that kind of knowledge, to get to that point. (L) Okay, what is the phone number of the Orion Federation? (S) Laura! (T) That's what I was going to ask. {Laughter.} (L) How do we get ahold of them?

A: Off the hook!

Q: (T) Uh oh! (L) They're busy? (T) Getting a lot of calls. (L) Okay, guys, what do we need to do here?

A: Find a "Nordic." They are on Earth posing as humans.

Q: (T) They are 4th density. I thought they...

A: Yes.

Q: (T) I thought that 4th density couldn't hold the frequency that long and that is why the Lizards have so much trouble. (J) They're STS.

A: Not STO!

Q: (T) Very good, Jan hit it as they said it. The STS can't stay, only the STO.

A: Yes.

Q: (T) So, we need to find a Nordic, do we know one?

A: Have seen them at meetings and such.

Q: (L) What kind of meetings. (J) MUFON meetings?


Q: (T) I guess that means we are infiltrated over there. (L) Was there one at last weeks meeting?

A: ?? Discover, remember these are among your protectors and Laura and Frank know what level one attack is like, Terry, Jan and Susan are perilously close to finding out!

Q: (T) And we are working hard to not get attacked. We have a Nordic coming to our meetings? (J) Did we meet one today? (L) They gave a question mark to that one. What about this big conference in May?

A: Discover.

Q: (L) Well, should we wear something special like a red scarf so they can find us in the crowd? (T) Wait, wait...

A: Not needed at all, just be open and aware!!

Q: (L) Is this there anyway we can get any help or power from these 4th density good guys prior to that so that we can put a period to this attack we have been undergoing?

A: Start to call them, maybe.

Q: (L) How do we call them. (T) They said "discover!" They don't usually say that in regard to the project awareness meeting. (L) Yes. Okay.

A: Hint!

Q: (T) Thank you! (L) How do we call them? (T) We are calling them, we have our information packs out. (J) On the board?

A: No.

Q: (L) No, not on the board. (T) They'll come to us.

A: They are 4th, not 6th.

Q: (T) We can't contact them through the board because they are only 4th density? Is there a problem there?

A: Not conventional. It would be like using a FAX to contact Fido.

Q: (J) Is there any significance to the fact that one of our cats has been looking like she is really trying to tell us something?

A: One of your cats, no, make that 2 of your cats, are close to transition to 3rd level.

Q: (T) Sabrina's moving up in the world, she's going to get a promotion. (J) What's going to happen to her when she hits third? She's going to be a human?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) Wow. (T) When she moves from cat to human, her cat body will die?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Is this going to happen some time in the near future as we measure it?

A: Not concept, we mean at next incarnation whenever that occurs. By the way, who gave her that name?

Q: (J) What name? (L) Sabrina? (S) The cat's name? (T) Two of our cats? (L) Maybe. (T) They are third density candidates. (J) What about the name?

A: Exactly.

Q: (L) Does that mean that when a person is a 4th density candidate that they have to leave their body to go to 4th density?

A: Yes unless they are in the body when the wave arrives.

Q: (J) What about the name? (T) Do you mean who gave the kitty the name?

A: No.

Q: (T) Oh, you mean why did I name that particular cat? It's not Sabrina?

A: ? There are 2 candidates.

Q: (T) So, you are not going to give us the name. (J) Is there any significance to the bahavior that the cat, Sabrina has been displaying?

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) Well, let's go back to our Orion guys for a few minutes. Have you given us all you are going to give us on this seeking of help and protection?

A: Review.

Q: (J) Okay. (T) We gave out over a hundred of those pamphlets, if they are going to the meetings, they've got one. We are already calling them. (J) Will they contact us or do we have to recognize and contact them?

A: They know about you even without pamphlets.

Q: (L) This individual who sent me this letter, this Thor Templar...

A: Open.

Q: (T) Can you give him a weapons design? (L) Oh god! (T) Humor, mirth! (L) You did tell us at one point that we could achieve a certain level of protection with stones, crystals, and so forth, is that correct?

A: Yes but crystals are "small potatoes."

Q: (L) Is there anything we can do with our thinking patterns or with our bodies, or anything we can do to accelerate the receiving of assistance?

A: Unite.

Q: (J) That is what we are doing. In other words, keep on keeping on.

A: Not. You are still STS.

Q: (L) What can we do to accelerate this process, this uniting, this moving from STS to STO?

A: 8 Questions at once.

Q: (L) Maybe I will just say a little bit of what I think it is.

A: Okay.

Q: (L) Part of my perception of this is seeing that whatever that whatever I have or receive is shared with the group in terms of my time, my energy, my thoughts, my finances, and everything that is related to that, is that correct?

A: Evaluate attack intensity.

Q: (T) How strong is the attack? What is the intensity you have experienced. (L) Well, it has been financial through various institutions, mostly. (F) Yes, I would have to agree that we have been attacked in that way to a level never before experienced in middle class America. (J) Is that the type of attack being referred to?

A: Part.

Q: (L) Is another part of the attack the emotional upheaval I experienced a few weeks ago?

A: Part.

Q: (J) What about DM?

A: Part, accident, etc., etc. Not DM per se, but through her.

Q: (L) So the accident and all the other physical things are part of the attack?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Does prayer help?

A: Terry and Jan are next in line.

Q: (L) Well, my suggestion would be to not leave your shoelaces untied! (F) Oh, God! You don't want to go through this, believe me. (T) Well, there is not much they can do to us at this point.

A: Not true!

Q: (L) Okay guys, you are telling us we are under attack, you are telling us it is going to get worse, you are telling us that maybe some of these other guys can help us out, what can we do in the meantime?

A: Prayers help but more is needed.

Q: (T) More than prayers is needed. So, we are on our own until we get contacted?

A: Find an Orion!!!

Q: (J) How? (L) What do we do, go out to the beach and say: "Orions, come here?" (T) No, they are at the disco, Orions like to dance.

A: That is all we can tell you, because it is the limit of informative arena, any further would interfere with free will, so discover.

Q: (L) One session I asked about some things that happened to me in the past and I was told that what saved my buns from the fire was divine intervention.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Can you tell us about divine intervention?

A: Multi faceted.

Q: (L) Was this divine intervention enacted to protect me from direful consequences that would have prevented me from doing whatever work is forming up for me in the future?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Does it not seem that being under attack as we are now might further prevent me, as well as my compatriots from doing our work?

A: Of course.

Q: (L) Well, does it not then behoove this same divine intervention enacted at these other times to act at this time, or is the threat less?

A: Divine intervention cannot be arranged by 3rd level beings.

Q: (L) What level beings arrange divine intervention?

A: 4th through 7th.

Q: (T) So, we are just shy of a level to do that! We can do some quasi-divine intervention!

A: You cannot do this divine intervention. You can do 3rd level intervention.

Q: (Laura, Jan) What is third level intervention? {Pause} (T) They're accessing the cosmic retrieval system.

A: Discover.

Q: (L) give us a hint!

A: You should know!

Q: (T) Knowledge protects! So when we find ourselves a fourth density being, things are gonna roll!

A: You do 3rd intervention all the "time."

Q: (L) Do you mean spirit release and cleansing?

A: And other.

Q: (T) Well we've done spirit release and cleansing, which has prepared us somewhat. (L) Do we need to do this over and over again to constantly keep it up?

A: Open.

Q: (T) When I am on my lunch break, I go walking around the complex. As I am walking along, every so often I get an image, not a visual, it is like a perceived image, of the forms and shapes encountered when doing spirit release work. I can see these things coming toward me. As they come toward me I just send them to the light. I say, "Hello, how are ya, go to the light!" And they will swirl around me and disappear. So, I don't know if that is part of what we are supposed to be doing; being prepared by keeping all of the stuff off of us, by always setting up a field... (F) You are protecting yourself against attachment, is what you are doing. (T) But, it is also setting up a field that automatically intercedes... (L) Okay, you say that I do 3rd level intervention all the time. Now, obviously this is partly the release work. Let me ask, is Susan's work in moving this stuff out of the tissue base, is that part of this intervention.

A: Yes.

Q: (J) Is that a collective?

A: So is writing letters and yelling at people over the phone!

Q: (S) Getting it off your chest. (J) Yeah, not letting it... (F) That's all 3rd level stuff... (J) Teflon coating yourself... (F) Punching somebody in the mouth is a 3rd level intervention. (S) Yeah, releasing, yelling is one of the best releases... (L) And they are saying to do this? (F) We can do it. (T) These are all things that are at our disposal, our repertoire of 3rd level... (F) You asked what can we do, and are we helpless... (T) About the attachments, what dawned on me was that, as we are drawing power, as we are increasing our energy level, we are drawing more and more of them to us. (L) You think so? (T) The stuff I have been experiencing in the last few days with these attachments is... they are coming to us because we look like the light to them. (S) Can read auras, you know. (S) I do it with my eyes closed. (T) Part of the attack experience is most likely the increase in these loose energy things flying around. And, as I realize this, I work to improve my shielding so that it holds automatically. Where I work is full of negative energy and a horrible place to be in terms of attachments. I walk across the parking lot and they fly at me. I can sense them. (F) Where I work, of course, two of the people there are alcoholics and you can bet they are a bus load with nobody driving. (S) Well, the Jin shin do goes beyond the body right to the energy level, also. (T) And, what we are doing right here, in this room, is that we are building an energy that may be drawing attachments to your house. (L) Is this work, with the board, is it in some way related to the location in space time, because of the fact that we have done this for so long in this spot?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Does it work better because we are here rather than somewhere else?

A: For now.

Q: (J) Well, how about going to Leonard's on Saturday? (L) Will we be able to do a demonstration at the MUFON meeting on Saturday?

A: Yes, because it is predestined.

Q: (L) That's heavy. (T) That's not free will. Let's not go next Saturday and break the predestined plan! {Laughter.} My free will wants to break predestined plans. Mirth, mirth! (L) Can we ask any further questions about that remark?

A: You are allowed to ask anything you wish.

Q: (T) But, they won't necessarily answer anything we ask! (S) I want to ask something about auras. On some people, their auras show, by kirlian photography, a white area, like a halo, behind or around their head or near the shoulder. What does this mean?

A: Open.

Q: (T) I guess what they mean is that it could be a different thing on different people.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is there a general schematic of aura colors and what they mean as has been presented by various groups.

A: No.

Q: (S) Was Edgar Cayce's readings on colors...

A: Reading anything requires accessing "higher levels" of understanding which are fluid, not concrete and absolute.

Q: (L) So this changes, fluctuates. (S) Oh yes, auras constantly change. (L) Yeah, but what they are saying is that the meanings of the colors can change with the individual. (T) It is like reading cards... (F) And palms, just because a person has a line of a certain sort doesn't mean that they are going to be in an accident on such and such a day... (T) Yes, and with the cards, one card can mean one thing with one person, and something else with another person. (F) I could look at two palms that are almost identical but they could mean entirely different things... (T) Which really ticks off the materialists who want the directions to come with the card and palm reading kits! {Laughter.} (L) Are we, at this point, at an end of this subject of getting help and so forth?

A: Discover, that is how you learn, not by being "led by the hand."

Q: (L) Let us get to the questions we have prepared. (S) I wonder if subliminal tapes could help in protection?

A: Up to you.

Q: (L) Was all the land on the planet earth formed into one vast continent at some point in earth's history?

A: Multiple history reality possibilities.

Q: (L) In this reality that we experience, was all the land joined into one vast continent?

A: Incorrect conceptualization.

Q: (L) Well, I don't know how to ask it. (J) Move on. (L) What is the source of energy generated by stars?

A: Transfer points cause friction thus producing energy.

Q: (L) Transfer points of what; from what to what?

A: Dimensions.

Q: (L) Now, this is going to be a strange question, but if you can help us out, relate this to something it would be very helpful. There are a lot of theories going around about the age of the universe. Some of the latest says that it is anywhere from 8 to 25 billion years old. I know that you have said that time is an illusion, but, in view of the fact that scientists are struggling with this one... {Much laughter} which of the figures that they have pulled out of the air, in terms of the time illusion itself, is the most correct?

A: None.

Q: (F) Does that answer the question satisfactorily? That's like saying: "Oh, that's an interesting store, what's in there?" (L) Well, if none of the figures science has come up with is correct, what is the correct definition of the age of the universe?

A: Quasi-quantum possibilities.

Q: (L) What does that mean? {Laughter.} (J) Anybody's guess?! (L) Well, I think they are going to tell us something here.

A: Discover.

Q: (J) Thanks a lot! (T) That is certainly new to me! (S) Its probably a lot of gazillion years old! (T) What does quasi mean? (L) Partly, half-way... (F) And what does quantum mean? (L) Well, a quanta is a unit of measure... (T) All possible units of measurement... (F) Is that what that would... (L) Come on and help us out here guys? (T) In there time, which is no time, it exists at all times and not time, in our time, that would be infinity. (L) Okay. (T) So, the age of the universe is infinite in our time limit, but they way they perceive it is it doesn't... it exists until it doesn't... it does and then it does not... (L) Okay, let's ask this another way... help me out here... (J) Go for it! (F) You got yourself in the woods, keep looking for the crumbs to find your way out! (L) What do you mean by quasi-quantum possibilities?

A: Closed circle.

Q: (L) Okay, if you select any one point on the circle, and hold that point, and then measure around to the point again, where on that circle are we? Arbitrarily?

A: Not correct concept.

Q: (L) Okay, well help me out here. If there is a closed circle, that means that there is no point that you can arbitrarily designate? (J) Yes.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Should we just drop this line, or continue with it?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Okay, then let's just drop it. (J) It is, it was, it always will be, world without end, amen! (F) Well, if there is no time as we are told, and there is free will that is so important, how can this be? If there is no time and everything is connected, past, present and future, and everything is just a random collection of thoughts and experiences, and everything is supposed to be fluid, then there can't ever have been free will. If there is free will, and there is no past, present or future, and everything is all the same point in space time experience, the key is the free will, but there is no answer. (L) Is the planet earth, as so many have predicted, going to acquire an additional sun?

A: Maybe.

Q: (T) An additional sun, like if Jupiter blows up? Is Jupiter an unborn sun?

A: Jupiter is already a star.

Q: (L) Why do we not perceive it as a star?

A: You are still learning. Earth is a star to be.

Q: (F) How the hell can that be? (L) If a planet...

A: Every thing cycles fully.

Q: (L) If a star is a transition point from one dimension to another, when the earth moves into 4th density, is it going to appear as a star to the people in 3rd density?

A: "Gas planet."

Q: (L) It will appear as a gas planet? (J) Just as Jupiter appears to us.

A: Jupiter is level 4 density.

Q: (L) To whom does Jupiter appear as a flaming sun, at what level?

A: 5, 6, and 7.

Q: (T) What does it look like in 4th?

A: Earth.

Q: (T) Jupiter looks like Earth and Earth looks like Jupiter in 4th density?

A: No.

Q: (L) What does Earth look like in 4th density?

A: Invisible.

Q: (J) Huh? (L) What do you mean, invisible?

A: Only visible upon request. Variability of physicality.

Q: (L) Okay, does this mean that to the Lizzies and Orions the earth is invisible?

A: When they are not thinking about it.

Q: (J) You mean when they are not thinking about it it doesn't exist? They have to focus on it for it to become visible?

A: Close.

Q: (T) But, you told us one time that everyone in 4th density was able to see us?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) Us, not earth. (T) What do they see us on?

A: Able to see you when they choose to.

Q: (J) In other words, they focus on the frequency to see us. (L) I guess it is like animals in second density. You ride down the road and don't really see what is around you unless you focus in on it. (J) Unless you concentrate on looking for them... (T) Like standing still in a forest and after a time you can see what is there. (J) It is all according to perception.

A: Yes, but 4th level is the first one with true variability.

Q: (L) Georges Gurdjieff proposed the idea that the earth is, in a sense, food for the moon. What he meant was, what he had learned from these ancient teachers was that earth was a food source for some level of being, and that possibly these beings had encampments or bases on the moon, but that earth was eventually to become a star and that then the moon would become an inhabited planet as the earth was, and so on... Is this a fairly...

A: Close.

Q: (L) Is the Moon a second density planet?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And the Moon is used as a base by other beings?

A: On different densities.

Q: (L) Are there 2nd density beings that inhabit the moon in a full time way?

A: No.

Q: (T) Are there 3rd density beings?

A: No.

Q: (T) Are there 4th density beings?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Are they Grays?

A: They don't inhabit the moon, they just use it.

Q: (T) Are there 5th density beings there?

A: 5th uses all.

Q: (T) Are there 6th density beings there?

A: Ditto.

Q: (T) Is the 7th density being there?

A: That is union with the One.

Q: (T) Thank you, just checking. (L) The "Arcturians" talk about the path to the Great Central Sun. What is the Great Central Sun, and what does this mean, "The path to the Great Central Sun?"

A: 7th level.

Q: (L) Is the star, Arcturus, also a residence, as in planet, for certain beings?

A: Stars are transition and communication points.

Q: (L) The book, "We Are the Arcturians", talks about the Arcturians, and it says that they live on the star Arcturus, that it is a planet for them, and that they have families, reproduce, and do all kinds of normal things. This struck me as strange and reminded me of the Jiles Hamilton stuff.

A: No.

Q: (L) Okay, what was the source of this information?

A: This information was told in a format that would be understood best by those who read it.

Q: (T) Is this the book we are supposed to get the dates out of for the Arcturus position of the wave? (L) Yes. Okay. Was there a massive volcano in the area we now call Kentucky at some point in our historical reference?

A: Not then.

Q: (J) Will there be? (L) Is there a massive volcano in the area of Kentucky?

A: No.

Q: (L) Will there be?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Where was/is the center of the caldera?

A: You have proceeded not according to info in previous answer. Who said there was a caldera?

Q: (L) Okay, in other words, there wasn't a volcano in the area of Kentucky, there isn't a volcano in the area of Kentucky and there isn't going to be a volcano in the area of Kentuck?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Could you describe for us the interior of our sun and how it works?

A: It is a window.

Q: (L) The interior of the sun is a window. Okay, is the interior of the sun composed of what we would call solid matter?

A: No.

Q: (L) The general idea is that the interior of the sun is composed of great masses of hydrogen and this is converting to helium and...

A: In 3rd density perception.

Q: (L) You are saying that the sun is a window or transmission point between dimensions. If that is the case, then it is virtually illimitable in terms of longevity?

A: Close.

Q: (L) So, the ideas of the sun running out of gas and turning into a red giant and sauteeing humanity are incorrect concepts?

A: No. 3rd level, Laura, 3rd level!

Q: (L) So, in 3rd level it will...

A: Open.

Q: (L) How long ago was North Africa green and fertile and what geologic factors created the state in which we find it today?

A: Weather changes in 3rd density 10,000 years ago.

Q: (L) Scientists have been making a lot of conjectures about the matter of the Universe and what they have been saying is that 90 to 95% of the matter needed to make the universe stable is unaccounted for. They call this dark matter. There have been a number of theories proposed as to what this dark matter consists of. I would like to know what is this dark matter?

A: You are "chasing rainbows" and so are they.

Q: (L) What is the source of cosmic background radiation?

A: 3rd level cosmic light rays.

Q: (L) Is there anything else we can add to that?

A: Trivia.

Q: (L) Where on earth was man first seeded? (T) Wimbledon! {Laughter} Sorry, I couldn't resist that. (L) Was man first seeded in one particular place?

A: No.

Q: (L) It was stated that the earth once had a water vapor canopy. Was this one of the reasons for longevity in that time?

A: Yes, and already answered this. Review transcripts.

Q: (L) What are the effects of sunlight on the human body now as opposed to then?

A: Degenerative.

Q: (L) Does that mean that we should avoid sunlight because we no longer have our canopy?

A: You cannot avoid enough to matter.

Q: (T) It's everywhere, all day long. (F) When you are inside you are still exposed to radiation. The radiation in the air is leftover junk from the light rays coming in. (T) The radiation is everywhere, even at night. Speaking of which, did you see the article about the chunk of ice that broke off in Antarctica the size of Rhode Island. The scientists said: "We don't understand why." And Antarctica is where the major ozone hole has been for the last five years. (F) Well, they have been predicting that for years... (T) Hope it didn't fall on anybody's foot! (F) That would be heavy enough that you wouldn't feel it. (L) Has the woman, who is now known as Leah Haley, and I understand that she legally changed her name to protect her family, has she been harassed by the U.S. government, or it this a screen memory put in by aliens with concomitant confirmations?

A: Yes to question one and no to question two.

Q: (T) Are any of her memories of abductions by Grays screen memories of abductions by the government?

A: No.

Q: (T) Why is she being abducted?

A: Review your data.

Q: (L) Then, she is being abducted for the same reason we are being abducted. (J) The agenda is the same all the way down the line.

A: Is this a review session?

Q: No. Okay.

A: Then why ask repeat questions?

Q: (L) Well, we didn't know it was a repeat question. (J) We don't have the transcripts memorized just yet. (L) If there was an agreement between the U.S. and the aliens, how was this agreement reached. Who met with who where and when?

A: Review.

Q: (L) Well, you never told us that exactly.

A: Yes we did.

Q: (L) No you didn't. (J) Don't argue with them. (L) Well, what happened to Captain Thomas Mantell on 7 January 1948, when he attempted to track a UFO? Whose craft was it?

A: Grays and he lost consciousness, thus piloting his plane above its ceiling, thus disintegrated.

Q: (L) So, in other words they didn't zap him, he just lost control. (T) Yeah, he was flying a P 51 Mustang and he went too high. (L) At one point in a previous session, the remark was made when Terry was talking about directions, that knowledge of compass direction was going to become very important in the not too distant future. Could you tell us why this is so?

A: Because you will have increased sensitivity to magnetic influences.

Q: (L) So, in other words your comment was not that we needed to learn this but that this would become important because our sensitivity would increase?

A: Both.

Q: (L) Does our learning of compass directions act to increase our sensitivity?

A: Catch 22.

Q: (T) It is a contradiction. In the book: You have to keep flying the bombing missions because we don't have enough people to win the war, but we won't let you fly if you are crazy because we can't have a crazy person in the airplane with all those bombs. But, the doctor can't determine that you are crazy, you have to say that you are crazy so that the doctor can sign the papers, but if you say that you are crazy then the doctor can't sign the papers because one indication of sanity is to know that you are crazy, therefore you have to fly. (F) It's a no-win situation. (J) Does it have anything to do with the fact that when we move to 4th density we will lose the physicality we use to navigate with now?

A: One half of equation.

Q: (T) Okay, we have the ability to tell direction because of our physicality which will increase to the point where we will be able to sense direction when we don't need direction because we won't be physical?

A: Close.

Q: (T) That is the Catch-22. You will have the great direction sense when you don't need it.

A: You will have variable physicality.

Q: (J) Yeah, so in switching from one to the other you don't want to get disoriented. If you have compass knowledge ingrained in you when you switch from physical to non- physical, you will know where you are. (L) In a previous session we talked about the feline principle as represented by the sphinx, and the fact that Egyptians worshipped cats. Is there anything more you can give us on this? Why was this so? Was the cat representative of some principle we need to learn or investigate?

A: This is not really important.

Q: (T) Is the cat and the cat symbol itself important in some way?

A: You are; up to the perceiver.

Q: (L) We talked about the scarab and why the scarab represented eternal life to the Egyptians, and then we went into the thing about the scarab rolling dung. What is there in the symbolism of the scarab that might be significant to us today?

A: Up to you.

Q: (L) In the annotated copy of the Morris K. Jessup book, there were three people annotating: Mr.A., Mr. B., and one known as Jemi. One of the references was to the sighting made by Kenneth Arnold. In reference to that sighting, Mr.B wrote: "Don't worry, Jemi, those were LM ships not S men. They are an improved type and were on a training flight. That is why their leader interconnected their force fields, to teach them level tele-control without inducing a fear block." Now, what is an LM ship?

A: Light matter.

Q: (L) What is an "S man?"

A: Secret order member.

Q: (L) What is the secret order?

A: That is for you to discover.

Q: (L) What does it mean that their leader interconnected their force fields to teach them level telecontrol?

A: Self-explanatory.

Q: (L) Jemi's comment on Jessup's discussion on mysterious disappearances of persons throughout history is quite chilling. Written in the margin of the book was: "Hey, if he only knew why he'd die of shock!" To what does this refer?

A: We cannot reveal this at this "time."

Q: (L) So you are saying that there is a whole lot more to this situation and what is going on on this planet than even we have been told at this time?

A: Of course.

Q: (L) So if there is a lot more to this, would we, knowing what we know, "die of shock" if we knew the rest?

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) Well, that is not pleasant. Okay, Jessup wondered in his book if aviators could be frozen by space ships and carried away in a field of invisibility. Mr. B commented in the margin: "If only he knew by experience, he would keep silent and not write or speak of it ever again in his lifetime. He couldn't speak of it, for, you see Jemi, it paralyzes one's sense of time and nullifies mental cognition, functioning and memory. So he has no knowledge, he could not have, he is only guessing."

A: Okay.

Q: (T) Okay what?

A: Exactly correct!

Q: (L) There are a lot of terms in this book...

A: Too much data.

Q: (L) There was some conjecture as to who wrote these comments. Can you give us a clue as to who did the annotations in this book?

A: Discover. If we told you everything, it would not be good!!

Q: On that note, I think we will close for the night.

A: Good night.

Q: (L) Well, here are the terms: Mothership Homeship Deadship Great ark Great bombardment Great return Great war Little men Forcefields Deep freezes Undersea building Measure markers Scout ships Magnetic and gravity fields Sheets of diamond Cosmic Rays Force cutters Undersea explorers Inlay work Clear talk Telepathing Burning coat Nodes Vortices Magnetic nets and what happens to people, planes and ships that have disappeared.

The three commentators of Jessup's book explain the origin of odd storms, clouds, objects falling from the sky, strange marks and footprints and other things we have not solved.

(F) If you were to try to find out about all of that, it would be like trying to bite into a grapefruit that is 19 stories tall, and swallow it all in one gulp.

(L) Well they say to "discover" things like this. How the heck are we supposed to discover these things?

(F) This will come to us step-by-step.

(J) It doesn't really matter.

(L) It does matter because they say that knowledge protects. This is knowledge.

(F) I know, but you can't get it all at once. Look how much you have acquired in the last three years, the last eight months. You are so impatient. You expect to have your mind totally input with all of this and then to go back and have fun with your children, eating popcorn and watching movies. It wouldn't work that way. This is what you would be like if you had all this knowledge at once. {Demonstrates extreme spasticity. Laughter.} Is that what you want?

(T) Yeah, the kids would get their popcorn and sit around and watch mom! Better than a movie.

(F) The rest of your existence in 3rd density would consist of eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh!!! {Laughter} Doctors would be coming and injecting you with glucose and stomach feeding and you wouldn't feel it. You would be still going eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh! You can't get it all at once! I have the feeling that as time progresses that we are going to get an enormous input of knowledge, every session has to be absorbed. You can't just get it all dumped into your brain like a dumptruck.

(T) We are doing what we are supposed to be doing.

(F) I suspect that some of those annotations in that book were coming from a 4th density being who already knew all of this stuff the way we know about tiddly winks. But, that is all fine and good. We are not there yet.

(L) Why would somebody annotate this book this way and send it to the ONI?

(F) To show the ONI how little they know.

(S) It worked, they now have a study group!

(F) Besides, if we get too much too quickly, you will be sitting watching a movie and all of a sudden you will hear a knock on the door and there will be four gray suits out there asking for you!

End of Session
Q: (F) Does that answer the question satisfactorily? That's like saying: "Oh, that's an interesting store, what's in there?" (L) Well, if none of the figures science has come up with is correct, what is the correct definition of the age of the universe?

A: Quasi-quantum possibilities.
Perhaps the age of the universe is the result of macroscopic analysis of the phenomenon from the knowledge of the quantum formalism of the universe itself.
Macro to Micro: semi-classical
Micro to Macro: Quasi-quantum
Laura said:
Q: (L) Scientists have been making a lot of conjectures about the matter of the Universe and what they have been saying is that 90 to 95% of the matter needed to make the universe stable is unaccounted for. They call this dark matter. There have been a number of theories proposed as to what this dark matter consists of. I would like to know what is this dark matter?
A: You are "chasing rainbows" and so are they.
Know this was a curious remark. The way i see it, the possibilities are: [list type=decimal]
[*]An allusion to fantasy, like the gold at the end of the rainbow, ie the thunderbolts guys saying dark matter doesn't exist. However maybe it's meaning, is that dark matter at least as mainstream astronomers & cosmologists have described it, is fantasy. Because in a more recent session, they said that dark matter does exist, so.....
[*]An allusion to spectroscopy, that is splitting up electromagnetic radiation into it's monochromatic constituents, thus creating a rainbow. But the rainbow is always there, spectroscopy just gives meaning to the various combinations of different wavelengths of light. That figure of 90 - 95% is awfully close to the Electric Universe's, figure of the percentage of plasma ~99%, making up the visible universe. Astrophysicists have only sought out the dark matter explanation because of the dynamics that are observed, which are not accountable for with standard theory which doesn't factor electricity in space.
[*]A known unknown that i am not seeing at the moment, but someone else might.
Now possibilities 1 & 2, are not mutually exclusive.

This was a most fascinating session, especially this part:
Laura said:
Q: (L) If a star is a transition point from one dimension to another, when the earth moves into 4th density, is it going to appear as a star to the people in 3rd density?
A: "Gas planet."

Q: (L) It will appear as a gas planet? (J) Just as Jupiter appears to us.
A: Jupiter is level 4 density.
Indicating that this business of the wave is a really huge cosmic event. Looks like we are indeed headed for more and more interesting times. The possible solar system dynamics in the times to come, are just mind boggling to say the least.
Laura said:
Q: (L) If a star is a transition point from one dimension to another, when the earth moves into 4th density, is it going to appear as a star to the people in 3rd density?
A: "Gas planet."

Q: (L) It will appear as a gas planet? (J) Just as Jupiter appears to us.
A: Jupiter is level 4 density.
Indicating that this business of the wave is a really huge cosmic event. Looks like we are indeed headed for more and more interesting times. The possible solar system dynamics in the times to come, are just mind boggling to say the least.
Interesting, i wonder how does it fits the idea of some people not moving to 4D and staying in a possible post-comet-shower-planet -destroyed Earth (generally speaking) with the planet itself becoming a gas planet. I mean, the ones having to redo our 3d lessons will have to adjust to a gas atmosphere?
I know this is just a theory, but boy, what an scenario! ;-)
David Topi said:
Laura said:
Q: (L) If a star is a transition point from one dimension to another, when the earth moves into 4th density, is it going to appear as a star to the people in 3rd density?
A: "Gas planet."

Q: (L) It will appear as a gas planet? (J) Just as Jupiter appears to us.
A: Jupiter is level 4 density.
Indicating that this business of the wave is a really huge cosmic event. Looks like we are indeed headed for more and more interesting times. The possible solar system dynamics in the times to come, are just mind boggling to say the least.
Interesting, i wonder how does it fits the idea of some people not moving to 4D and staying in a possible post-comet-shower-planet -destroyed Earth (generally speaking) with the planet itself becoming a gas planet. I mean, the ones having to redo our 3d lessons will have to adjust to a gas atmosphere?
I know this is just a theory, but boy, what an scenario! ;-)
The key i thiink, is that they put gas planet in quotes, one has to factor in all that they have also said about gravity lessening, thus everything "opening up," it might be a literal opening up as gravity lessens, the gasses in the earth might escape, heck the very earth itself might expand.

NOTE: All the above are the mere ramblings of an ignorant person, not to be taken with any modicum of seriousness. :D
David Topi said:
Laura said:
Q: (L) If a star is a transition point from one dimension to another, when the earth moves into 4th density, is it going to appear as a star to the people in 3rd density?
A: "Gas planet."

Q: (L) It will appear as a gas planet? (J) Just as Jupiter appears to us.
A: Jupiter is level 4 density.
Indicating that this business of the wave is a really huge cosmic event. Looks like we are indeed headed for more and more interesting times. The possible solar system dynamics in the times to come, are just mind boggling to say the least.
Interesting, i wonder how does it fits the idea of some people not moving to 4D and staying in a possible post-comet-shower-planet -destroyed Earth (generally speaking) with the planet itself becoming a gas planet. I mean, the ones having to redo our 3d lessons will have to adjust to a gas atmosphere?
I know this is just a theory, but boy, what an scenario! ;-)

It's my understanding (if I remember correctly) that there will be a 3D Earth and a 4D Earth after the transition -- and so those who "graduate" will inhabit another realm, whereas those who repeat 3D will not be able to perceive 4D Earth and its inhabitants. FWIW.
David Topi said:
Laura said:
Q: (L) If a star is a transition point from one dimension to another, when the earth moves into 4th density, is it going to appear as a star to the people in 3rd density?
A: "Gas planet."

Q: (L) It will appear as a gas planet? (J) Just as Jupiter appears to us.
A: Jupiter is level 4 density.
Indicating that this business of the wave is a really huge cosmic event. Looks like we are indeed headed for more and more interesting times. The possible solar system dynamics in the times to come, are just mind boggling to say the least.
Interesting, i wonder how does it fits the idea of some people not moving to 4D and staying in a possible post-comet-shower-planet -destroyed Earth (generally speaking) with the planet itself becoming a gas planet. I mean, the ones having to redo our 3d lessons will have to adjust to a gas atmosphere?
I know this is just a theory, but boy, what an scenario! ;-)

Perhaps one of the other planets in the solar system will take the Earth's place-we just cannot anticipate the dynamics of the solar system after the "shift" (and the shift at this point is purely hypothetical) -and even if any left behinds must adjust to a gas planet, from their stand point that would be "normal" as they most likely have no recollection of being in any other environment previously (again we have no way of knowing what will or will not be) But as you say it IS an interesting concept to contemplate
It's my understanding (if I remember correctly) that there will be a 3D Earth and a 4D Earth after the transition -- and so those who "graduate" will inhabit another realm

That's my understanding as well. I don't know about after though. Will the new earth be another planet in the solar system observable from earth as a "gas" planet?
Richard said:
It's my understanding (if I remember correctly) that there will be a 3D Earth and a 4D Earth after the transition -- and so those who "graduate" will inhabit another realm

That's my understanding as well. I don't know about after though. Will the new earth be another planet in the solar system observable from earth as a "gas" planet?

Well, it's hard to say for sure, but I think it could be something like the following. The 3rd Density Earth could be stuck in a time loop and repeat everything like what happened in the last 310,000 years approx. -- the Grand Cycle. 4D Earth will be "seen" as perhaps a gas planet from 4th to 6th Density and not seen at all from lower densities. At least that's how I've tried to make sense of it / visualize it. In other words, there could be no difference at all for the 3D Earth.
4D Earth will be "seen" as perhaps a gas planet from 4th to 6th Density and not seen at all from lower densities. At least that's how I've tried to make sense of it / visualize it. In other words, there could be no difference at all for the 3D Earth.

You could of course be right. But the C's seem to saying 3D earth will be able to see 4D earth.

Q: (L) If a star is a transition point from one dimension to another, when the earth moves into 4th density, is it going to appear as a star to the people in 3rd density?

A: "Gas planet."

To those of us lucky enough to become 4D, the 4D earth will appear as it does now, but to 5D,6D and 7D it will appear as a blazing sun.

Q: (L) It will appear as a gas planet? (J) Just as Jupiter appears to us.

A: Jupiter is level 4 density.

Q: (L) To whom does Jupiter appear as a flaming sun, at what level?

A: 5, 6, and 7.

Q: (T) What does it look like in 4th?

A: Earth.
On the other hand, maybe 4D earth will jump to a different solar system.

Q: (A) I want to know about the mathematical model; how to model space mathematically. I know what is the standard way of modeling space which comes from Euclid and Newton, which says that space is just a three dimensional manifold. But then we have this French guy from Paris, Nottale, who says that space is chaotic, fractalized, non-smooth; and starting from this idea that space is a very complicated object, fractal-like, he derives equations for planetary orbits much like the theories of Velikovsky, that planetary systems are like atoms, and that a kind of quantum theory can be used to get these orbits, and then that quantum jumps can happen. He derives equations out of his concept of space. Now, I got a bunch of papers from this guy because I believe they are worth studying and continuance in this direction. I would like to know if my intuition in this respect is correct?
A: Yes.

Does the new 4D earth "blink" out of existence here and land up somewhere else?

So many possibilities :)
Yes, you're right, Richard. The C's do seem to be saying that. I wonder thought if it applies to other 3rd Density AND 3rd Density Earth inhabitants? Because I remember it being implied in another transcript that the 3D Earth will be stuck in a time loop and just assumed that everything will repeat with perhaps some details being different. I'm not sure, the possibilities seem to be unlimited....

ADDED: Just saw your new post. Yeah, it could be so many possibilities, it's hard to get our 3D minds around it. Then again, maybe solar system is a 3D concept and space itself will be so different in 4D that it doesn't really apply?
Because I remember it being implied in another transcript that the 3D Earth will be stuck in a time loop and just assumed that everything will repeat with perhaps some details being different.

Yes, I remember this as well. I don't think it contradicts anything above.

Then again, maybe solar system is a 3D concept and space itself will be so different in 4D that it doesn't really apply?

I'd be very happy to go with this. Things in 4D are obviously way beyond our imaginations. I think, though, that most of the concepts are possible to understand (albeit in a limited manner) from a 3D perspective. The C's are constantly leading Ark to discover and seem to think he'll find answers. I'd be a very unhappy bunny if they were just fooling around.
If there is no time, then space may also be irrelevant. 3D Earth gets blasted, knocking the remaining inhabitants back to some prehistoric condition. 4D Earth probably already exists since there is no time. All is open until proven otherwise. This is why we continue to seek...

Consider the following:

[quote author=Session: 970809]
A: You will proceed as needed; you cannot force these events or alter the Grand Destiny.
Q: I do NOT like the sound of that! I want to go home!
A: The alternative is less appetizing.
Q: Sure! I don't want to be lunch!
A: Reincarnation on a 3rd density earth as a "cave person" amidst rubble and a glowing red sky, as the perpetual cold wind whistles...
Q: Why is the sky glowing red?
A: Contemplate.
Q: Of course! Comet dust! Sure, everybody knows THAT! Wonderful!!! Anything further?
A: Stay tuned for all pertinent information.
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