Session 4 March 2012


FOTCM Member
Session Date: 4 March 2012

Present: Laura, Ark, Belibaste, Perceval, Andromeda, Ailen, Bubbles, PoB, Burma Jones, Psyche, Mr. Scott

Rain was in the forecast for this evening, but no storm warnings had been posted. At almost the exact time we had scheduled the session, the wind began to blow like crazy! But, we assembled anyway with the understanding that the power might go off and we would have to stop because we wouldn’t be able to record.

Q: (L) Let's see if anybody wants to talk to us. (Ark) Yah, there is this storm outside. (L) They have to fight to get through! Hello. Is anybody there?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And who do we have with us tonight?

A: Roiklie

Q: (L) And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea

Q: (L) Okay, the first question I have is that I have been contacted by this guy named Armando. His son died. The son was born on August 10, 1996, and died on October 7, 2011 in Santa Barbara, California. Now, he has some questions, and I'm making an exception to ask these questions for him because he's really quite distraught. So, his first question - and I'm gonna try to help out with these questions - as he wrote it is, "Did his son decide to go to the contemplation zone, or did he decide to stay here?"

A: It would not be a good thing to be earth bound. Sergio was confused for a bit, but his father's questions enabled him to move on.

Q: (L) Okay. His father asks, "Is there anything I can do to help him?"

A: His father is not in a position to help in any other way than to release and accept his son's choice.

Q: (L) Are you saying that his son chose to leave?

A: At one level, yes.

Q: (L) But it was a terrible accident. I mean, how can you choose by an accident?

A: At the level of the soul the decision is made to withdraw the awareness that normally prevents such occurrences.

Q: (L) So you're saying that when accidents happen, that at some level even if the specific accident isn't engineered or set up, that the soul can make a choice to withdraw the acute awareness of reality that permits an accident to be more possible or probable? Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And is that what happened in this case?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Why did his son make that choice?

A: He knew what was coming and chose to prepare for the next level of service.

Q: (L) His father asks, "Was his death caused by STS to generate pain and suffering on us and the community just to feed them?"

A: No.

Q: (L) Is there anything you can say to Armando to help him deal with his pain?

A: Death is just passing through a door that is not accessible to the living except on the mental planes. If his father wishes to fully honor his son and his choice, he might do well to use this event as motivation to develop himself in a more fully spiritual way. More than that, he could help others in lieu of his son for his son.

Q: (Ark) Well, once we are on this subject, I want to ask about these mathematicians. Yesterday I learned that from my mathematician friend in Poland about the death of - in our Kairos club - a young mathematician Branson. And apparently he was quite young and for no reason suddenly he died driving a car. (L) In an accident? (Ark) No, while he was driving. Now, he was a friend of the German mathematician who worked with Irving Segal, the young guy that drowned in Clausthal in the lake. There was a conference, and they went for a swim in the lake. People were on the shore watching, and he just sank in seconds and that was all. He was also like 20-some years old. Then we had this Pertti Lounesto, the same club, related to the same area of mathematics, who drowned in the sea a few months after we saw him at the conference {in Cookville, Tennessee}. Okay, and then we had the Russian mathematician who was doing also similar work, and he went to the Black sea for vacation and he drowned. All these young people died, and they are all mathematicians doing very abstract work. It's too many of them to have drowned just by accident. I mean, what kind of coincidence is it? Any comment?

A: It is not a coincidence. It is too bad that so many who are on the right track in so many ways do not have the advantage of knowing about those things that would shield them from frequency driven attacks; such things as diet changes that would protect them from direct manipulation; things such as awareness of other densities. But, of course this last item would have come to their notice.

Q: (L) Alright, while we're on the subject, one of my Facebook friends, Lindy, had a daughter named Arianna who died on my birthday. Which is kind of interesting because this young boy Sergio, Armando's son, died on my grandmother's birthday. So anyway, this Arianna died apparently in her sleep. She's had seizure disorders since she was young, and she tried to go on a gluten/dairy-free diet and so forth, but she couldn't leave the sugar alone. Any comment on this?

A: Arianna was waking and realized at the soul level that the body was no longer useful. She just "stepped out".

Q: (L) Okay. Anything about this new asteroid - what's it called? (Perceval) 2012... (L) DA-14? (Perceval) Something like that. (L) So, what are the odds of it hitting earth? (Perceval) On February 15th next year? (L) Well, let me ask that question differently. I don't want to know what the odds are. That's a stupid question. I want to know if it's very likely, just in simple English terminology because let's forget all this statistics crap because I'm sick of reading that book. (laughter) (L) I mean, is it very likely to hit the planet?

A: No. But there are other things out there that most likely will!

Q: (L) Okay. So, what's the point of publishing these articles that they're putting out about an asteroid that's likely to hit the earth on February of next year?

A: You have assessed this aspect of the control system pretty well in the past.

Q: (L) Well, what did we say about it? We said that when they do that, they're trying to drive people “end-of-the-world” crazy so they can impose more controls on them. Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And that's what the whole 2012, end-of-the-world schtick is all about? It's trying to get people to act like it’s the end of the world so that the authorities can say, "Ya'll are crazy! You need to be protected from yourselves! We're gonna do it, so we're gonna lock all the people up!" and that sort of thing?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Now, let me cover a couple of things before I get to my other questions. What's the deal with [Name redacted]?

A: [Redacted]! {Cs responded with the individual’s forum name as a description. Redacted for privacy.]

Q: (laughter) (Perceval) A rare animal? (L) What? (Perceval) Remember you said that you looked up an [redacted] and you realized why he picked that for his forum name. What did it say about it? It was rare? (L) Rare, retiring, and hidden.

A: Masked! Little more than an effective feeding machine.

Q: (Ailen) So he was conscious of being here with a purpose?

A: Do machines think?

Q: (L) They run protocols: if, then. And what was animating him?

A: What was in his book?

Q: (L) Well, kind of a creepy... What would you describe it as, Andromeda? (Andromeda) Some sort of spirit entity... Woodland spirit? (L) [Redacted]! Is that it?

A: Yes. We said that!

Q: (L) Okay, Psyche's got a couple of questions. (Psyche) In autumn of last year, there was a bizarre early snow storm. During a discussion about it, a forum member wrote: (,25598.msg304712.html#msg304712)

"...any vibration would cause the trees to come down the night of the storm! One incident was from a car door shutting which caused a nearby tree to fall and others were actually stamping the ground and causing trees to fall left and right! I was brave enough to go out on the back porch for a few minutes, a couple of different times, but the sound of constant popping, cracking and exploding trees was just too terrifying and I would run back in the house where I couldn't hear it as clearly!"

That was in the Northeast U.S. And then, near that same time in September, in California, a couple of giant sequoias that stood for 1500 years fell to the ground. It seemed like a very, very rare event. This was in September/October of 2011. There was that storm in October. (Perceval) Where was the storm? (Psyche) The storm was in October where Meager1 is. The sequoias fell in California, but Meager1 is in New England. But in California there was no storm, but the timing was kind of a coincidence and the trees just fell. So, we were wondering what on earth or what interaction could have created these conditions for this sort of thing? (L) Weren't there some other things going on in October at that time? There was... (Ailen) The whole Elenin thing. (L) Oh, Elenin! (Perceval) That was a bust, though. (L) That depends on what you call a "bust". (Ailen) It depends on what it did in space. (L) Because if there's electrical activity as a result of Elenin, discharging or whatever little-understood phenomenon goes on between bodies in the solar system... (Perceval) Well, they said it disappeared. Which means it could have... (L) They said it disappeared? It could have just gone dark. (Perceval) Their interpretation was that it broke up. (Psyche) I mean, a giant sequoia tree just doesn't fall for no reason!

A: The two are related. The "opening up" of earth has already exhibited a number of interesting repercussions... Just you wait! You ain't seen nothin' yet!

Q: (L) Okay, so I suppose you're talking about sinkholes, earthquakes, volcanoes opening up, crazy noises...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And we've kind of talked about the crazy noises and there are some explanations that connect to it and make sense. I just don't understand. Okay, that's gonna take me to my next question. (Ark) But you know, the sequioa tree, we have seen that for instance earthquakes produce these long wave vibrations that are not detected by the standard seismographs because they are very long waves. But imagine a big tree, like this swimming pool we watched on youtube... That could have been one of these long wave vibrations of the earth. (L) Did ya'll look at any of those videos about swimming pools during the earthquakes? Well, there was one that was a security camera video at a hotel.

I got fascinated by this, so I started looking for other videos of people who filmed their swimming pools during earthquakes. There were these people out in Arizona, and there was this earthquake a long ways away. They didn't even feel the earthquake. But it emptied their pool by about 1/6 or 1/5 because it started this same slow sloshing of water back and forth, and then it would go up like a wave and just pour into their yard! Flooding their yard, and then it would swing the other way and pour out the other side of the pool. That's a lot of water! (Ailen) That's kind of scary if you think about tsunami. What kind earthquake happened miles and miles away... (L) Under the ocean... (Ailen) That later caused such a big wave. (L) And what about all of these "rogue waves" in the oceans? Where all of a sudden a giant wave swamps ships out of the blue? (Belibaste) Up to 40 meters high. (L) What if these waves are the result of this kind of really long-wave activity that's not being detected by these seismographs? I bet there's lots of earth-moving activity going on that's not being detected. (Belibaste) The official explanation is because of resonance between various wave groups interfering. (L) Well, if an earthquake were to send off a single long wave, and because it's such a long wave, it dissipates before it comes back around.

Okay, change gears: we watched this David Talbott video "Symbols of an Alien Sky". (discussion of which video it was) (L) The one about Mars was kind of compelling to me, but the other parts were silly. He just completely dumps out gravity, and yet they use gravity calculations to be able to send spacecraft up. So clearly, gravity IS what they say it is, and it does what they say it does, but there's more to it than just gravity.

A: Gravity and electromagnetism are intertwined.

Q: (L) I want to ask my question about pulsars. (Referring to printed text of previous session) Back on March 1, 1997... that’s curious! Here we are on March 4, and I started thinking about this just the other day, so it's kind of curious that the dates so closely coincide. So that's 15 years and 3 days ago from today. The question was:

Q: (A) Why do [the Cassiopaeans] need a particular place in the universe to transmit from?

A: We transmit "through" the opening that is presented in the locator you represent as Cassiopaea, due to the strong radio pulses align from Cassiopaea, due to pulsar from neutron star 300 light years behind it, as seen from your locator. This facilitates a clear channel transmission from 6th density to 3rd density.


Q: (A) What is the medium behind which the transmission goes?

A: If there were a medium, your puzzlement would be justified, but, there is not. You see, when one utilizes zero time, there is zero space as well. [...] The need for specific locator, as expressed previously, as you perceive it, was due to vibrational frequencies helpful to your psychic awareness profile. What causes pulsars, Arkadiusz?

Q: (A) What causes pulsars? A good question... (L) Do you know? (A) Some nuclear reactions...

A: Neutron "stars."

(L) Then, interestingly, {the Cs} brought up the key premise of my “Noah Syndrome”, and I said, "Transformation." And they asked, "By what means, what causative factor?" And I said that the causative factor was bodies of the solar system interacting and exchanging energies. And of course I meant electrical energies. I was talking about the sun, the 11-year cycle, the 22-year cycle, the whole bunch of different cycles in the sun. It all charges the bodies in the solar system so that they all go haywire, and that's the basic premise of The Noah Syndrome. And then – immediately after this - {the Cs} said, "A pulsar pulses at an extremely rapid rate." They didn't say it spins, they said it pulses. Then they asked us, "What is the nature of neutron stars, supernovas, 'black holes,' et cetera?" They then said that, "All are the junction of matter/antimatter... the borderline between realities as you know them... material realms/etheric realms, density level junctures, realities. One can pass through these windows with ease; remember, the stars and planets are windows too."

(L) So I was thinking about this. And I went looking for an electric universe explanation of pulsars because that comment made by the Cs, relating pulsars to my ideas about electrical discharges in the Solar System that I was writing about back in 1986. And what they said was that when pulsars were first discovered by astronomers, they thought that they rotated rapidly, like lighthouses. But when the observed rate of rotation got up to about once per second for certain pulsars despite their having masses greater than our sun, this official explanation became untenable. Instead, the concept of the "neutron star" was invented. Only such a dense star could withstand those high rotational speeds. And then they write:

Flying in the face of this observed fact, mainstream astrophysicists continue to postulate the existence of stars made up of solid material consisting only of neutrons, "neutronium". This is yet one more example of Fairie Dust entities fantasized by astrophysicists to explain otherwise inexplicable observations. The 'neutron star' is simply yet another fantasy conjured up, this time, in order to avoid confronting the idea that pulsar discharges are electrical phenomena. A nucleus or charge free atom made up of only neutrons has never been synthesized in any laboratory nor can it ever be. [...]

Perhaps some astronomers have begun to realize neutronium is embarrassingly impossible. In any event, a less easily falsifiable entity has now been proposed. Walt Thornhill has written about this latest mainstream explanation of pulsar emissions:

Now they have invented "strange matter" to explain pulsars:

When not associated with protons in a nucleus, neutrons decay into protons and electrons in a few minutes. Atomic nuclei with too many neutrons are unstable. If it were possible to form a neutron star, why should it be stable?

So, they say "strange matter" is yet another ad hoc fictional invention to explain pulsars because they don't want to go in the electrical direction. So, he says:

Some pulsars oscillate with periods in the millisecond range. Their radio pulse characteristics are: the 'duty cycle' is typically 5% (i.e., the pulsar flashes like a strobe light - the duration of each output pulse is much shorter than the length of time between pulses); some individual pulses are quite variable in intensity; the polarization of the pulse implies the origin has a strong magnetic field; magnetic fields require electrical currents. These characteristics are consistent with an electrical arc (lightning) interaction between two closely spaced binary stars. Relaxation oscillators with characteristics like this have been known and used by electrical engineers for many years.

So what's he's saying is that a pulsar is an electric arc between a primary star and a binary star. So when the C's were asking what is a neutron star, I think they were saying that the correct answer is that it's a binary star with electric arcs. They put neutron star in quotes. They put "star" in quotes.

(Ark) Neutron was without quotes.

(L) So the other thing that occurred to me as I was thinking about this is the approach of a companion to our own sun. I tried to find some information on what are the distances between binary pairs. Well, what are the distances between binary pairs when they arc? Watching this “Symbols of an Alien Sky” video about Mars and the electrical arcing that obviously took place there, we know that it probably happened between Mars and Venus when Venus entered the solar system as a highly charged cometary body as theorized by Velikovsky, or the giant comet theorized by Clube and Napier. I don't think that it had anything to do with Saturn {or other planets} being really close as Talbott wants to think because we're talking about some gravitational influences that would have torn smaller planets to pieces.

So then I started thinking that okay, if there's an electrical arc between binary stars, it's a flash, an electrical flash... But we know that electricity can also flow through the air without being such a momentous event as a flash, or a lightning discharge. There can be slow, ongoing discharges, or there can be increasing discharges. And what if that is what's happening to our solar system right now? This companion star is supposedly approaching, and it is increasing this flow. And the C's said that yes, it grounds the flow and gets the engine running. But I don't understand, and what I can't fix into the idea, is why would it slow the planets down? Is it because it increases gravity? I don't understand. If you run electricity through a coil, you create a powerful electromagnet. Well, that's a stationary coil. And maybe that's kind of what we're dealing with here. You've got a stationary coil...

(Perceval) Well what causes a planet to spin in the first place?

(Ark) Nothing is causing it.

(L) Why would a current flow...

(Ark) Once it starts spinning, it spins.

(L) It spins because I mean look at Venus. It spins once every 243 days.

(Ark) So question is why it starts spinning?

(Perceval) What would slow something down?

(L) Why would electricity, or a current grounding through a spinning magnet, slow things down?

(Ark) How much is it slowing down?

(L) Venus slowed down. It was significant. They were shocked because it was so off.

(Andromeda) Wasn't there something about Sirius?

(L) Yeah, like some people were doing observations and their instruments were trained on Sirius, and every time its companion moved in front of it and between Sirius and earth, the earth's rotation slowed down, and when the companion had passed, earth sped up again. So then when the companion star of our sun lines up, it would have a greater effect {one would think}.

(Belibaste) Maybe, a rotating body is negatively charged, and the space around it is positively charged. It's like a motor, with a rotor and a stator. If the sun activity reduces the charge of the surrounding space, that is, the stator drops, then the rotor, i.e. the planet, turns slower. The companion star could have discharged the sun massively…

(L) Well, if electricity in the solar system is increasing {which we don’t know is the case, it could be decreasing as you say}, why is our magnetic field decreasing? We have these several problems all at the same time. The slowing rotation of the planets, the heating of the planets, we have the opening up of our planet making all kinds of weird things like sink-holes and trees falling down and weird sounds and earthquakes and volcanoes going off all over the place, mud erupting out in Indonesia or Malaysia or wherever the heck it is. All this stuff is going on, and we don't have a theory that deals with these phenomena!

(Perceval returning to the room) 6.5 minutes.

(L) Venus's day slowed down 6.5 minutes. That's a lot. [wind noise... ] So, anyway, my thought is what if our companion star, assuming we have one, approaches and there is an arc-like discharge? What if that's what happened to Mars? What if that happened at one time in the past to the planet that is now the asteroid belt?

(Belibaste) I guess it will depend on the location of the planets in relation to the two stars. If you're in between or not far from the arc, it will follow the path of least electrical resistance.

(L) If you're a person and you're standing there, and you've got the kite in the air and your feet on the ground, you're in the middle, lightning strikes, and it's frying time!

(Burma Jones) Which may explain Mars and the positive and negative effects noted in the “Alien Sky” video.[windy!]

(L) When you look at the laws that show how the planets are distributed and Venus happens to be where it is because it sort of kind of belongs there, and the asteroid belt is there because another planet that really ought to be bigger belonged there, and so there's some instability in the solar system... And all these processes take place over millions of years…

(Belibaste) And when you see how a comet which is not a huge astral body can lead to these discharges in the solar system and produce major climatic change on planets, a body like the companion to our sun... it can trigger massive discharges.

(Ark) But I want to point out that there is an evident contradiction between what electric universe people say about pulsars and what Cs said about pulsars. Cs evidently used the term "neutron stars" and electric universe people are laughing about neutron stars.

(L) But they said neutron "star"... So was it really a star is the question?

(Ark) No, the electric universe people are laughing at the concept of neutronium. (L) Yeah. So, in any event, are we moving... I guess my question is: Is my idea about this discharge between our sun and its companion going in the right direction?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) But it obviously needs more work.

A: Yes.

Q: (Ark) Is it electric or something else?

A: Electric!

Q: (L) Is the sun, or the star, just like a large-scale manifestation of ball lightning?

A: Close.

Q: (L) But obviously, it has mass.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay, so something to work on. Well, ya know they're like light bulbs because when you're reading Victor Clube and he's talking about some of the observations of solar system formations that they've been able to do with the telescopes like Hubble, that when these nebular disks start forming and very young stars have double streamers that come out of them. They're like electric currents, like coming out of the north pole and a south pole. So, there's a lot of interesting stuff that's in there that kind of fits in, and I guess what we're looking at... Maybe we'll have a gradual charge, a slow charge, or a big flash. I dunno. (Ailen) But did they answer your question about the slowing down though? (L) What is the cause of this slowing down?

A: Slowing down was well enough explained by Pierrrr.

Q: (L) Do you mean Belibaste?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) Perratt! (L) What's Perratt? (Ark) Perratt is this plasma guy. (L) Oh!

A: Both!

Q: (L) So they're talking about Belibaste and Perratt. Why is the electromagnetic field weakening?

A: Spinning is slowing!

Q: (L) So the electromagnetic field of the earth is a property of its spinning? And it's spinning is a property of... can be affected by electric stuff. (Belibaste) Yeah, like a motor, if it slows down, it generates less electromagnetic field. (Perceval) Getting ready for a flip. (L) Okay, we have a question that Psyche and I have been thinking about. After reading this book about viruses, we have the idea that viruses may be the means by which genetic manipulation {as in intentional coming from other densities} has taken place on this planet for millions, if not billions, of years.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Does that mean that a virus is a transdimensional manifestation?

A: Yes. Thoughts made manifest! Compare to some crop circles!

Q: (Psyche) Some viruses in the atlas DO look like crop circles. [wind noise muffles Ark's question] (Ark)...of course virus is just pure DNA, or what? (Psyche) It can be both DNA or RNA depending on the type of virus, and usually coated to protect itself. There are so many types of viruses; it can be just a piece of genetic code. (Ark) Okay, so my question is whether there is a particular part of the virus that has the property that is not just described by normal quantum physics or quantum chemistry and so on, or its the whole organization of virus that has this property?

A: Yes. Information field aggregates matter.

Q: (talk of thought vs. information) (Belibaste) Does information command or direct the aggregation of different proteins or amino acids to form a virus? Materialization?

A: Yes.

Q: (Psyche) It's very interesting because they have found in our "junk" DNA, properties of viruses that are close in location to those of stem cells, and also cells that end up producing cancer. It is quite interesting. (Perceval) That means our DNA is thought made manifest?

A: More or less!

Q: (Perceval) Except when we do the thinking, we mess it up. So we should stop thinking and interfering with the manifestation of our DNA! (laughter)

(Ark) My question is that I moved from my shape of the universe with time being like a loop to another shape of the universe in which time is infinite but can wind an absolute infinite number of times. (L) Why? (Ark) Why? Yes... I liked before my time as a loop, but now I'm a little bit hesitant… but something tells me to follow the way with infinite time. Am I doing it right?

A: Yes. And you may find a bigger loop!

Q: (Ark) A bigger loop. Alright. Next question is now I came back to my old paper about the shape of photons which contains errors, and I thought I will fix these errors, but at the same time I thought, "Well, let me add what I learned during these thirty years, and also this new idea of time and space." But I am not really sure if I should go back to this old idea because who cares about the shape of the photon?

A: It may reveal something important.

Q: (Ark) It may be... but is it?

A: You like it!

Q: (Ark) Alright. I am done. (L) anybody else got anything? (Bubbles) Why have I for the past year or two felt so weak and pathetic lately? Where did my energy go?

A: Onset of autoimmune reactions. It should get better with your current regime. Be patient!

Q: (Bubbles) Why did these autoimmune reactions suddenly happen?

A: Reacting to virus.

Q: (L) Probably chicken pox. (Ark) It takes awhile. (L) Alright, I think we're about done, aren't we? (Belibaste) You want to ask about 2012? (L) They kinda covered that. (Belibaste) I mean, not what people say about 2012, but what would a sentence or keyword about 2012 is...

A: Revolution!

Q: (L) In other words, they will try to use 2012 to impose their complete totalitarian controls on the planet, but they won't get the reaction they expect. Is that it?

A: Yes!!!!

Q: (L) Okay. Good night.

A: Goodbye.

I've also posted the session from 4 July 1998 out of the sequence in which I've been working on getting them up because I believe it is important to read in conjunction with this session.,27026.0.html
Laura said:
I've also posted the session from 4 July 1998 out of the sequence in which I've been working on getting them up because I believe it is important to read in conjunction with this session.,27027.0.html

Thanks Laura. The session you linked above is back to the 4 March 2012 session. This is to the 4 July 1998 session:,27026.0.html
Fascinating, thanks for sharing Laura! This one merits several readings, but i loved this last bit ;D

Q: (L) In other words, they will try to use 2012 to impose their complete totalitarian controls on the planet, but they won't get the reaction they expect. Is that it?

A: Yes!!!!

Sounds like this one's going to be an interesting year, to say the least.
Shane said:
Thanks Laura. The session you linked above is back to the 4 March 2012 session. This is to the 4 July 1998 session:,27026.0.html

Thanks for catching that!
Thank You Laura!!!

I appreciate all your help, I got the felling my son probably will get confuse after his dead, I hope and he gets pretty well after his decision, it makes sense to me after all...If we are candidates I hope to see him again at the next level...

Thank you Laura. it helps me a lot....

Laura said:
Thought I would share a photo of the crew here last night just before the session:


Thanks so much Laura for the session and for the photo. :love:
Bim said:
Q: (L) In other words, they will try to use 2012 to impose their complete totalitarian controls on the planet, but they won't get the reaction they expect. Is that it?

A: Yes!!!!

Sounds like this one's going to be an interesting year, to say the least.
Indeed and it gives me a much needed boost!

Mando said:
Thank You Laura!!!

I appreciate all your help, I got the felling my son probably will get confuse after his dead, I hope and he gets pretty well after his decision, it makes sense to me after all...If we are candidates I hope to see him again at the next level...

Thank you Laura. it helps me a lot....

I hope you found some peace with regard to your son, Mando. :hug2:
Laura said:
Q: (L) Probably chicken pox. (Ark) It takes awhile. (L) Alright, I think we're about done, aren't we? (Belibaste) You want to ask about 2012? (L) They kinda covered that. (Belibaste) I mean, not what people say about 2012, but what would a sentence or keyword about 2012 is...

A: Revolution!

Q: (L) In other words, they will try to use 2012 to impose their complete totalitarian controls on the planet, but they won't get the reaction they expect. Is that it?

A: Yes!!!!

Well this is reassuring and I certainly hope it's the case. It's been a little difficult personally, lately, watching things getting worse with so many non-responses from the people. Only a human gestational period left in the year to see the planet give birth to this revolution! I hope it comes! (clearly recognizing my emotional attachment to a desired outcome)

Many other interesting things in this session (though the above quote is what's made my day)--thanks once again for sharing! And thanks for the great picture too! :D

Mando said:
Thank You Laura!!!

I appreciate all your help, I got the felling my son probably will get confuse after his dead, I hope and he gets pretty well after his decision, it makes sense to me after all...If we are candidates I hope to see him again at the next level...

Thank you Laura. it helps me a lot....


I'm sorry for your loss Mando and I hope that you've found some peace and are reunited with your son on the other side of the veil :hug2:

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