Nous sommes heureux de vous informer que Le Mythe végétarien, de Lierre Keith, est désormais disponible en français ! Un grand merci à tous ceux qui ont rendu cela possible, à l'éditeur qui nous a accordé les droits de publication, et à tous ceux qui ont attendu patiemment.
Bonne lecture !
We are happy to inform you that The Vegetarian Myth, by Lierre Keith, is now available in French! Many thanks to all those who made this happen, to the publisher who gave us the publishing rights, and to those who waited patiently.
Happy reading!
Bonne lecture !
We are happy to inform you that The Vegetarian Myth, by Lierre Keith, is now available in French! Many thanks to all those who made this happen, to the publisher who gave us the publishing rights, and to those who waited patiently.
Happy reading!