Session 19 July 1995


FOTCM Member
July 19, 1995
Frank Direct Channeling, Laura, SV

Q: When the connection is complete will you indicate by saying "I am ready." Are you ready?

A: Yes. [Positional adjustments made]

Q: (L) We have several questions this evening. Who do we have with us?

A: You keep requesting a name. Remember this mode of communication has different qualities and different necessities, therefore identification by name is not necessary.

Q: (L) What is the protocol?

A: Protocol is not the word. Protocol suggests restriction. There is no restriction here. It is merely a different mode of communication.

Q: (L) Why does there seem to be difficulty in transmission right now? [Frank is talking very low and slowly.]

A: That is your perception only.

Q: (L) Ordinarily the voice is strong and clear...?

A: Your perception, however the voice will become stronger and clearer as the session progresses as has been the case in each of the previous sessions using this particular type of communication, also one possible problem may be physical blockages of the sound wave paths.

Q: (L) Caused by what?

A: The physical obstructions in front of the pathway. [We make adjustments with pillows.]

Q: (L) Is that better?

A: The results will be up to you to determine.

Q: (L) Alright. Our first question is: In a previous session we were given a small dissertation on the process of abduction. It was described for us in some detail. Now, what we would like to know is, if our souls are abducted from our bodies and then used as a pattern for remolecularization in fourth density, is there ever, at any time, a remolecularized clone that is retained in fourth density even after the soul has been returned to its original body?

A: No, it's not possible.

Q: (L) So, they don't keep a pattern or clone of any of us after they have abducted us, "they" being a general term?

A: No.

Q: (L) Okay. Is any process used to affect us at a distance from fourth density?

A: That question is vague.

Q: (L) Do any of the STS beings have the ability to cause us physical problems, or mental or emotional problems when not in direct contact with us?

A: Certainly.

Q: (L) How is this done?

A: A number of different methods used.

Q: (L) Can you describe the most frequently used methods?

A: That's a non-applicable question.

Q: (L) What do you mean?

A: There is no frequency determination by way of mathematical calculation.

Q: (L) So any and all methods may be used at any given time?

A: That is correct.

Q: (L) Could you give us one or two examples of how this is done?

A: There are many: sound wave manipulation of the ultra high frequency range would be one.

Q: (L) What do these sound waves in the ultra high frequencies do?

A: They can alter chemical balances within the body of the subject, thereby also the brain, using the physical path to cause distress by altering these chemical imbalances into place.

Q: (L) Do these ultra-high frequency sound waves ever carry messages in terms of pre-coded suggestions that are triggered by these waves?

A: Messages are not carried in ultra-high frequency sound waves. Now, you are talking about an entirely different method.

Q: (L) Could you describe this method to us?

A: This would be very complex and time consuming for you, but also, there is one more method used than what your mental capacities are able to perceive.

Q: (L) And what is that?

A: There's no possibility for an adequate response since the information would not be perceptible for you.

Q: (L) I don't understand. You say there is one more method that would be beyond our ability to perceive...

A: That's correct. If you cannot perceive it, how can you expect to understand it?

Q: (L) Well, perhaps if we were helped to understand it we would learn to perceive it and could thereby negate it.

A: The best analogy would be trying to explain calculus to a two-year old. Would this be possible?

Q: (L) To a very clever individual, possibly.

A: And would it be possible for the two-year-old human to perceive calculus correctly?

Q: (L) If the two-year-old human was extremely bright.

A: Well, now you are adding conditions into a situation which were not there to begin with.

Q: (L) Well, my question is: why mention something that is non-perceivable and unexplainable if it cannot be discussed?

A: It still can be documented, can it not?

Q: (L) Well, how do we document it?

A: Exactly as given.

Q: (L) If we don't know what we are looking for, how can we document it?

A: Exactly as explained. There is one method which cannot be perceived by you. Is it not possible to document that as such?

Q: (L) If documentation is simply writing that there is one method that we cannot perceive.

A: Precisely.

Q: (L) And then others will come along and ask: "What is it?" And we will have no answer. Not even a remote estimation of what it could possibly be. And that is a highly unsatisfactory condition to be in, to have a hint...

A: It is? What about all the other answers that were once questions?

Q: (L) Well, they are far more satisfactory since they have now become knowledge.

A: How did they become knowledge?

Q: (L) By being answered.

A: And how did they exist before they became answers?

Q: (L) As questions.

A: Correct.

Q: (L) And, our question is: What is this other method?

A: It is not perceivable by you.

Q: (L) What are the mechanics of it if it is not perceivable?

A: That's part of what you cannot perceive. Do you not see that there is a question here for you to begin to study yourself, and this is the only way that it can be done, by planting a seed, as it were, for you then to follow until it eventually leads to the answer. But, in order for you to receive the answer, you need information in between the question and the answer which is not yet available to you because conditions do not exist currently that will allow for that in between information to be available.

Q: (L) Alright then, moving on to another subject, how are pre-coded information signals sent?

A: Would you clarify, please?

Q: (L) Well, before we got off onto this subject, the suggestion was that messages could be sent via sound-wave focusing.

A: No, sound wave focusing is designed to alter body and brain chemistry in order to alter such things as feelings, emotions, and so forth, which then may lead to the altering of mental thought patterns. But messages are not sent by ultra-high frequency sound waves.

Q: (L) How are they sent?

A: Messages are sent by something called Free Formal Imaging.

Q: (L) And what does that describe?

A: That describes the transference of thought.

Q: (L) And how is that done? At what frequency is it done?

A: Not correct concept. There is no "Frequency" as such involved. There is methodology that, again, unfortunately, you do not understand. However, since you seek answers to all questions, the only possible way to explain is to simply say a thought is formed in one realm and sent to a second realm, which is yours.

Q: (L) Okay. Can it be sent to a directed target?

A: Absolutely.

Q: (L) Now, the question has arisen that, since other dimensional beings have the ability to kidnap or abduct or forcibly extract souls, do they also have the capability of manipulating our soul essences after they have left our bodies during the transition to fifth density?

A: Not correct.

Q: (L) They do not?

A: No, you see when your physical body expires, and you enter fifth density, this is done one way and one way only: by passing through a conduit which opens specifically for the purpose of transference from third density to fifth density. Now, something often referred to in your terminology as a silver thread, is like a closed line which opens when this conduit is needed. That's rather awkward, but it's the only way to describe it. So that when the physical body terminates, this line is opened forming a conduit through which the soul passes naturally. However, part of the existence of this conduit is that it is absolutely impenetrable by any force from any density level. Therefore, souls in the process of transferring from third density to fifth density are not in any way able to be molested or tampered with. And it should be mentioned here, also, that the soul imprint of the physical body always has a connection to fifth density and that is through the so-called "silver thread." That always exists as the third density soul's doorway to fifth density. It can be opened at a moment's notice whenever needed. When it is opened it becomes a conduit. Through that conduit the soul passes. And it is not subject to interference by anything. This is not a deliberate construction, it is merely the natural process similar to what could be described as the protection mechanisms existing on second level density for creatures which are not capable of protecting themselves through their own conscious thought processes. For example, your turtle is contained within a shell that protects it. That shell is impenetrable by any natural forces, therefore nothing that is natural can harm that turtle. However, the same can exist for any creature when it is connected by the silver thread to fifth density. Once it is passing through the conduit produced by the opening of the silver thread, then, of course, it cannot be tampered with. Do you understand?

Q: (L) Yes, but why do so many souls, when they leave the body, not traverse this conduit, and why do they stay earthbound, and why do they attach to other bodies? Why does this condition exist?

A: That is a complicated question, however the best answer is choice is involved there for those souls who wish not to leave the plane of third density. The only possibility to do this is to be detached from the now expired physical body but still be within the third density plane, which, of course, is not natural, but nonetheless can occur. In situations such as this, though it has been incorrectly reported, the silver thread is still attached and still remains a thread rather than a conduit. The soul is still attached to the silver thread but detached from the host body which has now expired. So the effect is very similar to being consciously aware of third density surroundings without a third density unit to accompany. Do you understand?

Q: (L) Yes. Okay...

A: Also, please be aware of the fact that once the soul leaves the confines of the physical body, the illusion of time passage is no longer apparent even when the soul remains on the third density plane. Therefore, it appears to that soul that no time whatsoever has passed. And, we mention this merely for you to contemplate all of the various meanings behind this.

Q: (L) Okay. Now, earlier we had a discussion about crime, the involvement in crime of black people versus white people, and, looking at the numbers, it seems that there is an inordinate number of black people involved in crime or criminal activities, or negatively oriented behavior than white people; the figures are really outstanding: blacks are eight times more likely to commit crimes than whites. And many of the explanations that are used, such as poverty or discrimination do not seem to account for this disparity, considering the poverty and discrimination exhibited toward many other ethnic groups with no such relationship. Is there something significant in this fact, and is there some reason why this condition exists?

A: Perhaps you should try one question at a time.

Q: (L) Why do blacks commit more crimes than whites?

A: That is too broad spectrum a concept to be answered simply. Please try to break down the question into several parts so that the answers can adequately explain.

Q: (L) Can you suggest a way for me to break it down; it is a difficult subject?

A: Normally this is not the procedure, however, one suggestion may be, for example, to ask, first of all, what is it that causes individuals to commit crimes; secondly, is there any connection between one's race and national origin or physical state of being and one's proclivity to commit crimes, etc. In other words, this is a broad spectrum subject. In order for it to be answered adequately, it must be broken down into many consecutive questions.

Q: (L) What is it that causes individuals to commit crimes?

A: Well, now you see, that too, has many answers. We will choose one and then let you contemplate. One answer is, of course, as we mentioned previously, the alteration of blood, body and brain chemistry through the use of ultra- high frequency sound waves. Of course, as you can well imagine, one effect that this may have would be what you would refer to as anti-social behavior. Do you not see this?

Q: (L) I do. Okay, is there anything about a person of a particular race or body type which makes them more susceptible to this manipulation than another race or person?

A: Well now, that brings into question the physical differences between races, including the obvious body chemistry differences, a subject that has not been adequately explored on the third density level of existence. For example, it is very obvious the different "races" as it is called, are human beings that have different chemical make-up in their bodies. Would you not say this?

Q: (L) I would say that might be probable.

A: Now, if one takes this one step further, perhaps if one race has a brain chemistry make-up or blood chemistry make-up that can alter the emotions in such a way so as to commit what is called anti-social behavior, at least in social environment to which you are accustomed, then this, perhaps, would explain why there may be a higher percentage of crimes committed by persons of a particular race as opposed to persons of a different particular race.

Q: (L) Are there any specific chemicals that we could isolate or name that would be involved with this condition?

A: Tumoxifene.

Q: (L) And, what is that?

A: A hormone secreted by the pituitary gland. You'll find this particular hormone to be in high concentrations in persons of what is referred to as the Negro race.

Q: (L) And why does this hormone make a person susceptible to these ultra-high frequency sound waves, so that they exhibit anti-social behavior?

A: That's actually a question that skips over some necessary ingredients, however the best way to answer that is that when this hormone is in high abundance, then one's aggressive nature is heightened, since it already exists in higher levels within individuals of the Negro race, it does not require much alteration to increase it to what would be referred to as the danger level. Therefore, aggressive or anti-social behavior can be more easily facilitated in those of the Negro race, and those of other races.

Q: (L) Is it possible, or does it happen, that people of the other races, white, Hispanic, or oriental, to have individuals born into those races, who, by some fluke, have higher levels of this hormone?

A: Are you asking: "Do some individuals of other races besides the Negro race have high levels of that hormone?" Well, obviously each individual situation is different. It is averages that make up the important composition.

Q: (L) So, this is what we could call, in a general sense, the "Crime Hormone?"

A: It is certainly one of them, anyway. Although, aggressive behavior does not necessarily translate into criminal behavior.

Q: (L) True. What is it in the blacks that tends to make aggressive behavior translate into crime?

A: That question is not answerable when put in that way. Please reverse and ask a more basic foundational question.

Q: (L) Well individuals such as members of the Celtic background are historically and evidentially quite aggressive, yet they do not as frequently, in fact less frequently, commit crimes as a result of their aggression. Why is this?

A: Well, there is more than one answer, of course. Everyone's chemical nature or make-up is oriented toward their native environments. Of course, if one thinks of the Negro race as having lived for many thousands, in fact millions, of years in the general climate and environmental situation they are native to, then perhaps it could be said that a greater level of Tumoxifene would be needed for survival in that environment. Now, when removed from that environment to an entirely different environment whereby such chemical balance is not correct for the new environment, then increased amounts of this chemical may produce aggressive behavior of one or two particular types. Whereas other races or cultures, when exposed to any stimuli which causes increases or changes in various brain chemistry, this may cause aggressive behavior of a different sort which can be channeled into more acceptable pursuits within the given society.

Q: (L) Is there anything that can be done chemically to alter this aggression or crime hormone to reduce it or to convert its effects into other behavior?

A: That's an extremely complicated question because any tampering with chemistry of the brain is similar to what you would describe in cliché as shooting in the dark at this point in your development, because you do not understand all of the intricacies involved. Therefore, it is very difficult also to positively answer that question when put in that form.

Q: (L) Is there any form that question could be put into where it could be answered more simply?

A: That is up to the one asking the questions to determine. Obviously the answer is yes, but if you are asking how to formulate the question, we cannot do that for you because that is part of your learning process. If we now are reduced to asking or rather telling, how to ask questions, this is rather like leading you by the hand, is it not?

Q: (L) Yes. Is there a simple, practical action that could be taken to assist members of the black race in reducing this aggressive behavior?

A: Well, again, you keep asking nearly impossible questions because, you must realize that this is not a simple black and white issue, no pun intended. What it is is trying to answer an extremely difficult question with very simple answers and this will not work because there are so many different directions involved here. There is just an impossible number of difficulties involved in trying to deal with this. Apparently you don't see that it is not something where one can simply formulate an injection, for example, and line up all the members of the black race for this injection. Can you imagine the extreme difficulty in even trying to contemplate such a thing? And, all of the resistance that would be received from every imaginable corner of your society at even the mere suggestion of such a thought? Obviously this is a problem that will only be taken care of at a later time, as you measure time, when the shift from 3rd density to 4th density takes place. There really is no point in trying to climb backwards up the side of a mountain with nothing but your slippery bare feet and hands to work with. That is what you would be trying to do if you tried to answer such a problem so simply.

Q: (L) Okay. I would like to know who was responsible for the vision seen by the Emperor Constantine which caused him to convert to Christianity and impose Christianity on his world?

A: The answer to that is, mainly and primarily, merely that the Emperor Constantine had been predestined to do such a thing by the planning process that exists in fifth density prior to the reemergence of a soul in third density.

Q: (L) Is there any particular significance to the fact that the imposition of Christianity on the area of Constantine's reign also brought on the Dark Ages?

A: Possibly.

Q: (L) Do you have any comments on that?

A: No, not really.

Q: (L) What is the true significance of the Masonic Apron?

A: In what way?

Q: (L) There are hieroglyphics and carvings from ancient Egypt showing high priests wearing aprons and there are many secret societies down through the ages for centuries and possibly even further back than that where the initiates wore aprons. Now, the aprons have been either white cloth or sheepskin. What is the significance of the apron? Why an apron?

A: It is simply a tradition born of ritual.

Q: (L) What was the origin of this tradition? What did it symbolize to put on the apron?

A: Perhaps it could best be described as attempts to shield from negative or evil spirits.

Q: (L) Okay, Susan and I did some research on all our past sessions and we came to the realization that after other people began coming regularly there was a significant increase, in fact a doubling, of the number of answers received through this source, that were basically refusals to answer, as in: up to you, open, maybe, close, and so forth. In general, what we noticed was a great reduction in the level and type of information we were being given. Could you give us a reason for this?

A: The best answer to that is that when you have a greater and greater number of subjects present for any formal channeling sessions, of course the mental energy and the thought waves are more of a conflicting nature, and of course the answers must be carefully given in order to avoid conflict that is unnecessary by the observers or within the ranks of the observers, so, therefore, some questions are better left unanswered if it is felt or known that the true answers will cause grave distress by some who are receiving them. And, the more subjects you have present, the more likely that this situation is to be apparent. Therefore, sometimes questions must be either passed over or each individual subject must find a way to answer the question for themselves that they feel comfortable with.

Q: (L) That seems to say that the way that is most conducive to receiving information is to limit the number of individuals present, thereby limiting the amount of conflicting thought patterns.

A: That is one possible outlook.

Q: (L) Does it require a state of absolute openness to receive the information?

A: No, it does not, however to receive absolute information in uninterrupted flow, such a state would be required. But, such states are very rare on third density.

Q: (L) Well, it seemed to me that in the initial six months or so that we were receiving the information, that the information was much more open and the answers were more open. It seems that when I ask questions I ask because I really want to HEAR what may be said without putting any expectations on it whatsoever. I have realized that with all of the enormous work I have done in this life, that I have not been able to figure out the answers, and I am ready to shut up and listen... When other people ask questions, it often seems that they are just asking just to confirm the answer they have already formed in their own mind against whatever answer may come through.

A: This is a correct perception on your part, however such prejudice as described is something that all on third density are guilty of to a greater or lesser extent at various question and answer opportunities. Therefore if you were to study the answers more thoroughly, you might also find that there are varying degrees of what you describe as openness or willingness to dispense information even during those sessions where fewer people were present.

Q: (L) That is true. The thing is, from my point of view, to continually strive to reduce the number of prejudices, to expand and broaden the willingness to hear the information, and to not have a preconceived notion of what the answer is going to be. In the initial stages, of course, I was testing and examining what kinds of answers came through and what the parameters were, and I actually think, interestingly, that even with my, more or less rigid testing process, that better and more complete answers were given than were given in later sessions where others were present.

A: It's possible.

Q: (L) What would be the reason for this?

A: We have already described this in the previous answer. The more subjects you have present, the more opportunity for prejudice, obviously.

Q: (L) Okay, recently I went to a neurologist, Dr. Vincent D_. Now, it seems that Dr. D_ was quite animated and indicated that he felt like he had met me before even though he knew that he hadn't. There seemed to have been some very strong subliminal psychic interaction between myself and him. Could you give me a clue as to why this was?

A: There may have been some karmic interaction there.

Q: (L) Will this involve any interaction in the future?

A: That is obviously up to you to find out.

Q: (L) Well, Susan and I have been talking and she is baffled as to what to do for me therapeutically. Can you help?

A: That, of course, is a very complicated situation, however, one of the possibilities is the nerve passages can be altered by physical stresses caused by a number of different factors stemming from activities undertaken in the past, for example buildup of scar tissue around the musculature of the extremities and appendages, has perhaps blocked the natural flow of electricity which then pass from the center of the nervous of system to the extremities. This can cause some starvation of necessary passages of electrical elements through the nerve passageways which, in turn then, may cause a certain degree of starvation to those same extremities through lack of proper oxygenation. Alleviation is difficult because it requires several steps. The best suggestion is a gradual but steady improvement in health as facilitated by a number of different programs to reverse damage having been caused. The information to facilitate this is available to you.

Q: (L) It is reversible?

A: It is reversible. All damage is always reversible until either the physical host body in part or in whole is terminated.

Q: (L) Is Susan's manipulation of the tissues and electrical currents through her various techniques, is this beneficial at this time?

A: It is beneficial, however, it is very likely more will be needed. We mean more types of activities in order to facilitate complete improvement.

Q: (SV) But, the main problem is the scar tissue?

A: Any form of blockages which block the proper firing of the neurons, thus preventing oxygenation which takes place as a result, including the build-up of scar tissue.

End of Session
Q: (L) Well individuals such as members of the Celtic background are historically and evidentially quite aggressive, yet they do not as frequently, in fact less frequently, commit crimes as a result of their aggression. Why is this?

A: Well, there is more than one answer, of course. Everyone's chemical nature or make-up is oriented toward their native environments. Of course, if one thinks of the Negro race as having lived for many thousands, in fact millions, of years in the general climate and environmental situation they are native to, then perhaps it could be said that a greater level of Tumoxifene would be needed for survival in that environment. Now, when removed from that environment to an entirely different environment whereby such chemical balance is not correct for the new environment, then increased amounts of this chemical may produce aggressive behavior of one or two particular types. Whereas other races or cultures, when exposed to any stimuli which causes increases or changes in various brain chemistry, this may cause aggressive behavior of a different sort which can be channeled into more acceptable pursuits within the given society.

Demografic gap and social behavior correlates with an article today at New York Times: "1.5 Million Missing Black Men"

But there is not an easy way out:

Q: (L) Is there anything that can be done chemically to alter this aggression or crime hormone to reduce it or to convert its effects into other behavior?

A: That's an extremely complicated question because any tampering with chemistry of the brain is similar to what you would describe in cliché as shooting in the dark at this point in your development, because you do not understand all of the intricacies involved. Therefore, it is very difficult also to positively answer that question when put in that form.

Q: (L) Is there any form that question could be put into where it could be answered more simply?

A: That is up to the one asking the questions to determine. Obviously the answer is yes, but if you are asking how to formulate the question, we cannot do that for you because that is part of your learning process. If we now are reduced to asking or rather telling, how to ask questions, this is rather like leading you by the hand, is it not?

Q: (L) Yes. Is there a simple, practical action that could be taken to assist members of the black race in reducing this aggressive behavior?

A: Well, again, you keep asking nearly impossible questions because, you must realize that this is not a simple black and white issue, no pun intended. What it is is trying to answer an extremely difficult question with very simple answers and this will not work because there are so many different directions involved here. There is just an impossible number of difficulties involved in trying to deal with this. Apparently you don't see that it is not something where one can simply formulate an injection, for example, and line up all the members of the black race for this injection. Can you imagine the extreme difficulty in even trying to contemplate such a thing? And, all of the resistance that would be received from every imaginable corner of your society at even the mere suggestion of such a thought? Obviously this is a problem that will only be taken care of at a later time, as you measure time, when the shift from 3rd density to 4th density takes place. There really is no point in trying to climb backwards up the side of a mountain with nothing but your slippery bare feet and hands to work with. That is what you would be trying to do if you tried to answer such a problem so simply.
Karma, karma ... well once again it is evident that there are many things that are out of our hands. And it does not necessarily have to do with punctual things like karma or external manipulation of hormones. Part ... I stress that this falls short once again because there are many factors.the "time" to name one.It may seem that we say thousands of years to be "solved" this is too much and we want to somehow minimize it That we can meanwhile ... but as I have been taught here.What is soon?
July 19, 1995
A: Also, please be aware of the fact that once the soul leaves the confines of the physical body, the illusion of time passage is no longer apparent even when the soul remains on the third density plane. Therefore, it appears to that soul that no time whatsoever has passed. And, we mention this merely for you to contemplate all of the various meanings behind this.

Regarding the comments in this session about the process of soul extraction during abduction and the process of the soul's transiting to 5th density at the time of bodily death, I was intrigued by the above snippet stating that, because an "earthbound" soul is no longer in the body then they have no perception of "time" even though they're still sticking around in 3rd density. This is corroborated by another session where the subject pertains to illusions "put in place" at the time of the "Fall":

March 11, 1995
Q: (L) At one point we were told that time was an illusion that came into being at the "time" of the "Fall" in Eden, and this was said in such a way that I inferred that there were other illusions put into place at that time...

A: Time is an illusion that works for you because of your altered DNA state.

So if that is also correct then it would appear that the perception of "time" that we have really is just bound to our tampered bodily status and is not intrinsic to 3D awareness by default. (I would otherwise wonder if the other illusions discussed in the above session are also specifically related to our altered DNA state, but I digress.) Considering this, I would have to wonder whether "timeless" experience would be the default for most of reality outside of our 3D STS experience, and if so then what might that look like? I struggle to imagine it, to say the least!
Hi Lathyrus, seeing this is one of your first posts on the forum, we would appreciate it if you would post a brief intro about yourself in the Newbies section, telling us how you found this forum, how long you've been reading it and/or the SOTT page, whether or not you've read any of Laura's books yet, etc.

Regarding your question: As I understand it time is specially learned or a lesson in third density and with that on higher densities time is not that present anymore or at all. The same could be said about second and first density. For example for dogs, they are still be happy to see you, even if you just saw them last some minutes back. I think it is then difficult to say how it would be without time, because we are right in the middle of the lesson.
I know it's not a question that anyone could probably answer given that we're all here and all, I suppose it is more a rhetorical supposition than anything else about the difficulty of the idea.

Anyway, I'll be sure to leave an intro.
Re-reading this thread proved to be a good decision for me. Many fascinating elements that I grok much better now after reading so much material here.

I am a redhead and had a terrible time with losing my temper as a child. Fortunately, my parents were rather strict about bad behaviour, especially when in public, and ultimately my own shame at my inability to control myself gave me a degree of self-control. It is very rare for me to lose my temper as an adult now but it is still not unknown! I really do not envy those, discussed above, with hair-trigger tempers who are preyed on by 4D STS. That would be a living hell for me. Some people seem to live for drama but I am not one of them.
A: Now, if one takes this one step further, perhaps if one race has a brain chemistry make-up or blood chemistry make-up that can alter the emotions in such a way so as to commit what is called anti-social behavior, at least in social environment to which you are accustomed, then this, perhaps, would explain why there may be a higher percentage of crimes committed by persons of a particular race as opposed to persons of a different particular race.

Q: (L) Are there any specific chemicals that we could isolate or name that would be involved with this condition?

A: Tumoxifene.

Q: (L) And, what is that?

A: A hormone secreted by the pituitary gland. You'll find this particular hormone to be in high concentrations in persons of what is referred to as the Negro race.
A: Now, if one takes this one step further, perhaps if one race has a brain chemistry make-up or blood chemistry make-up that can alter the emotions in such a way so as to commit what is called anti-social behavior, at least in social environment to which you are accustomed, then this, perhaps, would explain why there may be a higher percentage of crimes committed by persons of a particular race as opposed to persons of a different particular race.

Q: (L) Are there any specific chemicals that we could isolate or name that would be involved with this condition?

A: Tumoxifene.

Q: (L) And, what is that?

A: A hormone secreted by the pituitary gland. You'll find this particular hormone to be in high concentrations in persons of what is referred to as the Negro race.
I am struck by the similarity of tumoxifene with tamoxifene, and I am concerned that my wife has been taking it for 7 years as hormone therapy. I hope it is not the same substance
I am struck by the similarity of tumoxifene with tamoxifene, and I am concerned that my wife has been taking it for 7 years as hormone therapy. I hope it is not the same substance

Hi Argonauta,
I have noticed over the years that in some of the transcripts the spelling of some words might be a bit different than we use NOW.
Maybe because in the FUTURE that's the updated spelling, or,perhaps it was a phonetic typo, in the NOW during transcription, ect.

First, this:
What I am posting is Research for Entertainment Purposes Only.
I have no authority nor license to give any medical, psychological, or life skills advice, I just have information to share, for entertainment purposes only.

You did not share why your wife has been on the pharmaceutical Tamoxifene for so long a time, but I am most familiar with it being used as an estrogen blocker by the medical association, for several issues.
I send you Hope from my Heart that she is going to be OK.

What the C's might be referring to is a naturally occurring chemical in our brains, it is a trigger chemical called tamoxifen that creates more TESTOSTERONE:
As the NATURAL substance" tamoxifen results in the inhibition of the negative feedback of estrogen at the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, and results in the release of LH and FSH, which in turn increases testosterone biosynthesis and “stimulates” spermatogenesis."
The Role of Estrogen Modulators in Male Hypogonadism and Infertility

I am assuming that whoever has your wife on these medications has explained that they are to decrease her ESTROGEN.
From my limited knowledge, and for entertainment and discussion only, that would be my guess.
Hope this helps.
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