Session 24 August 1996


FOTCM Member
August 24, 1996
Frank, Laura, V

Background: I had been in twice-weekly physical therapy for almost two years following an auto accident in late 1994. I usually didn’t mention it in the sessions but at this particular point in time, probably due to the intensive body-work that was being done, I was truly in so much pain that I wondered how I could go on.

Q: (L) Hello.

A: Hello. Louritha of Cassiopaea and we welcome V, it is good to have your presence!!

Q: (L) Why do I have this persistent, overwhelming pain in my shoulder. I am simply unable to do anything with this pain. If it were not so bad, I would not ask, but I am in such constant pain that it is difficult to even concentrate.

A: Soft calcium tissues.

Q: (V) How can she work that out?

A: Through re-energization of the body, combined with cleansing at the same time.

Q: (L) Are you talking about fasting?

A: A fast would not be good, except one day per each ten.

Q: (L) Okay, you say re-energization combined with cleansing. What is the proposed protocol to accomplish this?

A: You have been spending too much "time" being static.

Q: (L) You are saying that I need to get out and move around?

A: 1.5 hours per day. We recommend the first order of business is to clean the pool, then swim 100 circular "laps" each day. Swimming gets the entire body to move and purge, thus your cleansing.

Q: (L) Well, speaking of that. I cannot do that until I can afford to replace the pool pump. So, since you guys are so full of all this advice, maybe you will tell me how to do this? That is impossible right now.

A: Ask Ark.

Q: (L) I can't ask him!

A: Why do you think we sent him?

Q: (L) You are completely crazy. I couldn't do THAT!!

A: Yes you could, and phrase it directly.

Q: (L) I can't do that! (V) Let me ask you, if Ark loves you, do you think he wants you to be in the situation you are in? If he loves you that much...

A: In that sense, he is as you say, "loaded."

Q: (L) I can't DO that! God! Guys, come on!

A: No, we are not at 7th density yet, but we appreciate the compliment!!

Q: (L) I can't do that! (V) Well, you can't as long as you keep telling yourself you can't! (L) Could you ask a man for money? (V) Yes. (L) You could? (V) If I was in a relationship where there was love, of course I could. And you can! (L) No, I can't. (V) What makes you think he wants you to suffer? If he knew how you are suffering, don't you think he would care? Am I right?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Frank! You are pushing that! (F) I AM NOT! (L) Well, I have a hard time asking anyone for anything. (V) Where does that come from? (L) I don't know. (V) How about pride and ego? A relationship is not about ego. A relationship is about soul connection and love.

A: Yes.

Q: (V) Thank you! See, I'm getting good! (L) Okay, let me ask why I have such an internal restriction [in respect of asking for help]?

A: You do not. You have always had high expectations relating to your own powers, when you let those go, good things happen.

Q: (V) Does this relate to the 'I must be perfect' syndrome? Or do you think that it diminishes your worth to need from someone else and to not be the one who is doing the giving? (L) I suppose that it makes me feel worthless to need.

A: What do you think he thinks you are?

Q: (L) I don't know. What does he think?

A: That is not what we asked you. Please answer us.

Q: (V) Well...? Think about it.... It is so intense, so fast... (L) What does he think? I don't know. I only know what he says. But, what he says and what he really thinks may be two different things. He says that I am his other half, his completion. That's what he says. Who knows, he may be telling the truth.

A: So, where does ego enter into that?

Q: (L) I guess it shouldn't.

A: Do you think he will reject you if you are honest and open?

Q: (L) No.

A: Then we suggest you spell out to him your exact circumstances, and hide nothing!

Q: (L) You mean I have to tell him that my husband has left me with 5 children and no money and is playing games to force me to take him back or starve? That I have used all the money I had to live on and what [my ex] has given me isn't enough? That is completely humiliating! It makes me look stupid! What kind of a woman would put herself into this situation? Waiting for an insurance settlement which could take God-knows-how-long!

A: And how does one adult raise 5 kids these days? Do you not think the truth is better than fiction?

Q: (V) That's how you live your life! Based on truth. (L) But I never thought that it would include having to tell someone my personal problems, my financial difficulties! That is going a bit far with this! I expected the insurance money in July... (V) You accept what the C's say, correct? Then, you need to apply it in real life! (L) Guys! You are putting me in an impossible situation! I cannot do this!

A: Well, the internet expense angle is there too.

Q: (L) Yes. I will soon have to cancel my internet account and I will have to tell him that eventually.

A: Which has a funny ring of truth to it!

Q: (L) All things considered, how soon before I get the money from the lawsuit?

A: Up to you.

Q: (L) Now, you said that you 'sent' Ark. I want to know exactly what you meant by that. I don't like to be manipulated!

A: "Sent" may not be the exact term, more like nudged.

Q: (L) Well, you have certainly been nudging ME in his direction! Are you sure I don't have an attachment in this arm? It is excruciating just now!

A: Yes. It is floating calcification.

Q: (L) Wonderful. Just what I always needed. More pain. Okay. I am in so much pain I will do just about anything to get out of it. Okay. I will tell him. But I want you to know that I do it under protest. And, if I never hear from him again, well... it's better to know now. V___, ask your questions. (V) I have been helping a woman who has cancer. I see her cancer as a sideline even though it is in the lymph system. Is this correct?

A: Cancer is always a "sideline."

Q: (V) When I was working with her, I felt a lot of energy flow coming up from her solar plexus. Was this the disease energy leaving?

A: Constriction easing. If she wants to remain on third density, she must change a 28 year long outlook, and purge feelings, rather than collecting them as a "sponge." Also, dietary changes are needed. We suggest sauerkraut extract and fruit juices and broccoli. She needs colonic therapy, and if diagnosis is "terminal," why are poisonous treatments a consideration? We strongly recommend that you suggest a change in the 28 year long outlook. She must purge and cleanse her mind, body, and soul, as with ALL cancer patients.

Q: (V) I want to address another issue: that of charging for Reiki and other similar work. I mean, if this is a spiritual gift...

A: Offer the opportunity to give donations in any amount or form as deemed appropriate by the receiver.

Q: (L) Okay, I have two quick questions. Last Sunday morning, after the session the previous night, I had a very strange experience similar to what Al-Arabi describes as being in a 'state.' It was like being taken up into a condition of near madness, Ark was there [in a sort of vision], and then, when [the intense emotion of the visionary state] became unbearable, [I pulled myself back deliberately and fell into a state of] cold, shaking and rocking. I was shivering like I would never get warm and I could FEEL my soul rocking in my body [the same feeling that comes with an OOBE]. I would like to know exactly what this was?

A: Balancing of half-self.

Q: (L) What is a half-self?

A: Your starter version, relating to birth karmic imprint.

Q: (L) What in the world does THAT mean?

A: What you were assigned with at the onset of this incarnation.

Q: (L) Do you mean that this was 'starting' something? Like a starter in a car?

A: No, what you started with. This must be periodically re-balanced at apex of significant junctures.

[None of this made much sense at the time; it was only after reading Mouravieff and then re-reading Gurdjieff that more understanding came in terms of the lower centers and higher centers. I think the “half self” that the Cs referenced above was their way of describing the lower centers. Thus, this was probably an inflow of energy from the higher centers. Trust me, it was almost annihilating.]

Q: (L) The next thing that happened was that a few days later, I went unconscious and Ark saw me come in the window [of his office in Wroclaw, Poland]. What happened?

A: Learning is fun!

Q: (L) Well, my night would not have been complete without that! (V) I am interested in more Reiki symbols. Yet, there is nowhere else to learn these things. Can you direct me?

A: Vague.

Q: (L) Is it possible at this point to learn more Reiki symbols?

A: We would be happy to give you one. [Draws symbol] This is called Ohnh tu shayti sunehn.

Q: (L) And what energy does this symbol produce or encourage?

A: Completes spiritual awakening. And Good Night.

End of Session
Thank you for this great session. Another nudge at my own 'I can't ask for help' programme. A perpetual daily struggle for me. Maybe there is hope yet if I take a first step... maybe tomorrow :rolleyes:
stellar said:
Thank you for this great session. Another nudge at my own 'I can't ask for help' programme. A perpetual daily struggle for me. Maybe there is hope yet if I take a first step... maybe tomorrow :rolleyes:

Yeah tell me 'bout it. Most of my "I can't ask for help' program" stems from parental narcissistic wounding. The things my mother would use to hurt me were always part of being a parent anyway. "Roof over your head," "food I give you" clothes... insert any well known phrase along those lines. So I stopped asking. Unfortunately, this expanded to virtually everyone else (and I've still got issues trusting people) and I see people regularly exhibiting the above behavior with each other so I think, "better just find a way yourself." Still, I am getting better at it (incrementally) but most people can barely help themselves so it seems that right now, and for the foreseeable future, the forum will be the best place for asking for help. Funny though, I know a few people who cannot stand asking for anything and they'll have all kinds of mishaps cuz of it. 'Tis a hard program to defeat. :(
It seems that through the years the C's have given more than one new symbol for reiki. Are any of these symbols available to the general public?
davey72 said:
It seems that through the years the C's have given more than one new symbol for reiki. Are any of these symbols available to the general public?

I'll be digging out images that go with the sessions soon and get them inserted.
Q: (L) Okay, I have two quick questions. Last Sunday morning, after the session the previous night, I had a very strange experience similar to what Al-Arabi describes as being in a 'state.' It was like being taken up into a condition of near madness, Ark was there [in a sort of vision], and then, when [the intense emotion of the visionary state] became unbearable, [I pulled myself back deliberately and fell into a state of] cold, shaking and rocking. I was shivering like I would never get warm and I could FEEL my soul rocking in my body [the same feeling that comes with an OOBE]. I would like to know exactly what this was?

A: Balancing of half-self.

Q: (L) What is a half-self?

A: Your starter version, relating to birth karmic imprint.

Q: (L) What in the world does THAT mean?

A: What you were assigned with at the onset of this incarnation.

Q: (L) Do you mean that this was 'starting' something? Like a starter in a car?

A: No, what you started with. This must be periodically re-balanced at apex of significant junctures.

This is very interesting and before now I haven't quite heard it explained that way. I'm not sure if some of my experiences had the same cause as described by the Cs but how you explained the sensations there makes a lot of sense.

Thanks for posting! Reading these are such a delight :)
Laura said:
davey72 said:
It seems that through the years the C's have given more than one new symbol for reiki. Are any of these symbols available to the general public?

I'll be digging out images that go with the sessions soon and get them inserted.

Wonderful! And thank you!
Q: (L) Wonderful. Just what I always needed. More pain. Okay. I am in so much pain I will do just about anything to get out of it. Okay. I will tell him. But I want you to know that I do it under protest. And, if I never hear from him again, well... it's better to know now. V___, ask your questions. (V) I have been helping a woman who has cancer. I see her cancer as a sideline even though it is in the lymph system. Is this correct?

A: Cancer is always a "sideline."

Q: (V) When I was working with her, I felt a lot of energy flow coming up from her solar plexus. Was this the disease energy leaving?

There is a discussion in the french translation team and since they are not sure of the real meaning of the bold word in these specific sentences, they would like to know: What exactly does mean "sideline" in these two sentences?
There is a discussion in the french translation team and since they are not sure of the real meaning of the bold word in these specific sentences, they would like to know: What exactly does mean "sideline" in these two sentences?

For me (I'm from in Quebec and I speak french), it's mean sideline (french = effet secondaire). Because, I think that according to Cassiopeans, cancer is not the main cause.

Do you think my translation makes sense for other people who speak French?:rolleyes:
There is a discussion in the french translation team and since they are not sure of the real meaning of the bold word in these specific sentences, they would like to know: What exactly does mean "sideline" in these two sentences?

If someone has been 'sidelined' then they have been diverted off the main path, pushed to the side. In the context of the quote from the session transcript, I would say that cancer has been the method by which an individual has been taken off their main life path.
I've been asked to try to help with this.

Problem is, the woman who was asking the question, "(V)", was a person who regularly misused words; she would use words that sounded similar to what she meant without really knowing their meaning. So, she probably meant something like "side issue", that is, not the main problem. And to this, the Cs answered as they did, probably meaning that cancer is never a problem on its own, but rather caused by something else, meaning some psychic or psychological weakness/injury.
Could you publish this symbol or state why you rather would not? Thx.
I guess she just forgot about it because she had other priorities and a lot of work in other areas...or maybe she just didn't find it.
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