Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 Crashes in Ukraine

Now that they have presented their lies officially to the public, blaming it on a Russian BUK missile. Next chapter will the upcoming tribunal of pointing out Russian serviceman as the perpetrators. Their anti-Russian propaganda will continue on for years to come.

It amazes me how carefree Dutch MSM are all able to lie. It's one to parrot Washington. It's another to put your own propaganda spin on it. And they are eager to do so.

Like this media outlet:
'MH17 werd neergehaald door Russen vanuit gebied separatisten'

Title translation: MH17 was shot down by the Russians from separatist region.

Nowhere in the article is it stated that Russians downed the plane, yet they don't mind putting in the title.

I hate them all, but this particular media outlet has a special place in my hearth.
Thanks, bjorn. Luckily there are other perspectives available, like these two for instance:

MH17. Wat kritische vragen bij de JIT-presentatie
A few critical questions around the JIT presentation
What was supposed to be the target; SBU telephone taps are of dubious nature; Why was the airspace not closed down for civil aviation; When, where and how will there be a court case.

MH17. Jeroen Akkermans stelt de gouden vraag
MH17. Jeroen Akkermans poses the million dollar question
Questioning why Ukraine as possible suspect is part of the investigation team and doubting the impartiality of the Netherlands due to their emotional involvement (many casualties are Dutch citizens)

As was to be expected, yesterday's SOTT News Snapshot was mainly dedicated to the MH-17 preliminary findings presentation:

Some other news:

EDITED to add this one:

"Our argument is that the Ukrainian government was completely aware of what happened on the ground, that there was a separatist movement. They obviously knew about the equipment they had. That the equipment could reach higher altitudes, because the government closed the airspace two days before the downing of MH17. It closed the airspace after the level of 6,600 meters which is not enough because given the size of the danger the whole airspace should have been closed," Elmar Giemulla, the victim's lawyer and leading expert on air law told RT.

When asked by RT correspondent Paula Slier if Ukraine "could be to blame" for the MH17 tragedy, Giemulla emphasized that "whoever shot or pushed the button of the missile - this is not relevant for my case," because the aim of the lawsuit is to create a strong precedent in international civil aviation making government responsible for sky safety over its territory, the lawyer said, adding that "of course" the relatives of the victims want to find the responsible party as well.

More criticism, now from Robert Parry (Consortium News) notably about the SBU taps, the Ukraine BUK-missiles positions and a possible role of a rogue oligarch's involvement:

Although the location of the Ukrainian Buk systems would seem to be crucial to the investigation — at least in eliminating other suspects — JIT operates under an agreement with the Ukrainian government that lets it veto the release of information. Ukraine's SBU intelligence service, which represented the Kiev government in the JIT, also has among its official responsibilities the protection of secret information that could be damaging to Ukraine.

Regarding JIT's claim that the Buk missile system crossed over from Russian territory, the video report states: "All telecom data and intercepted telephone calls that have been examined by the investigation team demonstrates that the Buk/TELAR (the self-contained operating system) was brought into Ukraine from the Russian Federation."

But as evidence the JIT cites one phone intercept, which - according to the JIT's translation - does not use the word Buk though referencing a piece of equipment that can move on its own or be transported by truck. That could be a Buk system but could apply to many other weapons systems as well.

In the intercepted call, one speaker said, "it crossed, crossed the line." The narrator of the JIT video report then adds, "The Buk/TELAR crossed the line, in other words, it passed the border." But there are two assumptions here: that the unidentified weapon is a Buk and that the "line" means border. That could be the case but other interpretations are possible.


EDITED to add yet another one by Alexander Mercouris (The Duran):

The countries which agreed to join the investigation were required to sign a non-disclosure agreement which gave Ukraine the right to veto publication any findings of the investigation. The fact Dutch officials have taken the lead in presenting the findings of the investigation and appear to have played a significant role in it, should not obscure the fact that it was Ukraine that set up the investigation, and which mainly conducted it.

At the time the investigation was set up Ukraine was or ought to have been a suspect in the case. MH17 was shot down in its airspace at a time of armed conflict. Its military possess the means to shoot aircraft such as MH17 down, and there was at the very least a possibility that they might have shot it down.

Any investigation set up by a suspect in a case in which the suspect continues to play a major role by definition cannot be impartial or independent. This investigation therefore is not impartial or independent. The fact certain countries agreed to join an investigation set up by Ukraine in such circumstances amounts to a presumption on the part of those countries of Ukraine's innocence and of others' guilt. The fact the report adopts Ukrainian political language (for example the east Ukrainian militia are called "separatists") is a sign of this.

The report is therefore best understood as what it actually is: a presentation of the prosecution case in the case Ukraine wants to bring against the people it accuses of shooting down MH17. What has happened is that Ukraine has brought in the help of outside countries - first and foremost the Netherlands but to a certain extent also the US - to lend its case credibility and to strengthen some of its technical aspects.

continued at length...

NOTE: this snippet does this thorough article no justice -- please read the article in full (too long to copy/paste here).
I just read a post by a user on FB, who had checked the alleged launch spot of the alleged BUK-missile using Google Earth - AND he noticed that the same "scorched spot" on the field that is claimed as evidence can be seen in Google Earth images from 2010. If this is true, this would be a good argument for debunking this ridiculous "investigation".

I don't unfortunately have Google Earth installed, at least not yet, so I can't verify this right away. I found the spot using the online map by Google, but the image wasn't clear, and I couldn't find a way to view older snapshots. The alleged spot can be found on the field near the village of Pervomayskoye, and you can briefly see the image they used as proof in this clip from the press conference. I believe this is one of the "evidence" that was presented by Bellingcat last year, you can find one of their articles here:


If someone wants to dig into this, the coordinates are:

Latitude: 47.974223°
Longitude: 38.764236°
Thanks Aragorn for bringing this up. I don't have Google Earth either, but if confirmed this would be just an additional blow undermining the languishing credibility of Bellingcat and the JIT procedures in general. :rolleyes:

EDIT: you forgot to include a link to the FaceBook page.
angelburst29 said:
Russian MoD Presents Radar Data From MH17 Crash Site (Video)

Russia detected a Ukrainian radar near MH17 crash site proving the presence of Kiev's air defense system, the Russian Defense Ministry spokesman said.

Satellite data cited by the US and Ukraine could clarify the issue of the missile launch on the Malaysia Airlines aircraft from Kiev-held territory, Igor Konashenkov said.

He said that Kiev withholds data showing the images of MH17 crash on purpose as the flight was controlled by Ukrainikan radars and air defense. Kiev's refusal to release its radar data suggests that the missile had been launched from Kiev-held territory, Lt. Gen. Konashenkov said. "It's not a coincidence that the Ukrainian side is hiding information that could help to reveal the whole picture of the crash. The flight MH17 was controlled by Ukrainian radars, air defense units and Ukrainian air traffic controllers."

Ukraine should unveil information on the location of its Buk SAM system's location and air traffic control communication on the day of the MH17 crash in east Ukraine, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

"Kiev has not made public the information on the locations of its Buk missile systems on the day of the crash, negotiations of air traffic controllers, servicemen, on its radars, data on the work of Ukrainian air defense, witnesses' comments."

Kiev has both military and civilian information related to the airspace situation near the MH17 crash site.

Russian radar has not detected third-party objects except for two civilian aircraft around MH17 crash site that could have caused its destruction, deputy chief designer of the Ust-Donetsk Utes-T air route radar surveillance complex of the Research and Production Corporation 'Lianozovo Electromechanical Plant,’ a part of Almaz-Antey concern, said Monday.

I have to say, Russia is not doing itself any favors by now contradicting its own statements. They said before that there was evidence for a Ukrainian jet close to MH17 and now they say new radar data reveals there were only two other civilian aircraft nearby. Also, how did they find new radar data two years after the event?
Aragorn said:
I just read a post by a user on FB, who had checked the alleged launch spot of the alleged BUK-missile using Google Earth - AND he noticed that the same "scorched spot" on the field that is claimed as evidence can be seen in Google Earth images from 2010. If this is true, this would be a good argument for debunking this ridiculous "investigation".

I don't unfortunately have Google Earth installed, at least not yet, so I can't verify this right away. I found the spot using the online map by Google, but the image wasn't clear, and I couldn't find a way to view older snapshots. The alleged spot can be found on the field near the village of Pervomayskoye, and you can briefly see the image they used as proof in this clip from the press conference. I believe this is one of the "evidence" that was presented by Bellingcat last year, you can find one of their articles here:


If someone wants to dig into this, the coordinates are:

Latitude: 47.974223°
Longitude: 38.764236°

I grabbed the shots of this location fron 2010 and 2015:


axj said:
angelburst29 said:
Russian MoD Presents Radar Data From MH17 Crash Site (Video)


Kiev has both military and civilian information related to the airspace situation near the MH17 crash site.

Russian radar has not detected third-party objects except for two civilian aircraft around MH17 crash site that could have caused its destruction, deputy chief designer of the Ust-Donetsk Utes-T air route radar surveillance complex of the Research and Production Corporation 'Lianozovo Electromechanical Plant,’ a part of Almaz-Antey concern, said Monday.

I have to say, Russia is not doing itself any favors by now contradicting its own statements. They said before that there was evidence for a Ukrainian jet close to MH17 and now they say new radar data reveals there were only two other civilian aircraft nearby. Also, how did they find new radar data two years after the event?

It may seem like a contradiction of statements until you factor in the words, " third-party objects
except for two civilian aircraft". The Ukrainian jet has been referred to as "Military" in earlier reports.

Kiev and U.S./Ukraine's argument is that MH17 was brought down by a BUK missile AND Russia is behind it. Other evidence points to a possible air-to-air missile from a Military jet that flew - slightly behind and lower than MH17's position. References Posted by C.A. can be found in Palinurus's reply quoted here:

Quote from Palinurus - reply #668
I checked the whole topic and found several previous mentions by different authors of the possibility that it could've been a MiG-29 who shot down MH17 with air-to-air missile(s) and on-board cannon(s):

This whole "BUK scenario" seems to be a staged play to divert attention away from the facts.

Ukraine hosts Sea Breeze 2014 planning conference

(US-NATO's Military Drills in the Black Sea Ended on July 17th. Sea Breeze 2014 & RAPID TRIDENT II )

MH-17: Beware of the «Chameleon»

The 10-day NATO exercise code named «BREEZE 2014» has ended in Black Sea. The exercise, which included the use of electronic warfare and electronic intelligence aircraft such as the Boeing EA-18G Growler and the Boeing E3 Sentry Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS), coincided with the shootdown of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in eastern Ukraine, some 40 miles from the Russian border. NATO ships and aircraft had the Donetsk and Luhansk regions under total radar and electronic surveillance.

MH-17 was shot down over a region where Russian-speaking separatist forces have been battling against the alliance of the Ukrainian armed forces and a private mercenary force answerable to a Ukrainian-Jewish billionaire oligarch.

The U.S. Army has revealed that the 10-day exercise involved «commercial traffic monitoring». Because of the sophistication of the electronic warfare and intelligence used during SEA BREEZE, it can be assumed that commercial traffic monitoring included monitoring the track of MH-17.

Past NATO-Ukraine exercises in Crimea were called «SEA BREEZE». This year’s annual SEA BREEZE exercise with Ukraine, approved by the rump Ukrainian Parliament, is clouded in mystery with the Pentagon saying it was only «in the planning stage and we can’t announce dates yet». However, 200 U.S. Army personnel normally assigned to bases in Germany were in Ukraine during the time of the MH-17 fly-over. They were participating in NATO exercise RAPID TRIDENT II. Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense led the exercise.

BREEZE included the AEGIS-class guided missile cruiser USS Vela Gulf. AEGIS cruisers’ AN/SPY 1 radar has the ability to track all aircraft over a large region. For example, the AEGIS test center in Moorestown, New Jersey, was able to see the Boeing 747 TWA Flight 800 when it disappeared from radar screens in 1996 near East Moriches Bay, Long Island. According to Lockheed Martin personnel who operated the AEGIS test center in New Jersey, the Navy ordered the SPY 1 radar turned off for «maintenance» shortly before the downing of TWA 800.

From the Black Sea, the Vela Gulf was able to track Malaysian Airlines 17 over the Black Sea and any missiles fired at the plane. U.S. AWACS electronic intelligence (ELINT) aircraft were also flying over the Black Sea region at the time of the MH-17 flyover of Ukraine. Growler aircraft have the capability to jam radar systems in all surface-to-air threats.

The announcement of U.S. BREEZE and RAPID TRIDENT II military maneuvers came on May 21, 2014, and were announced on the website operated by Vice President Joe Biden’s office.

[...] The seizure of the air traffic control center at Borispol by allies of Kolomoisky shortly before the shooting down of MH-17 and Kolomoisky’s strong links to Israel, which benefitted immensely from the downing of MH-17 because it drew the attention of the world’s media away from its ground invasion of Gaza, which began just as initial reports about the fate of MH-17 were being transmitted, may be the real story behind the loss of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 and the horrible deaths of its 298 passengers and crew.

NATO holds reduced Black Sea naval exercises without Ukraine

The Sea Breeze naval drills in the Black Sea have been conducted annually since 1997 with Ukraine hosting the exercise in the Crimea peninsula and waters around it.

Due to the Republic of Crimea reuniting with Russia earlier this year, Ukraine has relinquished the right to host the exercise, which was redeployed to the western sector of the Black Sea.

MH17 Verdict: Real Evidence Points to US-Kiev Cover-up of Failed False Flag

July 25, 2014 - According the Janes Defense, the alleged culprit – an SA-11 (NATO code name) or ‘BUK’ missile system, requires 5 minutes set-up active targeting, followed by an additional 22 seconds ‘reaction time’ for target acquisition and firing. As the MH17 was only visible for 70 seconds above this rebel-held area surrounding Grabovo, unless the alleged rebel firing position was specifically tracking MH17 long before it entered the rebel-held airspace and could distinguish it from other military civilian aircraft also in the general vicinity, Washington’s theory and Kiev’s accusation – that rebels shot down this aircraft becomes even weaker. Considering these factors, the probability increases greatly that targeting MH17 would have had to be premeditated far in advance of the 70 seconds it was visible above this particular rebel-held area.

Russian Satellite Data and Public Presentation

On Monday, the Russian government, with almost every major global media outlet in attendance, released all of its air traffic data and satellite imaging data (in fact, only part of it) – all verifiable, including time stamps and supporting data. The entire content of the presentation was also handed over to the European authorities. The conclusions to be drawn from this are stunning, to say the least. Despite the public release of this information, US and British media outlets did report back to its people on these findings. They are as follows: Minutes before the downing of MH17, the plane made a mysterious ‘Left Turn’ as it flew over the Donetsk area at approximately 5:20pm Moscow time, making a sharp 14km deviation, before attempting to regain its previous course before dropping altitude disappearing from radar at 5:23pm. As we previously pointed out, air traffic controllers in Kiev had already diverted MH17 200 miles further north into the target zone, so the question remains: was Kiev ATC also responsible for this final, fatal diversion, or is there another reason for this unusual turn?

Another Smoking Gun: Kiev government officials insisted on July 17th that, “No military aircraft were available in the region”. Based on available data detailed above, this appears to be a lie, indicating that a cover-up was taking place.
angelburst29 said:
axj said:
angelburst29 said:
Russian MoD Presents Radar Data From MH17 Crash Site (Video)


Kiev has both military and civilian information related to the airspace situation near the MH17 crash site.

Russian radar has not detected third-party objects except for two civilian aircraft around MH17 crash site that could have caused its destruction, deputy chief designer of the Ust-Donetsk Utes-T air route radar surveillance complex of the Research and Production Corporation 'Lianozovo Electromechanical Plant,’ a part of Almaz-Antey concern, said Monday.

I have to say, Russia is not doing itself any favors by now contradicting its own statements. They said before that there was evidence for a Ukrainian jet close to MH17 and now they say new radar data reveals there were only two other civilian aircraft nearby. Also, how did they find new radar data two years after the event?

It may seem like a contradiction of statements until you factor in the words, " third-party objects
except for two civilian aircraft". The Ukrainian jet has been referred to as "Military" in earlier reports.

Kiev and U.S./Ukraine's argument is that MH17 was brought down by a BUK missile AND Russia is behind it. Other evidence points to a possible air-to-air missile from a Military jet that flew - slightly behind and lower than MH17's position. References Posted by C.A. can be found in Palinurus's reply quoted here:

"No third party objects except for two civilian aircraft" sounds like there were no military aircraft there either. If there was a Ukrainian jet in the new radar data, they would have certainly pointed it out.

Bellingcat and others are having a field day with this contradiction:

Yet it is not clear why Russia needed 26 months to release this key data, and has only done so on the eve of the announcement from Dutch investigators.

Nor why the radar imagery shows a tiny Russian drone flying close to the Ukraian border, but does not indicate the Kiev missile - almost three times the size - that Moscow allege shot down the plane.

The new radar details also destroy an earlier Moscow claim that a mysterious Ukrainian warplane was in the sky at the time the plane was shot down.

The radar shows no such plane.

bjorn said:
It amazes me how carefree Dutch MSM are all able to lie. It's one to parrot Washington. It's another to put your own propaganda spin on it. And they are eager to do so.

Like this media outlet:
'MH17 werd neergehaald door Russen vanuit gebied separatisten'

Title translation: MH17 was shot down by the Russians from separatist region.

Nowhere in the article is it stated that Russians downed the plane, yet they don't mind putting in the title.

I hate them all, but this particular media outlet has a special place in my hearth.

It is the same here in Spain. From El País, one of the main Spanish MSM, today's editorial:


Putin should apologize
Russian President must accept responsibility for the downing of a Malaysian airliner over Ukraine

Vladimir Putin must accept responsibility for the downing of Malaysia Airlines MH17 plane occurred in July 2014 on Ukrainian territory and killed 298 crew and passengers of the device.

The international independent commission to study the case presented as detailed as impeccable a final report :jawdrop: provides irrefutable proof :huh: of the responsibility of Russia in the downing of the plane. According to intercepted telephone recordings show, pro-Russian militias harassed by the Ukrainian aviation, requested and obtained the sophisticated Russian air defense system Buk, able to shoot down planes flying at high altitude.

As documented in detail prosecutors with the help of photographs, videos and wiretaps, the shuttle missile was picked up by the rebels on Russian territory, transported to Ukraine, used to fire the deadly missile and returned to Russia immediately. In the recordings to the pro-Russian rebels boast the downing first thinking that it was a Ukrainian transport ship and then bemoaning his mistake is heard.
The findings are so powerful that have merit to spare to finish before the General Assembly and the Security Council of the UN. In fact, there is precedent for a similar case, as in 1988 an Iranian Airbus was shot down over the Persian Gulf by a missile from the US killing its 290 occupants. Washington, after denying the facts, ended up paying 68 million dollars to the families of the deceased.
The conflict in Ukraine has been created and maintained by Russia to prevent Kiev be associated with the EU. :rotfl: Since then Moscow has violated international laws by supporting a separatist guerrilla and annexing Crimea. Deny its responsibility -proved- :shock: for the downing of MH17 does nothing to ease the tension.

(emphasis, red color & emoticons, mine)

Maybe some Spanish editor with more knowledge than me on the subject can truthify it on es.sott.
No freedom of speech when Russians are involved:

Dutch FM takes Russian ambassador to task for criticizing MH17 investigation

Posted on Sep 30, 2016 by Janene Pieters

On Friday morning Minister Bert Koenders of Foreign Affairs summ[on]ed the Russian ambassador in The Hague to discuss Russia’s statements about the integrity of the MH17 investigation. Koenders told the ambassador that baseless criticism is unacceptable, NOS reports (in Dutch).

Following the presentation of the preliminary results of the investigation into the downing of flight MH17, spokespersons for the Kremlin, the Russian Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense raised doubts about the professionalism, integrity and independence of the Dutch Public Prosecutor.

“No Russian missile systems, including BUK missile systems, crossed from Russia the border with Ukraine”, General-Major Igor Konasjenkov of the Russian Defense Ministry said following the MH17 press conference on Wednesday, according to the broadcaster. “The data presented today come from two sources. The Internet and the Secret Service of Ukraine. Therefore the objectivity of this information, and therefore the resulting conclusions are questionable.”

A spokesperson for President Vladimir Putin called for a “transparent and complete” investigation, pointing out that Russia provided detailed information about the crash in eastern Ukraine. “This case is surrounded by a huge amount of speculation and unprofessional information.” the spokesperson said.

The Russian Ministry of Defense called the results of the investigation largely invented, NOS reports (in Dutch). According to the official response, the investigators gave Ukraine a free hand to distort the findings so that the country goes unpunished. Russia still claims that Ukrainian troops shot down the Malaysia Airlines flight on July 17th, 2014, killing all 298 people on board.

“Instead of dragging the investigation through the mud and sowing doubt, Russia should - given the convincing evidence – respect the results presented”, Koenders said on Friday. He called on Russia to continue to cooperate fully in the investigation and subsequent prosecution and trial, as is clearly stated in the unanimously adopted Resolution 2166 of the UN Security Council.

In similar vein:

P.S. Thanks to axj, Nicolas, angelburst29 and Miguel Ángel for your contributions.
Diplomatic tensions between Russia and the Netherlands seem to be growing as Dutch PM Rutte weighs in on the Russian criticisms about the JIT presentation: (same content, different lay-out)

As a curiosity, here is a Ukrainian overview of Dutch newspapers' reactions after the JIT presentation:

Meeting between Dutch ambassador, Russia today on MH17 investigation

Posted on Oct 3, 2016 by Janene Pieters

Russia summoned the Dutch ambassador in Moscow to a meeting on Monday to discuss the MH17 criminal investigation. The Russian Foreign Ministry wants to explain why the government does not accept the preliminary conclusions of the investigation, reports (in Dutch).

On Wednesday last week the Joint Investigation Team revealed that BUK missile that shot down flight MH17 was fired from a Ukrainian field controlled by pro-Russian separatists. There is also convincing evidence to show the missile traveled from Russia to the Ukraine and then back to Russia after the passenger plane was downed.

Almost immediately after the JIT’s presentation, Russia expressed doubts about the integrity of the investigation, calling it incomplete and questioning its independence.

On Friday Minister Bert Koenders of Foreign Affairs summoned the Russian ambassador in The Hague to make clear that “such baseless criticism is unacceptable”.

The Dutch ambassador will use Monday’s meeting to convey the same message, Prime Minister Mark Rutte said to broadcaster NOS (in Dutch). “Spreading nonsense about this investigation must stop, we don’t accept doubts about its independence”, Rutte said.

Rutte was in South Korea when the JIT presented its preliminary conclusions. “I did not have to follow the presentation on a website. All international television broadcasters showed it live.The world is very interested due to a deep commitment to the survivors. We now expect the Russians to cooperate with the further process. The spreading of nonsense on the quality of the investigation must stop.”


Other news:

MH17 perpetrators announced by end of year: Australian leader

Posted on Oct 3, 2016 by Janene Pieters


Julie Bishop (Photo: Antonio Cruz/Agência Brasil/Wikimedia Commons)

Julie Bishop, the Australian Foreign Minister, thinks it possible that the perpetrators behind the downing of flight MH17 can be identified and announced by the end of the year, she said to Australian television.

In an interview with network ABC on Sunday, Bishop discussed the preliminary conclusions the Joint Investigation Team reached in the criminal investigation into the MH17 disaster as well as possible prosecution of the perpetrators. The JIT concluded that the Malaysia Airlines Boeing was shot down with a Russian made BUK missile from a field in Ukraine controlled by pro-Russian separatists.

“The next step is to identify those responsible, the chain of command within the Russian military and all those who were involved in making the decision and actually operating that missile”, Bishop said. “That is under way and I expect that by the end of the year, maybe early next year, the list of those that we believe should be held accountable will be confirmed.” The investigators currently have about 100 persons of interest in the case.

As for prosecution, Bishop believes that asking the UN Security Council again to investigate will not yield the best results as Russia will likely veto it again. According to her a more likely option is a so-called Lockerbie-style tribunal. The Lockerbie bombing refers to Pam Am flight 103 being blown up while flying over Scotland in 1988. A special Scottish court was set up in the Netherlands to facilitate the trial of the two Libyans suspected of being responsible for the disaster. According to ABN, such a special court would not need UN approval and will be set up through a treaty involving all countries that lost citizens in the disaster.

Another option could be domestic prosecution in the Netherlands, according to Bishop. “I think a domestic-style tribunal would possibly be easier to establish, but you’d have to make sure that it had all the necessary powers”, Bishop said to the network. “For example, extradition to be able to absolutely hold those responsible for this atrocity to account.”
Marginal side-news:

Some fuss and buzz is brewing about a Russian bed manufacturer called CaroBus (in Russian) who launched a model for kids in BUK-launcher design (in Russian):

_ (in Dutch)



Happy dreams ?
Thanks for keeping tabs on the latest news on MH17, Palinurus, especially the Political end of it. I can understand, Russia's frustration - of the Investigators not taking their data - seriously.

I found this to be an interesting article, although I don't know if it is adding anything new to the information already gathered here?


Thursday, September 29th, 2016

You don’t need to be an expert in ground-to-air warfare, radar, missile ordnance, or forensic criminology to understand the three fundamental requirements for prosecuting people for crimes. The first is proof of intention to do what happened. The second is proof of what could not have happened amounts to proof that it didn’t happen. The third is proof beyond reasonable doubt.

These are not, repeat not, the principles of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT), a team of police, prosecutors, and spies from The Netherlands, Ukraine, Malaysia, Belgium, and Australia. They have committed themselves to proving that a chain of Russian military command intended to shoot down and was criminally responsible for the destruction of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 on July 17, 2014, and for the deaths of all 298 people on board. The JIT case for Russian culpability hinges on five elements occurring in sequence – that a BUK missile was launched to the east of the aircraft, and approached it head-on, before exploding on the port (left) side of the cockpit.

Pause, rewind, then reread slowly in order to identify the elements of intention, causation, and culpability: (1) the BUK missile was aimed with a target acquisition radar by operators inside a BUK vehicle at a target flying in the sky and ordered to fire; (2) they fired from their vehicle parked on the ground facing east towards the aircraft’s approach; (3) the missile flew west and upwards to a height of 10,060 metres; (4) the warhead detonated; (5) the blast and the shrapnel tore the cockpit from the main fuselage; destroyed one of the aircraft engines; and caused the aircraft to catch fire, fall to the ground in pieces, and kill everyone.

On Wednesday afternoon, in the small Dutch town of Nieuwegein, two Dutchmen, one a prosecutor, one a policeman, claimed they have proof that this is what happened. For details of the proof they provided the world’s press, read this. Later the same day, in Moscow, a presentation by two Russians from the Almaz-Antei missile group, one a missile ordnance expert, the other a radar expert, presented their proof of what could not have happened. Click to watch.

The enemies of Russia accept the Dutch proof and ignore the Russian proof. As Wilbert Paulissen, the Dutch policeman, claimed during the JIT briefing, “the absence of evidence does not prove [the BUK missile] was not there.”

Paulissen may be right. To prove he’s right all he has to do is to fill in the gap between the JIT version of what happened and the Russian version of what could not have happened by answering these questions. To convince a court and jury, Paulissen’s answers to these questions must be beyond reasonable doubt.

Question 1. In the old models of the BUK missile system, a separate target acquisition radar (TAR) accompanied the firing unit into action. That TAR vehicle could rotate its radar antenna through 360 degrees; it looked like this: (Photo).

The newest models of the Buk system have incorporated the target acquisition radar on board, and the vehicle is called a transporter erector launcher and radar (TELAR). This radar can be seen in the grey box attached to the front of the turret. Unlike the old TAR, though, the antenna in the grey box has a relatively narrow 120-degree focus unless the entire turret is rotated. The JIT’s evidence and animations (below, left) indicate a TELAR. In the JIT claims of the convoy and route travelled by the BUK to and from the alleged firing point, there is no sign of a TAR vehicle.

How then can the BUK which the JIT has now pinpointed in a field at the village of Pervomayskiy, near the small town of Snizhne, have aimed east to west, head-on towards the MH17, and fired with the intention of bringing down the approaching aircraft? Why that target, and not the other two targets, also civil aircraft flying above 10,000 metres within a few minutes of each other and within firing range? Why target an aircraft flying so high, at a constant, level altitude? What evidence is there in the JIT presentation that the BUK and about one hundred men the Dutch claim to have been involved knew what they were aiming at and intended the result which occurred? A Russian military source asks: “did the BUK operators know where to direct their radar antenna? A 120-degree angle is not very large for target interception.”

Question 2. For the BUK missile the JIT claims to have been fired from a position to the east of the aircraft, the missile must have been visible to the pilots in the cockpit as it approached the cockpit window in clear sky. How then can the JIT explain the lack of a record from the cockpit’s voice recorder (CVR) that the pilots saw anything? Between the last pilot voice contact with Dniepropetrovsk Air Traffic Control, and the destruction of the aircraft, there were four seconds on the CVR tape.

Repeat: IT TAKES FOUR REGULAR SECONDS TO READ THIS ALOUD. Did you see the nine words? Did you have time to say them aloud?

The CVR tape from the MH17 cockpit has not been released publicly. However, the Dutch Safety Board (DSB) reports of last year say the last 4 seconds are soundless; not even the pilots’ breathing can be heard. The evidence can be followed here. How does the JIT explain the missile trajectory if it was not seen by the pilots?

Also, the JIT revealed on September 28 for the first time that the Ukraine has released its air traffic control tapes and communications for JIT analysis. Do the Ukrainian audio and radar tapes provide evidence that someone on the ground spotted the approaching missile during the 4 seconds the pilots in the MH17 cockpit saw, heard, said nothing? If the Ukrainian tapes are as silent as the cockpit voice recorder, then there is proof – nothing could have approached MH17 head-on from a firing position to the east.

Question 3. When a BUK warhead explodes, it releases about 7,800 metal fragments or shrapnel.
Source: JIT presentation of NATO test-firing of BUK warhead in Finland --

Unique to the BUK warhead, according to the Dutch investigations, as well as to the missile manufacturer Almaz-Antei, is a piece of metal shaped like a bowtie or butterfly. About one-third of the BUK warhead’s shrapnel – that’s about 2,600 pieces of metal – is bowtie or butterfly-shaped. Another third of the shrapnel is cube-shaped. According to the Dutch Safety Board (DSB) papers issued in October 2015, 20 pieces of shrapnel were recovered, including 2 bowties and 2 cubes.

Source: -- page 92

For more details, read this.

The spread or spray of the shrapnel after detonation is not more than 60 degrees. From mapping this spread from the impacts of metal fragments on aircraft panels it is possible to determine the angle of the missile to the aircraft at detonation. This in turn allows the tracking of the missile’s approach trajectory and the firing position on the ground. Testing warhead detonation against aircraft panels will also reveal the number and type of shrapnel impacts which ought to be registered if the missile and warhead types have been correctly identified.

According to the latest JIT report this week, the number of bowties and cubes has dwindled from four identified in last October’s Dutch Safety Board (DSB) report to two, one of each shape. How and why did the other two pieces of evidence disappear in The Netherlands over the past twelve months? How does the JIT explain there was no shrapnel at all in the bodies of the 295 people, crew and passengers, who were behind the cockpit, in the main cabin of the aircraft?

According to Mikhail Malishevsky, the Almaz-Antei briefer in Moscow yesterday, test-bed detonations of the BUK missile at the port position, 1.5 metres from the cockpit, where the Dutch claim the missile detonated, show many more impact holes and evidence of bowties than the Dutch report they have recovered. Malishevsky records that in the Dutch analysis reported last year the shrapnel impacts had an average concentration of 80 per square metre. He says the Dutch are now reporting an average concentration of 250 per square metre, but with fewer of the BUK warhead’s characteristic bowties.

The discrepancy in shrapnel count is so large, Malishevsky draws two conclusions – that it was impossible for the missile to have approached from the east and struck head-on; and that the only trajectory consistent with the MH17 shrapnel damage pattern was one in which the missile flew parallel to the aircraft before exploding, and approached from the south, not from the east.

“The hypothesis of a missile hitting the plane head-on was not credible. There is no way to explain the lack of fragments [shrapnel] as per the Dutch 3D model…”
Source: -- minute 20:51.

Question 4. This is the question of who can tell their left hand from their right; north on the compass from south; port engine from starboard engine. The Boeing 777 operated as Flight MH17 was powered by two Rolls-Royce Trent 800 engines.

The JIT presentation doesn’t address the difference in impact evidence between the two engines as they were found on the ground. The Russian presentation makes this an important source of evidence for proving which side of the aircraft was struck by the warhead. The Russian presentation also distinguishes between simulation models of what happened – a Dutch model, as reported by the DSB reports last October and the JIT report this week; a Russian model, as reported by Almaz-Antei – and the actual evidence of the aircraft parts recovered from eastern Ukraine and reassembled at a military base in The Netherlands.

In distinguishing the detonation impacts on the two engines, Malishevsky refers in his presentation to the “right” and “left” engines. This is not intended to mislead, but it is confusing. Malishevsky means the right and left sides as he and his audience face the picture. So the MH17’s port engine is the right-side engine in Malishevsky’s presentation; it is relatively undamaged. By contrast, the MH17’s starboard engine is on the left side as Malishevsky refers to it.

The key claim from the Russian side is that for the engine to be as damaged as it was, the warhead must have detonated on the starboard side. And for that to be the outcome, the missile must have approached MH17, and been fired, from the south.

So the question for Dutch prosecutor Fred Westerbeke (lead image, left) and Dutch policeman Paulissen, along with the 100 members of the JIT staff, is which engine is which in their evidence? Why does it appear that the MH17’s port engine – left-side looking forward, compass north for the plane flying east — not impacted by warhead blast or shrapnel? Why are there shrapnel hits on the starboard engine (right-side looking forward , compass south) and why was it deformed so differently? Why has the JIT omitted to analyze the engine positions and report this evidence?

A summary of these questions and the answers so far can be plotted on the map of the crash area.
Red line - MH 17.
Blue line – firing point at Snizhne (in Russian Snezhnoe), according to the JIT version.
Green line – firing point at Zaroshchenskoe (misspelled in the map), according to Almaz-Antei version.

Topographically, between Snizhne (Snezhnoe) in the east and Zaroshchenskoe to the southwest, there is a distance of less than 25 kilometres. Politically, between them as suspected missile-firing sites there is all the difference in the world.
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