Zeolite as Virus Cure?


FOTCM Member
I dunno. I received an ad email and did some searches and found this:

How I got rid of Herpes forever with zeolite

Herpes, what Herpes.

It seemed like a life time, a life time of putting up with the cold sores that would break out on my lips every year. I tried all kinds of creams, ointments and more, but nothing seemed to work.

Amazing Mineral

Then, in 2007, I was looking for a safe, natural way to do a detox. I went to my Naturopath and he recommended that I give Liquid Zeolite a try because it is a clean, totally natural mineral that will leave nothing behind in my body, in fact it is totally eliminated from the body after 6 to 8 hours. It has the perfect molecular structure for capturing and removing heavy metals from the body such as mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, aluminium and more. Because of it's negative charge, the zeolite molecule will attract heavy metals and pesticide molecules and hold on to them and remove them from the body via the toilet. You drink a clean zeolite and excrete a dirty one. Zeolites also removes radioactive metals like caesium and strontium-90.

Liquid Zeolite will reduce viral load. Once the heavy metal concentrations have been reduced, the Zeolite will then capture viral particles. Viruses replicate by first making, with the help of our cells, viral particles and then assembling those particles into complete viruses. Liquid Zeolite will capture and remove these viral particles from the assembly line leaving incomplete or nonviable viruses which will die off. It is important to complete at least a one month detox because the Liquid Zeolite will remove the heavy metal concentrations first and then will go on to start removing viral overload.

The Result

It was about six months or so after I had completed the detox and I felt like something was missing in my life, something that had caused me to cover my mouth when close to people or not being able to kiss my kids through fear of infection. Where is my herpes? Gone, that's what. It has been more than six years since I said goodbye to herpes and I can tell you, I don't miss it at all.


More than six years herpes free has made such a difference in my life and I wanted to spread the word to all out there who are affected by this virus, in what ever form it presents itself. Liquid Zeolite helped me get the herpes virus out of my system and out of my life and maybe I can help others achieve the same result.

Please note.

Make sure you purchase a good quality , activated liquid zeolite. The zeolite I have listed below, I have personally been drinking for six years now. Do not use powdered zeolite, this will not enter the blood.

Start with a 30 day detox. The zeolite I use recommends 13 drops x three times per day for the detox period. Then I kept drinking the zeolite but at a lower dose. 10 drops x twice per day. After a few months I lowered the dose again to 5 drops x twice per day, which is what I drink today and every day. After the 30 day detox is done there is really no need to continue drinking at that high dose, your toxin levels will be low, you should be feeling great with more energy, but we are trying to eliminate a virus that by all accounts can really embed itself into your body. By continuing to drink at a lower dose we are keeping the zeolites in our system to make sure there is no viruses left behind. The zeolites will also continue to do their work removing toxins, heavy metals, and will also keep away other viruses such as the flu and the common cold.

It is important to get into the routine of drinking your zeolites regularly and not to miss a single dose or a single day. Zeolites are not medication, they are a naturally occurring mineral that has been cleaned ( activated ) and is ready to remove toxic molecules from your body. A toxic molecule is very much smaller than a zeolite molecule, and is positively charged. A zeolite molecule carries a negative charge and what do you think happens when they meet. Opposites attract and the toxic molecule actually goes inside of the honeycomb like zeolite molecule and cannot get out. The zeolite molecule will leave the body after six to eight hour when you go to the toilet taking the toxins with it. Viruses and viral parts are very much smaller than the zeolite and are also very highly positively charged. So you can see that this is not chemicals reacting with each other, this is the clean and non toxic way to remove toxic molecules from your body. So its going to be at least six months of drinking zeolites, especially if you are wanting to get rid of the hsv2 virus.

Here is the recommended product:

Which says:

Ultra Liquid Zeolite is the NEWEST method to deliver zeolite to the cells. A proprietary, organically induced, advanced technology is used to absorb the natural cellular zeolite directly into the molecular structure of the humic mineral complex. The zeolite mineral molecule is ingested by the humic mineral complex, producing a highly stable and suspended potent bioavailable supplement. NO CHEMICALS OR SOLVENTS USED. Combining cellular zeolite with humic minerals, delivers a powerful natural immune support and remineralizing vitality supplement. Liquid Zeolite-DHQ now uses special proprietary processed purified water (energy enhanced structured M-Water), which is a special wetter water.

I'd like to get a bottle chemically analyzed.

About Zeolite: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeolite

Zeolites are microporous, aluminosilicate minerals commonly used as commercial adsorbents and catalysts.[1] The term zeolite was originally coined in 1756 by Swedish mineralogist Axel Fredrik Cronstedt, who observed that upon rapidly heating the material stilbite, it produced large amounts of steam from water that had been adsorbed by the material. Based on this, he called the material zeolite, from the Greek ζέω (zéō), meaning "to boil" and λίθος (líthos), meaning "stone".[2]

Zeolites occur naturally but are also produced industrially on a large scale. As of October 2012, 206 unique zeolite frameworks have been identified, and over 40 naturally occurring zeolite frameworks are known.[3][4] ....

Zeolites have a porous structure that can accommodate a wide variety of cations, such as Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and others. These positive ions are rather loosely held and can readily be exchanged for others in a contact solution. Some of the more common mineral zeolites are analcime, chabazite, clinoptilolite, heulandite, natrolite, phillipsite, and stilbite. An example mineral formula is: Na2Al2Si3O10·2H2O, the formula for natrolite. ...

Zeolites are the aluminosilicate members of the family of microporous solids known as "molecular sieves." The term molecular sieve refers to a particular property of these materials, i.e., the ability to selectively sort molecules based primarily on a size exclusion process. This is due to a very regular pore structure of molecular dimensions. The maximum size of the molecular or ionic species that can enter the pores of a zeolite is controlled by the dimensions of the channels. These are conventionally defined by the ring size of the aperture, where, for example, the term "8-ring" refers to a closed loop that is built from eight tetrahedrally coordinated silicon (or aluminium) atoms and 8 oxygen atoms. These rings are not always perfectly symmetrical due to a variety of effects, including strain induced by the bonding between units that are needed to produce the overall structure, or coordination of some of the oxygen atoms of the rings to cations within the structure. Therefore, the pores in many zeolites are not cylindrical. ...

Zeolites are widely used as ion-exchange beds in domestic and commercial water purification, softening, and other applications. In chemistry, zeolites are used to separate molecules (only molecules of certain sizes and shapes can pass through), and as traps for molecules so they can be analyzed.

Zeolites are also widely used as catalysts and sorbents. Their well-defined pore structure and adjustable acidity make them highly active in a large variety of reactions.[9]

Zeolites have the potential of providing precise and specific separation of gases including the removal of H2O, CO2 and SO2 from low-grade natural gas streams. Other separations include noble gases, N2, O2, freon and formaldehyde.

On-Board Oxygen Generating Systems (OBOGS) use zeolites in conjunction with pressure swing adsorption to remove nitrogen from compressed air in order to supply oxygen for aircrews at high altitudes.[10] ...

Zeolites have uses in advanced reprocessing methods, where their micro-porous ability to capture some ions while allowing others to pass freely, allowing many fission products to be efficiently removed from nuclear waste and permanently trapped. Equally important are the mineral properties of zeolites. Their alumino-silicate construction is extremely durable and resistant to radiation even in porous form. Additionally, once they are loaded with trapped fission products, the zeolite-waste combination can be hot pressed into an extremely durable ceramic form, closing the pores and trapping the waste in a solid stone block. This is a waste form factor that greatly reduces its hazard compared to conventional reprocessing systems. Zeolites are also used in the management of leaks of radioactive materials. For example, in the aftermath of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, sandbags of zeolite were dropped into the seawater near the power plant to adsorb radioactive caesium which was present in high levels.[11] ...


The largest single use for zeolite is the global laundry detergent market. This amounted to 1.44 million metric tons per year of anhydrous zeolite A in 1992.[citation needed]

Cat litter

Non-clumping cat litter is often made of zeolite or diatomite.


Research into and development of the many biochemical and biomedical applications of zeolites, particularly the naturally occurring species heulandite, clinoptilolite and chabazite has been ongoing.[17]

Zeolite-based oxygen concentrator systems are widely used to produce medical-grade oxygen. The zeolite is used as a molecular sieve to create purified oxygen from air using its ability to trap impurities, in a process involving the adsorption of nitrogen, leaving highly purified oxygen and up to 5% argon.

QuikClot brand hemostatic agent, which is used to stop severe bleeding,[18] contains a calcium-loaded form of zeolite found in kaolin clay.[19]


Zeolites are marketed by pet stores for use as a filter additive in aquariums.[8] In aquariums, zeolites can be used to adsorb ammonia and other nitrogenous compounds. However, due to the high affinity of some zeolites for calcium, they may be less effective in hard water and may deplete calcium. Zeolite filtration is used in some marine aquaria to keep nutrient concentrations low for the benefit of corals adapted to nutrient-depleted waters.

Where and how the zeolite was formed is an important consideration for aquariums. Most Northern hemisphere natural zeolites were formed when molten lava came in contact with sea water, thereby 'loading' the zeolite with Na (sodium) sacrificial ions. The mechanism is well known to chemists as ion exchange. These sodium ions will speciate with other ions in solution, thus the takeup of nitrogen in ammonia, with the release of the sodium. One deposit in southern Idaho near Bear River is a fresh water variety (Na<.05%). Southern hemisphere zeolites are typically formed in freshwater and have a high calcium content.[citation needed]

Zeolite is an effective ammonia filter, but must be used with some care, especially with delicate tropical corals that are sensitive to water chemistry and temperature.

I dunno. Sounds like a scam to me - selling "liquid zeolite". However, Zeolite itself sounds very interesting.

Can we find out anything else about it other than this circular/self referencing article and product?
I've been using bentonite, which belongs to zeolite minerals group, for detox quite successfully.

I cannot see any link between Zeolite and this "liquid Zeolite" - the first is a aluminosilicate mineral, while the latter is a bioflavonoid called dihydroquercetin (a plant derived compound) ???

I wouldn't use any ready-made products. I buy bentonite as a powder and then just stir it in water and drink on empty stomach.

Some articles about zeolite:

Zeolite Detox - Scam or Zeo-Right?

According to this article, the liquid form doesn't seem much convincing:
Whereas the process used to make the liquid form destroys the honeycomb shape making it less effective at trapping toxins. And although the liquid is thought to be more easily absorbed into the body, there is less Zeolite in an entire bottle of liquid Zeolite than in one teaspoon of powdered Zeolite.

They also have a chapter about evidence of the effectiveness of zeolit:

So, what's the proof that Zeolite works in humans?

Not much. The bulk of the evidence is anecdotal. Human clinical studies are basically non-existent!

Most of the studies have been related primarily to water purification in the agriculture industry, although it has been used in the clean-up of contamination from nuclear facility disasters including Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and most recently at Fukushima.

The published literature is sparse and is limited to in vitro and animal studies. As an example a study from the Ruder Boskovic Institute in Croatia found that, “cancer-stricken dogs and mice given Zeolite experienced an overall improved health status".

The study that is cited regularly by Zeolite Internet advocates was done in 2005, was preliminary and was done by Lifelink Pharmaceuticals in Ohio. For 14 months 65 people with stage 4 cancer were given high doses of liquid Zeolite and at the end of the study, 51 people were cancer free and six more were alive, but still fighting cancer. However this study apparently has never been officially published nor has there been any official comments on the follow up status of the study group.

Another article: How to Detoxify Your Body - Advanced Detoxification Protocols

which compares zeolites with other chelators like EDTA and DMSA. It also links to a clinical study titled: Patient 1 Pre and Post Provocation Case Study which measures a drastic increase in execrated heavy metal during zeolite treatment.

The two articles mentioned above quote about 40 sources but I didn't take the time to check them.

From the limited data provided by the above mentioned couple of articles I would try zeolite, preferably under powder form.
I recall in Gaby's article that Zeolite was being used for radiation treatment:

http://www.sott.net/article/226021-Detoxify-or-Die-Natural-Radiation-Protection-Therapies-for-Coping-With-the-Fallout-of-the-Fukushima-Nuclear-Meltdown said:
Natural zeolites (i.e., those found in volcanogenic sedimentary rocks) is a mineral which possesses attractive properties that contribute directly to their use in the extraction of Cs and Sr from nuclear wastes and the mitigation of radioactive fallout, but also as a dietary supplement for heavy metal detoxification. It also has anti-bacterial properties and it stimulates the immune system. It was used during successfully during Chernobyl.
So, indeed, it might be useful, but NOT the recommended liquid product that the story is trying to sell.

That's how scams happen...
A biologist told me it is extremely effective at detoxing lands, waters... so it was common for biologists to use it in themselves for those same reasons.
Laura said:
So, indeed, it might be useful, but NOT the recommended liquid product that the story is trying to sell.

That's how scams happen...

I looked into the liquid zeolite thing and my conclusion was that it is a scam.

Regular Zeolite products on the other are interesting because of the porous structure and it's ability to electrically trap things.

Silver "sols" might work as well on viruses: _http://www.lifesilver.com/v1/H5N1_Effect.pdf
The guy behind the Eyton's Earth and Greenclay.com websites (one of the better sites and sources of clay in the U.S. I think) pretty much confirms the take on the liquid Zeolite that has been made:


Our micronized zeolite powder is the finest and safest zeolite on the market today. The founder of greenclays.com spent nearly a decade searching for the perfect zeolite to complement traditional clay therapy.

Zeolite is well known for its ability to detoxify living organisms, and is currently being studied world-wide for its ability to sorpt heavy metals and radiation from living systems.

For more information on micronized zeolite, check out the external ink(s) on our resources page.

Don't be fooled by the hype about zeolite products circling the web. Nearly all clinical results documented in scientific studies were conducted using micronized zeolite.

We understand that there are very cheap sources of non-micronized zeolite available, as well as zeolite colloids ( "liquid zeolite") available that contain hardly any zeolite (and have more of a homeopathic or oligodynamic effect, if any effect at all); we've tested every single source we've been able to find over a ten year period, and this micronzed zeolite is the only product we would consider using.

Sells it on this page:


And his website links to this:


Micronised Zeolite Scientific Research

In Eastern Europe medical scientists are continually researching the clinical benefits of the natural zeolite clinoptilolite, in this case tribo-mechanically activated zeolite (TMAZ), a product which is very similar to Australian micronized clinoptilolite but much finer.

A turbo mechanical mill has two rotors which rotate in opposite directions, creating an area in the centre where particles collide with each other at a speed of 3,000 km per hour (when the rotors are each spun at 22,000 rpm). When the zeolite powder is fed into this chamber the particles collide and break down to a minute size, up to 1,000 difference in particle size is achievable. These minute particles are more active than micronized zeolite. As the centrifugal forces are enormous the mill needs massive anchoring. There are no large turbo mechanical mills in Australia so TMAZ is not readily available in Australia.

A particle size similar to TMAZ can be achieved by treating Australian micronised zeolite powder using the boiling method.
The Eastern European studies I read commenced in 1997 and as far as I know are still continuing today. Published biological data from this area has already shown that micronized zeolite protects against toxic bacterial effects or poisons and also helps to prevent osteoporosis.
At a recent symposium in Eastern Europe the toxicology of TMAZ and its effects on various physiological systems were investigated. At this symposium temporary clinical trials of a dietary mineral supplement containing 50% TMAZ were presented. The TMAZ was recognised as the “active” component of this mineral supplement. The trials focussed on people with advanced malignant tumours and systemic illnesses. (1)
The results of the temporary trials encouraged using the mineral supplement with seriously ill people and highlighted the need for "double-blinded" trials as soon as possible. The medical scientists at the symposium agreed to intensify their basic research, starting with controlled studies.
Anecdotal cases of more than 200 patients who were taking the mineral supplement were reported at the symposium.
Some temporary side effects were noted, namely an initial temporary increase in body temperature in some cases and short term diarrhoea was experienced by some people with liver disease. Within three days all side effects had gone, presumably they were symptoms of detoxification.
Radiotherapy and chemotherapy patients in these trials found that the uncomfortable side effects of their treatments decreased and some of the indicators to their disease normalized. In other patients the diffusion capacity of the lungs and the contractions of the heart muscle both increased.
In fact, the general condition of the sick people improved, their appetites returned and they gained weight, their requests for analgesics were reduced and in some cases totally disappeared. In most cases the patients were sleeping well, their depression had lifted and their will for life had been restored.

Further research is continuing in Eastern Europe aiming to prove the biomedical characteristics of this active crystal powder. In the meantime, medical researchers involved in the project are advising that not only should the mineral supplement be taken in the early stages of disease but also by sufferers of advanced cancer. They feel that TMAZ can help in cases where medicine has no suitable solutions but they realize that at this stage it is too early to talk about it.

Clinical Observations

The same mineral supplement was used in other Eastern Europe clinical trials with the aim of judging its effect on clinical indicators, noting any improvements in the general condition of the patients and investigating the usefulness of further clinical observations. (2)
In these trials three groups were tested. Side effects were the same as noted in the previous trials, i.e. some patients experienced temporary higher body temperatures and a short term bout of diarrhoea. Once again, after three days the general condition of all patients in the trials improved.
The first group consisted of 55 patients who were suffering from various forms of cancer and who had either undergone chemotherapy and ray treatments or were still receiving the treatments. All of these people were in poor condition, their haematological results were degraded, most were anaemic, in pain and suffering from loss of strength. The group were given relatively high doses of the mineral supplement.
Many of the chemotherapy patients in this group had developed an uncomfortable fungus in the mouth and gullet (candida) during their treatment. Within three days of taking the mineral supplement these symptoms disappeared, within seven days their blood counts started to normalize and within fifteen days their enzymes and LDH had also normalized. The general condition of all patients improved dramatically, their appetites returned and they gained weight.

The second group were two patients suffering with lupus, three patients with coagenosis and three patients with lung fibrosis. This group took smaller amounts of the mineral supplement and were observed for haematological and biochemical indicators as well as the functional indicators of lung capacity and diffusion. It was found that once again the enzymes and LDH normalised. Lung capacity and diffusion also improved, in addition contractions of the heart muscles became stronger.

The third group had various problems - some had diabetes, some had inflammation of the muscle system and some had hepatitis B and C. This group of patients took even smaller amounts of the mineral supplement. As with the two previous studies, the general condition of the patients improved rapidly. The patients with diabetes showed a rise in sugar levels, there was pain reduction in the inflamed muscles and it was found that the enzyme level of patients with hepatitis B and C had normalised quickly.

These three trials concluded with the recommendation that further trials be continued with a defined programme.

Zeolite and Mutating Cells

An interesting report by the Vice President of an overseas organisation which promotes overall treatment of chronic disease(3) describes three reasons why cells mutate and give up their “normal” existence.

First are the changes which are caused by external influences, e.g. all bacterial and viral diseases.

Second are diseases where cells are directly damaged by external agents, e.g. ingesting harmful substances and poisons through the respiratory tract, oesophagus, or through the skin.

According to the report the third reason is the worst, diseases such as cancer, MS, Alzheimer's and many others which apparently develop without any external influence, they seem to have been dormant in the body from birth.
The report concentrates on this puzzling last reason for cell mutation. It explains that these chronic diseases all have one thing in common, they are caused by cells trying to get back to their primordial state. These cells break away and try to live without oxygen. Their objective is to become autonomous - independent of the “force feeding” carried out by the circulatory system. This is how one-celled organisms lived millions of years ago, a more primitive but efficient lifestyle for individual cells.

This "atrophic" state is only possible in water and to survive in water, the cell must degenerate and reduce its pH level closer to that of normal water, which has a pH level of exactly 7.0. However, a pH level of 7.0 is too low for the human body which requires a pH level very close to 7.4. Even a fluctuation in pH level of as little as 0.1 can lead to severe problems. The pH level is the “potentia hydrogenii” or hydrogen-ion concentration.
This degeneration means that the "breakaway" cells have a lower pH value than all the normal cells surrounding them.

Once a cell has created its comparatively "acid environment" away from the normal body cells it begins to divide, giving birth to new cells whose pH level is too low to live in the normal environment. The disease becomes progressive, branching out and advancing - this is clearly visible in the case of growing tumours.

The alarming thing is that once a cell has become abnormal in this way, it can never produce normal cells again. Without external intervention, a disease of this type will always get worse.

There are different forms of external intervention used by conventional medical practitioners - removing the cells by surgical means or trying to destroy them with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Even though these treatments can be successful there is always the danger of healthy cells being damaged as well.

The report mentions that, even though other treatment procedures are widely unknown, there is in fact a different approach which can stop the progression of the disease.

The idea is not to remove the mutated cells but to remove their food supply. This can be achieved by trying to restore the mutated cells to a normal pH level or, if this is not possible, to make it impossible for the mutated cells to survive by normalising the pH level of its environment. Both of these methods have proved successful during numerous in vitro and in vivo trials by world-renowned scientists.

The use of TMAZ allows development of a natural and completely non-toxic substance capable of penetrating the cell membrane and influencing the cell. This does away with the problem of having to differentiate between normal and abnormal cells in a specific treatment. The TMAZ mineral supplement which is the subject of the report brings all cells to a healthy pH level. There is no need to differentiate between healthy and diseased cells.

The effect of ingesting TMAZ is that cells are either restored to normal, as far as possible, or at the least they are not able to reproduce in an environment which is maintained at a “normal" pH level. Since all cells, healthy or sick, have a limited lifetime, these mutated cells die in about six weeks without reproducing.

This process produces a very striking improvement in the patient's general condition and definitely increases their quality of life.

Zeolite’ Effect on Microbiological Activity

The report goes on to say that examinations have been made to prove the possible influence of TMAZ on microbiological activity, especially on the activity of some kinds of bacteria.
The results have shown that there is a various effect on single kinds of bacteria, depending on the added quantity of TMAZ, the kind and the initial number of bacteria and the time and temperature of the incubation. There was an important hindrance to the growth of the bacteria Lactobacillus brevis, Escherichia coli and Salmonella enteritidis.

Further studies were made on behalf of the food industry. Examination focussed on the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, investigating whether the addition of zeolite had any effect on fermentation activity of this yeast on the suspension of flour.

The results showed that the addition of both sterilized and non-sterilized zeolite accelerated the fermentation activity of yeast, which was put down to the presence of certain microelements known to accelerate the growth of yeast. The report draws further conclusions regarding micro organisms and ratios. In this study It was found that the addition of a smaller amount of zeolite produced the greatest effect on the quantity of flour. The addition of a larger amount of zeolite produced a smaller effect on the activity of the yeast.

Zeolite Proven to be Non Toxic

Further studies have been carried out in Eastern Europe, under the guidelines of the OECD(4), One study shows that TMAZ “has shown neither toxic nor mutagenic effects in acute, subchronic and cronic toxicology studies”.

Link Between Measured TAS (Total Antioxidant Status) Level and Dosage of Zeolite Mineral Supplement

Another study was carried out(5) which measured the correlation between TAS (Total Antioxidant Status) and dosage of zeolite mineral supplement taken. The levels of 33 people were tested, 22 people were healthy and 11 people were sick.

A Table in the study shows a comparison between the healthy people who took an average of 3 mineral supplement capsules daily and the sick people who took 12 mineral supplement capsules daily. The Table shows that in spite of the healthy people’s good condition, their TAS level was lower than the TAS levels of the sick people who took the increased daily dosage of mineral supplement.

The report concluded that antioxidant therapy, especially on patients with a naturally low defence system and on those suffering from chronic diseases, has been proven successful ..... but not in the final phase of disease and not as a mono-therapy, more as an addition to prescribed therapy.
Another conclusion was that it should be “emphasised that antioxidants show the best effects when they are taken as a prevention”.

Zeolite Fights Against Free Radicals and Diseases

Another report from the same area looks at using zeolite in the fight against free radicals, targeted as being “the most responsible factors of many pathological conditions in an organism”(6).

The report outlines that 90% of disease, also ageing itself, appears as the result of “cellular functional disorder and the damage of the cell itself, what is caused by direct or indirect influence of Oxygen Free Radicals. Free radicals supervise many processes in transmission of signals and expression of genes.”

It goes on to discuss the interest of multinational pharmaceutical companies around the globe who are aiming to make products “which can supervise and regulate redox processes -iv-in the cells and tissues and that way to control the diseases.” He mentions that among all these attempts, the research group from Eastern Europe(7) has gone the furthest, marketing a “powerful antioxidant and imunomodulate” in their area as a dietary mineral supplement.

Free Radicals

The report defines free radicals as “chemical species which can have one or more unpaired electrons in the outer layer (free electron) and because of that they cause different chemical reactions which lead to changes on the biomolecular level”.

While searching for the ‘lost’ electron, free radicals start a chain of chemical reactions with some proteins, carbohydrates and enzymes as well as with the cellular DNA itself. This damages the cell and finally kills it.

The report advises that ..... “Smoking, incorrect eating habits, different radiation and exposure to harmful chemicals decrease natural defensive power of an organism and increase the danger of free radicals aggression. For example: science studies have shown that smoking individuals have DNA 30 to 40 times more damaged than non-smoking individuals. So, cells and tissues are constantly exposed to the affection of oxygen radicals which are taken in from outside or of oxygen free radicals which are formed as the secondary products of some phases of metabolism processes, and because of that cells and tissues are in the constant danger of oxidative changes.

The report tells that a cell can protect itself from the harmful effects of free radicals with its own antioxidant system but that over time this defence system weakens from the attack of free radicals. The cell’s defence system then becomes insufficient to protect itself resulting in cell damage followed by disease.

According to the report an organism uses two different defensive mechanisms. One of these is its own defence system which “controls creation of free radicals and repairs damaged tissues”. The other defensive mechanism is natural antioxidants like vitamins A, C and E, carotenoids, flavonoids, coenzymes Q10 and others. These natural antioxidants are absorbed from food and different vitamin and mineral supplements.

The report states that .....”Some of those vitamin and minerals products are about to become a medicine of the 21st century. As a powerful antioxidant and regulator of a redox process in cells TMAZ belongs to those products.”

When Should Zeolite not be Taken?

The effect of the mineral supplement on the life quality of more than 50 patients was observed by a doctor who wanted to help people who were desperately ill with malignant illnesses(8). The influence on life quality was observed, the reduction of patient complaints during chemotherapy and ray treatments was observed as well as the compatibility of the mineral supplement based on TMAZ.

The decision to give the mineral supplement to this group of very sick patients was made after he, some of his family members and some of his friends had all taken the mineral supplement themselves and observed the results. None of them noticed any side effects, in fact they all felt psychologically and physiologically better. They all had blood tests before starting the trial and during the trial. He states that during the whole time there was “no deviation of the physiological results”.

He chose patients who had valid medical documentation backing up their diagnosis of malignant illness, the experiments were not dependent on sex or age. The patients took part in the series of experiments at their own request or of their next of kin. All patients had already undergone standard treatments. The patients were divided into many sub groups according to the duration and type of illness and whether they are operable or inoperable.
Some of the patients died during the experimental trials. They were in the terminal stages of malignant illness receiving therapy for symptoms and pain relief when required. The life quality of all these patients improved after taking the mineral supplement ..... their appetites increased, they gained weight and their requests for pain relief were less frequent. During the observation of all patients it was shown that family support is of a great meaning. Of these patients, especially the ones living at home, seemed to brighten up and take an interest in life again. They all lived longer than expected, to the surprise of their general practitioners.

One 82 year old woman with lung cancer was dismissed from hospital to die at home. After taking the mineral supplement she stopped complaining of pain and aggravated breathing, her confidence in herself was restored, she became more mobile, started to carry out her own housework and told neighbours that she had recovered. After a severe period of intensely hot weather she died after lying in bed for two weeks.

Another terminally ill patient on the trial was mobile until the last week before he died. He was still driving the car, had gone to stay at the sea side and had worked in his garden and in the house. He died after a sudden feeling of weakness on the second day of being stationary.

A patient with an inoperable Rectumblastom took the mineral supplement for eight months. Before the trial the patient spent most of the time in bed. After taking the mineral supplement he got up out of bed more frequently, sometimes he even went to his workshop, he drove a car, visited friends, he distilled schnapps and was heard singing in his yard, he watched TV. During the whole length of the illness he occasionally went to the hospital were he was treated with symptomatic therapy in addition to his blood substitute. On the day of his last hospital visit, he was found dead in the morning. The doctors in the Surgical Department were surprised that a patient who was so heavily ill could get by with such low quantities of analgesics.

A group of 35 cancer patients remained under observation for the length of the trial. Some of the patients had already undergone chemotherapy and ray treatments, other patients were undertaking “zytostatic therapy”. Life quality of this group was observed.

It was found that sleeplessness and depression decreased, emotional situations improved, life will increased, stress tolerance and frustration tolerance increased, the physical situation improved. There was better mobility, pains were less distinctive or not there anymore, the ability to carrying out daily chores was regained. Other benefits were an increase in appetite, weight gain, regular bowel movements.

A group of patients who had been treated with chemotherapy or who had undergone ray treatment were found to be “more consistent to the therapies”, hardly ever complaining about nausea and showing signs of speedy recovery after courses of chemotherapy and ray treatments.
One patient in the trial started taking the mineral supplement about ten weeks after being diagnosed with a tumour (Lymphosarcom) in the left thigh. He takes 30 capsules every day.

Since then the tumour in his left thigh has shrunk from the size of the head of an adult to the size of a grapefruit. The skin above the tumour has returned to its normal colour, the “vessel drawing” above the tumour has disappeared. The associated tumour growth on his neck completely disappeared as well as many other changes (20 mentioned).

Due to the seriousness of the patient’s illness therapy was started with one capsule of mineral supplement three times on the first day, the dose was increased every second day until a dose of 30 capsules daily was reached.
The once immobile patient became completely mobile again, in just six weeks he was walking as upright as he had before he became ill. In the summer he walked up to two miles every day, went to the sea and went swimming and gained 25 kg in weight. At the request of his parents, the patient was not told the full extent of his diagnosis, so his improved situation cannot be used for necessary examinations.

Another patient had operative intervention for colon cancer in 1994. He had metastases in the liver and lungs which were classified as inoperable. The patient started a trial of the mineral supplement about four years later at the beginning of May 1998. Five months later, in October 1998, an ultrasound examination of the liver showed an “unobtrusive echo in the area of the metastasis” which had been diagnosed in a control examination performed in February 1998, three months before starting the trial. The x-rays of the lung performed in October 1998 do not show “a stamp form of metastasis shadows”, another symptom which showed up in the pre trial examination performed in February 1998.

This patient took an amazing amount of mineral supplement capsules. In October 1998 the dosage was increased, the patient taking one capsule every half hour. With the intention of increasing the effect he started to take two capsules and noticed “that the area of skin above the metastasis in the liver became warmer for some degrees”. After that he reduced the dose to one capsule every half-hour, but later increased the dose until he no longer needed to take morphine or other opiates at night. One week after taking the increased dose he was not taking any more opiates.
The doctor reported that all patients showed consistent results and no side effects were observed. He concluded by stating that he could not think of any situation where the mineral supplement should not be taken.

Many more interesting and informative studies have been made, too many to list here. A general improvement of the person’s overall well being seems to be the common thread through them all.

Synthetic zeolites are used medically, some of them are grown in space. The following article used to be located at http://www.spacehab.com/mission/previous_missions/57/exp_57_3.htm but is no longer there.

Support of Crystal Growth Experiment

The Battelle Advanced Materials Center, a NASA Center for the Commercial Development of Space (CCDS) based in Columbus, Ohio, is sponsoring the Support of Crystal Growth (SCG) Experiment on SPACEHAB-1.
This experiment was a successor to one that was conducted in the Spacelab glovebox flown on the first United States Microgravity Laboratory (USML-1) mission in July 1992. SCG supports the Zeolite Crystal Growth (ZCG) experiment also flying in the SPACEHAB in that it provides the invaluable information required to establish the ZCG autoclave mixing protocol so that the resulting crystal growth is optimized.
Ground-based and flight research has shown that mixing of the zeolite precursor solutions is critical to producing high quality crystals. Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging studies, KC- 135 flights, and analysis of the USML-1 results demonstrate the need to optimize the mixing process (uniform mixing while minimizing shear). Determining the proper amount of mixing remains an empirical science, and therefore must utilize crew observation and judgment which requires extensive training and experience.
The Principal Investigator is Dr. Al Sacco, Jr., Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA. Lisa McCauley, Battelle Advanced Materials Center, is the flight program manager.

Zeolite Crystal Growth

STS-57 was the second Shuttle flight of the Zeolite Crystal Growth (ZCG) payload, developed by the Battelle Advanced Materials Center, Columbus, OH, a NASA Center for the Commercial Development of Space (CCDS). The ZCG experiment flew on the first United States Microgravity Laboratory (USML-1) Shuttle mission (July 1992) and the results appear very positive and all mission objectives were accomplished.
Zeolite crystals are complex arrangements of silica and alumina which occur both naturally and synthetically. An open, three-dimensional, crystalline structure enables the crystals to selectively absorb elements or compounds. As a result, the crystals are highly useful as catalysts, molecular sieves, absorbents and ion exchange materials.
Zeolites are used for purification and catalytic purposes. As a purifier, zeolites work as molecular-scale sieves to remove contaminants from solutions. If improved zeolites were used in kidney dialysis as a purifier, the time needed to complete dialysis could be significantly reduced.”

© Copyright Brenda White January 2003 References
1. Prof. Kresimir Pavelic MD. Ph.D. Head of Department of molecular medicine, Ruder Boskovic Institute, Zagreb What the doctor should know about TMAZ. "Medical News", Year 26, No 141, Nov. 1998
2. Jadranka Tocilj, MD Ph.D. Clinical center, depart. for lung diseases, 21 000 Split
3. Ulrich von Sass, Vice president "IVCK" (Charitable, International Organisation for the Promotion of the Comprehensive Treatment of Chronic Diseases and Cancer - Registered Organisation)
4. Ruder Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, under guidelines of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
5. Ruder Boskovic Institute, Zagreb
6. Dr. Slavko Ivkovic Ruder Boskovic Institute, Zagreb
7. Ruder Boskovic Institute, Zagreb
8. Miroslava Stiplosek MD Ruder Boskovic Institute, Zagreb
More on it's anti-viral potential here:


A third function of zeolite is to trap pre-virus components, preventing the replication of viruses and their ability to make us sick. In this way, zeolite may play an important role as a broad-spectrum anti-viral. Viruses are produced in parts as on a production line, at the end of which the virus is fully constructed. Zeolite absorbs viral parts into the pores of the mirconized zeolite aggregates (not into the chelating-like cages described above). This explains why zeolite seems to block the development of many viral infections , including herpes virus 1, coxsachie virus B-5, ecco-virus 7, and adeno virus 5. Forty anecdotal cases of herpes zoster have reportedly been cured, with sufferers becomingpain-free in one to three days after beginning to take zeolite. Anecdotal testimony also reports that it is effective in alleviating or curing the flu, colds, hepatitis C, viral or heavy-metal induced multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Zeolite's effect as an anti-viral appears to be a preventative function that builds up over time, beginning after approximately four to six weeks of use, when heavy metals, pesticides, and herbicides have been mostly eliminated. There is anecdotal evidence, however, that in some cases its anti-viral effect seems to be immediate.
Zeolit is quite popular in Serbia in recent few years, because there is big resource of that stone here. (I understand that is complex of minerals). The last year ministry of agriculture was giving some quantities to the milk farmers, because allegedly it helps with aphlatoxine in the cow's milk.

There are quite a lot firms that are selling zeolit for human use, but on the quick search there is no liquid zeolit, it is all powdered (some of them also explaining how they make it). So:

In Russian:


In English:

_http://zeolithomozel.com/eng/ (its said on the site that they are shipping to the EU)


in Serbian (maybe there is more on english, but needs time to find out)




Here's more about it: http://zeolitt.no/files/2013/02/sbornik-zeomedcos_pdf.pdf
Avala said:
Zeolit is quite popular in Serbia in recent few years, because there is big resource of that stone here. (I understand that is complex of minerals). The last year ministry of agriculture was giving some quantities to the milk farmers, because allegedly it helps with aphlatoxine in the cow's milk.

Yep, apparently Zeolite is given here to the animals as a mineral additive. It is supposed to strengthen their immune system, stimulate metabolic activity and prevent gastrointestinal problems.

They sell it in bags of 500 gram or 1 kilo. Don't know the price, though, but probably not really expensive. Here is the link in Russian
The content is as follows:

Natural zeolites. Natural deposit zeolite - natural multimineral mixture composed of oxides of aluminum and silicon (about 85%), minor amount of oxides of calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, titanium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, manganese and other elements.
Zeolite has adsorption and ion exchange properties. He is able to absorb radioisotopes, excrete toxins, heavy metals, harmful gases.

But I am not sure if it fits for human consumption, especially since there are a lot of other elements, including iron that are added? What do you think? Perhaps better to look for a pure zeolite.
Just bumping this up.

Has anyone tried this along with the iodine?

Don't know for sure but it sounds like this stuff may be useful.
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