"This Changes Everything" by Naomi Klein


For those of you who enjoyed "The Shock Doctrine," you are going to be 'shocked' by this book. Naomi Kline is right on board with the "global warming is causing greenhouse emissions that are ruining the planet" approach. Chapter One starts off with this quote: "Climate scientists agree: climate change is happening here and now. Based on well-established evidence, about 97 percent of climate scientists have concluded that human-caused climate change is happening. This agreement is documented not just by a single study, but by a converging stream of evidence over the past two decades from surveys of scientists, content analyses of peer-reviewed studies, and public statements issued by virtually every membership organization of experts in this field."

Examples of other quotes in the book:

p. 41

...Then there is "Climategate," a manufactured scandel in which climate scientists' emails were hacked and their contents distorted by the Heartlanders and their allies, who claimed to find evidence of manipulated data (the scientists were repeatedly vindicated of wrongdoing).

p. 51

...Heartland's denier division did its best to cast so much doubt on the science that it helped to paralyze all serious attempts to regulate greenhouse emissions, while the insurance arm pushed policies that would allow corporations to stay profitable regardless of the real-world results of those emissions.


It's true that catastrophic climate change would inflate the role of government to levels that would likely disturb most thinking people, whether left or right. And there are legitimate fears too of what some call "green fascism"--an environmental crisis so severe that it becomes the pretext for authoritarian forces to seize control in the name of restoring some kind of climate order. But it's also the case that there is no way to get cuts in emissions steep or rapid enough to avoid those catastrophic scenarios without levels of government intervention that will never be acceptable to right-wing idealogues.

p. 88

Now, I realize that this can all sound apocalyptic--as if reducing emissions requires economic crises that result in mass suffering. But that seems so only because we have an economic system that fetishizes GDP growth above all else, regardless of the human or ecological consequences, while failing to place value on those things that most of us cherish above all--a decent standard of living, a measure of future security, and our relationships with one another. ...

p. 107

Over the course of the 1970's, there were 660 reported disasters around the world, including droughts, floods, extreme temperature events, wildfires, and storms. In the 2000's, there were 3,332--a fivefold boost. That is a staggering increase in just over thirty years, and clearly global warming cannot be said to have "caused" all of it. But the climate signal is also clear. "There's no question that climate change has increased the frequency of certain types of extreme weather events," climate scientist Michael Mann told me in an interview, "including drought, intense hurricanes, and super typhoons, the frequency and intensity and duration of heat waves, and potentially other types of extreme weather though the details are still being debated within the scientific community."

So, if you can bear in mind her point of view, then it's worth reading. More for the quagmire and muck trying to accomplish anything worthwhile for humanity from the political, corporate, legal, and social aspects of society. At this point, I'm through the first four chapters and not one word of political ponerology. Naomi is in desparate need of Pierre's book!
Yes, I noticed Kline's ridiculous tweets about the Global Warming[TM] for some time. Unfortunately, some people can be brilliant in one field and complete fools in others. We can see how this Global Warming scam serves as a distraction from real problems. As the author of the Shock Doctrine, one would expect her to be at the frontlines of denouncing the dangerous path the world is taking. Falling for a lie makes one blind to some aspects of reality, even if they were previously evident. And on the other side, using an author who successfully told the truth once to tell lies is a very efficient approach for the PTB and participate in the eternal charade of cosmic countelpro.
There are unfortunately very intelligent people who spread very important truths that have fallen for the man-made global warming scam, Dmitri Orlov among them. He is so spot on with so many things, yet he has swallowed this lie in the face of all the evidence against it and all the shady characters who promote it so intensely (Gore, Rahm Emanuel, etc.) who also have financial ties to profit from it. Goldman Sachs, et al also plan on carbon exchanges worth trillions. You'd think people such as Orlov and Kline would be able to see/research the obvious. Also, her claim of "Climategate" being a manufactured scandal is the most disturbing. Seems, as usual, some of the most nefarious lies, once swallowed, are the hardest to free oneself from....
SeekinTruth said:
There are unfortunately very intelligent people who spread very important truths that have fallen for the man-made global warming scam, Dmitri Orlov among them. He is so spot on with so many things, yet he has swallowed this lie in the face of all the evidence against it and all the shady characters who promote it so intensely (Gore, Rahm Emanuel, etc.) who also have financial ties to profit from it. Goldman Sachs, et al also plan on carbon exchanges worth trillions. You'd think people such as Orlov and Kline would be able to see/research the obvious. Also, her claim of "Climategate" being a manufactured scandal is the most disturbing. Seems, as usual, some of the most nefarious lies, once swallowed, are the hardest to free oneself from....

It's really interesting to observe who falls for what lie. I keep saying, there's a program for everyone designed to get you at your weak or blind spot. That's why only a sincere network - and a LOT of research - can act against this.
It's sad to see how such a brilliant author fell for the man made global warming scam. I could have understood her if she had made this move in the early 2000 when the global warming just ended, but now, in 2014, 17 years after the official ending of the warming phase :huh:

Well, I guess that nature will soon show her and everybody in an undeniable way what is really in store as far as weather change is concerned. :knitting:

It's difficult enough for an individual to see through the lies in one particular field and it's impossible for an individual to see through the lies in every field. Klein understood perfectly the economic colonialism process but she fails miserably to understand the current earth changes.
Pierre said:
It's sad to see how such a brilliant author fell for the man made global warming scam. I could have understood her if she had made this move in the early 2000 when the global warming just ended, but now, in 2014, 17 years after the official ending of the warming phase :huh:

Well, I guess that nature will soon show her and everybody in an undeniable way what is really in store as far as weather change is concerned. :knitting:

It's difficult enough for an individual to see through the lies in one particular field and it's impossible for an individual to see through the lies in every field. Klein understood perfectly the economic colonialism process but she fails miserably to understand the current earth changes.
Totally agree, Pierre. It reminded me of Galloway, who has fought so much against the war mongering elite and then lost the plot when it came to Scotland as Niall described well in a recent article on Sott. As Laura said above, there is a program for everyone!
I felt the same way as everybody here when I read about Klein's new 'research' fairly recently.

Maybe we should send her a copy of Pierre's book...?

(don't mean to nit-pick, but maybe mod could change title of thread to Naomi "Klein" - as at first I was a bit confused by the title)
The kicker in the whole anthropogenic global warming hoax is that sincere and intelligent people who fall for it are worried about nightmare scenarios that will manifest in the next 50 to 100 years supposedly - repeating the official nonsense. But what we're really facing will be a nightmare scenario in the next few years for most people on the planet and our technological "civilization". Global warming, if it continued, would actually be good for agriculture, and thus feeding 8 billion people. As things stand now, just the climate part of the earth changes rules out that humans will have enough food for even a small fraction of the population.

This is already a total disaster for a world completely dependent on agriculture when crop failures increase to catastrophic levels and most of the agricultural lands in the Northern Hemisphere are covered with ice. Not to mention pandemics/plague and everything else. To top it all off, people have become so dependent on authorities for all there needs that too few will be able to survive on their own when store shelves become empty. And again all this is facing us in a time frame closer to 5 years than 50. Plus there's nothing, absolutely nothing anyone can do about it - even if they stop every cow from farting. Unbelievable how the Powers that Be can get people directed in the exact opposite direction than what's needed to prepare for what we face.
Aeneas said:
Pierre said:
It's sad to see how such a brilliant author fell for the man made global warming scam. I could have understood her if she had made this move in the early 2000 when the global warming just ended, but now, in 2014, 17 years after the official ending of the warming phase :huh:

Well, I guess that nature will soon show her and everybody in an undeniable way what is really in store as far as weather change is concerned. :knitting:

It's difficult enough for an individual to see through the lies in one particular field and it's impossible for an individual to see through the lies in every field. Klein understood perfectly the economic colonialism process but she fails miserably to understand the current earth changes.
Totally agree, Pierre. It reminded me of Galloway, who has fought so much against the war mongering elite and then lost the plot when it came to Scotland as Niall described well in a recent article on Sott. As Laura said above, there is a program for everyone!

She is intelligent, she has access to information. Maybe her program is money behind? Contracts? Fame?
I wanted to refresh my memory and so went looking for an appropriate passage in the discredited but all-too-accurate, "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" and came back with this:

Chapter 12, "Control of the Press" 12. All our newspapers will be of all possible complexions – aristocratic, republican, revolutionary, even anarchical – for so long, of course, as the constitution exists.... Like the Indian idol "Vishnu" they will have a hundred hands, and every one of them will have a finger on any one of the public opinions as required. When a pulse quickens these hands will lead opinion in the direction of our aims, for an excited patient loses all power of judgment and easily yields to suggestion. Those fools who will think they are repeating the opinion of a newspaper of their own camp will be repeating our opinion or any opinion that seems desirable for us. In the vain belief that they are following the organ of their party they will, in fact, follow the flag which we hang out for them.

I doubt Klein participates in this wittingly. She seems to genuinely care about the world.

But if Time is an Illusion and the "farmers of humans" are able to set up conditions for an optimal harvest as easily as herding cattle, then it would seem to me that anybody who gains respect and notoriety on the media's main stage, is allowed some "Megaphone Time", -is probably being set up to be used at some point to project or support another aspect of the Big Lie.

I have only experienced a moderate sampling of people met in person who are passionate about the environment and who get angry if AGW is questioned, but for what it's worth, I note the following common traits:

-Such people are often well-educated through liberal universities or college environments. I find them quite likable! They genuinely want to be good and really do make an effort in their lives to help the world as they understand it.

-Often they are well-traveled, are computer literate and hold respectable posts throughout the community. They believe in recycling their water bottles and eating their non-GMO greens.

-Often they carry trauma from their youth; punished for being intelligent and compassionate, which colors their adult behavior. (And while that's not saying much as nearly everybody was traumatized during their school years, I do find the effects are characterized in noticeably similar ways and degrees among the AGW crowd).

-While such folks definitely believe that corruption exists, they also (paradoxically), put their foot down, refusing to cross certain lines of thought with regard to that same subject. Not that Crop Circles occupy the same category, but I found it indicative when asked by one such individual, a gregarious and successful media professional who had duly put in her time with any number of respectable activist groups (and who was rail-thin with her all-vegetable diet), if "that Crop Circle Documentary was scary"? (Talking about the 2002 film). -If so, it was very clear that she didn't want anything to do with it, despite her deep interest in documentary film making.

Crop Circles, it seems to me, are about as non-threatening as one can get among those subjects existing outside the Official Reality Sandbox. But even they were too much, and thus no information from that sphere of thought was allowed to enter into any calculations she might make about what makes the world tick. I find this to be a reigning characteristic among the AGW crowd; even breathing mention of something like a UFO or spirit attachment or black ops mind control tactic brings their cognitive walls slamming down hard. Comets and Twin Suns are equally off-limits. NASA knows best.

When one refuses to even think about the sorts of things which can affect perception and rational thought processes.., even just on the level of human agency, (MK Ultra-flavored), when you rule out the very possibility of your mind not being your own all the time, (or even most of the time), then you are primed for exploitation.

I wonder what Naomi Klein's reaction would be to some of that 'other' subject matter.
Klien is video interviewed here _http://www.cbc.ca/player/Shows/Shows/The+National/Environment/ID/2516310334/

The National | Sep 12, 2014 | 5:49
Naomi Klein discusses book This Changes Everything

Naomi Klein discusses her new book This Changes Everything, in which she says it's time to stop counting on the politicians to save the planet.

Well, agree with her last statement, yet not in the context she is referring too.

After watching her interview, knowing what she has written before, was puzzled; yet I should not have been. She says the book has been sifting around in her head for the last five years, and with her new child, it seemed important for her, I guess, to get her true feelings out; never mind the science.
voyageur said:
Klien is video interviewed here _http://www.cbc.ca/player/Shows/Shows/The+National/Environment/ID/2516310334/

The National | Sep 12, 2014 | 5:49
Naomi Klein discusses book This Changes Everything

Naomi Klein discusses her new book This Changes Everything, in which she says it's time to stop counting on the politicians to save the planet.

Well, agree with her last statement, yet not in the context she is referring too.

After watching her interview, knowing what she has written before, was puzzled; yet I should not have been. She says the book has been sifting around in her head for the last five years, and with her new child, it seemed important for her, I guess, to get her true feelings out; never mind the science.

Wow. That was actually hard to watch.

Being Canadian myself, I find I have a strong reaction to the CBC's sophisticated brand of propaganda. I've sometimes had to leave the room when the radio is on in a public place because it makes me angry. The chatty, intelligent and nice-sounding newscasters so blithely spread falsehoods which, in many cases, cause real harm and there's no way to call BS on them.

Fox News, so ridiculously hateful and off the wall, I actually find myself less affected by, (partly because I have little occasion to expose myself to it), but partly because nobody I know takes it seriously. But Official Culture in Canada is everywhere! The cafe, the bookstore, the grill... CBC radio is all over the place. And normally, one would be proud of a populace which prefers to have intelligent talk radio on rather than the sports channel. (Except, come to think of it, the sports channel is probably more honest in its reporting.) But the infuriating part is that people, smart people who believe that they are good and who truly want to promote health and fairness in the world, listen to that nonsense, absorb it, make it part of themselves and thus are wasted. Castaneda's Internal Dialogue, poisoned and fed to them from an external source.

And the media is not even smug in its self-assured intellectualism. It truly believes its own self-image, "Canada The Good, The Smart, The Clean and Just".

Naomi Klein gets TV and Radio air time because she's putting energy into promoting the nonsense debate. If she were actually tuned into some Truth, I doubt the world would even know her name.
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