Russian PM Medvedev talks about his knowledge of extra-terrestrials


The Living Force

Apparently, Medvedev was unaware that his microphone was still on and that Ren-TV was still filming (they are among the more independent TV stations in Russia).

The reporter asked him what he knows about extraterrestrials and Medvedev replied that every Russian president receives two files together with the nuclear suitcase. One of the files outlines the current knowledge on extraterrestrials and the other file is about a secret Russian agency that deals with these sorts of matters.

He refuses to say how many ET are already here, saying half-jokingly(?) that this would create a panic.

In the end, he says that the Russian documentary "Men in black" provides more information.

Here is the link to that documentary:

This documentary is interesting for its first-hand accounts of people who encountered "men in black" in Russia. I thought that the last 15 minutes or so were the most informative.

Mod's note: youtube links have been activated.
Interesting video Axj, although it did not really tell me anything that hasn't already been discussed on the forum or by Laura in her writings.
I think this is encouraging information, if true. Putin will have to deal with things on that level eventually if he is to endure, I think. I had a dream a while ago where he was tracking UFOs and kind of keeping tabs on what they were up to. Interesting stuff.
Thanks axj.

I know there is nothing new in what he says Redrock12 but the fact that such a senior member of the Russian government expresses such knowledge in so candid a fashion is new and of value. I do wonder, however, about the laughter in the background when he speaks of 'Men in Black' film and the fact the interviewer is on the verge of breaking down as well. Is this just nervous shock at getting such straight answers or is there a game going on that the dead pan Medvedev is in on..?

Anyway, if we take it at face value, I would say it is unique footage that should be taken very seriously. Perhaps the only comparable public admissions by a senior politician would be those by Canadian ex-minister of defence Paul Hellyer (interesting surname!), and I do wonder about his purpose. Is he being honest or is he more planted dis-information, especially as he talks about 'aliens' as being extra terrestrial visitors not hyperdensity inhabitants? Or is he just at a need to know level and he knows no other information. In other words another useful idiot. Also the fact that he is elderly and retired gives sceptics all the ammo they need to dismiss his views.

Medvedev, however, is of an age and clear mental fitness not to be questioned, plus as Russian Prime Minister he is impossible to dismiss as a loose canon. I wonder though about such comments as 'special services that handle the control of aliens in our country' - what is this agency really and who really controls who? It is easy to assume that direct contact with 4thD sts (if that is what we are talking about) has infected the system in the US but what of Russia? They too must be in contact and his comment 'how many of them there are amongst us I cannot tell because the panic will begin' says as much. I just hope he and Putin know what they are doing/facing. It brings to mind the possibility that one of the many reasons JFK had to go was because he was pressing too hard on the opening up of the UFO issue. I do fear for Putin - I cannot believe such openness and courage can be allowed to continue much longer. I am concerned that the plan is he will go the way of all those in history who have dared to buck the real control system - death by firing squad in a public place. Our sts friends seem to like that.
I saw the video some time ago and for me it comes across as a joke (kind of Russian humour). Have you noticed the reaction of this woman and the giggling from the background? :D
I agree that's possible Altair and I mentioned same above. However... the nature of Medvedev's comments are actually unnecessary if it is a game... he could easily have spoken about little green men or UFOs that looked like ice creams if he was playing the part of a clown for the press... it could be possible that he was fully aware of the filming (can’t see how he wouldn’t be seeing as the camera is clearly close by) and that under the guise of a game he was knowingly making genuine information available for those willing to listen in the form of a double bluff. Maybe I'm seeing too much in this... but he didn’t have to say it, he gains nothing and potentially loses much and he is very, very straight faced. But I do hear you. :)
Altair said:
I saw the video some time ago and for me it comes across as a joke (kind of Russian humour). Have you noticed the reaction of this woman and the giggling from the background? :D

Yeah, it is simply impossible for a person of his rank to say what he says seriously in Russia. The audience will simply perceive it as :ohboy:.

That's why he is speaking half-jokingly, which doesn't mean that what he says is untrue. The subject of aliens is rather popular in Russia, but among a specific category of people - those who are not afraid to be ridiculed or marginalized by the society for their "vivid imagination." People who consider themselves smart and educated rarely watch REN-TV.
Well, the question of the interviewer was meant as kind of joke. She literally asks him about "little green men".

But his answer is very specific and he mentions a serious UFO documentary, so I'd say there is a very good chance that he was not joking.
Michael BC said:
I know there is nothing new in what he says Redrock12 but the fact that such a senior member of the Russian government expresses such knowledge in so candid a fashion is new and of value.

Sorry, but I was referring to the Men In Black video. I don't know how I missed the first video of the Medvedev interview. Medvedev appeared, to me anyway, quite serious and sober about what he was saying, even if the interviewer wasn't.
As well, I think Putin takes the ufo phenomenom quite seriously. Like its Western counterparts, Russian intelligence probably has a large ufo dossier as well, so Putin and his cabinet are probably well-versed on the subject.
Interesting documentary. The part about how this whole situation is a huge broken mirror with pieces everywhere was worth the watch.
Redrock12 said:
Medvedev appeared, to me anyway, quite serious and sober about what he was saying, even if the interviewer wasn't.

Well, I agree with Altair and Siberia, that Medvedev most probably was jesting, in a Russian style of "deadpan humor". After all, he said that there is a totally secret and closed agency that tracks arrivals and departures of the aliens, and you can learn more in detail in the "documentary" Man in Black. And that there are several versions of the documentary.

Even if there a documentary with this name produced by REN TV, I think that he was actually talking about the movie MIB, where the super secret agency indeed was tracking alien arrivals and departures. And there are also several films. ;)

But who knows, he probably knows that it is a real phenomenon, and maybe indeed told the truth, but knew that it could be easily denied later on.

Redrock12 said:
As well, I think Putin takes the ufo phenomenom quite seriously. Like its Western counterparts, Russian intelligence probably has a large ufo dossier as well, so Putin and his cabinet are probably well-versed on the subject.

Maybe. On the other hand, I saw an article in Russian, where Putin says that there is no talk about UFOs on a governmental or presidential level. Putin is a realist and pragmatist, and he would probably prefer to concentrate on things that he can solve, and leave the rest of the stuff to other agencies and competent people.

The article and video in question are from 2012, but the interview with Putin is from May 2005, where the same reporter that interviewed Medvedev asks Putin about the US presidents, and how there is a legend that they are being given this secret information about UFOs or are being shown bodies of dead aliens, including presenting them to the foreign presidents. Since prior question had to do with alcohol problem in Russia, and since the reporter talked about the alleged "green room", Putin assured her that he doesn't drink alcohol :D

In any case, maybe Medvedev knew about the interview (maybe he was even present?), so when the same reporter asked the same question again 7 years after, he probably decided to just tell her what she wanted to hear. Russians, even Russian Prime Ministers are funny this way. :cool2:
This is a very interesting documentary to say the least, but there were many parts that were not translated, so I kind of feel missing some good points. :cool2:

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