luke wilson
The Living Force
Hey, so I have been feeling like I need to write down something for awhile now. Something personal i.e. just my internal state over the last couple of weeks because I have sort of receded into myself in life which has offered the opportunity for more feeling. But I have been putting it off mainly because I don't know how to put it down so I can process this state. It feels like I'm building a backlog that I need to process. But it's not really something worth writing in the forum. I am thinking maybe journalling but whenever I journal it doesn't feel like I am processing anything, it just feels weird and strange. It feels this way mainly because I suppose I am talking to myself. Like you know, standing in front of a mirror and talking to yourself... 
I am unable to put the internal state down in a way that I can look at it. Instead what it is, is that I write something down like I am talking to myself and instead what I see is like a reflection in the mirror without seeing what is behind the image. What I want to see is what is behind the image. It feels like talking to myself essentially i.e. a sign of madness.
Hmmm, maybe I should journal like I am writing a post in the forum.... Is that valid? Does anyone journal like they are writing a post? How do people journal?

I am unable to put the internal state down in a way that I can look at it. Instead what it is, is that I write something down like I am talking to myself and instead what I see is like a reflection in the mirror without seeing what is behind the image. What I want to see is what is behind the image. It feels like talking to myself essentially i.e. a sign of madness.
Hmmm, maybe I should journal like I am writing a post in the forum.... Is that valid? Does anyone journal like they are writing a post? How do people journal?