
In my continued search for unstoppable headaches, I'm pretty sure I've hit upon the answer. My God, I don't know where to start! I do hope this will leed some to better health. Your doctor won't find this, It's up to you.

One of the most common clinical patterns seen in healthcare clinics is stress-related illness. Some healthcare practitioners report as high as 85% of their patients fitting this category. Persons with this condition have reactions to stress which are either causing their illness or aggravating it. Adrenal glands are the anti-stress glands of the body—the reserve which the body falls back on when it is faced with stressful situations. It is their job to enable your body to deal with stress from every possible source, ranging from injury and disease to work and relationship problems. Your resiliency, energy, endurance and your very life all depend on their proper functioning. Your adrenal glands respond to every kind of stress in the same way, whatever the source. Adrenal fatigue occurs when the amount of stress overextends the capacity of the body to compensate and recover from that stress or the combined stresses. Once this capacity to cope and recover is exceeded, some form of adrenal fatigue occurs. The number of stresses, whether or not you recognize them as stresses, the intensity of each stress and the frequency with which it occurs, plus the length of time it is present, all combine to form your total stress load.

There are four major categories of stress:

1. Physical stress—such as overwork, lack of sleep, athletic over-training, etc.

2. Chemical stress—from environmental pollutants, diets high in refined carbohydrates, allergies to foods and additives, endocrine gland imbalances (due to the interaction of all of the endocrine glands).

3. Thermal stress—over-heating or over-chilling of the body

4. Emotional and mental stress

Early studies by Hans Selye, M.D., identified a pattern of stress-related illness in both test animals and humans. Selye discovered a series of events that occur as a reaction to chronic stress. This series of events is known as the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS). The GAS has three stages:

1. The alarm reaction. The body’s initial complex chain of physical and biochemical responses to stress brought about by the interaction of your brain, nervous system and a variety of different hormones, involving an increased amount of adrenal activity. Your body goes on full alert. The adrenals produce extra amounts of hormones. The adrenals are working harder to respond to an immediate stress situation. That is a function for which they are designed. There is actually an initial hyperadrenic response to stress. After the alarm reaction is over, you body goes through a temporary recovery phase that lasts 24-48 hours. During this time there is less coritsol secreted, your body is less able to respond to stress, and the mechanisms over-stimulated in the initial alarm phase by the involved hormones become resistant to more stimulation. In this let-down phase you feel more tired and listlessness, and have a desire to rest. If the stress is continued long enough, the adrenals will finally be overtaxed to the point of depletion as a reaction to this alarm state. Sometimes a person will seek a doctor’s help for the symptoms caused by this type of hypoadrenia.

2. The resistance stage. After a period of time of continued, severe stress, the adrenals begin to adapt and to re-build themselves. The adrenals have a great capacity for increasing their size and function. If one adrenal is surgically removed, the other adrenal can hypertrophy to twice its normal size, giving the person the same amount of adrenal tissue he previously had. This capacity for increased size and function is the basis for the resistance stage. The prolonged alarm reaction starts as a hyperadrenia which leads to a hypoadrenia which then progresses into another state of hyperadrenia as the resistance stage takes over. This phase of resistance can last months or even up to 15-20 years. The adrenal hormone coritsol is largely responsible for this stage. It stimulates the conversion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to energy through gluconeogenesis so that your body has a large supply of energy long after glucose stores in the liver and muscles have been exhausted. Cortisol also promotes the retention of sodium to keep your blood pressure elevated and your heart contracting strongly. If the stress is prolonged and severe, it will continue beyond the resistance stage and into the third stage of the GAS. Dr. Selye and subsequent researchers produced this GAS pattern over and over, resulting in hemorrhaged adrenal glands, atrophied thymus glands (the chief gland in immunity), and biochemically devastated bodies of animals exposed to repeated stress. The adrenal glands were the pivotal glands in the countless experiments involving stress.

3. The exhaustion stage. The exhaustion stage of the GAS is a hypoadrenia to the point where the person loses the ability to adapt to stress. The adrenal cortical enlargement of the triad of chronic stress is due to the hypertrophy of the resistance stage. However, adrenal function in the exhaustion stage is severely limited. In the exhaustion stage, there may be a total collapse of body function, or a collapse of specific organs or systems. The body has little or no ability to resist any further stress. Two major causes of exhaustion are loss of sodium ions (decreased aldosterone) and depletion of adrenal glucocorticoid hormones such as coritsol, leading to decreased gluconeogenesis, rapid hypoglycemia, sodium loss and potassium retention. Simultaneously, insulin levels are still high. Body cells function less effectively in this condition as they rely heavily on a proper amount of blood glucose and the ratio of sodium to potassium. As a result, your body becomes weak. When energy is not available, every energy-requiring mechanism of the cell slows dramatically. This lack of energy, combined with the electrolyte imbalance produces a cell in crisis. This is when the person will surely seek a physician’s help because he or she has symptoms which will not go away. Most hypoadrenic persons seen clinically are in this third or exhaustion stage of the GAS. The anti-stress mechanisms are lost and there is no more reserve potential for the person to fall back on.

Life’s stresses at their worst come in the form of such cataclysmic events as the death of a loved one, an automobile accident or a serious illness. But stress can also take its toll in less obvious ways, like an abscessed or infected root canal tooth, a bout of the flu, intense physical exertion, a severe quarrel with a loved one, pressure at the workplace, an unhappy relationship, environmental toxins, poor diet, etc. If these smaller stresses occur simultaneously, accumulate or become chronic, and the adrenals have no opportunity to fully recover, adrenal fatigue is usually the result.

Your adrenal glands command powerful hormones to extend their influence throughout your body and your life. No bigger than a walnut and weighing less than a grape, each of your two adrenal glands sits on top of a kidney. From this location they not only significantly affect the functioning of every tissue, organ and gland in your body, they also have important effects on the way you think and feel. You cannot live without your adrenal hormones and how well you live depends a great deal on how well your adrenal glands function. The adrenal glands largely determine the energy of your responses to every change in your internal and external environment. Whether they signal attack, retreat or surrender, every cell responds accordingly, and you feel the results.

The hormones secreted by your adrenal glands influence all of the major physiological processes in your body. They closely affect the utilization of carbohydrates and fats, the conversion of fats and proteins into energy, the distribution of stored fat, normal blood sugar regulation, and proper cardiovascular and gastrointestinal function. The protective activity of anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant hormones secreted by the adrenals helps to minimize negative and allergic reactions to alcohol, drugs, foods and environmental allergens.

After mid-life (menopause in women), the adrenal glands gradually become the major source of the sex hormones circulating throughout the body in both men and women. These hormones have a host of physical, emotional and psychological effects, from the level of your sex drive to the tendency to gain weight. Even the propensity to develop certain kinds of diseases and your ability to respond to chronic illness is influenced significantly by the adrenal glands. The more chronic the illness, the more critical the adrenal response becomes. The worse the overload relative to the ability of the body to respond is, the worse the adrenal fatigue is. Each person has a different capacity to handle the total stress load, and the capacity of each person varies over time and events.

Adrenal fatigue, or hypoadrenia, has been one of the most prevalent, yet rarely diagnosed conditions for over fifty years. Adrenal fatigue affects millions of people around the world in many ways and for many reasons. Despite being described in medical texts back in the 1800s, and despite a development of an effective treatment back in the 1930s, most “conventional” physicians are unaware that this problem even exists!

The most common symptom seen by the hypoadrenic patient is that of low energy. The person may have barely enough energy to make it through the day, or may be tired all the time. Many middle-aged or older persons will attribute their low energy to “getting older.” A more accurate assessment of the situation is that they have had more years to accumulate stress’s adverse effects on their health.

A person may slow down a little as he gets older, but it is not normal for a person to be fatigued all the time merely because he is past 40, or even 80 years of age. Other physiological systems operating inefficiently may also cause fatigue or low energy, but any person in this category must have hypoadrenia ruled out as a primary cause for the lack of energy. Hypoadrenia and stress-related illness must also be suspected in any person whose symptoms begin after a stressful event, such as an accident, flu, pregnancy, etc. It is not necessary that the symptoms originate during or immediately following one of these stressful situations. They may develop several months later. Or there may not be a specific event, but merely prolonged exposure to stress.

The human system can take only so much abuse, and after years of abuse many people become lack the energy to do the things they did in their youth. This need not be the case, but it is accepted behavior in our society. People take such a change of life style for granted, never understanding the reasons behind the change and the associated long-term adverse effects on their health. If they would eliminate the unnecessary stresses in their life, they would be able to continue the same activities for a much longer period of time. But the body will only take so much abuse before it makes the person stop.

Hypoadrenia is not a readily identifiable entity, rather a collection of signs and symptoms, known as a “syndrome.” People with adrenal fatigue often look and act relatively normal. They may not have any obvious signs of physical illness, yet they are not well and live with a general sense of dis-ease or “gray” feelings. They often use coffee, colas, sugar, and other stimulants to get going in the morning and to prop themselves up during the day. These people may appear to be lazy and unmotivated, or to have lost their ambition, when in reality quite the opposite is true; they are forced to drive themselves much harder than people with healthy adrenal function merely to accomplish life’s everyday tasks.

People who suffer from adrenal fatigue frequently have erratic or abnormal blood sugar levels in the form of hypoglycemia. In fact, people who have functional hypoglycemia are usually suffering from decreased adrenal function. With hypoadrenia there is more of a tendency to experience allergies, arthritic pain and decreased immune response. The adrenals also have an effect on mental states.

As a result, people with adrenal fatigue show a tendency toward increased fears, anxiety and depression, have intervals of confusion, increased difficulties in concentrating and less acute memory recall. They often have less tolerance than they normally would and are more easily frustrated. When the adrenals are not secreting the proper amount of hormones, insomnia is also one of the likely outcomes.

Addison’s Disease, the extreme pathological form of hypoadrenia, was named for Sir Thomas Addison, who first described it in 1855. It is life-threatening if untreated and can involve actual structural and physiological damage to the adrenal glands. People suffering from Addison’s usually have to take corticosteroids for the remainder of their lives in order to function. Fortunately, it is the rarest form of hypoadrenia with an occurrence of only about 4 persons out of 100,000. Approximately 70% of cases of Addison’s disease are the result of auto-immune disorders. The other 30% arise from a variety of other causes, including very severe stress.

In the more serious cases of adrenal fatigue, the activity of the adrenal glands is so diminished that the person may have difficulty getting out of bed for more than a few hours per day. With each increment of reduction in adrenal function, every organ and system in your body is more profoundly affected. Changes occur in your carbohydrate protein and fat metabolism, fluid and electrolyte balance, heart and cardiovascular system, and even sex drive. Many other alterations take place at the biochemical and cellular levels. Even your body shape can transform when your adrenals are fatigued.

Normally functioning adrenal glands secrete minute, yet precise and balanced amounts of steroid hormones. But there are numerous factors that can interfere with this finely tuned balance. Too much physical, emotional, and/or psychological stress can deplete your adrenals, causing a decrease in the output of adrenal hormones, particularly coritsol.

The adrenal glands are often depleted from stress. Since the adrenal glands give the body something to fall back on in times of stress, when they are run down a person loses his reserve capacity and has lowered resistance to disease processes. When a hypoadrenic person becomes sick, he becomes sicker for a longer period of time, and with a greater likelihood for recurrence of the problem than if his adrenals were functioning at full capacity. This person gets into a chronic state of ill-health and that is when they show up in a practitioner’s office. But modern medicine does not recognize hypoadrenia as a distinct and fully recognizable syndrome. Modern medicine only officially recognizes the pathological Addison’s disease as hypoadrenia and not the functional hypoadrenia. Nevertheless, it can wreak havoc with your life.

Hypoadrenia is such a common complaint and occurs in so many other conditions, that today’s medical doctors rarely consider pursuing an adrenal-related diagnosis when someone complains of fatigue. Very few physicians have read and understood the entire range of medical journal reports that have been around for over one hundred years. Fifty years ago, physicians were far more likely than their modern counterparts to correctly diagnose this ailment. Information about non-Addison’s hypoadrenia has been documented in medical literature for over one hundred years but unfortunately, this milder form of hypoadrenia is missed or misdiagnosed in doctors’ offices every day, even though the patient clearly presents its classic symptoms. The fact that it usually remains undiagnosed does not lessen its debilitating influence on their health and feelings of well being.

Two reasons why conventional medical treatment for hypoadrenia is so hard to find is 1) Money: There are no patentable treatments for hypoadrenia produced by the pharmaceutical companies. There is no money to be made. 2) Politics: Since the 1970s, the FDA has “outlawed” and actively persecuted one of the chief natural remedies for hypoadrenia, an extremely safe remedy called adrenal cortical extract (ACE).

People will develop a variety of different complaints depending on which of the adrenal’s functions have been the most compromised and the general areas of susceptibility which they have inherited or acquired. The adrenals produce a variety of hormones, and it is quite likely that the same combination of symptoms will not be seen twice in a whole series of hypoadrenic patients. The body’s reaction to stress is different in different people. The symptoms will depend on the nature of the person and the nature of the hormone depletion. In chronic stress states, the lymphatic system, particularly the thymus gland, atrophies, and there is also a tendency for development of stomach and duodenal ulcers in these persons. The person with stress-related illness might also have symptoms from lowered output of the adrenal glucocorticoids: cortisol, corticosterone, and cortisone. Of these, cortisol is the most important.

Heart Sounds and Hypoadrenia

Another common finding during the physical examination of the hypoadrenic person is made during auscultation of the heart. Normally the first and second sounds of the heart make a “lub-dub” sound, with the first sound being louder than the second. If you record the heart sounds on a phonocardiograph Endocardiograph), the second sound should be one-third the intensity (height) of the first sound. In the hypoadrenic person, the second sound will be equal to or greater than the first sound in the pulmonary valve area. The same may be true in other valve areas also, but in hypoadrenia, at least, the pulmonary second sound is greater. This accentuated pulmonary second sound is due to the pulmonic valve slamming shut because of pulmonary hypertension. Epinephrine causes vasoconstriction throughout most of the body, including the lungs. In the lungs this vasoconstriction causes a shrinkage of the mucosa and decreased mucus secretion. Epinephrine also relaxes the bronchiolar musculature, creating a bronchodilation.

This is why epinephrine inhalers are so helpful for asthma sufferers. The bronchodilation, which normally occurs with epinephrine, cannot occur in a person with hypoadrenia. Instead, he gets a bronchoconstriction—a constriction of all the bronchial musculature with subsequent symptomatology. Likewise, the hypoadrenic person does not have the benefit of epinephrine’s action on the pulmonary capillaries and mucous membranes, with a resultant swelling of the mucous membrane and an increase in mucus production or secretion. In the hypoadrenic person, physical evidence of this is heard as the loud second heart sound at the pulmonary area. The bronchoconstriction, combined with the vasodilation and mucous membrane swelling, creates a back pressure in the pulmonary circulation that causes the pulmonary valve to slam shut, thus creating the louder second sound over the pulmonic valve.

Any person who has abnormal lung function, especially asthma or bronchitis, should be checked for hypoadrenia. This is particularly true if the person’s symptoms are relieved by using an epinephrine inhaler. The muscles related to the lungs (deltoid, serratus anterior, etc.) are usually strong in these persons. Many lung problems are related more to the adrenals than to the lungs. The sartorius and gracilis, etc. should be checked in any lung case.

Several years ago, it was reported that asthma was totally a psychosomatic illness. Patients were put under emotional stress and an asthma attack would ensue. Therefore it was concluded that the asthma problem was all in the patient’s head. If the adrenals are in the exhaustion stage of the GAS, they will be unable to respond to the added burden of emotional stress since there is no reserve available to fall back on. The epinephrine will not be available for normal function and the person will experience bronchoconstriction, swelling of the mucous membranes, and increased mucus production. The result is an asthma attack triggered by the increased emotional stress. The attack has nothing to do with the emotional stress except that the stress affects the adrenals. Fix the adrenals and the person can physically tolerate the emotional stress.

It is important to note that lung pathology, such as malignancy, tuberculosis, etc. will also create a loud second heart sound at the pulmonic valve area. Also, if there is an increased second heart sound only at the tricuspid valve area, this is usually indicative of liver congestion. There will be a weakness of the pectoralis major sternal, in these cases, and the sound can be normalized by treatment directed at the liver.

Hemmorhoids are another problem which is associated with blood pooling in the abdomen. A hemorrhoid is a vein which has pushed its way (or been pushed) to bulge outside the anal sphincter. The anal sphincter then becomes very tight, and the hemorrhoid, with the pressure of the abdominal and pelvic blood above it, and gravity pulling from below it, cannot get back inside the rectum. Treatment of hemorrhoids must be directed at two areas. First, the hemorrhoids must be treated locally, and second, the source of intra-abdominal and intra-pelvic pooling of blood must be corrected.

Most commonly, the cause of the blood pooling in the abdomen and pelvis is from hypoadrenia. But severe liver congestion can also cause portal hypertension and result in hemorrhoids. You must differentiate between liver and adrenal problems as the underlying cause of the hemorrhoids. For this reason, whenever a person complains of hemorrhoids, one of the first things to be done is listen to the heart. The person does not understand this, but you are listening for the relative loudness of the second sounds at the pulmonic valve area (for the adrenals) and the tricuspid valve area (for the liver).

In treating hemorrhoids locally, it is necessary to recognize that the hemorrhoidal veins can not get themselves back inside the rectum, due to the tightness of the anal sphincter. In order to treat the hemorrhoids successfully, the anal sphincter must be dilated. This is done by putting on a glove (not a finger cot) and, using a lubricant, inserting your index finger into the rectum. Stretch the anal sphincter with the index finger. Then insert the first two fingers and stretch the sphincter. Then insert three fingers and insert them slowly about as fat as they will reach. Finally (if the person is still on the table) insert all four fingers, stretching the sphincter up to the point which the size of the patient will tolerate.

This is a difficult procedure for the patient, but there will be an immediate and dramatic reduction in the extent of the hemorrhoids protruding through the anus. If done correctly, this procedure may only have to be performed once. Then again, you may only get one chance! Occasionally it is necessary to repeat the sphincter dilation once or twice in the future.

Varicose veins in the lower extremities are frequently caused by hypoadrenia for the same reasons that cause hemorrhoids. This can be seen in many pregnant women who only have a flare up of varicosities during pregnancy. It may be difficult to eliminate the varicosities, but it is possible to arrest their progression and to keep them in check throughout the pregnancy.

The pooling of blood in the abdomen and pelvis also creates and contributes to other symptoms. The patient with this problem will often complain of fullness or bloated feeling in the abdomen. Sometimes the sluggish circulation in the abdomen and pelvis actually affects digestion. Since the GI tract depends on an adequate supply of blood not only for its function, but for the absorption of nutrients, one can readily imagine how hypoadrenia can affect digestion. Symptoms of indigestion as well as inadequate absorption of nutrients can be caused or aggravated by hypoadrenia.

Other Symptoms of Hypoadrenia
One of the commonly overlooked sources of stress and resistant adrenal fatigue is chronic or severe infection. Adrenal fatigue is often precipitated by recurring bouts of bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, sinusitis, or other respiratory infections. The more severe the infection, the more frequently it occurs or the longer it lasts, the more likely it is that the adrenals are involved. Adrenal fatigue can occur after just one single episode of a particularly nasty infection, or it can take place over time as the adrenals are gradually fatigued by prolonged or recurrent infections. If there are other concurrent stresses, such as an unhappy marriage, poor dietary habits or a stressful job, the downhill ride is deeper and steeper.

People who are involved in a weekly rotating shift have magnified stress because their bodies never have a chance to adjust to the new circadian rhythm produced by each sleep change. People on alternating shifts with less than three weeks between shift changes are continually hammering their adrenal glands. Every time the wake/sleep cycle is altered, it takes several days to weeks to establish a normal pattern for the new wake/sleep cycle.

The glucocorticoids are the body’s own anti-inflammatory hormones. Persons who have had inflammations such as arthritis, bursitis, or other joint problems which have been helped by the injection or oral ingestion of cortisone and cortisone derivatives are usually persons who have had insufficient production of these substances by their own adrenal glands. This is particularly the case in the person who was originally helped by cortisone treatment once or twice, but on whom further attempts at cortisone therapy were fruitless. Any person who has been benefited by a course of cortisone therapy should be examined for hypoadrenia. Not only is this true of the obvious reason that the adrenals’ cortisone output may be lowered, but also for the reason that cortisone therapy tends to lower adrenal gland output in the long run.

Cortisone causes a negative feedback to the pituitary, causing a diminished pituitary output of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). In prolonged cortisone therapy, the person’s adrenal glands will atrophy, even to the point of non-function. Since the adrenal cortical hormones are necessary for life, a person on cortisone products should never have them withdrawn rapidly, as this could cause a life-threatening crisis. When a person is withdrawn from cortisone, it should be done so very gradually, over a long period of time in order to allow the adrenal glands to rebuild themselves to an adequate level of activity.

The adrenal glands are also implicated in most types of allergies. Most allergies involve an inflammatory process. Frequently, the allergen is merely the straw that breaks the camel’s back. The allergen would not cause the person any trouble if he had an adequate level of his own adrenal production of the anti-inflammatory glucocorticoids. The same anti-inflammatory effect is important in limiting the lung congestion in asthma and bronchitis, as has been previously discussed.

As the adrenal glands become depleted, the blood glucose levels will tend to drop below normal levels. In an effort to counter this potential low blood glucose, the person will get cravings for anything which will rapidly increase the blood glucose. He will eat a candy bar, drink a cup of coffee, smoke a cigarette, or drink a soft drink. Everybody has their favorite “fix.” The abuse of alcohol, marijuana, and hard drugs fits this pattern as well. But the rapid rise in blood glucose provided by the “fix” only serves to re-initiate the whole cycle again.

The symptoms of the hyperinsulinism/hypoadrenia/hypoglycemia person are too numerous to mention here. Basically, though, epithelial tissue, nervous tissue, and the retina of the eye do not store glucose. Hence, these tissues are the most likely to be affected. Low blood glucose creates symptoms of blurred vision, headache, nervousness, unstable behavior, allergies, and on and on. Another symptom which is occasionally encountered in hypoadrenia is that of increased pigmentation of the skin. There may be unusual brown patches or areas of bronzing somewhere on the body’s surface. When the adrenal function is low, the pituitary responds by making ACTH. In the exhaustion stage of GAS, the ACTH effect on the adrenal is like whipping a tired horse. Since the adrenal can not respond to this pituitary drive, the pituitary keeps elaborating ACTH until its levels in the circulation are quite elevated.

The extra ACTH will affect other areas of the body. For example, ACTH has somewhat of an effect on the ovary, causing it to increase estrogen production. Also, ACTH has about 1/100th of the effect of melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH), the pituitary hormone which stimulates melanocytes in the skin to produce the dark pigment melanin. In a severe hypoadrenia, the effect of bronzing or increased areas of pigmentation of the skin will sometimes be seen as a result of the ACTH mimicking the effect of MSH. Although this symptom is more common in the pathological hypoadrenia, Addison’s disease, it is occasionally seen in functional hypoadrenia as well.

Mercury and the Adrenal Glands
Mercury accumulates in the adrenal glands and disrupts adrenal gland function. Two primary nutrients for the adrenal glands are pantothenic acid and vitamin-C. A deficiency of pantothenic acid can lead to adrenal exhaustion (chronic fatigue) and ultimately to destruction of the adrenal glands. A deficiency of pantothenic acid also causes a progressive fall in the level of adrenal hormones produced. One of the largest tissue stores of vitamin-C is the adrenals; it is exceeded only by the level of vitamin-C in the pituitary. Physical and mental stress increases the excretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone. The increased adrenal activity, in turn, depletes both vitamin-C and pantothenic acid from the glands.

Humans cannot produce vitamin-C. They therefore attempt to replenish the needs of the adrenals by taking the vitamin from other storage locations in the body. If your overall ascorbate status is low, there may be an insufficient amount available to satisfy the needs of the adrenals. Under this condition, normal adrenal hormone response may become inadequate, leading to an inadequate immune function. Mercury builds up in the pituitary gland and depletes the adrenals of both pantothenic acid and vitamin-C. Stress and the presence of mercury will have a very negative effect on the adrenal production of critical steroids. The ability of the adrenal gland to produce steroids is called steroidogenesis and is dependent upon reactions mediated by the enzyme cytochrome P-450. Cytochrome P-450 reacts with cholesterol to produce pregnenolone, which is then converted to progesterone. Cytochrome P-450 can then convert progesterone to deoxycorticosterone which is then converted to corticosterone or aldosterone by other enzymes in the adrenals. These adrenal functions are also affected by metal ions.

All steroid hormones produced by the adrenal glands are derived from cholesterol through a series of enzymatic actions, which are all stimulated initially by ACTH. Steroid biosynthesis involves the conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone, which is then enzymatically transformed into the major biologically active corticosteroids. cAMP is produced from adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by the action of adenylate cyclase. Adenylate cyclase activity in the brain is inhibited by micromolar concentrations of lead, mercury, and cadmium. One of the key biochemical steps in the conversion of adrenal pregnenolone to cortisol and aldosterone involves an enzyme identified as 21-hydroxylase.

Mercury causes a defect in adrenal steroid biosynthesis by inhibiting the activity of 21a-hydroxylase. The consequences of this inhibition include lowered plasma levels of corticosterone and elevated concentrations of progesterone and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). DHEA is an adrenal male hormone. Because patients with 21-hydroxylase deficiencies are incapable of synthesizing cortisol with normal efficiency, there’s a compensatory rise in ACTH leading to adrenal hyperplasia and excessive excretion of 17a-hydroxyprogesterone, which, without the enzyme 21-hydroxylase, cannot be converted to cortisol.

The inhibition of the 21-hydroxylase system may be the mechanism behind the mercury-induced adrenal hyperplasia. Adrenal hyperplasia can stress the adrenal glands by their accelerated activity to produce steroids to the point that production begins to diminish and the glands will atrophy. The result is a subnormal production of corticosteroids. Both lead and mercury can precipitate pathophysiological changes along the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and gonadal axis that may seriously affect reproductive function, organs, and tissues. Leukocyte production, distribution, and function are markedly altered by glucocorticosteroid administration. In Addison’s disease (hypofunction of adrenal glands), neutrophilia occurs 4-6 hours after administration of a single dose of hydrocortisone, prednisone, or dexamethasone. Neutrophilia is an increase in the number of neutrophils in the blood. Neutrophils are also called polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs). Mercury not only causes a suppression of adrenocorticosteroids that would normally have stimulated an increase of PMNs, but at the same time also affect the ability of existing PMNs to perform immune function by inhibiting a metabolic reaction that destroys foreign substances. Still today, the ADA and other governmental agencies tell us that the mercury in your mouth, or from vaccinations, is perfectly safe. Scientists say this is a ridiculous statement that is in violation of science and common sense.

Adrenal Gland–Related Muscles
Dr. Goodheart identified five specific skeletal muscles which are related to adrenal gland function. These are 1) sartorius, 2) gracilis, 3) posterior tibialis, 4) gastrocnemius, and 5) soleus. There will be weakness in one or more of these muscles when the adrenal glands are malfunctioning. Because of the attachments of the sartorius and gracilis on the pelvis, (sartorius—anterior superior iliac spine; gracilis—pubic ramus), their weakness in persons with adrenal stress problems may allow the sacroiliac joint to subluxate posteriorly. The sartorius and gracilis stabilize the innominate (one side of the pelvis), holding it in an anterior direction. Many persons with hypoadrenia seek chiropractic help for the care of sacroiliac pain and/or low back pain which is due to the lack of pelvic stabilization normally provided by these muscles.

The sartorius and gracilis have a common insertion (along with the semitendinosis) on the medial side of the knee and rotate the tibia medially on the femur. When weakness of these muscles occurs, there is a loss of stability on the medial side of the knee. The sartorius and gracilis (along with the semitendinosis) act as dynamic ligaments, protecting and supporting the medial knee joint during various ranges of motion. Their function is particularly important in situations where the knee ligaments alone offer inadequate support.

It is very important to check for hypoadrenia in any person with knee problems. One can see how one hypoadrenic person will present with knee problems and another with back problems, and some persons will have both.

Due to the relationship of the posterior tibialis, gastrocnemius, and soleus to the stability of the foot and ankle, many hypoadrenic persons will complain of symptoms of tired feet, weak ankles, or aching calves. The posterior tibialis holds up the medial longitudinal arch of the foot, especially during gait. In some persons exhibiting hypoadrenia-related weakness of the posterior tibialis, the medial arch will drop, causing a pronation problem and strain to the foot and ankle. The one common factor in persons with the above-mentioned musculoskeletal complaints will be the weakness of one or more of the five adrenal gland related muscles accompanied by improvement of their symptoms following treatment of the adrenal glands.

The adrenal gland cortex produces three major categories of hormones:

1. mineralocorticoids,

2. glucocorticoids, and

3. gonadal (sex) hormones (testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, etc.).

Depending on the relative amount of depletion of each of these hormone groups, one will see varying symptoms in the person suffering from stress-related hypoadrenia.

Cortisol and Epinephrine
The adrenal cortex and the adrenal medulla are the two parts of the adrenal gland. Although each has separate functions, it is no mistake that they are placed next to each other anatomically, since some of the functions of one are dependent on the other.

Epinephrine is a vasoconstrictor. But for epinephrine to have its vasoconstricting effect on the body’s arterioles, it is imperative that cortisol be available. Cortisol sensitizes the arterioles to the constrictive action of epinephrine. If there is low adrenal cortical output and adequate coritsol is not produced, epinephrine will have a reduced effect in its function of constricting the blood vessels. These two hormones work together in affecting blood pressure. Therefore, in the hypoadrenic patient one of the major findings observed on physical examination is related to blood pressure.

Normally when a person goes from lying down to standing, the systolic blood pressure should elevate 4-10 mm Hg. (millimeters of mercury). In hypoadrenia, the systolic blood pressure from lying to standing will either stay the same or drop. This systolic drop is usually between 5 to 10 mm. Hg., but sometimes as much as 30-40 points. This is a classic sign in the hypoadrenic person which is known as the Ragland effect, or postural hypotension, and which is reported in over 90% of hypoadrenic persons. Blood pressure should always be checked in three positions: sitting, then lying, then standing. From recumbence to standing, the systolic blood pressure should rise 4-10 points. If the blood pressure drops, suspect functional hypoadrenia.

There are valves in the veins of the lower extremities which keep the blood from pooling in the feet when a person maintains an upright position. The fact that there are no valves in the veins of the abdomen and pelvis means that the only mechanism which prevents the blood from pooling there when the body goes from lying to standing is the vasoconstriction of the local vessels. If there is a low coritsol level, epinephrine can not function correctly and there will be inadequate vasoconstriction in response to upright posture. This causes the blood to pool in the abdomen and pelvis and the systolic pressure in the arm to drop. This same person may complain of dizziness or light-headedness, especially when arising from a seated or lying position. Or he may experience transient spells of dizziness during the day or he may be dizzy all the time. The patient may be complaining of headaches, which are due to the pooling of the blood in the abdomen and pelvis, interfering with the supply to the head. Frequently these persons have had totally normal neurological examinations or some have been diagnosed as having Meniere’s disease. Some are being treated unsuccessfully with manipulation to the upper cervical vertebrae. But all therapeutic approaches are ineffective in relieving the symptoms until the hypoadrenia is treated.

Some persons who have postural blood pressure dumping are being treated for hypertension. The hypertension is from another paradoxical body response. When the person changes positions from recumbence to standing and the systolic blood pressure drops 10, 20, 30 points, the body senses this low blood pressure and reacts. The body does not want all the blood pooling in the abdomen and pelvis because it decreases the amount of blood in the head and other areas. In an effort to change this situation, the body may elevate the systolic pressure to an extremely high level. The systolic blood pressure may go as high as 180 mm Hg. or more. Then, when the person changes positions from lying to standing, the systolic blood pressure will drop to only, say, 150 mm. Hg.

If the blood pressure is taken only in the seated position, the person will show a very high systolic pressure. But, when you change the person’s positions, he will show the dumping blood pressure on arising from recumbence to standing. These persons are often treated with diuretics when the real problem is with the adrenal glands. Combine this with the fact that many hypoadrenic persons are also dehydrated, as previously discussed, and you can see the senselessness of a diuretic approach in these cases.

The adrenals are orange-colored glands that sit on top of the kidneys near the spine, just underneath the last rib and extending down about an inch. The right adrenal is shaped something like a pyramid, whereas the left is shaped more like a half moon. Each gland is highly vascularized and is only about 1” high by 1¼” to 2” wide by ¼” thick, and weighs just 4 to 6 grams (about one-eighth to one-quarter ounce). They are usually heavier in females than in males.


Although in contact with the kidney, there is no direct connection from the adrenals to the kidney—the arterial blood supply to the adrenal glands is separate from the kidneys. Both adrenal glands are only a very short distance from the aorta, the major artery of the body, and the vena cava, the major vein. This strategic placement allows for a very rapid adrenal response to hormonal messages transported via the blood. For example, Adrenal Corticotropic Hormone (ACTH) is a hormone messenger from the pituitary gland that tells the adrenal glands how much coritsol to secrete. Within a few seconds of receiving this message the correct level of coritsol is on its way form the adrenals to the rest of the body. The adrenals are also placed in close proximity to the liver, pancreas, major fat storage areas and the kidneys, as these are the organs that need rapid communication with the adrenals in situations requiring their immediate response to adrenal hormones.


Regions of the Adrenal Glands

Each adrenal gland is composed of two endocrine components—a medulla (inner part) that constitutes 20% of the gland and a cortex (outer part) that constitutes the remaining 80% of the gland. The cortex consists of four zones. The medulla and each of the zones in the cortex each produce different hormones that serve a variety of functions in your body. The adrenal cortex and medulla, like the anterior and posterior lobes of the pituitary, are obtained from separate cells in the developing embryo. The medulla is derived from ectodermal neural crest cells, and the cortex is derived from mesodermal cells.


The Adrenal Medulla

The functional unit of the adrenal medulla is the chromaffin cell, which functions as a neuroendocrine cell. In response to stimulation, chromaffin cells secrete the hormones epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenalin) directly into the blood. Epinephrine and norepinephrine are important mainly in crisis situations. During a crisis, they work together to dilate bronchi (air passages of the lungs) and blood vessels to the muscles, increases heart beats and strength of contraction, and cause other physiological changes to help the body respond to the stressful situation via “fight or flight.” These adrenal hormones are responsible for the superhuman abilities that occasionally occur during a crisis. The medulla is involved in extreme stress and, within this context, epinephrine and norepinephrine both work with coritsol from the adrenal cortex.


The Adrenal Cortex

Most of the ongoing daily regulation and modification of bodily processes arises from the adrenal cortex. The adrenal cortex is divided into four zones which each secrete different hormones that carry out specific functions throughout your body. 1) The outermost zone is the zona glomerulosa from which the hormone aldosterone is secreted, and consists of cells arranged in 'whorls' (glomeruli). Cells of the zona glomerulosa produce hormones called mineralocorticoids. Aldosterone is the major hormone controlling the sodium and potassium levels, and thus fluid balance, within your bloodstream, cells and interstitial fluids (the area between the cells).


1) The outermost zone is the zona glomerulosa from which the hormone aldosterone is secreted. Aldosterone is the major hormone controlling the sodium and potassium levels, and thus fluid balance, within your bloodstream, cells and interstitial fluids (the area between the cells).

2) The next zone is the zona fasciculata in which coritsol is produced. Cells of this zone are arranged into fascicles separated by venous sinuses. Cells of the zona fasciculata produce glucocorticoid hormones. Cortisol controls or greatly influences the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates to maintain blood glucose within a narrow optimal range and keep it there even under stressful conditions. Cortisol also has many other important functions.

3) The innermost zone is the zona reticularis where progesterone, DHEA and its relatively inactive precursor, DHEA-S are produced. Although the sex hormones are made primarily by the gonads (ovaries and testes), the adrenal zona reticularis manufactures an ancillary portion of sex hormones for each sex and also produces male hormones in women and female hormones in men to keep the effects of the dominant sex hormones in balance.

In humans and other primates, between the zona fasiculata and the zona reticularis, there is a narrow space called the interface zone. Although the zona reticularis has traditionally been thought to produce the sex hormones such as the estrogens and testosterones, it is now believed that this interface zone is the actual site of production of most of the sex hormones. Because most adrenal research uses rodents and other non-primate mammals, little attention has been paid to this interface zone until recently.

These zones of your adrenal cortex collectively produce over fifty hormones. Most of these are intermediary hormones that only act as bridges to form other adrenal hormones. However, about a dozen hormones end up in your circulation and actively affect the rest of your body.

The Regulation of Cortisol

The hypothalamus of the brain influences both portions of the adrenal gland but by different mechanisms. The Secretion of glucocorticoids from the adrenal cortex is regulated by negative feedback involving the corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) secretion by the hypothalamus. CRH then acts on the anterior pituitary to stimulate adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) secretion, which then stimulates the adrenal cortex into cortisol secretion. Although coritsol is secreted by the zona fasiculata in the adrenal glands, it is regulated primarily from the brain.


Normally about 80% of blood cortisol is bound to a carrier protein called cortico-steroid-binding globulin. Another 15% is bound to albumin, and the remaining 15% exists free in solution. Cortisol secretion has numerous physiological effects, its main target tissues being the liver, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. Cortisol is responsible for many of the life sustaining functions attributed to the adrenal glands. Many of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue arise from decreased coritsol levels in the blood or inadequate levels of coritsol during times of stress when more coritsol is needed.


Excess cortisol secretion results in Cushing's Syndrome. This can either occur as a primary abnormality in steroid hormone production by the adrenal cortex, or as a result of overproduction of ACTH by the pituitary resulting in excessive stimulation of the adrenal cortex. Cushing's patients have thin arms and legs, due in part to the loss of muscle mass as a result of the protein-catabolic effects of excess cortisol, and also as fat is redistributed from the extremities to the trunk. There is an increase in fat in the face, the trunk, across the shoulder blades, and at the base of the neck. Connective tissue is lost from the skin, causing it to become thinner. As a result, blood vessels are located closer to the surface making the skin have a slight red appearance.


The HPA Axis

The amount of coritsol circulating at any particular moment is regulated by a complex interaction between the hypothalamus (a regulatory part of the brain), the pituitary gland at the base of the brain, and the adrenal glands. This regulatory trio operates through a negative feedback system and is referred to as the Hypothalamus/Pituitary/Adrenal (HPA) Axis or HPA System. In your body, your hypothalamus is analogous to a thermostat, your pituitary to a relay switch, your adrenals to a furnace, and your body to a room. The amount of coritsol released is comparable to the heat released from the furnace. To a large extent you control the thermostat through the demands you place on your body. These demands arise from the physical situations your body has to deal with (diet, exercise, work, climate, etc.) and your reactions (emotional and physiological) to them.

The HPA Axis is one of the most important elements of the whole body process known as homeostasis, the process that maintains a steady internal bio-chemical and physiological balance in your body. The HPA Axis adjusts coritsol levels according to the needs of the body, under normal and stressed conditions, via a hormone called the Adrenal Corticotrophic Hormone (ACTH). ACTH is secreted from the pituitary gland in response to orders form the hypothalamus and travels in the bloodstream to the adrenal cortex. There it activates cells in all four zones to produce their various hormones.

Each zone generates different hormones as end products, but the process of making all hormones in all zones begins with ACTH biding to the walls of the adrenal cells. This initiates a chain reaction of intracellular enzymes that release cholesterol within the cell. The cholesterol is then used inside the adrenal cells to manufacture pregnenolone, the first hormone in the adrenal cascade. No matter which adrenal hormone is being produced, pregnenolone is the first hormone formed in the series. In the zona fasciculata, pregnenolone is processed to form cortisone and then coritsol. Cortisol, once manufactured, is released into circulation. It takes less than a minute after the initial stimulation by ACTH for newly synthesized coritsol to be circulating through your blood to every part of your body, including to your hypothalamus where the concentration of coritsol is being constantly measured.

Your hypothalamus, in its regulatory function, analyzes and integrates input form many different external and internal sources. This input includes information from brain centers about overall excitability, energy requirements of you body, and sensory data from your brain centers for hearing, seeing, smelling, touch and taste. Based on this information, your hypothalamus determines how much coritsol your body requires and subsequently releases its own hormones as messengers. The primary hormone messenger from the hypothalamus is Corticotrophin Releasing Factor (CRF) which signals the pituitary gland to secrete a specific amount of ACTH. Thus ACTH is sent from the pituitary to your adrenal glands to begin the process described above all over again. Alterations in ACTH levels, and hence coritsol levels, are made minute by minute using this negative feedback loop, modulated by other information received by the hypothalamus.

Cortisol, ACTH and aldosterone are not secreted uniformly throughout the day, but rather follow a diurnal pattern with the highest levels secreted at approximately 8:00 AM and the lowest between midnight and 4:00 AM. As a matter of fact, it is the rising coritsol level that helps us wake up in the morning. After its peak at approximately 8:00 AM, it downtrends through the rest of the day, often with a small dip in the afternoon between 3:00 and 5:00 PM. This curve of coritsol secretion however, is not a nice smooth curve, but is filled with episodic spikes that generally fit into an increasing and a decreasing pattern throughout the day and evening. Eating something, even a little snack, causes a small burst in cortisol levels. People who have regular snacks and meals keep their coritsol at higher levels for more of the day compared to people who do not snack. This is another reason to have regular healthy snacks in addition to regular meals if you have adrenal fatigue. Exercise also elevates coritsol levels similarly to food, so the combination of regular means, small snacks and exercise can do a lot to enhance depressed coritsol levels.

Some people with hypoadrenia have an overall low pattern of coritsol secretion with circulating coritsol levels lower than normal between 3:00 and 5:00 PM. Still others fluctuate throughout the day and can even vary from day to day so that their coritsol levels are unpredictable. They may go through part of their day with elevated coritsol levels, part of the day with low levels and part with normal levels. Although coritsol has its diurnal pattern of variations each day, it remains at an amazingly consistent level throughout your lifetime, under normal conditions. In later life, some people actually experience a small rise in coritsol. If this rise is excessive it may be related to some disorder. However, a rise in coritsol in response to stress is a natural reaction that actually protects the body in several ways.


Thats a fantastic find, Ronnie. It certainly explains A LOT about my own experiences with stress in the past! The "Natural Detoxification" link at the bottom of the tuberose website has some pretty good advice too.
Rhys... You've made my day! After reading this article I started taking Vit C, B5, and Potassium and Magnesium in larger amounts and 2X a day. The headaches are considerably better and I am more able to work on the stresses than in my weakened condition. Thank God I've done the liver cleanses and don't have the congessted liver to deal with also. Blessings to you and heres to better health, Pass it on! Love, Ronnie
Happy to have brightened up your day! :)

I also found some other information on the website - it's lot linked to the adrenal fatigue article, but its useful to readers nonetheless:

A good arguement for the "Absurdities Of Fluoridation"
Great stuff, and you're right about there being more at the link - worth checking out!

Also, according to :

"Get to bed as early as possible. Our systems, particularly the adrenals, do a majority of their recharging or recovering during the hours of 11PM and 1AM. In addition, your gallbladder dumps toxins during this same period. If you are awake, the toxins back up into the liver which then secondarily back up into your entire system and cause further disruption of your health. Prior to the widespread use of electricity, people would go to bed shortly after sundown, as most animals do, and which nature intended for humans as well."
Adrenal Fatigue Updated
By Carolyn Porter, D. Div.

Searching for answers

For years I have been searching for answers to my health concerns and those of many others who have crossed my path. My journey involved years of not feeling well, an illness that surfaced, over three years to realize the emotional core of all illness including mine, and over a decade of trial and error regimens that eventually led me to uncover some amazing facts. I always felt there had to be one core issue that contributed to, if not caused, the decline of health and the surfacing of disease. Many doctors and health practitioners had ideas and protocol, much of which I followed, but it never produced vibrant health for me. I felt I was a yoyo – up and down – going nowhere. So I continued my search.

Providentially, I came upon information that resonated with my thoughts – that a single core imbalance was a significant factor in many illnesses. My continued research uncovered the significance of the endocrine system and how the glands within this system basically run the body. Many doctors addressed the sex hormones, blaming those hormones, which are often involved, as the culprit for my significant imbalances and symptoms. Others said, “Well, you’re getting older so you have to expect some of these things.” Others said it was simply stress. I didn’t buy their answers so looked further.

Through my studies I had realized the thyroid imbalance prevalent in many individuals as well as myself, so began working with this gland. Although taking a natural thyroid prescription did help somewhat with symptoms – cold hands and feet, fatigue, constipation, insomnia – it never really allowed me to feel great. So there had to be more, and as I devoured every article and book I could on hormones, I uncovered the significant role of the adrenal glands in the body. Then it hit me – this must be the missing piece of the puzzle for which I was seeking. And like a tire that goes flat on a car inhibits the entire vehicle from performing well, so would an imbalance with one gland affect the performance of the other glands within the endocrine system, and thus affect the entire body’s performance.

I previously wrote an article entitled “Adrenal Fatigue: How it Affects Your Life - How to Heal It.” But since I have a deep desire to uncover other aspects of this primary gland and its hormonal impact, I keep discovering new information that can be beneficial for those suffering with adrenal fatigue. However, please read that article first as it lays the foundation for this article and the information I am sharing.

What are the hormones?

When I reference hormones that must be balanced, I am referring to these: T3 and T4 in the thyroid gland, Cortisol and DHEA in the adrenal glands, Progesterone, Estrogen and Testosterone in the sex glands, Melatonin that aids sleep, and Pregnenalone the King of all hormones, all of which are aided by other smaller but relevant steroid hormones. DHEA is the most abundant hormone in your body and is beneficial for your immune system, anti-aging and keeping muscles strong and flexible. Like all other hormones, they begin declining around age 40, sometimes even sooner. If your body is stressed, then they decline at a faster pace.

Although the decline of hormones is a natural process, our present day diet and lifestyle wreck havoc on our health and contribute immensely to the greater decline we see today. Changing your diet, exercising, and reframing beliefs and mental attitudes can go a long way into helping to create vibrant health. But why not restore some of the necessary hormones so life can be more enjoyable and fulfilling? Here again, it is important to do some research and use only products that nourish the body and give it high level energy so it can create vibrant health, not just supply it with a ‘fix” to alleviate symptoms. Go for the cure of the core!

Traditional medicine versus holistic approaches

First understand this: Most medical professionals do not recognize the adrenals as part of the problem, yet it is the most common hormonal imbalance. Astonishing, isn’t it? I believe that anyone who has an illness has an adrenal problem, and that without giving nutrient support to the adrenals, it is harder to heal the illness, if not impossible. In addition, although doctors perform traditional thyroid blood tests, these often do not show a thyroid imbalance unless it is severe. It requires a holistic health practitioner or doctor to perform an expanded thyroid panel to show other aspects of how the thyroid hormones function, which are not shown in a traditional test. This happened to me. My thyroid produced plenty of its hormones, so with the traditional test it appeared I was fine. I did this test several times with the same results over a period of five years. However, with continued symptoms that indicated thyroid dysfunction, I sought a holistic doctor and had the expanded test performed. I hadn’t known of this expanded test until my research revealed it. The test report indicated that I did indeed produce adequate thyroid hormones, but I was not converting it into useable hormones within my body – an aha moment! So I began natural thyroid treatment.

However, that didn’t turn out to be the complete answer, and after more research I altered my course to address the adrenals. An ASI test proved my intuition was correct – my adrenals were indeed fatigued. My cortisol was high in the late afternoon and evening when it should be lower, and was low in the morning when it should be the highest. My body was in a reverse action mode. So I turned my attention to the adrenals and began a diligent program of supplements and stress reduction to alleviate the issue with my adrenals. But it still wasn’t enough. Then I got it! It is often necessary to work on all of the endocrine system at once, giving nutrients for the adrenals, thyroid and sex hormones altogether. Many times the adrenal depletion affects the thyroid and we refer to that as sub-clinical hypothyroidism, or under the main cause. Better results can often be achieved when addressing all the hormones at once.

The more I have studied this rather puzzling dilemma, the more I see how intricate the body is - how everything is connected and intertwined. So in addition to addressing the entire endocrine system, it is imperative to work on emotional issues, mental beliefs, and spiritual connections as well. We are so much more than our physical body, so balancing these other areas plays a significant role in healing. A person can take dozens of supplements for the adrenals and thyroid, but if their belief system includes mountains of daily stress, and that stress feeds into their heart so that they feel the stress, then a vicious cycle is created and healing the adrenals will be impossible.

Role of adrenals

Do you know the key role of the adrenals? It is threefold. Its first role is to maintain the fluid balance within the body. It is imperative to have enough moisture in the intestines for elimination as well as joint and connective tissue flexibility. Symptoms that often accompany adrenal fatigue are constipation, dry skin and hair, and both muscle pain and weakness. The second role the adrenals play is in helping to settle inflammation in the body when it is needed. Thus individuals with joint problems – arthritis, fibromyalgia, muscular dystrophy – most likely need to heal the adrenals in order to heal their other health concern. The third role of the adrenals is to provide sufficient energy to get through each day. This is why fatigue, lethargy, impaired concentration, and sleep issues are part of the adrenal fatigue picture.

Something I have discovered in recent months is the importance of detoxing the kidneys when healing the adrenals. Remember that the adrenals are located right above the kidneys, so it makes sense to cleanse the kidneys of stagnant debris that has accumulated there. Of course the intestines and liver will probably need cleansing at some point since they, along with the kidneys, are the filter organs in our body. But when the adrenals are drained and not functioning optimally, to detox heavily can plummet the adrenals into deeper fatigue. What I have learned is that the best course of action in the beginning, especially if you are a sensitive person as I am, is to sit in a FAR infrared sauna or begin juicing veggie juices in a juicer. Both of these programs allow for gentle detox so that the adrenals are not further impaired.

Symptom review

Let’s quickly review the symptoms of adrenal fatigue. They are often:

♦ Fatigue
♦ Insomnia
♦ Weight gain, especially around the waist and abdomen
♦ Constipation
♦ Mild depression
♦ Morning sluggishness
♦ Dry skin and hair
♦ Anxiety and nervousness
♦ Arthritis
♦ Low body temperature
♦ Reduced sex drive
♦ Numerous other symptoms

Funny thing is that most of these symptoms mimic the symptoms of low thyroid function, known as hypothyroidism, making it a little tricky to find the underlying cause for many professionals. But again, I reiterate how all hormones inter-relate and often must be addressed simultaneously.

Healing the adrenals

Healing the adrenals can be a daunting task, or at least it may seem that way. Understand that healing the adrenals, or balancing any hormones, can take time; it is not a quick fix. After all, it took you some time to unbalance them, so you’ll have to hang in there with some trial and error to rebalance them. Again I must stress the importance of working in all realms – the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual to experience a complete rebalancing of anything in your body. We are multidimensional beings who require work in every dimension. This means your lifestyle will probably need to change.

But what is necessary for healing the physical body? Often a vicious cycle is created with the adrenal situation. If the adrenals are tired they don’t allow other systems in the body to work well, like digestion. If digestion is impaired, then constipation, lack of assimilation of nutrients, and weight gain can ensue. The weight gain can occur due to the lack of digestion which causes undigested food particles to enter the blood stream and deposit in undesirable places in the body. (those unwanted pounds!) Or, if digestion is not working efficiently, that very thing can weaken the adrenals and become a stressor for them. So you can see how easy it is to set up a vicious cycle that is hard to break. Digestive enzymes are in order as part of the adrenal restoration process.

Salt is vital for restoring adrenals to proper function. Now I’m not talking about table salt, which is simply sodium chloride, a chemical, which can cause high blood pressure among other things and offers nothing good for your body. You might think I’m referring to sea salt, but that isn’t the case either. Sea salt, taken from our polluted oceans, is still processed and does not include the necessary nutrients. But Himalayan salt, sometimes referred to as pink salt, includes all 84 nutrients that your body needs every day. It is taken directly from the Himalayan salt mines and is the purest salt in the world. A teaspoon every day is recommended to help keep your fluid levels balanced and provide you with the nutrients and minerals your body needs. Some individuals crave salt when the adrenals are significantly depleted. For some, when their adrenals are very low functioning, taking ½ to 1 teaspoon of Himalayan salt in lukewarm water in the morning before eating anything can help raise their cortisol levels. Remember, cortisol needs to be at its highest level in the morning so you have energy throughout the day.

The B vitamins are an absolute if you wish to repair your adrenals. B’s are anti-stress for one thing, and are required for all healing, digestion, energy and restoration anywhere in the body. The B vitamins are best ingested in a liquid form since digestion is impaired with adrenal fatigue. Also note that tablets seldom break down enough to be utilized by the body, and many capsules have fillers and binders that can actually inhibit absorption into the body. Make sure you include liquid B’s in your daily healing protocol.

Sleep is a necessity for repair of the adrenals, and anything in the body for that matter, for during sleep the repair process takes place. So without sufficient sleep restoration is halted. Many individuals complain about fitful sleep or waking up throughout the night, leaving them tired and sluggish for the day. Five consecutive hours of sleep are what is required every night for adrenal repair, and if you are not able to do this, natural measures should be taken to help you sleep. There are products that can lower elevated evening cortisol levels as can liquid melatonin. Other relaxant herbal combinations may also be helpful. Some find benefit from 5HTP. The cycle of insomnia that is often created when hormones are out of balance can usually be eliminated once hormones become balanced, but using some aids such as mentioned above are certainly in order to help achieve sleep faster. Sleep is vital for repair.

One of the main factors in adrenal fatigue is stress, so changing your response to stressors is a must if healing is to occur. Reducing and eventually eliminating stress will help the insomnia issue as well. You might think this is impossible since everyone experiences stressors in their life, but I can assure you it is possible because I have accomplished this. Here are the facts. Of course you will experience stressful situations in your life through health challenges, financial issues, relationships, work situations, and many other happenings. In addition there is your diet to consider, structural issues, your beliefs and attitudes, and what you think about constantly. Don’t go there! I know what you’re thinking – that this is too hard and you’ll probably never be able to get well, right? Like I said, don’t go there. It is possible to heal with the right and perfect tools because I have accomplished this!

The secret to overcoming stress is in how you respond to the stressors. If you allow them to take over your life and focus on them continually, worrying, becoming anxious or angry, you create an environment for adrenal burnout because these responses are negative. If, on the other hand, you understand that everything that comes your way is there for a reason and has merit in your life, perhaps as a learning tool, then it becomes a positive experience at some point and is not a stressor. If you want to learn more about living without stress in your life, visit my website and sign up for my free monthly E-newsletter, and receive my free E-book called Stress Free Living. It really does work!

Using adrenal and/or thyroid nutrient boosters can be quite beneficial in supporting the restoration of these glands and their hormones. But beware, for many health practitioners recommend animal glandulars or supplements with chemical constituents. You are a high vibrational being. Animals and chemicals resonate at a lower vibration. Therefore, if you consume products from these sources they can never raise you to vibrant health because the vibrations cannot match yours. Doesn’t it make sense to put only products into your body that can resonate on the same vibrational level as you, and therefore promote and sustain hormone balance and great health? I have found that the products from PR Labs have this high vibration. Only pure plants are used in synergistic blends, and their hormone supplements are precursors to help your body produce what is needed rather than simply giving the body a supplemental hormone or product. Helping your body produce what it needs is always the best way to go for restoration whenever possible.

The hormonal chain

EFA’s, commonly known as essential fatty acids, are necessary for the conversion of all steroid hormones. They create the good cholesterol required to begin this process. Without sufficient EFA’s your body cannot convert the hormones into functional use. EFA’s are found in foods like wild caught cold water fish, raw organic nuts and seeds – almonds, pecans, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds – organic coconut oil and organic olive oil.

The cholesterol first converts into pregnenolone which is considered to be the King in the hormone chain because it has the ability to essentially convert into all other steroid hormones. It converts into progesterone on one hand and DHEA on the other. The progesterone converts into cortisol and aldosterone while the DHEA converts into androstenedione, which in turn converts into the estrogens ( estrone, estradiol, and estriol) and testosterone. The following chart should help you understand the conversion process.

Sometimes it is advantageous to utilize pregnenolone in a supplemental program, but using a blend can be even better.

Take it slow

In my previous article on adrenal fatigue I mentioned some suggested supplements and lifestyle changes that have been noted as important for adrenal restoration. Understand that when adrenals are worn out, it is not advantageous to ingest large quantities of supplements. Earlier I referenced the digestion impairment when adrenals are dysfunctional, so taking large quantities of supplements only adds more toxic buildup to your body. Instead, opt for a few high energy supplements that your body can benefit from. Better yet, have a health practitioner test your body with the suggested products through applied kinesiology, or muscle testing. Although not a 100% accurate, it is many times better than simply guessing.

Each of us are individuals, unique in our own way. There are multiple paths to healing, and what works for one may not hold true for the next person. You can read many articles or books on hormone balance and receive various protocols to follow. Listen to your body. Go with what feels right, and have someone test you with kinesiology or similar methods. Do your own research as well and become educated with beneficial information. Many people do not want to take the time to investigate their health issues, but would rather allow someone else to control what goes into their body and tell them what to do. To me, health is a top priority and therefore requires due diligence of my time to keep my body functioning optimally with vibrancy. Although what I’ve shared in this article has proven good for many people, some of it may not work for you. So go into your healing process with an open mind and willing heart to listen, learn and then act when it feels right.

Other important supplements that may be beneficial to use

In my first article on adrenal fatigue, I mentioned a few supplements that seem to be important for most people to implement according to leading health practitioners. They include:

♦ Magnesium
♦ Vitamin C
♦ Extra B5 in addition to the B complex
♦ Natural progesterone cream
♦ Vitamin E

All of these supplements appeared on lists from holistic doctors who specialize in the endocrine system and adrenal issues as needed for healing since these support and nourish the glands, particularly the adrenals. Again, go with what works for you, but this is a good starting place. Be sure to include the items mentioned in this article as well.

Sex hormones

Since it is necessary to address all hormones – thyroid, adrenals and sex hormones – when you seek harmony and healing, we need to talk about the sex hormones. Often this is the place doctors start with treatments, and they frequently prescribe synthetic hormones in an effort to restore balance. Synthetic hormones are NOT like your body in any way, and although they may sometimes seem to reduce or eliminate symptoms, they pose a high risk of creating serious side effects that are capable of even ending your life. Some medical practitioners offer bio-identical hormones as a solution to the unbalance. These may be a better choice and certainly are promoted as closer to what your body produces, but are not always a solution.

What I have discovered over and over again, is the importance of using natural progesterone cream since it not only supports the adrenals and thyroid, but also helps reduce the estrogen overload we are experiencing today. This overload is causing men to have breast growth as well as breast cancer, girls to begin menstruation way too early, many disorders to appear such as endometriosis, along with cancer of the breast, uterus, prostate, and much more. The imbalance of this estrogen overload is contributing to a greater decline of progesterone and testosterone in both women and men.

I believe that most women and probably most men, especially over 50, need to use a natural progesterone cream to help restore the balance between estrogen and progesterone. In addition, most men probably need a boost for their testosterone, and often women do too. The best way to do this I feel is to use a synergistic blend of plants that help your body produce the proper harmonious hormone balance. The most common complaints associated with a sex hormone imbalance at mid-life is weight gain, reduced libido (sex drive), energy reduction, thinning hair, and muscle weakness or pain. Sound familiar? You’re right – these same symptoms are found with adrenal fatigue and thyroid imbalance. So can you see how the hormones are so intrically woven together and why addressing all of them is essential when you are seeking harmony and vibrant health?


Exercise is vital if you want health and vitality. Exercise allows blood to flow and be oxygenated, releases toxins from the body as you sweat, keeps your joints moving and flexible, strengthens your bones and joints (particularly when using weights), energizes your body, improves your mood, clears the cobwebs out of your brain, and above all, helps you lose those unwanted love handles. But caution! When the adrenals are fatigued, be careful not to overdo exercising. Too much further depletes the adrenals. Rule of thumb – if after exercising you are exhausted you are doing too much. Do less next time so that you feel good afterwards. If you have symptoms of hormonal imbalance, here’s another guideline. If you are exhausted after routine exercise, then you probably are experiencing significant adrenal problems. If however you feel energized after exercising, you are probably experiencing more of a thyroid deficiency. It is known that thyroid function is boosted after exercise. Simple walking is usually beneficial for everyone. So get moving!
With rare exception, exercise is highly beneficial for everyone! You might try yoga too!


Much information is now becoming available for this huge problem of adrenal burnout that so many people are experiencing. Some say it affects as much as 80% of our population at varying levels. Sadly, many do not know it is affecting their health. What I can see after years of researching for answers in regard to finding the core of health challenges, is that any illness will have the adrenals involved. In order to effectively create healing, the adrenals will need to be nourished and supported to achieve healing. But I also came to realize that complete healing will never occur without addressing the spiritual, emotional and mental realms. After several years of attempting to heal my body in the physical realm years ago, when I began working on releasing old beliefs about hurt, anger, guilt and shame, I then began healing very rapidly.

In the physical realm, anyone who is stressed needs help with their adrenals. Things like worry; financial problems; eating foods that aren’t good for you; no exercise or too much exercise; lack of 5 hours consecutive sleep; too much sugar, alcohol or caffeine (proven to be totally detrimental to adrenal function); chronic infections; toxicity; old beliefs that don’t serve your highest good; spinal misalignment; anger; resentment; jealousy – all of these things contribute to adrenal fatigue because they wear down your body. The adrenals are your stress indicator, and if they become worn out, other systems are affected. This creates an unfavorable environment for a healthy body. Refer to the section on adrenal roles if you’ve forgotten what they do.

So it is a combination of nourishment through supplements and diet, release of old beliefs and programming, reprogramming your thoughts and behavior, repairing the damage and changing your lifestyle that enables your body to really heal. Does this seem like too much to do? Anything worth anything takes time, effort and oftentimes money to implement. In the end, it is more than worth it. You become a stronger and more balanced individual with a whole new outlook on life. Stress is removed and enjoyment replaces it. You feel better, life looks good, your relationships improve, and your heart opens. When you enjoy life, you are living as you are meant to live. And every stressor becomes a gift for you to grow beyond.

Wrap up

I’ve shared with you in this article what I believe is necessary to heal your body from adrenal fatigue or any hormonal imbalance. Since the endocrine system, home of your primary hormones, runs every system within your body, it only makes sense to pay attention to your hormones. Health advocates might say that toxins are the primary cause of illness. They certainly are a significant factor in any illness, but often toxic overload is due to too much or too little of one or more hormones that create other unfavorable situations within the body. Too much estrogen can cause cell proliferation leading to cancer. Improper digestion due to any imbalance of hormones can lead to toxins pouring into the blood and depositing anywhere in the body. This can lead to weight gain, colon issues and cancer, among other things. Low DHEA affects the immune system allowing for free radicals to take over and create illness. Any stressors that lower the function of the adrenals contribute to the creation of many diseases.

To sum it all up…

Balance your hormones…
Release old beliefs and patterns that are hurting you…
Heal your relationships – forgiveness heals you and the other person…
Replace old programming with positive thoughts and attitudes…
Reduce stress by changing how you respond to your stressors…
Exercise – whatever you like to do – just do it…
Reduce or eliminate sugar, alcohol and caffeine…
Enjoy life. Focus on the good in your life…
Do your own research – educate yourself…
Work on bettering your diet…
Eliminate chronic infections and toxicity.

Starting protocol for adrenal repair…

B Vitamins – liquid…
Adrenal synergistic blend of plants…
Thyroid nutrients that include iodine…
Natural progesterone cream…
Himalayan salt…
Digestive enzymes…
Melatonin, 5HTP or herbs to help you sleep…
Reduce stress – learn how to respond differently to your stressors…
Learn positive ways to view life – use a coach, take classes, read books on this.

As a person who has traveled the path of undesirable symptoms, illness, many stressors and hormonal imbalances, I have learned, through my personal experiences, what works and what does not work for me. Although I feel what I have shared is an effective way to balance your hormones and create vibrant health, other things may need to be factored into your equation that I have not addressed. Each of you are unique with your own individual qualities and beliefs, and your lifestyle may look totally different from mine, so all of this must be taken into consideration. However, there is a basic format that must be implemented to begin the healing process, even though additional supplementation, detoxification or lifestyle shifts may be needed.

My personal passion is to use my knowledge gained through research and personal experiences to assist individuals who are suffering in life and want to heal. If I can be of service to you, I invite you to contact me. Life is meant to be enjoyed and fulfilling, and my greatest joy comes from helping someone step into their own power and begin moving into a place of vibrant health and wholeness in all dimensions. As I stated earlier, I believe healing is possible if you embrace the right and perfect tools to accomplish it.

Author's Bio

Carolyn Porter, D. Div., Author, Speaker, Spiritual Wholeness Coach, Trainer, Angel Practitioner, and Owner of Where Miracles Happen Healing Center, has dedicated her life to helping individuals know their magnificence, thus stepping into their power and creating the life they truly want and deserve. For more information visit or
And another:

Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue is one of the health problems that I deal with myself and it is difficult to treat.
Cures and Remedies for Adrenal Fatigue:

As I said above, adrenal fatigue is complicated and not an easy problem to correct. It may take one to two years to cure. Many times there are underlying health problems that are causing adrenal fatigue. In this case you need to find out what the cause is. It could be an ongoing infection or inflammation. It can be candida overgrowth, irritable bowel syndrome, or any of a number of health problems that cause ongoing stress to the adrenals. The underlying cause needs to be addressed as well or you will never be able to heal your adrenal glands.

Below are some supplements, herbs, hormonals and some advise to help you with adrenal fatigue.

* Vitamin C (2,000-4,000 mg/day sustained release) -- best taken with bioflavonoids.
* Vitamin E w/mixed tocopherols (800 IU/day)
* Vitamin B100 Complex
* Niacin (125-150 mg/day) -- as inositol hexaniacinate. (Although it is recommended to use 125-150 mg each day, I have found it very hard to find niacin as inositol hexaniacinate in less than 500 mg. It is okay to take at this level as the body flushes what it doesn't need.)
* Pyridoxine B6 (150 mg/day)
* Pantothenic Acid B5 (1200-1500 mg/day)
* Magnesium Citrate (400-1200 mg) -- I like this best in the powdered form such as in Natural Calm. This form of magnesium makes sure it is absorbed.
* Liquid Trace Minerals -- they have a calming effect
* Free-Form Amino Acids
* Proline (500 mg daily) -- Proline is helpful in rebuilding connective tissues. Weak adrenals are often associated with poor quality connective tissues and whatever helps connective tissues seems to help adrenals as well.
* Adrenal Glandular -- or desiccated adrenal gland is extremely important in the initial phases of adrenal repair since it provides raw materials to support adrenal function. It also contains some important adrenal hormones.


* Rhodiola Rosea -- It enhances memory and concentration. It has been shown to reduce stress-induced fatigue and improve mental performance.
* Ashwagandha -- It has been shown to have a sedating effect on the body and helps to rebuild the digestive and nervous system.
* Eleuthero Root or Siberian Ginseng -- It has been used traditionally to stimulate and nourish the adrenal glands and increases mental alertness. Eleuthero is considered an "adaptogen" which means it can help the body adapt to stress.
* Cordyceps -- This is a Chinese mushroom used for supporting the adrenal gland and can also normalize immune function and support kidney, lung, liver, nervous system and cardiovascular function.


As for hormones, it is a good idea to be tested and find out what your hormone levels are before supplementing them. This way you'll know exactly what hormones are deficient. The three hormones below are most often supplemented when dealing with adrenal fatigue.

* DHEA - This is a basic adrenal hormone that the adrenals will convert into other hormones. If someone is very deficient in this hormone they may only be able to tolerate a small amount such as 5 mg. The average adult dose ranges between 10 and 25 mg. DHEA will also go on to become sex hormones such as testosterone and estrogen.
* Pregnenolone - This is a precursor to many of the hormones produced by the adrenal glands. It is a raw material that supports basic adrenal function. Pregnenolone is best taken towards the evening but may be taken earlier if it interferes with sleep. The usual dose is 25 mg.
* Progesterone Cream - Progesterone is the building block for many other major hormones such as cortisol, DHEA, testosterone and estrogen. If you are under a lot of stress and your adrenals are pumping out cortisol, your body will use available progesterone. If too much progesterone is used to produce cortisol, like with adrenal fatigue, not enough is produced to make testosterone which is needed for a woman’s healthy libido. I recommend progesterone in the form of a skin cream. Always make sure that it says progesterone USP so you know it's real progesterone.

Life Style Changes

* Removal of the stressors. This is the most important step. Emotional stressors such as marital, family, relationship, or financial problems needs to be dealt with and normalized.
* Rest and sleep are extremely important. You will need nine hours of sleep and maybe more for a very long time. Also rest after meals, at midmorning and mid-afternoon if possible.
* Gentle walking is beneficial but vigorous exercise depletes the adrenals. Deep breathing and stretching is also beneficial. You should exercise to relax rather than to build muscles or lose weight.
* Replace toxic cleaning products used around the house with natural products. There are natural alternatives available for cleaning. Hair dyes, shampoos, makeup and skin care products need to be replaced with natural versions. Adrenals are stressed by chemicals and so this is very important.
* Detoxification sauna therapy using an infrared sauna will greatly speed up recovery. If you are in adrenal burnout, use the sauna daily for no more than 30 minutes. Once or twice a week is excellent for prevention.


It may benefit you to add salt to your diet, especially upon rising and at least a half-hour before you have the lowest energy of the day. Take 1/8 to 1/2 teaspoonful of sea salt, Celtic salt or sea salt w/kelp powder, in an 8 oz glass of water.

Below is a great article explaining the need for salt in adrenal fatigue. Don't let the title throw you off as you will see the connection to CFS as well.

Nutritional Considerations in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

When the adrenal glands are fatigued they do not produce enough aldosterone. Aldosterone regulates the amount of sodium and potassium in the body. When aldosterone becomes deficient not enough salt is retained in the body. If you have been craving salt, this is probably the reason. There is a discussion about aldosterone at the Web page below. You'll have to scroll down to find it -- or read the whole article as there is a lot of good information here. I don't like some of his diet recommendations as he wants to restrict eating red meats, etc.

Adrenal Fatigue Article

Instead of eating three meals a day, eat five or six small meals or snacks a day to keep your blood sugar balanced. If you have adrenal fatigue it causes low blood sugar problems. Eating more often can help keep your blood sugar stable.

Always eat protein with every meal and snack -- eggs, beef, pork and poultry are the best sources of protein. Nuts and seeds are other good sources. Absolutely avoid vegetarian diets as they will further stress your adrenals. Most vegetarians never recover from adrenal fatigue.

Complex carbohydrates are good but you may want to avoid wheat as you may be allergic. If you know of any other food allergies, you should avoid them as well. Root vegetables such as turnips, parsnips, rutabaga, carrots, onions, garlic and potatoes are good. All vegetables are good for you and should be eaten several times throughout the day. Other good complex carbs are corn, brown rice and quinoa. Organic corn chips or brown rice cakes are also good.

Avoid isolated soy protein as it is of poor quality and contains many anti-nutrients. Actually avoid all soy products as well. Do not eat any sugar and only eat fruit in small portions. Don't drink fruit juices. Use only healthy oils such as olive oil, flaxseed oil, coconut oil and butter. Use sea salt rather than table salt.

It's really beneficial to drink green drinks like barley grass or various mixed green drinks that also have vegetable extracts like NOW's PhytoFoods. Don't drink tap water but drink filtered or spring water. Absolutely avoid caffeine or any stimulants as these are very stressful to the adrenals.

Restriction or dieting is not a good idea. Follow good eating habits with regular meals and snacks.

(If you have problems with candida or parasites, you may need to get them under control first before taking supplementation for adrenal fatigue. Supplements don't work very well if your gut is unable to obsorb them properly. You may want to consider doing a colon and parasite cleanse. You may also want to have your candida somewhat under control as well. Check out my Candida and Parasites pages for further information.)
This is all very good information. I've been reading a book recommended to me called "Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome" by James L. Wilson. I'm around half way through (in the 'foods not to eat' section). It also has a useful (nearly) 90 question test to gauge if you have Adrenal Fatigue and how severe it is. According to this, I have moderate to severe Adrenal Fatigue.

My current doctor has been looking at my symptoms from the context of Andropause which deals with diminished production of hormones, particularly testosterone. In light of these articles and the book, it's obvious that we need to take a few steps backward to view the larger picture of the adrenals as they figure into the overall production of hormones, etc.

My current source of stress is my job and I'm going to have to think about my options to mitigate this.
Thanks all, for all info shared. I have been feeling like completely out of energy, anxiety full and mentally confused for the last 2 months or so, i even have trouble sleeping - which is the first for me! - so i delved into reading the threads here, and i think adrenal fatigue symptoms are what i am experiencing.

I found Dr Wilson's website


which also contains useful info and the products he created to fight adrenal fatigue:


I won't be able to order the book or anything else till next month, but i am planning to try out the squeaky clean -

and the body guard products, as i am unable to find most of what suggested where i live.


He also has some questionnaires to fill out about how burned out you might be, test whether you have Candida and Food and Environmental Intolerances:


And just to let the mods know that the link posted by Ronnie above acts "possessed" ;)

Ronnie said:
Everyone suffering from Adrenal Fatigue, CFS, Fibromyalgia, heart palpitations, weight problems, digestive problems, and whatever, heck EVERYBODY, get these two books: Detoxify or Die by Sherry Rogers and The Fat Resistance Diet by Leo Galland.

I think that you will find this diet (with possible personal modifications) and the detoxing info is the Holy Grail you've been seeking.
purplehaze wrote:
Adrenal Fatigue & Autoimmune Illness can also be the result of PTSD/ being involved with a Pathological person

You can say that again! I've found acupuncture to be exceptionally effective.
purplehaze said:
Adrenal Fatigue & Autoimmune Illness can also be the result of PTSD/ being involved with a Pathological person

I'm just finishing up Barbara O'Brien's book, Operators and Things, which is a personal account of six months of acute paranoid schizophrenia. The book is written with two main parts. The first section delves into her experiences with 'Operators', a type of entity who psychically controls and operates normal people, who are termed Things. In the second section, an analysis of her condition, O'Brien explores a variety of theories for the causes of the onset as well as her cure of schizophrenia. Jung's hypothesis of there being some role of the adrenal gland's malfunction in the disease strongly appeals to her. She describes how in her recovery during schizophrenia she was transformed from a 'horse' back into her former state of being a 'bronco':

Barbara O'Brien said:
I knew little about the adrenal gland except that it had something to do with the fighting, aggressive instinct in man. I discovered, after some more poking around in the library, that adrenalin was a secretion of the adrenal gland; that the secretion was vital to human life; and that it supplied mankind and a variety of nonhuman forms of animal life with the kind of sudden explosive energy that made it possible. for instance, a bear to defend itself in an emergency against a mountain lion, and for a man, facing an enemy, to banish fear under a flood of adrenal anger.

The story of the horse and the bronco was what was bothering me and I plodded through the conversations of the Operators again. I had been a natural bronco, the Operators had said, a kicking bronco. The experiment of the Operators, one of the Operators had told me, although it was not being entirely conducted for my benefit, would have one concrete value for me; it would change me back into a bronco.


The adrenal gland. when you had a healthy active one, one that spurted up quite automatically at times of stress, how did you live with it? (When the bear found himself unexpectedly facing a mountain lion, I learned from the library, the bear's adrenal gland automatically started spurting violently, making the bear furious. The mountain lion, on such occasions, after getting one snappy look at the bear coming at it spilling its fury all over the place, just as automatically got out of the way as fast as it could.)

If you forcibly, consciously controlled an active adrenal gland, and refused to permit its secretion from finding its way to your tongue or your fist, what happened? Did the secretion stop secreting? Or did the secretion, not being able to escape into tongue, fist, or hysterics, go somewhere else in your body? In my case, had the detouring adrenalin caused the kind of toxic poisoning which Jung suspected?

In her free online book, Deep Therapy, Restin Wells explains a similar phenomenon in her recovery from Dissociative Identity Disorder:

Resin Wells said:
Meanwhile, Dr. Tilden seemed completely oblivious to my concerns as she appeared to drop out from under me totally. Then she announced another vacation!

As a result of that, I suddenly came to learn one of the most important coping skills in all this hard, cruel world:


Not that I did it in front of her there. I couldn't yet. But when I was in the car going home... yelling, and hitting the steering wheel, at her denseness to my concerns. How could she go on vacation now! I got so angry at her I wished she would get out of my life forever! I would reject her! I would turn her into a nothing, just like she was doing me!

That new feeling! That new attitude. That conscious, red-faced rejecting of everything Dr. T meant to me... Suddenly, as a total surprise, I didn't feel afraid anymore. And ten minutes later, I still didn't feel the fear. I got all the twenty-five miles back home, still fuming--but feeling no fear. It had been like pouring water on a fire. It obliterated all feeling of emotional sickness, the separation anxiety, and weakness of any kind. And it lasted several hours. But the anxiety did come back. And I was tortured with the additional anxiety of what my anger was doing to the love I needed to feel.

But, a few days later, when I got sufficiently rageful again, the same magic relief worked again. In fact, it worked every time, without fail. I even began to try pumping up anger artificially, something I found very hard to do. I couldn't just turn it on like a faucet. But I found that imagining Dr. T's meanness could get the anger ball rolling. I was still afraid to put it on Dr. T herself at the sessions, but nevertheless, that anger soon became my main, work-horse control over the strange emotional sickness, the suicidal urge, and mysterious panic-fear that had been my main symptoms for years. I didn't understand the dynamics of it all. All I knew then, and all I needed to know, was that all-out rageful rejection of Dr. T, hard as it was to do it, was the saving of my life. It was the world's greatest discovery!

So with the population so docile in the face of maddness, it makes you wonder if the adrenal gland may be most effected in all the transmarginal inhibition exercises. In this way adrenal dysfunction appears to be much more massive than '10's of millions'.
Laura said:
Everyone suffering from Adrenal Fatigue, CFS, Fibromyalgia, heart palpitations, weight problems, digestive problems, and whatever, heck EVERYBODY, get these two books: Detoxify or Die by Sherry Rogers and The Fat Resistance Diet by Leo Galland.

I think that you will find this diet (with possible personal modifications) and the detoxing info is the Holy Grail you've been seeking.

Thanks! will order the books, heck, will do anything to stop feeling as yucky! But till i order and read them, i started with B complex liquid vitamins, and a regime of sleeping earlier, and going for walks 3X a week.

Los said:
So with the population so docile in the face of maddness, it makes you wonder if the adrenal gland may be most effected in all the transmarginal inhibition exercises.

Good point. The O&T and Deep Therapy quotes on adrenal gland make much more sense now, than when i read the books, years ago. Thanks.

Adrenal Support Recommendation Sheet

Living with low metabolic energy can be difficult and unnecessary. Providing the body with proper support in the form of vitamin supplements can significantly decrease, if not completely eliminate, low metabolic energy and its symptoms.

The supplements listed below are in an order of importance that generally applies to most people. This order may be different for some individuals, and few individuals need all of the listed items. Ideally, one should consult with a health care provider knowledgeable in nutritional supplementation and the correction of adrenal problems before choosing which supplements will be most effective (please read the disclaimer at page bottom). The directions below are suggested usages and can vary based on individual need.

To visit the Dove Health Products supplement store which stocks all the products below, click Products on the Menu.

Vitamin B Complex/Mulivitamin: Basic Cell Energy™ by Dove Health Products is a very complete B complex/multivitamin supplement whose purpose is to provide support for adrenal function and repair as well as general support for metabolism and energy production. It contains a high level of vitamin B5 and the rest of the B-complex group including support nutrients and cofactors. The usual dose is 2 daily: 1 in the morning and 1 at noon. Taking this late in the day may interfere with sleep. Start slowly as tolerated and build the dose up to the full dose at a rate comfortable for you. Some people can only tolerate ½ tablets in the morning and slowly need to build up to their full dose which may only be one or two tablets daily. This dose is designed for a 70 kg individual so smaller individuals may require less and larger individuals may require more. For higher doses consult your physician. Since this is a very potent vitamin complex, it is not recommended during pregnancy. Improved adrenal function can raise blood sugar and blood pressure. If either of these is a problem for you, you may need a lower dose or a different supplement.

Hydrolyzed Collagen: Protein is made up of amino acids. Poor adrenal function is often associated with poor ability to digest protein. Just as sugars and carbohydrates seem to weaken the adrenals, amino acids seem to strengthen them. Hydrolyzed collagen is an excellent complete source of amino acids. It can be from beef, chicken, or fish source. I have found the best quality to be that of beef origin. The liquid may be mixed with some water for improved taste. The total daily dose is approximately 10 grams (two tablespoons). This may be taken any time with or without food. You may ignore the “bedtime/empty stomach” instruction on the bottle. Anyone with serious kidney problems should only take a small amount (1/2 – 1 tbsp) of amino acids. Consulting your physician is advisable.

Free-Form Amino Acids: If you are a vegetarian or choose to avoid beef products, free-form amino acids are a good second choice. Currently, they typically do not contain the essential amino acid tryptophan because of an FDA ruling that tryptophan requires a prescription. Some tryptophan is likely to be derived from the diet. The total daily dose for an average adult is 1 to 2 teaspoons daily. It can be taken all at once or spread out throughout the day – e.g. sipped throughout the day in a drink. If you have kidney problems, consult with your physician if you plan to take more than one teaspoon daily.

Proline: Approximately 500 mg daily (one capsule) is helpful to rebuild connective tissues. This can be taken to augment the free-form amino acids if desired. Weak adrenals are often associated with poor quality connective tissues. Whatever helps connective tissues seems to help adrenals as well.

Adrenal glandular: This is desiccated adrenal gland. It is extremely important in the initial phases of adrenal repair since it provides raw materials to support adrenal function. It also contains some important adrenal hormones. Helping to relieve the adrenal glands’ burden allows the following to occur:

* Relief from the symptoms of poorly functioning adrenals much sooner than waiting for the adrenals to become healthy again – a process that can take weeks or months.
* Faster adrenal recovery.

The dose depends on the amount of material contained in each pill. Cytozyme AD typically requires one to two tablets, three times daily

Cordyceps: This is a Chinese mushroom used for supporting the adrenal gland. The typical dose is one to two tablets three times daily.

Pregnenolone: Pregnenolone is a precursor to many of the hormones produced by the adrenal glands. It is a raw material that supports basic adrenal function. Pregnenolone is best taken towards the evening but may be taken earlier if it interferes with sleep. The usual dose is 25 mg.

Vitamin C: The vitamin C is known to help support adrenal function and is best taken with bioflavanoids which help recycle the vitamin C thus prolonging its functional life. If you are taking Basic Cell Energy™ you may take plain vitamin C formula, because Basic Cell Energy™ already contains citrus bioflavanoids. You may take 1-3 grams of vitamin C daily in divided doses. Bowel tolerance is a term used to describe the maximum dose an individual can tolerate before getting bowel symptoms such as gas, cramps, or diarrhea. Some people find a beneficial to take vitamin C to bowel tolerance when rebuilding the adrenals. It is best taken in divided doses throughout the day. Many people with chronic adrenal fatigue have a low bowel tolerance and may tolerate only a total of 500 mg (½ gram) daily. This level may increase with time. Some people, on the other hand, can tolerate 10 grams or more daily.

5-HTP: Sleep is essential for helping the adrenal glands recover their health. It should not be taken by anyone taking an SSRI type of antidepressant. The SSRI medication will react very poorly with 5-HTP and this could be dangerous. Typically, dosage is adjusted as follows: start with 50 mg.; if after three nights sleep is not obtained with this dose, increase to 100 mg. Keep increasing the dose by 50 mg every three nights until you either obtain good sleep (stay at that dose) or until you reach a maximum dose of 500 mg. Tablets are available in 50 mg and 100 mg size. Eventually you may try to reduce the dose. If you wake up sleepy, try taking 5-HTP earlier in the evening or reducing the dose. If you have not used 5-HTP before, you may want to start with the 50 mg size. Once you know your best dose, you may wish to use the 100 mg size capsules.

Digestive Enzymes: Poor adrenal function is often associated with poor digestion and low gastric acidity. It is probably best to use digestive enzymes that contain hydrochloric acid (usually found as Betaine Hydrochloride). Typically one would take 1-2 capsules during each meal (amount depends of the size of the meal). Getting heartburn or acid reflux may not mean that you make too much acid. Often, not enough acid is present and the reason for the burning is insufficient protection of the stomach lining. This can be improved by:

* Water: Drinking adequate amounts of water daily, 8-10 glasses or more.
* DGL: Sucking or chewing on DGL (deglycerrhyzenized licorice) 5-30 minutes prior to eating. This stimulates the production of protective gastric (stomach) mucous secretions.
* Slippery Elm: taken 5-30 minutes before a meal also helps produce protective gastric secretions.

Rarely, burning can be due to excessive acid production. This can be established by performing a Heidelberg test for gastric acidity or by doing the ‘poor man's test’ of taking the digestive acid after several days of building up the mucous lining of the stomach. If there is a burning sensation with the added acid, and there is a good chance the acid is not needed. A half teaspoon of bicarbonate in a half glass of water or some over-the-counter antacid should relieve the burning immediately. In such a case, one should not take the additional hydrochloric acid with the digestive enzymes. Instead, one may only need plain digestive enzymes without acid or not need the digestive enzymes at all. Do not try taking the acid if you have a history of bleeding ulcers. Consult with your physician.

Magnesium: Magnesium is important for cellular energy (ATP) production. It is also helpful for relaxing tense muscles such as those found in fibromyalgia. Magnesium orotate is a highly absorbable form of magnesium. The typical dose is 2 to 3 tablets daily.

GABA: Gamma-aminobutyric acid stimulates GABA receptors. This is what Valium does. The typical effect is decreased anxiety. The typical dose is approximately 500 mg two to three times daily. Sometimes one pill in the morning and one before bedtime is sufficient.

DHEA: DHEA is a basic adrenal hormone that the adrenals will convert into other hormones including sex hormones. If someone is very deficient in this hormone they may only be able to tolerate a small amount such as 5 mg. The average adult dose ranges between 10 and 25 mg. DHEA will also go on to become sex hormones (testosterone and estrogen). It might be best to avoid it if there is a history of sex organ cancers such as prostate, uterine or breast.

7-Keto DHEA: This form does not convert to sex hormones but will still give support to adrenal functions. The typical dose is 25 mg each morning.

MSM: MSM is a nutritional form of sulfur and supports connective tissue health such as hair, skin, nails, tendons, ligaments, bones etc. Some people cannot metabolize the sulfur well and cannot take it. The typical dose is 2 to 3 grams daily.

Essential fatty acids: The reason they are called essential is that our body needs them for good health but cannot manufacture them. It supports the healing process. It may be taken in capsule form or as a liquid. I find Udo’s Choice an easy one to use because it comes in a liquid and the taste is tolerable. Some people prefer to mix it into their daily protein or health drink. I have found the easiest way to take this is to make a salad dressing out of it. You can become creative.

Unlike water-soluble vitamins such as C or B-complex that need to be taken daily, oil soluble vitamins and nutrients do not require daily consumption. You may use a small quantity of this dressing daily or a larger quantity every once in a while. Enjoy and use in good health!

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