Excellent summary about masks.

FOTCM Excellent summary about masks. 2020-08-19

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Someone posted that PDF file on the forum and it could be shared.

That pdf in your link is so good I'm attaching it here. It's an excellent summary about masks.

Everybody get this and throw it at anyone who says masks are safe or helpful or whatever crap they say!

They will probably not read it, but then you can always say, "I gave you 8 pages of evidence masks are useless, and you've shown me zero evidence they are good for anything or safe."

It has these sections:
  • Public Health Experts Keep Changing: Mask vs No Mask
  • Mask Mandates as Public Policy is a Disaster
  • Particle Size: The Key to it All
  • N95 Respirators
  • Surgical Face Masks
  • Cloth masks
  • Wearing a mask blocks oxygen
  • Wearing a mask increases CO2 – leading to cognitive dysfunction
  • The psychological impact of mask wearing
  • Masks dehumanize us
Each has summaries of and links to a bunch of articles or studies with more info.

Last section is "Four Key Reasons Why People Choose to Not Wear a Mask" and summarises it in 4 points :
1. Masks offer no protection to the wearer
2. Evidence is lacking that masks protect anyone: the wearer or the public
3. Masks increase the risk of contracting an infection: COVID19 or others
4. Masks might harm the wearer

This is really good stuff that will save you a lot of explaining, so make good use of it.
First release
Last update


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