Search results for query: holocaust

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  1. SlavaOn

    Holocaust question.

    I am browsing Holocaust Handbooks and started reading book, that was referenced in the new article on - Hitler, Churchill, the Holocaust, and the War in Ukraine This narrative is in a direct opposition to what is called the Holocaust of Jews...
  2. Jo Bugman

    Ken Burns: The U.S. and the Holocaust

    ...white people" documentary. But, I like Ken Burns so I gave it a try and I think this may be his best one yet. It's not just another the holocaust was really bad feature presentation, rather it focused more on the mindset of the anglosphere at the time with preserving the white race through...
  3. Palinurus

    Dutch Holocaust remembered following 75th birthday of Auschwitz liberation

    Source: A Dutch Artist and Engineer Has Created an Astonishing New Holocaust Memorial Using 104,000 Uncanny Glowing Stones Related: Go-ahead for Holocaust wall in Amsterdam as court throws out objections - Dutch Holocaust Memorial of Names Dutch Holocaust Memorial of Names -...
  4. A

    Iran holds Holocaust-denying cartoon contest

    ...double take on this article, when I came across it. If this is "legit" - it's going to get some mileage? Two weeks ahead of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Iran has announced a contest aimed at creating cartoons that deny the genocidal event occurred. Iran holds Holocaust-denying...
  5. T

    Steps to Holocaust 2.0 in Europe - collecting the evidence

    A few articles have been published earlier in 2015 by SOTT editors about a holocaust 2.0 coming soon:
  6. Solie123

    Netanyahu accused a former Palestinian leader of "inspiring the Holocaust." This is just ... sad
  7. Voyageur

    Behind the Headlines: Ireland's Holocaust - Interview with Chris Fogarty Wow, that was a very interesting interview with, Christopher Fogarty. Thank you so much!
  8. Fester

    The Vatican Holocaust

    ...WHY did they keep such meticulous records of such heinous crimes? Sharing here as I'm very interested to hear other forum member's opinions on this. Link below, please have a read. It's not massively long, I read it in about 2 hrs. _
  9. FireShadow

    Holocaust 2.0: Coming soon!

    ...about the Jews during Hitler's reign and how this demonstrates the answer to the question of "How could so many Germans go along with the Holocaust, how could they let it happen". The really tragic part for me is that "R" seems to be in general a good and decent woman, very caring and sweet...
  10. Inquorate

    The reality of the Jewish Holocaust

    It is illegal in most countries to deny the Holocaust. I'm not doing that here. I am posting this link for people who ever encounter Holocaust deniers, to provide people with the knowledge they may need in order to argue with a Holocaust denier. It surprised me to find that somehow...
  11. paralleloscope

    Irish holocaust

    From _ Irishmen and Irishwomen! Read this site and weep. Weep for the agonies and deaths of your people at the hands of genocidists. The authorities who imposed the curriculum, the teachers and professors who funneled it into you, have carefully kept you...
  12. Ali Xander

    Canadian Holocaust: Untold Story of the Genocide of Aboriginal People
  13. E

    Bishop fined for Holocaust denial
  14. Zadig

    UK: Kids 'removed from families' in Holocaust 'game',2506,L-3861067,00.html
  15. Ellipse

    Netanyahu's speech / Cheapening the Holocaust

    Haaretz 10:18 25/09/2009 Gideon Levy Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cheapened the memory of the Holocaust in his speech to the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday. He did so twice. Once, when he brandished proof of the very existence of the Holocaust, as if it needed any, and again...
  16. cubbex

    The holocaust and me as Hittler

    I began, again, to have weird dreams. The first ones was about like little images and like a commercial of a movie about a war on the world. But yesterday I had a really weird dream. First in the dream, I wake up and I turn on the TV, and one man in the news was saying "today is the last day...
  17. RedFox

    Shooting at US Holocaust museum

  18. S

    Holocaust denied by John Pilger

    original address: Holocaust Denied The lying silence of those who know By John Pilger January 08, 2009 "Information Clearinghouse" -- -"When the truth is replaced by silence," the Soviet dissident Yevgeny Yevtushenko said, "the...
  19. Laura

    Revisiting The Horrors Of The Holocaust Say WHAT? They didn't "write down the names of those executed in the (alleged) gas chambers" ??? !!! (And I say "alleged" not because I don't think the gas chambers existed or that people were gassed in them, but only...
  20. Telperion

    'The Cunning of History – The Holocaust and the American Future'

    'The Cunning of History – The Holocaust and the American Future' by Richard L. Rubenstein I've only read a few books that have given me that sense of 'revelation', that sense of pieces of a puzzle snapping into place. Laura's book was one and 'The Cunning of History' is another. It's a slim...
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