Search results for query: propaganda

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  1. Seppo Ilmarinen

    AI and music in our future…

    ...lack of creativity with art and entertainment (and everything else) is a sign of the times in the West today, and of course the political propaganda and ideological brainwashing that goes along with it, which one has to keep in mind all the time. But I think autotune (i.e pitch correction)...
  2. Liliea

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    ...(liberal) faction is now the one that the United States conveniently supports and this is denoted in a change of diplomatic and mass media propaganda that qualifies it -after six months- as "problematic and extremist" (Was the immolation a message of this shift?) and as the International...
  3. BHelmet

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    ...I suppose Pfizer has one too. Perhaps not all is peaches and cream. What I find odd is the strange line up of bedfellows who have come out of the woodwork such as Wapo and The Atlantic (lefty propaganda rags) to attack Bushnell. BTW, the above book was written by a community of Jesus member.
  4. Timótheos

    Jordan Peterson: Gender Pronouns and Free Speech War

    ...position to take. Hard to wrap ones mind around it. "(Ashkenazi) Jews are disproportionately successful" Successful at what? Usury? Propaganda? Slavery? Espionage? Pornography? Blackmail? Communism? False Flag Attacks? And of course anyone who dares criticize their actions is "bitter...
  5. ziutek

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    ...Foreign Minister denied that Paris was involved in recruiting mercenaries for the Kiev regime and called direct evidence "crude Russian propaganda". There is a strong feeling that the French President is not in principle aware of what his subordinates are saying, nor of what he himself is...
  6. Y

    The European Union: Glorious New 'Holy Roman Empire', Anglo-American Trojan Horse, or Left-Liberal Globalist Nightmare?

    Looking at the headline of the article, it may seem that the half-witted Portuguese grandfather suddenly woke up. Unfortunately, after reading the article, it becomes clear that this is a false impression. This inhabitant of the "garden of Eden surrounded on all sides by wild jungles" on the one...
  7. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine, selling their homes for a song. The sadness is that not all of these people are stupid Ukrainians-Nazis. Many are deceived by total propaganda and sometimes enlightenment comes. That's when the price of this mistake will become clear. СМИ: жители Харькова начали срочно избавляться от жилья
  8. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Today, everything has been collected about women. «Их не обменяют». В плен в Авдеевке попали женщины-военные ВСУ «Азовок» принесли в жертву. В бои под ЛНР бросили юных украинок из нацбатов And here is another woman, by whose will all of the above are forced to go to war. What she says is...
  9. mabar

    I suggest a question about Lula (president of Brazil)

    In 2020-2021, I had would accept it, not now. As Russia did back then, it was not with MRNA vaccines, though. This brazilian vaccination program is to be implemented this year.
  10. irjO

    I suggest a question about Lula (president of Brazil)

    ...statement since almost every country imposed the vaccination among its population, if you do otherwise even your own population could have turned against you in some cases/scenarios. The Covid propaganda was brutal, a president could have be even very ignorant of the fact of what COVID really...
  11. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine is said in Britain. In short, the phrase was said by a Brit and the film about which it is said was also shot by a Brit. Where there is propaganda and where there is not-decide for yourself. «РÑÑÑкие вÑглÑдÑÑ ÑлиÑком ÑеловеÑнÑми». Ð ÐÑиÑании вÑÑел ÑилÑм...
  12. Voyageur

    Events in Russia

    Piers Morgan scratches the bottom of the barrel and brings out Mikhail Khodorkovsky to diss on Putin over the western backed martyr's death of Alexei Navalny, backstopped by Tuckers interview. Funny, a little ways in, Piers swung back to 2013 while interviewing Bill Clinton on Putin, and unlike...
  13. PopHistorian

    The quandry of the Boomers.

    ...Bruce, and in music with "protest" folk artists, and more. This was the fruit of the first wave of, according to Yuri Besmenov, communist propaganda being "pumped into the soft heads" of American youth without serious opposition for eight to ten years by that point and began its impact on...
  14. SlipNet

    The quandry of the Boomers.

    ...who flattered to deceive in terms of objective effect. As Peter Fonda said of the 60's generation, "I think we blew it.". Agreed on BS propaganda point as well, that's why I made mention of the gardeners of the media landscape tending to the official cultural narrative. This transcends...
  15. BHelmet

    The quandry of the Boomers.

    ...faves. Oh hey, that’s your generation! It’s important to remember that the characterization of any generation is just more BS state propaganda cobbled together by People Magazine. Devil in details and the details are legion. I think the various generations are facing a kind of collective...
  16. Ryan

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    ...of his wife being at the Munich Security Conference just in time to play the grieving widow, though, and with the west urgently needing propaganda material in the wake of the Russian retaking of Avdeevka. The C's did mention there were strange organisms or nanostructures in some of the...
  17. S

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Maybe. I think one could make the argument that given he was such a high profile prisoner, they'd be watching beaming against him too? If they can watch it against Putin, why not against him 🤷 I just think there's no need to invoke exotic technology when good old methods could work just as...
  18. Natus Videre

    April Drop Dead Date

    ...wait in front of vaccination centers, nor wait for weeks between two doses! This time, I don't think the PTB will need 1.5 years of propaganda leading to the vaxx, because the virus will be 'bloody' scarier and the neural pathways of the population are still 'excited' from the Covid hysteria...
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