Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

I find the timing of his widow speaking at the Munich Security Conference on the same day as his death to be much more curious. Given his precarious health condition, he could have easily been 'beamed' with something to finish him off:

So if an otherwise healthy person can be killed by incidental exposure to one of those weapons, one can imagine that Navalny, in his messed up condition, wouldn't have stood too much of a chance if deliberately targeted.
Though, it makes you wonder why they don't use this technology to liquidate Putin? Maybe the Russians are aware of the movements of these satellites and by that they are able to counter in some way? Dunno, seems like we are missing a piece of the puzzle. Maybe we could ask the C's to clarify?
On the mention Mongolian tactics, I think he is just being outrageous for the sake of it, playing on a stereotype of the barbaric Russians with Mongol blood in them, while at the same time mocking the stereotype in speaking about Russian military victory. So he's treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humour.
Beautifully worded. Bravo!

British advisers of Kiev are behind the attack on the Il-76 with prisoners of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

MOSCOW, Feb 18 — RIA Novosti. British advisers to Kiev are to blame for the deaths of prisoners of war and the Il-76 crew shot down by a Ukrainian missile, an informed source familiar with the situation told RIA Novosti.
The attack on board the IL-76 was carried out under pressure from British advisers without coordination with the air defense headquarters in Kiev and additional rechecking of information on the movement of aircraft over the Belgorod region," he said.

On January 24, the Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down an IL-76 military transport aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces over the Belgorod region, in which 65 Ukrainian prisoners were flying for exchange. All of them, as well as three accompanying Russian officers and six crew members were killed.
It was established that the Ukrainian military attacked the board with two missiles from the area of the village of Liptsy, Kharkiv region. The investigation found out that these were MIM-104A anti-aircraft guided missiles of the American Patriot complex.

Russian President Vladimir Putin called the incident a crime by Kiev against its own citizens. According to him, the Ukrainian side knew that there were AFU prisoners of war on board the Il-76, and nevertheless struck — either by negligence or on purpose. The Foreign Ministry said that the plane crash raises a big question about the possibilities of at least some agreements with Kiev.
Officially, Kiev is talking about the need for an international investigation, but unofficially, the local media launched a thesis that the Il-76 was carrying missiles for the S-300, and Western media are trying to hush up the situation. Putin said that Russia also insists on an investigation, but there are no willing international organizations yet.
За атакой на Ил-76 с пленными ВСУ стоит Великобритания, сообщил источник

Dunno, seems like we are missing a piece of the puzzle. Maybe we could ask the C's to clarify?
I fully support it. The above message, in my opinion, is also worthy of the same. I think that without C's, we will not soon find out how this really happened, if we ever find out at all.

Прекрасно сформулировано. Браво!
Я целиком поддерживаю. Приведенное выше сообщение, по моему тоже достойно того же. Думаю, что без C's мы не скоро узнаем о том как это реально произошло, если вообще когда-нибудь узнаем.
Though, it makes you wonder why they don't use this technology to liquidate Putin?
How do we know they haven't tried and failed? From the subsequent session on 10th October:

C's Session 10th October 2020 said:
Q: (L) Was there anything else that happened during that period of time?
A: Recall our previous remarks about weapons that can cause heart attacks? Consider failure of same on some occasions that included dispersal of energies.
There's also the possibility that the Consortium has "remote viewing of the future"-type tech that has shown them that Putin needs to be handled very carefully lest they create a more negative future timeline for themselves.

Maybe the Russians are aware of the movements of these satellites and by that they are able to counter in some way?
That's probably the most likely scenario, osit.

Maybe we could ask the C's to clarify?
Yeah, I'd say there'll be at least one or two questions regarding this at the next session.
Though, it makes you wonder why they don't use this technology to liquidate Putin? Maybe the Russians are aware of the movements of these satellites and by that they are able to counter in some way? Dunno, seems like we are missing a piece of the puzzle. Maybe we could ask the C's to clarify?
I think that for the USA and the other bastards, Putin is the perfect enemy. He's still alive for a reason. Yes, okay, he's protected. But also, they don't hesitate to eliminate those who get in the way. Putin does not bother, on the contrary. He allows all these predators to continue the Cold War, with all the consequences. It's "1984" we're living in, the enemy is vital, and so is the eternal war against that enemy. And I think that given Putin's intelligence, he must know all that.

The suspicious death of Putin's opponent in the Siberian prison didn't surprise me that the CIA was involved. It's enough to say that Putin's monster is responsible. What a cute monster is Putin! :-)
With regards to Navalny, then the speed with which the response came is mind blowing. The Russian foreign ministry posted a timeline, which I saw on the TG channel Slavyangrad.
Russian Foreigh Ministry:

The reaction of Western leaders to the news of Alexei Navalny's death once again demonstrated their hypocrisy, cynicism, and lack of principles. The "blame Russia in any situation" scheme is in full swing, with each case seemingly prepared according to a manual.

Today, around 14:19 Moscow time, a message was published (https://89.fsin.gov.ru/news/detail.php?ELEMENT_ID=729444) by the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous region regarding the death of Alexei Navalny in correctional colony No. 3.

Within 15 minutes, a torrent of similar accusations began pouring in:

14:35 - Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billström: “Terrible news about Navalny. If the information about his death in a Russian prison is confirmed, this will be another heinous crime of the Putin regime”
14:35 - Norwegian Foreign Minister Bart Eide: “Deeply saddened by the news of Navalny’s death. The Russian government bears a heavy burden of responsibility for this”
14:41 - Latvian Foreign Minister Edgar Rinkevich: “Regardless of one's opinion about Navalny as a politician, he was brutally murdered by the Kremlin. This is a fact that sheds light on the true nature of the current Russian regime”
14:50 - Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky: “Russia continues to treat foreign policy issues in the same manner as its citizens. It has become a cruel state that eliminates those who dream of a better future, like Nemtsov and now Navalny, who was imprisoned and tortured to death”
14:51 - French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejournet: “Navalny paid with his life for fighting against the oppressive system. His death in a penal colony reminds us of the realities of Vladimir Putin’s regime”
15:02 - President of the European Council Charles Michel: “The EU holds the Russian regime solely responsible for this tragic death”
15:10 - leader of the Kiev regime Zelensky: “Obviously, he was killed by Putin, like thousands of others who were tortured”
15:16 (in the media), 16:50 (on social networks) - NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg: “Russia must establish all the facts and answer very serious questions”
15:20 - Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte: “Navalny’s death illustrates the unprecedented cruelty of the Russian regime”
15:30 - President of Moldova Maia Sandu: “Navalny’s death in a Russian prison is a reminder of the regime’s blatant oppression of dissent”
15:35 - German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock: “Navalny, like no one else, was a symbol of a free and democratic Russia. That's why he had to die”
15:43 - European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen: “A grim reminder of what Putin and his regime are”
15:49 - Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson: “The Russian authorities and President Putin personally are responsible for the fact that Navalny is no longer with us”
16:14 - German Chancellor Olaf Scholz: “Navalny paid with his life for his courage. This terrible news once again demonstrates how Russia has changed and what kind of regime is in power in Moscow”
16:25 - US Secretary of State Antony Blinken: “Navalny’s death in a Russian prison, as well as one man’s obsession and fear, only highlight the weakness and rot at the heart of the system that Putin built. Russia bears responsibility for this”
17:28 - French President Emmanuel Macron: “In today’s Russia, free people are placed in the Gulag and sentenced to death.”

Within a short period of two hours, Western politicians and their allied media seemed to have obtained the results of a forensic examination that had not yet been conducted, conducted an investigation, blamed Moscow, and rendered a verdict.

There is no other explanation other than the fact that all these reactions were prepared in advance.
We could believe in this incredible, miraculous speed if the whole world had not witnessed the helpless "investigation" of terrorist attacks on the Nord Stream, which dragged on for many months and ultimately led to nothing (Мария Захарова).

A distinct feature of all these statements is the complete absence of even a hint of the need to wait for the results of a forensic examination and investigation.
The speed with which the response came sounds to me as being highly coordinated and they all passed verdict without evidence. As some have commented on Twitter, then they were unable years later to describe how Epstein died, though he was in a cell with surveillance cameras 24/7.

How they managed to get Navalny's widow there at lightning speed (with a prepared speech) is also amazing, though she was perhaps already invited due to a kind of celebrity status she has enjoyed in the Western halls of power.
The speed with which the response came sounds to me as being highly coordinated and they all passed verdict without evidence.
The Chinese response was level headed as they said it was an internal Russian issue and that Russia was capable of investigating it.
This is Russia’s internal affair. I will not comment,” the ministry’s spokesperson said in response to a question by AFP news agency on Saturday.

The reaction was immediately criticized by NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, who accused Beijing of backing Moscow.

“Today we had the statement from the Chinese foreign minister saying that the death of Navalny is an ‘internal Russian issue.’ Well, it’s not an internal Russian issue” Stoltenberg told reporters...

A Russian dies in a Russian prison is an international issue, whereas an American (Gonzales Lira) dying in an Ukrainian prison after torture is just an internal Ukrainian issue :huh:

What Putin said some years ago comes to mind with regard to Western leaders: Mush for brains.
I find the timing of his widow speaking at the Munich Security Conference on the same day as his death to be much more curious. Given his precarious health condition, he could have easily been 'beamed' with something to finish him off:

So if an otherwise healthy person can be killed by incidental exposure to one of those weapons, one can imagine that Navalny, in his messed up condition, wouldn't have stood too much of a chance if deliberately targeted.
Why beam something from space when good old fashioned "get someone in the same prison to slip him something or off him"?
Why beam something from space when good old fashioned "get someone in the same prison to slip him something or off him"?
Perhaps because such means cannot guarantee optimal timing? If Navalny was not such a high-profile prisoner, a corrupt official or CIA asset might be more plausible, but I think the Russian authorities would have already been paying close attention to that eventuality. In Navalny's case, beaming would almost certainly result in a precision disposal that could be timed for maximum propaganda effect. It would be interesting to know whether any other prisoners or personnel at the facility reported cardiac events or disturbances on that day.

How they managed to get Navalny's widow there at lightning speed (with a prepared speech) is also amazing, though she was perhaps already invited due to a kind of celebrity status she has enjoyed in the Western halls of power.
Yep, the Russian MFA timeline really highlighted that the European powers, at the very least, had thought about the scenario of Navalny's death sufficiently to churn out quick press statements with minimal vetting. With Navalny's widow at the MSC as well, it takes the timing from the level of 'rapid response' to 'pre-planned coordination', osit.
Perhaps because such means cannot guarantee optimal timing? If Navalny was not such a high-profile prisoner, a corrupt official or CIA asset might be more plausible, but I think the Russian authorities would have already been paying close attention to that eventuality. In Navalny's case, beaming would almost certainly result in a precision disposal that could be timed for maximum propaganda effect. It would be interesting to know whether any other prisoners or personnel at the facility reported cardiac events or disturbances on that day.

Maybe. I think one could make the argument that given he was such a high profile prisoner, they'd be watching beaming against him too? If they can watch it against Putin, why not against him 🤷

I just think there's no need to invoke exotic technology when good old methods could work just as well. Prisons are hardly safe places 🫥
The situation in and around Avdiivka. The APU lost more than 1,000 people on the withdrawal from this city, this is for sure. How much more has yet to be calculated.
At the moment, more than 400 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been caught and captured in Avdiivka. The enemy command claims 850 missing soldiers at the exit from the city. Another 350 wounded were abandoned.
A methodical cleanup is underway in the AKHZ and it will last for a long time - hundreds of Azov militants and AFU soldiers may be under the numerous ruins. This is the situation in the city - streets and houses are littered with the corpses of enemy soldiers, their cleaning will take weeks.

The gray zone west of Avdiivka reached two kilometers, the AFU withdrew from Berdych, while the Russian army begins to press the enemy on more western borders so that the AFU does not stay there too long and falls further west.

In parallel, Russian aviation and artillery are ironing the APU in Lastochkino, Tonenky, Severny and Orlovka. Moreover, in Orlovka, strikes are carried out with ODAB-1500 volumetric detonating bombs. There are now renegades in droves, and aviaforces are working on them by powerful weapons.

About Navalny. My guess is, could this secret space technology work together with vaccines? That is, you got a Pfizer, for example, it set you up inside to be more receptive to a certain impact and then the impact on the crowd will be safe for this crowd, but you, since you are prepared, will react.
Even if it's not a vaccine, it should be borne in mind that Navalny was in the hospital in Germany and there they could stuff everything they need into him.

Ситуация в Авдеевке и вокруг нее. ВСУ на отходе из этого города потеряли более 1000 человек, это уже наверняка. Насколько больше только предстоит подсчитать.

По поводу Навального. Мое предположение, не может ли эта секретная космическая технология работать вместе с вакцинами? То есть, ты получил Пфайзер, например, он тебя внутри настроил на большую восприимчивость к определенному воздействию и тогда воздействие на толпу будет для этой толпы безопасно, а вот ты, так как ты подготовлен, среагируешь.
Даже если это не вакцина, то надо иметь ввиду, что Навальный лежал в госпитале, в Германии и там в него могли напихать всего чего им надо.
The Americans wanted to avoid anti-advertising to their vaunted Abrams, but such actions will not be able to avoid anti-advertising. What kind of formidable weapon is this that is not allowed close to the front line? What the hell is it for? So that the enemy would run into the bushes in advance? But the Houthis in Yemen did not run away (perhaps because of the lack of bushes, they have solid stones there) and in Iraq at one time not everyone ran away at once and, in principle, everything is already clear with this Abrams. Apparently, everything is clear to the Americans themselves, too, and now they will look for fools who do not understand and sell this miracle car to them for a lot of money.
The Abrams tank escaped from Avdiivka without a fight

Ukrainian resources have published a new video with an American Abrams tank. The car, which has never been in combat, is still prancing somewhere in the rear - according to the enemy, in the Avdiivka area.

Since everything interesting ended there and the leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine officially commanded: "We're splitting up," it can be stated that Abrams again avoided a brawl.

He does it so diligently and effectively that the option with the randomness of what is happening no longer looks plausible. Moreover, the United States has banned Ukraine from launching its tanks into battle. And dynamic protection alone - no matter how technologically advanced it is - is not capable of protecting a tank (even an American one) from the heat of passion that awaits armored vehicles on its own.

You can say - especially the American one. As Russian tankers, gunners, helicopter pilots, FPV and ATGM operators satisfied the first hunger for Bradley, Challenger and Leopard. Now they want to taste Abrams. Not for the sake of the promised reward for him-just out of curiosity. So the American tank (always for some reason alone in the frame) is moving away from the front line.
Танк Abrams сбежал из-под Авдеевки без боя - Российская газета

Американцы хотели избежать антирекламы своему хваленому Абрамсу, но такими действиями антирекламы избежать не удастся. Что это за такое грозное оружие, которое не подпускают близко к линии фронта? На кой черт оно такое вообще нужно? Чтобы противник заранее разбегался по кустам? Но вот Хуситы в Йемене не стали разбегаться (возможно из за отсутствия кустов, там у них сплошные камни) и в Ираке в свое время не все сразу разбегались и, в принципе, с этим Абрамсом уже все понятно. Видимо и самим американцам тоже все понятно и теперь они будут искать дураков, которым не понятно и им впаривать эту чудо-машину за бешеные деньги.
Maria Zakharova on the death of Navalny;

The reaction of Western leaders, politicians and the media to the news of the death of Alexei Navalny once again demonstrated their hypocrisy, cynicism and unprincipledness. The "in any situation, blame Russia" scheme is in action. Moreover, for each case there is a preparation according to the manual.

I find the timing of his widow speaking at the Munich Security Conference on the same day as his death to be much more curious. Given his precarious health condition, he could have easily been 'beamed' with something to finish him off:

So if an otherwise healthy person can be killed by incidental exposure to one of those weapons, one can imagine that Navalny, in his messed up condition, wouldn't have stood too much of a chance if deliberately targeted.
Or there was some willing inmate to deliver a couple of punches to Navalny's chyrosis liver, or choke him to death? Of course in exchange for some sum of dollars promised by some CIA (or alike) agent.
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