Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Just saw this on a french twitter, i translate :

You never know... I don't know if this information is true, but it's the president of a country who's announcing it. Knowing this can prevent the worst.... Unfortunately, they can.

Belarusian President Lukashenko is predicting false-flag action by NATO in Poland so that he can finally launch World War III. This is according to information provided by Western intelligence services.

Let's see what is going to unfold
After two years of fierce combat, the Russian Armed Forces retreated from Washington D.C., leaving behind an unrecognizable America.
The damage is substantial: no more lies, spy agencies, fake news, fact checking, gender twisting, money printing, drug dealing, child trafficking, and election meddling.

"Vodka has never tasted so good," said a New Yorker.
About Navalny. My guess is, could this secret space technology work together with vaccines? That is, you got a Pfizer, for example, it set you up inside to be more receptive to a certain impact and then the impact on the crowd will be safe for this crowd, but you, since you are prepared, will react.
Even if it's not a vaccine, it should be borne in mind that Navalny was in the hospital in Germany and there they could stuff everything they need into him.
I watched a few videos and read a few articles and in one Serbian video ( I can't find the link now ) I heard the most realistic reason for the death of Navalny.

First of all, why would Russia want to kill him when he was in their prison already? Killing Navalny under these circumstances is like shooting in your foot.

A few years ago when the world was in panic about COVID-19 and Russia was the first who announce the Sputnic vaccine Navalny refused it because he was afraid that the Russian Secret Service would poison him with that vaccine. Apparently, he was insisting on the Western Pfizer vaccine and probably he got it.

According to this video, and also in some other videos, Navalny died from blood clots. He was outside on a walk in the prison and suddenly he collapsed. Medical staff tried to help him but they were unable to do anything.

it all makes sense. Western PTB opportunistically used this to attack Putin and Russia.
Apparently, he was insisting on the Western Pfizer vaccine and probably he got it.
In Russia, they write about this as an established fact, and in various sources the number 2-3 is called. In this sense, Navalny, of course, is far from Zhirinovsky. The one they say had 7 or 8 vaccination and there was most likely a "Sputnik", but they both have the same result.

У нас в России пишут об этом, как об установленном факте, причем в разных источниках называется количество 2-3. В этом смысле Навальному, конечно далеко до Жириновского. У того, говорят было 7 или 8 вакцинаций и там скорее всего был "Спутник", но результат у них один.
Our wonderful "iron Dimon" Medvedev the other day, yesterday or the day before yesterday, remembered Odessa and called her "to her native harbor", as they used to say about Crimea. He just said that we were waiting. This may well echo the following news. The Odessa region borders on Transnistria and if Russia decides to annex Transnistria, then Odessa will certainly not be bypassed.
Transnistria may turn to Moscow on Wednesday with a request for inclusion in the Russian Federation
The Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR), an unrecognized state, is scheduled to convene deputies at all levels next week. This decision was made against the background of increasing pressure from official Chisinau, which, according to the authorities of the PMR, violates the rights of residents of the region and worsens its socio-economic situation. This was stated by the head of the PMR Vadim Krasnoselsky.

In the history of Transnistria, such congresses have been held only six times, each of which was associated with key moments in the development of the region. In particular, the last congress in 2006 led to the decision to hold a referendum on the possibility of integrating the republic into the Russian Federation. The results of the referendum showed that almost 97% of the votes of the inhabitants of Transnistria were in favor of full integration with the Russian Federation.

On the eve of the upcoming congress, speculation is circulating among the opposition of the PMR that deputies may appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a request to include Transnistria in Russia. This proposal may be put forward on February 28, the day before Putin's expected address to the Federal Assembly.

The situation in the PMR is complicated by economic and political pressure from Moldova, which seeks to reintegrate the region. Moldovan Defense Minister Anatoly Nosaty expressed hope for the reintegration of Transnistria by 2030, and Moldovan Foreign Minister Mihai Popshoi stated the need to become part of the European Union together with Chisinau.
Приднестровье в среду может обратиться к Москве с просьбой о включении в состав РФ

Quite malicious systems, these Patriots. It's good that they are cleaned with whole batteries.
"Militarist": An entire battery of the Patriot air defense system was destroyed in the Kherson region
In the Kherson region, the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) battery was destroyed, as reported by the Militarist telegram channel, citing unnamed Turkish sources. According to the publication, the operation was carried out by the Russian Armed Forces using the Tornado-S multiple rocket launcher system. As a result of the attack, at least 40 people were allegedly killed, including 20 British soldiers, and dozens of wounded were also reported.

According to the channel, the Patriot air defense system battery used guerrilla air defense tactics against Russian aircraft, operating in rural areas. Russian unmanned aerial vehicles and A-50U long-range detection and control aircraft allegedly detected it by electronic signals. It is indicated that the main warehouse was found, where the entire battery was stored along with ammunition, after which the object was destroyed.

"According to the Turks, the Patriot air defense system battery, which used guerrilla air defense tactics against Russian aircraft in rural areas in the Kherson region, was detected by Russian UAVs performing reconnaissance flights behind the front line, as well as A-50U long-range detection and control aircraft using electronic signals. By tracking the system, the main warehouse was discovered, where the entire battery was stored and supplied, and the entire battery and ammunition were destroyed by guided MLRS shots "Tornado-C"," the message says.

It is also noted that at least seven Patriot SAM batteries were delivered to Kiev, of which, according to the source, five have already been destroyed. The damage is estimated at significant amounts - from $ 1 billion to $ 1.5 billion per battery, and total losses over nine months can reach almost $ 15 billion.

Nevertheless, experts suspect that such information turned out to be far-fetched, since no official statements were received from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on this matter, and the Telegram channel itself did not provide a reliable source of data, regularly referring to "Turkish sources".
"Милитарист": В Херсонской области уничтожена целая батарея ЗРК "Patriot"

Yes, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation did not get to the Abrams. To be more precise, it was the Abrams who never reached their destination. They got lost somewhere in the vastness of ukropia, and now they may not get there at all, because according to some reports, the Americans have withdrawn all their tanks. Well, as the Russian proverb says: on a fishless and crayfish-fish. If there are no Abrams, what is present is destroyed. This time we got an engineering machine based on Abrams.
The Russian military destroyed the first car based on the Abrams tank near Avdiivka
The Russian military successfully destroyed the M1150 Assault Breacher engineering vehicle based on the Abrams tank in the Avdiivka area. The event occurred due to the actions of the fighters of the group "Brave", who hit this car with accurate fire. Deliveries of the M1150 to the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) were carried out by the United States in 2023, although the exact number of vehicles transferred has not been officially announced.

Information about the M1150 belonging to the 47th separate mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, one of the most combat-ready units of the Ukrainian army, was confirmed by analysts. According to Forbes columnist David Ax, the car was blown up in a minefield, after which it was destroyed with the help of Russian artillery and drones.

President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky previously demonstrated this engineering machine during his visit to the brigade, emphasizing the importance of such equipment for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Nevertheless, over the past two years, the Ukrainian army has lost a significant number of Western-made engineering vehicles, including the Leopard 2R provided by Finland.
Российские военные уничтожили под Авдеевкой первую машину на базе танка Abrams

Наш замечательный "железный Димон" Медведев на днях, вчера или позавчера, вспомнил про Одессу и позвал ее "в родную гавань", как в свое время говорили про Крым. Прямо так и сказал, что мы заждались. Это вполне может перекликаться со следующей новостью. Одесская область граничит с Приднестровьем и если Россия задумает присоединять Приднестровье, то Одессу уж никак не обойдет.
Довольно зловредные системы, эти Патриоты. Хорошо, что их зачищают целыми батареями.
Да, до абрамсов ВС РФ так и не добрались. Если точнее, то это абрамсы так и не добрались до места назначения. Заблудились они где то на просторах укропии, а теперь возможно и не доберутся вовсе, потому что по некоторым данным американцы отозвали все свои танки. Ну что же, как говорится в русской пословице: на безрыбье и рак-рыба. Раз нету абрамсов, уничтожается то что есть. На этот раз попалась инженерная машина, на базе абрамса.
They got lost somewhere in the vastness of ukropia, and now they may not get there at all, because according to some reports, the Americans have withdrawn all their tanks.
I was a bit hasty, although who knows... Today, a video appeared where Abrams not only drive along the road, but also shoots (who would have thought!) somewhere in the direction of the forest belt. The video is named as the first combat use of Abrams, although I did not see a fight there. A tank arrived, shot somewhere, left, that's it. There was no counteraction, although he fired direct fire, i.e. the explosions of his shells were visible. In general, so-so movie are about nothing.
Abrams kind of lit up near Avdiivka, but so far only video of their rides on the road

In stories about all kinds of enchanting losers, the phrase "dementia and courage" is often used. The same phrase, with a slight modification, can be applied to the Ukropian authorities. Dementia and audacity-that's what they're all like.
Zelya, as he should, spoke audacy about the elections: they will choose me. Well, of course they will choose, and those who try not to choose, strictly in accordance with the "rules on which the world is based", will go missing somewhere near Avdiivka, Rabodino, etc. Now it also applies to women.
However, just in case, he canceled the elections.
"Right now": Zelensky boldly spoke about re-election

MOSCOW, Feb 23 — RIA Novosti. Vladimir Zelensky said in an interview with Fox News that he has "the greatest support in modern society," so the citizens of Ukraine would elect him for a new term, but now elections are impossible.
According to Zelensky, "no elections have been canceled," since Ukrainian legislation does not allow them to be held during a military conflict. At the same time, he claims that "currently" he has "the greatest support in modern society," without specifying specifically what kind of society he means.

"So, if we have an election right now, people will choose me. You know, I'm not trying to stay in power, because I will win the elections if they take place," Zelensky said.
In Ukraine, martial law and general mobilization were previously extended, and therefore the presidential elections scheduled for spring 2024 will not be held. Zelensky previously stated that the elections in Ukraine are now "not the time", according to him, an end should be put to this issue.
At the same time, in early February, Zelensky announced the appointment of Alexander Syrsky as commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine instead of Valery Zaluzhny. A number of Ukrainian and Western media outlets wrote in the fall of 2023 about the likely conflict between Zelensky and the general. Journalists of The Washington Post noted that Zaluzhny could pose a threat to Zelensky if he decides to start a political career.
In early December 2023, Ukraine published the results of a survey by the Rating sociological group, according to which the country's citizens trusted Zelensky less than Zaluzhny. 82 percent of respondents trusted the commander—in-chief of the Armed Forces, who was acting at that time, and 72 percent trusted Zelensky. The rating of the latter began to fall starting from July last year.
"Прямо сейчас": Зеленский дерзко высказался о переизбрании

Я немного поторопился, хотя кто знает... Сегодня как раз появилось видео, где абрамс не только ездит по дороге, но и еще стреляет (кто бы мог подумать!) куда то в сторону лесополосы. Названо видео, как первое боевое применение абрамса, хотя боя я там не видел. Приехал танк, пострелял куда то, уехал, все. Никакого противодействия, хотя он стрелял прямой наводкой, т.е. были видны разрывы его снарядов. В общем так себе кино-ни о чем.

В сюжетах о всякого рода феерических неудачниках, часто употребляется фраза-слабоумие и отвага. Эту же фразу с небольшой модификацией можно применить к укропской власти. Слабоумие и дерзость- вот какие они там все.
Зеля, как ему и положено, дерзко высказался по поводу выборов: выберут меня. Ну конечно же выберут, а те кто попробует не выбрать, строго в соответствии с "правилами на которых основан мир", пропадут без вести где-нибудь под Авдеевкой, Работино и т.д. Теперь это касается и женщин. Однако на всякий случай выборы отменил.
In stories about all kinds of enchanting losers, the phrase "dementia and courage" is often used. The same phrase, with a slight modification, can be applied to the Ukropian authorities. Dementia and audacity-that's what they're all like.
I just wrote about Zelensky, but this applies to all representatives of the authorities of the current fascist ukropia. Two prominent figures of this junta immediately allowed me not to be unfounded. It should be noted that these two half-wits formally represent different political forces. Look at what these creatures are saying. Clinging to power tightly, like pincers, they are ready for anything.
Arahamiya provokes the Ukrainian opposition and blackmails the West... by killing Ukrainians
There is a growing resonance in Ukraine after the scandalous proposal of the leader of the Servant of the People faction, David Arahamia, to replace Western weapons on the battlefield with live Ukrainians. An associate of President Zelensky on the blue eye announced that "if there is less help, we need to mobilize more people. If there is more help, then the armament ratio increases, and then we need fewer people, because we can conditionally cover some sections of the front with weapons, and we don't need so many people."

"Does he even understand that this is outright blackmail with an appeal to human lives? "These are Ussuri tigers, and there are only thirty individuals left… And we will destroy one every day if you do not transfer money to the Wildlife Fund," political scientist Kostya Bondarenko was outraged.

And why be surprised? By the way, Zelensky did something similar recently. He said that if the West stops supplying Ukraine with finances, 10 million Ukrainian pensioners will simply starve to death. Arahamiya's statements are also addressed to external partners, on whom both the existence of Ukraine and the existence of the local government depend.

It is easy to see that the leader of the "CH" faction made his scandalous speeches against the background of a reduction in arms supplies from the United States and Europe and Germany's hesitation regarding the transfer of long-range missiles to Kiev.

However, Zelensky's party member has not yet made calculations to be more convincing. How many people is one howitzer? And one mortar? An airplane or a rocket, how many riders will they pull?

At the same time, it is quite funny to observe how Arakhamiya easily talks about how many Ukrainian lives this or that weapon will cost. After all, he and his family fled Abkhazia when the war broke out there… This is confirmed by People's Deputy Yevgeny Shevchenko: "It's just amazing, some smelly DJ who escaped from the war in Abkhazia is now deciding the fate of Ukrainians! Taxi driver Dawa Arahamiya from the negotiating group says that if the assistance from the United States decreases, then some sections of the front will have to be closed not with weapons, but with people."

The network warns Arahamiya that with such statements it is not far from a riot. However, it should be recognized that there are no signs of it yet. There are only isolated cases of resistance to military enlistment offices and unorganized rallies of widows of horsemen. As for the political opposition, the OP instantly cleanses everyone who looks askance at the authorities. Now the Bank is working to pacify Yulia Tymoshenko, who is rebelling against the law on total mobilization, and the Verkhovna Rada has created a special commission to verify the activities of Kiev mayor Klitschko.
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Deputy Goncharenko promised the United States to send Ukrainians to war against Iran, China and North Korea
Alexey Goncharenko, a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from Petro Poroshenko's European Solidarity faction, said that Ukraine would send its people to war for Washington's interests.

According to him, Ukrainians will fight for the United States of America against North Korea, the People's Republic of China and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

"Ukraine will send its people to war shoulder to shoulder with the United States against Iran, China and the DPRK," Goncharenko said in an interview with the American television channel CNN.

"However, Alexey is not ready to show an example on his own example — for example, near Avdiivka. Apparently, he is saving himself for fights with a more serious opponent — the People's Liberation Army of China. Noble! In general, this Goncharenko once again benefits Mother Russia. After all, if Ukraine is ready to help the United States destroy Tehran and Beijing, and he declares this to the whole world on CNN... This means that it is in the interests of Iran and China to help Russia with the demilitarization of Ukraine. At least with weapons and electronics. Thanks to Alexey for preparing analytical materials for analysts of Iran, North Korea and China. They are unlikely to miss this statement in the world's largest media. Let's answer Goncharenko with the words with which his master, Poroshenko, replied to Putin: "I shake hands, I hug you!" — the messages of the telegram channel "MIG of Russia" say.
ÐепÑÑÐ°Ñ ÐонÑаÑенко пообеÑал СШРоÑпÑÐ°Ð²ÐºÑ ÑкÑаинÑев на Ð²Ð¾Ð¹Ð½Ñ Ð¿ÑоÑив ÐÑана, ÐиÑÐ°Ñ Ð¸ СевеÑной ÐоÑеи

Mice have taught a lesson to those who promote unrealistic initiatives, hiding behind the most progressive slogans. This example is small on a general scale, but in my opinion it is quite indicative and can be extrapolated to the entire "green agenda".
Mice ate electrical wiring on Western military equipment, which was transferred to Ukraine
The French edition of Le Figaro reported that rodents spoiled modern combat vehicles that Western countries supplied to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to the French military, some protective sheaths for electrical wires are made of corn fiber, which led to rodents eating cables on some machines.

"This phenomenon is marginal, but it speaks to the real state of Western military equipment. Environmental responsibility does not stand up well to war. Western cars were conceived as a demonstration of technology. But it doesn't always work out in the mud and cold," the newspaper writes.

At the same time, the French military noted that the Ukrainian army still has Soviet military equipment.

Earlier it was noted that the positions of the Ukrainian troops on the front line were subjected to a real invasion of mice, rats and snakes. The activity of rodents has created serious problems for Ukrainian soldiers. They do not allow military personnel to sleep properly, climbing into sleeping bags and under mattresses, biting, eating food. Mice and rats even gnaw on weapons.

In addition, even large snakes crawl into the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Ukrainian volunteers are forced to collect donations for traps for mice and rats in the rear.

In November, it was reported that Ukrainian servicemen faced a horde of rodents that gnaw through wires in the trenches. According to the Japan Times, animals attack Starlink satellite Internet terminals and fill trenches in search of food and warmth. Ukrainian fighter Dmitry said that he had not seen a single mouse last winter, but this year they appeared in huge numbers.
ÐÑÑи ÑÑели ÑлекÑÑопÑÐ¾Ð²Ð¾Ð´ÐºÑ Ð½Ð° западной военной ÑеÑнике, коÑоÑÑÑ Ð¿ÐµÑедали УкÑаине

Я только что писал о Зеленском, но это касается всех представителей власти нынешней фашистской укропии. Два заметных деятеля этой хунты немедленно позволили мне не быть голословным. Необходимо обратить внимание, что эти два полудурка формально представляют разные политические силы. Посмотрите, что говорят эти твари. Вцепившись во власть намертво, как клещи, они готовы на все.
Мышки преподали урок тем, кто продвигает нереалистичные инициативы, прикрываясь самыми прогрессивными лозунгами. Этот пример мал в общем масштабе, но на мой взгляд вполне показателен и может быть экстраполирован на всю "зеленую повестку".
If Serbia is a little Russia, then Montenegro is certainly a little Ukraine.

Today, everything has been collected about women.
"They won't be exchanged." Women soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were captured in Avdiivka

The information that there were women among the AFU prisoners taken in Avdiivka did not even surprise anyone. The promises of the Ukrainian authorities not to call them have been dashed along with hopes for huge help from the European side. The exact number of captured Ukrainians is not called. However, earlier it was reported that in total about a thousand people surrendered in Avdiivka.

Political scientist Sergei Razgulyaev explained that waiting for the Armed Forces of Ukraine to fulfill promises about the non—conscription of women is a waste of time. According to him, the fact that representatives of the "weaker sex" turned out to be at the front is not the extreme point of the policy of destroying the Ukrainian people. Children and the elderly can follow with weapons in their hands to the line of contact.

"Hitler also promised not to attack the USSR, but they had what they had. To believe the Nazis is to disrespect oneself.

For banderofascist cattle openly engaged in the genocide of their own population, the concept of the value of human life is absent as a wrapper class thrown into the trash. They are ready to put everyone, young and old, on the altar of madness. Moreover, the situation for the Zelensky regime is now stalemate — there is less and less Western assistance, the Russian army is moving further and faster and faster. There are no men left. Therefore, the Kiev regime is taken for the fair sex, dragging its representatives in every possible way into a hellish meat grinder. I do not exclude such a sad outcome that pensioners and teenagers aged 16-17 will soon go to the front," he said.

At the same time, the expert did not rule out that there are fanatical defenders of the fascist regime among women. However, he believes, there are fewer of them.

"There are also radical elements there who are ready to sacrifice their lives at the front for the sake of criminal Bandera ideals, but there are fewer and fewer of them. But it is worth adding that we regularly receive reports of colossal losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: the other day, the head of our Defense Ministry, Sergei Shoigu, said that in just two days the Ukrainian army lost 2.4 thousand soldiers near Avdiivka, while the losses of the Russian side were estimated as minimal," he concluded.

Marat Khamidullin, a political consultant and director of the Agency for Non-Standard Political and Corporate Situations, explained that it is highly likely that women who were captured by Russian soldiers will remain there until the end of their military service, because the country's military leadership simply does not need them now.

"For those women who surrendered, the fighting is over and quite safely. They could have been blown up by a mine or come under fire from barrage detachments, and such cases have happened, we know that. I do not think that the Ukrainian command, given the shortage of men at the front, will now return women during the exchange. Most likely, they will stay in the exchange fund until the end of the armed conflict," he said.

Olesya Melnichenko.
"Azovok" was sacrificed. Young Ukrainians from the national battalions were thrown into the battles near the LPR
More detailed
In addition, the expert does not exclude the fact that the new law on mobilization will still oblige women to join the Armed Forces. Then the losses can be calculated in completely different figures.

"The problems with mobilization and the shortage of personnel are being discussed by the Ukrainian authorities themselves and their Western assistants. Some of the men left the country at the very beginning of the fighting, while others are gradually leaving or looking for ways to hide inside the country. We see a huge number of videos about how the shopping mall works. And Ukraine has no choice but to mobilize women. First of all, their new law on mobilization refers to women who previously served in the police, worked in the army and, in principle, all medical workers, because they are considered to be liable for military service. Yes, and Ukrainians are already beginning to demand that Europe return "home" men of military age, all those who from the very beginning did not want to defend the Kiev regime and withdrew themselves," he added.
«Их не обменяют». В плен в Авдеевке попали женщины-военные ВСУ

"Azovok" were sacrificed. Young Ukrainians from the national battalions were thrown into the battles near the LPR

The Armed Forces of Ukraine urgently forms women's companies from young Ukrainians due to high losses among military men.

Female detachments of the Azov nationalist units have been spotted in the areas of the Central Military District where intense fighting is taking place*. This was told by retired Lt. Colonel of the LPR Andrei Marochko, citing his sources.

The replenishment, which included Ukrainian women, arrived in the 1st special forces brigade "Azov". Such a combat group appeared in the Svatovo-Kremen direction.

According to Marochko, the women who arrived signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Before that, they were trained at a training ground in central Ukraine, where they received military accounting specialties. The average age of military personnel is 35 years, the expert notes in a comment to RIA Novosti.

This information is confirmed by a message from a fighter of the Akhmat special forces with the call sign Hades. In January, he noted that the 12th special forces brigade "Azov" was approached by help in the form of a female company.

Earlier, Marochko also said that a sabotage group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine appeared in the Krasnolimansk direction, which included female UAV operators.

Volunteers turn into fighters
It is unknown how many women are fighting as part of Azov. However, some of them, using information from open sources, were calculated by military analysts and specialized Russian Telegram channels.

Judging by this information, most Ukrainians come to the combat unit after their spouses or boyfriends and at first try to volunteer. However, due to the high mortality rate and shortage of manpower, they are increasingly being put into service. So, the first "Azov woman" Elena Mosiychuk became a Ukrainian militant, who joined this combat unit 10 years ago — during the Kiev Maidan.

Dugina's killer was trained in Azov
Perhaps the most famous "Azov woman" can be considered a native of Mariupol, Natalia Vovk (Shaban), who committed a terrorist attack in which the daughter of Russian publicist Alexander Dugin, Daria Dugina, was killed.

The fact that she was raised and trained by this particular national battalion is indicated by the documents of military unit 3057, based in Mariupol. In 2014, on its basis, the 18th operational regiment of the National Guard of Ukraine was created, which included the national battalions "Azov" and "Donbass". The documents were obtained and published in 2023 by the hacker group RaHDit.

Judging by them, Natalia Vovk was included in the file of the rifle battalion back in 2021. Vovk received a military certificate in the second half of 2020. The contract with Natalia Vovk, a rifleman of the 2nd squad of the 2nd patrol platoon of the 1st patrol company of the rifle battalion, was concluded for several years - until 2023. That is, at the time of Dugina's murder, Vovk was a career soldier.

Prior to SVO, Vovk already had the status of a combatant (UBD), for which additional bonuses are provided. Vovk received the status of a UBD soldier for participating in operations with the Vostok group from 2020 to 2021.

They threaten the Orthodox and carry out rituals
There are also such action films as senior shooter Anna Sorochinskaya with the call sign "Athena", who was still a schoolgirl in 2014. She preferred her service in the National Security Service to higher education. 30-year-old Victoria Zaverukha became "famous" for her participation in the arson of the Odessa House of Trade Unions, photos with swastikas and Nazi gestures even before her death. Now she writes cannibalistic slogans on Ukrainian shells, like "Death to the Orthodox."

Olesya Melnichenko with the call sign "Hild" went to Azov after her husband and against Donbass since 2016. Melnichenko is one of those who ended up on Azovstal in the spring of 2022 and was captured by Russia. After the exchange, she did not dissemble in an interview with the Ukrainian media, telling about the good treatment: "How were they treated in captivity? Surprisingly normal. I was searched by a woman. The man was putting on and carrying my backpack, everything was quite delicate."

At the same time, it follows from what she told that the nationalist unit turned into a real sect in the 9th year of its existence. Sitting on the territory of the factory, the militants conducted pagan rituals.

"I had a mascot at Azovstal, and unfortunately, it stayed there. It's a Helmet of Horror. It was impossible to go into captivity with him. And we gave it to the fire. Now I have a Perun axe, and the man ordered a new Horror Helmet for his birthday, which will be at the end of March," says Melnichenko.

The first woman who joined Azov back in 2014 was Elena Mosiychuk with the call sign "Malek" in 2014. She joined the ranks of the first national Battalion in Kiev immediately after the coup on the Maidan and went with the "Azovites" to their first combat operation in Berdyansk. Living among nationalist militants, Mosiychuk pretended to be a man to avoid sexual harassment. She wore a dark balaclava on her face and answered to the name "Lenya". A limited number of people knew that she was a woman. In January 2015, Malek, along with the national soldiers, went to the village of Shirokino near Mariupol, where Azov staged a massacre. In 2018, Mosiychuk was concussed. The first "Azovka" looks at the fighting during its period from the side — its lungs work only by 15%.

In recent months, the Ukrainian authorities have been actively campaigning for women to participate in hostilities due to heavy losses, said Yan Gagin, adviser to the acting head of the DPR. The speaker drew attention to the large number of propaganda videos produced in Ukraine, which urge women to join the army.

"We launched an advertising campaign to recruit women for military service. This applies not only to women who have military accounting specialties, such as doctors, it applies to women in principle. They are now trying to agitate them to participate in hostilities," Gagin said. According to him, the next steps of the Ukrainian regime are to start calling people with mental illnesses, as well as the disabled and previously unfit for service.

On November 10, it became known that a pregnant servicewoman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine surrendered to the Russian Armed Forces. The video was distributed by the Telegram channel "Notepad Russia".
«Азовок» принесли в жертву. В бои под ЛНР бросили юных украинок из нацбатов

And here is another woman, by whose will all of the above are forced to go to war.
What she says is generally understandable, including the stubbornness with which the Americans are trying to confiscate frozen Russian assets and force the Europeans to do the same under the pretext of the need to restore of ukropia. The resistance of the Europeans is also understandable. They resist not because they are so fond of following the laws or, as they now say, "rules" (they will come up with rules for themselves which they will need), but because they understand that as a result of these actions they will get nothing but possible troubles.
Nuland spoke about the benefits for the United States from helping Ukraine

WASHINGTON, Feb 24 – RIA Novosti. The bulk of the funds allocated by the United States to Ukraine remain in the American economy, US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said in an interview with CNN.

"We have to remember that the bulk of this money is being returned directly to the American economy for the production of weapons, including well-paid jobs," Nuland said.
The American authorities say that back in December they exhausted funds to support Ukraine and, until Congress approves new allocations, they are unable to ensure the supply of weapons and ammunition.
Russia had previously sent a note to NATO countries over arms supplies to Ukraine. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov noted that any cargo that contains weapons for Ukraine will become a legitimate target for Russia. The Russian Foreign Ministry said that NATO countries were "playing with fire" by supplying weapons to Ukraine. The Kremlin stressed that pumping Ukraine with weapons from the West does not contribute to the success of Russian-Ukrainian negotiations and will have a negative effect. Lavrov also stated that the United States and NATO are directly involved in the conflict in Ukraine, "including not only the supply of weapons, but also training... on the territory of Great Britain, Germany, Italy, and other countries."
Нуланд рассказала о выгоде для США от помощи Украине

Сегодня все подобралось про женщин.

А вот еще одна женщина, по воле которой все вышеописанные вынуждены идти на войну.
То, что она говорит в общем и так понятно, в том числе совершенно понятно упрямство, с которым американцы пытаются конфисковать замороженные Российские активы и заставить европейцев сделать то же самое под предлогом необходимости восстановления укропии. Понятно и сопротивление европейцев. Они сопротивляются не потому, что так любят соблюдать законы или как теперь принято говорить, "правила"(правила они сами себе придумают какие им будет нужно), а потому что понимают, что в результате этих действий им ничего не достанется, кроме возможных неприятностей.
Mice have taught a lesson to those who promote unrealistic initiatives, hiding behind the most progressive slogans. This example is small on a general scale, but in my opinion it is quite indicative and can be extrapolated to the entire "green agenda".
You beat me on this youlik. I used to joke recently that with all this climate and CO2 affair, an example should come from the top and the Western armies should switch to electric aircraft, thinking I was saying something completely surrealistic. Until yesterday, when I saw Martyanov's new blog post:

Friday, February 23, 2024
Well, What Did You Expect?

When your electric insulation is made of corn-based fibers--it is an open invitation for rodents to the table.

Yes, we all know that the war must be eco-friendly. After all, who would want to be killed by polluting and dirty 152-mm shell when the same could be accomplished by using 152-mm eco-friendly organic shells, which not only will kill you but will preserve the environment and by blowing you up to smithereens provide a good distribution of organic remnants of human body over large area, thus providing good natural fertilizer for the soil. You see--everybody wins, well, with the exception of the organic son of a bitch who is blown up, but other than that--the environment is preserved and even enhanced. Who wouldn't want to support such a war. Ah, wait!

There you go!

So did a bit of a search.

2014 Army tests super-repellent uniform thanks to a no-stick, no-stain, no-stink (odor blocking), planet-saver coating :-o
10 Feb 2022 The U.S. Army has released its first-ever climate strategy. Here’s what that means. (The plan aims ... electrify all noncombat vehicles by 2035 and develop electric combat vehicles by 2050 ... )
15 Feb 2024 European defence industry looks to kickstart its green revolution
16 Feb 2024 The Green Army: A Very Modern Farce (for subscribers, but you can read a few paragraphs)
15 Feb 2024 Do we really need an eco-friendly army? (behind a paywall, opening paragraphs public, including a mention on Royal Navy sending sailors on courses about climate change)

And they think they can win with Russian or Chinese army on their rat-friendly vehicles and with vegan grenades? Odor-blocking uniforms may they need indeed!
And they think they can win with Russian or Chinese army on their rat-friendly vehicles and with vegan grenades? Odor-blocking uniforms may they need indeed!
Haha! I think that the stated anti stain function will also be very useful, there will also be more than just the smell.
Moreover, all this heroism will take place under the command of women, which is partly the case now and, apparently, in the same formation with women. Women, by the way, have a valuable advantage when captured. I have already given a video here about how a combat Ukrainian surrendered. The first thing she said was: don't hit me, I'm pregnant.

Ха-ха! Думаю, что заявленная функция борьбы с пятнами тоже очень пригодится, там же будет не только запах.
Причем все это геройство будет происходить под командованием женщин, что отчасти имеет место уже сейчас и, видимо в одном строю с женщинами. У женщин, кстати, есть ценное преимущество при попадании в плен. Я здесь приводил уже ролик о том, как боевая хохлушка сдавалась в плен. Первое, что она сказала: не бейте, я беременна.
You beat me on this youlik. I used to joke recently that with all this climate and CO2 affair, an example should come from the top and the Western armies should switch to electric aircraft, thinking I was saying something completely surrealistic. Until yesterday, when I saw Martyanov's new blog post:

So did a bit of a search.

2014 Army tests super-repellent uniform thanks to a no-stick, no-stain, no-stink (odor blocking), planet-saver coating :-o
10 Feb 2022 The U.S. Army has released its first-ever climate strategy. Here’s what that means. (The plan aims ... electrify all noncombat vehicles by 2035 and develop electric combat vehicles by 2050 ... )
15 Feb 2024 European defence industry looks to kickstart its green revolution
16 Feb 2024 The Green Army: A Very Modern Farce (for subscribers, but you can read a few paragraphs)
15 Feb 2024 Do we really need an eco-friendly army? (behind a paywall, opening paragraphs public, including a mention on Royal Navy sending sailors on courses about climate change)

And they think they can win with Russian or Chinese army on their rat-friendly vehicles and with vegan grenades? Odor-blocking uniforms may they need indeed!
i am looking forward to battle windmills generating electricity as they fight each other... cervantes would be pleased...
Today, everything has been collected about women.

«Их не обменяют». В плен в Авдеевке попали женщины-военные ВСУ

«Азовок» принесли в жертву. В бои под ЛНР бросили юных украинок из нацбатов

And here is another woman, by whose will all of the above are forced to go to war.
What she says is generally understandable, including the stubbornness with which the Americans are trying to confiscate frozen Russian assets and force the Europeans to do the same under the pretext of the need to restore of ukropia. The resistance of the Europeans is also understandable. They resist not because they are so fond of following the laws or, as they now say, "rules" (they will come up with rules for themselves which they will need), but because they understand that as a result of these actions they will get nothing but possible troubles.

Нуланд рассказала о выгоде для США от помощи Украине

Сегодня все подобралось про женщин.

А вот еще одна женщина, по воле которой все вышеописанные вынуждены идти на войну.
То, что она говорит в общем и так понятно, в том числе совершенно понятно упрямство, с которым американцы пытаются конфисковать замороженные Российские активы и заставить европейцев сделать то же самое под предлогом необходимости восстановления укропии. Понятно и сопротивление европейцев. Они сопротивляются не потому, что так любят соблюдать законы или как теперь принято говорить, "правила"(правила они сами себе придумают какие им будет нужно), а потому что понимают, что в результате этих действий им ничего не достанется, кроме возможных неприятностей.
will combat women have combat bras???
Well, finally! They came to the war, now let's see how long they can last there.
The DPR confirmed the use of Abrams tanks by Ukrainian troops
, Igor Kimakovsky, adviser to the head of the Donetsk People's Republic, reported on American Abrams tanks seen for the first time in the Avdiivka direction. According to him, these tanks could have been sent by the leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to support newly formed units that retreated from territories controlled by Russia. The official TASS news agency transmits Kimakovsky's words:

"Our fighters have recorded the appearance of Abrams. This is the first time. The direction is northwest of Avdiivka."

This fact becomes significant, given that 31 units of American Abrams tanks were placed at the disposal of the Ukrainian armed forces last autumn.

Nevertheless, it was previously reported that Ukrainian tanks have been operating in this area for about a month, while Ukrainian resources published footage of the use of American tanks a few days ago.
В ДНР подтвердили применение украинскими войсками танков "Абрамс"

Zelya is shaking the air. "By their deeds you will know them."
Zelensky made a statement about attacks on Russia with Western weapons
President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky in his statement published by the publication "Country.ua", stated the impossibility and absence of Kiev's intentions to use weapons received from Western allies to launch attacks on Russian territory. This statement was a response to accusations and demands from the West to provide a list of targets in Russia to justify the expediency of their strikes.

"Ukraine does not have the opportunity, does not have the right and will never use partner weapons in other territories other than Ukrainian," Zelensky said.

However, Western countries express concern about Ukraine's use of terrorist methods and attacks on civilian targets in Russia.

In the context of these events, Vladimir Putin announced Russia's intention to create a demilitarized zone on the territory of Ukraine, which would ensure the safety of Russian cities from shelling with foreign-made long-range weapons. This statement was made during a meeting with proxies at the end of January, emphasizing Russia's intentions to prevent attacks on its territory. Nevertheless, given that the APU has drones with a flight range of up to 1,250 kilometers, the issue of creating such a zone causes serious difficulties.
Зеленский сделал заявление об ударах по России западным оружием

Kharkiv was once a million-strong city, now I do not know. Probably the population has decreased, as it has decreased in all of Ukraine, but in any case it is a very large city. How many new homeless people will become now, selling their homes for a song. The sadness is that not all of these people are stupid Ukrainians-Nazis. Many are deceived by total propaganda and sometimes enlightenment comes. That's when the price of this mistake will become clear.
Media: Kharkiv residents began to urgently get rid of housing

MOSCOW, Feb 25 — RIA Novosti. Apartment prices have collapsed in Kharkiv, residents of the city are selling housing at a discount of up to 50 percent, writes the publication "Country.ua" with reference to local realtors.
According to the publication, a realtor who left for Britain, whose agency continues to work in Kharkiv, told TikTok that "there has never been such a deep crisis in the Kharkiv real estate market," while prices "break through the bottom", falling by 50%.

"People sell so cheaply only with the understanding that they decided not to return to Kharkiv, and build their lives in another region of Ukraine or abroad. Those who have not made such a decision are not ready to concede with (a discount of) minus 50% yet," she said.
According to her, apartments in the city are bought by people "who live even east of Kharkov," residents of the suburbs and the Kharkiv region "migrate" to the city, where, thanks to falling prices, they can buy housing twice as cheap as the market. "At the same time, Kharkiv residents rarely buy from Kharkiv residents," she added.
As the "Country.ua", local realtors say that the supply of apartments for sale is increasing every day, many people want to urgently sell housing in the city. For this reason, they do not exclude that the prices of apartments in Kharkov will continue to decrease.
СМИ: жители Харькова начали срочно избавляться от жилья

Ну наконец то! Они приехали на войну, Теперь посмотрим насколько долго они там продержатся. Зеля сотрясает воздух. "По делам их узнаете их".
Харьков когда то был городом-миллионником, сейчас я не знаю. Наверное население сократилось, как сократилось оно во всей Укропии, но в любом случае это очень крупный город. Сколько станет новых бомжей сейчас, продающих жилище за бесценок. Печаль в том, что не все эти люди упоротые хохлы-нацисты. Многие обмануты тотальной пропагандой и когда то наступит просветление. Вот тогда и станет ясна цена этой ошибки.
will combat women have combat bras???
I don't know specifically about combat bras, but specialized bulletproof vests are quite real things. Make no mistake-people take things seriously. The video shows a bulletproof vest for pregnant women.

Конкретно про боевые лифчики мне неизвестно, но вот специализированные бронежилеты это вполне реальные вещи. Вы не сомневайтесь-люди подходят к делу серьезно. На видео демонстрируется бронежилет для беременных.
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