Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

A couple of unexpected videos.
In the first video, a Chinese war correspondent interviews Japanese volunteers fighting for Donbass.
A Chinese military correspondent interviews Japanese volunteers. You won't see anything more amazing today.

The second video shows an American volunteer fighting as part of the famous international brigade Pyatnashka. This guy is taking some risks by putting up the American flag, because it was often done at ukrops positions and in fact he can be shoot.
An American in the ranks of "Pyatnashka"

Парочка неожиданных видео.
На первом видео китайский военный корреспондент берет интервью у японских добровольцев, воюющих за Донбасс.

На втором видео американский доброволец, воюющий в составе известной интернациональной бригады "Пятнашка". Этот парень несколько рискует выставляя американский флаг, потому что часто это делалось на укропских позициях и вообще то могут подстрелить.
Media: Kharkiv residents began to urgently get rid of housing

MOSCOW, Feb 25 — RIA Novosti. Apartment prices have collapsed in Kharkiv, residents of the city are selling housing at a discount of up to 50 percent, writes the publication "Country.ua" with reference to local realtors.
According to the publication, a realtor who left for Britain, whose agency continues to work in Kharkiv, told TikTok that "there has never been such a deep crisis in the Kharkiv real estate market," while prices "break through the bottom", falling by 50%.

"People sell so cheaply only with the understanding that they decided not to return to Kharkiv, and build their lives in another region of Ukraine or abroad. Those who have not made such a decision are not ready to concede with (a discount of) minus 50% yet," she said.
According to her, apartments in the city are bought by people "who live even east of Kharkov,"
I think that people expect the Ukrainian army to lose ground, potentially turning Kharkov into a battle zone.

The fact that primarily people from "east of Kharkov" are buying suggests that those are Ukrainian Russians or those who would prefer to stay if/when Russia takes Kharkov.
Zelya is shaking the air. "By their deeds you will know them."

MOSCOW, Feb 23 — RIA Novosti. Vladimir Zelensky said in an interview with Fox News that he has "the greatest support in modern society,"

"Ukraine does not have the opportunity, does not have the right and will never use partner weapons in other territories other than Ukrainian," Zelensky said.

Either he's been taking another drug recently or the 404's chief comedian is thinking that the press conferences, people and and cameras is just a casting for an entertainment show:

AFP, 25 Feb 2024
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Sunday that 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed in action in the two years since Russia launched its full-scale invasion.
31,000 Ukrainian military personnel have been killed in this war. Not 300,000, not 150,000, not whatever Putin and his deceitful circle have been lying about."

Ridiculous as it is, I do feel sorry for the hundreds of thousands who lost their lives in this stupid war and whom he's left out for the sake of whatever game he's playing. Or maybe he's simply deteriorating, it wouldn't be so surprising...
Today, during my nightly news round, I came across this little admission by the CIA about Russia being correct about them.

The Spy War: How the C.I.A. Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin​

For more than a decade, the United States has nurtured a secret intelligence partnership with Ukraine that is now critical for both countries in countering Russia.

This is the way that Sputnik in Spanish is reporting it:

According to the American newspaper, there is a network of spy bases supported by the CIA and built over the last eight years, which includes 12 secret facilities along the Russian border.

Before the Ukrainian conflict broke out in 2022, Ukrainian authorities helped US agencies to collect classified information that would allow the White House to learn more about Moscow's actions on the international scene, the tabloid refers.

So, Russia has been correct all along, and now they're admitting it to try to bolster support I guess? And here's another very interesting take on that admission, it's probably not a surprise for Russia, because if they have had 12 basses along the border with Russia, and they still could not be successful in their efforts.. I would bet money that Russia was not surprised in the slightest by this admission.
Ridiculous as it is, I do feel sorry for the hundreds of thousands who lost their lives in this stupid war and whom he's left out for the sake of whatever game he's playing. Or maybe he's simply deteriorating, it wouldn't be so surprising...
For these half-finished people, these are not people, but just numbers and they treat them very freely. Recently, I quote a statement by Goncharenko, who is ready to send ukrops to die wherever America points.
I imagined for a second what would happen if the financing of the Bandera junta directly depended on the number of losses, i.e. the more losses, the more money. With what speed and by what methods they would destroy the people.
Here is another recent example of the free handling of losses. Yes, these losses are not final, but what difference does it make to them.
The Ukrainian Ombudsman reported the figure of the Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers in captivity, which shocked even Kiev politicians, not to mention Western "partners" — 28 thousand people. Three months ago, Kiev convinced everyone that there were exactly 4,337 people in Russian captivity: 763 civilians and 3,574 military. And there is almost ten times more.

If we proceed only from the cold logic of numbers, then in three months 23 thousand 663 enemy soldiers surrendered to the Russian army. And this is about six to seven (!) full-fledged Ukrainian brigades.

Для этих недоделанных это не люди, а всего лишь цифры и они очень вольно с ними обращаются. Недавно я приводил высказывание Гончаренко, который готов послать умирать укропов куда укажет Америка.
Я на секунду представил, что было бы если финансирование бандеровской хунты напрямую зависело бы от количества потерь, т.е. чем больше потери, тем больше денег. С какой скоростью и какими методами они сами уничтожали бы народ. Вот еще свежий пример вольного обращения с потерями. Да это потери не окончательные, но какая им разница.
A few years ago when the world was in panic about COVID-19 and Russia was the first who announce the Sputnic vaccine Navalny refused it because he was afraid that the Russian Secret Service would poison him with that vaccine. Apparently, he was insisting on the Western Pfizer vaccine and probably he got it.

According to this video, and also in some other videos, Navalny died from blood clots. He was outside on a walk in the prison and suddenly he collapsed. Medical staff tried to help him but they were unable to do anything.
In this article, Kyrylo Budanov, the head of Ukraine's Defence Intelligence, has stated that Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny died of natural causes, specifically a blood clot.

"I may disappoint you, but we know he died from a blood clot. It's more or less confirmed. This is not taken from the Internet, but, unfortunately, a natural [death – ed.]."
The first Abrams tank is on fire in the Avdeevsky direction. We are waiting for the lucky winner of 10,000,000 rubles.
Yes, this "American general" did not have to fight for long. The specific "culprits" of the incident have already been named, this is the 15th brigade. More specifically, these are fighters of the UAV group calling themselves "Black Hussars" and the kamikaze drone that directly hit this tank, a fighter with the call sign "Rassvet".
The Russian Armed Forces destroyed an American Abrams tank for the first time in the zone of its own

After the German Leopard tanks burned massively in the area of their own during the failed Ukrainian counteroffensive, many of our compatriots had a question, when will the famous American M1A2 Abrams join the German "cats"? In addition, Russian actor Ivan Okhlobystin even promised 10 million rubles to the fighters who would destroy the "miracle machine" from the United States.

Recall that Kiev received the aforementioned tanks from Washington back in September last year. At the same time, none of the American MBTs were destroyed by our military. Until today.

According to Russian military commanders, the first M1A2 Abrams was burned by soldiers of the 15th brigade in Berdych, northwest of the liberated Avdiivka.

It is worth noting that just today a material was published on the military, which mentioned an American tank rolling alone through the streets of the aforementioned settlement, where the AFU decided to arrange the next line of defense.

It is reported that the car was tracked down by Zala operators. Then the M1A2 Abrams was hit by a kamikaze drone, and after that the fighters of the 15th brigade finished it off with a grenade launcher.

The footage of the burning Abrams is published by the SOLOVYOV TG channel.

It is worth adding that the first American tank was destroyed only almost five months after arriving in Ukraine, not because it is so invulnerable. Just before that, the AFU, at the urgent request of American partners, did not throw the US Armed Forces into battle, but used mainly as artillery.
ÐС РФ в зоне СÐРвпеÑвÑе ÑниÑÑожили амеÑиканÑкий Ñанк Abrams

Against the background of two Russian AWACS A-50u aircraft shot down in a short time, of which there are very few Russian aerospace forces, the destruction of Patriot complexes is very important.
In light of the future supply of American F-16s to ukrops, most likely the same Americans are trying to deprive Russia of the possibility of early detection and, accordingly, the destruction of these aircraft. It turns out that just as they staged a formal hunt for Russian long-range intelligence agents, so the Russian forces should arrange a "genocide" to these systems.
The second American Patriot air defense system was destroyed in a week
A video appeared online showing the destruction of an anti-aircraft missile system (SAM), which was described as the defeat of the American Patriot air defense system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

According to the video, the first missile hit a radar station (radar), and the next missile destroyed a launcher located nearby. Such information is provided by the Telegram channel "Wrong Side".

"The video shows another destruction of the Patriot air defense system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The first arrival fell on the radar, and immediately after it, the rocket smashed the launcher standing nearby into splinters. The Patriots seem to have opened the hunting season," the message says.

It is noted that this is the second destroyed American Patriot air defense system in the current week, however, it is important to note that at the moment only one destruction of this complex has been confirmed, as previously stated by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
Уничтожен второй американский ЗРК "Патриот" за неделю

From the very beginning, ukrops had only 4 types of aircraft flying. Two of them have not been seen in downed reports for a very long time. Most likely, this aircraft is either the Su-24 or the MiG-29, but they can already be safely listed in the "red book" of endangered species. It's a pity they were not completely over by now.
A Ukrainian plane was shot down near Pavlograd
In the Donetsk People's Republic, a Ukrainian plane was shot down in the area between Druzhkovka and Pavlograd, Russian blogger Ilya Tumanov reports on his Telegram channel "Fighterbomber". The information is based on data from our own sources. It is noted that the plane completely burned down after the crash, along with those on board.

Details of the incident and the type of downed aircraft have not yet been disclosed, however, it is expected that these data will be announced in the near future by the Russian defense Ministry.

Earlier, Aviaprom journalists reported on strikes at the railway station in Konstantinovka, where, presumably, there was a train train with ammunition for the Ukrainian army.
В районе Павлограда сбит украинский самолёт

The following news is interesting in two aspects.
Firstly, in the light of the need for the "genocide" of Patriots, which I wrote about above.
Secondly, in the light of the guerrilla actions on the territory of ukropia.
I am very sorry that the guys did not succeed and I hope that they will not suffer much and will wait for their release from the clutches of the junta.
In Ukraine, young people tried to undermine the American Patriot air defense system
The SBU reports on a high-profile case of an attempt to detonate the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system using attack drones. The detention of a group of young people from Chernihiv and Kiev regions took place immediately before the task was completed. According to him, these people had received special training and were ready to commit a terrorist attack.

"They were detained just before the task was completed, when the attack UAVs were already being mounted. Before that, they had passed the appropriate operator courses," Malyuk said.

The head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Vasyl Malyuk, noted that more than 7 thousand citizens of the country were identified and detained during counterintelligence activities. He stressed that these individuals posed a serious threat to Ukraine's security, comparing them to "vipers on the body of Ukraine."

The SBU did not provide details on this matter.
На Украине молодые люди попытались подорвать американский ЗРК "Patriot"

Да, недолго пришлось повоевать этому "американскому генералу". Уже назвали конкретных "виновников" происшедшего, это 15 бригада. Конкретнее это бойцы группы БПЛА, называющие себя "Черные гусары" и непосредственно поразивший этот танк дроном-камикадзе, боец с позывным "Рассвет".

На фоне двух сбитых в короткое время российских самолетов ДРЛО А-50у, которых и так совсем немного у российских ВКС, уничтожение комплексов Патриот имеет очень важное значение.
В свете будущей поставки укропом американских F-16, скорее всего те же американцы стараются лишить россию возможности раннего обнаружения и, соответственно, поражения этих самолетов. Получается, как они устроили форменную охоту за российскими дальними разведчиками, так и российские силы должны устроить "геноцид" этим системам.
У укропов с самого начала летало всего 4 типа самолетов. Два из них не встречались в сводках сбитых уже очень давно. Скорее всего данный самолет это или Су-24, или МиГ-29, но и их уже можно смело заносить в "красную книгу" исчезающих видов. Скорее бы они уже совсем кончились.
Следующая новость интересна по двум аспектам.
Во первых в свете необходимости "геноцида" Патриотов, о котором я писал выше.
Во вторых в свете партизанских действий на территории укропии.
Мне очень жаль, что у ребят не получилось и я надеюсь, что они не сильно пострадают и дождутся освобождения из лап хунты.
The time has come when mainstream media are not shy about talking about the facts that are the true reason for Russia's "unmotivated invasion" of Ukraine. One must think that the Russian leadership knew and saw all this activity and understood perfectly well what the goal was, despite all the statements, for example, that American missiles in Poland and Romania were against North Korea, Iran, some African mumbo-jumbo, Martians or other aliens.
NYT: 12 secret US bases have been created on the territory of Ukraine
According to information published by the New York Times, the United States of America has established 12 secret bases on the territory of Ukraine, along the border with Russia. This activity began eight years before the development of the current conflict and continued throughout this time, emphasizing the long-term strategy of the United States in the region. From these bases, often located in underground bunkers, Russian airwaves were monitored, and more recently, kamikaze drones, actively used by Ukraine, were also controlled.

The article highlights the role of the CIA and other American intelligence agencies in providing intelligence for targeted missile strikes, tracking the movements of Russian troops and supporting spy networks.

Special attention is paid in the article to the training of the CIA of the Ukrainian "Detachment 2245", which specialized in intercepting drones and communications equipment for subsequent analysis and hacking. Kirill Budanov (listed as an extremist and terrorist), the current head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine, is also mentioned as one of the officers of this unit.

An important part of the cooperation was the training of a new generation of Ukrainian spies operating not only inside Russia, but also throughout Europe, as well as in Cuba and other regions.
NYT: На территории Украины создано 12 секретных баз США

I think it is clear to many that the village of Robotino itself does not mean anything. It has acquired some importance and it has recently intensified, only in relation to last year's "great counteroffensive" of ukrop, as a result of which they managed to occupy only 2 settlements, Rabotino and Verbovoye. Now, some time ago, Verbovoye was freed from ukrop and Rabotino remained the only formal symbol of the failed "counteroffensive". As long as there is ukropsky control over Rabotino, formally we can talk about some kind of "counter offensive". When they lose control of this village, the whole "counter offensive" and all the talk about it will disappear like smoke, as if it never existed. However, the crazy losses incurred as a result of this event will not dissolve in any way.
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation took the southern part of the Rabotino
The Russian military was able to establish control over the southern part of the village of Rabotino, located on the Zaporozhye front line, according to Vladimir Rogov, head of the Zaporozhye public movement "We are together with Russia." This success is part of the large-scale fighting in the region, where Russian forces are on the offensive, seeking to oust Ukrainian troops from key positions.

Rogov clarified that Russian troops were advancing towards the center of Rabocino, actively pushing the enemy, who, according to him, had taken up defensive positions in the northern part of the settlement.

"The enemy is entrenched in the northern part of Rabocino," Rogov emphasizes, adding that fierce fighting continues in the village.

The liberation of Rabocino, meter by meter, reflects the complexity of the tasks facing the Russian military, which is faced with the deeply entrenched defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Rogov previously noted that the initiative in the battles for Rabocino is with the Russian army, mentioning the support of assault brigades by artillery and front-line aviation.

The governor of the Zaporizhia region, Yevgeny Balitsky, also spoke about the situation in Rabocino, saying that Russian fighters continue to advance, inflicting significant losses to Ukrainian troops both in manpower and military equipment. According to him, the enemy lost "thousands of lives" and a large amount of equipment in the area.
ВС РФ взяли южную часть Работино

The consequences of the liberation of Avdiivka. They are both good and sad at the same time. Obviously, ukrops have lost the opportunity to shell Donetsk with barrel artillery, and this is good, but this does not stop the fascists. Now they are using longer-range and more deadly weapons. This is sad, but it was predictable and says only one thing - the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation cannot stop, we must continue to destroy the fascists until it is completely impossible for them to do anything like that.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine began to hit Donetsk with HIMARS systems after the loss of Avdiivka
After the loss of Avdiivka, the Ukrainian military began actively using HIMARS long-range multiple launch rocket systems to launch attacks on the city of Donetsk, the head of the Donetsk People's Republic Denis Pushilin said on the Rossiya-24 TV channel. This tactic became possible due to the fact that the traditional artillery of the Ukrainian troops proved unable to reach the city after the loss of control over Avdiivka.

"Nevertheless, the enemy is now using expensive Western weapons, including long—range HIMARS, and is carrying out targeted attacks on Donetsk," Pushilin stressed.

He also noted that civilian infrastructure facilities are often chosen as targets for shelling, which endangers the lives of civilians.

A concrete example of such actions was the attack on a restaurant in Donetsk, where an explosion caused by HIMARS missiles was heard on February 24 during a wedding celebration. On the same day, an apartment building was shelled, killing one man and injuring one woman.

The use of HIMARS by the Ukrainian military is evidence of an escalation of the conflict and an increase in the use of high-precision and expensive Western weapons.
ВСУ начали бить по Донецку системами HIMARS после утраты Авдеевки

Настало время, когда уже мейнстримовые СМИ не стесняются рассказывать о фактах, являющихся истинной причиной "немотивированного вторжения" России на Украину. Надо думать, что руководство России знало и видело всю эту деятельность и прекрасно понимало, что является целью, несмотря на все заявления например о том, что американские ракеты в Польше и Румынии это против Северной Кореи, Ирана, каких-нибудь африканских мумбо-юмбо, марсиан или прочих инопланетян.
Думаю, что многим понятно, что сам по себе поселок Работино ничего не значит. Он приобрел некоторое значение и оно с недавнего времени усилилось, только в отношении прошлогоднего "великого контрнаступа" укропов, в результате которого им удалось занять только 2 населенных пункта, Работино и Вербовое. Теперь, уже некоторое время назад, Вербовое освобождено от укропов и Работино осталось единственным формальным символом провального "контрнаступа". Пока есть укропский контроль над Работино, формально можно говорить о каком то "контрнаступе". Когда они потеряют контроль над этим поселком весь "контрнаступ" и все разговоры о нём растворяются как дым, как будто его и не было. Однако сумасшедшие потери, понесенные в результате этого мероприятия никак не растворятся.
Последствия освобождения Авдеевки. Они и хороши и печальны одновременно. Очевидно, что укропы потеряли возможность обстреливать Донецк из ствольной артиллерии и это хорошо, но это не останавливает фашистов. Теперь они применяют более дальнобойное и более смертоносное оружие. Это печально, но было предсказуемо и говорит только об одном- ВС РФ нельзя останавливаться, надо продолжать уничтожать фашистов до полной невозможности для них делать что-либо подобное.
Does this mean that NATO wants to deploy its troops to Ukraine to clash with Russia?

He expressed skepticism about a “total escalation” of the conflict by the West and “unlimited military and financial assistance” that the strategy entails. He also pledged not to let Slovak troops become involved in the fighting, even if it costs him his premiership.
Today, in addition to Abrams, there was another premiere. The first video confirmation of the defeat of the Swedish ACS Archer appeared.
Not only the first Abrams was shot down, but also the first Swedish Archer self-propelled gun

To be honest, I'm already tired of writing about these inhumans. In a recent video, Budanov, answering a journalist's question about the causes of Navalny's death, says directly: "I have to disappoint you, but the causes of death are natural. I'm really sorry." At the same time, the journalist obviously does not faint, i.e. more or less they speak the same language. The devils are on shape, they are sorry that the man was not killed, but he himself died.
Budanov regrets that Navalny's death was natural

Сегодня помимо Абрамса случилась еще одна премьера. Появилось первое видео подтверждение поражения шведской САУ Арчер.
Я, честно говоря, уже устал писать про этих нелюдей. На свежем видео Буданов, отвечая на вопрос журналиста о причинах смерти Навального, прямо таки говорит: "Я вынужден вас разочаровать, но причины смерти естественные. Мне очень жаль". При этом журналист очевидно не падает в обморок, т.е. более-менее они говорят на одном языке. Черти форменные, им жаль, что человека не убили, а он сам умер.

France creates coalition to arm Ukraine with long-range weapons

The aim is to enable Kiev to “carry out deep strikes” amid flagging US support, President Emmanuel Macron has said

France is leading a new coalition that aims to provide Ukraine with “medium and long-range missiles and bombs,” President Emmanuel Macron has announced. He has also not ruled out deploying ground forces to support Kiev in future.

Macron made the remarks following a summit of Ukraine’s backers on Monday, intended to demonstrate unwavering support for Kiev amid the suspension of American aid.

According to the French leader, the newly established coalition seeks to enable Ukraine to “carry out deep strikes.” There is a “broad consensus to do even more and faster together”to support Kiev, Macron added.

The move comes as continued US aid to Ukraine remains in doubt. President Joe Biden’s latest package, which envisages an additional $60 billion for Kiev, has been in limbo for months due to opposition from Republicans in the House of Representatives. Lawmakers have made clear they will only relent if the White House agrees to tighten US border controls and stems the flow of illegal migrants from Mexico.

Speaking on Monday, Macron also claimed that the deployment of Western troops to Ukraine cannot be ruled out, insisting that Paris will “do everything necessary to ensure that Russia cannot win this war.” His remarks were echoed by French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal in comments to the RTL broadcaster on Tuesday.

In response, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov warned that “in this case, we have to talk not about the probability, but rather the inevitability” of a direct conflict between NATO and Russia, should Western military personnel be deployed to Ukraine.

Earlier this month, Paris and Kiev signed a bilateral security pact under which France pledged €3 billion ($3.26 billion) worth of defense aid by the end of the year.

In January, Macron revealed plans to provide Ukraine with 40 more SCALP-EG long-range cruise missiles and “hundreds of bombs.”

Paris agreed to ship the rockets, which boast a range of over 250km (155 miles), last July, months after the UK agreed a similar move.

Russia has consistently condemned Western deliveries of long-range weaponry, saying it will only serve to prolong the hostilities unnecessarily without changing the final outcome.

It's tiring isn't it?
Does this mean speaking for Europe and NATO...
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